Sensory Processing Disorders - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Controversies

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current issues in personality psychology · volume 5(3), 7


review article

Sensory processing disorders – diagnostic

and therapeutic controversies

Aneta R. Borkowska E,F

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland

This article presents the current state of knowledge regard- importance to determine whether behavioural problems
ing the controversial issue of sensory integration dysfunc- observed in children are caused by disorders other than
tion/sensory processing disorder. Symptoms are defined as sensory processing disorders. Results of meta-analyses re-
impairments in the accurate reception and registering of garding sensory integration therapy are inconclusive and
stimuli, differentiation of stimulus intensity, and adequate do not allow this form of treatment to be considered fact-
reactivity to stimulation. They can be of specific character based. Future studies with high methodological standards
and occur in isolation and can also be a nonspecific element are necessary in order to verify the effectiveness of different
of a clinical picture of another disease entity. Psychophysi- forms of sensory integration therapy. Parents should be in-
ological and neuroimaging studies confirm the existence of formed about the existing limitations.
both a distinct group of children with symptoms of sensory
processing disorder diagnosed based on descriptions of be- Key words
haviours listed in questionnaires and of a specific neurobi- sensory processing; sensory integration; neuronal cor-
ological basis of this disorder. In clinical practice, it is of key relates; SI therapy

corresponding author – Aneta R. Borkowska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, 5 Maria Skłodowska-Curie Square,
20-001 Lublin, Poland, e-mail:
authors’ contribution – A: Study design · B: Data collection · C: Statistical analysis · D: Data interpretation ·
E: Manuscript preparation · F: Literature search · G: Funds collection
to cite this article – Borkowska, A. R. (2017). Sensory processing disorders – diagnostic and therapeutic controversies.
Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 5(3), 196–205.
received 27.03.2017 · reviewed 03.07.2017 · accepted 08.07.2017 · published 22.09.2017
Aneta R. Borkowska

Background Modifying the approach of Ayres, Miller et al.

