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THIRD EDITION PNOTCH ECO TS PEARSON =m = PRT TUTE “1 Report news about relationships 2. Describe extended families. 3. Compare people te 4 Discuss family cultural traditions. Tm Andrew. ‘This ismy wife, Diane. And this is my family. ‘A FAMILY VOCABULARY REVIEW Look at Andrew’s family © PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about photos. Write the six missing relationship words. Andrew’ relatives. Use Who. 66 Who's eff’s wile? 77 B_ ial VOCABULARY * The Extended Family Listen 64 Who are Barbara and Rick? 77 and ret 44 Maureen. 77 peat. 66 They'e Diane's inlaws. IF 26 UNITS Emma: Who's that guy? Your brother? Emma: Looks lke they're having 2 Grace: No, that’s my brother‘in-law, {great time in New York Matthew. He’s married to my older Grace: Actually, they live there. sister, Alexa. And thisis their son, Emma: They do? Wow! How often do Aiden. He's adopted.* ‘you see them? Emma: Do they have any other Grace: We get together about twice ‘children? ee Grace: No, just the one. He's an only chil *exopted: Mathew and Alexa aren't “Ades bith pare E THINK AND EXPLAIN Check true or false, based on information from the Photo Story. Then explain each answer. true false 1 Grace is Aiden’s aunt. 2 Grace is Matthew's sister-in-law. 3 Matthew is Ariana’s brother-in-law. 4 Alexa has one niece and three nephews. 5 Ariana, Cole, and Casey are Aiden’s cousins. 6 Matthew and Alexa have two children. ooooo0 oooooo SPEAKING ‘A Complete the chart with information about your extended family. ‘Write the number of people for each relationship. | UNEIE(S)— srrne COUSIN(S) . aunt(s) .. brother(s)-in-law = nigce(s) ene sister(s)in-law B_ GROUP WORK Compare charts with your classmates. Who in your class has a very large extended family? Undarand nah patron Ure ge bias. DEH PHOTO STORY Read and listen to two women discussing family photos. a = Portuguese seater Emma: And what about these kids? Grace: They’te my younger sister's. ‘Arana’ the git. And these are her litle brothers, Cole and Casey. Emma: Cole and Casey look so much ale Are they tina?™ Grace: They at. They al ive in “ian, Bale ep reece the internet. “wins: Cole and Casey were born a the 44 Ws tue. Aiden is son. 9 44 How many do youhave? 1 uNT3 27 ‘EE! VOCABULARY Relationships and marital status ‘A 204! Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat. re engaged. (He's her flancé. / She’s his lancée.) ce They te separated. Terre aoree. cere ‘s her ex-husband. / She’s his ex-wife.) B_ i2W5 LISTEN TO CLASSIFY Listen and infer the marital status of the person in each conversation. Circle the correct status. 1 The woman is (single / engaged / married). 3. His sister is (engaged / separated / divorced). 2 His aunt is (engaged / widowed / divorced). 4 Her sister is (engaged / separated / divorced). GRAMMAR The simple present tense: Review Affirmative statements Negative statements ‘My in-laws live in Rio. My aunt and uncle don’t work in an office. t My ex-wife lives in Tokyo My cousin doesn’t work at home. Gienatoee: don’t~ do not ‘Yes / no questions and short answers dosen't = does not Do they have any children? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. Does she have any nieces or nephews? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't, Spelling rules with he, she, and Exceptions: Adds to the base form of most verbs. do > does s “Tere tense: Works likes plays calls eee ‘Add -es to verbs that end in ssh, -ch, or x. Ie ea washes watches relaxes 28 UNITa GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations. Use the simple present tense. 1A your cousin (have) any 4k your fiancé (ike) hip-hop? children? B: No, he .. He itatall, B: YO5, SHE vssecnne + SHE snsnssnees WO jie salad ty 5 wow her exhusband (see) 2B ss YYOUF INAAWS srssnsnens (live) in Br YES, Re vienna WHE saneesnne them a lot Toronto? ne 6 Ae ccssssnee YOU . (call) your nieces BE NO, they cnn « They in Ottawa. aera BAS cnn YOUF PAPEMIS wrrvee (WOPK) IM Quito? B: No, I. mel B: Yes, they They for the exes government. CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A 2288 Read and listen to good news about a relationship, A: What's new? B: Actually, | have some good news. My sister just got engaged! A: