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March 17, 2021

Troy Mitchell
Wolverine Human Services
15100 Mack Ave.
Grosse Pte. Park, MI 48231

RE: License #: CI730201515

Investigation #: 2021C0106015
Wolverine Secure Treatment Center

Dear Mr. Mitchell:

Attached is the Special Investigation Report for the above referenced facility. Due to the
severity of the violations, disciplinary action against your license is recommended. You
will be notified in writing of the department’s action and your options for resolution of this

Please note that violations of any licensing rules are also violations of the MISEP and
your contract. A safety plan will need to be submitted within 15 days of the date of this
letter pending the outcome of any disciplinary action.

Please review the enclosed documentation for accuracy and contact me with any
questions. In the event that I am not available, and you need to speak to someone
immediately, please contact the local office at (989) 758-2717.


Mark R. Hunter, Licensing Consultant

MDHHS\Division of Child Welfare Licensing
411 Genesee
P.O. Box 5070
Saginaw, MI 48605
(989) 395-2847


611 W. OTTAWA • P.O. BOX 30664 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 • 517-335-1980


License #: CI730201515

Investigation #: 2021C0106015

Complaint Receipt Date: 01/26/2021

Investigation Initiation Date: 01/26/2021

Report Due Date: 03/27/2021

Licensee Name: Wolverine Human Services

Licensee Address: 15100 Mack Ave.

Grosse Pte. Park, MI 48231

Licensee Telephone #: (313) 824-4400

Administrator: Judith Fischer-Wollack, Designee

Licensee Designee: Judith Fischer-Wollack, Designee

Name of Facility: Wolverine Secure Treatment Center

Facility Address: 2424 N Outer Drive

Saginaw, MI 48601

Facility Telephone #: (989) 776-0400

Original Issuance Date: 09/01/1997

License Status: 2ND PROVISIONAL

Effective Date: 02/08/2021

Expiration Date: 08/07/2021

Capacity: 100



On 1/22/21, youth was choked and punched by staff member at Yes
the facility. Youth has a scratch on cheek.


01/26/2021 Special Investigation Intake


01/26/2021 Special Investigation Initiated - Letter

Communication with State Worker 1.

01/28/2021 Contact - Face to Face

Interview with State Worker 2.

02/01/2021 Contact - Document Received

Received requested information from State Worker 2.

02/12/2021 Contact - Face to Face

Interviewed Administrator 1, Staff 1, Staff 2, Staff 3, Staff 4, Staff
5, Staff 6, Staff 7, Youth A, Youth B and reviewed the video at the
facility with State Worker 2.

02/16/2021 Contact - Document Received

Received additional information from State Worker 2.

02/18/2021 Contact - Document Received

Received information from State Worker 1 contact with mother of
Youth A.

02/19/2021 Contact - Document Received

Received personnel information from Administrator 1.

02/24/2021 Contact - Telephone call made.

Telephone conference with State Worker 2.

02/24/2021 Inspection Completed-BCAL Sub. Non-Compliance


ALLEGATION: On 1/22/21, youth was choked and punched by staff member at the
facility. Youth has a scratch on cheek.


It was alleged that Staff 1 hit and choked Youth A during a restraint of Youth A on

I received information from State Worker 1 on 01/26/2021. The information included

pictures of Youth A and an interview with Youth A by State Worker 1 that was
conducted at the facility on 01/26/2021 at 1:11 PM. The interview information was as

Administrator 1 provided an office where Youth A was talked with privately. Youth A
said she thinks it's probably because of the restraint that occurred on 1/22. Youth A
said she has a few bruises due to a restraint by four SSTs (Safety Support
Team). Youth A showed that she has a bruise on the left side of her forehead near her
hairline. This bruise is faded and yellow/green in color. It would be hard to see if not
pointed out. Youth A has bruises on both of her shoulders. These bruises are also
yellow/green and brown in color. Youth A had a mark on the right side of her neck
which was red in color and looked like a scratch/rug burn. There was a small
yellow/green bruise on her right- side rib area. Youth A also had bruises on her
forearms which appeared to be in different stages of healing. Some were darker in
color than others. Pictures were taken of all the marks and bruises.

