In Which Country Do People Have To Be Most Loyal To The Group

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In which country do people have to be most loyal to the group?

 South Korea
Being proud of yourself is called:
Which cultural group is happier?
Latin America
The cultural dimension “Power Distance” is related to the different
solutions to the basic problem of human inequality. 
If you are from Long-Term Oriented society, you should:
 Avoid talking too much about yourself.
Which of the following statements applies to Large Power Distance?
Subordinates expect to be told what to do.
Which of the following countries are with high Uncertainty Avoidance
index? (please choose the 3 correct answers)
Arab ctrs
Which of the following statements refer to the Long-Term oriented
Secondary school students perform well at mathematics
Secondary school students underrate own math results
People/businesses prefer large saving quotes and big funds available for
Which of the following statements refer to the Restrained societies?
(please choose 3 relevant)
 What happens to me is not my doing

  Work ethic
  Pessimism, cynicism
Which of the below is not related to the concept of race?
 food culture
 The way “we” and the “others” are distinct from each other through social
and cultural difference, language, and ancestry is called…..
Which of the following is among the reasons of increased cultural diversit
 all of the above
Which of the following forms a multicultural society?
All of the Above
Is it appropriate to use technical language in a conversation you are having
with a newly acquainted person in a social event that is not working in the
same field as you?
 It would only be appropriate if the conversation was in a professional capacity,
with a person familiar with the choice of words
Which of the below defines what gestures are?
 all of the above
Which of the following is siamong the hidden language barriers of
The use of jargon/technical language in a work related expert conversation
Which of the following is specific to low context cultures?
Privacy and personal space are highly valued.
What is gender?
A concept that may change over time and space
Fill in the blanks: ……………… is related to what it means to belong to a
certain b in a particular society
Gender role
In what areas there is discrimination in the society towards women?
 All of the above
What is the hegemonic masculinity?
 Men of dominance are represented as the ideal masculinity of a
particular society
In which part of European history can we search the first form of
democratic society?
Greece – Polise of Athens
Ancient Roman Empire had a large area and a huge number of inhabitants.
What kind of knowledge was developed because of this?
Art of governing, Roman law
When was Christianity first proclaimed as the religion of state?
Already in the Roman empire: first it was persecuted, then it was allowed then it
was declared as the religion of state
 Humanism was the era when people rediscovered the joy of life – When?
 in Renaissance
For which countries brought the Renaissance the highest development?
 for Italy and the Low countries (Netherlands)
When did the differences between the Western European and Eastern
European countries grow so high that Eastern Europe finally got periphery-
At the age of discoveries when Western European countries got incredibly rich by
the colonization
What was the main reason of World War I?
New, enriching countries (e.g. Germany, Japan) also wanted colonies
 How many member countries does the United Nations have?
According to most of the country/nation brands indexes, most of the best
(top 10) country/nation brands are:
The culture dimension of Simon Anholt’s nation brand hexagon contains:
 Cultural heritage, contemporary culture and excellence at sports
Simon Anholt’s nation brand hexagon represents the following areas:
Export, governance, culture, people, tourism, investment and immigration
Which is the country that provided the opportunity to vote online for the
2019 European Parliament elections?
Which country has two official international names where one of the names
is Suomi?
 The most famous county logo (destination branding logo) was created for:
What institutions can be considered as the predecessor of the European
Both of the above (first ECSC, then EEC)
When was the European Union formally established?
In 1992 (Maastricht Treaty) ―later reformed in 2009 (Lisbon Treaty)
EU assures Integral Single Market among its members – what does it
Free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the internal market
Who are the members of the European Council?
 The Prime Ministers of the Members states
Which institution(s) has/have to approve the new laws?
 European Parliament and Council of the European Union
Who is responsible for the LAW-initiation work (preparation of laws) in EU?
European Commission
Representatives of the European Parliament are:
Directly elected in their home country
COMMUNICATION comes from Latin word commūnicāre, which means:
to share
What are the basic steps of communication?
message encoding and decoding
One-way communication is:
Linear model of communication
In Berlo’s Sender-Mesage-Chanel-Receiver Model of Communication
Sender is for:
communication skills, and attitude, knowledge, social system, cultural system.
Claude Elwood Shannon published A Mathematical Theory of
Communication article in two parts in the July and October numbers of the
Bell System Technical Journal IN:
Semantic Noise means:
different interpretations of the meanings of certain words in communication.
Defensive Communication is:
communication that can be aggressive.
When you are clear in communication…
you try to minimize the number of ideas in each sentence.
Data means:
 uninterpreted and unanalyzed facts.
The first one to use the term “culture” for all of achievements of society
What are the main fields of culture?
Material, spiritual, political
What are the types of communication?
Interpersonal, social, intercultural
The language codes include:
Language, para-language, non-language
Internal outcomes from the Pyramid Model means, that:
attitudes, knowledge and skills create a solution that is characterized by
flexibility, adaptability and empathy
Intercultural competencies are:
the ability to develop targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to visible
behavior and communication
 “L” in the acronym LOVE, which is used to describe skills in the
Intercultural Competence Framework, means:
Acquiring intercultural sensitivity is a process which consists of:
Denial of Difference, Minimization of Difference and Integration of
The Iceberg metaphor should be understand as
 the factors that create culture, divide it into those elements that are visible and
those that are hidden
It is considered that the founder of the theory of intercultural
communication is:
Edward T. Hall
What does the iceberg concept of culture reveal?
Hidden dimensions of cultures
Why is culture compared to an onion?
The metaphor of an onion is often used to describe the different layers of
Spatial distance – the size of “protection zone” – depends on:
 Both the lace of upbringing and the communication situation
Describing cultures as high- and low-context refers to:
the way of communication
Which of the following cultures is classified as a low-context culture?
Low-context societies are characterised by:
High-context cultures are not characterised by:
Direct and clear message transmission
What characterises monochronic cultures?
Explicit meaning, verbal communications, low level of commitment, time highly
What countries are polychronic?
Latin American, African, Arab
Business ethics is:
a code of conduct, a set of behaviors which are used to prove being a
he most common form of business greetings in Europe and North America
shaking hands
Words, which sound similar in various languages, but have completely
different meaning, are called:
false friends
Phrases, which keep their meaning only in a language, that they come from
and should not be literally translated into any other language, are called:
Small talk is:
introduction to the proper conversation
Non-verbal communication contains:
speaking and talking, as well as gestures
Public sphere in interpersonal distance is a range of:
 everything over 360 cm
What are the preferences for eye contact all over the world?
Europe and North America require eye contact during conversation, Asians avoid
eye contact during conversation
What is the action of the word “but” used in a sentence?
 it cancels everything that came before it
What are the main emotions to be read on our face?
 surprise, disgust, happiness, anger, fear, sadness

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