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PRODUCTION Most of the eyed eggs are going to Jordan River

NFH, Iron River NFH, and Marquette State

Retired Broodstock Fish Hatchery (MDNR) for the purpose of lake
On November 16th the last of the retired trout restoration of the Great Lakes. Sullivan
broodstock from Sullivan Creek NFH was Creek NFH is one of only three lake trout
delivered to Maceday Lake in Waterford, brood fish stations in the USFWS for the entire
MI. Two truck hauled 300 Seneca Lake country. The whole egg process begins with
Wild broodstock, the fish were from the spawning season, which usually starts by the
2002 year class and averaged about 7 lbs
middle of September and runs until the middle
and 26 inches.
of November each year. The adult lake trout are
anesthetized so the eggs and milt can be
collected and mixed together for fertilization.
This allows the staff to handle the adults
without harming them, and the fish will come
out of the anesthetic and “wake up” in about
twenty minutes.
Once the eggs are fertilized, disinfected with
Photo courtesy of The Oakland Free Press iodine and water harden, or pull enough water
inside their shells for the eggs to become
“hard”, they are measured and counted into
Sullivan Creek Ships Eggs
vertical stack incubators. The eggs will slowly
Sullivan Creek NFH ships eyed lake trout
eggs to other federal, state, tribal, and develop inside the incubators for one to two

educational facilities every November and months depending on how cold the water

December; this year Sullivan Creek will be temperatures are. They will become “eyed
shipping over 5.2 million eggs in total. eggs”, where you can see the little fish eyes thru
the outer shell of the eggs. At this point, the Seneca Lake Eggs Arrive at Pendills
eggs are “shocked” or bounced fairly hard to December 8th about 204,500 eyed Seneca
get the “bad” eggs, ones that didn’t fertilize, Lake Wild eggs were transferred from
to turn opaque white when the yolk is broken Sullivan Creek NFH to Pendills Creek NFH.
inside the egg. This process does not harm
the good eggs.
The next step is to run all the eyed eggs
through mechanical egg pickers which have a
light sensitive photo-eye. The pickers shoot a
ray of light through each egg, and if the light
goes through the egg, it is a good egg and
goes in one bucket. If the light cannot go
through the egg, it is a bad egg and goes into
a different bucket. We run all our eggs
through two mechanical pickers, and hand
Sullivan’s Final Brood Stocking Numbers
pick them with tweezers or suction bulbs at
Sullivan Creek NFH stocks its excess and
least once. The good eyed eggs are again
retired lake trout into land-locked inland
measured and put back in their incubators
lakes as designated by the Michigan
until shipments can be set up.
Department of Natural Resources (MDNR).
Eyed eggs are carefully packed into
Every year, Sullivan Creek must stock adult
Styrofoam coolers and either shipped via
and immature lake trout broods to decrease
FedEx, UPS, or transferred between facilities
the overall number of fish being held on the
by hatchery staff. The little fish inside the
eggs are looking at you the entire time, 5.2
million sets of eyes.
-Crystal LeGault-Anderson
facility. These fish provide excellent captured in the head boxes of the raceways,
recreational angling opportunities to however a lot of smaller particles made it
Michigan residents. This fall broods were into the raceways themselves. Debris was
stocked into five different locations scattered netted out by the wheel barrow load daily.
in both the upper and lower peninsulas of Construction of the building and water bay
Michigan. Here are the facts: 3,302 lake were finished in December, however the
trout stocked; two small distribution trucks screen has yet to be installed. With the new
used; 4,444 miles driven; and 10 truckloads building finished it allowed the water
of lake trout. filtration building to be turned back on the
-Crystal LeGault-Anderson December 7th . Installation of the actual
screen is set to take place in January.

Traveling Screen MEETINGS & TRAINING

In July of 2010, construction started on a Assistant Project Leader, Crystal LeGault-
traveling screen system that will allow for Anderson, attended a Leadership Challenge
leaves, wood debris and most aquatic life to Workshop in Fort Snelling, MN from
be removed before reaching the filtration November 2nd to the 4th.
building. Due to this construction the
hatchery ran on unfiltered creek water that
Friends Of Pendills Christmas Party
was heavily laden with organic debris for
December 11th the Friends of Pendills
about two months. Most of the debris was
Group held their annual Christmas party.
The event was a success with food, games
and Christmas gift exchanges.

Have A Safe And Happy Holidays

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