Husqvarna: Operator's Manual

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Operator's Manual

_ 136 / 141

Instruction Manual Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructionsbefore usingthis product. Failureto
do so can result in serious injury.

530088541 4/24/01

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1 2 3


_23 24 21

1. Cylinder Cover 13. Bar Tip Sprocket

2. Front Handle 14. Saw Chain
3. Front Hand Guard 15. Saw Bar
4. Starter Cover 16. Chain Catcher
5. Chain Oil Tank 17. Chain Brake Assembly
6. Starter Handle 18. Rear Hand Guard
7. CarburetorAdjusting Screw 19. Throttle Control/Trigger
8. Choke Control 20. Throttle Lock
9. Rear Handle 21. Bar/Chain Adjustment Tool
10. ON/OFF Stop Switch 22. Chain Tensioning Screw
11. Fuel Tank 23. nstruction Manual
12. Muffler 24. Guide Bar Cover

WARNING! This chain saw can be dangerous! Careless or improper

use can cause serious or even fatal injury.

Read and understand the instruction manual before using the chain saw.

Measured maximum kickback valuewithout chain brake for the bar and
chain combination on the label.

There may be more symbols found on your unit other than those listed above. These
symbols may represent compliances, standards, or other matters concerning the product.

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• Carefullyplan your sawing operationin ad-
_WARNING: Always disconnect vance. Donor startcuttinguntilyou havea
spark plug wire and place wire where it can- clearwork area, secure footing, and, if you
not contact spark plug to prevent accidental are felling trees, a planned retreat path.
starting when setting up, transporting, ad- OPERATE YOUR SAW SAFELY
justing or making repairs except carburetor • Do not operatea chain saw with one hand.
adjustments. Serious injury to the operator, helpers, by-
Because a chain saw is a high-speed wood- standers or any combination of these per-
cutting tool, special safety precautions must sons may result from one-handed opera-
be observed to reduce the risk of accidents. tion. A chain saw is intended for
Careless or improper use of this tool can two-handed use.
cause serious injury. • Operatethe chain saw only in a well-venti-
PLAN AHEAD lated outdoor area.
• Read this manual carefully until you com- • Do not operate saw from a ladder or in a
pletely understand and can follow all safe-
• Make sure the chain will not make contact
ty rules, precautions, and operating in-
structions before attempting to use the with any object while starting the engine.
unit. Never try to start the saw when the guide
bar is in a cut.
• Restrict the use of your saw to adult users
who understand and can follow safety • Do not put pressure on the saw at the end
rules, precautions, and operating instruc- of the cut. Applying pressure can cause
tions found in this manual. you to lose control when the cut is com-
• Stop the engine before setting the saw
Hearing Safety Hat down.
• Do not operate a chain saw that is dam-
Protection _ Eye
"_l _ Protection aged, improperly adjusted, or not com-
pletely and securely assembled. Always
Snug replace bar, chain, hand guard, or chain
Fitting "'",_,/ Heavy Duty brake immediately if it becomes damaged,
Clothing _ Gloves broken or is otherwise removed.

#- • With the engine stopped, hand carry the

chain saw with the muffler away from your
body, and the guide bar and chain to the
Safety Safety Chaps rear, preferably covered with a scabbard.
• Have all chain saw service performed by a
qualified service dealer with the exception
• Wear protective gear. Always use steel- of the items listed in the maintenance sec-
toed safety footwear with non-slip soles; tionofthis manual. Forexample, if improp-
snug-fitting clothing; heavy-duty, non-slip er tools are used to remove or hold the fly-
gloves; eye protection such as non-fog- wheel when servicing the clutch, structural
ging, vented goggles or face screen; an damage to the flywheel can occur and
approved safety hard hat; and sou nd barri- cause the flywheel to burst.
ers (ear plugs or mufflers) to protect your • Make certainthe saw chain stops moving
hearing. Regular users should havehear- when the throttle trigger is released. For
ing checked regularly as chain saw noise correction, refer to CARBURETOR AD-
can damage hearing. Secure hair above JUSTMENTS.
shoulder length. • Never modify your saw in any way.
• Keep all parts of your body away from the • Keep the handles dry, clean, and free of oil
chain when the engine is running. or fuel mixture.
• Keep children, bystanders, and animals a • With the engine stopped, hand carry the
minimum of 30 feet (10 meters) away from chain saw with the muffler away from your
the work area. Do not allow other people body, and the guide bar and chain to the
or animals to be near the chain saw when rear, preferably covered with a guide bar
starting or operating the chain saw. cover.
• Do not handle or operate a chain saw • Keep fuel and oil caps, screws, and fas-
when you are fatigued, ill, or upset, or if you teners securely tightened.
have taken alcohol, drugs, or medication. • Use only Husqvarna accessories and re-
You must be in good physical condition placement parts as recommended.
and mentally alert. Chain saw work is HANDLE FUEL WITH CAUTION
strenuous. If you have any conditionthat • Do not smoke while handling fuel or while
might be aggravated by strenuous work, operating the saw.
check with your doctor before operating a • Eliminateall sources of sparks or flame in
chain saw. the areas where fuel is mixed or poured.
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Thereshould benosmoking, openflames,
gineto coolbeforerefueling.
• Mix andpourfuelin an outdoorareaon
bareground;storefuelina cool,dry,well ack Path
ventilatedplace;and use an approved,
markedcontainerfor all fuel purposes. Avoid Obstructions
• Moveatleast10feet(3meters)fromfuel-
• Turnthe engineoff andlet sawcoolin a
non-combustible area,notondry leaves,
straw,paper,etc. Slowlyremovefuelcap
• Storetheunitandfuelinanareawherefuel Clear The Working Area
vaporscannot reach sparks or open
flamesfromwaterheaters,electricmotors REDUCE THE CHANCE OF
orswitches,furnaces,etc. KICKBACK
KICKBACK • Recognize that kickback can happen.
With a basic understanding of kickback,
a_WARNIN_: Avoidkickbackwhich you can reduce the element of surprise
which contributes to accidents.
canresultinseriousinjury.Kickbackis the • Never let the moving chain contact any ob-
backward, upward orsudden forward motion
ject at the tip of the guide bar.
of the guide bar occurring when the saw
• Keep the working area free from obstruc-
chain near the upper tip of the guide bar con- tions such as othertrees, branches, rocks,
tacts any object such as a log or branch, or
fences, stumps, etc. Eliminate or avoid
when the wood closes in and pinches the
any obstruction that your saw chain could
saw chain in the cut. Contacting a foreign ob-
hit while you are cutting. When cutting a
ject in the wood can also result in loss of
chain saw control. branch, do not let the guide bar contact
• RotationalKickbackcanoccurwhenthe branch or other objects around it.
• Keep your saw chain sharp and properly
moving chain contacts an object at the up- tensioned. A loose or dull chain can in-
per tip of the guide bar. This contact can
crease the chance of kickback occurring.
cause the chain to dig into the object,
Follow manufacturer's chain sharpening
which stops the chain for an instant. The and maintenanceinstructions. Checkten-
result is a lightning fast, reverse reaction
sion at regular intervals with the engine
which kicks the guide bar up and back to-
stopped, never with the engine running.
ward the operator.
• Pinch-Kickbackcan occur when the the Make sure the bar clamp nuts are securely
tightened after tensioning the chain.
wood closes in and pinches the moving
• Beginandcontinuecuttingatfullspeed. If
saw chain in the cut along the top of the
the chain is moving at a slower speed,
guide bar and the saw chain is suddenly
there is greaterchance of kickback occur-
stopped. This sudden stopping of the
chain results in a reversal of the chain ring.
force used to cut wood and causes the • Cut one log at a time.
• Use extreme caution when re-entering a
sawto move in the oppositedirectionofthe
previous cut.
chain rotation. The saw is driven straight
• Do not attempt cuts starting with the tip of
back toward the operator.
the bar (plunge cuts).
• Pull-In can occur when the moving chain
• Watch for shifting logs or other forces that
contacts a foreign object in the wood in the
could close a cut and pinch or fall into
cut along the bottom of the guide bar and chain.
the saw chain is suddenly stopped. This • Use the Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar
sudden stopping pulls the saw forward and
and Low-Kickback Chain specified for
away from the operator and could easily
your saw.
cause the operator to lose control of the
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
Stand to the left of_
• Be extremely aware of situations or ob- the saw
structions that can cause material to pinch
the top of or otherwise stop the chain. Never reverse
• Do not cut more than one log at a time. hand positions
• Do not twist the saw as the bar is with-
drawn from an undercut when bucking.
Avoid Pull-In:
• Always begincuttingwiththeengineatfull
speed and the saw housing against wood.
• Use wedges made of plastic or wood.
Never use metal to hold the cut open.

