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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Alokasi Waktu : 120 menit
Jumlah Soal : 50 soal

1. We ________ about the Present Continuous Tense now

a. Is Learning d. Learn
b. Are learning e. Be Learning
c. Learned

2. Jono ……… his kite now. He is at school.      

a. Isn’t flying d. Don’t flying
b. Aren’t flying e. Didn’t flying
c. Doesn’t flying

3. Shilpi _________ a suitable match for her daughter

a. Is looked for d. Are looking for
b. Is look for e. Are look for
c. Is looking for

4.  Tata is a new member of Teratai English Club. She introduced herself

Tata: Ladies and gentlemen………………
a. Allow me to introduce myself.
b. I am happy to meet you.
c. Let me introduce you to the audiences.
d. May I introduce you to the audiences.
e. Nice to meet you

5. A :How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.

B : ……………………
a. Me too
b. I should be nice
c. Do you?
d. Am I nice
e. How do you do? Nice to meet you too.

6. Ratu : Deti, …………………….

Deti : Pleased to meet you.
Iman : Pleased to meet you too.
a. Iman wants to meet you
b. Don’t you Iman is my friend
c. I’d like you to meet my friend
d. Please introduce yourself to Iman
e. Iman wants to leave you now

7. Jannete : Mr. Dodi, ………. my father.

Mr. Dodi : How do you do, Mr. Hendy.
Mr. Hendi : How do you do, Mr. Kevin.
a. I’d like to introduce
b. I want to invite
c. I like you to visit
d. I’m glad to help
e. I want to go

Read the following text and answer questions 8 – 11.

I have a close friend. He is Angga Firmansyah. I usually call him Angga. He comes from Karawang.
He was born on ten of August, two thousand and five. He live at Kesatuan 96 street Bandung, he
studies in SMP Yadika Cicalengka at Grade seven.

8.  The text mainly about . . .

a.   the writer’s identity
b.   the writer’s classmates
c.   the writer’s school
d.   the writer’s new pen friend
e. the fwriter’s nighbour

9. When was Angga born?

a.  On August 10, 2005. 
b.   On August 30, 2000.
c.   On August 10, 2004.
d.   On August 30, 2004.
e. On August 10, 2000.

10. “ I have close fiend”. What does the

underlined refer to?
a. The reader
b.  The writer
c.   Angga Firmansyah
d.  The close friend
e. Him self

11. Where Angga Lives?

a. At Karawang
b. At Cicalengka
c. At the scool.
d. At Bogor
e. At Kesatuan Bandung

Read the following text and answer questions 12 – 13

All students must join the class meeting from 15th December to 21st Desember2008

12. What kind of the text is it ?

a. A letter
b. A label
c. A postcard
d. An announcement
e. Memo.

13. What is the text about ?

a. The class meeting in a school
b. The winner of the class meeting.
c. An invitation to join a class meeting
d. The plan of having a class meeting.
e. The attention for meeting

Read the following text and answer questions 14 – 15

Attention Please!
Students of grade XII are welcome to attend a morning seminar on:
You can learn a lot from Mr. Budi Umar, a well-known education consultant.
Date   : July, 27th, 2018
Time   : 07.30
Venue  : School main hall
Don’t miss this free event. Seats are limited.
To reserve your seat, please call Kemal: 0812 69795677 0r 085234576

14. The advantages of attending the seminar that students get are able ….
a. To meet the education consultant
b. To prepare for the final examination
c. To teach strategies for the final examination
d. To get the free chance of joining the seminar
e. To be a presenter in that seminar

15. Who will come to the morning seminar?

a. All students
b. Mr. Budi Umar
c. Students of class XII
d. All students  and their neighbours
e. Student who is the best in class XII

Questions : 16 to 20
The Bear and the Two Travelers
Two men were traveling together when a bear suddenly met them on their path. One of the them climbed
up quickly into a tree and concealed himself in the branches. The other, seeing that he must be attacked,
fell flat on the ground and when the bear came up and felt him with his snout and smelt him all over, he
held his breath and feigned the appearance of death as much as he could. The bear soon left him, for it is
said he will not touch a dead body. When he was quite gone, the other traveler descended from the tree
and inquired of his friend what it was the bear had whispered in his ear. “He gave me this advice,” his
companion replied. “Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger”.
(Taken from :
16. Where do you think the story took place?
a. In the woods.
b. On the street.
c. At the zoo
d. At the park.
e. On their path

