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Solvent Extraction and Its Applications on Ore

Processing and Recovery of Metals: Classical

Y.A. El-Nadi

To cite this article: Y.A. El-Nadi (2017) Solvent Extraction and Its Applications on Ore Processing
and Recovery of Metals: Classical Approach, Separation & Purification Reviews, 46:3, 195-215,
DOI: 10.1080/15422119.2016.1240085

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Published online: 31 Oct 2016.

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Separation & Purification Reviews, 46: 195–215, 2017
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1542-2119 print / 1542-2127 online
DOI: 10.1080/15422119.2016.1240085

Solvent Extraction and Its Applications on Ore

Processing and Recovery of Metals:
Classical Approach
Y.A. El-Nadi
Hot Laboratories Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Abo Zaabal, Kalyobeia, Egypt

Solvent extraction is widely employed in a variety of industries for both the upgrading and
purification of a range of elements and chemicals. The technology is used in applications as diverse
as ore processing, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, industrial chemicals, petrochemicals, food industry,
purification of base metals and refining of precious metals. This review deals with the basics of
solvent extraction technique and discusses in detail its applications in several fields focusing on ore
processing and recovery of important metals from economic and industrial point of view.

Keywords: Solvent extraction, separation, metals, applications, ionic liquids

INTRODUCTION the uranium used in the first reactors, solvent extraction has
been an important separation technique for radiochemists.
The term (solvent or liquid–liquid extraction) refers to the dis- Thus, it is a technique used both in the laboratory and on the
tribution of a solute between two immiscible liquid phases in industrial scale.
contact with each other, i.e., a two-phase distribution of a solute. The schematic diagram of the solvent extraction process is
It can be described as a technique, resting on a strong scientific shown in Figure 1. Usually the transfer of metal ions from the
foundation (1). aqueous to the organic phase does not occur completely in one
Solvent extraction techniques have a broad field of appli- contact (3). Multiple contacts are necessary. This also holds true
cations in inorganic and organic chemistry and large-scale for scrubbing (contacting the loaded organic phase with an
industrial separations, in analytical chemistry, in pharmaceu- aqueous solution to collect back the impurities extracted by
tical and biochemical industries, and in waste treatment. In the solvent) and stripping (contacting the scrubbed organic
addition, solvent extraction is a good instrument for study- phase with an aqueous solution to recover the main extracted
ing fundamental understanding of equilibrium and kinetics species from the organic phase, back to the aqueous phase) (4).
of complex formation processes. Extraction methods have
now become a routine procedure in separation technologies.
Principles of Solvent Extraction
In metal recovery, it is one of the favored separation techni-
ques because of its simplicity, speed and wide scope. By utiliz- Extractants
ing relatively simple equipment and requiring less time to
Because metals generally exist in aqueous solution as
perform, extraction procedures offer much to chemists and
hydrated ions before the metal can be extracted into a non-
engineers (2).
polar organic phase, the water molecules must be replaced and
Since the early days of the Manhattan Project, when
any ionic charge reduced or removed. This can be achieved in
scientists extracted uranyl nitrate into diethyl ether to purify
different ways by using three types of extractants: acidic, basic,
and solvating, which extract metals according to the following
equilibrium reactions (5):
Received 23 January 2016, Accepted 1 September 2016.
Address correspondence to Y.A. El-Nadi, Hot Laboratories Center, Atomic
Energy Authority, Kalyobeia 13759, Egypt. E-mail: Acidic :Mzþ ðaqÞ þ zHAðaq or orgÞ
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found , MAzðorgÞ þ zHþ ðaqÞ
online at
196 Y.A. EL-NADI

These extractants require the presence of stable anionic

metal complexes to form the extractable ion pair complexes,
so that only metals that produce such species can be
extracted with these compounds. Thus, in halide solution,
gold(III) > iron(III) > zinc > cobalt > copper >> nickel.
An example of this kind of extractants is observed in the
work performed as a comparative study of vanadium extraction
by Aliquat-336 (N-methyl-NNN-trioctylammonium chloride,
R3CH3N) from acidic sulfuric acid and alkaline sodium hydro-
xide media, respectively, giving the following equilibria (10):

½H2 V10 O28 4 ðaqÞ þ 4½R3 CH3 NClðorgÞ

, ðR3 CH3 NÞ4 H2 V10 O28 ðorgÞ þ 4Cl ðaqÞ (5)
FIGURE 1 Typical solvent extraction flow sheet.

½VO3 OH2 ðaqÞ þ ½R3 CH3 NOHðorgÞ

, ½R3 CH3 NVO3 ðorgÞ þ 2OH ðaqÞ (6)
þ ðnzÞ
Basic : ðn  zÞR4 N ðaq or orgÞ þ MXn ðaqÞ
, ðn  zÞR4 Nþ MXn ðnzÞ ðorgÞ (2) Solvating Extractants. Solvating extractants operate
by replacing the solvating water molecules around the aqueous
metal complex, making the resulting species more lipophilic.
Solvating : MXzðaqÞ þ mSðorgÞ The types of organic compounds used include those based on
, MXz SmðorgÞ þ mH2 O (3) carbon, i.e., alcohols, ethers, esters and ketones with com-
pounds such as dibutylcarbitol, nonyl phenol and methyl iso-
butyl ketone (MIBK). Amides, RCONR2, have also been
Acidic Extractants. Acidic extractants include simple
proposed for specialized applications such as the extraction
reagents such as carboxylic acids and organophosphorus
of lanthanides, actinides (11–14) and precious metals (15–17).
acids, as well as chelating acids such as β-diketones, 8-
However, the most commonly used oxygen-donating solvat-
hydroxyquinoline and hydroxyoximes (6).
ing extractants are based on the organophosphorus com-
For metals in the first transition series the extraction extent
pounds: alkylphosphates, (RO)3PO; alkylphosphonates,
follows the order: V < Cr < Mn < Fe < Co < Ni < Cu > Zn, for
(RO)2RPO; alkylphosphinates, (RO)R2PO; and alkyl phos-
divalent metals. Thus, unless other factors are involved copper
phine oxides, R3PO (18, 19). Some commercial solvating
will be extracted at lower pH values than the other elements. In
extractants include Cyanex 921, Cyanex 923 and Cyanex
addition, it is found that M4+ > M3+ > M2+ > M+, so that
925. However, sulfur donor extractants are less common,
thorium(IV) will be extracted before iron(III) in turn before
although dialkylsulfides have been used in precious metal
copper(II) before sodium. In this respect, Fe(III) was success-
extraction, and a trialkylphosphine sulfide, R3PS (Cyanex
fully extracted from sulfuric acid solution containing chro-
471X), is available commercially. Such sulfur-donating extrac-
mium using D2EHPA (HA) mixed with kerosene according
tants will need to be considered when extracting and separating
to the following reaction (7):
soft metals, such as second- and third-row transition metals
    (e.g., cadmium, mercury and palladium).
ðaqÞ þ 3 ðHAÞ2 ðorgÞ , FeðHA2 Þ3 ðorgÞ
Fe3þ Actually, Cyanex reagents are considered as potential
þ 3Hþ ðaqÞ (4) extractants for different elements of nuclear importance as
U(VI), U(IV), Th(IV), etc. from different aqueous media
Basic Extractants. Basic extractants normally consist (20). These reagents have the advantage of not extracting
of alkylammonium species (8). Quaternary ammonium spe- nitric acid, which is extracted by tri-n-butylphosphate (TBP)
cies or uncharged alkylammonium compounds may be used usually used in the extraction processes of the spent nuclear
as extractants. It has been observed that the magnitude of fuel. Cyanex reagents are also effective extractants for
extraction follows the order R4N+ > R3NH+ > R2NH2+ > lanthanides and rare earth elements as well as platinum
RNH3+ with the size of the alkyl group R generally between group metals as Pd(II). Moreover, the extraction equilibrium
8 and 10 carbon atoms. In commercial practice the trialk- using these reagents is usually reached after few minutes
ylammonium compounds are generally more commonly and the separation factors between different elements in the
used in spite of their inferior extraction properties because Cyanex systems are usually higher than that of other related
they are cheaper than the quaternary extractants (9). systems (20).