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Symmetrical Guide Bar I "_

Elbow locked
{ Large Radius Tip

• Low-Kickback Chain, designed with a

contoured depth gauge and guard link
Thumb on undersideof which deflect kickback force and allow
handlebar wood to gradually ride into the cutter.
Low-Kickback Chain has met kickback
performance requirements when tested
• Keep a good, firm grip on the saw with both on a representative sample of chain saws
hands when the engine is running and below 3.8 cubic inch displacement speci-
fied in ANSI B175.1.
don't let go. A firm grip will help you reduce
kickback and maintain control of the saw. Low-Kickback Chain
Keep the fingers of your left hand encir- Contoured Depth Gauge
cling and your left thumb under the front
handlebar. Keep your right hand com-
Deflects Kickback
pletely around the rear handle whether
Force And Allows
your are right handed or left handed. Keep
_.____ Elongated Guard Link
Wood To Gradually
your left arm straight with the elbow
locked. Ride Into Cutter
• Position your left hand on the front handle- • Front Hand Guard, designed to reduce the
bar so it is in a straight line with your right chance of your left hand contacting the
hand on the rear handle when making chain if your hand slips offthefront handle-
bucking cuts. Never reverse right and left bar.
hand positions for any type of cutting. • Position of front and rear handlebars, de-
• Standwith your weight evenly balancedon signed with distance between handlesand
both feet. "in-line" with each other. The spread and
• Stand slightly to the left side of the saw to "in-line" position of the hands provided by
keep your body from being in a direct line this design work together to give balance
with the cutting chain. and resistance in controlling the pivot of
• Do not overreach. You could be drawn or the saw back toward the operator if kick-
thrown off balance and lose control of the back occurs.
• Do not cut above shoulderheight. It is diffi-
cult to maintain control of saw above • Chain Brake, designedto stop the chain in
the event of kickback.
shoulder height.
are included on your saw to help reduce the PROTECT YOU IN THE EVENT OF A
hazard of kickback; however, such features KICKBACK. Kickback is a lightningfast ac-
will not totally eliminate this dangerous reac- tion which throws the bar and rotating chain
tion. As a chain saw user, do not rely only on back and up toward the operator. Kickback
safety devices. You must follow all safety can be caused by allowing contact of the bar
precautions, instructions, and maintenance tip in the danger zone with any hard object.
in this manual to help avoid kickback and Kickbackcan also be caused by pinchingthe
other forces which can result in serious saw chain alongthetop ofthe guidebar. This
injury. action may push the guide bar rapidly back
• Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar, designed toward the operator. Either of these events
with a small radius tip which reduces the may cause you to lose control of the saw
size of the kickback danger zone on the which could result in serious injury or even
bar tip. A Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar death. DO NOT RELY UPON ANY OF THE
has been demonstrated to significantly re- DEVICES BUILT INTO YOUR SAW. YOU
duce the number and seriousness of kick- SHOULD USE THE SAW PROPERLY AND
backs when tested in accordance with CAREFULLY TO AVOID KICKBACK. Re-
safety requirements for gasoline powered duced-kickback guide bars and low-kick-
chain saws as set by ANSI B175.1. back saw chains reduce the chance and
Reduced Kickback Symmetrical Guide Bar magnitude of kickback and are recom-
mended. Your saw has a low kickback chain
and bar as original equipment. Repairs on a
chain brake should be made by an autho-
rized servicing dealer. Take your unit to the
IL__SmaH Radius Tip
place of purchase if purchased from a
Husqvarna Servicing Dealer, or to the near-
est Authorized Husqvarna Service Dealer.
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• Tipcontactin somecasesmaycausea be given to the lower CKA values. Lower
lightningfastreverseREACTION, kicking CKA values represent safer angles to the
theguidebarupandbacktowardtheoper- user, higher values indicate more angle and
ator. higher kick energies. Computed angles rep-
• Pinching thesawchainalongthetopofthe resented in the non-activated column indi-
guidebarmaypushtheguidebarrapidly cate total energy and angle associated with-
backtowardtheoperator. out activation of the chain brake during
• Eitherofthesereactionsmaycauseyouto kickback. Activated angle represents chain
losecontrolofthesawwhichcouldresult stopping time relative to activation angle of
in seriousinjury.Donot rely exclusively chain break and resulting kick angle of saw.
uponthesafetydevices builtintoyoursaw. In all cases lower CKA values represent a
safer operating environment for the user.
_k, WAP.NING: Computed kickback The following guide bar and chain combina-
angle (CKA) listed on your saw and listed in tions meet kickback requirements of CSA
the CKA table below represents angle of Standards Z62.1, Z62.3, & ANSI B175.1
kickback your bar and chain combinations when used on saws listed in this manual.
will have when tested in accordance with Use of bar and chain combinations other
CSA (Canadian Standards Association) and than those listed is not recommended and
ANSI standards. When purchasing replace- may not meet the CKA requirements per
ment bar and chain, considerations should standard.
Computed kickback angle (CKA) Table
MODEL Type Length CHAIN P/N CKA without chain brake
136 0.050 GA 14" 91VG/VJ- 52 11 °
141 0.050 GA 16" 91VG- 56 11 °
141 0.050 GA 18" H 30-72 38 °
NOTE: If this saw is to be used for requirements of California Codes 4442 and
commercial logging, a chain brake is 4443. All U.S. forest land and the states of
required and shall not be removed or California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New
otherwise disabled to comply with Federal Jersey, Oregon, and Washington require
OSHA Regulationsfor Commercial Logging. many internal combustion engines to be
Contact your authorized Husqvarna service equipped with a spark arrestor screen by
dealer. law. If you operate a chain saw in a state or
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to locale where such regulations exist, you are
vibrations through prolonged use of gasoline legally responsible for maintaining the
powered hand tools could cause blood operatingconditionofthese parts. Failureto
do so is a violation of the law. Refer to the
vessel or nerve damage in the fingers,
hands, and joints of people prone to
circulation disorders or abnormal swellings. maintenanceof the Spark Arresting Screen.
Prolonged use in cold weather has been Failure to follow all Safety Rules and
linked to blood vessel damage in otherwise Precautions can result in serious injury. If
healthy people. If symptoms occur such as situationsoccurwhich are not covered in this
numbness, pain, loss of strength, change in manual, use care and good judgement. If you
skin color or texture, or loss of feeling in the need assistance, contact your authorized
fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue the use service dealer.
of this tool and seek medical attention. An
anti-vibrationsystem does not guaranteethe STANDARDS
avoidance of these problems. Users who CSA Z62.1 "Chain Saws - Occupational
operate power tools on a continual and Health and Safety"
regular basis must monitor closely their CSA Z62.3 "Chain Saw Kickback Occupa-
physical condition and the condition of this tional Health and Safety"
tool. ANSI B175.1-2000- "American National
SPECIAL NOTICE: Yoursaw is equipped Standard for Powered Tools - Gasoline
with a temperaturelimiting muffler and spark Powered Chain Saw - Safety Require-
arresting screen which meets the ments"

