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1 min · Abs, Arms, Back, Legs, Shoulders

Battle Rope Snakes Battle Rope Reverse Lunges Battle Rope Side-to-Side Swings

Battle Rope Double Waves Battle Rope Double Arm Slams

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Battle Rope Snakes

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Shoulders, Upper Back & Lower Traps

Biceps, Forearms, Quadriceps

Holding a battle rope in each hand, slightly bend at the knees and maintain a tight core.

With your hands at core level, begin the movement by bringing the ropes out to their
respective sides. The right rope will go to the right while the left rope will go to the left.

Next, bring the ropes in towards one another and immediately back out.

The movement will resemble a slithering snake.

Continue repeating the movement.

Battle Rope Reverse Lunges

Primary muscle group(s):

Biceps, Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps


Begin with the ends of each battle rope in your hands and your feet together.

Alternately lift each battle rope upwards before snapping it back down towards the

Once you have a established a battle-rope rhythm, alternately step back with each foot
and lower your body into a lunge.

Keeping your back upright, drive upwards through the glutes and step back into your
starting position.

Do not perform if you have had recent knee injuries.

JY pro Powered by WorkoutLabs Train

Battle Rope Side-to-Side Swings

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Biceps, Shoulders, Triceps

Calves, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Quadriceps, Upper Back & Lower Traps

Take a battle rope in each hand, then bring your hands together. Keep the ropes around
core height.

Keep a slight bend in your knees and keep your core braced.

In one motion, forcefully swing the ropes to the left while keeping your legs braced and
knees slightly bent.

Reverse the motion, bringing the ropes to the right.

Continue swinging the ropes side to side while maintaining a tight and braced stance.

Battle Rope Double Waves

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Shoulders, Upper Back & Lower Traps

Calves, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

Holding a battle rope in each hand, slightly bend at the knees and maintain a tight core.

Synchronize the ropes to follow an up and down pattern.

Bring the ropes upward together to your shoulder level then downward to hip level and
immediately back up.

Repeat the movement, ensuring you keep the ropes together.

Do not lock out your elbows at any point during the exercise.

JY pro Powered by WorkoutLabs Train

Battle Rope Double Arm Slams

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Shoulders, Upper Back & Lower Traps

Biceps, Calves, Glutes & Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

Holding a battle rope in each hand, slightly bend at the knees and maintain a tight core.

In an explosive movement, bring the ropes upward to your shoulder level as you
perform a small jump in the air.

At the top of the movement, immediately come down into a squatting position and
slam the ropes downward to the ground.

Repeat the movement, ensuring you keep the ropes in the same pattern.

JY pro Powered by WorkoutLabs Train

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