Rutuja Chambhare Roll No.10 BSC Iii: Dr. F.I.Shaikh

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-Rutuja chambhare

Dr. F.I.Shaikh Roll no.10
1. The process of soil formation is the combined effect of physical, chemical,
biological and anthropogenic processes on soil parent materials, is called……
a) Pedogenesis
b) Minerologenesis
c) Topogenesis
d) xerogenesis
2. The parent material of soil is………..
a) Plant
b) animal
c) rock
d) silica
3. Chemical decomposition results into transformation of parent material into soil,
when minerals are made soluble by water or are changed in structure. It includes
the process of……………..
a) Hydrolysis
b) carbonation
c) hydration
d) all
4. The clumping of the soil texture components of sand, slit and clay forms
aggregates and the further association of those aggregates into larger units forms
soil structures is called………
a) Peds
b) topeds
c) minerals
d) texture
5. Water moves through soil. Which one process is not helpful in this process,……..
a) Gravity
b) osmosis
c) capillarity
d) oxidation
6. Pedology is……..
a) The study of soil in their natural environment
b) the study of soil in lab for seving different purposes
c) the study of formation of soil
d) study of change in soil.
7. The study of influence plants, fungi and other living things on soil is called………
a) Pedology
b) edaphology
c) pedogenesis
d) none
8. Density gradient method is utilized for………
a) Paints
b) cement
c) soil
d) all
9. Red soil contains ………
a) Copper in reduced form
b) copper in oxidised form
c) Iron in reduced form
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

d) Iron in oxidised form

10. Which of the following is/are true
a) Black soil has fifth content of organic material
b) In yellow soil iron is found in hydrated form
c) In grey soil iron and manganese are found in reduced form
d) All of the above.
11. Appearance of yellow colour of soil in the presence of potassium ferrocynide
solution is indication of presence of …………… the soil.
a) Iron b) zinc c) sodium d) magnesium
12. Presence of carbonate in soil is confirmed by……..
a) Density gradient method
b) Refractive index method
c) Differential thermal analysis
d) Crystal test
13. Turbidity test of soil is measured through……..
a) Seedchi Disc method
b) Turbidity test kit method
c) Nephelometric tubidity unit method
d) All of the above
14. Forensic soil comparison dealts with the comparison of colour because…….
a) The soil colour allows the examination to determine the location of its origin
b) Colour of the soil is unique to the location
c) There are nearly 1100 distinguishable soil colours so it offers a logical first
step soil coparision
d) Colour is an individual characteristic
15. The presence of soil in shoes can be helpful in deducing….
a) Time of crime
b) Mode of crime
c) Type of crime
d) Place of crime
1. Glass is a ……
a. Crystalline solid
b. non Crystalline solid
c. semi Crystalline solid
d. none
2. The typical and prevalent form of glass is……….
a. Soda lime glass
b. Borosilicate glass
c. Pyrex
d. Laminated glass
3. A chalcogenide glass is a glass containing one or more Chalcogenide elements
such as selenium or tellurium etc. Chalcogenide glasses form the basis…..
a. Bullet proof glass
b. Lab glass
c. Flexible glass
d. Re-writable CD and DVD
4. Glass ceramics is a example of …….
a. Crystalline form of glass
b. Amorphous form of glass
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

c. Crystalline and non crystalline form of glass

d. None is true
5. Heat resistant glass (pyrex) used for lab purpose is an example of…….
a. Soda lime glass
b. Borosilicate glass
c. Tempered glass
d. Laminated glass
6. Tempered glass prepared after continuous rapid heating and cooling, cause little
splittering used in
a. Lab ware
b. Bullet proof glass
c. Rear window of motor vehicle
d. All
7. Comparison of glass is done through……………….
a. Mechanical fit
b. Trace element comparison
c. Density comparison
d. All
8. Density comparison by floatation method is used for……………..
a. Glass
b. Paint
c. cement
d. Soil
9. Immersion method is used to measure……………..
a. Density
b. Diffraction
c. Refractive index
d. All
10. A bright halo observed near boarder of particle glass that immersed in a liquid of a
different refractive index is called …………………..
a. Halo line
b. Beckeline
c. Diffraction line
d. Immersion line
11. GRIM2 is used to measure……………
a. Density
b. Refraction
c. Refractive index
d. All
12. The molecular formula for soda lime glass is……………..
a. Na2.CaO.6SiO2
b. K2.CaO.6SiO2
c. K2.PbO.6SiO2
d. Na2.MnO.6SiO2
13. Choose the wrong series of chemical used for colouring glass………….
a. Blue (Cobalt oxide or CuO), Green (Fe3O4, Cr2O3)
b. Violet (MnO2), White (Tin oxide, calcium phosphorite)
c. Red (Cu2O), Yellow/brown (animony sulphide, silver borate)
d. Red (MnO2), Green (Tin oxide, calcium phosphorite)
14. Bullet proof glass contains………….
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

