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A. Research Design

In this study, researcher used qualitative research. Qualitative

research is research on descriptive research and tends to use analysis.

Process and meaning (subject perspective) are more highlighted in

qualitative research. The theoretical foundation used as a guide so that the

focus of research is in accordance with the facts in the field. In addition,

this theoretical basis is also useful to provide a general description of the

background of the study and as a material for discussing the results of the


Ashley Crossman (2019) assumed that qualitative research is a

type of social science research that collects and works with non-numerical

data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help us

understand social life through the study of targeted populations or places.

In this study, the writer used design of descriptive method which is a

method of research that attempt to describe and interpret the objects in

accordance with reality.

This research used qualitative method since main objective was to

describe the English teacher social perception on developing lesson plan

based on 2013 curriculum and social perception on 2013 currciulum



B. Subject of Research

The subject in this study was English teacher at SMPN 2

Pangkajene. Male english teacher who was 52 years old. He had been

teach for 28 years and last education was magister of english education.

Had been certified and as a curriculum instructor for teachers in

Pangkajene and also had knowledge of renewable technology. The

researcher considered that the subject of this study had all the criteria and

can represent all teachers.

C. Research Instruments

The research instrument and the type of data collected in this study

were interview and documentation.

1) Interview

Interview is a meeting of two people to exchange

information and ideas through question and answer, so that

meaning can be constructed in a particular topic Sugiyono

(2013: 231).

In this study the researcher used structural interview

to gain the data. An interview is a conversation that is

directed at a particular problem and is an oral question and

answer process in which two or more people face

physically. Setyadin in Gunawan (2013: 160). In This study

the researcher use unstructured interview, non-


standardized, informal, or focused interviews begin with

general questions in a wide area of research. This interview

is usually followed by a keyword, agenda or list of topics

that will be covered in the interview. But there were no

questions set beforehand except in the very first interview.

2) Documentation

Documentation is a record of past events. Documents can

be in the form of writing, images, or monumental works

from a person. Documents in the form of writings such as

diaries, history of life (life histories), stories, biographies,

regulations, policies. Documents in the form of images such

as photos, live images, sketches and others. Documents in

the form of works such as works of art, which can be in the

form of pictures, sculptures, films and others. Document

study is a complement to the use of observation and

interview methods in qualitative research. Sugiyono (2013:


D. Research Variable

Research variables were an attribute or the nature or value of

people, objects or activities that have certain variations determined by

researchers to be studied and then conclusions drawn (Sugiyono, 2012: 61)

The variable in this study is teacher perception toward the implementation

of 2013 curriculum assessment.


E. Data Collection Procedure

Data collection in this study used several techniques; this is

intended to obtain complete data, as follows:

1. Interview

The interview distributed to gain the data about the

teacher’s perception on the 2013 curriculum assessment. The

researcher used question and responses to exchange the data. By

doing interview with the English teacher, the more explicit

information the researcher got. Research instrument used the

interview is an interview guideline and a handphone as tape

recorder to record the interviews.

2. Documentation

One of the ways to determine the implementation of 2013

curriclum by teacher is documentation. The documents is question

are lesson plan. It needs to be analyzed to determine wheter the

lesson plan is in accordance with the principles of 2013 curriculum

or not.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, the process of analyzing the data begins when the

researcher collect the data. Analysis of the data when the data collecting is

done in a way to sort out which data is important or not.

The steps which are conducted by researcher to analyze the data

are as what expressed by Miles & Huberman, named:


1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is an activity of summarizing, choosing

subject matter, focusing on things that are important, and looking

for theme and pattern.

2. Data Display

A set of structured information and gives the possibility of

drawing conclusions.

3. Conclussion Drawing/ Verifying

An activity of formulating research result that answers the

focus of the research based on data analysis result. Conclusions are

presented in the descriptive form of the research object based on

the research study.

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