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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My motivators

Studies of successful individuals have found that there are a few motivators that
guide their career and job choices, and make working an enjoyable and successful
experience for them. Below you will find a list with the motivators that are most
commonly mentioned by high-achieving people. For this evidence you have to
organize them in order of importance from 1 (the most important) to 10 (the least
important) and write a composition expressing how they have been part of your
professional development. Recycle the grammar and vocabulary you have learned
in this learning activity. (Example: I feel variety is the most important factor in my
motivation. I don’t like doing repetitive things. In my current job I have learned how
to use Photoshop and how to market different products online. I am becoming very
good at it and now I am able to teach others.)

Fuente: SENA


Challenge - Competence - Independence - Interest - Lifestyle - Money -

Recognition - Relationships - Security - Variety







10. variety


The labor activity of the man is a social process and is directed to the fulfillment of
a function, so that there is a better productivity and quality of life must have some
motivating factors.
I feel lifestyle is the most important factor in my motivation in the work , I don’t like
not having time for me and my family. in my work I have time to share with my
family also there is a program to make walks with my co-workers, and conviviality
that give us for the relations. Promoting quality of life in organizations brings with it
many important benefits for the organization, such as: greater worker loyalty and
commitment to the organization, which favors the retention of talent; increased
productivity and better customer service levels, as well as higher levels of job
satisfaction, reducing absenteeism and voluntary turnover.
Money is a important factor in my motivation , The salary is fundamental to be able
to live well, enjoy hobbies, but I like to get to my job and feel comfortable, like in
my second family, where I am valued as a person as well as a worker.
To have a happy and motivated person within a company, where she is not only
happy with her salary, but with her conditions in general: she enjoys the
environment, her colleagues, the relationships, she feels valued, is an important
tool of the company when it comes to retaining talent, when I am well paid at my
job I do the job with more pleasure.
Relationships, is a important factor because , I like to share interests with my co-
workers, having a good relationship with them makes the work more pleasant and
the days are more bearable, in my current job and made good relations with my
colleagues this has allowed me to do and ask for favors from them.
Interest is a factor important in my motivation I like to learn new things and I have
learned to make assessments with different populations, this has taught me to
approach patients of different ages, which is very rewarding for me.
The search for security, the desire for stability, the escape from danger, the search
for an orderly and predictable world are typical manifestations of security needs,
like physiological needs, safety needs are related to the survival of the individual.
With their satisfaction, the creation and maintenance of a state of order and
security is sought. Within these we find the need for stability, the need for order
and protection, institutions must give protection and security to employees, through
affiliations to the health and safety system.

the worker is something more than being a member of a group, it is necessary to

receive recognition from others in terms of respect, status, prestige, power, also
known as self-esteem needs and therefore related to self-evaluation, the
satisfaction of esteem needs leads to feelings of self-confidence, self-appreciation,
reputation, recognition, self-esteem, prestige, status, value, strength, power,
capacity and usefulness.
job satisfaction or dissatisfaction depends on numerous factors such as the
physical environment where you work, the fact that the boss treats you well, the
sense of achievement or accomplishment that the job brings, the possibility of
applying your knowledge, that the job allows you to develop new knowledge, the
variety of tasks, assuming challenges, and independence, giving employees more
independence brings benefits to both your team members and your company. The
employee perceives the feeling of having more autonomy as a positive fact, which
has a great impact on his or her happiness. This is mainly due to the fact that they
feel much more valued, so that their self-esteem is strengthened and, with it, their
sense of professional success. The labor autonomy affects favorably in the
company in aspects like the commitment, the motivation, and the performance, if
the worker is more comfortable, more comfortable and more satisfied with his
work, he yields much more, which repercussions in a very positive way in the
productivity of the institution.
Competencies are the abilities or skills that are not acquired through study but can
be developed, such as the ability to work in a team, leadership, respect, ethics,
integrity, orientation to quality results, these skills are important for the
development of work, especially respect and ethics.

workers can make personal changes such as kindness and ethics at work , and
changes in the way they approach assigned tasks in order to improve performance
on the job, it is a skill that must be developed, employers can also make changes
in the work environment, and attitudes towards workers to improve relationships
and make the results on the job positive.

workers can perform one or more tasks, some people like to perform several tasks,
the perception that each has about their work is what determines the positive or
negative feelings towards it.
the perception of variety in the work, of autonomy and of application and
development of one's own skills and aptitudes, influence the satisfaction with the
work and the attitude of the worker.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on Ver Evidencia.

2. Attach the file which must be previously saved on the computer.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Usa el vocabulario relacionado con carreras y empleos teniendo en cuenta el
contexto requerido.

 Describe características personales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y

contexto requerido.

 Utiliza verbos compuestos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical


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