Protective gloves (not provided) should be ways wear gloves when handling the chain.
worn during assembly. The chain is sharp and can cut you even
ATTACHING THE BAR & CHAIN (If not when it is not moving!
already attached) • Loosen and remove the clamp nuts and
the bar clamp from the saw.
_WAP.NING: Recheckeach assem- • Remove the plastic shipping spacer (if
blystep if the saw is received assembled. AI-
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Locationof shippingspacer .,_tters Dep i Gauge

Drive Links
Bar Clamp/ /_ t0 0
Bar Clamp Nuts

Bar Tool

Place chain onto the sprocket

• An adjusting pin and screw is used to ad-
just the tension of the chain. It is very im- • Placechainoverand behind clutch, fitting
portant when assembling the bar, that the the drive links in the clutch drum sprocket.
pin located on the adjusting screw aligns • Fit bottom ofdrivelinks betweentheteeth
intoa hole in the bar. Turningthe screw will in the sprocket in the nose of the guide bar.
move the adjustment pin up and down the • Fit chain drive links into bar groove.
screw. Locate this adjustment before you • Pull guide bar forward until chain is snug in
begin mounting the bar onto the saw. See guide bar groove. Ensure all drive links
illustration. are in the bar groove.
• Now, install chain brake making sure the
Inside view of adjusting pin is positioned in the lower hole
in the guide bar. Remember this pin
moves the bar forward and backward as
Chain Brake the screw is turned.
• Install chain brake nuts and finger tighten
\. only. Once the chain is tensioned, you will
Adjustment located on Bar Clamp need to tighten chain brake nuts.
CHAIN TENSION (Including units with
• Turn the adjusting screw counterclock-
wise to move the adjusting pin almost as chain already installed)
far as it will go to the rear. This should allow NOTE: When adjusting chain tension,
the pin to be near the correct position. Fur- make sure the bar nuts are finger tight only.
ther adjustment may be necessary as you Attemptingto tensionthe chain when the bar
mount the bar. nuts are tight can cause damage.
• Mountthe baras illustrated.
Checking the tension:
Use the screwdriver end of the combination
screwdriver/wrench tool to move the chain
around the bar. If the chain does not rotate, it
is too tight. If too loose, the chain will sag be-
low the bar.

Mount the Bar Guide

• Slide guide bar behind clutch drum until
guide bar stops against clutch drumn
• Carefully remove the chain from the pack-
age. Hold chain with the drive links as
shown. Chain Adjustment
Chain Brake Nuts Tool (Bar Tool)

Tip of Adjusting the tension:

Chain tension is very important. Chain
Bar stretches during use. This is especially true
during the first few times you use your saw.
Always check chain tension each time you
use and refuel your saw.
You can adjust the chain tension by loosening
the bar clamp nuts and turning the adjusting
screw 1/4 of a tum while IAing up on the bar.
DIIRECTION OF ROTATION • If chain is too tight, turn adjusting
screw 1/4 turn counterclockwise.
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• if chain is too loose, turn adjusting • Lift up the tip of the bar and tighten the
screw 1/4 turn clockwise. chain brake nuts with the bar tool.
• Recheck chain tension.
.,J-_,_ii_oi Adjusting / ,/

Chain Brake Nuts Guide Bar

Adjusting Screw - 1/4 Turn

DWARNIN_: If the saw is operated
with a loose chain, the chain could jump off
the guide bar and result in serious injury.

