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European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2019) 75:179–187


Drug incompatibilities in intravenous therapy: evaluation

and proposition of preventive tools in intensive care
and hematology units
Ophélie Maison 1 & Cléa Tardy 1 & Delphine Cabelguenne 1 & Stéphanie Parat 1 & Sophie Ducastelle 2 & Vincent Piriou 3 &
Alain Lepape 3 & Laure Lalande 1

Received: 1 August 2018 / Accepted: 21 November 2018 / Published online: 12 December 2018
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose Physicochemical incompatibility (PCI) between drugs infused together is frequent, but under-recognized. PCI
can lead to drug inactivity, catheter occlusion, embolism or inflammatory reactions. The aims of this work were to
identify most frequent and relevant drug incompatibilities and to review and develop strategies for their prevention.
Method This was an observational prospective survey conducted between January and March 2015 in an intensive care unit
(ICU) and in September 2014 in a hematology sterile unit (HSU). Drugs administered to patients were recorded and their
compatibility assessed based on published compatibility data.
Results Drug incompatibilities accounted for 12% (23/189) and 17% (116/686) of drug pairs infused in the ICU and
the HSU, respectively. Pantoprazole was the most frequent drug implied in PCI. Regarding drug classes, anti-
infective agents and gastrointestinal drugs were the most frequently implied. Among the incompatible pairs, 78%
and 61% implicated a drug with extreme pH in the ICU and HSU, respectively. The tools proposed to reduce the
frequency of PCI included: compatibility cross-tables, labeling of drugs with extreme pH and optimized administra-
tion schedules.
Conclusions Given the frequency and the potential for severe consequences of PCI, pharmacists have a role to play in raising
awareness of nurses and practitioners, and proposing adequate tools and solutions to reduce their incidence.

Keywords Drug incompatibilities . Intravenous therapy . Adverse drug events prevention . Pharmacist . Intensive care unit


Drug incompatibilities are undesirable physical and/or chem-

ical reactions that occur between two or more drugs when
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
solutions are combined in the same syringe, tubing or bottle.
material, which is available to authorized users. Incompatibility can also occur between drug and diluent, or
between drug and materials of an intravenous (IV) container
* Ophélie Maison or medical devices [1–3]. They occur before entering the body as opposed to drug interactions (pharmacologic or pharmaco-
kinetic) that occur inside the body.
Department of Pharmacy, Groupement Hospitalier Sud, Hospices Chemical causes of visibly observable precipitations
Civils de Lyon, 165 Chemin du Grand Revoyet, 69495 Pierre are numerous, but most drug-drug and drug-diluent in-
Bénite, France compatibilities result from acid-base reactions [1].
Department of Hematology Oncology, Groupement Hospitalier Sud, Physical reactions cause visible changes such as precipi-
Hospices Civils de Lyon, 165 Chemin du Grand Revoyet, tations, changes in color, consistency or opalescence,
69495 Pierre Bénite, France
emulsion cracking (phase separation) or gas production.
Department of Critical Care, Groupement Hospitalier Sud, Hospices Chemical reactions are caused by molecular changes, and
Civils de Lyon, 165 Chemin du Grand Revoyet, 69495 Pierre
are considered significant when more than 10%
Bénite, France
180 Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2019) 75:179–187