a. Boron
b. Alternate layer of Bakelite polymer
c. Alternate layer of vinyl resin plastic
d. None of the above is true
15. In case of motor vehicle accident, glass best compared by…………….
a. Refractive index
b. Density
c. Colour
d. Mechanical fit
16. In case of strike of high velocity bullet over glass……………
a. Exit hole is greater than entry hole
b. entry hole is greater than Exit hole
c. Both are equal
d. Has no relevance
17. Radial and concentric fracture determination for direction of bullet is most useful
in case of…………….
a. High velocity bullets
b. Low velocity bullets
c. In both cases
d. Has no such relevance
18. The crack which first produced in a glass is……………
a. Radial fracture
b. Concentric fracture
c. Rib marks
d. Spiral fractures
19. Which of the following is true…………..
a. Radial fractures are appear on the opposite side of the impact
b. Concentric fractures appears on the same side of the glass
c. Both are true
d. None is true
20. “Radial crack form a right angle on reverse side of glass” is better known
a. 2R rule
b. 3R rule
c. 4R rule
d. Crack rule
21. When the hole produced by a bullet has the size of hole greater on the opposite
side of impact, such fracture is called……….
a. Radial fracture
b. Concentric fracture
c. Random fracture
d. Cone fracture
22. The crack mark appear on one side and then curved asymmetrically towards other
side of surface is called……………………….
a. Hackle mark
b. Rib mark
c. Radial mark
d. Concentric mark
23. The crack which is parallel to the rib mark is ……………….
a. Hackle mark
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

b. Rib mark
c. Radial mark
d. Concentric mark
24. When the temperature of liquid is raised…………….
a. Its refractive index increases
b. Its refractive index decreases
c. Its refractive index disappears
d. None of the above
25. Addition of boron to the molten glass,……………….
a. Makes it more stable to rapid temperature change
b. Add greenish tint to the glass
c. Makes glass much harder
d. Has no effect on the glass
26. Characteristics of tangential fracture lines is……….
a. It encircles the point of impact
b. It radiates outwards from the point of impact
c. It forms a hackle mark at the point of impact
d. It forms the cone at the point of impact
27. The glass that is made stronger than the ordinary glass by introducing stress
through rapid heating and cooling of glass surface is called………………..
a. Laminated glass
b. Plasticized glass
c. Tempered glass
d. Insulated glass
28. A bright halo that is observed near the border of a particle immersed in a liquid of
different refractive index is known as…………
a. The beck line
b. A type line
c. Refraction point
d. Birefringence
29. In examining the stress marks on the edge of a radial crack near point of impact,
the perpendicular end is always found to be………..
a. Located parallel to the crack from which the force of impact was applied
b. Located opposite the side from which the force of impact was applied
c. Located at a 90° angle from which the force of impact was applied
d. Located on the same side from which the force of impact was applied.
30. For a concentric fracture, the perpendicular end…….
a. Points in the direction of the force originated
b. Faces the surface on which the force is originated
c. Is opposite the side on which the force is originated
d. Points away from the direction that force is originated
31. The reason of paint failure after application on surface are the applicator and
improper treatment of surface is/are……….
a. Blistering
b. Chalking
c. Cracking
d. All
32. Which of the following is/are ingredients of paints…….
a. Base
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

