Tools For Data Analysis

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Tools for Data Analysis

Upon retrieval of questionnaires, the researchers tallied, collated,

analyzed and interpreted the responses of the grade 12 students to the

different items of the questionnaire. Statistical tools will also be used to analyze

and interpret the data gathered.

In determining the relationship between the face-to-face and distance

learning on students’ learning productivity, the mean ratings will be used,

while ANOVA will be used to determine if there is significant difference to the

face-to-face and distance learning on students’ learning productivity.

Microsoft Excel will be used for the computations.

Locale, Population, and Duration of the Study

This study will be conducted at Saint Louis College. The total

respondents of this study are 100 enrolled grade 12 students of Saint Louis

College for the school year 2020-2021 and who were willing to share their time

and effort to furnish answers for the data needed in the study. The

respondents were within the range of 16 to 19 years old, both male and female.

This study was conducted from the month of November 2020 until May 2021.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researchers designed a questionnaire as the data collection for this

study. It is one of the most popular and most convenient methods in

conducting a research to get the needed information from the respondents. It

was a research instrument consisting of different questions for the purpose of

gathering information needed from respondents which is about the relationship

between face-to-face and distance learning on students’ learning productivity.

The researchers used questionnaire because it is applicable in this type of

research which is a Quantitative Approach.

Research Design

The descriptive survey method of investigation was used in the study.

This design aims at gathering data about existing conditions. Best and Kahn

(2017) defined research design as devoted to the gathering of information about

prevailing conditions or situations for the purpose of description and

interpretation. This type of research method is not simply amassing and

tabulating facts but includes proper analysis, interpretation, comparisons,

identification of trends and relationships.

In addition, quantitative research approach was also used. According to

Creswell, J. W. (2013), Quantitative Research is about systematic empirical

investigation of social phenomenon via statistical, mathematical or numerical

data. It aimed to focus more in counting and classifying features and

constructing statistical models and figures to explain what is observed. This

approach is appropriate to the study since it makes use of quantitative

techniques such as surveys, checklist, questionnaire and others to determine

the relationship of face-to-face and distance learning on the learning

productivity of the students.

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