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Andreea-Sorina Netejoru

Professional Goals
I aim to attain an engaging internship position in the field of social
media management. I hope to create online campaigns to inspire
the youth.

Get in touch! Experiența profesională

Landline: Desenator tehnic
123-456-7890 KXL S.R.L. | August 2019 - Iulie 2020
- Assists the department head in carrying out digital marketing campaigns
- Works closely with the marketing head for digital promotions and other
Email: Technology Writer
Stratford Digital Think Inc. | 2018 - 2019
Website: - Wrote articles about technology and the digital age for online publications
- Wrote copies for tech startups
Address: - Designed the company's online tech page
123 Anywhere Street, Any City

Academic History
Elyuris Training Center
Certificate of Completion | Media Marketing

President, ETC Weekly Journal

- Member, The Media Club of ETC
- Scholar, ETC Scholarship Foundation
- Gold Medalist, The ETC Writing Contest

Pedigon High School

Scholar | 3rd Year High School Student
- Head Writer, PHS Express
- President, The Pedigon High School Writing Committee
- Head Editor, The PHS Yearbook Committee
- Member, The PHS Debate Society

Specializations Languages Spoken

- Social Media Management European:
- Digital Advertising Dutch Irish, German, Italian, Spanish,
- Digital Marketing Slovenian, Greek, Finnish, and
- Public Speaking Danish
- Communication
- Journalistic Writing Asian:
- Sketching Chinese, Korean, Japanese,
- Art and Design Vietnamese, Thai and Filipino

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