b. Vehicle
c. Solvent
d. All
33. A transparent resinous liquid to give a smooth, hard, glossy to a surface and
prevent it from atmospheric action is………..
a. Varnish
b. Distemper
c. Drier
d. Vehicle
34. Distemper provide…….
a. Shining
b. Strength
c. Durability
d. Smoothness
35. IR spectroscopy provides information about……….
a. Binder composition
b. Drier composition
c. Solvent composition
d. All
36. Brittle paint chip is cut by……….
a. Scissor
b. Knife
c. Blade
d. Microtome
37. Soluble components of the paint are examined through…….
a. TLC
d. Stereoscopy
38. Pyrolysis gas chromatography is used for the analysis of ……
a. Cement
b. Soil
c. paint
d. Glass
39. The technique used to reveal crystalline nature of paint…….
a. UV spectroscopy
b. X-ray diffractometry
c. IR spectroscopy
d. Solubility test
40. Automatic finishing system for steel usually consists of four layer in the order of
(from lower to upper surface)……
a. Electrocoat surface, primer surface, base coat, clear coat
b. clear coat, Electrocoat surface, primer surface, base coat
c. base coat, Electrocoat surface, primer surface, clear coat
d. primer surface, Electrocoat surface, base coat, clear coat
41. Pigment composition can be analysed through…….
a. NAA
b. AAS
d. X-ray diffraction
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

e. All
42. One of the most common types of paint examined in the crime laboratory
a. Finishes from fingernail polish on victims hand
b. Finishes emanating from automobiles
c. Finishes from the “bluing” of firearm
d. Finishes from furniture varnish at a crime scene
43. The technique best suited for distinguishing among paint formulations is……
a. Pyrolysis gas chromatography
b. Polarizing microscope
c. Visible light micro spectrophotometer
d. Comparison microscope

44. ………….is the automobile company manufacturing the vehicle called Qualis.
a. Mahindra and Mahindra
b. Maruti Udyog
c. Ashok Leyland
d. Toyota.
45. The distance between the centres of the front and the rare wheels is…….
e. track width of a vehicle
f. wheelbase of a vehicle
g. Turning arc
h. Section width.

46. The distance between the center of the tire mounted on one side of the vehicle to
the center of the tire mounted on the opposite side of the vehicle is called
a. track width of a vehicle
b. wheelbase of a vehicle
c. Turning arc
d. Section width.
47. Bias, belted bias and radial are the types of …….
i. Rim
j. Tire
k. Brakes
l. Tubes
48. Which of the following braking system generally offers improved vehicle control
and decreases stopping distances on dry and slippery surfaces?
m. Disc brakes
n. Drum Brakes
o. ABS
p. Vacuum brakes
49. The benefits of Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) are:
a. Reduced stopping distance under braking conditions.
b. Increased directional stability under braking conditions.
c. Added steering control during maximum braking
d. All of the above.
50. Identification of vehicle helps to establish…….
a. Corpus delicti
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

b. Habeus corpus
c. Corpus hermeticum
d. Corpus reformatorum
51. The clue that may be found on the vehicle…….
a. Finger print
b. Palm print
c. Blood stain
d. All
52. Which is the individual characteristic of tyre……?
a. Tyre width
b. Tyre circumference
c. Wear and tear mark
d. Tread pattern
53. The distance between front and rare tyre is called……
a. Wheel base
b. Track distance
c. Medial distance
d. Stance
54. The turning arc normally deduce the …….
a. Size of the vehicle/tyre
b. Speed of the vehicle
c. Intension of driver
d. None
55. Side print of tyre is only visible when……
a. When vehicle is with high speed
b. When vehicle is with low speed
c. When vehicle is on road
d. When vehicle is on mud or soft surface
56. The mark of the tyre produced on the road when tyre moves without
a. Tyre mark
b. Skid mark
c. Friction mark
d. Vehicle mark
57. Absence of tyre marks on the scene of accident indicates that………
a. Driver was drunken
b. Accident was due to mechanical failure
c. Accident was deliberate
d. All
58. Tyre leave fluorescent material revealed under…..
a. SEM
b. TEM
c. UV-rays
d. IR-rays
59. Length of skid marks depends on……
a. Speed of vehicle
b. Load on vehicle
c. Road surface
d. All
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