degradation of one or more of the solution’s components The aims of this work were to identify most frequent and
occur [1]. Whether physical or chemical, incompatibilities relevant drug incompatibilities and to review and develop
between IV drugs represent preventable adverse drug strategies for their prevention.
Potential complications of co-administration of incompati-
ble drugs include precipitation, central venous catheter (CVC) Material and method
occlusion or malfunction, reduced potency of medication, em-
bolism, and local or systemic inflammatory reactions [4–6]. This was an observational prospective survey conducted in
Unfortunately, the real clinical consequences of drug precipi- two different units from a French teaching hospital: hematol-
tation have only been documented for a few drugs and paren- ogy sterile unit (HSU, three wards) and intensive care unit
teral nutrition [6–8]. Consequences also depend on the type of (ICU, two wards).
drugs administered and the patient condition (age, weight, An audit was conducted in the ICU and HSU. All pa-
nature and severity of disease). CVC occlusion is the most tients from the different wards of both units were included
common complication, occurring in up to 25% of all CVCs in the audit if they had at least two IV drugs prescribed
used, and can interrupt the infusion of vital medications or and a minimal hospital stay of 24 h. Patients were exclud-
total parenteral nutrition [9]. In addition to the inherent risks ed if they did not meet both criteria. In the ICU, the audit
associated with replacing a nonfunctioning catheter, the con- was carried out between January and March 2015 (inclu-
sequences of under-recognition of catheter occlusion include sion of all new patients). For the HSU, given the con-
venous thrombosis, sepsis, chronic venous insufficiency, and straints of a sterile environment, the audit was performed
pulmonary embolism. Lipid residue from parenteral nutrition on a given day in September 2014 (inclusion of all pa-
or propofol infusions is an excellent medium for bacterial tients present that day). All the IV drugs administered
growth and has been implicated in up to 10% of CVC- over a 24-h period were included. For each drug, the
related bloodstream infections [9]. Some fatal cases secondary following elements were recorded: name, dosage, nature
to drug incompatibilities have already been reported and re- and volume of the diluent, infusion duration and infusion
sulted in safety alerts from the FDA [10, 11]. method (gravity, pump or syringe pump). The pH of each
This study was conducted in two settings. In hematology, drug was also recorded, drugs with pH below 4 being
the study was prompted by nurses’ unexpected and unex- considered as acidic, and above 8 as basic. In the ICU,
plained reports of IV drug precipitation (violet precipitates) as patients usually present a triple-lumen CVC, the lumen
observed in 6-m long tubings of four patients from the hema- used for each IV drug administration was also recorded.
tology sterile unit (HSU) between December 2013 and April For the HSU, even if patients presented a multi-lumen
2014. These 6-m long tubings allow patients to stroll across CVC or peripheral inserted central catheter, most of the
the room in which they stay for several weeks (average of time, all IV drugs are infused through the same lumen
6 weeks) following bone marrow transplant. The analysis of connected to the 6-m single-lumen tubing. A second 6-
the tubing excluded an incompatibility with the device mate- m tubing would increase the risk of falls and impair pa-
rial, so the standing hypothesis was physicochemical incom- tients’ comfort. All data were recorded in Excel® files for
patibility (PCI) between IV drugs. In the ICU, the evaluation subsequent analysis.
of drug incompatibilities was requested by practitioners and For the analysis of PCIs, drugs concurrently infused via the
nurses. same lumen were considered as drug pairs and their Y-site
Patients hospitalized in ICUs or hematology units are compatibility assessed. Six tools were considered for the com-
considered as being a high-risk group for the occurrence patibility analysis: Internet website Stabilis [12], Internet
of incompatibilities because they commonly require the website Theriaque [13], the handbook for injectable drugs
use of multiple drugs, most of which are administered in- [14], the compatibility of commonly used IV drugs chart
travenously and by continuous infusion. These patients [15], the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) cross-
usually have a limited number of venous accesses, which table [16] and the Grenoble hospital onco-hematology cross-
complicates the safe administration of drugs. Clinical con- table [17]. Drug pairs were classified as compatible, incom-
sequences are all the more severe as these patients are in a patible or unknown. When conflicting data existed between
critical health status and combine several risk factors of tools, the pair was considered incompatible if at least one
adverse events severity: immunodepression, endotracheal source reported an incompatibility. For each drug, pH values
intubation, septicemia, and multi-organ failure. Finally, were also recorded [14].
consequences of drug incompatibilities such as drug inac- Following this audit, the pharmaceutical team performed a
tivation are a large concern given that some drugs admin- literature search in order to list the different tools that have
istered to the patients, such as catecholamines, anti- already been proposed to healthcare providers for prevention
infective drugs or immunosuppressants, are vital drugs. of drug incompatibilities. Nurses were also interviewed in
Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2019) 75:179–187 181