That's great. Congratulations! B: Thanks! A: So tell me about her fiancé. What does he do? B: Well, he works at Redcor. He’s an engineer. Or bad news B: Actually, | have some bad news. My sister just got divorced. AA: I'm sorry to hear that. Is she OK? B: Yes, she is. Thanks for asking. B_ 9207 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner, BATTLE) report news about relationships A NOTEPADDING Imagine that you have good | ‘or bad news about someone in your extended family (or use real news). Write notes to plan a conversation, the new: What does he / she do: Other informati Sis B_ CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR Personalize the ‘Conversation Model. Tell your partner your | e news. Then change roles. ‘A: What's new? BE Actual; have some DOwTsTOP! foodie —tadnems | nes. My fake / estos Biron granted A Tee R Ts _7/ oo mon? | ERM at sat \eathesinpl pean ay ar | me (© CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the She hikes / hates studies conversation again. Report other They have /don't have _ good or bad news. uNT3 20 ~ REE VOCABULARY ther family relationships ‘A. 22008 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. ‘ances my RRR ry ee a ; ae eee). (Gaeta “ania is my stepdaughter. marr er meshes wion aha was tes smother mare ‘Ashley is my stepsister, brother. my father. “Haltom and halleisters can alto have the Same father but dierent mother B_ PAIRWORK Ask your partner to Hensel aan an 44 Who's Cody’ stepmother? 77 C229 LISTEN TO INFER Listen to the speakers and infer the relationships. Use the Vocabulary to complete each statement. Listen again if necessary. 1 Her brother has three ...jcsnciennsnenens + 2 Carol is his 3 She calls her 5 Hank is her .. “Mom.” GRAMMAR The simple present tense—information questions: Review What do your in-laws do? Where do thelr cousins live? When do you visit your aunt? Who do their stepchildren live with? How often do you call your niece? How many children do they have? What does your sister-in-law do? Where does your stepsister live? When does your brother visit his niece? Who does your stepdaughter live with? How often does she call her nephew? How many hal-brothers does he have? A FIND THE GRAMMAR Look at the Photo Story on page 27 again. Find and underline one information question in the simple present tense. 30 UNITa 4100 IS HIS soscssne — 's stepmother is Irene, 77 Cody's sep 5) Be careful! Who as subject: Who fives in Hons Kona? NOT Who dees-tve in Hong Kong? forms ene the epee aa pi © Questions with Who 2 eoeten its B_ GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations with the simple present tense. 1A your sister . ? 4A with your grandfather? B: She lives in Dubbli B: My half-sister Louise lives with him. 24 nieces and nephews Eo BRA aa your stepfather do? 8: Three. My sister two girls—both B: He . ina restaurant. He's the chef and adopted—and my brother nse @ StepsOn. manager. aac stay with when you visit. 6 A conn your uncle work? Sa Los Angeles? B; At the hospital around the corner. cs . with my aunt and uncle. A your aunt... there, too? H:'NO; siete CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A 2201 Read and listen to people describing their families. ‘A: Do you come from a large family? B: Not really, | have two brothers. ‘A: What about aunts and uncles? B: Well, | have three aunts on my father's side, And on my mother’s side, | have two aunts and three uncles. A: That's pretty big! BB: RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the ‘Conversation Model with a partner. HOTTIE) pescribe extended families A NOTEPADDING List your extended family relationships on the notepad. ‘G3 B CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, use your notepads to personalize 6 the Conversation Model. Describe your ‘extended family. Then change roles. Do you come from a large family? seme «RAVE What about .. B: Well, [have saunne ON MY side, And A DONTSTOP! Ask for more information, Tell me about your aunts / uncles / cousins) Win about your [sisternan]? How old How oft How many? © GROUP WORK Now tell your classmates about your partner's extended family UNS 3 [EI compare people BEFORE YOU LISTEN TELA i212 VOCABULARY « Similarities and differences " Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 