Synergistic Extraction Thus, the ratio, RA/RB, the recovery factor ratio, is an
expression of the degree of separation (52).
On occasion, mixtures of two different extractants will
A single equilibrium is unlikely to provide an adequate
enhance the extraction of a metal above that expected
degree of separation and further contact stages are almost
from the summation of the performance of the two reagents
separately. This gives rise to the synergistic factor (SF),
defined using the metal distribution ratios D in the different
Cross-current Batch Extraction
extractant media as follows:
In a cross-current extraction process, the feed containing
SF ¼ DAB =ðDA þ DB Þ (7) the solutes is contacted with fresh solvent for each extrac-
tion stage. The extracts can be collected separately or com-
A large number of examples of synergism can be found in bined for further processing, Figure 2.
the literature (21–50), although very few of these have actually
been commercialized. The main reason for the lack of indus- Counter-current Batch Extraction
trial interest is probably the difficulty in maintaining the opti-
mum ratio of extractants in the organic phase to provide In counter-current batch extraction, Figure 3, the aqueous
synergism. The most common synergistic system consists of phase is extracted with successive volumes of solvent such
a mixture of an acidic and a solvating extractant acting on a that the fresh organic phase always extracts from the weak-
metal ion where the preferred coordination number cannot be est aqueous phase and the most concentrated solvent
satisfied by just the acidic extractant. Table 1 summarizes the extracts from the strongest aqueous phase. This method of
structure of the above referenced synergistic mixtures, the extraction provides the lowest residual concentration of
metal ions extracted, the aqueous media used and the stripping solute in the final raffinate while at the same time producing
conditions as well as their applications if present. maximum solute loading of the organic phase (52, 53).
It is noteworthy that the extractants used in synergistic In industrial practice batch processing is impracticable. It
systems are usually composed of a mixture of an acidic is much more effective from the chemical engineering
extractant with a neutral one. The acid liberated during the aspect to carry out the extraction with continuous counter-
process of solvent extraction of metals with those acidic current flow of the two phases.
extractants adversely affects the metal extraction. One
extra example is the study of extraction behavior of the Continuous Counter-current Extraction
metal ions, La, Nd and Y, using a convenient mixture of
Contactors for counter-current extraction, Figure 3, described
neutral reagents such as trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO)
in detail (9), may be divided into two types: 1) stage-wise
and trialkylphosphine oxide (TRPO) extractants (51). In
contactors and 2) truly continuous contactors. The former is
this system, yttrium was separated in a pure form based on
typified by mixer-settler contactor, Figure 4, in which the two
its trend in the extraction and stripping procedures. Besides,
phases are equilibrated and then separated in the settler section
the method was applied on the hydrous oxide cake resulted
from Egyptian monazite to separate yttrium from lanthanum before passing on counter-current to each other (54). Truly
continuous, counter-current operation is obtained when the two
and neodymium including in the ore.
phases pass continuously in opposite directions as in a simple
packed column. A continuous counter-current contactor,
Extraction Techniques and Considerations Figure 5, can be designed from the number of equilibrium stages
required to affect a separation (55).
The maximum degree of separation that can be achieved A graphical construction can be used to relate the feed
between two metals (A and B) in a single equilibrium of the concentration to the aqueous and organic solute concentra-
two phases is governed by: tions for a given number of contact stages and for specific
flow rate. The resulting diagram is usually termed an extrac-
1. The separation factor (α), which is the ratio of the tion equilibrium diagram or a McCabe–Thiele diagram,
distribution ratios (D) of the two metals. Figure 6 (51).
2. The phase ratio (r), which is the ratio of the volume of A number of published papers in which the mixer-settler
the organic phase to the volume of the aqueous phase. contactor has been extensively used can be found in the litera-
ture. Some of them include the extraction of copper from
A comparison can be made of the fraction A extracted ammoniacal waste solution (56), extraction and recovery of
(RA) with the fraction of B extracted (RB) utilizing the zinc from simulated and real industrial waste resulting from
following equation: rayon industry (57), separation of thorium from leached mon-
  azite solution using counter-current extraction (58), and recov-
DB þ 1=r ery of U(IV) from phosphoric acid by octylphenyl acid
RA =RB ¼ α (8)
DA þ 1=r phosphate (OPAP) extractant (59).
TABLE 1 198
Extraction data obtained from synergistic systems (21–50)

Extractant Metal ion medium Stripping agent Application Ref.