Youth A said that during the restraint, Staff 1 was on her right side, Staff 5 was on her
left side and Staff 8 was on her legs. She said Staff 8 didn't really do anything to her
during the restraint. Youth A said the mark on her side and her neck were caused by
Staff 1. She said the mark on her neck occurred when they pulled up her shirt to stop
her from spitting on them. The marks on her shoulders were from the "take down" and
the marks on her arms were from them holding her down as she resisted the
restraint. Youth A said another staff, Staff 4, came in and relieved Staff 1 because she
was the one that choked and punched her.

Youth A said the incident occurred in her room. Youth A said the other girls on the unit
were in group secure at the other end of the unit during the restraint so none of them
could see in her room to see what was happening. Youth A said the restraint happened
in her room and she does not think staff saw what happened, only the SSTs that were
there. Youth A said she told two of the other girls what happened. She said she talked
with Youth B and Youth C about it. Youth A said Youth B was the one that noticed the
bruise on her head and neck.

Youth A confirmed that she saw the Nurse Practitioner (NP) yesterday. She denies that
she showed the nurse the bruises or told her what happened. Youth A said she only
talked to the nurse about her allergies and the laxative that she's on for constipation.

Administrator 1 was asked if there is any documentation of all the bruises that Youth A
has. He said he's not sure. He said she saw the NP yesterday and never mentioned
having bruises. Administrator 1 was shown the pictures taken and was asked to look
into any documentation there may be from the weekend about those bruises. He said
he will look into it. Administrator 1 said he's waiting on the therapist to get the notes
from talking with Youth A after the restraint occurred.

I met with State Worker 2 on 01/28/2021 and discussed the investigation and made
arrangements to schedule interviews at the facility.

I interviewed Staff 2 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Staff 2 is a

therapist for Youth A and stated he has worked with Youth A for approximately 1 year.
Staff 2 stated he didn’t see the bruises on Youth A and because of the time of the
incident he would not have seen Youth A until the following week, although he reported
that he conducts therapy twice per week. Staff 2 stated he spoke with the family of
Youth A by telephone, but he didn’t know what Youth A said about the incident, or the
circumstances. Staff 2 stated he does not do notes in detail about his counseling
sessions or social work contacts. Staff 2 stated Youth A has been doing better lately
and will be doing community visits. Staff 2 stated he receives emails every day, but he
does not receive copies of incident reports. Staff 2 reported not being aware of the
safety plan for Youth A.

Sometime later following interviews with additional staff, Staff, 2 approached State
Worker 2 and I and provided a written safety plan for Youth A. The plan was dated
01/22/2021 and updated 01/29/2021. He reported he then remembered the incident
because he had to stay late to do the safety plan.

I interviewed Administrator 1 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2.

Administrator 1 was able to play the video of the incident. The video provided limited
information as the event occurred in Youth A’s room and the video only covered the
area outside Youth A’s room. Administrator 1 stated Youth A initially said she was
choked, and it was reported to a teacher, the principal, and Administrator 1.
Administrator 1 stated it is not the policy of the facility for a youth to see the nurse
unless the youth complains of an injury or the staff refers the youth to be checked.

I interviewed Youth A at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Youth A stated
she likes to chew ice and Staff 1 wouldn’t let her. Youth A stated she was upset over
staff redirecting. Youth A said she thought Staff 7 was upset with Youth A because of
comments Youth A made about Youth A having a toothache. Youth A described Staff 7
as a mother figure to Youth A. Youth A stated they were called for dinner, but Youth A
stayed back, and went into her room. Youth A alleged Staff 1 came into Youth A’s room
and called Youth A, “Bogue Ass Little Bitch Girl”. Youth A stated she went under her
bed with her face toward the wall and was crying. Youth A stated Staff 1 called for other
staff assistance to pull Youth A out from under the bed. Youth A stated she had some
song lyrics written on her arms and stomach from the day before that were violent or
self-harming in nature. Youth A stated the staff took a metal dinosaur and other objects

