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CA Service Desk

Release Notes
This documentation and any related computer software help programs (hereinafter referred to as the
“Documentation”) is for the end user’s informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at
any time.

This Documentation may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed, modified or duplicated, in whole or in
part, without the prior written consent of CA. This Documentation is confidential and proprietary information of CA
and protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, licensed users may print a reasonable number of copies of the Documentation for
their own internal use, and may make one copy of the related software as reasonably required for back-up and
disaster recovery purposes, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy.
Only authorized employees, consultants, or agents of the user who are bound by the provisions of the license for
the Product are permitted to have access to such copies.

The right to print copies of the Documentation and to make a copy of the related software is limited to the period
during which the applicable license for the Product remains in full force and effect. Should the license terminate for
any reason, it shall be the user’s responsibility to certify in writing to CA that all copies and partial copies of the
Documentation have been returned to CA or destroyed.


The use of any product referenced in the Documentation is governed by the end user’s applicable license

The manufacturer of this Documentation is CA.

Provided with “Restricted Rights.” Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to the
restrictions set forth in FAR Sections 12.212, 52.227-14, and 52.227-19(c)(1) - (2) and DFARS Section 252.227-
7014(b)(3), as applicable, or their successors.

All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

Copyright © 2008 CA. All rights reserved.

CA Product References
This documentation set references the following CA brands and products:
■ CA Asset Portfolio Manager (CA APM)
■ CA Portal
■ CA Embedded Entitlements Manager (CA EEM)
■ CA Enterprise Workload Automation (CA EWA)
■ CA Management Database (Management Database)
■ CA Management Portal
■ CA Network and Systems Management (CA NSM)
■ CA Remote Control Manager (CA RCM)
■ CA Service Desk
■ CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools
■ CA Asset Portfolio Management (CA APM)
■ CA Software Delivery

Contact CA
Contact Technical Support

For online technical assistance and a complete list of locations, primary service
hours, and telephone numbers, contact Technical Support at

Provide Feedback

If you have comments or questions about CA product documentation, you can

send a message to

If you would like to provide feedback about CA product documentation, please

complete our short customer survey, which is also available on the CA Support

Contents 5

Chapter 1: Welcome 9
What this Document Covers.................................................................................................... 9
International Support .......................................................................................................... 10
Published Fixes ................................................................................................................... 11
r11.2 Fixes ................................................................................................................... 11
Product Name Change ......................................................................................................... 29
Removed Features .............................................................................................................. 29
Deprecated Features ........................................................................................................... 31
Renamed Reports................................................................................................................ 31

Chapter 2: New CA Service Desk Features and Enhancements 33

Role-Based User Interface .................................................................................................... 33
Multi-Tenancy..................................................................................................................... 34
CA Business Intelligence ...................................................................................................... 34
Administering Reports .................................................................................................... 35
Key Performance Indicators .................................................................................................. 36
Change Order Schedules ...................................................................................................... 36
Expanded Workflow Features ................................................................................................ 37
LDAP Bulk Load Utility ......................................................................................................... 37
New Installation Program ..................................................................................................... 37
Area and Category Property Enhancements............................................................................. 38
Time Zone Management....................................................................................................... 38
ITIL Compliance Improvements............................................................................................. 39
IPv6 Support ...................................................................................................................... 39
Enhanced Federal Requirements Regulations........................................................................... 39
Notification Enhancements ................................................................................................... 39
Web Screen Painter Enhancements ........................................................................................ 40

Chapter 3: New CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools Features and Enhancements

New Feature Requirements................................................................................................... 41
FAST ESP Search Engine ...................................................................................................... 41
Increase the Search Capabilities ...................................................................................... 43

Contents 5
Support for Multi-Byte Character Set Search...................................................................... 43
Search Enhancements ......................................................................................................... 43
Knowledge Center Support ................................................................................................... 44
Knowledge Lifecycle Schedule ............................................................................................... 44
CA Service Desk Scoreboard Query Enhancements................................................................... 44
Editing Enhancements ......................................................................................................... 45
Forums.............................................................................................................................. 46
Knowledge Report Card Enhancements................................................................................... 46
Recommended Documents ................................................................................................... 46
Export and Import Feature ................................................................................................... 47
Reports and Metrics............................................................................................................. 47

Chapter 4: Documentation 49
What You Need to Know About the Documentation................................................................... 49
Where to Find Documentation ......................................................................................... 49
Documentation PDF Filenames......................................................................................... 50
How to View and Search PDFs ......................................................................................... 50
Documentation Changes ...................................................................................................... 51
Content Changes ........................................................................................................... 51
Role-Based Online Help........................................................................................................ 52
Release Numbers on Documentation ...................................................................................... 54

Chapter 5: System Information 55

Operating Systems.............................................................................................................. 55
HP-UX Operating Systems............................................................................................... 56
IBM AIX Operation Systems ............................................................................................ 56
Microsoft Windows Operating Systems .............................................................................. 57
Redhat Enterprise Linux Operating Systems ...................................................................... 58
SuSe Linux (SLES) Operating Systems.............................................................................. 59
Sun Solaris Operating Systems ........................................................................................ 59
VMware Operating Systems............................................................................................. 60
Client Platforms .................................................................................................................. 60
Web Browsers .................................................................................................................... 61
Database Management Systems............................................................................................ 62
System Requirements.......................................................................................................... 63
FAST ESP Hardware Requirements......................................................................................... 64
CA Business Intelligence Supported Operating Systems ............................................................ 65
CA Business Intelligence System Requirements.................................................................. 65
Business Objects Supported Operating Systems ................................................................. 66
CA Business Intelligence Platform-Specific Requirements..................................................... 66

6 Release Notes
Chapter 6: Known Issues 67
Comma Not Supported in Name Fields ................................................................................... 68
Error Adding Scoreboard to Multi-frame Form.......................................................................... 68
Oaserver Fails to Start if CA Service Desk and FAST ESP Installed on Same Server ....................... 69
FAST ESP Installation Fails to Execute Windows.dst.................................................................. 70
Help Set Redefinition Error ................................................................................................... 71
pdm_configure Hangs if gcc Not Set in PATH ........................................................................... 72
Values in Money Fields Truncated at Decimal Point................................................................... 72
Launching CA Workflow IDE on Linux as User Other than Root Sets Incorrect URL ........................ 73
Installer Fails when Upgrading CA EEM from 8.1 to 8.3 ............................................................. 73
CA EEM 8.3 Fails to Create Privileged User Account when CA Workflow is Installed on Unix ............ 74
Configuration Item Reconciliation Attributes are Not Tenant Aware............................................. 75
Printed Knowledge Documents Contain Large Spaces after Migration .......................................... 75
Searching for Document that has Multiple White Spaces in the Title Could Cause Failure................ 76
Firefox Limitations in CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools............................................................ 76
Upgrade Process Fails if UTF-8 Locale Not Installed .................................................................. 77
Automatic Login to InfoView Fails .......................................................................................... 77
Central Management Server (CMS) Not Starting ...................................................................... 78
Admin or InfoView Pages Do Not Display Properly After Installation ............................................ 78
SLA Violation Report Incorrectly Returns Data for "Previous 3 Months" Instead of "This Month" ...... 79
Supported Characters in Installation Path ............................................................................... 79
Log File Location ................................................................................................................. 80
Unable to Switch Databases on Upgraded System .................................................................... 80
Warning Messages Appear when Generating Stub Classes with AXIS Tool WSDL2JAVA .................. 81
WebI Reports Do Not Display on the Reports Tab with Firefox.................................................... 81
Problem Uninstalling FAST on Linux Systems........................................................................... 82
Case Sensitivity Issue Occurs with Oracle 11g ......................................................................... 82

Appendix A: Accessibility Features 83

Product Enhancements ........................................................................................................ 83

Contents 7
Chapter 1: Welcome
Welcome to CA Service Desk r12.

This section contains the following topics:

What this Document Covers (see page 9)

International Support (see page 10)
Published Fixes (see page 11)
Product Name Change (see page 29)
Removed Features (see page 29)
Deprecated Features (see page 31)
Renamed Reports (see page 31)

What this Document Covers

This document provides information about system requirements, installation
considerations, general implementation considerations, documentation, and
information about contacting CA Technical Support for installing and using CA
Service Desk.

In addition, this document provides overview information about enhancements

and changes in functionality in this release. The following are some of the
major new and enhanced features in CA Service Desk r12:
■ Role-based web interface client
■ Multi-tenancy
■ Web-based reporting

■ Key Performance Indicators

■ Area and category property validation

■ Change Order schedules

■ Time zone management

■ Cross-platform installation program

■ IPv6 support
■ ITIL compliance
■ Enhanced Federal Requirements Regulations including support for FIPS
140-2 and improved Section 508 compliance.
■ CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools improvements

■ Expanded support for notifications, LDAP integration, workflow, and Web

Screen Painter.

Chapter 1: Welcome 9
International Support

■ New integrations with CA products and third-party products


■ BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2

For more integration information, see the CA Business Intelligence

Installation Guide and the Implementation Guide.

Note: At publication time, CA Service Desk r12 supports the operating

systems and the third-party software listed in this document. For assistance,
contact Technical Support at For complete installation
instructions, see the Implementation Guide on your installation media.

International Support
An internationalized product is an English product that runs correctly on local
language versions of the required operating system and required third-party
products, and supports local language data for input and output.
Internationalized products also support the ability to specify local language
conventions for date, time, currency and number formats.

A translated product (sometimes referred to as a localized product) is an

internationalized product that includes local language support for the product's
user interface, online help and other documentation, as well as local language
default settings for date, time, currency, and number formats.

In addition to the English release of CA Service Desk, CA supports only those

languages listed in the following table.

Object Contact Internationalized Translated

Brazilian Yes No

Chinese (Simplified) Yes No

Chinese (Traditional) Yes No

French Yes No

German Yes No

Italian Yes No

Japanese Yes No

Korean Yes No

Spanish Yes No

10 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Published Fixes
For all published fixes for CA Service Desk r12, see the Published Solutions
provided by Technical Support at

See also

r11.2 Fixes (see page 11)

r11.2 Fixes

The following r11.2 fixes are included in the CA Service Desk r12 release:

Summary Component Problem


SLA Violation Problem Related to Issues Unicenter Service Desk 2

RXX - Server Side (USRD)

Tomcat is Core-ing in SDA.H Line 210 USRD 4

Act Log Shows Wrong Analyst USRD 5

No Incident and Problem Display on Scoreboard USRD 6

CA_Owned_Resource Table Registration Problem USRD 7

SPELSVR Needs to Convert All Exec() Calls USRD 8

pdm_extract and Remote Ref USRD 9

Update to Category is Lost USRD 11

Update Status of New Task Inserted into Group USRD 12

Missing Posted by Value in CI Log USRD 15

CA_Owned_Resource Table Registration Problem USRD 17

LDAP Search Controls Do Not Appear USRD 18

Unable to Create New Asset USRD 19

Categories Limited to 1000 USRD 21

Wrong Analysts in Activity Logs USRD 22

LDAP Auto-Creation Error USRD 23

Problem with Setting Options from Command-Line USRD 25

pdm_deref Strips Zeros for Certain Columns USRD 28

Required Text Fields Accept Blanks as Input USRD 29

Chapter 1: Welcome 11
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Unable to View Attachments USRD 30

NT Add Support for SupportBridge Integration USRD 31

Fail to Configure on a Win2K3/SQL 64-Bit System USRD 36

Embedded CA Workflow Version USRD 37

Scoreboard Problem with Group Queries USRD 39

pdm_restore Fails to Restore All .htmpl Files USRD 40

Status of New Workflow Task is Incorrect USRD 41

CA Workflow Tasks Do Not Terminate on Cancel USRD 44

Support UTF-8 on Windows USRD 45

Cannot Delay SLA Events Attached Manually USRD 46

Schema Error Note_Board Table USRD 48

Multiple Sure_Checkout Message USRD 49

Time Spent Field for Activity Log is Blank USRD 53

Spurious Cartesian Join on Certain Queries USRD 55

Wrong Contact Department in File Text_API.CFG USRD 56

Downloading Large Attachments Crashes Slump SE USRD 57

LDAP_Sync Error USRD 59

Mail Eater Application Error USRD 62

Add Mime-Version 1.0 to Header for RFC 1521 USRD 68

Parse Error in STDLOG Due to a Single Quotation USRD 72

No Information for Issue_ID USRD 73

Timespan Error in Report USRD 76

Boplogin.exe Process Crashes with LDAP_Groups USRD 81

Blank "Created By" Field for Activity USRD 82

Japanese Characters are Corrupted in Mail Requests USRD 83

Random Analysts Recorded when Events Fire USRD 95

DST 2007 Changes for US and Timezone Table USRD 96

ATY Log Does Not Contain Display Name for SREL USRD 97

Pager Email Notification Display Incorrect Date USRD 99

pdm_userload Truncating Data Incorrectly USRD 101

12 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Sort of Data Partition List USRD 111

