Key - Quiz 2 Asignment Session 2

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Quiz Session 2

Instrumentation and measurements

Name: ----------------- Reg: ------------------- Date: -15-10-2019

1- For given figure, what is the

(a) Type of filter: C = IOOnF

~ c..\. ,"'" L... \.\l ~c:.,~ f;H-<ll.S

(b) Gain of filter

-- I o

(C) Cut-off frequency

~ix,... xrb4 x'"t>X f~l

- 16 M~.

2- What will be the order of any instrument that behaves according to the given Equation? Solve the
given equation to find the Transfer function of the system.
Write the expression in terms of constant (a0 and b0 ) for
(a) Static Sensitivity (b) Time constant (c) Plot the response and give an example.
a1 -d t + aoqo= boq!

bt. I~~ '\, \

l -\ °' I ( °' . \)

T I)

'- ·/q .
~~ { '~ <;c.\., ' i \.-, v I \ a•

' \ 1¥ Q.
4"'~ 4~ .J.·
l 3- For given figure, op-amp is used in open loop as comparator. A sinusoidal input (Vin) is given at non-
inverting terminal, and reference voltage (Vref) at inverting terminal.
Complete the out graph (Vout) to illustrate the working principle of comparator.

Vin ol/



t +V~
\h ~~ :::i v\.,,, ".J--:: -~ s<l . Vout OV

\J ' "' '> ~ ,~~ \I o.J- -= ~ \Js~

· Vsat
Assignment session 2

Instrumentation and Measurements

Name: ---------------- Reg: ----------------- Date: 15-10-2019

Ql- The frequency information of a sensor output data is given in below Table. The output signal is noisy
and filtration is required to remove the noises.
Signal contains the following frequency information.

Output frequency SOHz :5 f outrru.t :5 100 Hz

Noise frequency 0 :5 fnoist < 50
100Hz < f,..n1,,. < 10k Hz

Objective: Remove the noise in the output signal, also provide gain ( Rz) =-10. Consider R1 = 100 ohm .
(a) Which type of filter (band pass or band stop) is suitable for this application?
(b) For your suggested filter, find the values of corresponding resistor and capacitor components.
(c) Determine the cut off and center frequencies.
(d) Analyze the suggested filter in terms of, bandwidth and quality factor (Q).
(e) Schematic diagram of the suggested filter.

f;I~,. Is

lb) -
- --
- -\ :::) \ ~ I :: 'J \ . ~ ,U f-

f H- Ft.;) l So s. '"'~.
(of) -- p., 0t "') w i ol .f-t.. :
ou -

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?-) 7 .. ·1 \ ~ -~ 1 ,. ~
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+rl - t ~ <;" 0
'-- l
~,, 1""' ~c,. ~
\.... ... ""' ~ -i ~(,. .

)-\· , ~ ~-.s~ l=, \ \..o . , \ s da ~-()~ e~ f 6't r\...
'v O "-.) r~ sc, f , ,i~ \ t ol,e713Y-•d- 1-' f \-\

4 ---
Q2 The output of a pressure sensor has 0.25v output for obar and 1.25v for 10 bar.
(a) Map the output of pressure senor between Oto 10 volts.
(b) Draw the schematic diagram.

~~ \ ooJ\.

g~-~ \J o.J-;. \ <> ( 0•'2,.) - 0 • )..5


\J,..J" ~ 0

f"< -> \ 0
\J l ) ~ ~ \ \) ( ,.)..)- I 'l.S)
f\' "'Vij' \ "-'- ovJ- pJ , <. rvv q pp~
f 0 -1 +l, p....,~ S')tt1 ~ S~ S,- o~ pJ- 0 f

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