(2007) proposed a  classification of such disorders.
Sensory integration disorder (SI) has been present in This taxonomy indicates the need for distinguishing
clinical practice for several decades (Adams, Feld- subtypes of dysfunctions of sensory processing, and
man, Huffman, &  Loe, 2015; Ayres, 1989; Cheung also points out the existence of individual differences
& Siu, 2009; Miller, Anzalone, Lane, Cermak, & Os- with regards to detection, regulation, interpretation,
ten, 2007). The past two decades have seen a signif- and reaction to experience/sensory input. They pro-
icant increase in the popularity of both diagnosing posed that a diagnosis of SPD should only be made
sensory integration disorders and applying SI ther- when difficulties in sensory processing are a signif-
apy. However, popularity in clinical practice is not icant hindrance in everyday life (Miller et al. 2007).
equivalent to popularity in research, which results Figure 1 presents the classification of SPD subtypes.
in a lack of high quality research and publications They are categorized in the following way:
which could confirm the appropriateness and use- Sensory modulation disorder (SMD) subtype 1 – sen-
fulness of diagnostic-therapeutic activity in this sory over-responsivity (SOR) manifests itself as faster
area. This paper aims to present the current state and longer-than-usual response to sensory stimuli.
of knowledge with regards to several important is- It may be manifested in either one (e.g. only touch)
sues: the presence of symptoms and diagnosis of or several sensory systems. This way of reacting is
sensory integration disorder, the neural bases of the especially visible in new, sudden, or unexpected sit-
disorder symptoms, comorbidity with other neuro- uations. It also depends on many variable individual
developmental disorders, and the effectiveness of SI and contextual factors. It is an unconscious, physio-
therapy. logical reaction to stimuli.
SMD subtype 2 – sensory under-responsivity (SUR)
is characterised by lack of reaction to sensory stimu-
Symptomatology of sensory li. Affected children seem not to perceive the stimuli
processing disorder they are exposed to; they do not even react to pain
or significantly lowered temperatures. As a  result
The term ‘sensory integration’, a basic notion in the of this, children seem to lack interest in the out-
concept of sensory disorders, was introduced by the side world – living in their own world, isolated and
occupational therapist A. Jean Ayres (1920-1989) lacking motivation for activity. Under-responsivity
in 1963 (Miller, Anzalone, Lane, Cermak, &  Osten, is rarely diagnosed in small children, because they
2007). It referred to the way in which an organism seemingly do not exhibit behavioural problems and
deals with processing information from its environ- are ‘good’ and ‘well-behaved’.
ment as a sensory input. Sensory systems, like oth- SMD subtype 3 – sensory seeking (SS) manifests as
er functional systems (e.g. language and motor sys- atypical, excessive seeking of distinct, strong stimula-
tems), are sensitive to developmental changes and tion in various modalities, e.g. preference for strong-
factors which modify them. Thus, they can be fully ly spiced food, making a lot of noise during play, or
accurate at orienting a child in the outside world, or, preference for the presence of many visual stimuli
as a result of interference during development, they in one’s surroundings. Such children’s behaviour is