Error Using pdm_userload USRD 112

All Email Notifications Have Empty Space at 40 P USRD 115

pdm_restore Corrupts .png Files USRD 116

pdm_options_mgr Does Not Work for LDAP_DN USRD 117

No Oracle Database Dependency USRD 118

Data Partition on Access Type Not Taking Effect USRD 121

Replace Actual Spaces with &NBSP USRD 123

pdm_configure Errors when NSM and CIA is Installed USRD 124

Audit Log for Assets Show Incorrect Values USRD 127

Search Filter with Group Member Data Partition USRD 129

Location Primary Contact UUID USRD 130

All Webengines Recycled USRD 131

Profile Browser & Constraint USRD 132

Data Partitions Not Working for Attachments USRD 135

Domsrvr Crash During LREL Sort USRD 137

Object Manager Cache Not in Sync USRD 138

Report Missing Information USRD 139

AHD11016: Failed to Download the File USRD 140

Email Response Not Indicating Problems on Attachment USRD 143

Curr_User_ID Unable to Get ID USRD 145

Web Service Thread Aborted USRD 146

Wrong Majic Generated after WSP Schema Change USRD 147

SQL Statement Prepare Error-Session Not Opened USRD 149

BPVIRTDB: Cancelled Queries in Suspended State USRD 150

Severe Error on Attachments USRD 154

Spel_Srvr Failed SIGSEGV USRD 155

Attachments Attach and Detach USRD 159

Internal Notification from CAWF is Visible USRD 161

SREL Field Length Always 60 USRD 162

Chapter 1: Welcome 13
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


JAVA Still Running when pdm_tomcat_nxd_Dies USRD 163

Turn on the Mail Eater USRD 165

boplogin.exe Process Crashes when Doing Merge USRD 166

Web Screen Painter Update Record USRD 167

New Hostname in DSM Does Not Reflect in Assets USRD 169

Device Parameter Passed to ahd.dll is Ignored USRD 173

Inactive Category Hangs Web Services USRD 174

Incident Area Properties Displayed in Wrong Order USRD 176

Skip EIAM and Workflow USRD 182

NR_COM Table Update Asset Showing Wrong Value USRD 188

LDAP Auto Contact Creation USRD 189

DNS_Name Changes Not Logged USRD 196

Assignee Removed after Event Fires USRD 196

Workflow Task Description Not Set from Template USRD 197

Size of T_PERSID Column in ANIMA Table USRD 198

Auto Assign to Unavailable Analyst USRD 199

Process_Notify_Que Signature USRD 202

Unable to Download Attachments with, in Name USRD 203

Auto Assignment Issue USRD 206

Problem Restarting Domsrvr on Secondary USRD 208

bop_cmd Returns Severe Error USRD 120

Low Performance Using Auto Assignment USRD 213

Domsrvr Crash USRD 219

NSM Export Sometimes Fail USRD 221

pdm_configure in Silent Mode USRD 225

Do Not Start Service Desk DMN after pdm_config USRD 226

Blank Workflow Task Completed by Field USRD 227

Table DLGTSRV Does Not Get Updated USRD 228

Execute Remote Reference Macro USRD 230

pdm_mail_nxd Crashes USRD 231

14 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


MailEater Rejecting Emails USRD 232

LDAP Merge Not Working when the Case is Different USRD 233

Wrong contact.expense_code in File text_api.cfg USRD 234

Keep "Use EIAM for Authentication" with -S Option USRD 243

Limit Reached when Sending Surveys USRD 245

pdm_diag Command Hangs for a Long Time USRD 246

CI report Hangs with outer_join Error USRD 251

RFC 2047 Applied on Attachments Name USRD 257

Additional Logging when Database Agent Reconnects USRD 259

Session Log Written on Login Failure USRD 260

SQL Agent Might Lose Data During a Reconnect USRD 261

MailEater Stops Processing with No from Address USRD 262

Grant Access Triggering USRD 266

User Cannot Update Groups USRD 269

AHD05053: Bad Where Clause USRD 272

File Access Error on UCNV_Open USRD 287

Close Activities Not Generated USRD 288

Remove KT User and CT User in R11 USRD 291

DM_configure Failure with Remote Oracle MDB USRD 292

Update Service Status for Asset Owned By UAPM USRD 293

Web Services Died - Transfer Ticket to Same User USRD 294

ETrust Password Expired USRD 295

API Error in STDLogs after First Cumulative Patches USRD 296

Inactive Contact Search USRD 298

No Dependency Added for SQL Server 2005 USRD 299

User Constraint Key in One Case USRD 300

Error in STDLog on Submitting a Managed Survey USRD 301

Daemon Services Locked in Starting State USRD 302

Web Report Summary Empty USRD 303

<Handle> Not Returned for DoQuery USRD 307

Chapter 1: Welcome 15
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


pdm_text_nxd Using Memory USRD 308

LDAP_Sync Error When LDAP_Enable_Groups is Yes USRD 309

Copy Contact Error USRD 312

Modifying Task Status Problem USRD 314

Assignee Incorrect with Group USRD 315

Spelsrvr Uses High CPU when Adding SLA Events USRD 318

Fail to Show Attach USRD 323

PCRPT Daemon Restart for Report USRD 327

Error in pdm_configure when Deploying USRD 329

pdm_configure Hangs when set_pdm_user is Run USRD 330

LDAP_Sync Error USRD 332

Macro Code Spelling Error USRD 334

Tomcat Does Not Start when pdm_configure -S is Used USRD 335

Duplicate Call Area Name USRD 338

pdm_configure Error on Secondary USRD 341

Duplicate UserID USRD 342

pdm_load Update Contacts USRD 346

pdm_extract Command on Skeletons Table Returns Fatal USRD 347


Manual Notification Through Web Services USRD 352

Update Object Web Service Function Fails if Request is USRD 353


Long Mail Sent to Mail Eater Kills pdm_text_nxd Daemon USRD 355

Duplicate Key on Add or AHD04115: Miscellaneous USRD 356

Database Error

pdm_wsp Tag Breaks on Dotted Notation USRD 358

Contact Search Error USRD 359

Resolution Not Found Error in Knowledge Document USRD 360

Assignee Set Option Not Working when Template is Used USRD 364

Key Control Agent Causes Primary Key Violation USRD 366

Date Format in Activity Log USRD 367

16 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Issue with Web Service Method USRD 369

Cannot Close Co Associated with Purged WF Instances USRD 372

CallRequest() Web Service Call Fails with call_back_date USRD 375

File Access Error on UCNV_Open without Charset Info USRD 376

mdb_registration_nxd Memory Increase USRD 378

LDAP_SYNC Performance Problems USRD 382

Service Type has been Delayed USRD 384

Duplicate Key on Add or AHD04115: Miscellaneous USRD 386

Resolve Date Copied from Template USRD 387

Log Entries after Install Cumulative Patch 2 USRD 392

Cache Refresh is Causing Corruption on Index on USRD 394


DRWatson Domsrvr USRD 395

Domsrvr Process on Secondary Servers Crash USRD 399

Creating Request from Worldview of NSM Release Unicenter Service Desk 2

RXX TNG Integration

Long Msg Text in ahd.dll Terminates EM Daemon USRDTI 3

Requests Open via TNG Do Not Use Template Description USRDTI 7

Web Screen Painter Generates Invalid Majic Unicenter Service Desk 2

RXX Web Screen Painter

Getting Errors When Modifying detail_wf.htmpl USRDWP 3

Properly Format Immediate Triggers (On Set) USRDWP 4

Request Area Required USRDWP 5

QREL Table Field Blanks Out on Save USRDWP 6

Web Screen Painter: Publishing Style Sheets USRDWP 7

ID Field Displayed as INT in Schema Designer USRDWP 8

web_cgi_url Breaks Web Screen Painter USRDWP 9

Customized Date Not Saved USRDWP 10

Errors Adding New Tab with Web Screen Painter USRDWP 11

Cannot Move SREL to Production USRDWP 17

Chapter 1: Welcome 17
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Problem Modifying HTMPL File USRDWP 21

Description Field Size USRDWP 22

Schema Designer Not Saving "Required" Check Box USRDWP 23

SPEL Error on Call Requires Edit Form Unicenter Service Desk 2

RXX Web Server

KDLINKS Query when Viewing a Knowledge Document USRDWS 3

Setting Default Requests Priority on Employee Web USRDWS 4

Scoreboard Queries Do Not Properly Update USRDWS 6

Sporadic Web Hangs USRDWS 7

Reset Tree Button Does Not Work for Analysts USRDWS 8

Carriage Returns Lost USRDWS 9

Update to Request Area/Category is Lost USRDWS 10

Scoreboard Update Issue USRDWS 11

Wrong Error on Failure to Insert Task USRDWS 12

Category Searching Not Correct USRDWS 13

Contacts Asset Links Open Last Asset USRDWS 14

Problem with Expanding Hierarchical Selection List USRDWS 15

Added Heartbeat to Webengine USRDWS 16

Task Complete Date Does Not Update USRDWS 17

Property Format Immediate Triggers (On Set) USRDWS 19

pdm_list Does Not Display Data USRDWS 20

LDAP Search Controls Do Not Appear USRDWS 21

Cannot Click Button USRDWS 22

Message File Download Problem USRDWS 23

Message Template Not Visible USRDWS 24

Unable to Create New Asset USRDWS 25

Graphs in Web Interface USRDWS 26

Clear_Scratchpad Does Not Work Correctly USRDWS 27

Help for Option TTV_Enable USRDWS 28

18 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Search Hangs when Retrieving More Documents USRDWS 29

Adding Incident and Problem Lookups USRDWS 30

Today's Req Callbacks Does Not Search Correctly USRDWS 34

require_incident_group Not Showing Green USRDWS 35

sitemods.js Should be the Last Script Referenced USRDWS 37

AhD0400 Argument Error USRDWS 38

External Authentication with PDA Interface USRDWS 39

Correct the Help File for Search Wildcard Option USRDWS 42

Option edit_completed_task USRDWS 43

Add Support for SupportBridge Integration USRDWS 45

require_support_group Not Showing Green USRDWS 46

Error Modifying detail_wf.htmpl by WSP USRDWS 48

Adding Condition to Site Defined Macro USRDWS 49

Problem with Notification History Screen USRDWS 50

Quotes Missing in Field Name USRDWS 51

Scratchpad CR Knowledge Search USRDWS 52

Assignee Not Working after Setting Request Area USRDWS 53

Customized HTMPL Forms USRDWS 54

Unable to Submit Knowledge USRDWS 55

Error Modifying detail_iss_wf USRDWS 56

Intl. Chars and Search Filter USRDWS 58

Wrong Name Shown in the Survey Activity Log USRDWS 60

Unable to Upload Attachments to Remote Repository USRDWS 61

Problem Category and Data Partitions USRDWS 62

Random Clocking of Web Forms USRDWS 64

require_request_group Not Showing Green USRDWS 65

Menu-Item Problem Using IE6 on XP USRDWS 66

Activity Log Detail Shows Wrong Analyst Name USRDWS 67

Failure to Launch Profile Browser from URL USRDWS 68

Cannot Create Parent or Child Asset USRDWS 69

Chapter 1: Welcome 19
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Bad Hardware Causes Error in Profile Browser USRDWS 70

Special Characters in Service Type Name USRDWS 72

Slash U in UserID Causing Error USRDWS 73

Assignee Autofill Caused Webengine to Fail USRDWS 74

Support UTF-8 on Windows USRDWS 75

User By Search Results in 2 Panels USRDWS 76

Problem with Activity Menu and Avoid Popup USRDWS 77

Web Service Calls Truncate Attribute Values USRDWS 79

Time Spent Field for Activity Log is Blank USRDWS 80

Stored Query Bad Where Clause USRDWS 81

Error when Adding Child or Parent to Assets USRDWS 83

Problem Adding Attachment or Asset on New USRDWS 84

Plus Sign in Log Comment Description USRDWS 85

Category with Plus Sign Hangs Employee Request USRDWS 86

Wrong File Name in Attachment List USRDWS 87

Problem with Removing Fields from detail_asset USRDWS 88

Sorting or List in Employee View Causes Error USRDWS 89

Report on a Single Record USRDWS 90

CGI Error when Editing Co USRDWS 91

Removing Category Field from detail_iss.htmpl USRDWS 92

Profile Browser Errors on Double Quote Group USRDWS 93

Asset Selection via Profile Browser Does Not Save USRDWS 94

Error Updating Incident Area USRDWS 96

External Authentication with PDA USRDWS 98

Webengine Crashes when It Cannot Find the HTM USRDWS 99

Profile Browser Problem in Change Order USRDWS 106

Notification History Sorting Does Not Work USRDWS 107

Add Assets with Duplicate Names via Web USRDWS 108

Bad Where Clause Error USRDWS 109

AHD04400 Argument Error USRDWS 111

20 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


AHD04400 Argument Error USRDWS 112

List All Shows Wrong Result USRDWS 114

Index Out-Of-Bounds USRDWS 117

Mandatory Field Not Green on Issue Detail Page USRDWS 118

Mandatory Fields Not Green USRDWS 119

Scratchpad Template Search Returns Both Active USRDWS 120

Special Characters in Problem from Incident USRDWS 121

Email Link Side-Effect when Using Web Director USRDWS 123

Service Type Displays Inactive by Default USRDWS 124

DST 2007 Changes for US and Timezone Table USRDWS 125

Modified Priority Values Not Showing Correctly USRDWS 127

Domsrvr Memory Growth from Stored Queries USRDWS 133

Font Smaller on Service Contract Detail USRDWS 134

Edit in List Problem for Required Fields USRDWS 136

Manual Notify Default Level USRDWS 138

Hotkeys Change after Refresh USRDWS 140

Cancel Announcement will Hang when Avoid Pop USRDWS 142

Default Level for Manual Notify USRDWS 143

Analysts Name Shows as UUID in Activity Detail USRDWS 144

Error Displaying Asset/CI with UAPM Asset Class USRDWS 145

Assignee and Group Consistency USRDWS 147

Analyst Tooltip Wrong after Transfer/Escalate USRDWS 148

Cannot Attach ServiceType Event USRDWS 149

Problem with Detail Report USRDWS 150

Status Showing as Dropdown in Detail Screens USRDWS 151

Profile Browser Does Not Tolerate Special Characters USRDWS 152

Symbols in Scratchpad USRDWS 154

Preserve Popup Does Not Work USRDWS 155

A New Window for the Attached Event Detail USRDWS 157

Plus Sign Causes Error in the Top Go Button USRDWS 158

Chapter 1: Welcome 21
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Type Dropdown in Scratchpad USRDWS 161