order to know their expectations regarding these tools. Several Implementation of preventive tools for drugs
tools were thus developed and will be presented further in this incompatibilities
The assessment of the frequency and nature of PCIs in two
critical hospital units was a necessary step in order to develop
appropriate tools to prevent these incompatibilities. Different
Results documents were elaborated for feedback to both units. They
included a short list of the drugs most frequently involved in
Evaluation of incompatibilities risk PCIs, the most frequent incompatible pairs reported in the
study, common drugs with extreme pH and drugs with specif-
Fifty patients in the ICU and 29 patients in the HSU ic solvents (furosemide dissolved in sodium chloride, and my-
were included in the study (Table 1). For the ICU pa- cophenolate mofetil dissolved in dextrose, for example).
tients, among 189 drug pairs, 47 (25%) were considered Along with the presentation of these documents, a short train-
compatible, 23 (12%) were considered incompatible and ing was provided to practitioners and nurses that explained the
the compatibility was unknown for 119 (63%) pairs. For potential consequences of such incompatibilities and major
HSU patients, among 686 drug pairs, 193 (28%) were risk factors for PCIs.
considered compatible, 116 (17%) were considered in- Three main information tools were presented, ex-
compatible and the compatibility remained unknown for plained and proposed to improve healthcare providers’
377 (55%). Among the 50 patients included in the ICU, knowledge and ability to prevent PCIs. The first tool
12 patients had at least one IV drug incompatibility. consisted of two in-house cross-tables, one for each unit
Also, the maximum number of incompatible pairs in- (Figs. 1 and 2). Drug pair selection was based on the
fused to one patient over 24 h was 6. In the HSU, among frequency of use of these substances in the ICU and
the 29 patients included, 22 had at least one IV drug HSU. The cross-tables present Y-site administration com-
incompatibility. And the maximum number of incompat- patibility for drug pairs (compatible, incompatible or un-
ible pairs infused to one patient over 24 h was 20. known compatibility), but also with common solvents (so-
Pantoprazole was identified as the most frequent drug dium chloride, dextrose, ringer and parenteral nutrition).
involved in PCIs both in the ICU and HSU (Table 2). The pH of the different drugs was also indicated in these
Other drugs implicated were specific to each unit: mid- cross-tables and drugs with an extreme pH were outlined
azolam and hydrocortisone for the ICU, and total paren- (acidic drugs in red and basic drugs in blue).
teral nutrition and aciclovir for the HSU. For ICU pa- The second tool relied on the labeling of drugs with ex-
tients, 70% of the incompatibilities reported occurred for treme pH. We drew on a published work to develop our label-
drugs infused through the distal lumen. For the ICU, ing of drugs with extreme pH [18]. In the ICU, the drawers in
drugs most frequently implicated in an IV drug incom- which drugs are stored were labeled with color stickers: red
patibility belonged to the anti-infectious drug class; they for strong acids, blue for strong bases and black for the drugs
accounted for 50% of incompatibilities. For the HSU, most frequently implied in PCI and that should not be in
drugs most frequently implicated in an IV drug incom- contact with others. This way, when nurses take a medication
patibility belonged to the anti-infectious (64 drugs) and from the medication storage, they have a rapid identification
to the gastrointestinal drug (64 drugs) classes. Among of drugs potentially incompatible between each other or with a
the 23 incompatible pairs administered in the ICU, 18 high risk of incompatibility.
(78%) implicated a drug with an extreme pH. Among The third tool proposed was an optimized administra-
the 116 incompatible pairs administered in the HSU, 71 tion schedule especially for drugs with continuous ad-
(61%) implicated a drug with an extreme pH. ministration (Fig. 3). These schedules were based on

Table 1 Patients’ characteristics

Intensive care unit Hematology sterile unit

Number of patients 50 29
Average age + range [years] 48 [25; 86] 49 [23; 68]
Sex ratio (M/F) 32/18 20/9
Number of IV medications 415 305
Number of different drugs 84 56
Number of pairs administered via a common lumen 189 686
182 Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2019) 75:179–187