may cause changes in the way stimuli are received or assessed by people in their social environment as
in the quality of the reaction to those stimuli. risky, naughty and impulsive. In order to provide
A well-organized sensory system should integrate themselves with a sufficient amount of stimulation,
information coming from all of the modalities: sight, children may exhibit repetitive behaviours (i.e. per-
hearing, proprioception, and the vestibular system. severations).
According to the originator of this concept, A. Jean Sensory discrimination disorder (SDD). Individuals
Ayres, SI dysfunction leads to broad developmental with this type of sensory processing disorder exhibit
deficits, especially in learning and emotion regula- difficulties with qualitative interpretation of sensory
tion processes (Ayres, 1989). stimuli and are not able to recognize similarities and
Nowadays, the term sensory processing disorder differences between stimuli. The fact that a stimulus
(SPD), rather than SI, is increasingly common in the occurs is registered and regulation of the response to
literature. Sensory processing is the organisation and the stimulus is also possible. However, precise recog-
interpretation of sensory stimuli coming from the nition of the quality of a stimulus is a problem. Diffi-
body and the environment, and symptoms of atypical culties of this type may concern one or many sensory
sensory processing manifest themselves in inappro- systems.
priate responses to sensory stimulation. Disorders Sensory-based motor disorder (SBMD) subtype 1
of an SPD character are defined as a lack of ability – postural disorder is characterised by difficulties in
to use information received by the senses in order stabilization of the body during movement or at rest.
to efficiently function in everyday life (Adams et al., Inadequate muscle tension, hypotonia or hypertonia,
2015). inaccurate movement control, poor body stability,

volume 5(3),  197

Sensory processing disorders

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

Sensory Modulation Disorder Sensory Discrimination Sensory-Based Motor Disorder

(SMD) Disorder (SDD) (SBMD)

Visual Dyspraxia

Auditory Postural Disorders

Sensory Seeking Tactile




Figure 1. Subtypes of sensory processing disorders, according to Miller et al. (2007).

difficulties with moving one’s weight from one leg to ICD-10. However it is included as a regulatory-sen-
the other, etc., are observed. sory processing disorder in:
SBMD subtype 2 – dyspraxia is manifested in 1. Zero To Three (2005). Diagnostic Classification
impairments in planning motor sequences and per- of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders
forming new motor activities. Such individuals have of Infancy and Early Childhood: Revised Edition
difficulties with coordination, precision, and harmo- (dc:0-3r).
ny of movements with regards to gross and fine mo- 2. Diagnostic Manual for Infancy and Early Child-
tor skills, as well as oral praxis (Miller et al. 2007). hood (2005). Mental Health, Developmental, Reg-
Given the above descriptions of symptoms which ulatory-Sensory Processing and Language Disor-
define SPD, one could observe that, at the level of ders and Learning Challenges.
analysing the observed behaviours, symptoms are Thus, there are no formal reasons to diagnose SPD
analogous or similar to those characteristic of disor- in children over 3 years old.
ders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), autism spectrum disorders, or developmen-
tal coordination disorder (DCD). Neurophysiological indicators

SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER The results of neuropsychological and neuroimag-

as a set of symptoms ing studies on a group of children selected based on
or a nosologic entity behavioural indicators (i.e. the symptoms described
in symptom scales) are an objective indicator of the
There is a  large body of studies which confirm the presence of problems with sensory processing. One
occurrence of symptoms interpreted as behaviours such neurophysiological indicator is the level of sen-
caused by sensory processing disorders, diagnosed sory gating, which is a  natural brain reaction sup-
on the basis of observational questionnaires com- pressing signals which are redundant or unimportant
pleted by caregivers as well as evaluations using the and selectively directing one’s own sensitivity to sen-
Southern California Tests (diagnostic trials assess- sory stimuli (Davies & Gavin, 2007). Thus it is a basic
ing various aspects of sensory processing) (Cheung psychophysiological mechanism of brain function-
&  Siu, 2009; Tomchek &  Dunn, 2007). Despite this, ing, directing one’s processing resources towards
SPD does not exist as a  single nosological entity important environmental stimuli (Myles-Worsley
in international classifications such as DSM-5 or et al., 1996). The P50 and N100 indices, measured by

198 current issues in personality psychology

Aneta R. Borkowska

recording the bioelectrical activity of the brain when (MD), i.e. the speed of diffusion averaged over all di-
examining event-related potentials (ERPs) associated rections; and c) radial diffusivity (RD), i.e. the speed
with hearing, are used as a measurement of sensory of diffusion perpendicular to the orientation of fibres.
gating. The P50 and N100 indices are reactions to ul- The normal maturation of white matter in childhood
tra short 3 ms auditory stimuli presented at intervals involves an increase in FA and a decrease in MD and
of 500 ms. In a study examining ERP measurements RD (Yoshida, Oishi, Faria, & Mori, 2013). Significant
in 25 typically developing children and 28 children differences were observed in all measures of reduced
diagnosed with SPD, on the basis of the general score integration of the microstructure of white matter (i.e.
on the Short Sensory Profile, aged 5–12, children with in FA, MD and RD). A decrease in FA was observed
SPD exhibited weaker gating and more variability of in the SPD group in the corpus callosum, left poste-
reaction in comparison to typically developing chil- rior projections of the thalamus, the corona radiata,
dren. This suggests that children with SPD exhibit and posterior parts of the left dorsal longitudinal fas-
deficits in filtering repetitive auditory stimuli and ciculus. Additionally, the area of right projections of
they cannot selectively regulate their sensitivity to the thalamus and corona radiata exhibited a  strong
sensory stimuli. tendency towards lowered FA in the SPD group. In
Developmental changes in the gating function, the case of the MD and RD indices, an increase in
which increased with age in the control group, were their value was observed in children with SPD in the
also observed. This was not observed in the SPD lateral fibres of the corpus callosum, in the spleni-
group. Brain activity correctly differentiated chil- um, bilaterally in thalamus projections, optic radi-
dren with SPD from normally developing children ation, right corona radiata, and in the fibres of the
with 86% precision. These results are evidence that longitudinal fasciculus. The existence of significant
children with SPD have different mechanisms of re- correlations between the specifics of the indicated
ception of sensory information to their peers, which areas of white matter and behavioural indices was
may explain the symptoms of the disorder and in this also revealed. No differences were found in terms of
way confirm the value of the SPD diagnosis (Davies, volumetry between SPD and TD children with re-
Chang, & Gavin, 2009; Davies & Gavin, 2007). gards to white and grey matter, which suggests that
Neurophysiological studies using ERP also indi- the pathology does not concern the macrostructure
cate that functional impairments in both the cortical (Owen et al., 2013).
areas engaged in the processing of sensory infor- Thus, psychophysiological and neuroimaging
mation and dysfunctions of higher-order processes studies confirm the existence of a  distinct group of
important for multimodal sensory integration (MSI) children with a  sensory processing disorder which
may lie at the base of SPD (Brett-Green, Miller, had previously been thought of as a behavioural dis-
Schoen, & Nielsen, 2010). order. They also suggest the specificity of the neuro-
Research by Owen et al. (2013) proved to be very biological basis of this disorder.
interesting and informative for understanding the
neural basis of SPD. They analysed the specifics of
the microstructure of white matter of children with SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER
SPD in studies using the diffusion tensor imaging and other neurodevelopmental
(DTI) technique. Characteristics of the microstruc- disorders
ture of the tracks and pathways which constitute
white matter, such as the axonal diameter, fibre den- Taking into account the fact that similar symptoms
sity, and myelination, determine the speed and the may have a  different etiology and varying mech-
bandwidth of information transmission in the human anisms, it is controversial whether the symptoms
brain (Mukherjee, Berman, Chung, Hess, &  Henry, of SPD constitute an isolated set of symptoms or
2008). Working under the assumption that struc- whether they are an element of the clinical picture
tural impairments in the primary sensory cortex fi- of another disorder. This issue has been tackled in
bres or fibres connecting the multimodal association research which compared children with SPD symp-
areas may result in a  loss of precision in temporal toms and no other diagnoses, children with other dis-
spread of activation, which is crucial for the precise orders, and typically developing children.
processing of the unimodal and multimodal sensory Many studies indicate that symptoms character-
input, Owen et al. (2013) tried to assess the structural istic of sensory processing disorders (observed in
features of white matter in children with SPD. The the behaviour of a child) are much more frequently
following indices were used to assess the microstruc- diagnosed within existing diagnostic criteria than in
ture: a) fractional anisotropy (FA), which indicates the general population. This is because in the gen-
the variability of directions of water diffusion in eral population the occurrence of SPF is assessed at
white matter, in order to obtain data reflecting the 5-16%, while in clinical samples, e.g. of autism spec-
microstructure properties, i.e. axonal diameter, my- trum disorders (ASD), the symptoms are observed in
elination levels, and fibre density; b) mean diffusivity as many as 90% of children (Owen et al., 2013).