Stored Query Should Not be Allowed to Attach USRDWS 162

Login Button Unavailable on Pocket IE 5 USRDWS 164

Scoreboard label Text Color USRDWS 167

WebSeal Integration Issue USRDWS 174

Avoid Popup Causes Problem when Creating Site USRDWS 177

Backspace Key Causes No Activity Log USRDWS 178

Delay Time Missing on Service Type USRDWS 184

Unknown Message 260/261/149 On ITIL Employee USRDWS 187

ALT+@ Hotkey Sometimes Does Not Work USRDWS 188

Profile Browser Search Issue USRDWS 190

No Error Displayed on Update Children USRDWS 191

Cannot View Attachments Tab on a New Request USRDWS 192

Request Area Still Shows Up in Employee Interface USRDWS 193

Plus Sign on Subcategories Causes Hang USRDWS 196

Announcements in PDA USRDWS 197

Data Partitions Not Working for Attachments USRDWS 198

WSP Previews Wrong Form for detail_iss_wf.htmpl USRDWS 199

Quick Template Dropdown on Profile Browser USRDWS 202

Transfer Issue Focus USRDWS 203

Detail and Summary Reports Hang USRDWS 204

Priority on Change Order USRDWS 205

Quick No Review Does Review USRDWS 206

WSP Download File Fails with AHDO4663 USRDWS 207

AHD04400: Argument Error USRDWS 208

Web Report Files are Missing USRDWS 209


AHD03026 Error when Selecting an Asset USRDWS 212

Issue with Template Button USRDWS 213

Performance Problem in IE on Category Selection USRDWS 216

22 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Search of Inactive Categories USRDWS 217

Defaults of Category/Asset Not Shown USRDWS 218

Screen Reader/508 Issues USRDWS 220

Multiple Match USRDWS 221

List All Incidents/Problems Displays LIST_CR USRDWS 222

Security Function Access USRDWS 223

Profile Browser Problem when Using User by Name USRDWS 224

Location Primary_Contact_UUID USRDWS 225

Email Notification URL Redirects to Home Page USRDWS 227

Avoid Popup Causes Problems USRDWS 229

Direct Link Does Not Work if URL is Redirected USRDWS 230

SREL Field Length Always 60 USRDWS 231

Parse Error in Constraint USRDWS 232

Firefox Problem with International Characters USRDWS 233

Error Removing Link Using Web Screen Painter USRDWS 234

Employee Interface Sorting Problem USRDWS 235

Time Spent Field Stores Maximum of 99 Hours USRDWS 237

Incident Priority Default Value USRDWS 238

Hotkeys Change on profile Browser USRDWS 239

Enhancement to Members Tab of Group Records USRDWS 240

Use Template Button USRDWS 241

Web Screen Painter Update Record USRDWS 243

Non-Hier Cat Search with Wildcard Fails USRDWS 244

Misaligned Blue Bars in Request Detail USRDWS 245

Cause Active Field to Become Empty USRDWS 246

Accept Button USRDWS 247

Sorting List Incorrect USRDWS 248

Print Form Problems USRDWS 251

Date of Activity on Transfer USRDWS 254

Spelling Error in Calendar USRDWS 255

Chapter 1: Welcome 23
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Group Not Change - Request Area USRDWS 260

Quick Close and Templates USRDWS 263

Plus Sign in Model Causes Web Page to Hang USRDWS 264

Generating Unique Proc Names USRDWS 267

Employees Cannot Reopen Request USRDWS 269

Web Director Showing Wrong Form USRDWS 271

Survey Comments Truncated USRDWS 272

Column Sorting Changes Result Set USRDWS 274

Apostrophe in Template Name USRDWS 275

Inactive Not Working USRDWS 277

Request Area Shows Wrong Description USRDWS 279

Configuration Item Search Form is Blank USRDWS 281

Report Hangs USRDWS 282

Unable to Create Incident/Change Order USRDWS 284

Unable to Delete Attachment USRDWS 285

Plus Sign (+) is Unescaped in Activity Log USRDWS 286

Unable to Edit Template Properties USRDWS 287

Duplicate Analyst Names USRDWS 291

Edit menubar_sd.htmpl USRDWS 293

Invalid Where Clause for Co in Employee USRDWS 294

Live Automation in Menu without SupportBridge USRDWS 297

Profile Browser Default to Request USRDWS 298

DP Restriction Not Enforced on Attachment List USRDWS 303

Employee Search for Co USRDWS 305

Incorrect Method Refresh Cache USRDWS 306

Removal of Live Automation Feature USRDWS 307

Problem Browsing Using Mozilla USRDWS 308

Assets with Different Class But Same Name Cannot be USRDWS 309

Create New Incidents Using "Quick Incident" Button USRDWS 310

24 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


IE Popup Minimizing When Scoreboard Reloads USRDWS 312

Insert Task with CO CI USRDWS 314

Issue with Assignee Field USRDWS 316

Unable to Access Service Desk USRDWS 317

Attachment Upload Message USRDWS 318

Minus Icon Missing on Expanded Scoreboard Node USRDWS 319

LOCAL_TIME Field Problem USRDWS 323

Apostrophe in Query Label Error USRDWS 324

Incomplete Group Name Shown USRDWS 329

Edit Hotkey Does Not Work in IE7 USRDWS 330

Internal Flag on Request Detail USRDWS 332

4000 Character Manual Notification Message Body USRDWS 333

Empty Files Get Attached USRDWS 334

Quick Close from Template USRDWS 335

Update Ticket with Hacked URL USRDWS 336

Sort in List All USRDWS 337

Quick Close Using UTF-8 Characters USRDWS 339

\UserID Function Trouble USRDWS 341

Attachment Problem on Employee Customer Web USRDWS 342


Incident Parent/Child Labels USRDWS 345

ILimit Error on Group Auto Assignment USRDWS 349

CI Search Log Bad Where Clause USRDWS 350

Top Level Scoreboard Node Cannot be Selected USRDWS 351

Assignee and Group Field Becomes Blank USRDWS 352

CI Report Hangs with Outer_Join Error USRDWS 353

PDA Search Request USRDWS 354

Refreshing Profile Browser USRDWS 356

Unable to Search Using Parent USRDWS 360

Use Template Creates Undefined Chg Ref Number USRDWS 362

Chapter 1: Welcome 25
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


SupportBridge Integration USRDWS 363

Print Button on Hard Copy of Reports USRDWS 364

Search Menu Unresponsive USRDWS 365

Change Template Error when Avoid Popup Set USRDWS 367

CALL_BACK_DATE Trigger Timezone Problem USRDWS 368

Related SCOS USRDWS 369

Message on Closing All Children USRDWS 370

Detail Rpt 0 Format Error USRDWS 371

Status Not Changed when Avoid Popup Set USRDWS 375

Stored Query Count Shows ? in Employee Interface USRDWS 376

Displays ID Instead of REF_NUM USRDWS 387

Delayed Event Check Time Displayed Wrongly USRDWS 391

AHD04011 Ambiguous Go Select USRDWS 393

PDA Request Search Not Working USRDWS 394

Edit in List Save and Change All BTNS Disabled USRDWS 395

Notification History Empty after Cumulative Patches USRDWS 396

Edit in List Issue for Required Fields USRDWS 399

Update Status Link Not Working for Issues USRDWS 404

Search Inactive Notifications USRDWS 406

Profile Browser via URL-AHD04494 Error USRDWS 408

Activity Not Showing on Employee Interface USRDWS 409

WF Process "Order PC" Not Run Beyond Step 3 USRDWS 410

XSS Vulnerability in Go Button USRDWS 413

Login Button Does Not Display in Windows Mobile 6 USRDWS 414

Active to Empty Only for Closed after First Cumulative USRDWS 415

Apostrophe Truncates Text in Notification Title USRDWS 417

Security Not Checked USRDWS 418

Local Attribute Not Returned By GETOBJECT Value USRDWS 419

Stored Query Problem USRDWS 424

26 Release Notes
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Domsrvr Memory Growth when % is Specified in the Go USRDWS 426


Problem with html esc_style of pdm_fnt USRDWS 432

Local Attributes Not Returned By DOSELECT() USRDWS 434

Long Scoreboard Node Names are Wrapping USRDWS 435

Script Error When Copying Existing Request Area USRDWS 437

Change Category Security USRDWS 439

Math Argument Type MisMatch Error with Create from USRDWS 441

Adding Affected End User Causes Request Area Inactive USRDWS 444

Quick Close Ticket from Profile Browser USRDWS 446

Status Changing Using "Edit in List" USRDWS 448

Web Screen Painter Schema Error Related to S_Key USRDWS 450

All Request Areas Returned for Service Contract USRDWS 451

UserID with Trailing Space Causes Wrong Forms USRDWS 452

Error in Generated WSP_Schema USRDWS 453

Unable to View or Edit Group Members USRDWS 455

Context Menu Does Not Work on Hierarchical Items USRDWS 457

Runtime Error on Save USRDWS 461

Known Error Still Appearing USRDWS 469

Attachment Upload Fails USRDWS 472

Access Type Knowledge Tools Document Problem USRDWS 473

Korean Status Change in Edit in List Gives Parse Error USRDWS 475

Contact Having "\X" Causes Run Time Error USRDWS 477

LIST_ALL_CHANGES All Knowledge Doc Names to KT USRDWS 478

Category Name

Scoreboard Count Display Comes Left Side of the Folder USRDWS 479

Link to Names in Activity Log USRDWS 480

Images Inserted into Knowledge Documents are Not USRDWS 481


Personalized Response Issue USRDWS 482

Chapter 1: Welcome 27
Published Fixes

Summary Component Problem


Firefox Back Button USRDWS 484

"<" Character in the detail_evt.htmpl Truncates Macro USRDWS 486




pdm_wsp Tab Breaks on Dotted Notation USRDWS 491

Use Templates for Change Order Using Custom URL USRDWS 492

The "@" Character is Getting Replaced with "$" USRDWS 493

Insert Task Button Disappears When Code has Space USRDWS 494

Bad Where Clause at Announcements Search USRDWS 495

Insufficient Privilege to Access this Web Interface USRDWS 498

Unable to Submit Survey in a WebDirector System USRDWS 500

After Cumulative Patch 2 detail_bhvtpl.htmpl Lower Part USRDWS 501

Becomes Blank

Log Solution Activity Does Not Log Update Status for USRDWS 505

Stored Query with Type != USRDWS 506

Special Characters Problem with Quick Close USRDWS 508

Fields From Template Not Copied on Quick Close USRDWS 509

Lost Focus When Clicked on a Tab of a Knowledge USRDWS 510


After Webengine Crash Unable to Access SD Through USRDWS 513


Employee Cannot Reopen Issue USRDWS 514

Lag on Being Able to Use Tomcat after Webengine Restart USRDWS 516

Activities or Activity Log Entries are Occasionally Lost USRDWS 523

Where Clause in WSP Ignored During Preview USRDWS 524

Priorities Do Not Display Properly in Employee Interface USRDWS 525

Backslash Indication Changes USRDWS 527

Publishing Forms Fails with Timeout Error USRDWS 528

Web Screen Painter Error USRDWS 529

AutoFill Hier Field USRDWS 530

28 Release Notes
Product Name Change

Summary Component Problem


Data Partition for Default Constraint Does Not Work for USRDWS 534

Passing Remote User to Tomcat USRDWS 535

Viewing Problem Category to Preferred Doc for Employee USRDWS 538

Group and Assignee Do Not Change USRDWS 542

Browser Refresh Displays Wrong Popup Message on Login USRDWS 543


In Profile Browser, Auto Fill of Template Name Fails USRDWS 544

Webengine Hangs when Scoreboard Query has %5C USRDWS 546


Web Screen Painter Schema Error USRDWS 547

Catalina Logs USRDWS 549

Add Lost in Additional Where Clause USRDWS 552

Scoreboard Query of Employee Interface Fails USRDWS 553

Profile Browser Search Problem USRDWS 557

Incident/Problem/Request Wrong Parent/Child USRDWS 558


Category Font Size USRDWS 559

Error when Trying to Generate Reports USRDWS 560

Product Name Change

The product names, formerly known as Unicenter Service Desk and Unicenter
Knowledge Tools, have been changed to CA Service Desk and CA Service Desk
Knowledge Tools.

