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 It has been said that great projects are never the work of one man but the collective

ve effort of a
team that shares a common destiny.
 Know the ways of the Spirit, not only His acts (miracles). The people of Israel could talk about
God’s miracle, but Moses could perform them repeatedly because he knew the ways of the
Spirit. If we knew the ways of the Spirit, then we could relive most of our prophetic experiences
as we follow the Lord Jesus.

 The enemy used curses to weaken us to defeat us

July 25, 2020 (Saturday) 2am at Ruth Abanto’s residence

1. The service begins when

 The menorah has been lit
 The shofar has been blown with 3 long blasts. It means that the Triune God has made Himself
present and so too the divine council.

2. Anoint with oil

The anointing prayer:
“Grant Kimberly healing. Cloth her in grace. Endow her with bliss. By being anointed with this oil, (1st
anoint on the forehead) this heavenly shower of light, may you Kimberly, (2nd anoint on the
forehead) be found sinless.“

Turning to the LORD seated on the throne

“This light-filled anointing oil, O Christ, (bow to HIM on the throne) is the venerated gift of your
hand, this oil of salvation, sanctified with light, is poured on Kimberly (3rd anoint on the forehead) to
anoint her outer temple, so she can enter in secret and unseen, whereby the inner person is born

3. Call for repentance

We repent for our:

 Personal sins
 The sins of our city
 Sins of our barangay and city or municipality and provincial governments and its leaders, and
 The sins of our nation and national government and its leaders
 Finally, we repent on behalf of Israel for her rejection of the MESSIAH, our LORD, seated in our

5. Ask God for a prophetic word/vision
6. Read bible passages
8. Give my offering
9. Breaking of Bread
10. The Post-Communion prayer for healing of the everlasting covenant and the restoration of creation
(Romans 8:17 following)

LORD, as we have entered into Your Atonement of Your shed Blood on the cross, and, as we have
repented for our sins and the sins of our barangay, city/municipality, province and nation:

 We ask for the restoration of creation and our environment.

 We ask for a harvest of souls for Your Kingdom
 We ask for the truth of the revelation of Our LORD JESUS to be sent out to all the people of our
nation and of the entire world, for the restoration of the eternal covenant.
 We ask for the healing of our environment and for nature to be restored as it was in the Garden
of Eden.
 We ask for every member of the Melchizedek Priesthood here and other parts of the world,
wherever Your Holy Spirit will raise up new Melchizedek Priests, for the deepening of your
eternal truth from the Tree of Life to flow as the water of Wisdom through this assembly – may
we become the leaves of the tree of life, bringing healing and restoration to the nations of this
broken world. May every member of the Melchizedek Priesthood here and all over the world be
filled with the Seven Spirits of the LORD, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, the Spirit of the
LORD, Might, Knowledge and the Fear of the LORD, to carry out our calling and purpose, in
humility and in unity with love in the bonds of shalom. All say… AMEN

11. Journal my visions

12. The Blessings of Melchizedek

May our MOST HIGH GOD in and through our MOST HIGH PRIEST, our LORD JESUS CHRIST: Confer on all
Melchizedek Priests and their families all over the world, sons and daughters of God, this Blessing today
and every day for the rest of our lives.

 May we be blessed with Righteousness, Holiness, Peace and Joy in our lives, in our families, in
our children, in our jobs and businesses, in our properties and in our wealth.
 May He cause our wealth to increase as He causes our faith in Him to increase.
 May our generosity towards His kingdom needs increase with joy in our hearts.
 May we be blessed in our coming in and in our going out.
 May we travel in safety with angels of our MOST HIGH GOD besides us.
 May we and our families never experience bodily harm, nor harm from the elements of the
earth – fire, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, rains, storms of any kind, neither will our properties
or farms or businesses be harmed by such elements over whom is our High Priest, JESUS, LORD
 May all our children be a joy to us.
 May they excel and shine as examples of God’s children abounding in the knowledge and
experience of God and the joy of the Lord.
 May they excel and shine in their studies, in schools or universities.
 May they excel and shine as parents.
 May they excel and shine in their jobs and businesses.
 May they increase in wealth and may their generosity increase towards God and His Kingdom.
 May we and our family members be blessed in our health, in our bodies, minds and spirits.