FUELING ENGINE kerosene. Bar and chain oil must be free

flowing for the oil system to pump enough oil
_h',WARNING: Removefuel capslowly for adequate lubrication.
when refueling. Genuine Husqvarna bar and chain oil is rec-
This engine is certified to operate on ommended to protect your unit against exces-
unleaded gasoline. Before operation, sive wear from heat and friction. Husqvarna oil
gasoline must be mixed with a good quality resists high temperature thinning.
2-cycle air-cooled engine oil designed to be If Husqvarna bar oil is not available, use a good
mixed at a ratio of 50:1. (A 50:1 ratio is grade SAE 30 oil.
obtained by mixing 2.5 ounces ofoil with 1 • Never use waste oil for bar and chain lu-
gallon of unleaded gasoline). DO NOT USE brication.
automotive or boat oil. These oils will cause • Always stop the engine before removing
enginedamage. When mixing fuel followthe the oil cap.
instructions printed on the containe_ Always IMPORTANT
read and follow the safety rules listed under
HANDLE FUEL WITH CAUTION. Experience indicates that alcohol-blended
fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or
BAR AND CHAIN LUBRICATION methanol) can attract moisture which leads
The bar and chain require continuous lubri- to separation and formation of acids during
cation. Lubrication is provided by the auto- storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel
matic oiler system when the oil tank is kept system of an engine while in storage. To
filled. Lack of oil will quickly ruin the bar and avoid engine problems, the fuel system
chain. Too little oil will cause overheating should be emptied before storage for 30
shown by smoke coming from the chain and/ days or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the
or discoloration of the bar. engine and let it run until the fuel lines and
In freezing weather oil will thicken, making it carburetor are empty. Use fresh fuel next
necessary to thin bar and chain oil with a season. See STORAGE section for addi-
small amount (5 to 10%) of#1 Diesel Fuel or tional information.

A Use only 15"- 18" of rope per pull.

4_, WARNING: The chain must not move
Hold saw firmly while pulling starter rope.
when the engine runs at idle speed, if the chain
moves at idle speed refer to CARBURETOR
ADJUSTMENT within this manual. Avoid con-
tact with the muffler. A hot muffler can cause
serious bums.
To stop the engine move the switch to the
STOP position.
To start the engine hold the saw firmly on
the ground as illustrated below. Make sure
the chain is free to turn without contacting Important points to remember
any object. When pulling the starter rope, do not use the
full extent of the rope as this can cause the
rope to break. Do not let starter rope snap
back. Hold the handleand let the rope rewind

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For cold weather starting, start the unit at full CHAIN BRAKE
choke; allow the engine to warm up before J'l _
squeezing the throttle trigger. -",WARNINg: WE DO NOT REP-
NOTE: Do not cut material with the choke/ RESENT AND YOU SHOULD NOT AS-
fast idle lever at the FULL CHOKE position. SUME THAT THE CHAIN BRAKE WILL
STARTING A COLD ENGINE (or a KICKBACK. Kickback is a lightningfast ac-
warm engine after running out of fuel) tion which throws the bar and rotating chain
NOTE: In the following steps, when the cho- back and up toward the operator. Kickback
ke/fast idle lever is pulled out to the full extent, can be caused by allowing contact of the bar
tip in the danger zone with any hard object.
the correct throttle setting for starting is set au-
Kickbackcan also be caused by pinchingthe
saw chain alongthetop ofthe guidebar. This
• Move ON/STOP switch to the ON position. action may push the guide bar rapidly back
• Pull the choke/fast idle lever out to the full toward the operator. Either of these events
may cause you to lose control of the saw
• Pull the starter rope quickly with your right which could result in serious injury or even
hand a maximum of 10 times. death. DO NOT RELY UPON ANY OF THE
• Push the choke/fast idle lever in complete- DEVICES BUILT INTO YOUR SAW. YOU
• Pull the starter rope quickly with your right CAREFULLY TO AVOID KICKBACK. Re-
hand until the engine starts. duced-kickback guide bars and low-kick-
• AIIowthe engineto run for approximately5 back saw chains reduce the chance and
seconds. Then, squeeze and release magnitude of kickback and are recom-
throttletriggerto allowengineto returnto mended. Your saw has a low kickback chain
idle speed. and bar as original equipment. If the brake
band is worn too thin it may break when the
chain brake is triggered.With a broken brake
band, the chain brake will not stop the chain.
ON/STOP SWITCH (_ The chain brake should be replaced by an
authorized service dealer if any part is worn
to less than 1/32" thick. Repairs on a chain
brake should be made by an authorized ser-
vice dealer. Take your unit to the place of
purchase if purchased from a Husqvarna
Servicing Dealer, or to the nearest Autho-
CHOKE/FAST IDLE LEVER rized Husqvarna Service Dealer.
• This saw is equipped with a chain brake.
The brake is designed to stop the chain if
kickback occurs.
FULL OFF • The inertia-activated chain brake is
activated if the front hand guard is pushed
forward, either manually (by hand) or
automatically (by sudden movement).
• If the brake is already activated, it is
disengagedby pullingthe front hand guard
back toward the front handle as far as
• When cutting with the saw, the chain brake
• Move ON/STOP switch to the ON position. must be disengaged.
• Pull the choke/fast idle lever out to the full ex-
tent; then, push the choke/fast idle lever in Disengaged _
completely (to the OFF CHOKE position).
• Pull the starter rope quickly with your right ]Engaged
hand until the engine starts.
• Squeezeand releasethrottletriggerto al-
low engine to return to idle speed.
flooded engine)
The engine may be flooded with too much Braking function control
fuel if it has not started after 10 pulls. CAUTION: The chain brake must be
Flooded engines can be cleared of excess checked several times daily. The engine
fuel by following the warm engine starting must be runningwhen performing this proce-
procedure listed above. Insure the ON/ dure. This is the only instance when the saw
STOP switch is in the ON position. should be placed on the ground with the en-
Starting could require pulling the starter rope gine running.
handle many times dependingon how badly Place the saw on firm ground. Hold the han-
the unit is flooded. If engine fails to start refer dles with both hands and apply full throttle.
to the TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE. Activate the chain brake by turning your left
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wristagainstthehandguardwithoutreleas- The chain brake must be checked several
ingyour griparoundthe fronthandle.The times daily. Hold the chain saw approximate-
chainshouldstopimmediately. ly 14" (35 cm) above a stump or otherfirm ob-
Inertia activating function control ject. Release your grip on the front handle
and let the saw, by its own weight, rotate
_k, WARNING: When performing the fol- around the rear handle. When the tip of the
lowing procedure, the engine must be turned bar hits the stump, the brake should activate.

