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Kristine Joie A.

Cuario Grade 12 - HUMSS A

Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science

Module 7

What I Know 


1. D                          6. C

2. D                          7. A

3. A                          8. A

4. D                          9. B

5. A                          10. A


The foremost important role is to make available information and evidence to inform the public
about issues that matter to them in the most neutral way possible. They provide facts for the
public to form judgement and decisions. In some cases, they facilitate accurate processing an
analysis of such facts in a professional and ethical way. The function of comunicators and
journalist is to collect and document information, facts and opinions, and present them for public
and analysis and deepening to the root of reality. Is to deliver truth and facts.

What's In

1. The primary mission of social work is to enhance human well-being and help meet basic and
complex needs of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed,
and living in poverty. The three benefits of social works to individuals is to help relieve people's
suffering, fight for social justice, and improve lives and communities. 

2. Group social work is the process through which a social worker guides people in a group so
that they can learn to relate to others more constructively and experience personal and
communal growth. The three benefits of social works to a group or an organization is to
increased productivity and performance, can be applied to practical activities and sharing and
discussing ideas.

3. Social workers provide services or therapy directly to people or working for change to
improve social conditions. Some work directly with individuals, conducting needs assessments
and making referrals to resources in the community. 

Process Description Importance

Needs assessment A systematic process that Assessment in social work is
provides information about also employed to measure
social needs or issues in a progress toward goal
place or population group and achievement and final
determines which issues outcomes, often referred to as
should be prioritised for action practice evaluation.
Intervention Intervention is the stage when Among most of the important
the client and social worker benefits, we can mention:
mobilize resources to knowledge how to help a child
implement the action-plan, grow up/how to bring up a
both complying with their child emotionally and
agreed-upon expectations physically healthy.
Implementation Implementation is defined as It can help our profession
the use of strategies to adopt develop bidirectional bridges
and integrate evidence-based between research and
practices, programs, and practice to increase the
treatments and change relevance, use, impact, and
service delivery within specific sustainability of our best
settings. available interventions,
services and social policies
Monitoring A continuous assessment of It provides the only
programmes based on early consolidated source of
detailed information on the information showcasing
progress or delay of the on- project progress.
going assessed activities.
Evaluation Evaluation of practice is an Practice is important because
essential aspect of social work it is a way one can increase
practice and can increase the effectiveness of their work.
effectiveness and
accountability in the ways
practitioners treat clients.

What's New

Activity 1: Mind Map!

Avoid Disruptions
and Negative Social
Be an active Questions
listener Media



Confidence Sender Clarity and

Guide Questions:

1. In relationships, communication allows to you explain to someone else what you are
experiencing and what your needs are. The act of communicating not only helps to meet your
needs, but it also helps you to be connected in your relationship.

2. Relationships cannot grow without communication. A lack of communication are the number
one relationship killers. Friendships and relationships are one in the same they both require
dedication to one another, good communication, and honest trust.

3. The quote says that even though you might have a lot to say, sometimes it's best not to
respond. In silence, without distractions, that's when people feel respected and appreciated.

Activity 2: Graphic Organizer!

Goals of Communication

Communication is necessary for the effective functioning of the organization. The goal is to
make group life possible through socialization, enculturation, intergenerational solidarity, nation
building, social change.

Scope of Communication

 The scope of communication is wide and pervasive. The Human beings are somehow engaged
in communication from cradle to grave. It includes staffing, directing, planning, organizing and
controlling. Communication is necessary for the effective functioning of the organization. 

Principles of Communication

According to the seven Cs, communication needs to be: clear, concise, concrete, correct,
coherent, complete and courteous by following the clarity principle of communication, one can
focus on a specific message at a time so the message that is being conveyed must be clear. It
also helps the receiver to easily understand the given message or idea.

Elements of Communication Process

Seven major elements of communication process are sender, ideas, encoding, communication
channel, receiver, decoding and feedback.