CA-12+ Cyanex 272 in heptane Y Chloride Diluted HCl Separation of Y from rare earths (21)
Cyanex 272+ D2EHPA and Cyanex 302+D2EHPA in Co, Ni Diluted sulfate 200 g/L H2SO4 Improvement of Co and Ni by elevating the temperature (22)

HRJ-4277+ Cyanex 471x in Shellsol 2046 Cd, Zn Distilled water 20 g/L H2SO4 Batch continuous extraction test (23)
Hhfa and Htta+ Co(III) chelates in toluene lanthanides Distilled water 0.1 M HClO4 Spectrochemical study of the adduct formation (24)
HTTA or HP+PAN in benzene Lanthanides Deionized N/A Increasing a selectivity (25)
water among the lanthanides
TPTZ+HL-10-LH in CHCl3 N/A 0.1 M nitrate N/A Proposal of the interaction complexes stoichiometries (26)
TPTZ+HL-10-LH in CHCl3 La, Eu, Lu 0.1 M nitrate 1 M HNO3 Improvement of the selectivity of (27)
Eu over Lu and Eu over La
TBP+N235 in heptane Zn, Cd Distilled water N/A Separation of Zn from bulk Cd solutions (28)
D2EHPA+ HEH/EHP in kerosene Nd, Sm Diluted sulfate 3 M HCl N/A (29)
D2EHPA+ HEH/EHP in kerosene La, Nd, Sm, Gd Diluted sulfate N/A Calculation of equilibrium and stability constants (30)
D2EHPA+ Cyanex 923 in heptane Ce, F Sulfuric acid N/A Separation of Ce and F from bastnasite (31)
D2EHPA+ HEH/EHP in kerosene Ce Sulfuric acid N/A N/A (32)
CA100+Phen in benzene La, Nd, Sm, Tb, Nitrate N/A Separation of the lanthanoids from yttrium (33)
Versatic 10+ LIX63 or 4PC in Shellsol D70 Ni, Co Tap water H2SO4 Separation of Ni and Co from Mn, Mg and Ca (34)
CA100+N235 in heptane In, Ga Chloride N/A Separation of In and Ga (35)
Cyanex272+ PC-88A in heptane Co, Mn, Li H2SO4 >0.04 M HCl or >0.01 M Recycling of spent cathodic materials of Li-ion batteries (36)
DEO6+ Lanthanides Distilled water N/A N/A (37)
β-diketone in 1,2-dichloroethane
Versatic 10+ LIX 63 in Shellsol D70 Cu, Fe Chloride 53 g/L Cu+ 180 g/L H2SO4 Proposal of flow sheet for copper conventional electrowinning (38)
DNPPA+ neutral oxodonors in n-paraffin U Nitric acid 1 M Na2CO3 Recovery of uranium from nitric acid media (39)
Cyanex 272+ HQ in heptane Sm Chloride N/A Overcome emulsification of HQ (40)
TIOA+TBP in dichloromethane Cd, Co, Ni Acidic iodine 2 M NaOH Separation of Cd from industrial wastewater containing Co and Ni (41)
LIX63+ Versatic 10+ TBP in Shellsol D70 Cu, Ni, Co, Zn Strong chloride 100 g/L H2SO4 Proposal of flow sheet to recover Cu, Co, Zn and Ni from strong (42)
chloride leach
D2EHPA+LIX 860 in toluene Co KNO3 N/A N/A (43)
D2EHPA+ TOPO in Isane IP 185 U H3PO4 N/A Derivation of the uranyl, D2EHPA and TOPO speciation (44)
HA+TOPO or TBuP in nonane Zn (NH4)2SO4 2 M H2SO4 Recovery of zinc from ammoniacal solutions using β-diketone extractant (45)
D2EHPA+ Cyanex 272 in kerosene Y Chloride N/A N/A (46)
D2EHPA+ EHEHPA in n-heptane Nd, Dy, Y HCl N/A Enhancement the separation of Nd (47)
Versatic 10 acid+LIX84-I in kerosene Ni Sulfate 3 M H2SO4 Separation of Ni from Co, Mn and Li contained in Li-ion batteries (48)
Mextral 54-100+ Mextral 84H in kerosene Zn Ammoniacal/ 2 M H2SO4 N/A (49)
DOP+TBP in kerosene Li MgCl2 6 M HCl N/A (50)

CA100 = sec-nonylphenoxy acetic acid, CA-12 = sec-octylphenoxy acetic acid, Cyanex 272 = bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid, Cyanex 302 = di-2,4,4,-trimethylpentyl mono-thio-phosphinic acid,
Cyanex 471x = triisobutyl phosphine sulfide, Cyanex 923 = trialkyl phosphine oxide, D2EHPA = bis-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid, DEO6 = dodecyl polyether, DOP = dioctyl phthalate, DNPPA = dinonyl phenyl
phosphoric acid, EHEHPA = 2-ethylhexylphosphonic acid mono-2-ethyl hexyl ester, HA = 4-ethyl-1-phenyl-1,3-octadione, HEH/EHP = 2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester, Hhfa =
hexafluoroacetylacetone, HL-10-LH = heterocyclic β-ketoenol, HP = 4-benzoyl-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one, HQ = 8-hydroxyquinoline, HRJ-4277 = nonylsalicylic acid, Htta = 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone,
LIX 63 = 5,8-diethyl-7-hydroxy-6-dodecanone oxime, LIX 84I = 2-hydroxy-5-nonylacetophenone oxime, LIX 860 = 5-dodecylsalicylaldoxime, Mextral 54-100 = 1-benzoyl-2-nonyl ketone, Mextral 84H = 2-
hydroxy-5-nonylacetophenone oxime, N/A = not applicable or not found, N235 = trialkyl amine, Neutral oxodonors = TBP, TEHP, Cyanex 923, PAN = 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol, PC-88A = 2-ethylhexyl
phosphinic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester, Phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, TBP = tri-butyl-phosphate, TBTZ = 2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine, TBuP = tributyl phosphine, TEHP = tris(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate,
TIOA = triisooctylamine, TOPO = trioctyl phosphine oxide, Versatic 10 = neodecanoic acid.

FIGURE 2 Cross-current extraction schemes (53). © Roussel-Robatel Company. Reproduced by permission of Roussel-Robatel Company. Permission to
reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

FIGURE 3 Counter-current extraction scheme (53). © Roussel-Robatel Company. Reproduced by permission of Roussel-Robatel Company. Permission to
reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

FIGURE 4 Flow diagram of a mixer settler unit [courtesy of Rousselet-Robatel, Annonay, France (55)]. © Roussel-Robatel Company. Reproduced by
permission of Roussel-Robatel Company. Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

APPLICATIONS impetus for the further development of these technologies

(60). SX is applied nowadays in various industries. This is a
Solvent extraction (SX) was employed mainly as an analy- classic method of separation and concentration of metal ions
tical tool for the separation and analysis of elements with from aqueous solutions. It is a selective, cost-effective and
very similar chemical properties. The discovery and isola- uncomplicated chemical process applied in hydrometallur-
tion of the lanthanide and actinide elements provided gical separation and purification of various metals (61).
200 Y.A. EL-NADI

FIGURE 5 Eight-stage mixer-settler battery with turn-key skid-mounted accessories [Rousselet-Robatel, Annonay, France (55)]. © Roussel-Robatel
Company. Reproduced by permission of Roussel-Robatel Company. Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

Ore Processing
The process used for recovery of uranium from its ores
depends on the nature of the ore. All the processes include a
leaching step that solubilizes the metal. Solvent extraction is
used most frequently for the recovery and purification of
uranium from the leaching liquors (9).
Most uranium-bearing ores are readily leached in sulfuric
acid and the uranium is recovered by solvent extraction
using amines or dialkylorganophosphorus acids. Phosphate
ores are leached in a mixture of sulfuric and phosphoric
acids or in phosphoric acid alone. Hot nitric acid has also
been used as a lixiviant for uranium ores.

