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Vivas, Angel Louisse C.

Introduction to Political Science
Midterm Requirement

Mind Map Illustration is on PDF File attached here.

Themes Participants Statements

Politics shape Economics Student 1 “…politics shape economics.
The decisions of the
government is responsible for
the functioning of economy,
it can influence the economic
development of the state. This
influence can then be the
reason as to how state will
improve or deteriorate.”
Politics shape Economics Student 2 “The government are the one
who lays out the platform, the
rules and regulations that
businesses should follow, and
these rules will determine if
the economy will succeed or
Politics shape Economics Student 3 “Politics shapes economics
because the market needs to
follow what the government
makes them do.”
Politics shape Economics Student 4 “It always start from its roots,
or the foundation, where in
this case, it is the politics,
where all the policies, ethical
standards, and of course, the
people who lead are found. If
everything goes well from the
very beginning (roots),
everything will blossom, and
will lead to a prosperous
Politics shape Economics Student 5 “…if our economy is already
undergoing failures or if the
economy itself is failing,
supposedly, implementing a
plan is what they should do in
order to aid the situation,
hence, giving politics the duty
and ability to shape our
Politics shape Economics Student 6 “Economic growth is based
on the policies/rules of our
country and if it will be
followed first by the leaders.”
Economics shape Politics Student 7 “They (economists) provide
data which politicians must
use and analyze before they
use their power to implement
new policies.”
Politics shape Economics Student 8 “Any control of how people
act or coordinate, including
what they exchange, impacts
and effects the economy.”
Politics shape Economics Student 9 “It (politics) will consistently
be the means by which
everything is managed, and
how successful the specialists
to have a good superior
Politics shape Economics Student 10 “The flow of economy
depends on policies, rules,
and regulations imposed by
the policymakers.”
Politics shape Economics Student 11 “…when they (politicians)
rule the country well and
make laws or policies
beneficial for it, our country
will prosper but when all they
do is corrupt and put the
people's money in their
pockets then there will be
little to no progress at all.”
Politics shape Economics Student 12 “Government has the power
of politics on their side, they
decide on the shape and the
flow of how the economy will
Politics shape Economics Student 13 “The active role of the
politics in reacting to and
controlling the economic
circumstances of a country is
to protect and support the
economic interests of major
stakeholders or the citizens.”
Politics shape Economics Student 14 “Legislation implement laws
that business will comply on,
thus, having an impact on
suppliers, services, both
public and private companies
and so on…”
Politics shape Economics Student 15 “The politics or the
government holds the
variable that controls the
progressiveness of the
economy and they are also
the one responsible in
creating all the laws and rules
to keep the flow smoothly.”
Politics shape Economics Student 16 “The government intervenes
when there is a need to
because they exist for the
reasons that they must
promote fairness and equality
in market trade, regulate
proper taxation, provide
subsidies and the like for
stability and growth among
its constituents and boost
economic efficiency of the
Politics shape Economics Student 17 “Good governance will lead
the economy successful and
of course for the bad
governance, the economy will
be ruined.”
Neutral Student 18 “The laws/policies of the
state shape the economy and
these policies were made by
the government. On the other
hand, economy also shapes
politics; when the economy is
performing well it reflects on
the performance of the
Politics shape Economics Student 19 “Policies of any Governing
body may affects the
economy of it’s (its)
Politics shapes Economics Student 20 “The Government
implements policies that
suggest in making the
economy grow.
In some instances like here in
my town, economics shapes
Politics shape Economics Student 21 “With good governance we
can be able to attain a good
and stable economy”
Politics shape Economics Student 22 “Politics mandates economy
movements by analyzing and
providing rules and
regulations to balance the
countries and global needs.”
Politics shape Economics Student 23 “Politics shape economics in
a way where the leader's
decision can directly affect
the health of the economy, as
seen throughout history, and
the economics can be used as
a guide for politics.”
Politics shape Economics Student 24 “The government is
responsible for delegating
funds from the taxes therefore
poor choice of priorities in
funding will result to
reduction of economic
Politics shape Economics Student 25 “…good economy can never
be achieved without good
politics and good politics
will determine the economy.”
Politics shape Economics Student 26 “We entrusted them power
and responsibility to makes
changes and help the
economy of the state, for all
countries want economic
growth and by that it is within
the hands of the leaders we
chose weather it fails or the
other way around.”
Politics shape Economics Student 27 “Politics influences and
affects governance and
governance affects the
Politics shape Economics Student 28 “Effective governance that
utilizes great economic output
ensues essential public
services and social insurance
leading to positive effects on
the level of comfort of social
Neutral Student 29 “They shape one another
depending on the
circumstance and what is
currently needed. Though
they have a direct associative
relationship, it doesn't
necessarily mean that they
will be executed the same.”
Neutral Student 30 “politics and economics need
to be in synergy for a nation
to truly bloom.”
Politics shape Economics Student 31 “The decisions of our
politicians or the higher
leaders of our country will
affect our economic
Neutral Student 32 “While it is true that politics
shapes economics to a great
extent, we cannot disregard
the fact that economics also
shapes politics. They
Politics shape Economics Student 33 “Politics help economists
perceive and/or determine
what the public needs. With
this help, economists are able
to make more researches
regarding the issues of the
Economics shape Politics Student 34 “…policies heavily rely on a
country's economic status.”
Politics shape Economics Student 35 “Good governance can
provide strategic and sound
economic plans that will lead
the government free to
respond flexibly to market
forces of supply and demand,
status of unemployment,
inflation rate, and most
importantly, free from
Politics shape Economics Student 36 “Politics contains various
content of policy and
regulations towards what's
best for the public, this forces
the economist to take full
actions to achieve what's best
for the society.”
Politics shape Economics Student 37 “Political stability greatly
contributes to economic
development. A well-run
government is a well -run

The mind map attached shows three different perspective of every participant. It has
neutral point-of-view, few believed that economics shape politics, while most of the participants’
perception shows that politics shape economics.
Most of the people on the economics shape politics side explained that there are studies
first and data to be collected that the economists will forward to the political group so they can
create and apprehend the current need of the economy and the country.
However, a lot of the respondents agree that politics shape economics for the reason that
politics in general is the government that is in-charged on the country’s growth and prosperity,
where the economy is included. And another, they believed that law makers first make laws
based on their knowledge and sensitivity to the need of their constituents and society, then the
economy will then follow to whatever the results of the policy implemented will be.
On the latter part, there are the neutral perspective, where they do not take side to which
of the two, instead they explained that both are being used and implemented depending on the
circumstances, may it be when the society needs the politics to shape the economics and when is
the time to when the economics will shape politics.

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