volume 5(3),  199

Sensory processing disorders

The highest number of studies analysing the ical abilities of sensory modulation and atypical abil-
symptoms of sensory disorders were devoted to chil- ities to increase or suppress responses to sensory
dren with autism. This is likely because this problem stimuli. They concluded that these symptoms were
frequently occurs in ASD, which was reflected in the a  common feature of subjects from both clinical
DSM-5, where it was included in the diagnostic cri- groups and may constitute the mechanism common
teria (APA, 2013). to the two disorders. Additionally, sensory impair-
In research dedicated to the assessment of levels ments, mainly tactile, auditory and visual over-re-
of sensory processing in autistic children (Takarae, sponsiveness, were diagnosed in children with To-
Sablich, White, &  Sweeney, 2016), internal variabil- urette syndrome, which had a significant impact on
ity within the group was shown in terms of the lev- the manifestation of tic-type symptoms. The authors
els of sensory oversensitivity. Psychophysiological suggested that Tourette syndrome is a result of cor-
methods were applied, consisting of the assessment tical over-excitability. This is in line with previously
of visual response to the manipulation of contrast. published research, in which it was reported that tics
The resulting increased neuronal reactivity was in- are preceded by some form of stimulation. The type
terpreted as the cause of sensory oversensitivity in and intensity of stimuli which influence the onset of
ASD. A higher value of visual response than in the tics may be very individual.
control group was observed in most, but not all, chil- Children with ADHD are another clinical group
dren with ASD. The authors suggest that individuals which has been analysed with regards to impair-
in whom a  pattern of higher neural activity is ob- ments in sensory processing. Miller et al. (2012)
served may constitute a  distinct subgroup of ASD, compared children diagnosed with isolated ADHD,
requiring a modified therapeutic approach. children diagnosed with isolated SMD, and children
The first psychophysiological study directly com- with a  double diagnosis. The results suggested that
paring children with autism, children with senso- all clinical groups have greater difficulties with the
ry modulation disorders (SMD, a  subtype of SPD), functioning of attention, higher indices of impulsiv-
and typically developing children, was published ity, sensory difficulties, and difficulties with activity
by Schoen et al. in 2009. Both clinical groups were and motor skills, but each group had a different pro-
compared with regards to skin conductivity levels file of these impairments. The attention deficit indi-
registered before applying the stimuli (tonic arousal ces in the ADHD group were higher in comparison
measurement) and during stimulation (phasic reac- to the SMD group. Children with a double diagnosis
tivity measurement). The Short Sensory Profile ques- exhibited more behaviours caused by sensory im-
tionnaire, completed by parents, was used to assess pairments than those with ADHD and more atten-
sensorially determined behaviours. In terms of the tional difficulties than children with SMD. On this
indices of tonic arousal, children with ASD were sig- basis, the authors concluded that ADHD and SMD
nificantly different from those with SMD and typical- are separate disorders.
ly developing children, but those with SMD did not Similar conclusions were formulated on the basis
differ from the typically developing children. Howev- of a longitudinal study conducted in order to deter-
er, reactivity, especially registered after the first stim- mine the developmental pathways of hyperactiv-
ulus, was higher in the SMD group, independent of ity symptoms and symptoms of over-responsivity
the type of stimulus. Reactivity to stimuli in the ASD to stimuli. Ben-Sasson, Soto, Heberle, Carter, and
group was the lowest in all groups. Thus, children Briggs-Gowan (2014) found that the symptoms of
with ASD exhibited atypical arousal and children sensory over-responsivity (SOR) and ADHD appear
with SMD exhibited atypical reactivity to stimuli. independently and are stable over time. The research
In the Short Sensory Profile symptoms questionnaire, was done with an initial group of 922 infants. The
both clinical groups exhibited significantly more sen- children were assessed three times in the period be-
sorially determined dysfunctional behaviours than tween infancy and early school age with regards to
did the typically developing children. The ASD group social functioning, emotional functioning, sensory
had a  significantly higher overall index of sensory sensitivity, attention and impulsivity/hyperactivity.
impairments than did the SMD group. The profiles When the children reached school age, they formed
of symptoms looked different. The ASD group had four clusters: those with increased sensory over-re-
higher indices on the subscale of sensitivity to taste sponsivity symptoms (SOR), those with increased
and smell, while the SMD group scored higher on the ADHD symptoms (ADHD), those with increased
sensory seeking subscales. These results are a  basis SOR and ADHD symptoms (ADHD+SOR), and those
for treating these two disorders as separate (Schoen, with low values of ADHD and SOR symptom indices.
Miller, Brett-Green, & Nielsen, 2009). Children from the SOR and from the ADHD+SOR
Similarity in terms of sensory processing problems group were characterised by higher indices of sen-
was observed between groups with autism and To- sory sensitivity in early childhood in comparison
urette syndrome, as reported by Ludlow and Wilkins to children from the ADHD group and those with-
(2016). Their paper found that both groups had atyp- out symptoms. The ADHD and ADHD+SOR groups

