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PT-3 (2020-2021)

MM : 20
General Instructions :
1. Question 1 - 5 and 10-15 carry 1 mark each.
2. Question 6-9 carry 1/2 mark each.
3. Question 16 and 17 are short type answers and carry 2 marks

4. Question 18 carries 3 marks.

QA Fill in the blanks. 5

1. The Red Fort was built by __________________.
2. ___________is also known as the City of Nawabs.
3. The ___________ is a hot and dry wind that blows
during summer.
4. We can send a written documents instantly through a
5. We can see ‘LIVE’ programs on TV and radio through
QB State T for true and F for false sentences. 2
6. Urgent letters are sent through post card. ____
7. Long ago, trained pigeons delivered letters. ____

8. The Sabarmati river flows through Lucknow. ____

9. The offices of governments of other countries are
called Embassies. ____
QC Define following terms. 2
10. Internet
11. Monument
QD Match the following. 4
12. Mobile phone a. reaches many people
13. Chandigarh b. to send an SMS
14. Radio c. Edwin Lutyens
15. Delhi d. Le Corbusier
QE Answer these questions in short. 4
16 What is the Rock Garden famous for?
17. Write about the climate of Srinagar.
QF Answer the question. 3
18. What is Communication? Draw and label the means
of personal and mass communication
(1 each).

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