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*Use this sheet as you conduct your research, you will submit in with your project*
Topic: Jacobs Syndrome

Include additional information on separate sheets if you need more room. INCLUDE SOURCES. USE POINT

1. Describe in detail, the main symptoms associated with the disorder.

XYY syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder that affects males. It is caused by the presence of an extra Y
chromosome. Individuals with this syndrome have one X and two Y chromosomes. Affected individuals are
usually very tall.

2. What is the prognosis (life expectancy/quality of life) for someone born with the disorder?
The average prevalence was 14.2 47, XYY persons per 100,000, which is reduced compared to the expected 98
per 100,000. Their median age at diagnosis was 17.1 years. Found a significantly decreased life span from 77.9
years (controls) to 67.5 years (47, XYY persons). The males could still live a normal life which studies have
shown. some maybe taller than average and face learning difficulties or speech problems. They may also grow
up with minor physical differences, such as weaker muscle tone. Males with XYY syndrome have 47
chromosomes because of the extra Y chromosome.

3. What is the frequency of this disorder in the general population? How is this determined?
This condition occurs in about 1 in 1,000 newborn boys. 5 to 10 boys with 47, XYY syndrome are born in the
united states each day. Many affected males are never diagnosed or not diagnosed until later in life.

4(a) What is the genetic cause of the disorder? Be specific. (e.g. if there is an extra chromosome number 1,
explain how that could happen)
XYY syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when a male has an extra copy of the Y chromosome in each
of their cells (XYY). Sometimes, this mutation is only present in some cells. Males with XYY syndrome have 47
chromosomes because of the extra Y chromosome

5. Describe the inheritance pattern. (e.g., X-linked recessive)

The chromosomal change usually occurs as a random event during the formation of sperm cells. As an error in
cell division called nondisjunction can result in sperm cells with an extra copy of the Y chromosome.
6. How is this disorder detected?
A blood sample is checked for the presence of the extra Y chromosome. Before birth, the condition can be
found through a chromosomal analysis. Testing is done on the fluid surrounding the fetus, tissue from the
placenta, or the blood from the mother.

7. Are there treatments for the disorder or ways to improve the life quality for the individual?
This condition cannot be cured but you can get help by going to speech therapy, physical or occupational
therapy and educational therapy.

8. Interesting or additional information about the genetic disorder (e.g. ethical issues, support groups for the
family, counseling).
In fact, XYY syndrome can remain undiagnosed throughout a person’s lifetime. if it is diagnosed, however,
individuals with XYY syndrome can find the help they might need.

Remember to record all the information needed to write your Reference List and use a minimum of 3 sources.
Use proper format (APA) (See Brightspace course shell, as discussed in class).

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