Removed Features
The following features have been removed from the CA Service Desk r12

Installed Analyst Client

The thick or Java client analyst interface has been removed and CA will
continue to focus development efforts on the web interface for all users.

Chapter 1: Welcome 29
Removed Features

Ingres Database Support

The r12 release of CA Service Desk, CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools,

and CA Service Desk Dashboard r12, does not support Ingres as a
database platform option. Migration documentation for the r11.2 version is
provided to allow customers to move to a supported platform such as
Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.

MS Access Reports

Microsoft Access pre-defined reports are not provided with CA Service

Desk and CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12. CA Business Intelligence
reporting options provide greatly enhanced functionality directly in the web


With the maturity of the web services API, the BAPI and C APIs have been

Note: For information about the Web services API, see the Web Services
User Guide r11 and the Incident and Problem Management Green Book.

Scoreboard Graphs

The new embedded reporting functionality provided by BusinessObjects

Enterprise substantially improves reporting capabilities in the web
interface and has become the preferred method for generating graphical
ad-hoc reports.

MS Windows 2000 and MS SQL Server 2000 Support

In June 2005, Microsoft ended support for Windows 2000 and is now only
offering extended support. Similarly, in April 2008 Microsoft ended support
for SQL Server 2000 and is now only offering extended support.
Organizations that plan to migrate to CA Service Desk r12 should look at
other supported server and database platforms.

Classic Security in web.cfg

With improvements to security and authentication, the classic security
option in web.cfg that allows users to login with just a userid has been
removed. This action was announced as deprecated in version 5.6 and
better options now exist within Access Types.
CA Forest & Trees Technology

With the move to web-based architecture and a browser-based interface,

Forest and Trees is no longer included with Dashboard technology in CA
Service Desk r12.

See also

CA Business Intelligence (see page 34)

30 Release Notes
Deprecated Features

Deprecated Features
The following features have been deprecated from the CA Service Desk r12

Change Impact Analyzer

The Change Impact Analyzer is fully supported in this release. However,

support will be removed in a future release. All of the documented
components and features that are described and listed in the
Implementation Guide will be deprecated, including the following:

■ The import of business process views from CA NSM WorldView

■ The export of configuration items to CA NSM WorldView

■ CA NSM repository configuration

■ Mapping Change Impact Analyzer relationship classes to CA NSM

managed object classes

■ Status synchronization

■ Associated utilities such as pdm_nsmimp.exe and


The Change Impact Analyzer functionality can also be achieved using

Management Database and related products such as the CA Service
Availability Managed Assistant (SAMA).

Renamed Reports
The following table lists the version r11.2 reports that have been renamed in
CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12:

Unicenter Knowledge Tools CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools

report name in version r11.2 report name in version r12

Documents Solving Issues/Request Documents Solving Issues Detail

Documents Solving Requests Detail

Documents Solving Issues/Requests Documents Solving Issues

Documents Solving Requests

Documents by Status Detail Documents by Status

Documents Solving Issues/Requests Documents Solving Issues by Contact

by Contact
Documents Solving Requests by

Chapter 1: Welcome 31
Renamed Reports

Unicenter Knowledge Tools CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools

report name in version r11.2 report name in version r12

Documents Solving Issues/Requests Documents Solving Issues by Contact

by Contact Detail Detail

Documents Solving Requests by

Contact Detail

Issues Not Resolved Issues Closed Without Knowledge

Requests Closed Without Knowledge

32 Release Notes
Chapter 2: New CA Service Desk
Features and Enhancements
This section contains the following topics:

Role-Based User Interface (see page 33)

Multi-Tenancy (see page 34)
CA Business Intelligence (see page 34)
Key Performance Indicators (see page 36)
Change Order Schedules (see page 36)
Expanded Workflow Features (see page 37)
LDAP Bulk Load Utility (see page 37)
New Installation Program (see page 37)
Area and Category Property Enhancements (see page 38)
Time Zone Management (see page 38)
ITIL Compliance Improvements (see page 39)
IPv6 Support (see page 39)
Enhanced Federal Requirements Regulations (see page 39)
Notification Enhancements (see page 39)
Web Screen Painter Enhancements (see page 40)

Role-Based User Interface

The CA Service Desk user interface now provides role-based views of the
product functionality. Each user with access to the system is assigned a role,
based on their duties within the support process.

The role-based user interface not only improves navigation and usability,
allowing users to focus on their key tasks, it also enhances security and helps
simplify segregation of duties.

Predefined roles are installed with the product, configured to provide the
targeted access rights and views required by administrators, managers,
analysts, employees and customers. You can use them as installed, modify
them to meet your needs, and create new role definitions as the need arises in
Security and Role Management.

Note: Each predefined role has a corresponding help set, which provides
online help content tailored to the role's needs.

Chapter 2: New CA Service Desk Features and Enhancements 33


Multi-tenancy is a new feature in CA Service Desk r12 that provides the ability
for multiple independent tenants to share a single implementation of CA
Service Desk. With multi-tenancy, tenants cannot see or update each other's
data. Each tenant views the CA Service Desk implementation as solely for its
own use.

This feature lets you share hardware and application support resources, vastly
reducing the cost of both, while gaining most of the benefits of an independent

Note: For information about setting up Multi-tenancy for your organization,

see the Administration Guide.

CA Business Intelligence
CA Business Intelligence is a new server-based reporting solution that enables
the creation, management, and delivery of both interactive, web-based reports
and build-your-own, ad hoc reports. This reporting solution supports a variety
of common data sources, such as SQL Server, Oracle, Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC), as well as multiple output formats, such as familiar Web
browsers and Microsoft applications.

CA Business Intelligence uses the BusinessObjects Enterprise as the default

reporting system. Predefined CA Service Desk and CA Service Desk Knowledge
Tools reports are viewed using InfoView and Web Intelligence (WebI). WebI is
a reporting tool built into the BusinessObjects Enterprise.

Note: Although Crystal reports are delivered as the primary component of CA

Business Intelligence, the Crystal Reports XI software is not delivered with CA
Service Desk. Crystal Reports XI is a separately licensed product that can be
purchased from BusinessObjects, and used in conjunction with CA Business
Intelligence. Microsoft Access pre-defined reports are no longer developed or
provided with CA Service Desk.

CA Business Intelligence integrated with BusinessObjects Enterprise supports

the following reporting scenarios:

Role-based reporting

From the CA Service Desk Reports tab, authorized users can view reports
defined for their role, then click the InfoView button to manage their
personal reports in BusinessObjects InfoView. CA Service Desk uses the
InfoView interface to collect, organize, and present information in report
formats. In InfoView, predefined reports are grouped in public folders.

34 Release Notes
CA Business Intelligence

Web-based reporting

Web-based reports are predefined reports in CA Service Desk and CA

Service Desk Knowledge Tools. They are developed with either
BusinessObjects WebI or Crystal Reports. The reports are accessed in
InfoView and can be used as models for defining site-specific reports.

Ad hoc reporting

Ad hoc reports are created and administered from InfoView using a WebI
plugin-based interface. You can store and manage reports in a personal
workspace (My Folders). Ad hoc reporting is intended for users who want
to create basic reports easily without writing queries. WebI uses
predefined report models and templates that manage data connections,
querying, and data relationships, so you need only drag and drop data
fields onto a template to create tabular or matrix reports.

With ad hoc reporting, you can perform the following tasks:

■ Publish reports to a secure central repository that is available to all CA

Service Desk users.

■ Save reports for reuse or distribute them to other users.

■ Drill down into the report.

■ Use a thin client to accomplish the following:

■ Web authoring for ad hoc queries

■ Web-based report deployment

Note: For installation and configuration information, see the CA Business

Intelligence Installation Guide and the Implementation Guide.

See also

Administering Reports (see page 35)

CA Business Intelligence Supported Operating Systems (see page 65)

Administering Reports

The two primary components of BusinessObjects Enterprise used in

administering, monitoring, and configuring the reporting environment are as


A web interface that lets you interact with reports by viewing, running, and
scheduling report types including, but not limited to, Web Intelligence
(WebI). WebI reports are created and administered from InfoView using a
WebI plugin-based interface.

Chapter 2: New CA Service Desk Features and Enhancements 35

Key Performance Indicators

Central Management Console (CMC)

The main administrative facility for BusinessObjects. It provides access to

all BusinessObjects administration functions. Using the CMC, you can
deploy reports and configure security.

Note: For more information about these reporting components, see the
Administration Guide.

Key Performance Indicators

The CA Service Desk r12 interface now provides Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) that you can include in web-based reports.

KPIs are metrics you can use to identify areas of your service management
environment that may require administrative attention or configuration tuning.
The data produced by KPIs is stored in the CA Service Desk database and is
available for producing web-based reports.

In addition to defining KPI queries, you can configure the KPI features to
retrieve CA Service Desk ticket data whenever a ticket is opened, closed, or
certain fields are modified.

By defining and monitoring a well planned set of KPIs, you can measure
progress toward your organization's performance-related goals, and gather
valuable data for driving strategic decisions about your IT environment.

Change Order Schedules

Change Order Schedules is a new feature in CA Service Desk r12 that allows
you to specify the ITIL change type such as Emergency or Standard, as well as
provide a start date and duration to your change orders.

The scheduling feature provides analysts, managers and administrators the

ability to view a visual representation of the change schedule within CA
Service Desk and CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools as change orders,
resources and knowledge documents.

Note: For information on setting up the change order schedule, see the
Administration Guide.

36 Release Notes
Expanded Workflow Features

Expanded Workflow Features

In CA Service Desk r12, automated workflow functionality has been expanded
to include all ticket types (Requests, Incidents, Problems, Change Orders, and

In previous releases, only Change Orders and Issues supported automated

workflow. These ticket types continue to support both CA Workflow and the
internal CA Service Desk "classic workflow" functionality.

LDAP Bulk Load Utility

CA Service Desk support for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) has
been expanded to provide bulk load importing of LDAP user records,
regardless of whether a matching CA Service Desk Contact record already

Another enhancement pertains to how the CA Service Desk LDAP

implementation performs authentication. The previous implementation used an
unencrypted authentication method. With CA Service Desk r12, you can install
a new option that enables an encrypted form of authentication based on
Transport Layer Security (TLS).

New Installation Program

The CA Service Desk r12 installer includes the following enhancements:
■ Cross-platform support (Windows, UNIX, Linux)
■ Tabbed user interface installer, with tabs for Overview, Documentation,
Product Installations, and Support
■ Simplified installation wizard pages

Chapter 2: New CA Service Desk Features and Enhancements 37

Area and Category Property Enhancements

The following applications can be installed through this interface:

■ CA Service Desk
■ CA Management Database
■ Web Screen Painter
■ CA Embedded Entitlements Manager
■ CA Workflow
■ CA Business Intelligence
■ CA Network and Systems Management Integration
■ FAST Enterprise Search Platform (ESP)

Note: Web Screen Painter and CA Network and System Management

Integration are not available with the Beta release of CA Service Desk r12.

Area and Category Property Enhancements

In CA Service Desk r12, you can assign property templates to CA Service Desk
change categories, issue categories, and request areas in order to customize
the information tracked with each ticket. Prior to this release, property
templates supported only a text entry box for entering custom property
values. The text that users entered could not be validated. With this release,
two mechanisms are available for validating property value entries.

Administrators can define the validation type for a custom property as a check
box or drop-down list. For the drop-down list type of validation, the
administrator defines the list of valid options.

Time Zone Management

In CA Service Desk r12, you can set up specific time zones for servers, service
types, contacts, and locations in your CA Service Desk system.

Time zone settings allow you to set up local service types that apply to a
specific time zone and global service types that apply across the entire
enterprise. It also eliminates the need for the administrator to know the time
zone of a server and manually adjust the work shift times to fit different time

38 Release Notes
ITIL Compliance Improvements

ITIL Compliance Improvements

CA Service Desk r12 contains the following ITIL compliance improvements:
■ Separate interface configurations are available for customers, guests and

■ ITIL configurations are default in new installations of CA Service Desk. In

an ITIL configuration, you can create requests, change orders, issues,
incidents and problems.

■ Activity Log Security is available for the following ticket types: requests,
change orders, issues, incidents and problems. This option allows you to
track changes on all ticket types.

■ In previous releases of CA Service Desk, the personal digital assistant

(PDA) interface only supported requests, change orders and issues. The
r12 PDA interface supports ITIL terminology for all ticket types.

IPv6 Support
CA Service Desk r12 provides support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).

The TCP IP Protocol option value specified during the server configuration is
controlled through the NX.env file that resides in the NX_Root directory.

Note: For information on how to change the TCP IP Protocol value, see the
Administration Guide.

Enhanced Federal Requirements Regulations

CA Service Desk r12 uses a FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption method to meet
US Federal Government standards for data encryption. If you require FIPS
140-2 compliance in your environment, you can enable Base 64 encryption for
your database passwords.