IMPORTANT POINTS • Study the natural conditions that can cause

• Check chain tension before first use and the tree to fall in a particular direction.
after 1 minute of operation. See CHAIN Natural conditions that can cause a tree to
TENSION in the ASSEMBLY section. fall in a particular direction include:
• Cut wood only. Do not cut metal, plastics, • The wind direction and speed.
masonry, non-wocd building materials, etc. • The lean of the tree. The lean of a tree
• Stop the saw if the chain strikes a foreign might not be apparent due to uneven or
object. Inspect the saw and repair parts as slopingterrain. Use a plumb or level to de-
necessary. termine the direction of tree lean.
• Keepthechainoutofdirtandsand. Evena • Weight and branches on one side.
small amountofdirt will quickly dull a chain • Surroundingtrees and obstacles.
and increase the possibility of kickback. Look for decay and rot. Ifthetrunk is rotted,
• Practice cutting a few small logs using the it can snap and fall toward the operator.
following techniques to get the "feel" of us- Check for broken or dead branches which
ing your saw before you begin a major can fall on you while cutting.
sawing operation. Make sure there is enough room for the tree to
• Squeeze the throttle trigger and allow fall. Maintain a distance of 2-1/2 tree lengths
the engine to reach full speed before from the nearest person or other objects. En-
cutting. gine noise can drown out a warning call.
• Begin cutting with the saw frame Remove dirt, stones, loose bark, nails, sta-
against the log. ples, and wire from the tree wherecuts are to
• Keep the engine at full speed the en- be made.
tire time you are cutting. Plan a clear retreat path to the rear and diag-
• Allow the chain to cut for you. Exert onal to the line of fall.
only light downward pressure.
• Releasethe throttletrigger as soon as _X_z,_. Plan a clear retreat path
the cut is completed, allowing the en-
gine to idle. If you run the saw at full
throttle without a cutting load, unnec-
essary wear can occur. }.... LJ""'_- Direction of Fall
• To avoid losing control when cut is
complete, do not put pressure on saw
at end of cut.
• Stop the engine before setting the saw
down after cutting. FELLING LARGE TREES
TREE FELLING TECHNIQUES (15 cm in diameter or larger)
The notch method is used to fell large trees.
_;IWARNING: Check for broken or A notch is cut on the side of the tree in the de-
dead branches which can fall while cutting sired direction of fall. After a felling cut is
causing serious injury. Do not cut nearbuild- made on the opposite side of tree, the tree
ings or electricalwires if you do not know the will tend to fall into the notch.
directionoftree fall, norcut at night sinceyou NOTE: If the tree has large buttress roots,
will not be ale to see well, nor during bad removethem beforemakingthenotch. If us-
weathersuch as rain, snow, or strong winds, ing saw to remove buttress roots, keep saw
etc. If the tree makes contact with any utility chain from contacting ground to prevent dull-
line, the utility company should be notified ing of the chain.
• Carefullyplan your sawingoperationin ad-
vance. TREE
• Cleartheworkarea. You needacleararea • Make notch cut by cutting the top of the
all aroundthetreeso you can havesecure notch first. Cut through 1/3 of the diameter
footing. of the tree. Next complete the notch by cut-
• The chain saw operator should keep on ting the bottom of the notch. See illustra-
the uphill side of the terrain as the tree is tion. Once the notch is cut remove the
likelyto rollor slidedownhillafterit is felled. notch of wood from the tree.

More user manuals on
Final (felling) cut here. • Use a sawhorse to cut small logs. Never
allow another person to hold the log while
2" (5 cm) above center of_otch.
cutting and never hold the log with your leg
First cut ,5c_ _ / or foot.
--, :÷1 / • Do not cut in an area where logs, limbs,
-- x!". /I and roots are tangled. Drag the logs into a
clear area before cutting by pulling out ex-
posed and cleared logs first.

cut_ : .... _ 5 cm DWARNIN_5: If saw becomes
pinched or hung in a log, don't try to force it
out. You can lose control of the saw resulting
in injury and/or damage to the saw. Stop the
saw, d rive a wedge of plastic or wood into the
• After removing the cutout of wood, make cut until the saw can be removed easily. Re-
the felling cut on the opposite side of the
start the saw and carefully reenter the cut.
notch. This is done by making a cut about
Do not attempt to restart your saw when it is
two inches higher than the center of the pinched or hung in a log.
notch. This will leave enough uncut wood
Use a wedge to remove pinched saw
between the felling cut and the notch to
form a hinge. This hingewill help prevent
the tree from falling in the wrong direction.

Hinge holds tree on stump and helps

control fall
of felling Turn saw OFF and use a plastic or
wooden wedge to force cut open.
Overcutting beginson thetop sideofthelog
with the saw against the log. When overcut-
of ting use light downward pressure.
Overcutting Undercutting

NOTE: Before felling cut is complete, use

wedges to open the cut when necessary to
controlthe directionof fall. To avoid kickback
and chain damage, use wood or plastic
wedges, but never steel or iron wedges.
Undercuttinginvolves cutting on the under-
• Be alert to signs that the tree is ready to fall:
side of the log with top of saw against the log.
cracking sounds, widening of the felling cut, When undercutting use light upward pres-
or movement in the upper branches.
sure. Hold saw firmly and maintain control.
• As tree starts to fall, stop saw, put it down,
The saw will tend to push back toward you.
and get away quickly on your planned re-
treat path. _kWARNING: Neverturn saw upside
• DO NOT cut down a partially fallen tree
down to undercut. The saw cannot be con-
with your saw. Be extremely cautious with
partially fallen trees that may be poorly trolled in this position.
supported. When a tree doesn't fall com- Always make your first cut on the compres-
pletely, set the saw aside and pull down the sion side ofthelog. Thecompression sideof
tree with a cable winch, block and tackle, the log is where the pressure of the log's
or tractor. weight is concentrated.
First cut on co['npression side of log
Bucking is the term used for cutting a fallen
tree to the desired log length.