Level of Communication Process

The communication process involves understanding, sharing, and meaning, and it consists of
eight essential elements: source, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context,
and interference.

Activity 3: Check Your Understanding

The Discipline of Communication deals with how humans use verbal and non-verbal messages
to create meaning in various contexts. Communication as a discipline includes the study of
communication in interpersonal relationships, administration, cultures, longus theory and
criticism, performance studies, argumentation and persuasion, technologically facilitated
communication and popular culture. Communication focuses on the process of clearly
expressing and understanding ideas in written, verbal and nonverbal and multimodal forms.

What's More

How would you describe the professionals and practitioners in the discipline of communication?

- The discipline of communication is populated by a wide variety of professionals who are in

communication practice. They are creative artists, writers, editors, journalists, bloggers,
educators, social advocates, news announcers, and anchors. These professionals are bind
together by a desire and dive to send and receive messages and make an impact on their
audience. They operate with a wide variety of mediums and media.

Activity 4: I am a Communicator!


The foremost important role of communicators and journalists is to make available information
and evidence to inform the public about issues that matter to them in the most neutral way
possible. They provide facts for the public to form judgment and decisions. In some cases, they
facilitate accurate processing and analysis of such facts in a professional and ethical way.


Their functions follow naturally: to collect and document information, facts and opinions, and
present them for public analysis and deepening to the root of reality. To communicate is to
deliver truth and facts. Professional communicators and journalists are at the service of truth. 
gather news, facts, and information that are critical to public life and well-being.

Essential Question:

1. It is important to understand the roles and functions of communicators and journalist because
they tries to inform its reader objectively about what is happening in their community, country
and the world at large. Also to inform, to interpret and educate, to guide, and to entertain us.

2. The press performs a very important role as means of mass communication in the modern
world. It's crucial because they provide facts and opinions, and present them for public and
anlysis and deepening to the root of reality. 

3. Lack of competencies of communicators and journalist lead to a risk and delivery of their
roles and functions because they are not able to perform according to their functions along the
runway it may cause dysfunction and unclear statement among people and people giving
Activity 5a: Welcome to my World!

Areas of Specialization of Communicators and Journalists

• Advertising and Marketing specialists

• Communication educator

• Broadcasting careers 

• Journalism

• Public relations

Essential Question:

1. We need to know the different areas of comunicators and journalists work because it provide
people with verified information they can use to make better decisions, and its practices, the
most important of which is a systematic process.

2. Communication as a Field and Discipline, is concerned with the historical development and
academic professional institutionalization of communication studies. It includes articles covering
the history of the field, professional organizations and issues, and the current state of
communication research.

Activity 5b: This is where you can find me!

Advertising and Marketing specialists

- Sales manager, Media planner, Media buyer

Communication educator

- Language arts coordinators, Elementary and high school speech teachers

Broadcasting careers 

- Broadcasting station manager, Director of broadcasting, Film and tape librarian


- Reporter, Editor, Newscaster, 

Public relations

- Publicity manager, Advertising manager, Marketing specialist

Theater and Performing Arts

- Performing artists, Script writer, Producer, 

Communication in Government and Politics-Related

- Public information officer, Speech writer, Campaign director
International Relations and Negotiations

- On-air international broadcasting talent, Corporate representative, Translator

What I Have Learned

1. True

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. True 

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. True

10. True


1. D                          6. C

2. D                          7. A

3. A                          8. A

4. D                          9. B

5. A                          10. A


The foremost important role is to make available information and evidence to inform the public
about issues that matter to them in the most neutral way possible. They provide facts for the
public to form judgement and decisions. In some cases, they facilitate accurate processing an
analysis of such facts in a professional and ethical way. The function of comunicators and
journalist is to collect and document information, facts and opinions, and present them for public
and analysis and deepening to the root of reality. Is to deliver truth and facts.
Additional Activities

1. They develop their professional practice by learning and developed in a range of ways over
time through training, practice, understanding, analysis and reflection.

