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 Customer is considered as one of asset for an organization &

treat as Boss or ’King’

 Customer dictates the market trends and direction
 Customer not only has needs to be supplied (basic
performance functions)
 Also he ‘wants what he wants!’(additional features satisfy him
and influence his
purchase decision)
 Manufacturing and service organizations are using customer
satisfaction to measure quality.
 Hence the Suppliers and Manufacturers have to closely follow
at the heel of the customer.
• The pyramid is used to determine the Customers customer satisfaction as
importance & customer is at top & CEO is at the bottom.
• It depicted strong relationship between Front-Line customer and CEO. A
company never Representatives makes a product for its top management people,
rather it is meant for the customer. Functional
• If we talk about front line employees are in Operational direct contact with
customer so they are in a Areas
better position to understand a customer’s
problems & Queries. Senior
• There is case of empowerment it is front line Managers employee who should be
having more empowerment which will enable him to solve

customer problem directly on the spot. CEO

• There is always comparison going on between company’s offering &

customer demand.

• You can’t predict what customer required because it depends upon the
feelings, customer satisfaction etc.

• The red area shows the common company’s offerings and customer’s

• Any product or service falling in this zone will be a surefire recipe for
organization’s success.

• Finally, we conclude that customer satisfaction is not simple formula to

understand or measure.

 External and Internal customers

 External – Current, Prospective and Lost Customers

 Internal – Every person in a process is a customer of the previous

operation.(Applies to
design, manufacturing, sales, supplies etc.) [Each worker should
see that the quality meets expectations of the next person in the
supplier-to-customer chain ]

 TQM is commitment to customer-focus - internal and external


 Questions asked by people to their internal customers What do

you need from me?

 What do you do with my output?
 Are there any gaps between what you need and what you get?
 Good team-work and inter-Departmental harmony is
required. Also the leaders role in supervising the
internal customer-supplier chain.

Output to
Input from External
Internal Customers

➢ TQM is quality
management and
management of quality – there is no full stop and no break in the chain!
Continuous process (quality) improvement is all its about.

➢ Why? One important reason is the customer quality level is not static
and his expectations keep changing and his demands too!

➢ Also plant process dynamics- how to achieve maximum efficiency ,

optimizing cost and performance in the process operations,
minimizing waste etc.

➢ Factors Influencing Customer Perception (American Society for


Features, Service, Warranty, Price, Reputation

 Performance: It involves “fitness for use” determine product feature

ready for customer usage.
 Features: It involves attributes of product/services for primary &
secondary nature depend upon psychological, time-oriented,
contractual, technological etc.
 Services: It related customer services part to give customer added
value considered as intangible features. Although there is difference
between better customer services then better quality of product.
 Warranty: It is considered as public promise backed by guarantee for
customer satisfaction. It
gives customer for commitment. It generates feedback about product’s
features & services. It encourage to purchase product & reduce risk

 Price: The perception of customer changed about pricing, they

can pay higher price to obtain value. The customers have trend to
compare multiple company’s product / services. If the company
wants to retain the customer they have to increase ongoing effort
in terms of identification, verification & update according to
customer requirement.

 Reputation: It sometimes relates to the goodwill for an

organization. Total customer satisfaction gives an organization
reputation . Customer
perception relates to
purchase trusted brand name which gives cost increase 5 times
related to product. The strategy maker of an organization
consider the economical condition under consideration.

 Customer feedback has to be continuously sought and monitored

- not one-time only!( Pro-active! Complaints are a reactive
method of finding out there is a problem)

 Customer feedback can be relayed to one time effort And ongoing

and active probing for the customer.

 Performance comparison with competitors can be known for

new product development

 Customers needs can be identified

 Relative priorities of quality can be obtained from the horses’


 Areas for improvement can be noted.

 Comment cards enclosed with warranty card when product

is purchased.
 Customer survey with some general information
and questionnaire
 Customer visits also determine in shaping about product.

 Customer focus groups plays an important role that gives
direction to the product.
 Quarterly reports also help customer as figure speaks itself.
 Toll-free phones E-mail, Internet, Newsgroups, Discussion
 Employee feedback
 Mass customization.

 It is considered as one of the most popular tool where multiple

Questions asked by people regarding multiple opinion & perception
related to product / services.

 The basic purpose of customer questionnaire that what do you need
from me & what you do with output?
 There are multiple grading systems that helps an organization
quantitative data.
 Good team-work and inter-Departmental harmony is required. Also the
leaders role in supervising the internal customer-supplier chain are
basic role of these methods.
 These sort of survey helps an organization’s management to intact with
customers also it would help to meet customer expectation.
 There are multiple form of questionnaire apply according to the
requirement of an organization such as open ended or close ended.