Notification Enhancements
CA Service Desk r12 contains the following notification enhancements:

Notification Rules

You can define new notification rules for requests, incidents, problems,
change orders, and issues. With notification rules, you can specify who is
automatically notified, and under which circumstances. You can also define
a message that identifies the ticket activity or event that has occurred.

Chapter 2: New CA Service Desk Features and Enhancements 39

Web Screen Painter Enhancements

Configuration Item Notifications

When you define a notification rule for an activity notification, you can
include contacts assigned to manage configuration items when setting up

Previous Assignee Notifications

When you define an activity notification, you can specify values in the
notification rule that will notify the previous assignee or group, and much
more, when an event activity occurs.

Note: For more information about notification rules, see the Administration

Web Screen Painter Enhancements

CA Service Desk r12 contains the following enhancements for Web Screen

Menu Designer

You can add a toolbar icon and tooltip information to menus.

Note: For information about the Menu Designer, see the Web Screen
Painter Help.

Role-Based User Interface

You can create multi-frame templates for different roles.

Note: For information about multi-frame templates, see the

Implementation Guide.


You can add tenant-specific information to a form on the Table Info tab of
Web Screen Painter.

A Service Provider Eligible option has been added to the Web Screen
Painter Schema Designer, which can be used in forms maintained and not
maintained by Web Screen Painter.

Activity Log Security

$NX_ACTIVITY_LOG_SECURITY has been added to various attributes.

Note: For information about activity log security, see the Administration

40 Release Notes
Chapter 3: New CA Service Desk
Knowledge Tools Features and
This section contains the following topics:

New Feature Requirements (see page 41)

FAST ESP Search Engine (see page 41)
Search Enhancements (see page 43)
Knowledge Center Support (see page 44)
Knowledge Lifecycle Schedule (see page 44)
CA Service Desk Scoreboard Query Enhancements (see page 44)
Editing Enhancements (see page 45)
Forums (see page 46)
Knowledge Report Card Enhancements (see page 46)
Recommended Documents (see page 46)
Export and Import Feature (see page 47)
Reports and Metrics (see page 47)

New Feature Requirements

To use the new features presented in this section, you must have a full CA
Service Desk Knowledge Tools license. You must also install and configure the
new FAST ESP search engine, which provides search capabilities for new
features and support for Multi-Byte Character Set (MBCS) languages.

If not licensed, CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools will be limited to the default
search engine and its basic Keyword Search functionality.

Note: For information on managing Keyword Search, see the Administration

Guide. For information on installing and configuring the FAST ESP search
engine, see the Implementation Guide.

FAST ESP Search Engine

FAST ESP Search is a new optional search engine in CA Service Desk
Knowledge Tools r12 that allows analysts and knowledge managers to search
in the following knowledge sources:
■ Knowledge documents with multiple attachments.

■ Analyst forums.

Chapter 3: New CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools Features and Enhancements 41

FAST ESP Search Engine

■ Knowledge files (.pdf, .zip, .xls, .exe, .html, .img, .msg, .ppt, .rtf, .txt,
.avi, .doc, and .xml).

■ Free text content (unstructured knowledge) related to a problem or


■ Service desk issues, incidents, and problems.

■ Web sites or file systems. The search engine will catalog and index the
content contained in external repositories.

In addition, administrators can create recommended documents that

employees and customers can find when they specify criteria about an item of

■ When you log into FAST ESP for the first time, you must use the user
name "admin" with no password. After this initial login, you can change
the default user to what you specified in the FAST ESP installation
(SDKTfast). For more information about the initial FAST ESP login, see the
FAST ESP Home Guide.
■ A full CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools license is required to use the FAST
ESP search engine.

■ The FAST ESP documentation covers several install scenarios, but CA

Service Desk only supports FAST ESP integration when it is installed from
the CA Service Desk installation media.

■ When integrating with CA Service Desk, you must install Option Manager
options on the Primary server webengine, as options set using a
Secondary server webengine will not install properly.

■ The FAST ESP LinguisticsStudio provides synonym support on Windows

and Linux. Before installing the FAST ESP LinguisticsStudio utility, you
must install Sun's JDK6 and Eclipse's Platform SDK files. FAST ESP does
not distribute licenses of these products. When you download the required
software from the other vendors, you must agree to their specific licensing
and terms of use.

Note: For information on the FAST ESP installation prerequisites, such as

supported hardware and OS platforms, as well as installing and configuring
FAST ESP, see the FAST ESP Installation Guide.

See also

Increase the Search Capabilities (see page 43)

Support for Multi-Byte Character Set Search (see page 43)

42 Release Notes
Search Enhancements

Increase the Search Capabilities

When you install the FAST ESP search engine in CA Service Desk to improve
your knowledge searches, the default license agreement for the search engine
specifies the following search limitations:
■ Two searches a second
■ Two million indexed objects

If you need to increase the default search capabilities specified by your license
agreement, contact FAST and purchase additional licenses at

Support for Multi-Byte Character Set Search

The search feature in previous versions of CA Service Desk did not perform
language-specific linguistic parsing of Multi-Byte Character Set (MBCS)

The FAST ESP search engine provides support for MBCS.

Search Enhancements
CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12 contains the following search
■ To avoid creating duplicate information, the Find Similar tab has been
added to the Document Editor. Use this tab to search for related
documents or service desk tickets that may contain knowledge solutions.

■ Search related to incident inquiries has been improved.

■ To encourage self-service, many new search options have been added to

the customer, employee, and analyst interfaces. For example, in the
analyst interface, the "Did you mean?" link has been added to Spell
Checker. In the customer interface, the "More about your search" link has
been added to the Knowledge Document Search page.

■ For security and role management, you can define the stage by which
users can view and search for documents during their lifecycle. These
stages include Draft, Retired, and Published documents.

Chapter 3: New CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools Features and Enhancements 43

Knowledge Center Support

Knowledge Center Support

Knowledge Center Support for CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12 include
the following enhancements:

Automated Policies

Administrators can automate certain tasks in the knowledge document

approval process based on the document lifecycle policies and actions they

Document Visibility

Administrators can define how users search for knowledge documents in

various stages of their lifecycle.

Flag and Fix

Authorized users can identify content that should be fixed and notify the
appropriate document owners.

Knowledge Lifecycle Schedule

The Knowledge Management Schedule shows only specific dates, instead of
showing start and end times, like the Change Order Schedule. For more
information, see Change Order Schedules (see page 36).

You can schedule the following events for a Knowledge Document:

■ Submission
■ Publication
■ Review
■ Expiration

Note: For information about the knowledge management schedule, see the
Knowledge Tools Administration Guide.

CA Service Desk Scoreboard Query Enhancements

The Knowledge Documents node on the CA Service Desk Scoreboard contains
new scoreboard query items that allow users to find documents and follow-up
comments that are assigned to them. This node is the central repository for
documents in all statues including saved and assigned draft and rework-draft

The analyst role can view new scoreboard items that will help them manage
their follow-up comments.

44 Release Notes
Editing Enhancements

The administrator role can view new scoreboard items that will help them
monitor unindexed documents, unassigned documents, and automated

Editing Enhancements
CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12 contains the following key editing

Action Content

Administrators can create "action content" (a live URL) that can be

inserted into the Resolution field of a knowledge document that, when
clicked by the end user, creates a new incident, or performs some other
action. Using action content, a substantial degree of definition and
classification can be achieved without the user even realizing it.

Fix Broken Links

Administrators can run a document lifecycle report from the Automated

Policies node on the CA Service Desk scoreboard to view broken links
found in documents. They can drill down into each document and decide
whether to fix the problem or assign it to an analyst for follow-up. The
analyst can open the document and use Find/Replace to locate broken

Document Versioning

An analyst with editing privileges can create a rework-draft version of a

published document while the document is online and available for
searches. A rework version starts as a copy of the document that is
replaced in the knowledge base after it is verified and republished. The
need to unpublish the document first is avoided.

In addition, an analyst with editing privileges can save draft versions,

rollback to a previous version, and track versions that are saved, deleted,
and archived on the Versions tab.

Image Security

Administrators can manage the image library by setting user permissions

to the image or the image directory. After the image is inserted into a
document all users with permission to open the document can view the

Chapter 3: New CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools Features and Enhancements 45


In CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12, forums is a new feature that allows
you to communicate about existing support issues with other groups. Using
forums allow documents to be globally shared or shared among predefined
groups that work together in knowledge-sharing and brainstorming over
existing challenges.

Forums broaden the scope of knowledge contributions by allowing discussion

on general questions, usability tips, and so on.

Knowledge Report Card Enhancements

CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12 contains the following Knowledge Report
Card enhancements:
■ Users and groups are compared based on the content they create in
Knowledge Management.

■ Metrics reporting has been improved so analysts can quickly understand

and interpret their results.

■ For quality management, automated email notifications are sent to alert

the analyst or manager when requests, incidents, problems, change
orders, and issues are closed and when search results are not returned. In
addition, content with low ratings or poor survey results are returned in
the Report Card results.

Recommended Documents
In CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools r12, employees and customers can
specify criteria about an item of interest and the search engine will find the
matching knowledge documents and display them on the search results page
as a set of "recommended document" links. The search query can be
expressed as a keyword or set of words (phrase) that identify the desired
concept that one or more documents may contain.

In Knowledge Administration, administrators can create recommended

documents that users can find when they specify criteria about an item of

46 Release Notes
Export and Import Feature

Export and Import Feature

The Knowledge Export/Import Tool (KEIT) is a tool for migration and
synchronization of data between different CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools
systems and will enable export and import of Knowledge Documents.

You can create KEIT templates to define an export and import transaction.

Note: The Knowledge Export/Import Tool replaces the pdm_kit utility used in
previous releases to import knowledge from third party vendors or user-
defined formats. For more information on setting up the Export and Import
feature, see the CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools Administration Guide.

Reports and Metrics

CA Business Intelligence installs a set of predefined reports for CA Service
Desk Knowledge Tools. These reports are automatically deployed to the CA
Business Intelligence reporting server after installation.

Note: For information on managing these reports, see the Administration


See also

CA Business Intelligence (see page 34)

Chapter 3: New CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools Features and Enhancements 47

Chapter 4: Documentation
This section contains the following topics:

What You Need to Know About the Documentation (see page 49)
Documentation Changes (see page 51)
Role-Based Online Help (see page 52)
Release Numbers on Documentation (see page 54)

What You Need to Know About the Documentation

Most of the CA Service Desk documentation is provided in Portable Document
File (PDF) format. The PDF format lets you search for the information you
need, and print entire guides or only part of a guide.

The following PDF documents are installed with CA Service Desk:

■ Implementation Guide
■ CA Business Intelligence Installation Guide

■ Administration Guide

■ Knowledge Tools Administration Guide

■ Technical Reference Guide

■ CA Management Database Overview

■ Release Notes

Note: Documentation for the CA Service Desk Web Interface client is in HTML
online help format. For more information, see Role-Based Online Help (see
page 52).

Where to Find Documentation

You can access the CA Service Desk documentation in the following locations:
■ The Docs directory on the CA Service Desk menu

For example: Start>All Programs>CA>Service Desk>Documentation

■ The Doc directory on the CA Service Desk installation media

■ The BI Installation Guide on the installation media (DVD) for the CA

Business Intelligence Reports
■ Technical Support at

Chapter 4: Documentation 49
What You Need to Know About the Documentation

Documentation PDF Filenames

The filenames for the PDF guides are as follows:

Guide Name File Name

Administration Guide ServiceDesk_Admin_ENU.pdf

CA Management Database Overview MDB_Overview_ENU.pdf

Implementation Guide ServiceDesk_Impl_ENU.pdf

Knowledge Tools Administration Guide ServiceDesk_KT_Admin_ENU.pdf

Release Notes ServiceDesk_Release_ENU.pdf

Technical Reference Guide ServiceDesk_Tech_Ref_ENU.pdf

CA Business Intelligence Installation CA_BusinessIntelligence_Install_ENU

Guide .pdf

How to View and Search PDFs

To view PDF files, you must download and install Adobe Reader from the
Adobe website if it is not already installed on your computer.

For your convenience, we also index the PDF files with Adobe Acrobat. If you
open a PDF file in Adobe Reader and run the search, Acrobat will search the
entire PDF documentation set and link you to individual instances of the search

50 Release Notes
Documentation Changes

Documentation Changes
The CA Service Desk r12 documentation has been reorganized to help you
easily find the information you need. The number of PDF guides has been
reduced, giving you fewer places to look for information.

The following table lists the guides provided with CA Service Desk r11.2 and
CA Service Desk r12:

Version r11.2 Guides Version r12 Guides

Administrator Guide Administrator Guide

Implementation Guide Implementation Guide

ITIL User Guide Knowledge Tools Administration Guide

Knowledge Tools Administration Management Database Overview

Technical Reference Guide
Modification Guide
Business Intelligence Guide
Management Database
Release Notes
Overview Guide

Web Services User Guide

Release Impact Guide


Content Changes

The following table lists the content changes with CA Service Desk r12:

Version r11.2 Guides Documentation Changes for r12

ITIL User Guide ITIL is now the default setup for CA Service
Desk. Content has been dispersed across the
documentation set.