17. The word “concealed” in line 2 means ...

a. Ran
b. Cried
c. Fled
d. Hide
e. felt

18. Why didn’t the bear eat the man lying on the ground?
a. It thought the man was dead
b. It couldn’t smell anything
c. It didn’t eat meat
d. It felt sorry for the man
e. It came up and felt
19. We can replace the word ‘descended’ line 6 with ....
a. Hide
b. Fell down
c. Climbed down
d. Ran away
e. Come up

20. The moral of the strory is ....

a. Bear doesn’t eat meat
b. Be careful when you are traveling
c. Friends should always help each other
d. Run away when you meet a bear
e. Bear can eat everything

Questions: 21to 30.

Direction: Questions 21 to 30 based on a selection of reading materials. You have to choose the
correct answer A, B, C, or D to each question.
Questions 21 to 23 refer to the Report text.
J.P, : There was a bad accident on Sudirman Street last night. A bus which was traveling south
was hit by a large truck. Several people in the bus were killed, including the driver. The injured
people were taken to the hospital. The driver of the truck was drunk. He was taken to the police
station to be interrogated.

21. What happened on Sudirman Street last night?

a. A bus crash
b. A truck crash
c. A terrible accident
d. A dead drunken driver
e. A bush were killed

22. The accident happened because ...

a. The driver of the trunk was drunk
b. The driver of the trunck ran away
c. The driver of the bus was killed
d. The driver of the bus escaped
e. The driver of the bus was drunk

23. “The injured people were taken to the hospital.”

The word injured is similar to ...
a. Killed
b. Blooded
c. Wounded
d. Damaged
e. interrogated
Questions 24 to 26 refer to the following instructions.

Installing the SIM card

Before installing the SIM card, always make sure that the phone is switched off and you can then
remove the battery
1. With the back of the phone facing you, press the release button. Slide and lift the back cover off the
phone in the direction of the arrows.
2.Lift the battery out of the phone, the bottom part first.
3. Insert the SIM card into the phone. Make sure that the SIM card is positioned correctly and that the
golden contact area on the card is facing downwards.
4. Replace the battery.
5.Replace the back cover. Make sure that the locking catches on the sides of the covers go in the
notches on the phone.

24. How should we put the SIM card inside the hand phone?
a. Lift the back cover off the phone in the direction of the arrows.
b. The golden contact area on the card is facing downwards.
c. The locking catches on the sides of the covers go in the notches.
d. The golden contact area on the card is facing upwards.
e. Lift the battery out of the phone

25. Replace the battery. (step no 4)

The synonym of the underlined word is….
a. recharge
b. push down
c. takeaway
d. put back
e. run away

26. What should we do to start installing the SIM card?

a. Switch off the phone.
b. Press the release button.
c. Insert the SIM card into thephone.
d. Replace the battery.
e. put the battery

Seahorses are named for their equine profile. Although they are bony fish, they do not have scales,
but rather a thin skin stretched over a series of bony plates arranged in rings throughout their body.
Each species has distinct number of rings. Seahorses swim upright, another characteristic that is not
shared by their close pipefish relatives which swim horizontally. Seahorses have a coronet on their
head, which is distinct to each individual, much like a human fingerprint. They swim very poorly by
using a dorsal fin, which they rapidly flutter and pectoral fins, located behind their eyes, which they
use to steer. Seahorses have no caudal fin. Since they are poor swimmers, they are most likely to be
found resting, with their prehensile tails wound around a stationary object. They have long snouts,
which they
Questions use
27 to 30torefer
food, and eyes
following thethat
textcan move independently of each other, much like a
chameleon. Seahorses eat small shrimp, tiny fish, crustaceans, and plankton.
27. How can we differentiate one seahorse from another? By
observing their ...
a. Bones
b. Rings
c. Scales
d. Coronet
e. Pipefish