Table 2 The most frequent

incompatible drug pairs and drugs Intensive care unit Onco-hematology sterile unit
most frequently involved in PCI
Most frequent incompatible pairs Midazolam + hydrocortisone Ciclosporin + magnesium sulfate
Vancomycin + piperacillin Ondansetron + sodium
tazobactam bicarbonate
Pantoprazole + vancomycin Pantoprazole + sodium
Most frequent drugs involved in Pantoprazole Pantoprazole
PCI Midazolam Parenteral nutrition with lipids
Hydrocortisone succinate Aciclovir
Vancomycin Ciclosporin
Piperacillin tazobactam Piperacillin tazobactam

the most frequent medication protocols prescribed in Finally, as pharmacists and pharmacy residents are regular-
each unit and combined compatibility data available for ly asked about incompatibility issues, we elaborated a deci-
several drugs. sion tree which recalls the different sources of compatibility

Fig. 1 PCI cross-table onco-hematology

Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2019) 75:179–187 183

Fig. 2 PCI cross table ICU

Fig. 3 Administration schedule

184 Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2019) 75:179–187

data, and proposes several corrective actions in case of incom- In our audit, the higher frequency of drug incompatibilities
patibility (Fig. 4). observed for the patients from the HSU can be explained by
the impossibility to separate drug administration through in-
dependent lines as the majority of patients had a 6-m-long
single-lumen tubing through which all IV drugs were infused.
Discussion Still, this higher frequency is not as high as could be expected
in these infusion conditions, first because the proportion of
The first aim of this work was to characterize PCIs in two medications administered by continuous infusion is lower in
critical units of our hospital. The frequencies of IV drug in- the HSU compared to ICU, and second because, except in the
compatibilities reported in other ICUs are quite variable but case of severe graft versus host disease, most patients in the
consistent with our observations: 18.7% incompatible combi- HSU receive part of their medications orally.
nations via Y-site administration were reported in patients of a In the present study, the most frequent drug implicated in
Canadian ICU receiving two or more medication infusions PCIs was pantoprazole. Omeprazole, another proton pump
[19], 15% of drugs added to IV fluids were reported incom- inhibitor, was also reported as one of the most frequent drugs
patible either with each other or with the infusion fluid in ICU implicated in physico-chemical incompatibilities in the ICU
patients [20], 14.6% of 1854 drug combinations were reported [21]. Indeed, this pharmaceutical class belongs to alkaline
incompatible in a Brazilian adult ICU [21], and 7.2% of drug drugs and they are incompatible with various drugs [14].
pairs were reported incompatible in a German ICU, but pro- What is more, proton pump inhibitors are widely prescribed
cedures recommending separate administration through inde- drugs, often with the indication of prophylaxis of stress ulcer-
pendent lines were already in place at that time [22]. ation in critically ill patients. Also, for curative indications,

