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Z NOWĄ ERĄ 2016/2017

JĘZYK Angielski


Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.

Próbny egzamin gimnazjalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 1.

Tekst 1.
Tom: Monica, look here at the screen. This is the advert for the sports camp I want to go to
during the holidays.
Monica: What’s special about this camp?
Tom: Well, it’s all about taking risks.
Monica: Taking risks? What do you mean?
Tom: You can do different extreme sports, like bungee jumping, base jumping or paragliding.
Monica: Oh, that’s not for me. I’ve never done any of those sports before. I’m afraid of heights.
I prefer more ordinary sports like volleyball or tennis. Is it possible to do them at this camp?
Tom: I don’t think so. But I’m sure you would do well. My brother has a friend who was also
scared of heights like you, but he had a go and felt very pleased after his bungee jump.
Monica: I see what you mean, but I still have some doubts. What about safety? There’s always
a danger of falling and hurting yourself.
Tom: Yes, you’re right, but they employ professionals and provide high quality equipment.
Every camp like this has to have a special safety certificate.
Monica: I have to think it over and ask my parents. What should I tell them?
Tom: You can show your parents this website and they can contact the organizers. If you want,
my mother can call them and talk about the details of the camp. Two of my cousins went
to this camp last year so there is nothing to worry about. Let’s go down to the kitchen and
talk to my mum, she has already checked everything.
Monica: I can see that you are really keen to go there. The more you talk about it, the more I want
to go there. What about the price? It’s probably expensive.
Tom: Not when you compare it to other summer camps. And we’ll get a discount if we sign up
Monica: Ok, give me some time to think it over and discuss it with my parents. I’ll let you know
as soon as possible.

Tekst 2.
Speaker: Today we are hosting Mrs Barbara Jones, who is an English teacher and also an expert
on Internet learning programmes. Barbara, please tell us something about how young
people can use the Internet to learn foreign languages.
Woman: Hello everybody. I’m really happy to be here to tell you something about the best ways of
learning languages. This is a very important topic as many students still find it difficult
to remember new words and structures. I think that my ideas are not complicated and
will be useful for many young people. First of all, use Internet forums to ask questions
and talk with foreigners. If you have a problem with a grammar rule or the meaning of
a word, prepare your questions and a native speaker will give you an answer. Another
idea is to use a special tool to create mind maps. You can download an application with
ready-made mind maps that present a given topic in a visual form. It is also possible to
create your own mind maps using this application. You can draw a diagram with the
words you want to learn. Some websites offer to send you ‘a word of the day’ to your
mailbox. The word is shown in different contexts and example sentences are provided.
You won’t notice that after a year you have learnt 365 different words. As I said, these are
just simple, uncomplicated ideas, but I hope they will work for you.

Próbny egzamin gimnazjalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 2.

Wypowiedź 1.

Girl: When I was 15 my brother told me about a holiday job near our hometown. I wasn’t very
excited about the idea but my brother said it would be a fantastic opportunity for us to
spend time together and earn some money. Even though the job was boring I enjoyed
the new experience. While working we could chat a lot. My friends were surprised when
they found out about my plan, but later they were jealous when, after a month of working,
I could buy a new mobile phone.

Wypowiedź 2.
Boy: Last holiday my friend Natalie asked me to go with her to a special summer camp for
disabled children and work there as a volunteer. I wasn’t sure at first because I wanted to
work in an office to earn money. In the end, I decided to go. The work wasn’t easy, we had
to get up really early and assist children with their daily activities, which involved not
only talking and playing games but also preparing food and cleaning the rooms. In the
evenings I was exhausted. However, this job gave me a lot of satisfaction and I was proud
of myself. It was my first time at this camp, but definitely not my last.

Wypowiedź 3.
Girl: My parents’ friends run an office and they always need someone to work there during the
summer to replace their regular staff while they are on holiday. One year they gave me
a chance and hired me to help them. The job wasn’t very tiring, I answered phone calls
and emails. Sometimes I welcomed foreign customers and talked with them. Having
a chat with them was a great experience. Finally, my English lessons paid off. And another
advantage was that I earned some money, which I spent on my favourite activity – shopping!

Wypowiedź 4.
Boy: At the end of the school year my teacher said that the local museum in my town was
looking for students who could help there during the summer. I wasn’t sure if I was a good
candidate because I’m a shy person and avoid contact with people. My teacher encouraged
me to take on this challenge and said it would be beneficial for me. My duties included
helping educators to organise workshops for families with children. I worked three days
a week so it wasn’t very tiring. I gained a lot of new skills, for example teamwork and the
ability to make quick decisions. What is more, I learnt how to be more assertive, open
and sociable.


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