We as priests of our MOST HIGH GOD (All raise their hands)

 Banish all forms of sickness from our midst in the Name of our MOST HIGH PRIEST, our LORD
 Be gone, sicknesses of the Body
 Be gone, sicknesses of the Mind
 Be gone, sicknesses of the Spirit
 Be restored to excellent health NOW in the Name of our MOST HIGH GOD AND HIGH PRIEST,

In the Name of our MOST HIGH GOD & PRIEST, our LORD JESUS CHRIST, we banish and disrobe:

 All garments of unholiness

 All garments of impurity of body, mind and spirit
 All attachments of unclean spirits
 All impure and unholy thoughts
 All worldly ways of thinking and acting lodged in the recesses of our bodies, minds & spirits.
 All unclean spirits of unholy, sexual, sensual, debased, perverse desires, thoughts or actions.

We declare our bodies are the TEMPLE of our MOST HOLY GOD, we are VESSELS OF HONOUR, HOLY and

We now put on the robes of righteousness and holiness.

As we leave this Sanctuary, we cover our bodies, minds & spirits and the body, mind, and spirit of every
member of our families and all our homes, assets, businesses, jobs, wealth now and in the future in the

13. Blowing of the Shofar – one long blast and the putting out of the candles on the Menorah – indicates
that the divine heavenly council has left the earthly sanctuary.

Kingly Submission:

By the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach), our King and Lord (bow to Him Who
sits on the Throne), who by His loving kindness has raised us up (point to the congregation) to sit in
this Divine Council (Ephesians 2:6) as members with the Benei Elohim, and as king and priest in the
order of Melchizedek, King of righteousness and King of peace, and by the power vested in this
Divine Council of the Benei Elohim of Heaven.

This Council pleads as one body in heaven and on earth, as one Council Assembly of the Benei
Elohim, that at the pleasure of our Great and High GOD, the Triune GOD (bow to Him Who sits on the
Throne), our submission now presented by this Council, may be deemed as the “will of heaven.”

Therefore, O Great and Awesome King (bow to Him Who sits on the Throne) of the universe, seen and
unseen, may You, at Your pleasure, send Your holy angels and the clouds of witnesses to enforce on
the earth, our submission now being made before You, as the “will of heaven.”

This Ekklesia (legislative and judicial ruling assembly) expresses our thanksgiving to You, O Great and
Awesome King for your favor granted to the numerous submissions made to you through this
Council of the Benei Elohim.

(All say “THANK YOU LORD”)

Having this confidence in the perfect government of heaven, this Ekklesia (GOD’s earthly
government) desires to bring this Submission before the government of our Most High GOD
(YAHUWAH ELOHIM): Our Creator, Our Father, Our King, Our Warrior, Our Righteous Judge, Our
LORD, and Our GOD Who is Love.



1. Goddess of fertility – goddess of sex and lust

2. Goddess of love
3. Lakapati at Libulan - homosexual
4. Jezebel, the wicked queen and wife to the evil King Ahab, had a reputation for murder,
iniquity, and sexual promiscuity. She not only served as a thorn in the side of the prophet
Elijah, but she also led Israel astray in their foreign worship of idols.

 Iniquity of the bloodline (generational curses)

 Untimely death
 Orphan spirit
 Heart attack
 Spirit of infirmity
 Idolatry
 Adultery
 Mental illness
 Ungodly soul-ties
 Negligence
 to Krisnel (nag-backslide dahil hindi ko nareplayan)
 to Kuya RJ (I told him that I will pray for him about deliverance from generational
curses, counsel to him etc. pero hindi ko na nagawa, pinabayaan ko na lang sya)
 Bad stewardship (money, work, business, tithes, impulsive spending, time, gifts and talents)
 Spirit of lack and poverty
 Spirit of complacency
 Demonic spirit in mental illness
stammering, gluttony, unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, anger, orphan spirit, ungodly covenants,
blood covenant, idolatry, lustful thoughts, ungodly sexual desires, ungodly thoughts, insecurity,
comparing myself, self-pity, sloth, walang isang salita, magaling sa umpisa, puro salita, no integrity,
hindi lumalago ang business, familiar spirit (committed man, lack, Pride, Self-righteousness

Oppression in the mind

 Insecure / Low self-esteem

 Comparing myself to others
 Self-pity
 Anxiety & Depression
 Pride
 Trust issue
 Procrastination
 Intimidation
 Fear
 Lost of focus / easily distracted
 Extreme fantasizing (maladaptive daydreaming)
 Cannot express myself / hirap mag flow ang thoughts
 Feeling outcast, want to alone