2. The purpose of journalism and communicators is to provide citizens with the information they
need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies,
and their governments.

3. No

What I Can Do
Kristine Joie A. Cuario Grade 12 - HUMSS A

Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science

Module 6

What I Know


1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. E


Clientele Age Bracket

1. Individual 25-30 yrs. Old
2. Groups and organization 25 and above
3. Communities 30 and above

Essential Question:

1. Socio economic status, level of education, family, kin and social workers, gender, age, and
interpersonal influences all affect the choice of lifestyle.This has implications for community
practitioners working field of health promotion,in particular to promote healthy lifestyle.

What's In

Activity 1: PICTURE ANALYSIS! Analyze the picture below.

Essential Question:

1. It portrays the story of poor homeless children, despite the despair and poverty that
surrounds them, still carrying on their lives with Jesus as their only hope, at the Last Supper
with Christ Our Lord. Whenever you try to help the poor, you always get back more you give.
You learn the meaning of courage, you learn the meaning of sacrifice, you see the beauty of
love. Above all you feel the strength that comes from faith, hope and trust in God. You realize
the power of prayer.

What's New

Activity 2

Clientele Characteristics Needs

Abandoned babies Doesn't have parents, a They need good care that an
shelter, food, water, nor normal parent would give so
money. the baby will a healthy and
safe from other illnesses.
Homeless elderly Being abandoned and They need an organization
recently become homeless or who cares them properly and
who remain at constant risk of gives them a better way of
losing housing. living.
Substance dependent Person who taking drugs and They need a rehabilitation
which results in withdrawal center which can help them
upon cessation of drug use. get back, keep, or improve
abilities that they need for
daily life.
Sexually abused A abusive sexual behavior by They need to undergo therapy
one person upon another. It is which helps them to
often perpetrated using force addressing the trauma of
or by taking advantage of sexual assault.
Battered women Serious, long-term domestic They need to undergo therapy
abuse can result in a mental to help the woman establish
disorder called battered stronger relationships with her
woman syndrome. support system.
People with Disability A person who has a physical Full access to the
or mental impairment that Environment, Personal
substantially limits one or Assistance and support,
more major life activity. Inclusive Education and

What's More

Activity 3

Setting Process and Methods (picture and

1. Government Government setting by which organizational
policies are enforced, as well as a mechanism
for determining policy. They work with various
government services like agencies serving
children and families, such as foster care
agencies; Health care settings, including
community-based clinics and hospitals;
Schools; Federal, state or local correctional
facilities; Settings that serve older adults, such
as nursing homes; and Agencies serving
military veterans and active duty.

2. Private Sector The private sector is the part of the economy

that is run by individuals and companies for
profit and is not state controlled. Therefore, it
encompasses all for-profit businesses that are
not owned or operated by the government.
3. Sivil Society Civil Society works for discharging several
economic, social, cultural, moral and other
responsibilities which fall in the domain of
private activities. It, however, serves the public
purpose of securing general welfare and
development. Civil Society even opposes the
wrong politics, decisions and projects of the
4. School Social workers working within school systems
provide services to students to enhance their
emotional well-being and improve their
academic performance. School social workers
are usually employed by the school district or
an agency that is contracted with the school
district to provide services and often called on
to help students, families, and teachers
address problems such as truancy, social
withdrawal, overaggressive behaviors,
rebelliousness, and the effects of special
physical, emotional, or economic problems.
5. Community In community setting social workers help
communities function some work directly with
individuals, conducting needs assessments
and making referrals to resources in the
community. Others assess needs on a larger
scale. They may plan and administer
programs. One type of community social work
practice is community organization.