Sulfuric Acid Leach Liquors. Organophosphorus

FIGURE 6 McCabe–Thiele diagram for extraction of La(III), Nd(III) and Y
reagents were among the first used for the commercial
(III) from HNO3 solution by a TOPO and TRPO mixture in kerosene at 25 °C
and phase ratio = 1 [adapted from Ref. (51)]. Reprinted from (51) with permis- recovery of uranium from solutions obtained from the
sion from Elsevier. leaching of low-grade ores with sulfuric acid. In the
Dapex process (62), diethyl hexyl phosphoric acid
(D2EHPA) is used to selectively extract uranium from
The use of solvent extraction in hydrometallurgy extends to a vanadium and iron(III) under conditions of controlled pH
wide range of metals from different feeds including low-grade and electrochemical potential (63). TBP or isodecanol is
ore, scrap, waste leachates and dilute aqueous solutions. The added to the organic phase to prevent the formation of a
technology was used first in nuclear technology; then, some third phase. The extraction of uranium(VI) by D2EHPA
high-value metals like precious group metals solvent extraction (represented as the dimeric H2A2 structure) occurs via
technologies became commercially viable and were developed the reaction:
and used. After the development of selective chelating extrac-
tants, the solvent extraction was able to compete with classical UO2 2 ðaqÞ þ 2H2 A2ðorgÞ , UO2 ðHA2 Þ2ðorgÞ þ 2Hþ (9)
separation–concentration operations in this field (2).

Comparison of the Amex and Dapex processes

Point of comparison Amex process Dapex process

Coextracted ions Mo(VI), Zr(IV) Fe(III), Th(IV), V(IV), Ti(IV), Mo(VI), Rare Earths
Stripping Simple, many possibilities With Na2CO3 which necessitates addition of TBP to
avoid the separation of NaDEHP in a third phase
Extractant stability Rather low stability More stable than amines
Diluent Tendency to form third phases with aliphatic hydrocarbons. Long- Many diluents can be used
chain alcohols as phase modifiers or aromatic diluents are necessary
Extraction kinetics Rapid Slow
Phase disengagement Slow (sensitive to suspended solids) Rapid

Uranium is stripped from the loaded organic phase with a incorporated into the crystal structure of apatite (Ca5(PO4)3
solution of sodium carbonate and recovered as sodium (OH,F,Cl)), rather than adsorbtively associated with it.
uranyl tricarbonate, while the extractant is regenerated in Uranium is, therefore, typically recovered from phos-
the sodium form. phate rocks by recovering it from phosphoric acid produced
Today, amines are more widely used for the recovery of by sulfuric acid leaching of phosphate ores.
uranium from sulfate leach liquors, and uranium recovery is Uranium in phosphoric acid solution is extracted as the
one of the most important commercial uses of amines. UO22+ species also using D2EHPA mixed with tri-n-octyl-
Amine systems achieve higher uranium purity than organo- phosphine oxide (TOPO) that synergistically forms an
phosphorus systems (due to the greater selectivity of amines organic-phase adduct:
for uranium) and have lower extractant losses due to their
lower aqueous-phase solubility. Solvent extraction is
applied either directly to the weakly acidic leach liquor UO2 ðHA2 Þ2ðorgÞ þ TOPOðorgÞ
(AMEX process, Vaal River West, South Africa) or to the , UO2 ðHA2 Þ2  TOPOðorgÞ (10)
strongly acidic eluate from an ion-exchange preconcentra-
tion treatment of the leach liquor (63). A more modern TBP has also been used as a synergist, but TOPO typi-
variation (such as at Southern Cross Resources Uranium cally gives higher synergism and higher selectivity than
One, South Africa) is to treat the ore by pressure leaching TBP. Di(nonylphenyl)phosphoric acid can also be used in
followed by solvent extraction. The extraction of uranium place of D2EHPA (64). Uranium is stripped from the loaded
(VI) by amines occurs in the order of tertiary > secondary > organic phase with ammonium carbonate, and precipitated
primary amines. The extraction of iron(III) occurs in the as ammonium uranyl tricarbonate.
reverse order, so tertiary amines represent an obvious choice
of extractant. The tertiary alkyl amine sold as Alamine 336 Nitric Acid Leach Liquors. High-grade uranium
or Armeen 380 is widely used, usually in conjunction with ores are sometimes leached in hot nitric acid, particularly
an alcohol phase modifier (such as isodecanol) to prevent when significant amounts of radioactive elements such as
the formation of a third phase and inhibit the formation of thorium are present in the rock (65). Uranium forms the
emulsions. uranyl nitrate species that can be extracted by a solvating
Uranium can be stripped from the loaded organic phase using mechanism using TBP, forming the species UO2(NO3)2
a variety of reagents, including NaCl, (NH4)2SO4, Na2CO3, (TBP)2 (63). TBP extraction of uranium from nitric acid
ammoniacal ammonium sulfate or ammonia gas (63). These is also practiced for the purification of uranium and for its
stripping systems present few choices based on technical recovery from irradiated nuclear fuel (66).
grounds, so the choice of reagent is usually determined by
economic factors. The advantages and disadvantages of the Thorium
Dapex and Amex processes are compared in Table 2. The
Amex process is more widely used than the Dapex process Thorium, which consists mainly of the almost stable
because of the greater selectivity of trialkylamines than isotope Th-232 (alpha emitter with half-life, t½ = 14.109
D2EHPA for uranium in H2SO4 solution. years), has been proposed as a secondary source of
nuclear energy (67). Irradiation of Th-232 with neutrons
Phosphoric Acid Leach Liquors. Many phosphate produces Th-233 (t½ = 22.4 minutes), a beta-emitter that
rock deposits contain quantities of radioactive elements such decays to fissionable U-233. The world reserves of Th-
as uranium and thorium. Selective leaching of uranium from 232 are about three times larger than those of uranium.
raw phosphate ores is difficult because the U(VI) ion is However, because the uranium nuclear fuel cycle was
202 Y.A. EL-NADI