Python spirit

 lethargy  a sense of suffocation  procrastination

 cycles of defeat  a sense of limitation  lack of focus
 hopelessness  feeling constricted  lack of ambition
 poverty  feeling trapped  aimless/loss of
 interference with  feeling barricaded vision/direction
opportunities  feeling  indifference
 a sense of powerlessness paralyzed/unmotivated  apathy
 consistent weariness  depression  inability to study the
 suicidal thoughts  inability to pray Word of God
 isolation  inability to worship

 you feel inferior to peers

 you feel plagued with inadequacy
 you dislike or loathe yourself
 you feel like you are a disappointment
 you feel people think you're a loser
 you often times don't feel love
 you "know" God loves you, but don't relate
 you are talented and intelligent but overlooked by employers
 you do great things that don't amount to much
 you strive to put your gifts to use but don't get very far
 and though your mostly a positive person, you have moments of severe negativity

These are the types of ways python gets his hold on victims. A good bit of his approach is through the
people in our lives beginning at our births. The more ground he has in their lives, especially in families,
the more capable he is to inflict the following types of ongoing violations which strip us, to one degree
or another, of our sense of well being, hope, trust, identity, etc. These make us susceptible to gradually
being driven into the above states of condition - bound in python's chains:

 repetitive rejection  not being loved  abuse

 belittling spirits  lack of affirmation (verbal/sexual/emoti
 controlling, rigid  not being believed in onal/mental/physical
spirits  being despised /spiritual)
 intimidating spirits  being disappointed  repetitive loss
 manipulative spirits in  repetitive violations
 condescending  not being valued  repetitive injustice
spirits  neglect  repetitive trauma
 critical, squashing  repetitive
spirits destruction


Many people who live lives inundated with the characteristics listed above often times ALSO find
themselves physically ill with things like hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue, heart disease, clinical depression,
diabetes, and more. Python is not stupid. The enemy knows he can bring people to illness via the above
afflictions and he's counting on it. Because not only will the victim be mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually impotent, but their physical body will literally be incapacitated. To make matters worse,
these people are the ones who spend years going to doctors saying they don't feel well and go un-
diagnosed. Answers as simple as vitamin B12 deficiency or iron, or unstable cortisol levels, for just a few
examples, would have helped them to feel better so that they might have had more fuel for the fight to
victory. These impairments on the physical body help python maintain his hold on the most devout
Christians and keeps them going in endless circles of struggle.


Some people are chosen by God for purposes that pose a great threat to the dark kingdom. But people
aren't typically born with power from on high to do the darkness damage. They have to find and
possess the truths of God. The enemy knows this so their job is to keep the chosen from discovering the
power of God. They especially have to shield them from experiencing the love of God - so that they
won't trust Him down deep. They have to invoke distress on the chosen so that they are dazed and
confused wondering why the promises of God are lost to them - even though they really aren't. The
greater the call, the more defined and meticulous the dark kingdom sets up in that person's life
beginning at their birth to interfere, violate, disillusion, confuse, and defeat them - in as much as they
can according to the legal ground they already have through the forefathers.

You can be SURE you are chosen for a purpose that is threatening to the dark kingdom if you:

 Are a seer - You have dreams, visions, and discerning of spirits

 Are a hearer - You have dialogue with God, hear words from God, get download type revelation,
have an inner knowing
 Long to help people, long to feed the hungry, long to minster somehow, long to prophesy, long
to see God's power loosed

It may be overwhelming and seem complicating, but it's not... The spirit of python is more than a
random constricting force. He's a very pointed, strategic system meant to keep believers in Jesus Christ
from tapping in to their inheritance. After years of communicating with countless victims of python, I
have seen that most all have the symptoms listed above - with histories where very similar strategies
were employed against believers since their youth. There's no coincidence. The spirit of python isn't just
a demon running around causing trouble. It's an empire overseeing the constriction of the Church.