out of Youth A’s room that they thought could be used by Youth A to self-harm. Youth A
described Staff 5 as grabbing Youth A’s legs, Staff 8 holding Youth A’s waistband, and
Staff 1 holding the back of Youth A’s shirt and they pulled Youth A out from under Youth
A’s bed. Youth A stated she was struggling, and resisting being pulled out from under
the bed. Youth A stated Staff 1 grabbed Youth A’s bra and shirt, and Youth A let go of
the bed, rolled onto her back, and tried to push them off her legs. Youth A stated they
then restrained Youth A with one staff putting their hand by Youth A’s head, which
Youth A said she bit. Youth A described Staff 5 on one arm, Staff 1 on one arm, and
Staff 8 on Youth A’s legs. Youth A stated she tried to lift her head and Staff 1 grabbed
Youth A’s neck and put Youth A’s head down. Youth A said she spit on Staff 1 and
Staff 1 let go of Youth A’s throat and punched the left side of Youth A’s head. Youth A
stated Staff 4 then came in and replaced Staff 1 who left the room. Youth A alleged
Staff 1 and Staff 4 pulled Youth A’s shirt over Youth A’s head and Staff 5 pulled the shirt
back down. Youth A stated there were no peer witnesses, but she did talk to Youth B
about it after the incident. Youth A stated she hasn’t seen Staff 1 since the incident until
recreation on 02/11/2021.

I interviewed Youth B at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Youth B stated
Youth A was really irritated at the time of the incident, but Youth B didn’t know why.
Youth B stated somebody grabbed Youth A’s arm and Staff 1, Staff 4, and Staff 5
restrained Youth A. Youth B stated Youth A was resisting, but she couldn’t see what
they were doing. Youth B stated Youth A spit on them, but she didn’t see the staff do
anything inappropriate. Youth B stated she did see the bruise on Youth A’s neck and
scratches on Youth A’s arms following the incident. Youth B stated she tried to calm
Youth A following the incident.

I interviewed Staff 3 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Staff 3 stated she
was not involved in the restraint but did witness some of the event. Staff 3 stated Youth
A had stayed back, and Staff 5 and Staff 1 tried to talk to Youth A before trying to pull
Youth A out. Staff 3 thought Staff 1 was on one leg of Youth A, Staff 5 was on one side
and she didn’t remember who was on the other side of Youth A. Staff 3 stated Staff 1
did come out from the room wiping her face. Staff 3 stated she observed a mark on the
shoulder of Youth A but didn’t see any of the other marks on Youth A. Staff 3 stated
she did not see Staff 1 punch Youth A or grab the neck of Youth A. Staff 3 stated she
didn’t see any staff do anything inappropriate.

I interviewed Staff 4 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Staff 4 described
Staff 1 as holding the right arm of Youth A, Staff 5 have the left arm, and Staff 8 having
the feet of Youth A. Staff 4 stated he didn’t see Youth A do any self-harm but described
Youth A as twisting and spitting. Staff 4 described Staff 1 as red and upset. Staff 4
stated Staff 1 asked Staff 4 to switch out and Staff 1 left and never came back. Staff 4
stated he didn’t see any injury to Youth A or see any staff hit or kick Youth A. Staff 4
stated Youth A was seen by the nurse anyway. Staff 4 stated he did not see anything

I interviewed Staff 5 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Staff 5 stated she
got the call for assistance and when she came into the room, she was told Youth A had
a plastic fork in her mouth and Youth A was under her bed. Staff 5 stated Youth A had
a string under the bed. Staff 5 described Youth A as fighting and hitting the back of her
head on the floor. Staff 5 stated her, Staff 1, and Staff 8 were there at the time and
Youth A had a plastic fork balled up in Youth A’s mouth. Staff 5 said she had the left
arm of Youth A, Staff 1 had the right arm, and Staff 8 had the legs of Youth A. Staff 5
stated when Staff 4 entered Youth A’s shirt was up and they could see the writing on
Youth A’s stomach. Staff 5 said she didn’t see any injuries to Youth A and Youth A
didn’t allege any injuries. Staff 5 denied Staff 1 punched Youth A and Staff 5 denied
they lifted Youth A’s shirt up over Youth A’s head. Staff 5 stated she did not see
anything inappropriate by staff. Staff 5 stated a room search produced monopoly
pieces, string, and a fork in Youth A’s room.