Commercial processes for the recovery of Th from its main ores

Types of ores (main locations) composition Leaching Purification

Monazite (Brazil, India, Australia, (La,Ce,Th)PO4 Hot concentrated NaOH or Dissolution of oxides into HNO3 and then TBP; alkylamines for Th in
South Africa, United States) H2SO4 sulfate solutions
Thorianite/Uranothorite ThO2/(U,Th)O2 HNO3 or H2SO4 TBP for nitrates/Alkylamines for sulfates
Thorite/Uranothorite (United States, ThSiO4/(U,Th) Hot H2SO4 Alkylamines
Canada) SiO4

developed first and is easier to use for nuclear energy selectively solubilized or both thorium and rare earths
production, the thorium cycle has not received as much totally solubilized. Rare earths and thorium are subsequently
attention. However, thorium must be considered as a recovered from the solution. The processes available are
future nuclear energy source. Fission of thorium produces shown in Figure 7. The process of rare earth recovery
less hazardous waste, because the amount of long-lived based on rare earth double sulfate precipitation was largely
transthorium isotopes is about 100 times less than that in developed by Pilkington and Wylie (72) and has found
the uranium cycle. Accelerator-driven reactors projects industrial application. Yttrium and the heavy rare earth
based on the thorium cycle have been proposed (68). double sulfates are quite soluble and go with thorium.
Table 3 contains, in a simplified way, the composition, Even in the stepwise neutralization procedure investigated
location and treatment of main thorium ores. The purifi- at Ames (73), yttrium and the heavy rare earths are precipi-
cation of thorium by TBP extraction takes place after the tated along with thorium as a basic compound. The rare
dissolution of thorium in nitric acid, generally from a earths, however, are recoverable from the thorium fraction
hydroxide cake. When thorium is dissolved in sulfuric during solvent extraction for the purification of thorium and
acid, purification is achieved by extraction with long- uranium. Solvent extraction with TBP from an aqueous 8 M
chain alkylamines. nitric acid solution of thorium and mixed rare earths permits
the recovery of thorium, uranium, cerium and cerium-free
Rare Earth Elements rare earths.
Other commercially significant processes essentially
The rare earths are moderately abundant elements in the
involve precipitation of thorium pyrophosphate or basic
earth’s crust that occur in a large number of minerals. Rare
salts from the leach liquor and subsequent recovery of the
earths typically occur as carbonates, oxides, phosphates and
rare earth in solution as double sulfates, fluorides, or hydro-
silicates in the forming minerals. Even though the rare earth
xides or even selective solubilization of thorium in the ore
metals are fifteen in number, about 95% of all the world rare
treatment stage itself (74). The sulfuric acid process does
earth resources occur in just three minerals, bastnasite,
not yield pure products and is no longer in commercial use.
monazite and xenotime. These three therefore are the prin-
cipal ore minerals for rare earth extraction. Among these,
Alkali Treatment. The phosphate content of the ore is
again, bastnasite occurs most frequently, monazite is second
recovered as a marketable by-product, trisodium phosphate,
and xenotime is the distant third (4).
at the beginning of the flow sheet, and this has been a major
The mineral monazite is a phosphate mainly of the cerium
attraction for the commercial use of this process. In this
group rare earths and thorium. Monazite is found in many
concern, a modified leaching and extraction process of ura-
geological environments. It occurs as an accessory mineral in
nium from hydrous oxide cake of Egyptian monazite was
acidic igneous rocks, in metamorphic rocks and in certain vein
developed (75). In this process, a monazite sample is ground
deposits. Due to its chemical stability it also develops into
to mesh size 200–270, then digested by boiling with sodium
detrital mineral in placer deposits and beach sands (69).
hydroxide (50%) for 4 hours at 140 °C and filtered at 80 °C.
The recovery of mixed rare earths and removal of thor-
The filtrate can be recycled for recovery of sodium phosphate
ium from monazite are accomplished by a variety of meth-
and excess sodium hydroxide, whereas the precipitate is
ods (70), after chemically attacking the mineral with sulfuric
washed with water and dried. The dried precipitate, which
acid or sodium hydroxide.
consists mainly of thorium and rare earths as well as uranium
hydrous oxides, was leached several times with alkaline
Acid Treatment. The sulfuric acid method had been
solution composed of sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide
used most extensively in the United States (71). With this
and hydrogen peroxide to separate uranium selectively.
method, depending on the acid/ore ratio, temperature and
The solution is filtered and the filtrate containing uranium
concentration, either thorium or the rare earths can be
is diluted and shaken with 0.1 M Aliquat-336 in kerosene

FIGURE 7 Monazite processing by acid treatment [adapted from Ref. (4)]. © Taylor & Francis. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis. Permission
to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

containing octanol in one-stage solvent extraction to recover finally recovered from the solution as the oxalate and cal-
and purify uranium. The resulted uranium which is mainly cined to oxide. The final product was found to contain
tricarbonate complex is precipitated as hydroxide by decreas- 84.5% Y2O3 (51).
ing pH of the solution with addition of nitric acid (75).
Thorium and rare earths precipitate is dissolved in 4 M Copper
nitric acid with heating. Thorium is extracted from the
above mixture by Aliquat-336 in kerosene, stripped by One of the most remarkable success stories in the com-
shaking with HCl solution and precipitated as hydroxide mercial application of solvent extraction occurred in the
by addition of ammonium hydroxide giving thorium (76). copper industry. The use of solvent extraction for the pri-
On the other hand, cerium(III) is oxidized to its tetravalent mary processing of copper has enjoyed spectacular growth
state by addition of sodium bromate, extracted by Aliquat- over the past 35 years. The production of high-purity copper
336 in kerosene containing 1-octanol and stripped by shak- by a combination of leaching in sulfuric acid, upgrading and
ing the organic phase with diluted HNO3 solution and then purification of the copper by solvent extraction (SX), and
precipitated as hydroxide by addition of ammonia (77). An recovery of the metal by electrowinning (EW) has increased
integrated schematic diagram displaying the whole process steadily, now approaching 30% of total copper production
is shown in Figure 8. as shown in Figure 9 (78–80).
The aqueous solution principally containing La, Nd and The first commercial reagents were all based on ketoxime
Y is subjected to solvent extraction using a synergistic functionality and were used exclusively for copper extrac-
TOPO–TRPO mixture in kerosene in 2:1 O/A phase ratio tion for over a decade after the first full-scale application at
at 25 °C. The organic phase is stripped by H2SO4 in equi- Bluebird Ranchers Mine, Arizona (81). Today, ketoximes
molar ratio to separate most of Y and then treated by HCl as are still successfully used in niche applications for the
stripping agent to recover La and Nd. The organic layer is recovery of copper from dilute leach liquors and also find
finally washed with water to separate the remaining Y and applications in nickel solvent extraction from ammoniacal
then used for another cycle of extraction. Overall recovery solutions and in precious metal refining. Particular applica-
of yttrium from the strip liquors was about 94%, while it tions of ketoximes in copper production are at El Tesoro and
was 79% and 81% for La and Nd, respectively. Yttrium was Lomas Bayas in the Atacama Desert of Chile, where the
204 Y.A. EL-NADI

FIGURE 8 A suggested flow sheet of monazite processing by alkali treatment (51). Reprinted from (51) with permission from Elsevier.