60. The time taken by driver to apply the break after he perceived its necessity is
a. Reaction time
b. Response time
c. Braking time
d. Friction time
61. Length of skid mark is……
a. Directly proportional to the velocity
b. Inversely proportional to the velocity
c. Directly proportional to the square root of velocity
d. Inversely proportional to the square root of velocity
62. The cause of fluorescence of tyre residue under UV light is due to…..
a. Addition of antioxidant material
b. Extender oil mixed in it
c. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon produced at high temperature
d. All
63. If other conditions are similar then length of skid mark in summer will be…….
a. Comparatively larger than winter
b. Comparatively smaller than winter
c. Remains same
d. Has no relevance
64. Tyre residue can be examined through……..
a. UV spectrophotometer
b. Pyrolysis GC
c. Both
d. None
65. Plastic type of tyre mark is 3 dimensional in nature found on…….
a. RCC road
b. Metallic road
c. Mud
d. PCC road
66. Vehicle continues to skid on the road till the frictional force overcome the…..
a. Power
b. Energy
c. Momentum
d. Torque
67. Glass of head light fractured during an accident, best compared through ……..
a. Matching RI
b. Matching density
c. Mechanical fit
d. Floatation method
68. Motor vehicle accident legally dealt under……
a. IPC 299
b. IPC 304 A
c. IPC 304 B
d. IPC 279
69. When impressions have been left at a crime scene, it is possible for forensic
examiner to determine……
a. The wear and mileage on the tyre
b. The speed at which the vehicle was moving
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

c. The make and model of car

d. The style and/or manufacturer of tyre

70. Any impression, cut, guage or abrasion caused by an implement is called…….
a. Cut mark
b. Implement mark
c. Tool mark
d. Impact mark
71. When the tool pressed upon the surface without sliding motion i.e. by static
impact produce….
a. Indentation
b. Scrape
c. Sliding mark
d. Hole mark
72. The mark produced due to the sliding contact of the tool with recipient surface is
better known as…..
a. Indentation
b. Scrape
c. Hole mark
d. striation mark
73. Contact mark generally produced between……
a. Hard and hard surface
b. Soft and soft surface
c. Soft and hard surface
d. In all cases
74. Tool mark is not easy to identify in case of……
a. Iron
b. Aluminium
c. Copper
d. Rubber
75. Tool mark can be preserved by using…..
a. Plasticine
b. Plaster of paris
c. Dental mass
d. All
76. Juxtaposition or composite match is performed to evaluate the common source of
identification and print. The microscope utilised for this purpose is………
a. Stereomicroscope
b. Comparison microscope
c. Polarizing microscope
d. Electron microscope
77. Striagraph is used to study the ………………….of striation of different objects.
a. Contour
b. Length
c. Width
d. depth
78. The method of superimposition can be applied in comparison of………..
a. Indentation mark
b. Scrape mark
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

c. Punch mark
d. Print mark
e. All
79. The principle of law of individuality is applied for………………
a. Fingerprint
b. Palm print
c. Tool mark
d. All of the above
80. The indentation mark on the surface which cannot be removed from the crime
scene is can be collected and preserved by……..
a. Photography
b. Casting
c. Sketching
d. Superimposing
81. Tool mark on the fixed object should be photographed and then cast
a. Plaster of paris
b. Silicon rubber
c. Super glue
d. Wax
82. Tool marks are most useful in case of…….
a. Homicide
b. Burglary
c. Sexual assault
d. Theft
83. The primary principle in collecting the impressions at the crime scene is……….
a. Its admissibility in the court room
b. Maintain the chain of custody
c. The obliteration of impressions based on the weather conditions
d. The preservation of impressions or reproduction for later use
84. Individuality of the tool marks can be ascertained by……
a. Patterns of stains from oil and other maintenance activities
b. Pattern of hills and valleys as its finer details
c. Patterns of grooves and lands resulting from the matching process
d. Patterns of striations created by the manufacturer to trademark the tool.
85. A mark produced when a surface slides across another surface is --------
a. A tool mark
b. Abrasion mark
c. Cutting mark
d. Indentation mark.
86. A mark or impression made by tool on a softer surface is ……..
a. A tool mark
b. Abrasion mark
c. Cutting mark
d. Indentation mark.
87. Which of the following factor is least likely to be considered by a technician
examining tool marks?
a. The brand name of the tool
b. The side or the portion of the tool making the impression.
c. The angle at which the tool was held.
Dr. F.I.Shaikh

d. The direction of tool movement as it passes over the surface.

88. Tools and tool marks are found at burglary scenes and can be useful evidence.
Proper evidence collection by the field investigator would include….
a. Taking a photograph and a cast of the mark, if necessary.
b. Immediately dusting the tool for fingerprints.
c. Making test marks with suspected tools on to a soft metal surface at the
crime scene.
d. Packing the tools and tool mark evidence together so that crime lab
personnel know they are thought to be a matched set.
89. Tool marks are most often encountered at which type of crime scene?
a. Arson
b. Burglary
c. Sexual assault
d. Homicide.

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