200 current issues in personality psychology

Aneta R. Borkowska

differed from the SOR group and the asymptomatic ders may constitute a distinct group showing symp-
group in terms of increased symptoms of impulsiv- toms of only that disorder. Symptoms of SPD may also
ity/hyperactivity as well as inattention. The authors co-occur with diagnoses such as ASD or ADHD. Due
concluded that symptoms of SOR and ADHD appear to this, a differential diagnosis is of particular impor-
independently and are stable over time. This conclu- tance. However, the results published to date are not
sion is in line with the results of Lane, Reynolds, and sufficient to determine specific characteristic profiles
Thacker (2010), who, on the basis of an assessment of behaviour disorders, which could be some kind of
of cortisol levels, skin conductivity, and behavioural marker of a given developmental problem and be a ba-
indices, concluded that the symptoms of these disor- sis for differentiation. Taking this fact into account, it
ders are separate problems. The research also found should be stressed that symptoms of disturbed, dys-
the highest levels of anxiety in the group with co- functional behaviour incorrectly interpreted as SPD
morbid symptoms of ADHD and SOR, which sug- may lead to incorrect diagnoses and result in wrong
gests an accumulation of problems in life of individ- directions of treatment. For instance, if a  child pre-
uals affected by the two disorders. sents intense involuntary movements and persevera-
In a  study whose goal was to compare ADHD tions, and these are considered to stem from a sensory
and autism with comorbid behaviours from the SPD processing disorder related need for stimulation, but
spectrum (Sanz-Cervera, Pastor-Cerezuela, Fernán- in reality are the result of inflammatory changes in
dez-Andrés, & Tárraga-Mínguez, 2015), it was found the central nervous system, the consequences of such
that the features of SPD were significant predictors a misdiagnosis may be very serious. Thus, the first step
of the severity of autism, and they exerted a similar in the diagnosis of a child with symptoms of impeded
influence on the development of behaviours at home behaviour is to search for the possibility of diagnosing
and in the school environment. In ADHD, SPD fea- a  disorder that exists in the international classifica-
tures had a greater influence on behaviour at home tions of diseases (Zimmer et al., 2012).
than at school. They also predicted both inattention
and hyperactive/impulsive behaviours. Thus, symp-
toms of SPD specifically modify the clinical picture Effectiveness of therapy
of the disorders with which they occur.
In a study by Cheung and Siu (2009), two clinical The idea of evidence-based practice suggests that
groups, children with ASD and with ADHD, were only fact-based treatments should be used on patients
compared to children with no disorders. Behaviours (Cierpiałkowska, 2016). This means that it is neces-
suggesting problems with sensory processing were sary to take into account not only clinical experience,
analysed using the Chinese Sensory Profile (CSP). but also scientific research. Thus, studies concerned
Children with developmental disorders scored sig- with the success of SI therapy ought to be a basis for
nificantly higher on indices suggesting greater prob- using such kinds of treatment on children. Studies
lems in sensory processing than healthy children. It evaluating the effects of treatment are concerned
was also found that while the CSP is good at differ- with either efficacy or effectiveness. The first is done
entiating between healthy children and children with in a laboratory setting and its goal is to determine the
disorders, it does not differentiate between the two strength of influence of tailored interventions on the
clinical groups. No gender differences were found, impaired aspect of behaviour. Effectiveness trials are
but age was found to be a significant variable. A rel- done in real-world conditions, without the possibil-
atively small decrease in the intensity of symptoms ity to control for many independent variables. They
was observed in children with ASD between the assess the influence of only roughly characterised
ages of 6 and 12. A  similar tendency was observed independent variables (therapy in real-world condi-
in healthy children. However, an increase in the in- tions is always tailored to the individual and cannot
tensity of symptoms was observed in children with be homogenised) on dependent variables, which are
ADHD. The authors concluded that sensory process- also often inconsistently operationalised. In compari-
ing disorders may be a  nonspecific indicator of de- son to efficacy studies, effectiveness studies have sig-
velopmental dysfunctions in children because they nificantly higher external validity, but lower internal
significantly differentiate between children with validity (Cierpiałkowska, 2016). None of the studies
disorders and healthy children, but that they do not published on SI are efficacy trials (they are all effec-
differentiate between the clinical groups. tiveness trials). An assessment of the usefulness of SI
The presented research suggests that behaviours therapy is possible only on the basis of meta-analy-
evincing difficulties in sensory processing may con- ses, which provide data allowing one to make valid
stitute nonspecific indicators of developmental dif- inferences. Analysis of the results of meta-analyses
ficulties. This hypothesis is in line with the lack of is especially important, due to the great popularity,
differences in this type of behaviour between children even commonplaceness, of this form of therapy.
with ADHD, ASD, and Tourette’s. At the same time it The first such meta-analysis (Vargas &  Camilli,
turns out that children with sensory processing disor- 1999) showed that the SI effect size in comparison to

