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Name: Serdar Abdulkarim Agid


Q1. Compare Watson and Crick’s discovery with Avery, MacLeod and

McCarty’s discovery.

A)What did each discover, and what was the impact of these
discoveries on biology?

Avery, MacLeod, & McCarty (1944) - Chemical isolation of 'transforming

principle' from cells Transformation survives protease treatment, used
purification methods to reveal that DNA is the genetic material

• Watson & Crick (1953) "The Double Helix"

Watson, Crick, and Franklin: Together with the new x-ray diffraction
data indicated a double helix

The Watson-Crick structure for DNA double-stranded helix Two sugar-

phosphate backbones outside Nitrogenous bases inside H-bonds hold
strands held together.
b) How did Watson and Crick’s approach generally differ from Avery,
MacLeod and McCarty’s?

The Watson-Crick Model of DNA (1953)

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a double-stranded, helical molecule. It

consists of two sugar-phosphate backbones on the outside, held
together by hydrogen bonds between pairs of nitrogenous bases on the
inside. The bases are of four types (A, C, G, & T): pairing always occurs
between A & T, and C & G.James Watson (1928 - ) and Francis Crick
(1916 - 2004) realized that these pairing rules meant that either strand
contained all the information necessary to make a new copy of the
entire molecule, and that the aperiodic order of bases might provide a
"genetic code".
Avery's isolation of the "Transforming Principle"

Oswald Avery repeated Griffith's experiment of combining heatkilled

virulent Sbacteria with non-virulent R bacteria. As a chemist, in order to
isolate the transforming substance, Avery fractionated the heat-killed S
cells and selectively removed carbohydrates and lipids, leaving behind
proteins and nucleic acids.
c) Briefly research Rosalind Franklin on the internet. Why is her
contribution to the structure of DNA controversial?

Rosalind Elsie Franklin (25 July 1920 – 16 April 1958)[1] was an English
chemist and Xray crystallographer whose work was central to the
understanding of the molecular structures of DNA(deoxyribonucleic
acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid), viruses, coal, and graphite. Franklin is best
known for her work on the X-ray diffraction images of DNA,

figure show is an X-ray diffraction image of a paracrystalline gel

composed of DNA fibe
Franklin would have ideally been awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry,
along with Wilkins but, although there was not yet a rule against
posthumous awards,[10] the Nobel Committee generally did not make
posthumous nominations.[11][12] After finishing her work on DNA,
Franklin led pioneering work at Birkbeck on the molecular structures of

Q2. List in a table at least 10 of dominant traits and recessive trait.

Dominant Trait in Humans Recessive Trait in Humans

A blood type O blood type

Abundant body hair Little body hair
Astigmatism Normal vision
B blood type O blood type
Baldness (in male) Not bald
Broad lips Thin lips
Broad nose Narrow nose
Dwarfism Normal growth
Hazel or green eyes Blue or gray eyes
High blood pressure Normal blood pressure
Large eyes Small eyes
Migraine Normal
Mongolian Fold No fold in eyes
Nearsightedness Normal vision
Rh factor (+) No factor (Rh -)
Second toe longest First or big toe longest
Short stature Tall stature
Six fingers Five fingers normal
Webbed fingers Normal fingers
Tone deafness Normal tone hearing
White hair streak Normal hair coloring

Q3. What are the types of RNA ?

 messenger RNA (mRNA) 

 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 

 transfer RNA (tRNA) 
 small nuclear RNA (snRNA)
 microRNA (miRNA) .
 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA)
 long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)
 catalytic

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