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1. Iam Christ Consciousness realized.

2. Iam filled with vital energy.
3. Iam my deeper mind.
4. Iam the mind of God.
5. The Father and I are one.
6. Iam the power of God; Iam God.
7. Iam the all-wise, knowing intelligence.
8. Iam awakened.
9. Iam enlightened.

10. My consciousness is expanded.

11. Iam unlimited mind.
12. My brain is open.
13. Iam one with all life.
14. Iam joy.
15. Iam love.
16. I see the God in all people and things.
17. I love unconditionally myself and others.
18. Iam worthy.
19. Iam understanding.
20. Iam righteous.
21. My greater mind appeared.
22. Iam immortal.
23. I do unto others as I would have them do
unto me.
24. Iam everything a master is.
25. Iam complete freedom.
26. Iam my own power.
27. I take responsibility for my life.
28. Iam impeccable.
29. Iam moral.
30. Iam fearless.

31. Iam humble.

32. My psychic abilities are fully developed.
33. I know the thoughts of others.
34. I can see things others do not.
35. I know the future and make my choices
36. Iam precognitive.
37. I have teleportation ability.
38. I leave my body regularly and remember my
39. I slumber in Twilight.
40. Iam a lucid dreamer.
41. My dreams are vivid and lucid.
42. I remember my dreams.
43. I control my actions in my dreams.
44. I dream other dimensions.
45. I dream past life experiences.
46. I dream future experiences.
47. My God talks to me in the dreamstate.
48. I travel dimensionally.
49. I can fly.
50. I respect myself.

51. I respect others.

52. I experience my conscious self.
53. I see in full view my radiant body.
54. I see the Ram’s radiant body.
55. I see clearly the energy fields of every
56. Every day my joy grows.
57. I live in the Now.
58. Iam Point Zero.
59. I have visions of the golden plane of
60. I go to the Ram’s house.
61. I remember my life with Ramtha.
62. I remember all that Ramtha taught me in his
63. I remember, I remember, I remember.
64. Iam a time traveler.
65. I commune with great being.
66. I have made contact with the entity behind
the door.
67. My Book of Life is open and I remember.
68. I remember my past lives.

69. I remember my future.

70. Iam fabulous imagination.
71. I visualize easily and dimensionally.
72. What I imagine is real.
73. What I imagine is my primary reality.
74. Iam an alchemist.
75. I have the power to create my life the way I
want it to be.
76. I can create anything I want.
77. My manifestations come quickly.
78. I effect change; Iam prepared for change.
79. I accept change in my life.
80. I release and let go of the past.
81. I live in the present.
82. Iam evolved in my attitude.
83. I master my habits.
84. Every day in every way Iam getting better and
85. My passion is awe-inspiring.
86. Iam self-inspiration.
87. My talents surface and flow freely.
88. My creativity flows freely.

89. Iam genius mind.

90. Iam Blue Body.
91. I can access my Blue Body at will.
92. Iam Shiva the destroyer.
93. Iam master of Twilight.
94. My unconscious impressions are realized.
95. My reticular activating system is clear.
96. I have the ability to raise my frequency at will.
97. Iam the master of energy movement.
98. Iam master of focus.
99. My power of concentration has increased.
100. I can move objects with my mind.
101. I walk through walls.
102. I accomplish the labyrinth.
103. I move beyond the room of my personal
doubt and disbelief.
104. Iam a healer.
105. God flows through me in oneness.
106. Those I touch are healed.
107. Iam master of remote view.
108. I trust my impressions.
109. My knowingness is.

110. Iam master of manifesting objects in my

111. Iam master of the dance.
112. Iam master of the field.
113. I find my cards on the fence.
114. I can feel color.
115. I can see frequency.
116. Iam greater than my body.
117. Iam greater than my genetic programming.
118. Iam transmuted; I cease to age.
119. Iam vibrant in my being.
120. I possess tenacity.
121. I encompass great stamina.
122. My body is strong and powerful.
123. My body reflects perfection.
124. My body functions at its optimum.
125. Iam radiant health an vitality.
126. My immune system is functioning at its
optimum level.
127. My body is healed and restored.
128. My body is ten years younger.
129. My body is twenty years younger.

130. Iam lifted.

131. I labor in great Joy.
132. Iam utter abundance.
133. My fabulous wealth came.
134. Iam sovereign; all my debts are paid.
135. My pantry is full; Iam abundant.
136. Everything I want I get.
137. All that I hoped to have I got.
138. Iam unlimited wealth and abundance.
139. My cup runneth over.
140. Iam fulfilled.
141. Iam sovereign on all levels.
142. I transcend the limitations of my personal
doubt and disbelief.
143. Iam forgive and born a new.
144. I know what I want.
145. Iam decisive.
146. Iam protected.
147. I survived the world’s changes.
148. I live in superconsciousness.
149. Iam one of the radical few.
150. Iam everything Ramtha is.

151. I enfold into the netherworld.

152. Iam peace.
153. I surrender unto my Soul’s journey and

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