4d jf We look allke. ‘We wear the same We both like rack music. kind of clothes. Mow are you ferent? We look different. We wear different [ike rock, but he tikes classical kinds of ciathes B_ PAIR WORK Find similarities and differences between you and a partner. Write sentences describing the similarities and differences. Use the Vocabulary. LISTENING COMPREHENSION ‘A 551 LISTEN TO IDENTIFY SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Listen to Lucille talk about herselt and her sister, Laura. Check the statements that are true. Explain your answers. ™ 1_| D lookalike O took different 2_| Dike the same kind of food. Olike different kinds of food. 3 | Dike the same kind of movies. ike different kinds of movies. 4 | D Iike the same kind of music. like different kinds of music. 5_| C have the same number of kids. O have different numbers of kids. 6 |Lucilleandtaura are Cl twins. Di stepsisters. 0) half-sisters. 2 uNTa B_ PIRI LISTEN TO TAKE NOTES. Listen again for what Lucille says about these topics. On your notepad, use the Vocabulary to write sentences about how she and her sister are similar or different. appearance Lucille and Lavra look alike. _| favorite colors sports preferences musical tastes families clothes ~ "EEE PRONUNCIATION Linking sounds ‘A 2255 Read and listen. Pay attention to the linking of sounds in daes she and does he. Then listen again and repeat. Id /dnzi 1 have any stepchildren? 3 live near you? id idazi 2. How many stepchildren have? 4 Where| live? B__Now practice the questions on your own. Pay attention to blended sounds. MOTT compare peopte ‘A NOTEPADDING Choose someone in your extended family. On the notepad, write your similarities and differences. Use the Vocabulary from page 32. ‘ The person’s name: Relationship to you: per p toy You urn > marital status * occupation family relationships + appearance = ) yas a ee B_ PAIRWORK Tell your partner about you and your relative. Use your notepad. Then compare other people in your families Peat ences 44 My cousin and! are both single. 79 talemed tates. rt Snt ait How are you similar? How about _? at forma, | Sat 1 yin ey you look alike? iow old _? aunt likes classical. 77 eka Wen eats Do you thesame kind of _? | Where does your — lve? Do you — diferent kinds ot? | How many’ do@syour _ have? uNT3 33 BEFORE YOU READ WARM-UP In your opinion, how long should adult children live in their parents’ homes? READING »2i8) Source: yn sna com http: wwwwmeda Ask Mr. Dad With Armin Brott Home About Mr.Dad| Get Advice. = Mr. Dad Blog Reviews. (0: My wife and | recently sent our last child off to college. We are ready to sell the house and travel, but our oldest daughter doesn't have a job and plans to move back home. What should we do? ‘A: Most North Americans expect their children to move out of the house at eighteen. But that's ‘changing. Today, more aduit children are returning home to live. Some don't have jobs or can’t pay {or the high costs of housing, Some are recently separated or divorced. Most are single, but some ‘come home with a wife, husband, or child, to, Most parents are happy wien their kids come back home to lve. However, when a son ot daughter can't find a job—or is recently divorced—there can be problems. Andif their son oF daughter is sill at home atthe age of thirty-five, many parents are no longer happy. In your case, what if your daughter maves back home? ‘Don't wory. Ifyou and your daughter had a good relationship when she was younger, she'll be fine. Help her in any way you can, And it's OK to ask, “How long do you plan on staying?” + Don’t treat your daughter ikea child, In our culture, adult children don't feel ood about living at home, and they don't want to depend on their parents’ help. Tell her you understand. + Talk to your daughter as an adult. Have a discussion about paying for expenses and helping with household responsibilies and chores, such as kitchen cleanup and doing laundry. f you and your daughter talk and try to understand each other, everyone will be happier. A CONFIRM FACTS Complete each statement. 