I interviewed Staff 6 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Staff 6 stated
Youth A went under her bed and they asked Youth A to come out. Staff 6 stated she
did not see Youth A have anything to self-harm. Staff 6 stated she called for SST
because Youth A wouldn’t come out from under the bed. Staff 6 stated Youth A was
hitting her head on the floor and bed, kicking, and cussing. Staff 6 said she was telling
Youth A to stop. Staff 6 stated Youth A was upset over a cup of ice. Staff 6 stated
Youth A was restrained by three staff on the floor. Staff 6 stated Youth A was still
fighting and Youth A spit on Staff 1. Staff 6 stated Staff 1 told Youth A, “Bitch you spit
on me”. Staff 6 stated she did not see any staff hit, choke, or lift the shirt of Youth A.
Staff 6 stated she did not see any injuries to Youth A other than redness on Youth A’s
legs where they were held. Staff 6 stated she did not know if Youth A was seen by the
nurse following the incident, but the nurse comes in at 7:00 PM. Staff 6 denied seeing
the staff be inappropriate or too rough.

I interviewed Staff 1 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Staff 1 stated
Youth A was in Youth A’s room under the bed and could possibly self-harm. Staff 1
stated Youth A was noncompliant, and someone told Staff 1 that Youth A had a fork or
string. Staff 1 stated she observed Youth A holding a string in her hand near her neck.
Staff 1 stated they pulled Youth A out from under the bed and Youth A was struggling
and banging her head. Staff 1 stated she had the right arm of Youth A, Staff 5 had the
left arm, and Staff 6 and Staff 8 had the legs of Youth A. Staff 1 stated Youth A was
scratching, yelling, and spit in Staff 1’s face. Staff 1 stated Youth A’s shirt was pulled up
from Youth A squirming and struggling. Staff 1 said Staff 4 replaced Staff 1 after Youth
A spit in the face of Staff 1. Staff 1 said she left and denied calling Youth A “bitch” but
said Youth A called Staff 1 bitch and told Staff 1 Youth A would get Staff 1 fired. Staff 1
said Youth A was upset with Staff 1 from the previous day. Staff 1 denied punching
Youth A in the face and denied knowing about any bruises on Youth A. Staff 1 said the
nurse did see Youth A following the incident. Staff 1 stated a search of Youth A’s room
produced monopoly pieces and notes.

I interviewed Staff 7 at the facility on 02/12/2021 with State Worker 2. Staff 7 is the
nurse that Youth A described as a mother figure to Youth A. Staff 7 stated she saw

Youth A following the incident for the nighttime med pass. Staff 7 stated Youth A did
not talk to Staff 7 about the incident or having any bruises. Staff 7 stated Youth A
usually talks to Staff 7 about any bruises but didn’t say anything and Staff 7 did not
notice anything.

The personnel record for Staff 1 indicated a number of disciplines related to attendance,
but nothing recent related to the treatment of residents. The training record indicated a
TCI (Therapeutic Crisis Intervention) refresher training 09/10/2019 and Trauma
Informed Training completed 01/28/2020. The training record for Staff 5 included TCI
training 03/10/2020. The training record for Staff 8 and Staff 4 included TCI training

State Worker 2 interviewed the father of Youth A by telephone on 02/16/2021. Youth A’s
father reported the incident was discussed over a speaker phone with Staff 2 and Staff
2 stated Youth A’s injuries were consistent with what Youth A was reporting.

