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(Time takes you through many roads, and if you decide to change the
course, that decision will make you fulfill the destination. In order for time
to keep unchanged)
(Any intention to alter the course of time would only be provoking you to
accomplish the mission of creating everything just as it was, without any
change possible.) (I know that, and you should know it better than I do.)
(Everything is determined. Any change, as small as it may be, that we
think will end this infinite cycle will only perpetuate it.)
(At the end, the only thing I can do is to comply with time and to make
sure that everything is still inexorable.)
(If you decided to stand up and leave right now, would you be taking your
own decision, or would it be that same decision your previous self hast
(How many times has this happened? How can you know whether you are
taking your own decisions or you yourself are part of an infinite push and
pull of identical decisions? How?)

(- If you saw what I’ve seen, you wouldn’t like to keep on perpetuating
this infinite cycle.)
(-What is it that you mean?)
(-That this cycle, exactly shaped as the infinite is even more perverse than
what you think.)
(-You, myself, and all of our previous versions only exist in two time-
periods.) (A few hours into 2020, since we woke up that day and found
the photo up until we traveled to the woods and got in the bunker. That is
the first circle.) (And the second one, a total of seven years since we left
the cave in 1888 until 1895 where we created in lvce tempvs and the time
machine.) (And you will, in fact, create the time machine.) (You will not let
in lvce tempvs help you supervising the journey, you will make only the
necessary adjustments, but with a little mistake.) (This will allow you to
travel through time but to get to your destination disoriented and with
your memory lost.) (You Will unconciously be travelling with the photo.)
(You’ll plunge into the bed and let it fall to the ground, just to find it again
a few hours later, you’ll se yourself in it and then you’ll follow the
coordinates to go back to the past and infinitely perpetuate it.) (But the
grimmest of all, is yhat we don’t born or die in this circles, we just exist.
We are swirling in a paradox of paradoxes.)
(But paradoxically, the answer is in time itself.) (In the infinite time span in
which the loop is repeated, every previous version of ourselves has tried
to untie this knot making it to repeat all over again.) (But obtaining at the
same time an infinitesimal portion of information that was conveyed by
quantic interweaving to its successor.) (This way, in other infinite time
span it will have all the necessary information to untie the knot.) (And that
is just what I did. Still, time is overly intrincate, so large that I was not able
to discover how to break the knot, but to create another one,) (to replace
this loop for this one, in which we born and die.)
(But for this you won’t need to travel through time when the machine is
ready.) (You will be sending a member of in lvce tempvs in your place to
make what we always did.) (That single change will cause that we have
been born, grown, turned into a teenager, an adult until one good that
when we wake up we find and old photo where we appear.) (The rest just
repeats all over again, the journey to the past, in lvce tempvs , the time
machine and the loop.) (But escaping of this paradoxical inifinte that
encloses us.)
(- This sounds very twisted)
(-If you don’t believe me, di what I did, travel a little earlier, do some
research, observe every step you took, every decision you made and then
you’ll realize everything I said is true.)

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