1 The parents are worried because their daughter ... ‘a wants to move into their home doesn’t want to leave their home b wants to move away from theirhome — d_doesn’t want to come home 2 According to Armin Brott, most North Americans expect children to move out of their parents’ home when they «. a reach the age of eighteen € find a job b finish college d get married B_ INFER INFORMATION. Check all the correct answers, according to what Armin Brott says. 1 What are the reasons adult children are moving 2 What are Mr. Brott’s suggestions to the father? back home? tose his house and go traveling 1D They don’thave jobs. D to discuss chores at home O They get divorced, i CO toask his daughter to find a job O They can’t afford housing. D to try to understand his daughter em They feel good about living with their parents.. 1D to not worry too much about his daughter ‘nti’ C0 They want to depend on their parents. WAMLLD oiscu:smiy tuations LA ‘A. FRAME YOUR IDEAS Complete the survey about adult children in your ‘country. Then compare answers with a partner. Living At Home? At wit age do children untally leave 3 How do parents teal When thelr adule home in your country? children are living at home? 1 between 18 and 20 A They're very happy. 1 beeween 21 and 25 J They're very worried. A beeween 26 and 30 A They don’t think about ie. 1 over 30 They don’t want them to stay Ie depends on their marital status. Other What are the reasons adult children 4 What do adult children usually do when usually leave home? they live at home? Sl They get a job. -1 They help with the chores. 1 They get married “A They help pay for expenses. | They go away to study. 41 They looke for a job. | They don’t want to depend on their parents. 4 They look for a new place to live | Other J Other, B_ NOTEPADDING Write some similarities and differences between family cultural traditions in your country and those Armin Brott describes. What's the same? What's different? © GROUP WORK Imagine you are speaking to a Textminingfoptna visitor to your county. Explain your country’s tarde te wads pes in te Rating family cultural traditions about adult children Foran: ousduld eames living at home. Use your notepad. UNITS 35 ‘A 2871 Listen to the people talk about their families. Check the box for family size for each speaker. ‘Then listen again and write the number of children in each person’s family. 1 [Brenda o o 2_ [steven o o 3 | Leslie o a 4 | Jason o o B_ Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase 1 Lamy doesn’t have any brothers of sisters, He’s af sav. 2. Bob’s brother is Ron. They have the szme birth date. They are .. 3 Jun’s brother has two daugtitets. They are Jun’s 4 Evais Alfonso’s wife. Alfonso’s parents are Eva's 5. Hariko’s father has five nieces and nephews. They are Hariko’s 6 ills father married Wendy's mother. jl’ father is Wendy's... 7 Julie and Brett are divorced. Brett is Julie's 8 Teresa’s mother has two brothers. They are Teresa's © Complete the questions. Use the simple present tense. 1 A: Where... 8: My brother? He lives in Cuzco, Peru, 2 A: What B: My sister? She's a nurse, 3 A: How many 8: Ihave two sons and a daughter. 4h B: Cousins? Yes, Ido. I have seven. 5 A: Where ... B: My brother? He lives near me. 6h B: Children? Yes. My sister has two daughters. WRITING Compare two people in your family. Write six statements about how they are similar and how they are different. Start like this: ea L asacaronlnrmer pain a =r Go) > eee TEI 9.12 eawatts re also very different. * Combining sentences with : : aud oF but aR - . + Gitano ts wring Sa es a oo My brother and hi but the fife are simil in some wa) ORAL REVIEW CONTEST Study the family tree. Who can answer this question first: How many sisters, brothers, half-sisters, and half-brothers do Enrique iglesias and Julio Iglesias each have? PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about the family relationships. Use Who, What, When, and How many. For example: Q: Who is Isabel Preysler? A: She's. GAME Choose one person's point of view. Describe “your extended family.” ‘Your partner quesses who you are, For ‘example: Lam Julio Iglesias’s daughter, and my uncle is Carlos. Pete eee (renee “1919-2002, tom 1971 (oideare: Chaba Di Report news about relationships. 0 Describe extended fais 1 compare people. 0 Discuss family cultural traitons, una 37 ee TE 1 Askfora restaurant recommendation. 