Web Services User Guide Content has been dispersed into the following

■ Implementation Guide, Chapter 7: Managing

Web Services

■ Technical Reference Guide, Chapter 7: Web

Services Methods

Chapter 4: Documentation 51
Role-Based Online Help

Version r11.2 Guides Documentation Changes for r12

Modification Guide There is a new Technical Reference Guide that

contains database tables, columns, objects,
attributes, and schema descriptions. It consists
of content previously included in the Modification
Guide, Administrator Guide, Web Services Guide,
and Release Impact Guide.

Release Impact Guide Content has been dispersed into the Release
Notes and Technical Reference Guide.

Role-Based Online Help

The CA Service Desk user interface now provides role-based online help. Each
predefined user interface role has a corresponding help set. Help sets are
collections of online help topics that provide documentation for the
functionality that is accessible to a particular role.

Administrators can customize the predefined help sets and create new help
sets by selecting content from the list of available topics.

CA Service Desk provides the following predefined roles and their

corresponding help sets:


Has full CA Service Desk and Knowledge Tools administrator access to all
functionality in the product.

Change Manager

Responsible for the CA Service Desk change management process, but not
typically focused on managing the analysts who work on change order


Has the external access required to perform basic self-service tasks such
as opening and tracking tickets.

Customer Service Manager

Responsible for managing Customer Service Representatives and the

external support process.

Customer Service Representative

Responsible for supporting users external to the organization, most often


52 Release Notes
Role-Based Online Help


Has the external access required to perform basic self-service tasks such
as opening and tracking tickets.

Incident Manager (ITIL only)

Responsible for monitoring the ITIL incident management process, but not
typically focused on managing the analysts who work on incident tickets.

Knowledge Management Administrator

Responsible for configuring and monitoring the knowledge management


Knowledge Manager

Responsible for knowledge document reassignments and escalations, and

managing day-to-day administrative aspects of the knowledge
management process.

Knowledge Analyst

Responsible for one or more steps within the knowledge management


Level 1 Analyst

Responsible for the first line of support within the internal organization
that aligns with the ITIL process.

Level 2 Analyst

Responsible for second-line support. This is typically a subject matter

expert that focuses only on a certain areas of incidents/problems.

Problem Manager (ITIL only)

Responsible for monitoring the ITIL problem management process, but not
typically focused on managing the analysts who work on problem tickets.

Service Desk Administrator

Responsible for managing the data and processes related to the CA

Service Desk application.

Service Desk Manager

Manages people who work on CA Service Desk. This user typically

manages Level 1 Analysts and handles escalations.

System Administrator

Responsible for such tasks as implementing, configuring and adapting the

CA Service Desk application.

Tenant Administrator

Administers the CA Service Desk components specific to their tenancy.

Chapter 4: Documentation 53
Release Numbers on Documentation

Vendor Analyst

Responsible for external vendor or service provider tasks. This is often a

hardware vendor who is assigned requests or incidents specific to their

Release Numbers on Documentation

The release number on the title page of a document might not correspond to
the current product release number; however, all documentation delivered
with the product, regardless of release number on the title page, will support
your use of the current product release. The release number changes only
when a significant portion of a document changes to support a new or updated
product release. If no substantive changes are made to a document, the
release number does not change. For example, a document for r11 may still
be valid for r11.1 or even r12. Documentation bookshelves always reflect the
current product release number.

Occasionally, we must update documentation outside of a new or updated

release. To indicate a minor change to the documentation that does not
invalidate it for any releases that it supports, we update the edition number on
the cover page. First editions do not have an edition number.

54 Release Notes
Chapter 5: System Information
This section contains the following topics:

Operating Systems (see page 55)

Client Platforms (see page 60)
Web Browsers (see page 61)
Database Management Systems (see page 62)
System Requirements (see page 63)
FAST ESP Hardware Requirements (see page 64)
CA Business Intelligence Supported Operating Systems (see page 65)

Operating Systems
The following tables list all operating systems that are supported by CA
Service Desk r12. CA supports each operating system for the duration of its
life cycle (as determined by its manufacturer) or until CA announces that we
no longer support it.

For CA Service Desk r12, consider the following:

■ CA Business Intelligence installation is limited to Windows platforms. You
can, however, integrate CA Business Intelligence with CA Service Desk on
all supported platforms.
■ Fast ESP installation is limited to Windows and Linux platforms. You can,
however, integrate CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools with FAST ESP on all
supported platforms.

Note: For more information on integrating products with CA Service Desk

and CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools, see the Implementation Guide.
■ CA Service Desk requires 8.3 File Name Creation.

Note: For detailed information on configuring File Name Creation and the
disable8dot3 registry entry, see your operating system's Online Help and
support documentation.

Chapter 5: System Information 55

Operating Systems

HP-UX Operating Systems

CA Service Desk r12 supports the following HP-UX operating systems:

Release Version CA Service Knowledge CA Business CA Embedded CA

Desk and Tools and Intelligence Entitlements Workflow
Knowledge FAST ESP and Business Manager (CA 1.1.5 SP4
Tools r12 Search Engine Objects EEM)
Enterprise XI

11.31 PA-RISC Yes No No No Yes


11.23 PA-RISC Yes No No No Yes


Note: For CA Service Desk r12, consider the following:

■ Although we do not support installing FAST ESP on HP-UX, you can

integrate CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools with FAST ESP.

■ Although we do not support installing CA Business Intelligence on HP-

UX, you can integrate CA Service Desk with CA Business Intelligence.

■ CA Workflow 1.1.5 SP4 server installation is supported on HP-UX;

however, you must install the CA Workflow IDE client on Windows and
Linux platforms.

For more information on integrating products with CA Service Desk and CA

Service Desk Knowledge Tools, see the Implementation Guide.

IBM AIX Operation Systems

CA Service Desk r12 supports the following IBM AIX operating systems:

Release Version CA Service Knowledge CA Business CA Embedded CA

Desk and Tools and Intelligence Entitlements Workflow
Knowledge FAST ESP and Business Manager (CA 1.1.5 SP4
Tools r12 Search Engine Objects EEM)
Enterprise XI

6.1 (64-bit) Yes No No No No

5.2 (64-bit) Yes No No Yes Yes

5.3 (64-bit) Yes No No Yes Yes

56 Release Notes
Operating Systems

Note: For CA Service Desk r12, consider the following:

■ Although we do not support installing FAST ESP on AIX, you can

integrate CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools with FAST ESP.

■ Although we do not support installing CA Business Intelligence on AIX,

you can integrate CA Service Desk with CA Business Intelligence.

■ CA Workflow 1.1.5 SP4 server installation is supported on AIX;

however, you must install the CA Workflow IDE client on Windows and
Linux platforms.

For more information on integrating products with CA Service Desk and CA

Service Desk Knowledge Tools, see the Implementation Guide.

Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

CA Service Desk r12 supports the following Microsoft Windows operating


Release Version CA Service Knowledge CA Business CA Embedded CA

Desk and Tools and Intelligence Entitlements Workflow
Knowledge FAST ESP and Business Manager (CA 1.1.5 SP4
Tools r12 Search Objects EEM)
Engine Enterprise XI

Windows (32-bit) Yes No No No Yes


Windows (64-bit) Yes No No No Yes


Windows R2 (32- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Server bit)

Windows R2 (64- Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Server bit)

Windows SP2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

2003 (32-bit)

Windows SP2 Yes Yes Yes No Yes

2003 (64-bit)

Chapter 5: System Information 57

Operating Systems

Note: For CA Service Desk r12, consider the following:

■ Although we do not support FAST ESP on Windows 2008, you can

integrate CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools with FAST ESP.

■ Although we do not support CA Business Intelligence on Windows

2008, you can integrate CA Service Desk with CA Business

For more information on integrating products with CA Service Desk and CA

Service Desk Knowledge Tools, see the Implementation Guide.

Redhat Enterprise Linux Operating Systems

CA Service Desk r12 supports the following Redhat Enterprise Linux operating

Release Version CA Service Knowledge CA Business CA Embedded CA

Desk and Tools and Intelligence Entitlements Workflow
Knowledge FAST ESP and Business Manager (CA 1.1.5 SP4
Tools r12 Search Engine Objects EEM)
Enterprise XI

3.0 x86 Yes Yes No Yes No


4.0 x86 Yes Yes No Yes Yes


4.0 x86 Yes Yes No No Yes


5.0 x86 Yes No No No Yes


5.0 x86 Yes No No No Yes


Note: For CA Service Desk r12, consider the following:

■ Although we do not support installing FAST ESP on Redhat Linux 5.0,

you can integrate CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools with FAST ESP.

■ Although we do not support installing CA Business Intelligence on

Redhat Linux, you can integrate CA Service Desk with CA Business

For more information on integrating products with CA Service Desk and CA

Service Desk Knowledge Tools, see the Implementation Guide.

58 Release Notes
Operating Systems

SuSe Linux (SLES) Operating Systems

CA Service Desk r12 supports the following SuSe Linux operating systems:

Release Version CA Service Knowledge CA Business CA Embedded CA

Desk and Tools and Intelligence Entitlements Workflow
Knowledge FAST ESP and Business Manager (CA 1.1.5 SP4
Tools r12 Search Engine Objects EEM)
Enterprise XI

9 x86 (32- Yes Yes No No Yes


9 x86 (64- Yes Yes No No Yes


10 SP1 x86 Yes Yes No No Yes


10 SP1 x86 Yes Yes No No Yes


Note: Although we do not support CA Business Intelligence on SuSe Linux,

you can integrate CA Service Desk with CA Business Intelligence. For more
information on integrating products with CA Service Desk and CA Service Desk
Knowledge Tools, see the Implementation Guide.

Sun Solaris Operating Systems

CA Service Desk r12 supports the following Sun Solaris operating systems:

Release Version CA Service Knowledge CA Business CA Embedded CA

Desk and Tools and Intelligence Entitlements Workflow
Knowledge FAST ESP and Business Manager (CA 1.1.5 SP4
Tools r12 Search Engine Objects EEM)
Enterprise XI

9 SPARC Yes No No Yes Yes


10 SPARC Yes No No Yes Yes


Chapter 5: System Information 59

Client Platforms

Note: For CA Service Desk r12, consider the following:

■ Although we do not support installing FAST ESP on Solaris, you can

integrate CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools with FAST ESP.

■ Although we do not support installing CA Business Intelligence on

Solaris, you can integrate CA Service Desk with CA Business

■ CA Workflow 1.1.5 SP4 server installation is supported on Solaris;

however, you must install the CA Workflow IDE client on Windows and
Linux platforms.

For more information on integrating products with CA Service Desk and CA

Service Desk Knowledge Tools, see the Implementation Guide.

VMware Operating Systems

CA Service Desk r12 supports the following VMware operating systems:

Release Version CA Service Knowledge CA Business CA Embedded CA

Desk and Tools and Intelligence Entitlements Workflow
Knowledge FAST ESP and Business Manager (CA 1.1.5 SP4
Tools r12 Search Engine Objects EEM)
Enterprise XI

ESX 3 Special Case Special Case Special Case No Special

Server Case

Client Platforms
In addition to the operating systems listed for server support, the CA Service
Desk web client is supported on the following operating systems:

Microsoft Windows

Release Version/Level

Windows XP SP2

Windows Vista GA version

60 Release Notes
Web Browsers

Note: Microsoft no longer supports Windows 2000.

Apple MacIntosh

Release Version/Level

MAC OS X (Firefox and Safari)

Note: Safari is supported on the

customer, employee, and guest interface.

Web Browsers
The following tables list all web browsers that are supported by CA Service
Desk r12. CA supports each web browser for the duration of its life cycle (as
determined by its manufacturer) or until CA announces that we no longer
support it.


OS Platform Release

All 2 and 3

Note: In CA Business Intelligence, if you plan

to access BusinessObjects InfoView with
Firefox, review the BusinessObjects
Enterprise XI Release 2 Supported Platforms
for Windows document for your operating
system and Business Objects release level.
The supported platform is Firefox 2 with Java
Virtual Machine (Java Runtime) 1.5.0_xx and
1.6.0_02+ to access InfoView.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

OS Platform Release

Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 6 SP1, SP2

Internet Explorer 7

Chapter 5: System Information 61

Database Management Systems


OS Platform Release

Microsoft Windows 3.0 (self-service interface only)

Mac 3.0 (self-service interface only)

Note: On older browsers, an addition blank window may appear when viewing
attachments, and you will have to close this window manually.

Database Management Systems

The following tables list the database management systems that are supported
by CA Service Desk r12.

Note: The CA Service Desk r12 installation media does not contain an
embedded version of Ingres to install. This database is no longer supported.

Microsoft SQL Server

OS Platform DBMS Release

Microsoft Windows (32-bit, 64-bit) 2005 SP2

Microsoft Windows (32-bit, 64-bit) 2008


OS Platform DBMS Release

All (32-bit, 64-bit) 10gr2 and 11g

Note: Oracle does not support case insensitive indexes for asset registration.

62 Release Notes
System Requirements

System Requirements
The following requirements must be met or exceeded for CA Service Desk r12
server to install and run properly:

Hardware Requirements

CPU Single Processor 2.0 GHz minimum, Dual Processor 2.0

GHz preferred.

RAM 2 GB minimum, 4 GB preferred.