WARNING: Do not stand on the log

Second cut
being cut. Any portion can roll causing loss Second cut
of footing and control. Do not stand downhill
of the log being cut.
• Cut only one log at a time.
• Cut shattered wood very carefully; sharp
pieces of wood could be flu ng toward oper-
ator. First cut on compression side of log
More user manuals on
BUCKING WITHOUT A SUPPORT ing or pruning. Allowing such contact can re-
• Overcut through 1/3 of the diameter of the sult in serious injury.
• Roll the log over and finish with a second
4[_WARNING: Never climb into a tree
overcut. to limb or prune. Do not stand on ladders,
• Watch for logs with a compression side to platforms, a log, or in any position which can
prevent the saw from pinching. See il- cause you to lose your balance or control of
lustration for cutting logs with a compres- the saw.
BUCKING USING A LOG OR SUP- • Work slowly, keeping both hands firmly
PORT STAND gripped on the saw. Maintain secure foot-
• Remember your first cut is always on the ing and balance.
compression side of the log. (Refer to the • Watch out for springpoles. Use extreme
illustration below for your first and second caution when cutting small size limbs.
cuts). Slender material may catch the saw chain
• Your first cut should extend 1/3 of the and be whipped toward you or pull you off
diameter of the log.
• Finishwith yoursecond cut. • Be alert for springback. Watch out for
branches that are bent or under pressure.
Using a log for support Avoid being struck by the branch or the
2nd Cut saw when the tension in the wood fibers is
• Keep a clearwork area. Frequentlyclear
branches out of the way to avoid tripping
over them.
• Alwayslimbatreeafteritiscutdown. Only
then can limbing be done safely and prop-
--.. : --- lstCut erly.
• Leave the larger limbs underneath the
felled tree to support the tree as you work.
• Start at base of the felled tree and work to-
ward the top, cutting branches and limbs.
Remove small limbs with one cut.
• Keep the tree between you and the chain.
Cut from the side of the tree opposite the
2 nd Cut branch you are cutting.
• Remove larger, supporting branches with
Using a support stand thecuttingtechniquesdescribed in BUCK-
2nd Cut • Always use an overcut to cut small and
freely hanging limbs. Undercutting could
cause limbs to fall and pinch saw.

'A_WARNING: Limit pruning to limbs

shoulder height or below. Do not cut if
branches are higher than your shoulde_ Get
a professional to do the job.
1st Cut • Make your first cut 1/3 of the way through
the bottom of the limb.
/ • Next make a 2nd cut all the way through

L the limb. Then cut a third overcut leaving

a 1 to2 inch collarfrom thetrunkofthe tree.

i ll'i Secon,_cu_/

Zhird_t _ _'

Ka, WARNIN(5: Be alert for and guard

against kickback. Do not allow the moving ColIVI_. _ First cut
chain to contact any other branches or ob-
jects at the nose of the guide bar when limb- (' Pruning technique

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_',WARNIN_: Muffler is very hot dur-
ing and after use. Do not touch the muffler or
allow combustible material such as dry
grass or fuel to do so. ,_, Air Filter

d}JLWARNING: Disconnect the spark

plug before performing maintenance except
_'_-'_Air Filter
for carburetor adjustments.
We recommend all service and adjustments I_V _-. Screws
not listed in this manual be performed by an
Authorized Service Dealer CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENTS
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Your carburetor is equipped with limiter
Lubricate bar caps. Carburetor adjustment is a compli-
sprocket hole ....... After each use cated task. We recommend that you take
your unit to an Authorized Service Dealer.
Check: Damage wil l occur if you tu rn the need les be-
Fuel mixture level... • Before each use yond the limiter stops.
Bar lubrication ...... • Before each use BAR MAINTENANCE
Chain tension ...... • Before each use
If your saw cuts to one side, has to be forced
Chain sharpness ... • Before each use
throughthe cut, or been run with an improper
For damaged parts . • Before each use
amount of bar lubrication it may be neces-
For loose caps ..... • Before each use
saryto service your bar. Aworn barwilldam-
For loose fasteners.. • Before each use
age your chain and make cutting difficult.
For loose parts ..... • Before each use
After each use, ensure ON/STOP switch is
Inspect and Clean: in the STOP position, then clean all sawdust
Bar ................ Before each use
from the guide bar and sprocket hole.
Complete saw ....... After each use
To maintain guide bar:
Air filter ............. Every 5 hours*
• Move ON/STOP switch to the STOP posi-
Chain brake ........ Every 5 hours* tion.
Spark arresting screen • Loosen and remove chain brake nuts and
and muffler ......... Every 25 hours* chain brake. Remove barand chainfrom
Replace spark plug • Yearly saw.
Replace fuel filter. • Yearly
• Clean the oil holes and bar groove after
* Hours of Operation each 5 hours of operation.
Remove Sawdust From .__
CAUTION: Do not clean filter in gasoline
or other flammable solvent to avoid creating Guide Bar Groo_"__ '_
a fire hazard or producing harmful evapora- V Sprocket Hole
tive emissions.
Oil Holes , \_
Cleaning the air filter: o

A dirty air filter decreases engine perform-

ance and increases fuel consumption and • Add lubricant to sprocket hole after each
harmful emissions. Always clean afterevery use.
5 hours of operation. • Burring of guide bar rails is a normal
• Clean the cover and the area around it to process of rail wear. Remove these burrs
keep dirt and sawdust from falling into the with a flat file.
carburetor chamber when the cover is re- • When rail top is uneven, use a flat file to re-
moved. store square edges and sides.
• Remove the parts as illustrated. '_ ('7 _ File Rail Edges-_- r] rJ
• Wash the filter in soap and water. Rinse
with clean cool water. Air dry completely
IU I andSides lUI
before reinstalling. I I Square I I
• Reinstall parts.
Worn Groove Correct Groove
Replace guide bar when the groove is worn,
the guide bar is bent or cracked, or when
excess heating or burring of the rails occurs.
If replacement is necessary, use only the
guide bar specified for your saw in the repair
parts list or on the decal located on the chain