FIGURE 9 Flow sheet for recovery of copper by leaching, SX and EW. RH = organic extractant (60). © Taylor & Francis. Reproduced by permission of
Taylor & Francis. Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

leach liquors of circuits often contain high levels of nitrates kinetics, high selectivity (Cu:Fe ≈ 2000:1), and high loading
and chlorides. Ketoximes are stable to oxidation under these capacity. Because they extract at pH levels below 1—the
conditions (82, 83). Although ketoximes do not generally stripping of copper is difficult.
allow the extraction of copper at pH values below 1.8, and Today, modified aldoximes and aldoxime–ketoxime mix-
have slow extraction kinetics, they exhibit copper selectivity tures are the most widely used copper extractant systems.
over iron of about 300:1. Their selectivity as a function of With advances in chemistry and manufacturing processes,
pH for other cations commonly found in sulfate leach these reagents now have high purity and many of the limita-
liquors is shown in Figure 10. tions of earlier reagents have been overcome. They have
The second-generation aldoxime extractants were devel- faster reaction kinetics, greater selectivity for copper over
oped to overcome the shortcomings of the ketoximes (84, other base metals at low pH values, better extraction per-
85). Aldoxime extractants exhibit very fast extraction formance, and more rapid phase disengagement.

FIGURE 10 pH dependence of various cations by LIX 84-I ketoxime extractant (60). © Taylor & Francis. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis.
Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

As a consequence of significant advances in reagent leach liquor was then processed directly for the recovery of the
customization during the past 30 years, large reductions in valuable metals. Fe(III), Al and Cr(III) were removed to <1
capital costs for copper solvent extraction plants have been mg/L by precipitation with limestone. In the first of three
possible. Copper production per unit area of plant size has solvent extraction operations, Co, Cu, Zn and Mn were sepa-
also increased dramatically, from about 4 ton of copper/y/m2 rated from Ni by Cyanex 272. Extractions of Co, Mn and Zn
of settler area in the early plants to 16 t/y/m2. Some of the are excellent, with minimum co-extraction of nickel (92).
most innovative advances in equipment design and circuit The raffinate from the cobalt extraction circuit was refined
configurations have also been achieved in copper extraction by nickel extraction to produce a high-grade solution suitable
(86, 87). Earlier plants were designed using only series for the production of nickel cathode. This extraction was
configurations of the mixer-settler trains. The trend in recent carried out using versatic acid, a long-chain carboxylic acid,
years leans toward the use of series parallel configurations, using pH control to limit the co-extraction of Mg and Ca. The
especially in very large plants, and from series-parallel to nickel resulting from this process had a purity of >99%, from
all-parallel (88). This increases overall throughput and which nickel cathode (> 99.5% purity) was produced by
reduces capital costs. electrowinning.

Nickel Laterite Processing Goro Process. The Goro process, Figure 12, developed
by Vale-INCO for the treatment of a nickel laterite deposit in
While high-grade nickel sulfides are processed by smelt- New Caledonia (93, 94) also treats the laterite leach liquor
ing, low-grade laterites (0.5–3% Ni), until relatively directly but uses a completely different approach. The lateritic
recently, could not be economically treated with available ore is acid leached under pressure at 270 °C. The clarified
technologies. Since 1998, several new laterite flow sheets autoclave discharge liquor is partially neutralized to precipitate
have been commissioned or are under advanced develop- Al, Cr(III), Cu, Fe and Si. Trace quantities of residual copper are
ment. All of these processes use pressure acid leaching reduced to levels of <0.04 mg/l by ion exchange using a chelat-
(PAL) to solubilize the metals of interest, but the down- ing resin because it poisons the extractant used in the subsequent
stream flow sheets have significant differences. They all extraction operation and catalyzes its oxidation (95).
involve solvent extraction as one or more of the unit opera- Ni, Co and Zn are quantitatively and selectively extracted
tions, either for the removal of cobalt from the nickel-rich from other metals in solution by Cyanex 301, which is the
leach liquor or for the purification of nickel liquor. disubstituted sulfur analogue of Cyanex 272. Excellent
extraction is achieved under acidic conditions (pH 1–2), so
Bulong Process. The Bulong nickel operation near no pH adjustment is required in the solvent extraction circuit
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, was commissioned in 1998 and the waste streams can be neutralized with inexpensive
with a design capacity of 9000 ton/y Ni and 720 ton/y Co limestone. Cobalt and nickel are separated using tertiary
(89). This plant closed in 2003, but later reopened as Avalon amine extractant (Alamine 308). Nickel is recovered by
Nickel to treat nickel sulfide material. The original flow sheet pyrohydrolysis as NiO, regenerating HCl for recycle to the
remains of interest, since it has many similarities with those Cyanex 301 strip circuit, while cobalt is recovered as a
planned for Tati Nickel, Botswana (90), and the Nkomati carbonate salt. The construction of Goro process was under-
project in South Africa (91). Figure 11 shows a simplified way in 2007 and the project was considered as the first
flow sheet of the Bulong downstream purification process. commercial application of Cyanex 301. The solvent extrac-
Following dissolution of the ore at 4500 kPa and 250 °C, the tion contacting equipment to be used is pulsed columns
206 Y.A. EL-NADI

FIGURE 11 Bulong flow sheet for purification of nickel and cobalt from laterite leach liquor (60). © Taylor & Francis. Reproduced by permission of Taylor
& Francis. Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

rather than the traditional mixer-settlers used in most base- quantities of fluoride and chloride that are detrimental to
metal plants (96). zinc electrowinning, Figure 13.
Refining of Precious Metals
Traditional processing routes for zinc sulfide concen-
trates produce high-tenor purified zinc solutions suitable The classical refining methods used for precious metals
for direct electrowinning of the metal. Such schemes are remained unchanged for several decades. Refining relied heav-
not cost-effective for lower-grade zinc deposits. Several zinc ily on precipitation methods and was extremely tedious and
projects were developed in which the preferred flow sheets inefficient because of the substantial and numerous recycles
incorporate SX-EW technology (97, 98). The Skorpion Zinc required, the large number of solid–liquid separations, and the
operation in Namibia, Figure 13, is an interesting example consequent long residence times of the valuable metals in the
of the use of leaching and SX–EW to recover zinc from an circuit. In the past two decades, significant advances have been
ore previously considered untreatable from both the proces- made in the processing of these elements, and solvent extrac-
sing and economic points of view. This is the first plant to tion is now widely used as the main separation technique.
use direct SX on the mainstream leach liquor in primary Precious metal feed materials are almost always leached in
zinc processing and is one of the lowest cost zinc producers. HCl, with chlorine gas as the oxidizing agent. The dominant
The Skorpion ore is a low-grade silicate containing aqueous species formed under these conditions are shown in
10–40% Zn and about 26% Si. Following an atmospheric Table 4. A variety of oxidation states and coordination structures
leach in sulfuric acid, Fe, Al and Si are rejected from the exist. These differences are exploited in designing extractant
leach liquor by precipitation. Zinc is then purified by systems that will be selective for one element over the others
solvent extraction with D2EHPA ahead of electrowinning. (99). The lower the charge density, the more extractable is the
Zinc electrowinning typically requires an extremely pure species. In general, the order of extraction from strong HCl is
electrolyte containing ~100 g/l Zn. Because of the low AuCl4− > PtCl62− ≈ IrCl62− > PdCl42− > RhCl63− ≈ IrCl63−.
zinc content of this feed material, leaching conditions that In most processes that use solvent extraction, gold is removed
produce a high-grade liquor would cause unacceptably from solution first, followed by palladium, and then platinum.
high soluble losses of zinc in the subsequent filtration The remaining platinum group metals (PGMs) are recovered in a
step. The Skorpion leach liquor also contains significant variety of ways, either up-front or at the end of the overall flow

