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Problem: 1

Rons job pays 45,300 in annual wages and 31% of annual wages in benefits. His job expenses
are estimated to be 3,300 a year. Ron interviewed for another job that pays $47,000 in yearly
wages. Average benefits of 29.5% and estimated yearly job expenses of $3,750. Which job offers
ron the greater job benefits and how much greater?

Solution: 1
So, total benefit is calculated in the manner below:

Annual Earnings = (Annual Wages) (1 + Benefit Percent/100%) - Annual Expenses

So for Job 1:

Annual Earnings, Job 1 = ($45,300) (1 + 31%/100%) - $3,300

= $59,343 - $3,300 = $56,043

So for Job 2:

Annual Earnings, Job 1 = ($47,000) (1 + 29.5%/100%) - $3,750

= $60,865 - $3,750 = $57,115

Job 2 has greater annual earnings, the difference being $1,072

Problem: 2

Dixon has found a new building where management will build to suit. He needs five times the
floor space for his show room as for storage. Show room space is $1.15 per square foot and
storage space is $0.50 per square foot. how many square feet of each type space should Dixon
request to keep his lease to $1500?
let x = the number of sq feet of storage space
5x = the number of sq feet of showroom space
5x (1.15) + x (0.50) = 1500
575x + 50x = 150,000
625x = 150,000
x = 240 square feet (the amount of storage space)
5 * 240 = 1200 square feet (the amount of showroom space)
Problem: 3
At the end of the year 2002, Ram was half old as his grandpa. The sum of the years in which
they were born is 3854. Age of Ram at the end of year 2003 is _______.
Let us assume that Ram was born in year y and his grandpa was born in year x

Given that,
x+ y=3854......(1)

Also, let us assume age of Grandpa to be 2z in year 2002.

⇒ Age of Ram in 2002=z


Adding (1) and (2) we get, y=1952 and x=1902

Age of Ram at the end of 2003=2003−1952=51 years


A company manufactures two types of window frames: Timber frames and Composite
frame. The time available for some of the key manufacturing stages is limited. At
present only 2000 hours of cutting time and 1000 hours of assembly time are available
each month. The following table shows the time required to produce each frame in two
manufacturing stages.

Manufacturing Stage                Time (in hours)
                                   Timber frame Composite frame
Cutting                                     5              2
Assembly                                 2              2.
The profits for each Timber frame and Composite frame are RM 400 and RM 100

(i) Formulate a linear programming by stating the objective function and all the

(ii) Solve the linear programming graphically to obtain the optimal product mix and
the maximum monthly profit contribution.

Let the timber frame be T and the composite frame be C.

The objective function is.
400 T + 100 C (profits for the timber and composite frame)
The constraints are:
5T + 2C <= 2000 (cutting constraint)
2T + 2C <= 1000 (assembly constraint)
T, C >= 0
Graph the lines above.
The first line has intercepts of (1000, 0) and (0, 400)
The second line has intercepts of (500, 0) and (0, 500)
5T + 2C = 2000
2T + 2C = 1000
we subtract, getting 3T = 1000; T = 1000/3 = 333 1/3; As T + C = 500, C = 500/3 = 166 2/3
Intersection at (166 2/3, 333 1/3)
At (0, 400) 100C + 400T = 160000
At (166 2/3, 333 1/3) 100C + 400T = 150000
At (500, 0) 100C + 400T = 50000
We can solve it graphically by seeing the iso profit line has slope -1/4 and thus is furthest out at
the point (0, 400)
Plot 100C + 400T = 160000 to show that this line is furthest out.
Note that the cutting constraint is the active constraint.


A scale drawing of an office building is not labeled but indicates 1/4 inch = 5 feet. On the
drawing, one wall measures 2 inches. How long is the actual wall?


1/4 inch=5 feet

how many 1/4 inches are in 2 inches?
2/ (1/4) =8 and each one represents 5 feet; therefore 8*5=40 feet
also, you can set up a proportion...
cross multiply
(1/4) n=5*2, (1/4) n=10, n=4*10, n=40 again

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