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Chain sharpening is a complicated task that
requires special tools. We recommended ="=WARNINg: Stop engine and allow
you refer chain sharpeningto a professional to cool, and secure the unit before storing or
chain sharpener. transporting in a vehicle. Store unit and fuel
IGNITION TIMING in an area where fuel vapors cannot reach
Ignition timing is fixed and nonadjustable. sparks or open flames from water heaters,
SPARK PLUG electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
The spark plug should be replaced each Store unitwith all guards in place. Positionso
year to ensure the engine starts easier and that any sharp object cannot accidentally
runs better. cause injury to passersby. Store the unit out
of reach of children.
• Loosen 3 screws on cylindercover.
• Remove the cylinder cover. • Before storing, drain all fuel from the unit.
• Pull off the spark plug boot. Start engine and allow to run until it stops.
• Remove spark plug from cylinder and dis- • Cleanthe unit beforestoring. Pay particu-
card. lar attention to the air intake area, keeping
• Replace with Champion RCJ-7Y spark it free of debris. Use a mild detergent and
plug and tighten with a 3/4 inch socket sponge to clean the plastic surfaces.
• Do not store the unit orfuel in a closed area
wrench (10-12 ft/Ibs). Spark plug gap
should be 0.025 inches. where fuel vapors can reach sparks or an
• Reinstallthe spark plug boot. open flame from hot water heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
• Reinstall the cylinder cover and 3 screws
(15-20 in/Ibs). • Store in a dry area out of the reach of chil-
CAUTION: It is important to prevent gum
deposits from forming in essential fuel sys-
tem parts such as the carburetor, fuel filter,
fuel hose, or fuel tank during storage. Alco-
hol blended fuels (called gasohol or using
ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture
which leads to fuel mixture separation and
formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas
can damage the engine.
Spark Plug Boot
_k, WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before performing all of
the recommended remedies below except remedies that require operation of the unit.
Engine will not • Ignition switch off. • Move ignition switch to ON.
start or will run • Engine flooded. • See "Difficult Starting" in
only a few Operation Section.
seconds after • Fuel tank empty. • Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
starting. • Spark plug notfiring. • Install new spark plug.
• Fuel not reaching • Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
carbureto_ Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
Engine will • Carburetor requires • Contact an Authorized Service Dealer.
not idle adjustment
properly. • Crankshaft seals worn. • Contact an Authorized Service Dealer.
Engine will not • Air filter dirty. • Clean or replaceairfilter.
accelerate, • Spark plug fouled. • Clean or replace plug
lacks power, and regap.
or dies under • Carburetor requires • Contact an Authorized Service Dealer.
a load. adjustment.
Engine • Too much oil mixed with • Empty fuel tank and refill with
smokes gasoline. correct fuel mixture.

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Husqvama Forest & Garden Company BY THIS WARRANTY
("Husqvarna") warrants Husqvama product The following items are not covered by this
to the original purchaser to be free from defects warranty:
in material and workmanship from the date of (1)Normal customer maintenance items
purchase for the "Warranty Period" of the prod- which become worn through normal regu-
ucts as set forth below: lar use, including, but not limited to, belts,
Lifetime Warranty: All tiller tines against blades, blade adapters, bulbs, filters,
breakage, trimmer shafts, ignition coils and guide bars, lubricants, rewind springs,
modules on hand held product. saw chains, spark plugs, starter ropes
3 Year Warranty: Spindles (on Zero Turn and tines;
Riders and Wide Area Walks) (2) Natural discolorationof materialdue to ul-
2 Year COMMERCIAL Warranty: Husq- traviolet light.
varna Commercial Turf Equipment - zero (3) Engine and drive systems not manufac-
turn riders, wide area walks, and ground en- tured by Husqvarna;these items are cov-
ered by the respective manufacturer's
gaging commercial equipment.
warranty as provided in writing with the
2 Year NON-COMMERCIAL Warranty: Au- product information supplied at the time
tomatic mower, riding lawn mowers, yard and
of purchase;all claims must besenttothe
garden tractors, walk behind mowers, tillers, appropriate manufacturer.
chain saws, trimmers, brushcutters, cleadng (4) Lawn and garden attachments are cov-
saws, snow blowers,hand held blowers,back- ered by a third party which gives a war-
pack blowers, hedge trimmers, electric p _r_d- ranty; all claims for warranty should be
ucts and power-assist collection systems for sent to the manufacturer; and
non-commercial, non-professional, non-insti- (5)Emission control system components
tutional or non-income producing use, except necessary to comply with EPA regula-
as herein stated.
tions which are manufactured by third
Emission control system components neces- party engine manufacture_
sary to comply with EPA regulations, except for (6) Batteries have a one year prorated limit-
those components which are part of engine ed warrantywith 100% replacement dur-
systems manufactured by third party engine ing the first 6 months.
manufacturers for which the purchaser has re- SECTION 4: EXCEPTIONS AND LIM-
ceived a separate warranty with product infor- ITATIONS
mation supplied at time of purchase.
This warranty shall be inapplicable to de-
1 Year Warranty: Power cutters, stump fects resulting from the following:
grinder, hydraulic pole pruners and hydraulic
(1) Accident, abuse, misuse, negligenceand
pole saws for non-commercial, non-profes-
neglect, including stale fuel, dirt, abra-
sional, non-institutional or non-income pro-
sives, moisture, rust, corrosion, or any
ducing use.
adverse reaction due to incorrect storage
All trimmers, brushcutters, clearing saws, hov- or use habits.
ering trimmers, stick edgers, backpack blow- (2) Failure to operate or maintain the unit in
ers, hand held blowers, hedge trimmers, model accordance with the instruction manual
series 580 & 600 walk-behind mowers and or instruction sheet furnished by Husq-
power-assist collection systems used varna.
mercial, institutional, professional, or income (3) Alterations or modifications that change
producing purposes or use. the intended use of the product or affects
90 Day Warranty: Automatic mower, chain the product's performance, operation,
saws, power cutters, stump grinders, trimmers, safety, or durability, orcauses the product
brushcutters, clearing saws, hovering trim- to fail to comply with any applicable laws.
mers, stick edgers, hedge trimmers, backpack (4)Additional damage to parts or compo-
blowers, hand held blowers, hydraulic pole nents due to continued use occurring af-
saws, hydraulic pole pruners, snow throwers, ter any of the above.
commercial turf equipment or any Husqvama REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS PRO-
product used for rental purposes or use except VIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS THE
as otherwise provided herein. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE PUR-
30 Day Warranty: Husqvama bow guide CHASER. HUSQVARNA SHALL NOT BE
bars, replacement parts including bar and LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CON-
chains, product accessories, tools, display fea- SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH
tures and safety apparel. OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WAR-
Husqvama will repair or replace defective com- OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS
ponents without charge for parts or labor if a FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON
component fails because of a defect in material THESE PRODUCTS IS LIMITED IN DURA-
or workmanship during the warranty period. TION TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD AS
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THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR IMPROVE It is the Owner's and Dealer's responsibility
THE DESIGN OF THE PRODUCT WITH- to make certain that the Warranty Registra-
OUT NOTICE, AND DOES NOT ASSUME tion Card is properly filled out and mailed to
OBLIGATION TO UPDATE PREVIOUSLY HusqvarnaForest& GardenCompany. This
card should be mailed within ten (10) days
Some states do not allow the exclusion of in- from the date of purchasein order to confirm
cidental or consequential damages, or limi- the warranty and to facilitate post-sale ser-
tations on how long an implied warranty vice.
lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions Proof of purchase must be presented to the
may not apply to you. This warranty gives authorized Husqvarna dealer in order to ob-
you specific legal rights, and you may also tain warranty service. This proof must in-
have other rights which vary from state to clude date purchased, model number, serial
state. number, and complete name and address of
SECTION 5: CUSTOMER RE- the selling deale_
SPONSIBILITIES To obtain the benefit of this warranty, the
The product must exhibit reasonable care, product believed to be defective must be de-
maintenance, operation, storage and gener- livered to an authorized Husqvarna dealer in
al upkeep as written in the maintenancesec- a timely manner, no laterthanthirty (30) days
tion of the Owner's/Operator's manual. from date of the operational problem or fail-
Should an operational problem or failure oc- ure. The product must be delivered at the
cur, the product should not be used, but de- owner's expense. Pick-up and delivery
livered as is to an authorized Husqvama charges are not covered by this warranty.
dealerfor evaluation. Proof of purchase, as An authorized Husqvamadealercan be nor-
explained in Section 6, rests solely with the mally located through the "Yellow Pages" of
customer. the local telephone directory or by calling
1-800-HUSKY62for a dealer in your area.