Activity 4

As a concerned citizen I would help the child asking him, "Where's your mom?" and "Do you
have a babysitter?". Also first by assuring that he/she will be fine and will find him/her mother
soon. I would ask help from proper authorities such as social worker or a policeman since there
are more capable of solving the problem.
What I Have Learned

Activity 5

Objectives Actions to be taken Target clientele

• To promote mental health • To create a mental health • Students and People who
awareness blog and promote it through experience mental health
• To help the people in need social media, also to educate disorders
• To create self sufficiency us by raising awareness,
mental health can now be
seen as an illness. These
illnesses can be managed by

Essential Question:

1. There's a lot of organization that may helps them to assist like National and Community
Organization which help coordinate a community event, locate speakers who have expertise in
mental health, offer peer and family supports, and provide general information on mental health
as well as treatment, and available services for mental health issues.

What I Can Do

Activity 6

1. Phil health, DOLE or any organization that can give a financial assistance for the medication.

2. First is to identify and define it, evaluate alternatives, decide on a solution and evaluate the
outcome in that way you can address and will meet the need of clientele.



1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. E

1. 25-30 yrs. Old

2. 25 and above

3. 30 and above

Essential Question:

1. Socio economic status, level of education, family, kin and social workers, gender, age, and
interpersonal influences all affect the choice of lifestyle. This has implications for community
practitioners working field of health promotion, in particular to promote healthy lifestyle.
Module 6 Reflection

In this module, I learn about the clientele and audience in social work and setting,
process, methods, and tools in social work on how they help individuals, families, and groups of
people to cope with problems they’re facing to improve their patients’ lives. The one aspect of
these teaching skills and developing mechanisms for patients to rely on to better their lives and
experiences. The Discipline of social work is closely associated with government welfare and
social programs aimed at achieving social justice, fairness, and attainment of social equilibrium
and also it promotes social changed, problem-solving in human relationship and the
empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.

It is quite challenging to understand the process and methods of social work because it
involved in planning or policy development. The process and methods of social work are first,
the government setting it is normally consist of legislative, executive, and judiciary by which
organizational policies are enforced, as well as mechanisms for determining policy. The second
is private sector setting that referred to as the citizen sector means to enterprise for profit. Third
is civil society setting collectively refer to the voluntary organizations corporates bodies, socially
active groups and firms working in each society. Fourth is school setting it provides services to
students to enhance their emotional well-being and improve their academic performance. The
last is a community setting which a home or a community organization located in the
neighbourhood in which a participant in the program under this section. In addition, social
workers give individuals and groups of people who receive service from various counselling
professions constitute the clientele and audience. It's fun to experience and learn this kind of
topic because it helps us know the audience of counselling in social work also to know its
process and methods.
Module 7 Reflection

In this module, I learn about the communication and the professionals and practitioners
in communication on how they work in different field of communication. This communicators and
journalist play a variety of role as fiscalizer, mobilizers, organizer opinion-makers, gatekeepers,
leader, manager propagandists, policy advocates and reformist. The Discipline of
Communication deals with how humans use verbal and non-verbal messages to create
meaning in various contexts. Communication as a discipline includes the study of
communication in interpersonal relationships, groups, organizations, and across cultures;
rhetorical theory and criticism; performance studies; argumentation and persuasion;
technologically mediated communication; and popular culture.

It’s truly amazing on how communicators and journalist can work in a number of areas of
specialization: speech advertising and marketing; communication education; electronic media;
radio-television broadcasting; public relations; journalism; theatre; performing arts, and dramatic
arts; public communication and opinion management; and international relations management
and negotiations. Surprisingly enough, professionalism is important throughout all types of
communication because the foremost important role is to make available information and
evidence to inform the public about issues that matter to them in the most neutral way possible.
In some cases, they facilitate accurate processing analysis of such facts in a professional and
ethical way. Being a student it gives me more of knowledge about the field of communication on
hoe 9they work in different areas and also on how they collect document information or
evidence to inform us. The discipline of communication is important because they bind together
by a desire to dive to send and receive messages and make an impact on their audience.

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