2 Order froma menu, 3 Speak to. server and pay fora mea. Ue 4 Discuss food and health. PREVIEW APPETIZERS oS*. Potato soup Colombian style 2 he Fried squid with spicy tomato sauce SALADS Mixed green salad forato onion salad ENTREES | P aiianseok TODAY'S “tiles fon j Oe Ree ae rastciaen — a = DESSERTS aoe Se “lee cream ee | ‘Apple pie iL nchocolatecake BEVERAGES ice Bottled water (stor sparking) Coffee Tea Soft drinks Fruit A Read the menu. Circle the words that are D_NOTEPADDING Write the name of at least one dish new to you. from your country for each category. ABER B23 VOCABULARY « Parts of a meal. Listen __|_an appetizer owts and repeat. cay © PAIRWORK Which foods on the menu do you __|_ an entrée (@main course) like? Are there any foods you don’t like? aliases Compare ideas with a partner. a __| abeverage 38 UNITA pee ton segue btn E 2211 PHOTO STORY Read and listen to someone ordering food In a restaurant. Server:* Are you ready to order? Or _Server: It comes with a salad. And Server: Certainly. And anything to ‘do you need some more time? there's also a choice of vegetables. drink? ‘Customer: I'm ready, thanks. I think Tonight we have carrots or grilled Customer: I'd like sparking water, Vil start with the potato soup. tomatoes. please. No ice, ‘Then I'l have the roast chicken. Customer: Id like the carrots, please, What does that come with? Or, on second thought, maybe I'l have the tomatoes, *Server = walter (man) oF waitress (woman) F INFER MEANING Check the correct answers, according to the Photo Story. 1. What does the customer order? 2 What does the entrée come wit DD an appetizer soup and salad an entrée Di salad and dessert D adessert 1D carrots and grilled tomatoes D abeverage 1 salad and carrots orgriled tomatoes water SPEAKING A Practice ordering, Firs, use the menu from the World Café to complete the statements. Then read your statements to Se 2 partner. Your partner writes your order on his or her aia ‘guest check. 1 I think Il start with the 2 Then I'll have the 3 For my main course, I'd 4 For dessert, I'll have the .. 5 To drink, I'd lke B__ Now change roles. Listen to your partner's order and write it on your guest check. = ee VOCABULARY Categories of food ‘A i222 Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat. Add another food to each category. a apples @bananas Qearots @peppers chicken @lamb fish @clams Qarapes Goranges broccoli @enions — @sausage @ beef @shrimp @ crab mangees, @ — 0 ® @pasta Orice Qbutter cheese @comoil @oliveoil @candy @pie noodles bread — @ milk ®yogurt ~— @coconut oil Deake — @cookies 4 ge fish 5 fled squid 6 potato SOB GRAMMAR There is / There are with count and non-count nouns; Anything and nothing Remember: «Count nouns name things you can count. Use there is with non-count nouns and singular count nouns. Use there are with plural count nouns. They ate singular o plural. ‘There's (some) mik and an apple inthe fridge. There n't any cheese, + Nov-count nous name hing a canot ‘There are (some) cookies in the kitchen There aren't any bananas. , FOU. Tey ate not nau x Ea Questions count nouns: tice NOT a-nee NOT sees Is there any (or some) pasta? = Are there any (or some) noodles? ee Zz What kind of fruit is there inthis fruit salad? affirmative statomonts How many eggs are there in the fridge? TES NOT Ines robe om @ Use Is there with anything and nothing. There isnt anything, NOT There is enyang. | * Expressing quantiles Is there anything to eat (No, there is nothing OR No, there isnt anything, + Hath ov any 40 ura GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement or question with an affirmative or negative form of there i or there are. 1. some fish in the fridge. 5 1» some orange juice for your breakfast. Be onions in the salad 6 anything in the fridge? 3 some cheese for my sandwich? 7 .. anything to eat in this house! oom 4 any apple pies at the store? 8... swe any pasta for tonight's dinner. CONVERSATION MODEL A 92223 Read and listen to someone asking for a restaurant recommendation. ‘A: Could you recommend a restaurant for this evening? B: Sure. What are you in the mood for? ‘A: I don’t know. Maybe a sandwich. I’m not yery hungry. 