7349 Statesville Road

YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND OB- sponsible for the performance of the re-
LIGATIONS: The U. S. Environmental quired maintenance listed in your instruction
Protection Agency/Environment Canada manual. HUSQVARNA recommends that
and HUSQVARNA are pleased to explain you retain all receipts covering maintenance
the emissions control system warranty on on your lawn and garden equipment engine,
your lawn and garden equipment engine. All but HUSQVARNA cannot deny warranty
new utility and lawn and garden equipment solely for the lack of receipts or for you r fail-
engines must be designed, built, and ure to ensure the performance of all sched-
equipped to meet the stringent anti-smog uled maintenance. As the lawn and garden
standards. HUSQVARNA must warrant the equipment engine owner, you should be
emission control system on your lawn and aware that HUSQVARNA may deny you
garden equipment engine for the periods of warranty coverage if your lawn and garden
time listed below provided there has been no equipmentengineor a part of it has failed due
abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance of to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance,
your lawn and garden equipment engine. unapproved modifications, or the use of
Your emission control system includes parts parts not made or approved by the original
such as the carburetor and the ignition sys- equipmentmanufacture_ You are responsi-
tem. Where a warrantable condition exits, ble for presenting your lawn and garden
HUSQVARNA will repair your lawn and gar- equipmentengineto a HUSQVARNAautho-
den equipmentengine at no cost to you. Ex- rized repaircenteras soon as a problem ex-
penses covered under warranty include ists. Warranty repairs should be completed
diagnosis, parts and labor MANUFACTUR- in a reasonable amount of time, not to ex-
ER'S WARRANTY COVERAGE: If any ceed 30 days. If you have any questions re-
emissions related part on your engine (as garding your warranty rights and responsibi-
listed under Emissions Control Warranty lities, you should contact your nearest
Parts List) is defective or a defect in the ma- authorized service centeror call HUSQVAR-
terials or workmanship of the engine causes NA at 1-800-487-5962. WARRANTY COM-
the failure of such an emission related part, MENCEMENT DATE: The warranty period
the part will be repaired or replaced by begins on the date the lawn and garden
HUSQVARNA. OWNER'S WARRANTY equipmentengineis purchased. LENGTH
RESPONSIBILITIES: As the lawn and gar- OF COVERAGE: This warranty shall be for
den equipment engine owner, you are re- a period of two years from the initial date of
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purchase. WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR tenance are not covered. ADD -ON OR MO-
OR REPLACEMENTOF PARTS. Repairor DIFIED PARTS: The use of add-on or modi-
replacement of any warranted part will be fied parts can be grounds for disallowing a
performed at no charge to the owner at an warranty claim. HUSQVARNA is not liable to
approved HUSQVARNA servicing center. If cover failures of warranted parts caused by
you have any questions regarding your war- the use of add-on or modified parts. HOW
ranty rights and responsibilities, you should TO FILE A CLAIM: If you have any ques-
contact your nearest authorized service tions regarding your warranty rights and re-
center or call HUSQVARNA at sponsibilities, you should contact your near-
1-800-487-5962 WARRANTY PERIOD: est authorized service center or call
Any warranted part which is not scheduled HUSQVARNA at 1-800-487-5962
for replacementas required maintenance,or WHERE TO GET WARRANTY SERVICE:
which is scheduled only for regular inspec- Warranty services or repairs shall be provided
tion to the effect of"repair or replace as nec- at all HUSQVARNA service centers, call:
essary" shall be warranted for 2 years. Any 1-800-487-5962 MAINTENANCE, RE-
warranted part which is scheduled for re- PLACEMENT AND REPAIR OF EMISSION
placementas required maintenanceshall be RELATED PARTS: Any HUSQVARNA ap-
warrantedfor the period of time up to thefirst proved replacement part used in the perfor-
scheduled replacement point for that part. mance of any warranty maintenance or re-
DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be pair on emission related parts will be
charged for diagnostic labor which leads to provided without charge to the owner if the
the determinationthat a warranted part is de- part is under warranty. EMISSION CON-
fective ifthe diagnostic work is performed at TROL WARRANTY PARTS LIST: Carbure-
an approved HUSQVARNA servicing cen- tor, Ignition System: Spark Plug (covered up
ter. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: to maintenance schedule), Ignition Module.
HUSQVARNA may be liable for damages to MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The owner
other enginecomponents caused by the fail- is responsible for the performance of all re-
ure of a warranted part still under warranty. quired maintenance as defined in the in-
WHAT IS NOT COVERED: All failures struction manual.
caused by abuse, ne,glect, or improper main-
The information on the product label indicates which standard your engine is certified.
Example: (Year) EPA Phase 1 or Phase 2 and/or CALIFORNIA.

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Printed in U.S.A.

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