State Worker 2 interviewed the mother of Youth A by telephone on 02/18/2021. Youth

A’s mother reported she has not been involved in family counseling the last two months
even though it is court ordered. She reported Staff 2 has not reached out to contact
her. She said she has attempted to contact him, but he has not called her back.

The Program Statement of the facility states the following:


WSTC is designed to serve and treat adolescent clients diagnosed with mental health
disorders, substance use disorders, sexual aggression, and delinquent behaviors. The
program uses a group modality to target population specific issues and challenges
faced by adolescents. Group focuses include, but are not limited to; Recovery lifestyles,
anger management, emotional regulation, recidivism avoidance, substance use, peer
associations, community building, problem solving, HIV/STI prevention education,
academic success, life skills development, effective use of positive community
resources, etc.

Assessment and collaboration with worker and family are used to identify each client’s
individual strengths and challenges. This comprehensive and integrated program uses
a trauma informed approach to individual treatment planning to ensure that each client’s
needs are met. The structured residential program emphasizes adolescent recovery
from various mental health disorders, CSC and related behavioral and community


Substance Abuse, Mental Health & Cognitive Impairment Interventions Provided:
• CBT (Cognitive Behavior Threapy) Intake Checklist (extensive assessment tool
designed by the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy for WHS clients)
• Ansel Casey Life Skills Assessment within first 30 days and 90 days thereafter
• Two individual sessions with a master’s level clinician weekly

• Five group sessions weekly, to include the following: substance abuse
prevention and education monthly; anger management; life skills development;
health living strategies; two specialized sessions focusing on stages of change,
emotional regulation, coping skills, disorder management, and relapse prevention
• One family session with master’s level clinician monthly
• On site spiritual services
• Family case review meetings twice monthly with an assigned Wolverine
Permanency Specialist to support successful community reintegration and
encourage family participation/support.

The facility provides core skills training with staff as a part of their behavior
management system along with TCI training. Both components attempt to assist staff to
de-escalate a situation in order to avoid the use of physical management restraint
techniques. Identified core skills include Active Listening, ITCH Problem Solving
(Identify the problem-Think about possible solutions-Choose a solution to try-How well
does it work), Speed Maps and Checks, TIP Distress Tolerance Skills (Towards the
senses-Intense Exercise-Paced Breathing), CAPES Skills (Closeness-Accomplishment-
Physical activity-Enjoyment-Sleep hygiene), and CBT Chat Forms.

The TCI training curriculum also has a focus on ways to de-escalate a situation as well
as how and when to implement safe physical restraints.

R 400.158 Discipline.

(2) An institution shall prohibit all cruel and severe

discipline, including any of the following:
(a) Any type of corporal punishment inflicted in any

ANALYSIS: The findings of this investigation did not determine Staff 1

punched Youth A during the incident under investigation. Staff
and Youth A’s descriptions varied, and it is possible the injuries
to Youth A were the result of Youth A struggling while
attempting to be pulled from under her bed and hitting her head
and arms on the floor and bed. Youth A alleged it was the result
of being punched by Staff 1, but all staff descriptions were
consistent in denying Staff 1 punched Youth A.


R 400.4109 Program statement.

(1) An institution shall have and follow a current written

program statement which specifically addresses all of the
(c) Policies and procedures pertaining to admission,
care, safety, and supervision, methods for addressing
residents’ needs, implementation of treatment plans, and
discharge of residents.

ANALYSIS The program statement of this facility includes the description

that assessment and collaboration with worker and family are
used to identify each client’s individual strengths and
challenges. This comprehensive and integrated program uses a
trauma informed approach to individual treatment planning to
ensure that each client’s needs are met.

