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2020-2021 Spring

ESEN 340 Bioenergy

Quiz 1 (solutions for the numerical questions)

The corn seed yield in USA in the year 2010 is 9.612 ton/hectare.year. First convert this to kg/m2.month;

then, give the farm area required in m2 to get 500 kg of corn per month. (Recommended time 6

minutes, 22 points)

tones 1000kg 1hectare 1 year kg

9.612   2
 = 0.0801 2
hectare. year 1ton 10000m 12months m .month

Farm area = month
0.0801 2
m .month

Farm area = 6242m 2

Estimate the energy content of wood in GJ/ton containing 45% moisture (wet basis) if the energy

content of oven dry wood is 18GJ/ton. Assume the initial temperature of the wood to be 25oC.

(Density of water: 1000 kg/m3, specific heat of water= 4.18*10-3 GJ/ton.oC, ΔHvap =2.26 GJ/ton)

(Recommended time 6 minutes, 22 points)

(100 − w)  H dry fuel −  w  c p T + w  H vaporization 

H net =

(100 − 45)  18 − 45  4.18  10−375 + 45  2.26

H net =

H net =8.74Gj / ton

Violet and red colors of light are the optimal colors for photosynthesis. If red color has a wavelength of

700 nm, calculate the energy of one photon of red color. If 4.5*1020 photons/m2.s are radiated by the

light source, calculate the total power in watt on a 25 m2 of leaf area. (h=6.63*10-34, c= 3*108 m/s )

(Recommended time 6 minutes, 20 points)

6.63 10−34 m 2 kg / s )  3 108 m / s

E= = = 2.84 10−19 joule / photon
 700 10 m −9

joule photon
P = 2.84 10−19  4.5 1020 2
 25m 2 = 3197 joule / s = 3197 watt
photon m .s

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