 A carefully planned discussion to obtain perceptions of a defined
interest area Where there is a permissive, non-threatening environment
 It is conducted by a trained interviewer (moderator, facilitator)
 It would help in developing communications strategy
 There is use of an appropriate reporting style that the client finds
helpful and meets expectations
 There is need to strive for enlightenment

 It would be more beneficial if consideration points memorable
 Use narrative or bulleted format
 Give thought to the oral report
 It sometimes use to determine / examine internal issues of an

 It is a technique that is used to determine customer

 The organization needs to respond quickly because it’s
the matter of customer’s retention.

 It gives an idea to the customer that whether to
purchase product or not or information about
competitor’s product.
 According to statistics it is considered as 50%
organizations have toll free numbers & this trend is
increasing day by day.

 Visit to a customer place of business is an effective way
of collection of an information.

 There is need of accurate information is required–

People can see first hand how the product is

 The reportcard is effective way for gathering

information which sent each customer on quarterly
basis. The report card is analysis tool for area which
needs to improve.

 It is considered as one of the important tool for
analysis for an organization with source of

 Customers research reveals what is happening &

employees research reveals why it is happening

It should be regularly solicited rather than
checking the wooden box annually

 It gives importance to the customer & provide exactly what

customer demand from company

 In the outset there is a price tag on such products was prohibitive, but
mass customization provides this at affordable price

 Mass Customization is result of flexible manufacturing system, JIT ,&

cycle time reduction. For Example: In Automobile industry customer
determine what type of seat
covers, color, stereo system require so that it provide its process of

 In short, it is considered as customer satisfaction achieved from mass

customization to provide more standard product for a company. It also
helps in evaluating for purchasing customer & have no room for
nonpurchasing customer.

 The company named ACSI established in 1994 responsible for

determining Quality standard to meet customer satisfaction. The
company conduct a survey in which participants are selected who
are user of company’s product.

 There are multiple sectors involved in the survey related to
manufacturing & E-Commerce.

 There is comparison between the firms, industry provided in the

specified time frame.

 Its just the forecasting not exact values & score might be differ as
compare private and government firms.

 It is considered as proactive method relation to customer requirement

& failure to its implement eventually lost customer.
 There is requirement of consideration that complaint should be
accepted, analyzed & acted.
 Multiple organizations are achieving benefits in its own perspective & it
may vary from organization to organization in terms of approach.
 Some of complaint management actions are as follows: ❑ Investigate
❑ Analyze Complaints through front-line personal
❑ Identification for root cause of complaint
❑ Responding of survey by Sr. Managers
❑ Measurement of customer satisfaction
❑ Communicate regarding complaint with relevant departments
❑ Provide monthly report & designate the tasks to multiple teams

It is considered as level for an organization to achieve, so that strategies

are designed that work for
the betterment for production in a company. It is group of activities in
an organization for customer satisfaction by quality consideration
during sale & after sales services.

There are five main pillars through which service quality is considered:
❑ Organization
❑ Customer Care
❑ Communication
❑ Front-Line People
❑ Leadership

• Identify each market • Meet the customer’s • Optimize the trade-off
segment expectations between time and
• Write down req. • Get the customer’s point personal attention
• Communicate req. of view • Minimize the number
• Organize processes • Deliver what is promised of contact points
• Organize physical • Make the customer feel • Provide pleasant,
spaces valued knowledgeable and
• Respond to all complaints enthusiastic
• Over-respond to the
customer • Write documents in
• Provide a clean and
comfortable customer
reception area.

• Hire people who like people • Lead by example
• Challenge them to develop better • Listen to the front-line people
methods • Strive for continuous process
• Give them the authority to solve improvement
• Serve them as internal
• Be sure they are adequately
• Recognize and reward

 Its the model to

illustrate how customers
perceive quality is based around the level of achievement compared to
the level of customer satisfaction. Product features are divided into
three distinct categories:
❑ Must be attributes (Basic): Customers take them for granted
when they are fulfilled; if they are not fulfilled they may become
very dissatisfied.
❑ One dimensional attributes (Performance): Result in customer
satisfaction when fulfilled and dissatisfaction when not
❑ Attractive attributes (Excitement): Absence does not cause
dissatisfaction, but achievement can lead to customer delight.

 Customer satisfaction should lead to customer loyalty and
customer retention.

 This is the acid test and bottom line- when the customer
repeatedly comes back to you for repeat orders and to
purchase new products manufactured by you. (Stiff
competition and multiple Suppliers )

 Firm orders received or cash payments registered , market
share, customer referrals and customer retention are an
indication of your customer success and penetration .


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