28. How can seahorses direct themselves? By using ...

a. Coronet
b. Dorsal fin
c. Pectoral fin
d. Stationary object
e. Bones

29. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform the readers about the seahorses
b. To encourage the readers to take care of seahorses
c. To tell the readers how to handle seahorses.
d. To amuse the readers by different kinds of creatures.
e. To using a dorsal fin

30. What is NOT consumed by seahorses?

a. Shrimp
b. Tiny fish
c. Seaweed
d. Crustaceans
e. Coronet

Questions :31 to 35
Direction: Items 31 to 40 are incomplete dialogues. Four sentences marked A, B, C,D, are given
beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the sentence that best completes the dialogues.

31.Woman: Would you like to order one of our guests’favorite menu?

Man : …
Woman : The fish with mushrooms is very good. But it’s cooked fresh, so there’s a fifteen-
minute wait.
Man : I don’t mind. I’d like to try the fish. I’ll just sit here with a drink while I wait.
a. What do you want to eat?
b. What is your own favorite food?
c. What is your suggestion?
d. What can I do for you?
e. What can I help you?

32.Harry: Are you always busy all the time?

Tamy: No, I have leisure time in the evening. … and do almost nothing at all.
a. I enjoy resting
b. I like playing sport
c. I prefer walking around
d. I dislike sleeping early
e. I Don’t like resting

33.Yudha:… going to the cinema or going to the restaurant to have candlelight dinner?
Ineke : Well, what film do you have in mind?
Yudha: Let’s have dinner in ‘the Ambassador’ Restaurant. They always serve the best quality
food for the guests.
Oky : Good, let’s do that.
a. What do you dislike,
b. Which do you accept,
c. Which do you prefer,
d. What do you take,
e. What do you like

34.Anton: I get this terrible feeling of tension if I don’t smoke.

Zack :…. Smoking is a very dangerous habit. It makes people unhealthy and poor.
a. Try to be more punctual.
b. You should do your best to stop.
c. Go for a nearly-morning walk.
d. I think you should buy some cigarette.
e.You can go far away

35. Andhika: …. Will you? I feel so thirsty.

Andara : All right, but where can I get a glass?
a. Bring me a bucket of water,
b. Open the front door,
c. Get me a glass of water,
d. Buy me some soft drink,
e. Bring me some snack

Questions: 36 to 40
Direction: In this part of the test, the reare some selected reading materials in which some words
or phrases of the sentences are missing. You have to choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C,
or D that best completes the missing.

For questions number 36 to 40, read the memo and choose the one word or phrase that best
completes each sentence.
Subject: Good-bye

Hey Zack,
It’s been great having you here. We hope you enjoyed your stay. Don’t forget to stop… (47) the Airport
Book store before you get on the plane to buy a magazine. It’s always a good idea to have something....
(48) read when you are taking a long trip. However, don’t buy snacks there because they are… (49) and
you’ll get a meal on the plane. Have a safe flight home. Don’t forget to give us a call when you get back
to Florida to let us… (50)
That you arrive safely. We hope you’ll be back at Christmas.

Love, Adie and Tya

36. a. in b. on d. inside e. up

38. a. for b. to c. in d. On e. at

39. a. inexpensive b. cheap c. expensive d. cheaply e. cheaper

40. a. know b. knowing c. knew d. knows e. known

Answer the following questions appropriately below!
1. Could you describe about your plan after graduated school? Explain by using expression
intended and the simple future tense!
2. What do you think about the “Best Friend “ Exlpain it!
3. What is the social function of NEWS ITEM Text?
4. What are the generic structures of NEWS ITEM Text?
5. Can you give the example about NEWS ITEM Text?
6. Case : The lady confuse with her son. He enganges with his gadget all the time until he forget
his main duty to learn his lesson. Supposed you are the lady. How should you give advices to
the son? Use the sequences adverb!(First...., Second...., Third......,etc).
7. Tell me about make a Fried French!
8. How to turn off the computer

Compare the two invitation letters above!. Write 2 statements that make them similar?
10. Make the Invitation about your birthday

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