225 Degrees of hunger B: Actually, there’s a great place nearby. + EPR It’s called Tom's. Would you like +4 starving directions? eens B_ i228 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. PTT st tora restaurant recommendation EGE A CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model. Ask for a recommendation © _ eros, toni, inne, breakot, or une. Recommend a restaurant from the map. Then change roles. ‘A: Could you recommend a restaurant for 2 What are you in the mood for? : don’t know. Maybe Vm. B: Actually, there’s a great place nearby. Iescalled ..... -Would pays you like directions? DONT STOP! Use the map and give directions to the restaurant you recommended, Prartarenren li ‘cations around the comer | down the street from {the) _ ‘erase the st between _and ‘201035 from (on the Side of street near [the] Roberto’s See Par (ene ee eH B_ CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the conversation again. Talk about other foods and restaurants. uNT4 at CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A 2226 Read and listen to someone ordering dinner from a menu. A: I'll have the pasta for my main course, please. ‘What does that come with? B: It comes with soup or a salad. A: What kind of soup is there? B: There's tomato soup or chicken soup. I'd like the salad, please. Certainly. And to drink? ‘A: Water, please B 8227 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner, GRAMMAR Definite article the Remember: Use the definite article the to name something a second time. kia aicles 3 and ap: A: It comes with a salad. per See Shevsrase an entrar B: OK. I'll have the salad. aes Also use the to talk about something specific. ‘A: Would you like an appetizer? (not specific; general p30 : Yes. The fried clams sound delicious. (specific; they're on the menu) '® Non-count nouns: categories and verb agreement I'min the mood for seafood. (not specific: general) B: Then | recommend the grilled shrimp. (specific; they're on the menu) A UNDERSTAND THE GRAMMAR Look at the Photo Story on page 39 again. Explain why the ‘customer uses the definite article the in the following sentences. 1 “I think I'll start with the potato soup.” 3 “I'd like the carrots, please.” 2 “Then I'l have the roast chicken.” 4“... maybe I'l have the tomatoes. B_ GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each conversation with 2, an, oF the. 1A: What do you feel like eating tonight? «Fm in the mood for... really spicy B: Well, seafood special sounds dish. delicious. B: Well, what about . Thai chicken? Thai food is usually spicy. 2 ura 3 A: There are two kinds of soup: chicken noodle and mixed vegetable. B: I think I'd lke vegetable fan. chicken noodle. I'm nota 4 A: What would you like for your main course? We have : nice grilled chicken special on .. menu tonight. B: That sounds good. I'll have chicken special. “GE PRONUNCIATION The ‘A 92328 Compare the pronunciation of the before consonant and vowel sounds. Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. /2) (before consonant sounds) Ji (before vowel sounds) the chicken the orange juice the soup the onion soup the juice the apple juice the hot appetizer the appetizer the fried eggs the eggs B_ Write a check mark f the underlined word begins with a vowel sound. @ the egg salad 1D the apple cake 1D the clam soup Oi the Chinese fried squid the ice cream 1D the alive oit Othe tomato sauce Dithe chocolate milk the grilled fish © PAIRWORK Now take turns saying each phrase. Be sure to use the correct pronunciation of the DOT ores from a menu A PAIR WORK With a partner, inventa restaurant. Give your restaurant a name. Write foods on the menu. Include two ‘or more choices for each category. EB CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model, using your menu to order food. Pay eS attention to count and non-count nouns and definite and indefinite articles. Then change roles. appetizers: ee! soup: A: tl have for my main course, please. What does that come with? a B: Itcomes with ‘i entrées: ‘A: What kind of is there? ; SS Vd like please. beverages: B: Certainly. And to drink? * Onder 3 dessert ee Allenteées come with, eee please. © EXTENSION Bring in a real menu from your favorite restaurant. Use it to practice the conversation. Change partners and menus and practice the conversation again. UNT4 43

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