FIGURE 12 Goro process for recovery of nickel from laterites (60). © Taylor & Francis. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis. Permission to reuse
must be obtained from the rightsholder.

sheet. In each case, a pure solution of the respective metal is aqueous phase (~3 g/L) and dissolved organic losses are higher
obtained, which is then subjected to a reduction to produce the than are generally considered acceptable.
pure metal powder or sponge. The final products are obtained by Therefore, the Minataur process for the refining of gold
melting to obtain ingots, granules or delivery bars. was developed in South Africa (103). This technology uses
solvent extraction as the main purification step and a variety
Gold of feed materials ranging in gold content from 50% to 99%
can be treated. The identity of the extractant remains pro-
INCO (United Kingdom) first used solvent extraction for the
prietary. It is known to be inexpensive and does not present
refining of gold from chloride solution (100, 101). The extrac-
the disadvantages of DBC mentioned above. Gold loadings
tant, dibutylcarbitol (DBC), is a straight-chain, high-molecular-
of >100 g/L on the organic phase can be achieved and
mass molecule that contains three oxygen atoms in ether posi-
stripping efficiency is high (104, 105). The process pro-
tions. The extraction mechanism has been shown to involve the
duces gold of 99.99% purity. Advantages of the process
formation of an ion pair between the solvated auric chloride
are the reduced gold lock-ups and residence times in the
anion and the oxygen-donor reagent (102). Although several
circuit and the ability to produce high-purity gold with
PGM refiners around the world have used DBC, this reagent
minimal recycles in the flow sheet. This process is presently
suffers from several disadvantages. Under the high acid condi-
operating in South Africa, Algeria and Dubai (106).
tions of the leach, it is not particularly selective over some of the
metalloid elements often found in solutions of this nature. It is
also very difficult to strip effectively, so recovery of gold from
the loaded organic phase is by direct reduction with oxalic acid Most research into the recovery of palladium by SX has
in a batch process. The extractant is also fairly soluble in the centered on the use of sulfur-based extractants (107).
208 Y.A. EL-NADI

FIGURE 13 Simplified flow sheet of the Skorpion zinc process (60). © Taylor & Francis. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis. Permission to
reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

Precious metal oxidation states and aqueous chloro complexes

Complexes formed

Metal Oxidation state Coordination number Complex geometry Low [Cl−] High [Cl−]

Au +3 4 Square planar AuCl4− AuCl4−

Ag +1 2 Linear AgCl2− AgCl2−
Ru +3 6 Octahedral Ru2OCl8(H2O)24− RuCl63−
+4 6 Octahedral RuCl62−
Rh +3 6 Octahedral Rh(H2O)23+ RhCl63−
Pd +2 4 Square planar PdCl42− PdCl42−
+4 6 Octahedral PdCl62− PdCl62−
Os +4 6 Octahedral OsCl62−
Ir +3 6 Octahedral Ir(H2O)xCl6-x(3−x)− IrCl63−
+4 6 Octahedral IrCl62− IrCl62−
Pt +2 4 Square planar PtCl42− PtCl42−
+4 6 Octahedral PtCl62− PtCl62−

Organic sulfides are selective for palladium over all other The extraction mechanism involves substitution of the
precious metals except gold, so gold is removed from the inner sphere chloro ligands by the dialkyl sulfide. Palladium
HCl leach liquor ahead of palladium. The extraction reac- extraction with this reagent is extremely slow, taking several
tion is: hours to reach equilibrium. The reaction goes to completion,
however, leaving less than 1 mg/L Pd remaining in the

ðaqÞ þ 2R2 SðorgÞ , PdCl2 ðR2 SÞ2ðorgÞ þ 2Cl ðaqÞ
PdCl4 2 (11) raffinate. The reaction is carried out in batch mode. Strong
ammonia solution is used for stripping. Palladium is

FIGURE 14 Effect of HCl concentration on extraction of platinum group metals by TBP (60). © Taylor & Francis. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis.
Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.

recovered by acidification with HCl to precipitate exchange mechanism. The reaction for tertiary amines can
Pd(NH3)2Cl2, which is calcined to produce the metal. be written as:
Various oximes, similar to those used in copper extrac-
tion, have also been widely studied as palladium extrac- 2R3 NðorgÞ þ 2HClðaqÞ , 2½R3 NHþ Cl ðorgÞ (12)
tants. Johnson Matthey (United Kingdom) and Anglo
Platinum (South Africa) recover palladium with a β- 2½R3 NHþ Cl ðorgÞ þ PtCl6 2 ðaqÞ
hydroxyoxime. Although the kinetics of this extraction , ½R3 NHþ 2 PtCl6 2 ðorgÞ þ 2Cl ðaqÞ (13)
is extremely slow, the extraction rate can be enhanced
by the addition of amines that act as accelerators. An In these systems, complete stripping can only be
advantage of these reagents is that they can be stripped achieved by deprotonation of the extractant using sodium
with strong acid, avoiding the use of ammonia (108). carbonate solution.
Stripping is typically achieved using 6 M HCl. Amines are generally employed in combination with alco-
Recovery of the metal is by salt formation, followed by hols, phenols or carboxylic acids that modify the pH depen-
reduction or calcination. dence of extraction so that stripping is easier (109). The
relative extraction efficiencies of the amines as a function of
Platinum Group Metals (PGM) chloride concentration are shown in Figure 14. The use of tri-
Platinum is recovered after palladium in most flow n-octylamine to recover platinum from the gold- and palla-
sheets. TBP is the most widely used platinum extractant. dium-depleted leach liquor was reported where it is necessary
The effect of HCl concentration on the extraction of to use 12M HCl for stripping with this reagent (110).
PGMs by TBP shows the process has a very
narrow operating window between about 3 and 4 M
HCl. So, it is also necessary to adjust the reduction IONIC LIQUIDS AS SOLVENT EXTRACTANTS
potential of the solution to ensure that iridium(IV) is
not coextracted. Solvent extraction employs water-immiscible organic sol-
Amines are good platinum extractants, and schemes in vents that can be toxic, flammable or volatile. Given the
which primary through quaternary amines are employed rising costs for their eventual disposal and the growing
have been proposed. The extraction occurs via an anion- awareness of the environmental impact associated with
210 Y.A. EL-NADI