volume 5(3),  201

Sensory processing disorders

no therapy, assessed in publications dated 1983-1993, date is at best inconclusive, and at worst shows how
was very low (0.03) and not statistically significant. far this therapy still is from being effective (Sniezyk
Shaw, Powers, Abelkop, and Mullis (2002) published &  Zane, 2015). Thus, the use of SI therapy to treat
the results of a meta-analysis of 41 studies, including autism remains unsubstantiated.
218 effect sizes. There were no significant effects for In recent years, studies assessing and comparing
improvement of language (–0.08), indices of behav- the effectiveness of two treatment approaches, Ayres’
iour (0.02), or sensorimotor functions (–0.10). Small Sensory Integration (ASI) and sensory-based inter-
but significant effects were found for motor func- ventions (SBIs), both within the sensory integration
tions (0.24) and school performance (0.26). Howev- therapy framework, have emerged (Watling & Hau-
er, when the factor of development was taken into er, 2015; Yunus, Liu, Bissett, & Penkala, 2015). ASI is
account, the effect in both areas dropped to 0.03 and a  system, developed by Ayres and further expand-
-0.04 respectively. Another meta-analysis, by Schaaf ed by her students and successors, based on broad
and Miller (2005), included over 80 studies devoted to treatment in order to improve the integration of sen-
measuring various aspects of the success of sensory sory systems and thereby improve the child’s func-
integration intervention in developmental disorders. tioning. SBIs are interventions tailored to deal with
Only about half of these studies confirmed some type specific sensory systems. The two treatment systems
of treatment effectiveness. Parham et al. (2007) not- were compared by Watling and Hauer (2015). A me-
ed a lack of precision in studies on SI therapy. Their ta-analysis of 23 articles published between 2006 and
meta-analysis investigated the treatment process in- 2013 showed that there is a moderate effect for ASI;
dices used in studies. They identified 10 elements of however, the results for SBIs were inconclusive. The
therapy and then analysed 34 studies with regards to authors recommend conducting future research on
their presence in the descriptions of therapy. In most ASI and SBIs with higher care for methodological
studies, the elements of the therapy’s structure were correctness, bigger sample sizes, and better described
described, though of these 10 elements, only one was measures.
present in all of the studies. Most of these mentioned A  meta-analysis of studies on the effectiveness
fewer than half of these elements. Descriptions of of SBIs was published by Yunus et al. (2015). Of 132
interventions in 35% of the studies were inconsist- papers identified as dedicated to this issue, only 14
ent with some element of the process. Parham et al. met the criteria for inclusion in the analysis. Seven
stressed that the descriptions of the therapy process of these were devoted to tactile interventions, 4 to
were insufficient, and until this condition is met, in- proprioceptive interventions, and 3 to vestibular in-
ferences regarding the effectiveness should not be terventions. Tactile interventions such as massages
considered as trustworthy. turned out to be the most promising for reduction
Sensory interventions are often used with chil- of problematic behaviours in children. However the
dren with autism, and so some of the meta-analyses general conclusion from the studies does not allow
refer only to studies devoted to measuring the effec- for a sense of certainty with regards to evidence for
tiveness of this treatment only in this group of chil- the effectiveness of SBIs. In both papers (Watling
dren (Devlin, Healy, Leader, & Hughes, 2011; Schaaf &  Hauer, 2015; Yunus et al., 2015) suggestions are
et al., 2014; Sniezyk & Zane, 2015). The conclusions made to improve the quality of the research on SI
of these meta-analyses mention the problems with intervention. The proponents and users of SI thera-
the selection of studies to meta-analyse, as many py, being aware of the serious necessity to introduce
studies are not sufficiently scientifically rigorous. objective measures of its effects, are already making
Thus, despite the fact that the procedures of sensory attempts to implement these suggestions. Among
therapy are used all over the world, there is still no other things, a psychometric tool was developed to
literature which can present methodologically sound evaluate the effectiveness of the ASI intervention:
studies of its effectiveness in autism. Secondly, the the Fidelity Measure for Research on the Effective-
results of those studies which were rigorous revealed ness of the Ayres Sensory Integration Intervention
that there is no causal relationship between sensory (Parham et al., 2011).
therapy and improvement in the assessed variables In a  monograph devoted to controversial ther-
(i.e. different dimensions of behaviour of children apies in developmental disorders, Smith, Mruzek,
with autism). In studies comparing behavioural ther- and Mozingo (2016) hypothesise that the reason for
apy and SI therapy, some significant improvement in problems with effectiveness trials is an underdevel-
the difficult symptoms of autism was observed, but oped theoretical basis, leading to unvalidated means
greater effects were observed with regards to behav- of assessment. For instance, speculative theoretical
ioural therapy. When only behavioural intervention constructs are used, such as the concept of vestibu-
was used, there was visible improvement of difficult lar disorder. The authors also pointed to the possible
symptoms, including self-harm. The authors con- negative outcomes of using SI therapy, mentioning
cluded by confirming that sensory procedures can- an experiment in which a 4-year-old autistic child ex-
not be considered to be based in fact. The research to hibiting intense outbursts of anger took part. During