Disk Space 2 GB

Database Size Hardware Requirements

Small - Used for installing CPU Single Processor 2.0 GHz minimum.
Service Desk in a test

RAM 2 GB minimum.

Disk Space 4 GB minimum will increase over

time to accommodate database

Medium - The Service CPU Dual Processor 2.0 GHz.

Desk default. The
recommended setting for
most Service Desk

RAM 2 GB minimum, 4 GB preferred.

Disk Space 4 GB minimum will increase over

time to accommodate database

Large - Used for large CPU Quad Processor 2.0 GHz.

Service Desk

RAM 4 GB minimum.

Disk Space 4 GB minimum will increase over

time to accommodate database

Chapter 5: System Information 63

FAST ESP Hardware Requirements

Note: At least 2 GB of space is required for the data files directory of the
database server for the MDB to be installed and configured properly. For the
CA Service Desk Java Client we recommend a single 1.0 GHz processor or
better with at least 1 GB RAM.

FAST ESP Hardware Requirements

The following information lists the recommended hardware requirements for
the FAST ESP search engine:

Component Requirement

Server Dedicated, stand-alone server on which

to install the FAST ESP search engine.

RAM ■ 4 GB (Development Computer)

■ 8 GB (Production Computer)
CPU ■ 2 (Development Computer)

■ 4 (Production Computer)
Hard Disk Space ■ 2.5 GB (Development Computer)

■ 2.5 GB, in addition to added disk

space for knowledge base (Production
Hard Disks (Production ■ SATA: 7.2K RPM RAID 4 (Small
Computer) system)

■ SCSI: 10K RPM RAID 5 (Medium


■ SCSI: 15K RPM RAID 10 (Large


Important! For complete FAST ESP prerequisite installation information, such

as supported hardware, as well as configuration procedures, see the FAST ESP
Installation Guide, included on the installation media in the following folder:

64 Release Notes
CA Business Intelligence Supported Operating Systems

CA Business Intelligence Supported Operating Systems

The following information lists the installation requirements for CA Business
Intelligence. Following this information are those operating systems supported
by Business Objects.

CA Business Intelligence System Requirements

Component Requirement

Java application server If you install the Tomcat application server during
the CA Business Intelligence installation, you do not
have to install a Java application server before you
install CA Business Intelligence.

RAM ■ 512 MB (Minimum)

■ 1 GB (Recommended)
Hard Disk Space ■ 3 GB
Database Software The database software must be compatible with the
CMS and the Audit database, unless you install
MySQL during the CA Business Intelligence
Enterprise installation.

Note: For a detailed list of supported environments,

see the Platform.txt file that is included with your
product distribution. In addition, we recommend
that you also read the Release Notes included with
your product distribution.

BusinessObjects BusinessObjects Enterprise requires a database to

Enterprise store information about the system and its users.
Note: For detailed information about the database
requirements, see the CA Business Intelligence
Installation Guide.

VMWare Make sure the computer name does not include any
of the following characters:

■ underscore

■ period

■ slash

Chapter 5: System Information 65

CA Business Intelligence Supported Operating Systems

Business Objects Supported Operating Systems

Operating System Application Server Database

Windows 2003 IIS 5.0 SQL Server 2005, SP2

Windows 2003 Tomcat 5.0 SQL Server 2005, SP2

Windows 2003 IIS 5.0 Oracle 10g

Windows 2003 Tomcat 5.0 Oracle 10g

Windows 2003 WebLogic 9.2 SQL Server 2005, SP2

Windows 2003 Tomcat 5.0 MySQL

Windows 2003 WebSphere 6.0 SQL Server 2005, SP2

CA Business Intelligence Platform-Specific Requirements

This guide contains the general system requirements that are needed to install
CA Business Intelligence. However, additional detailed information is provided
in the CA Business Intelligence Installation Guide included on the installation
media. Before running the CA Business Intelligence installer, it is essential that
you carefully review your specific platform's requirements to ensure a
successful installation of CA Business Intelligence.

66 Release Notes
Chapter 6: Known Issues
This section contains the following topics:

Comma Not Supported in Name Fields (see page 68)

Error Adding Scoreboard to Multi-frame Form (see page 68)
Oaserver Fails to Start if CA Service Desk and FAST ESP Installed on Same
Server (see page 69)
FAST ESP Installation Fails to Execute Windows.dst (see page 70)
Help Set Redefinition Error (see page 71)
pdm_configure Hangs if gcc Not Set in PATH (see page 72)
Values in Money Fields Truncated at Decimal Point (see page 72)
Launching CA Workflow IDE on Linux as User Other than Root Sets Incorrect
URL (see page 73)
Installer Fails when Upgrading CA EEM from 8.1 to 8.3 (see page 73)
CA EEM 8.3 Fails to Create Privileged User Account when CA Workflow is
Installed on Unix (see page 74)
Configuration Item Reconciliation Attributes are Not Tenant Aware (see page
Printed Knowledge Documents Contain Large Spaces after Migration (see page
Searching for Document that has Multiple White Spaces in the Title Could
Cause Failure (see page 76)
Firefox Limitations in CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools (see page 76)
Upgrade Process Fails if UTF-8 Locale Not Installed (see page 77)
Automatic Login to InfoView Fails (see page 77)
Central Management Server (CMS) Not Starting (see page 78)
Admin or InfoView Pages Do Not Display Properly After Installation (see page
SLA Violation Report Incorrectly Returns Data for "Previous 3 Months" Instead
of "This Month" (see page 79)
Supported Characters in Installation Path (see page 79)
Log File Location (see page 80)
Unable to Switch Databases on Upgraded System (see page 80)
Warning Messages Appear when Generating Stub Classes with AXIS Tool
WSDL2JAVA (see page 81)
WebI Reports Do Not Display on the Reports Tab with Firefox (see page 81)
Problem Uninstalling FAST on Linux Systems (see page 82)
Case Sensitivity Issue Occurs with Oracle 11g (see page 82)

Chapter 6: Known Issues 67

Comma Not Supported in Name Fields

Comma Not Supported in Name Fields

Valid on all platforms


Entering a comma into a name field can cause unexpected results in the
display of the combined user name. For example, entering a name such as the
following while creating or updating a contact record will cause the combined
name to display incorrectly:
■ Last Name: Smith, Jr
■ First Name: John
■ Middle Name: <blank>

The comma causes "Jr" to appear in the first name position and "John" not to
appear at all.


Avoid using the comma character in name field.

Error Adding Scoreboard to Multi-frame Form

Valid on all platforms


Adding the Scoreboard to a multi-frame form generates an error.

Error: window.parent.scoreboard has no properties

For example, this problem occurs if you:

1. Create a multi-frame form.

2. Add the Scoreboard to one of the frames.

3. Publish the form.

4. Add the form to a tab, and the tab to a role.

5. Log in to CA Service Desk using the role to which you added the tab/form.

The following error message appears:

Error: window.parent.scoreboard has no properties

Using the Scoreboard with multi-frame forms is not supported in CA Service

Desk r12.

Note: For information about these steps, see the Online Help.

68 Release Notes
Oaserver Fails to Start if CA Service Desk and FAST ESP Installed on Same Server

Oaserver Fails to Start if CA Service Desk and FAST ESP

Installed on Same Server
Valid on Windows


Oaserver fails to start on a server with both FAST ESP and CA Service Desk


Oaserver uses a fixed port number (1706), while FAST ESP uses an unused
port. If FAST ESP and CA Service Desk are installed on the same server,
always start CA Service Desk first. It is possible that FAST ESP will take port
1706 if it starts before CA Service Desk.

Note: We recommend you install CA Service Desk and FAST ESP on separate
servers, as FAST ESP requires considerable resources. These applications
perform better if they are installed on different servers.

To resolve a port conflict

1. Shutdown both CA Service Desk and FAST ESP services.

2. Start CA Service Desk and allow it to initialize.

3. Start FAST ESP.

You can check port usage on Windows using the netstat -o command. If FAST
ESP is using port 1706, the output from netstat will appear similar to the
TCP hostname:1705 localhost:1706 ESTABLISHED pid
TCP hostname:1706 localhost:1705 ESTABLISHED pid


Identifies the name of the server.


Identifies the process ID of the FAST ESP qrserver process.

Chapter 6: Known Issues 69

FAST ESP Installation Fails to Execute Windows.dst

FAST ESP Installation Fails to Execute Windows.dst

Valid on Windows 2003 R2 SP1


The FAST ESP installation fails. The fastinstall.log displays the following error
[ErrorMessage]A problem was detected while performing system tests. Please
correct this before you continue with the installation:
Failed to execute test 'windows.dst'.
Please contact FAST customer support[/ErrorMessage]


Do not install FAST ESP with Daylight Savings Time enabled, as the FAST ESP
search servers require that the clock is kept in sync, and that it is not suddenly
corrected forwards or backwards. Sudden clock-changes may cause internal
processes, such as the query and result server and the dispatch processes, to
believe that there are communication problems or that some processes have
died. This leads to warnings in the logs and automatic restart of processes.

Important! We strongly recommend that schedule a maintenance window

when enabling Daylight Savings Time. This allows the system to be shutdown
to avoid any clock conflicts. If you install FAST ESP on a server with Daylight
Savings Time enabled and do not shutdown the system, you run the risk of
clock conflicts and various component failures such as inter-process
communication problems with qrserver, fdispatch, topfdispatch. You can use
the FAST ESP admin GUI or the logs located in
qrserver($FASTSEARCH/var/log/qrserver/* to see if any processes failed and
require re-starting.

If there is FAST ESP install error related to "windows.dst" (daylight saving

time), try the following:

1. Navigate to Control Panel, Date and Time, Time Zone, and uncheck
"Automatically Adjust Clock for Daylight Saving Changes."

2. Turn off Internet Time if there is such a tab in Control Panel, Date and

70 Release Notes
Help Set Redefinition Error

3. In Windows Registry,
mation Set following for Key: DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet Type :
REG_DWORD Value : 1

4. Navigate to Control Panel, Admin Tools, Services and stop the Windows
Time Service.

5. Run the installation from the command line and bypass the checks using:
setup.exe -W -W

Help Set Redefinition Error

Valid on all platforms


Removing topics from a Help Set does not remove their headings from the
Table of Contents.

For example, this problem occurs if you:

1. Create a new Help Set.

2. Associate the Help Set with a newly created role.

3. Edit the Help Set definition and remove some of the content.

4. Log in to CA Service Desk using the role with the edited help set.

5. Launch the online help and examine the Table of Contents.

The help topics you edited out are still listed in the Table of Contents.


1. Create a new help set rather than edit an existing one.

2. Edit the role to attach the new help set.

Note: For information about these steps, see the Online Help.

Chapter 6: Known Issues 71

pdm_configure Hangs if gcc Not Set in PATH

pdm_configure Hangs if gcc Not Set in PATH

Valid on Solaris


On Solaris 10 platform, if gcc is not set in the PATH, and the pdm_configure
command is invoked, the process hangs after displaying the flash screen. The
following errors are written in configure.log:

06/26 14:28:34.498 ERROR 136 One or more prerequisites

could not be found. The following lists the prerequisites that are missing,
(the typical package name is enclosed in parentheses). Please consult your
system's documentation if you need help locating the correct package.
GNU Compiler Collection (gcc)


If operating on Solaris 10 platform, be sure to set gcc in the PATH.

Values in Money Fields Truncated at Decimal Point

Valid on all platforms


Including a decimal point in a money amount causes truncation of the value.

This applies to all fields intended to hold currency values, such as Purchase
Amount and Maintenance Fee. For example, if you enter 265.50 in the
Purchase Amount field, the value is saved as 265.


Avoid using a decimal point in money fields.

72 Release Notes
Launching CA Workflow IDE on Linux as User Other than Root Sets Incorrect URL

Launching CA Workflow IDE on Linux as User Other than Root

Sets Incorrect URL
Valid on Linux


When a non-privileged user launches CA Workflow IDE on Linux, the URL is set
incorrectly to https://servername:8443/pm. Java errors appear on screen, and
login to CA Workflow is unsuccessful.


1. Launch the CA Workflow IDE client.

2. Change the URL to http://servername:8080/pm

3. Login is successful.

Installer Fails when Upgrading CA EEM from 8.1 to 8.3

Valid on all platforms


The CA EEM installer fails to upgrade from 8.1 to 8.3. You close the process
with the task manager.


If you are upgrading from CA Service Desk r11.x, then you are probably
running CA EEM 8.1. In order to ensure a successful CA EEM upgrade, you
must first upgrade to the 8.2 version prior to upgrading to CA EEM 8.3.

After the EEM 8.2 upgrade, and before you run the EEM 8.3 upgrade, make
sure that you update your security settings as follows.

1. From the command-line, run the following command:

sql iidbdb

2. When complete, specify the following text:

alter user system add privilege security\g\q

3. Run the EEM 8.3 upgrade.

Note: For more information about upgrading CA EEM, see the Implementation

Chapter 6: Known Issues 73

CA EEM 8.3 Fails to Create Privileged User Account when CA Workflow is Installed on Unix

CA EEM 8.3 Fails to Create Privileged User Account when CA

Workflow is Installed on Unix
Valid on Unix (Sun, Linux, AIX)


CA EEM 8.3 is not properly creating the Privledged User Account when CA
Workflow is installed on Unix. With CA Service Desk and CA Workflow both
installed on the primary server and CA EEM 8.3 installed on a Windows
machine, the CA Workflow administrator account that is created by
configuration has an invalid password.