their use, it is clear that the replacement of these solvents calixarenes in extraction of Cs(I) (126). Dioxouranium(VI)
with less noxious alternatives is desirable (111). Recently was extracted from nitric acid solutions by TBP/IL mixtures
there has been increasing emphasis on the development of using three types of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium (127). Sun et al.
environmentally benign separation processes. An important (128) reported on the use of Cyanex 923 in 1-octyl-3-
aspect of this effort to devise greener separations is, in fact, methylimidazolium [C8MIM][PF6] for a selective extrac-
the identification, characterization and application of novel tion–separation of Y(III) from a mixture of heavy lantha-
solvents exhibiting few or none of the drawbacks of their nides. The extraction efficiency of the Y(III)/Cyanex 923/
traditional organic counterparts (112). [C8MIM][PF6] system was found to decrease rapidly with
Of particular recent interest among alternative solvents increasing aqueous acidity.
have been ionic liquids (ILs). ILs are highly polar molten It was found that ILs containing disulfide or nitrile
salts possessing large ions with delocalized charges. This groups exhibit good extraction properties for Ag(I) and Pd
leads to lower Coulomb attraction forces between ions, (II) ions. Au(III) ions were also efficiently and selectively
which results in low melting temperature of ILs (113). extracted using functionalized ILs containing functional
Ionic liquids exhibit several properties that make them alkenyl group and nitrile or disulfide groups (115).
attractive as a potential basis for improved extraction pro- The extraction of Eu(III) ions by ILs showed a strong
cesses, among them are a wide liquid range, good thermal dependence on the nature of molecular solvents such as
stability, the ability to solubilize a wide range of solutes, a chloroform, n-dodecane and 1-octanol. The effect of diethy-
near-absence of vapor pressure and an extraordinary degree lenetriamine pentaacetic acid on the extraction efficiency of
of tunability (114). Am(III) and Eu(III) ions from water was also described
It has been observed that processes of metal ion separa- (129). ILs were also investigated as ion-selective extractants
tion from aqueous solutions using ILs as solvents, extrac- for Pd(II) ions from 0.1 M HCl solution containing many
tants and/or ion carriers have grown in significance. ILs metal ions (130). It was noticed that the selectivity of the
became attractive alternatives to volatile organic solvents extraction of Pd(II) is dependent on the acidity of the aqu-
(VOCs) also as a result of good extractability for a variety eous phase and decreases with increasing concentration of
of organic compounds and metal ions (115, 116). HCl.
The hydrophobic characteristics of some ILs allow for Zhang et al. (131) reported the extraction of cerium(IV)
the extraction of many heavy metal ions, such as zinc, ions, fluoride ions and Ce(IV)–F mixture from sulfuric acid
mercury, lead, cadmium, iron, chromium, copper and nickel, using bifunctional IL extractants in n-heptane. The investi-
from aqueous solutions (117). Despite their hydrophobic gated systems proved strong separation capabilities, show-
character, ILs offer relatively high solubilities for salts and ing the following extraction order: Ce(IV) > Th(IV) > Ce
can consequently be used for the extraction of salts (118). (III). Rout et al. (132) used ILs to study Nd(III) extraction
The solubility of an ILs in water strongly depends on the and found that the extraction efficiency increases with an
type of cation and anion (119). ILs possessing acid anions increase in the initial pH of the aqueous solution, reaching a
can be also used for the leaching of many metals from ores maximum at pH 2. Using 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium
(120). [C8MIM] bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide as IL, Pt(IV)
In metal recovery and refining, extraction with ILs pro- ion can be removed from gold (133). Extraction of
vides new prospects to exploit low-value metal ores and to Pt(SCN)62− was very high at pH 1, exhibiting a distribution
recycle metal ions (121, 122). A number of studies have coefficient of 6150.
been focused on developing effective extractants for SX; A novel ionic liquid, 1-hexyl-3-methyl imidazolium
however, very few reports can be found in the literature [C6MIM] dodecyl sulfonate, was synthesized and used
concerning the mixtures of ILs and classic extractants. for the construction of an aqueous two-phase system
Recently, numerous papers have been published on the together with PEG6000, which was investigated for Au
application of ILs as extracting reagent solvents and as (III) extraction later (134). Under the optimum conditions,
individual extractants of metal ions from aqueous solutions the extraction percentage was up to 97.56%. The sug-
(113). gested aqueous two phase system is supposed to be a
ILs have also been used as passive diluents for many promising approach for gold extraction and separation in
extractants in liquid–liquid extraction of various metal ions acid solutions. In another study, a selective extraction and
from aqueous phase. Imidazolium ILs are solvents with recovery of Au(III) from a tertiary metal solution contain-
well-known physicochemical properties (123, 124). For ing Au(III), Pt(IV) and Pd(II) were investigated using
example, butylmethylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, ionic liquid Aliquat-336 (135). Through sequential extrac-
[BMIM][PF6], was used as a diluent of dithizone during tion, high purity of each metal solution was separately
extraction of heavy metals ions, for example, Hg(II), Cd(II), obtained from low and high concentrations of multi-
Pb(II), Ag(I) and Cu(II) ions, from aqueous solutions. metal solutions.
ILs have also been examined in liquid–liquid extraction Zhao et. al. (136) found that isohexyl-BTP in ionic
of alkali and alkaline metal ions using crown ethers (125) or liquids exhibited remarkably better extraction performance

for lanthanides than that in octanol–dodecane system espe- characteristics of ILs, their structures and their applications
cially at lower acidity conditions (<0.1 mol/L). in various separation processes of metal ions, especially that
A solvent extraction of lithium ions from the Mg(II)- certain IL–extractant combinations have been shown to
containing salt lake brine into a commonly used ionic liquid yield metal ion extraction efficiencies far greater than
1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) those obtained with molecular organic solvents.
imide ([BMIM][NTf2]) using TBP as the extractant was
investigated (137). Under the optimal conditions, the single
extraction efficiency of lithium was 92.37%, which indi- ORCID
cated that it was an efficient extraction system for the
recovery of lithium ions. Y.A. El-Nadi
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