202 current issues in personality psychology

Aneta R. Borkowska

the breaks in educational tasks, during the control they may also be a nonspecific element of the clinical
procedure, the boy played with his favourite toys, picture of other disease entities. In clinical practice, it
and during the experimental procedure his mother is of key importance to discern whether behavioural
brushed her son, as recommended by the SI thera- problems observed in children cannot be explained by
pist. The person describing the boy’s symptoms of causes other than sensory processing disorders, and
anger did not know the information about the phase this need stems from the ambiguity of symptoms in
of the trial. Intensification of undesirable symptoms neurodevelopmental disorders (Chrzan-Dętkoś, Paw-
as a result of the SI therapy exercises was observed. licka, &  Bogdanowicz, 2014; Grzegorzewska, Pisula,
This result contradicts the assumption of no risk and & Borkowska, 2016; Pawlicka, Lipowska, & Gajdzińs-
no possibility of causing harm as an effect of using ka, 2015; Trempała & Cieciuch, 2016). Meta-analyses
this therapy. The early papers by Ayres state that this concerned with SI therapy published to date are in-
is a natural therapy based on a holistic approach to conclusive and do not allow for this form of inter-
the child, and that there are no risks associated with vention to be considered fact-based. Further research,
its use. However, such a claim ignores the fact that with the highest methodological standards, is vital to
ineffective treatment takes time and diverts attention verify the successfulness of various forms of SI ther-
and focus from forms of therapy that could be more apy. Parents choosing to use this therapy should be
effective (Smith, Mruzek, & Mozingo, 2016). informed about the existing limitations.
In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP) published a  Policy Statement in which they
expressed concern about the increasing numbers of References
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of SI therapy is limited, and the results are inconclu- & Briggs-Gowan, M. J. (2014). Early and concur-
sive. They should also have the chance to try out such rent features of ADHD and sensory over-respon-
interventions and check whether they are of benefit sivity symptom clusters. Journal of Attention Dis-
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searchers who agree with the statement presented vies, P. L. (2008). Multisensory integration in chil-
therein (Comments section of “Sensory Integration dren: A  preliminary ERP study. Brain Research,
Therapies for Children With Developmental and Be- 1242, 283–290.
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sible to make a formal diagnosis of SPD because these apies for Children with Developmental and Be-
disorders do not exist as diagnostic entities either havioral Disorders”. (2012). American Academy of
in DSM-5 or ICD-10. The literature review suggests Pediatrics. Retrieved from http://pediatrics.aap-
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reception and differentiation of the intensity of stim- (2014). The effects of kangaroo mother care in
uli, and adequate reactivity to stimulation) may be of a  sample of preterm, preschool aged children.
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