Leviathan spirit

 PRIDE - It is a wall of defense that says you will not get close enough to me to hurt me. This wall
I put up or this (skin of armor) will protect you from touching me and getting too close to my
 Most people with the spirit of pride will never truly open up to others. Their defense is to keep
you away and intimidate you with fear so that you never can get close enough to their heart or
to the real them.
 This spirit considers itself superior over all others and that it is always right. People operating
under this spirit will seldom repent or ask for forgiveness.
 It counterfeits the furnishings of the Holy place and gives false light, dreams, visions and
 Many times you will see the spirit of error and religion operating in conjunction with Leviathan.
Instead of the Spirit of God and love reigning, you will see the law ruling.
 When Leviathan is in operation against you, you will feel as though you are up against a brick
wall. Even though you desire to go higher in the things of God, it is difficult to push past this
place into the higher and deeper things of the Lord.
 As Leviathan blocks the steps to go higher in the spirit, he also prevents you from going further
by warring against you with pride, fear, intimidation, doubt, worry and all the things that are not
apart of the Kingdom of God
 It is in this place that people become complacent and lose their desire to go higher and deeper
in the things of God. People can die spiritually in this place while operating under the
counterfeit anointing of Leviathan.
 As Leviathan counterfeits the true light and understanding, many Christians begin to operate
in spiritual pride. They begin to feel as though they have arrived in God and they become
stubborn, prideful and unteachable.
 The spirit of Leviathan stirs up the emotions and will of people. Often times a person with the
spirit of Leviathan deals with anger issues, restlessness, sleeplessness, and uneasiness most of
the time.
 A person operating under the Spirit of Leviathan will have you thinking they are always right
and you are always wrong. It’s always the other person’s fault with a person operating under
this spirit. Leviathan is a faultfinder and accuser and takes on the role of Satan, the accuser of
the brethren.
 Leviathan is also a covenant breaker. Many business partnerships and marriages suffer from
the spiritual attack of Leviathan because Leviathan will not keep covenant. A marriage will
not survive if the husband or the wife is operating in the spirit of pride and refuses to submit
themselves to one another.
 Leviathan Causes Sleepiness In Prayer
 Leviathan Speaks Harshly
 The one thing that Leviathan hates is prayer! To pray means to humble yourself before God, and
Leviathan is never humble or repentant.
 Stubborn
 Religious
 Hardens the heart
 Self-Righteous
 False Humility
 Disobedience
 Self-Deception
 Lying
 Greed
 Violence
 Scorner
 Laziness
 Idleness
 Backbiting
 Gossiping
 Jealousy
 The battle with the spirit of Leviathan may be one of the most difficult that you may encounter
in your Christian walk. As you have read, pride is a very strong spirit and the only way to combat
it is through humility and the Word of God.

Delilah spirit

 Anti-destiny spirit
 It is a seducing spirit that is designed to entice you into a life of compromise
 It is a spirit that builds a strategy to destroy you around the “thing” you love. Ex. You love
watching football, it will allow you waste your time watching football and lose your time with
 It is a surveillance spirit that will interrogate and investigate your life until it finds the “secret” to
why God uses you. The enemy will find out what is your SECRET (for me it is FATHER’S LOVE) and
the enemy will use it to cancel my divine restraining order.
 It seeks to separate gifted people of destiny, from any “Destiny Sensitive Divine Restraining
Orders” that God has placed upon your life
 They knows the exact moment a gifted person of destiny, has decided to COMPROMISE or SELL
 Their ultimate aim is to steal the Godly vision and anointing and cause them to live in SHAME

Ahab spirit

 Ahab was among the most depraved of Israel’s kings

 The “spirit of Ahab” deals in fear, cowardice, apathy toward evil, and weakness of will
 Abdicating – fail to fulfill a responsibility or duty
 Double-minded – James 1:7-8, “For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the
Lord. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways”

Jezebel spirit

 Fear, flight and discouragement - This spirit often causes a spiritual leader to flee from his
appointed place by character assassination and ruining his reputation.
 People Under Jezebel’s Influence Are Natural Leaders, Although Often Covertly - The Jezebel
spirit attempt to seek out people of influence to win their ear, gain credibility, and win
endorsement for their toxic cause.
 People Under Jezebel’s Influence Are Often Insecure and Wounded with Pronounced
Egocentric Needs - They are often trying to fill a love deficit. People under Jezebel’s control
always have deep, unhealed wounds from sources such as: rejection, resistance, fear, insecurity,
self-preservation, and bitterness, which in turn, spreads its defilement to many.
 A Jezebel Spirit Is Always in Alignment with a Religious Spirit - Its religious deeds are done for
all to see. True and pure spiritual gifts attract people to Jesus, not to the people who exercise
the gifts.
 The Families of People Under Jezebel’s Influence Are Often Out of Order - Those under
Jezebel’s influence control their partners and cause their children to take sides, grow up
insecure, disrespect their fathers, feel manipulated, and become distrustful towards true
 Ultimately, People Under Jezebel’s Influence Are Proud, Independent and Rebellious
 Immobilization – to deprive the capacity; to prevent the movement
 Kill
 Controlling
 Attacks, dominate and manipulate esp male authority
 It Takes an Ahab to let a Jezebel Spirit Operate Unchallenged - Those under Jezebel’s influence
do not operate without someone under an Ahab spirit’s influence enabling them to function.

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