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Multi-Species Models of Tumor Growth

General Assumptions
The model is composed of the following volume fractions: proliferative (φP ), hypoxic (φH )
and necrotic (φN ) tumor cells, and the nutrients (φσ ). The total tumor (φT ) volume fraction is
giving by
φT = φP + φH + φN . (1)
The models defined below uses the Heaviside function (H ) as a switch. This value of this
function is one for positive arguments and zero otherwise.

1 The Reaction-Diffusion Model

Assuming that the velocities of the constituents are negligible, the following system of mass
balance equation is obtained:
∂φP 
= ∇ · MP ∇φP + SP , 

∂φH 

= ∇ · MH ∇φH + SH , 

∂t (2)
= ∇ · MN ∇φN + SN , 



= ∇ · Mσ ∇φσ + Sσ , 
where SP , SH , SN and Sσ are special source terms defined below.
The source terms in our model take the form
= λP φσ φP (1 − φT ) − λP H H (σP H − φσ )φP + λHP H (φσ − σHP )φH

SP 

− H (t − Ttreat ) λ d φP ,

1 + λr (t − Ttreat ) k,P

= λP H H (σP H − φσ )φP − λHP H (φσ − σHP )φH − λHN H (σHN − φσ )φH

SH 

1 (3)
− H (t − Ttreat ) λ d φH ,
1 + λr (t − Ttreat ) k,H 


= λHN H (σHN − φσ )φH + H (t − Ttreat ) (λd φH + λdk,P φP ),


1 + λr (t − Ttreat ) k,H

Sσ = −λc φσ (φP + φH ) + λs ktrans ,

where the vector of 17 parameters is given by

θ 1 = {MP , MH , MN , Mσ , λP , λP H , σP H , λHP , σHP , λHN , σHN , λr , λdk,P , λdk,H , λdk,N , λc , λs }, (4)

with the following restrictions

σP H ≥ σHP > σHN , and 0 ≤ λdk,N ≤ 1. (5)

2 The Phase-Field Model
Assuming that the velocities of the constituents are negligible, the following system of mass
balance equation is obtained:

∂φT  2 2 2 2 2 2

= ∇ · MP φP (1 − φP ) + MH φH (1 − φH ) + MN φN (1 − φN ) ∇µ + ST , 

∂t 2

µ = 2ĒφT 1 − 3φT + 2φT − T ∆φT ,

∂φH 2 2

= ∇ · MH φH (1 − φH ) ∇µ + SH , (6)
∂φN 
= ∇ · MN φ2N (1 − φN )2 ∇µ + SN ,


∂φσ 

= ∇ · Mσ ∇φσ + Sσ , 

where SH , SN and Sσ are defined as in (3) and ST is defined below.
The source terms in our model take the form
ST = λP φσ φP (1 − φT ) + H (t − Ttreat ) (λd − 1)(λdk,H φH + λdk,P φP ), (7)
1 + λr (t − Ttreat ) k,N

where the vector of 19 parameters is given by

θ 2 = {Ē, T } ∪ θ 1 , (8)

with the restrictions presented in (5).

3 Generalized Logistic Function (Richard’s curve)

ST = λP φσ φP (1 − φT )ν − λP H H (σP H − φσ )φP + λHP H (φσ − σHP )φH . (9)

4 Michaelis-Menten type

λPc φP + λH
c φH
Sσ = − M
φσ + λs ktrans (10)
φσ + φσ

5 Other hypothesis

MP = αMH , and λH φσ φH (1 − φT ) = βλP φσ φH (1 − φT ). (11)

6 Papers
• Wise et al. [1]: same source terms but tumor = viable + necrotic;

• Liu and Yang [2]: logistic + treatment effects (exponential) just during treatment interval;

• Barazzuol et al. [3]: ODE model + linear-quadratic (LQ) treatment model (survival);

• Bodgi et al. [4]: good historical synopsis, several cell survival/radiation models (Fig 2);

• Borasi and Nahum [5]: reaction-diffusion (RD) model with exponential growth + LQ

• Branco et al. [6]: RD model with chemotherapy;

• Enderling et al. [7]: survival probability × application distance;

• Enderling and AJ Chaplain [8]: ODEs for growth rate (exponential, logistic, Gompertz)
and dynamically carrying capacity;

• Byrne and Chaplain [9]: radially symmetric tumor growth with necrosis;

• Fowler [10]: LQ review (1989) with α and β coefficients;

• Galochkina et al. [11]: RD model with logistic growth (normal and damaged tumor cells),
using also the LQ model (optimization);

• Benzekry et al. [12]: Model selection with AIC, ODE with logistic and Gompertz models,
dynamic carrying capacity, Von Bertalanffy and power law (for volume);

• Xu et al. [13]: Phase-field model which incorporate hypoxic and necrotic through the
chemical potential;

• Kirkby et al. [14]: Radiotherapy effects on cell cycle;

• Liu and Yang [15]: same model as Liu and Yang [2] but added chemotherapy;

• Lo [16]: stochastic ODE with Gompertz growth;

• Marušić [17]: model selection using BIC for several ODE modeling tumor volume;

• Martı́nez-González et al. [18]: Proliferative + hypoxic + necrotic, using Michaelis-Menten

coefficient for oxygen consumption;

• Brenner [19]: Review of LQ model (states that it is good up to 18 Gy / fraction);

• Park et al. [20]: single fraction × several for the LQ model;

• Altrock et al. [21]: good review (examples): ODE, PDE, hybrid models, game theory and

• Adam [22]: 1D RD model with mitotic inhibitor

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