During the initial interview of Staff 2 he denied having much

knowledge of the incident under investigation. Staff 2 stated he
had discussed the incident with the family but was unaware of
what Youth A may have reported. Staff 2 denied receiving
incident reports dealing with resident behaviors and needs.
Staff 2 denied keeping any detailed notes of counseling
sessions. The reports by the parents of Youth A also indicated
a lack of integrated communication to provide services to youth
and families to effectively address the needs of youth and their
families. These issues are inconsistent with providing a
comprehensive and integrated treatment program consistent
with the program statement/description. The mother of Youth A
reported to State Worker 2 that she had not received family
counseling for the last two months despite attempts to contact
Staff 2.
SIR #2021C0325004, dated 11/15/20, CAP Approved 03/05/21
SIR #2021C0116006, dated 11/05/20, CAP Approved 02/08/21
SIR #2020C0325044, dated 06/02/20, CAP Approved 10/07/20
SIR #2020C0325018, dated 12/05/19, CAP Approved 01/13/20
SIR #2020C0325009, dated 10/01/19, CAP Approved 12/20/19
SIR #2020C0219015, dated 01/10/20, CAP Approved 03/13/20
SIR #2020C0217002, dated 10/15/19, CAP Approved 01/22/20
SIR #2019C0325064, dated 09/19/19, CAP Approved 01/06/20
SIR #2019C0325040, dated 05/06/19, CAP Approved 07/01/19
SIR #2019C0325023, dated 02/01/19, CAP Approved 06/10/19


Rule 1(1) Prohibition of Prone Restraint; Procedures Involving Other
Restraints in Child Caring Institutions

(1) An institution shall establish and follow written

policies and procedures that describe the institutions
behavior management system.

ANALYSIS The findings of this investigation indicated Youth A was injured

during the implementation of this restraint incident. It is
inconclusive if the injuries were the result of Youth A’s
resistance during the restraint or the result of staff actions.
However, the findings do not determine that it was necessary to
implement the restraint rather than use other prevention
methods to ensure the safety of Youth A. The findings did not
establish Youth A was about to demonstrate any self- harming
behaviors based on staff interviews/descriptions and Youth A’s
interview. The implementation of the restraint appeared to be
the result of noncompliance by Youth A rather than the threat of
self-harm by Youth A. A wait strategy and continued
observation and communication with Youth A while Youth A was
under the bed may have avoided the use of any physical

The facility provides training in a number of methodologies to

de-escalate a situation short of the implementation of any form
of physical management. The appropriate use of Core Skills
training as well as de-escalation techniques included in TCI
training need to be utilized. There was inadequate
documentation to determine which if any of these alternatives
were used.


SIR #2020C0106034, dated 04/20/20, CAP Approved 10/13/20
SIR #2019C0325023, dated 02/01/19, CAP Approved 06/10/19


R 400.4131 Compliance with child protection law; development of plan

The licensee shall develop and implement a written plan to

assure compliance with the child protection law, 1975 PA
238, MCL 722.621 to 722.638

ANALYSIS: The findings of this investigation indicated this incident was not
reported consistent with the Child Protection Law and policy of
this facility. The facility policy states, “under Michigan Protection
Laws Wolverine Human Services must report any suspected
child abuse neglect for those youth under its care with 24 hours
to the Division of Child Welfare Licensing (DCWL) as well as to
Child Protective Services (CPS)…….. If in doubt whether to
report or not, employees will follow reporting guidelines and
consult with the head of their department / organization. Care is
to be taken to guarantee the safety of the child. Medical care as
well as notification of significant others are to be provided or
arranged immediately.”

The date of this incident was 01/22/2021. The Incident Report

submitted to DCWL documented a submission date of
01/25/2021 and the documented central intake date in
MISACWIS is 01/25/2021. After initially denying knowledge of
the incident when it occurred, Staff 2 later submitted a safety
plan for Youth A dated 01/22/2021 and reported he had to work
late in order to complete the safety plan. The submission dates
for both DCWL and central intake determined it was not
reported within the required 24 hour time period for compliance
with Michigan’s Child Protection Law or the facility’s policy.


SIR #2021C0325012, dated 01/19/21, CAP not yet approved.



I recommend with the submission of an acceptable safety plan the license be

revoked for this childcare institution-private consistent with the findings of this report
and special investigation report #2021C0325012.

Mark R. Hunter Date
Licensing Consultant

Approved By:
Franchesca Vega Date
DCWL Administrative Manager


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