The iGateway service must restarted.

To restart the iGateway service

net stop igateway
net start igateway

Linux and Unix

/opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology/S99igateway stop

/opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology/S99igateway start

■ Stop iGateway

$IGW_LOC/S99igateway stop

■ Start iGateway

$IGW_LOC/S99igateway start

Note: This applies only to CA EEM 8.3. Installing and configuring CA Workflow
on Unix/Linux does not have a problem creating the privileged user pointing to
CA EEM 8.1.

74 Release Notes
Configuration Item Reconciliation Attributes are Not Tenant Aware

Configuration Item Reconciliation Attributes are Not Tenant

Valid on all systems with a multi-tenancy installation


User cannot create a Configuration Item because it conflicts with another

Configuration Item owned by a different tenant. The following reconciliation
attributes are not tenant aware:
■ Name
■ Serial Number
■ Hostname
■ DNS Name
■ Asset Tag


To prevent this conflict, append the name of the tenant to one or more of the
reconciliation attributes.

Printed Knowledge Documents Contain Large Spaces after

Valid on all platforms


Customers upgrading from r11 to r12 will experience a printing problem for
Knowledge Documents. Printed documents display a large space after the
Resolution section.


To fix this issue, navigate to Knowledge, Documents, Document Templates on

the Administration tab. Open a Knowledge Document template and in the
HTML section, locate the <TD> tag and add the following:

<TD vAlign=top><SPAN
class=clsTextBlackXXsmall><SPAN>{TAG_RESOLUTION}</SPAN></SPAN></TD> </TR>

This change should be repeated for all default Document Templates. This fix
corrects a problem of printouts resulting in large spaces or gaps inserted after
Resolution if the document contains embedded images.

Chapter 6: Known Issues 75

Searching for Document that has Multiple White Spaces in the Title Could Cause Failure

Searching for Document that has Multiple White Spaces in

the Title Could Cause Failure
Valid on all platforms


You create a Recommended Document from Knowledge, Search,

Recommended Documents, Create New.

If the Title text (as displayed in Edit mode) contains a leading space or double
spaces between title words, creating a Recommended Document from the
Create New Recommended Document page, instead of typing the title words
and using the auto-completion feature in the Knowledge Document text field,
opens the Knowledge Document Lookup page with no results found.


You must invoke the Knowledge Document Lookup Form by clicking the link on
the Create New Recommended Document page. From the Knowledge
Document Lookup Form, do the following:

1. Enter the title text.

2. Search for the document.

3. Select the correct record.

Note: If you fail to do this and enter the title words into the text field (without
observing correct white-space), auto-completion is invoked and the Knowledge
Document Lookup page opens with no results found. If this occurs, clear the
search filter on the Knowledge Document Lookup page, manually enter
keywords in the title into the Keywords for Advanced Search field and click

Firefox Limitations in CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools

Valid on Windows and Linux

When using Firefox browsers, you may experience the following limitations in
CA Service Desk Knowledge Tools:


From the Design Tab in the HTML Editor, you cannot delete previously saved
text entered in the Resolution field of a knowledge document.

76 Release Notes
Upgrade Process Fails if UTF-8 Locale Not Installed


You can delete previously saved text from the Source tab in the HTML Editor.


In Knowledge Management, a Firefox security setting may prevent you from

using Cut, Copy, and Paste functions.


To enable Cut, Copy, and Paste functions, you must modify your browser
security preferences. Information on configuring browser preferences is
available at

Upgrade Process Fails if UTF-8 Locale Not Installed

Valid on UNIX and Linux


CA Service Desk must run on UTF-8 locale on UNIX and Linux platforms.


Before upgrading to CA Service Desk r12, ensure that you have installed UTF-
8 locale.

Automatic Login to InfoView Fails

Valid on all platforms with a CA Business Intelligence installation


During the CA Business Intelligence installation, a CA web cookie is installed

by default that lets you automatically access BusinessObjects InfoView from
the CA Service Desk Reports tab without logging on. If access is restricted
through your web browser privacy settings, the application fails to execute,
and a login prompt appears on the Reports tab.


If you encounter this issue, adjust your web browser Internet Options, Privacy
settings so that CA web cookies are allowed on your system.

Chapter 6: Known Issues 77

Central Management Server (CMS) Not Starting

Central Management Server (CMS) Not Starting

Valid on all platforms with a CA Business Intelligence installation


When you start the BusinessObjects server and use the Central Configuration
Manager to check that all servers have successfully started, the Central
Management Server (CMS) might unexpectedly stop.


Your CMS database is located on the same server and the database service
has not yet started.

To start the CMS

1. On the CMS properties Dependency tab, add the database service

according to the database you are using (for example, Microsoft SQL

2. In the Central Configuration Manager, right-click Central Management


The pop-up menu appears.

3. Choose Start.

The CMS starts.

Admin or InfoView Pages Do Not Display Properly After

Valid on all platforms with a CA Business Intelligence installation


After installing CA Business Intelligence the end user is unable to view Admin
or InfoView pages.


To resolve this problem, restart Tomcat manually.

78 Release Notes
SLA Violation Report Incorrectly Returns Data for "Previous 3 Months" Instead of "This Month"

SLA Violation Report Incorrectly Returns Data for "Previous 3

Months" Instead of "This Month"
Valid on Windows


The SLA Violation report located in the Incident and Problem Management/SLA
and Request/SLA report folders uses an incorrect filter when the user selects
"This Month" for the "Select a Time Period" prompt. Instead of returning data
for "This Month", the report returns data for the "Previous 3 Months".


You must manually replace the report to fix the error.

1. Launch the Central Management Console (CMC).

Navigate to Folders/CA Reports/CA Service Desk/Request/SLA.

2. Click the SLA link.

3. Click on the Objects tab.

4. Click the SLA Violation checkbox and click Delete.

5. Click New Object.

6. Click Browse and select SLA_Violation.rpt, located on the CA Service Desk

DVD #2 in the CA_tps.nt\CABO\data directory.

7. Click Submit.

8. Click Update.

The SLA Violation report is located in two folders.

9. Repeat these steps to also replace this report in the CA Reports/CA Service
Desk/Incident and Problem Management/SLA folder.

Supported Characters in Installation Path

Valid on platforms with a CA Business Intelligence installation


The installation fails with an error regarding the characters specified in the
installation path.


The BusinessObjects installation supports only alphanumeric, spaces, dashes

and underline characters in the installation path. Modify the installation path to
include these character types only.

Chapter 6: Known Issues 79

Log File Location

Log File Location

If a CA Business Intelligence installation fails, check the log file for further
information. The log file will contain error codes, presented as return values
from certain functions.

The log files (ca-install.log, CA_Business_Intelligence_InstallLog.log) are

located at the top level of the CA Business Intelligence installation directory.
During the installation process, they are located in a temporary location,
determined by the TEMP environment property on the system. If the
installation fails, you can locate the log file in this temporary location.

If you encounter a problem, open CA_Business_Intelligence_InstallLog.log first

to see if any errors are reported.

The ca-install.log is large and contains log details. The best way to find out if
there is an error for the installation is to scroll down to the bottom of the file
and check if any errors are reported. Search for “BIEK_GetExitCode” to check
out the returned value of the “BIEK_GetExitCode” function. If the returned
value is not 0, then there is an installation error. Then you can search for
keywords, such as “Error”, “Warning”, “CMS”, or ‘InfoStore” to figure out the
cause of the error.

Unable to Switch Databases on Upgraded System

Valid on all platforms


When switching databases, such as from Oracle to SQL Server, after upgrading
to CA Service Desk r12, the configuration fails.


Edit the file (located in $NX_ROOT/site) and set the following
■ packages.casqldb = 1
■ packages.capdmorc = 1

80 Release Notes
Warning Messages Appear when Generating Stub Classes with AXIS Tool WSDL2JAVA

Warning Messages Appear when Generating Stub Classes

Valid on all platforms


When using the AXIS tool WSDL2JAVA to compile stub files, you are getting
warning messages.


These warning messages are common when using AXIS 1.4 and there is no
way to avoid them. The stub files are still created successfully.

WebI Reports Do Not Display on the Reports Tab with Firefox

Valid on all platforms with a CA Business Intelligence installation


Web Intelligence reports do not function properly on the CA Service Desk

Reports tab when the Firefox browser is used. The report does not complete
execution after it is selected on the Reports List page. The user may receive
an "Access Denied" error message. This is a known BusinessObjects error.


When a patch is available, you can download a correction for this issue at

Note: WebI reports function properly when viewed with the Firefox browser in
BusinessObjects InfoView.

Chapter 6: Known Issues 81

Problem Uninstalling FAST on Linux Systems

Problem Uninstalling FAST on Linux Systems

Valid on Linux platforms with a FAST ESP installation


The uninstaller script attempts to stop all running FAST processes before
proceeding. In some cases on Linux systems it is necessary to check for any
remaining FAST processes and manually stop or kill the processes before
attempting to uninstall the product. As a best practice it is recommended that
you perform these steps during all uninstalls.


To avoid problems with uninstalling FAST products on Linux systems it is

recommended that all FAST processes be stopped before initiating the
uninstaller script. You can do this by following these steps:

1. On all nodes stop FAST using $FASTSEARCH/bin/nctrl stop

2. Verify that you do not have any remaining process and kill the processes if
they are hanging.

3. Run the uninstaller script using $FASTSEARCH/

Case Sensitivity Issue Occurs with Oracle 11g

Valid on all platforms


When using CA Service Desk r12 with Oracle 11g, unexpected results may
occur due to a case sensitivity issue. For example, documents may be
associated with the wrong categories.


To avoid this issue, we recommend that you do the following:

■ Use Oracle 11g, version
■ Enable case sensitive search capabilities within CA Service Desk. In the
NX.env file, set the NX_ORACLE_CASE_INSENSITIVE= variable to 1
(default) instead of 0.

Note: For problem resolution, BUG ID No. 7564449 has been assigned to the
Oracle development group. When a patch is available, you can download a
correction for this issue from the Oracle's Metalink Support page.

82 Release Notes
Appendix A: Accessibility Features
CA is committed to ensuring that all customers, regardless of ability, can
successfully use its products and supporting documentation to accomplish vital
business tasks. This section outlines the accessibility features that are part of
CA Service Desk.

Product Enhancements
CA Service Desk offers accessibility enhancements in the following areas:
■ Display
■ Sound

■ Keyboard
■ Mouse

Note: The following information applies to Windows-based and Macintosh-

based applications. Java applications run on many host operating systems,
some of which already have assistive technologies available to them. For these
existing assistive technologies to provide access to programs written in JPL,
they need a bridge between themselves in their native environments and the
Java Accessibility support that is available from within the Java virtual machine
(or Java VM). This bridge has one end in the Java VM and the other on the
native platform, so it will be slightly different for each platform it bridges to.
Sun is currently developing both the JPL and the Win32 sides of this bridge.


To increase visibility on your computer display, you can adjust the following

Font style, color, and size of items

Lets you choose font color, size, and other visual combinations.

Screen resolution

Lets you change the pixel count to enlarge objects on the screen.

Cursor width and blink rate

Lets you make the cursor easier to find or minimize its blinking.

Appendix A: Accessibility Features 83

Product Enhancements

Icon size

Lets you make icons larger for visibility or smaller for increased screen

High contrast schemes

Lets you select color combinations that are easier to see.


Use sound as a visual alternative or to make computer sounds easier to hear

or distinguish by adjusting the following options:


Lets you turn the computer sound up or down.


Lets you hear command options and text read aloud.


Lets you display visual warnings.


Gives you aural or visual cues when accessibility features are turned on or


Lets you associate computer sounds with specific system events.


Lets you display captions for speech and sounds.


You can make the following keyboard adjustments:

Repeat Rate

Lets you set how quickly a character repeats when a key is struck.


Lets you hear tones when pressing certain keys.

Sticky Keys

Lets those who type with one hand or finger choose alternative keyboard

84 Release Notes
Product Enhancements


You can use the following options to make your mouse faster and easier to

Click Speed

Lets you choose how fast to click the mouse button to make a selection.

Click Lock

Lets you highlight or drag without holding down the mouse button.

Reverse Action

Lets you reverse the functions controlled by the left and right mouse keys.

Blink Rate

Lets you choose how fast the cursor blinks or if it blinks at all.

Pointer Options

Let you do the following:

■ Hide the pointer while typing

■ Show the location of the pointer

■ Set the speed that the pointer moves on the screen

■ Choose the pointer's size and color for increased visibility

■ Move the pointer to a default location in a dialog box

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts that CA Service Desk supports:
Keyboard Description

Ctrl+X Cut

Ctrl+C Copy

Ctrl+K Find Next

Ctrl+F Find and Replace

Ctrl+V Paste

Ctrl+S Save

Ctrl+Shift+S Save All

Ctrl+D Delete Line

Ctrl+Right Next Word

Ctrl+Down Scroll Line Down

End Line End

Appendix A: Accessibility Features 85

Product Enhancements

86 Release Notes

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