Fig. 4 PCI decision tree

Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2019) 75:179–187 185

they are regularly administered as continuous infusion, thus incompatibilities may emerge with more than two drugs com-
increasing the risk of drug incompatibilities. In this work, bined. Indeed, there is limited information available on trip-
other drugs mostly implicated in incompatibilities were anti- lets, quadruplets or higher combinations. Finally, compatibil-
infective agents as they accounted for 50% of drugs implicat- ity studies present methodological heterogeneity, impairing
ed in the ICU and 48% in the HSU. Similar results were their external validity. This could explain the conflicting re-
reported in a German ICU [22]. This can be explained by sults regularly observed [26]. In order to improve future re-
the high frequency of antibiotics and antiviral prescriptions search work, physical and chemical compatibility studies
due to comorbidities of patients from these units (immunode- should incorporate study materials, testing conditions (tem-
ficiency, septic shock). Besides, some widely used antibiotics perature and light), analytical methods, validation of stability
such as vancomycin, ceftazidime or piperacillin tazobactam techniques, drug diluents and concentrations, and drug manu-
can be administered through prolonged or continuous infusion facturers. Also, the duration of compatibility studies should be
[23]. Detecting incompatibilities with anti-infective agents is based on clinical applicability (physical or chemical compat-
particularly important because of the risk of treatment failure ibility) [25].
secondary to drug inactivation. For other drug families, de- When incompatibilities between drugs are identified, or in
crease in activity can sometimes be clinically or biologically the absence of compatibility data, several solutions can be pro-
measured (Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale score, or acti- posed. The second aim of our work was to review these solu-
vated partial thromboplastin time) and be compensated by an tions. The use of a multi-lumen CVC, with one lumen fully
increase in dosage or in rate of continuous infusion. In terms reserved for parenteral nutrition, is recommended [27]. But
of drugs implicated in PCIs, differences were observed be- their use could be limited by an increased number of catheter-
tween the ICU and the HSU. These can be explained by dif- related bloodstream infections compared with single-lumen de-
ferences in medical conditions and medical management of vices [28]. Another solution is to use a separate catheter for IV
patients from both units. Midazolam with hydrocortisone was administration of drugs. In practice, additional venous access
the most frequent incompatible pair reported in the ICU unit may not always be practical or feasible, and the number of
and it was also the case in a Brazilian adult ICU [21]. venous accesses increases the risk of mechanical, infectious
Conversely, parenteral nutrition, but also sodium bicarbonate, and thrombotic complications, especially in critically ill patients
appeared among the most frequent drugs implicated in PCIs in [29, 30]. A promising solution could be the use of multi-lumen
the HSU, but not in the ICU. The absence of total parenteral infusion devices, but their clinical evaluation with their possible
nutrition in the ICU was explained by data collection occur- complications is still lacking [31].
ring within the 24 h after admission, and thus before parenteral In some cases, especially in critical care units, the number
nutrition initiation. Also in the ICU, parenteral nutrition is of concurrently administered drugs usually exceeds the num-
usually administered through a specific line of the CVC. ber of available infusion lines or lumens of the catheter. In this
Drug pH was reported as a key element for physico- work, this was confirmed by the higher frequency of PCIs
chemical compatibility in this study. Indeed, 78% and 61% occurring on the distal lumen of the catheter. Indeed, most
of PCIs in the ICU and HSU, respectively, implicated drugs drugs were infused through this lumen given that the proximal
with extreme pH. The association of drugs with different pH lumen was dedicated to catecholamines and the median lumen
values may lead to a change in one of the components in the to drugs with a narrow therapeutic range (insulin, heparin,
solution mixture, generating drug instability and increasing opioids). Changing the dose scheme to avoid co-
the risk of incompatibility [24]. One of our preventive actions administration of drugs, reducing the number of medications
thus focused on drugs with extreme pH and implementation of or temporarily suspending drugs that are not urgently needed
a simple Bcolor system^ in order for nurses to identify these are some of the measures to be undertaken. Changing the
drugs at risk and alert them of the risk of PCI. route of administration (like switching IV drug by oral formu-
The evaluation and analysis of drug compatibilities relies lation as soon as possible) or using a different drug having the
on compatibility data available in the literature. For two drugs same therapeutic activity should be considered. Two incom-
to be administered together through a Y-site connector, they patible drugs can also be administered consecutively, which
must be at least physically compatible, whereas studies of makes it important to flush the infusion line with a compatible
chemical stability are required before two drugs can be mixed fluid between each administration. An observational study
together in the same container (IV bag, syringe, etc.) as con- carried out in Canadian ICUs revealed that the use of existing
tact time will be longer. A systematic review of 93 studies catheters could be improved by appropriately combining med-
evaluating physical and/or chemical compatibility of at least ications. Indeed, 25 out of the 37 patients with inappropriate
one drug combination was conducted and highlighted the fact combinations of concurrent medication infusions could have
that compatibility data was lacking [25]. Another problem is their drugs reorganized into acceptable combinations, based
that compatibility studies usually only address the risk of the on existing compatibility data [19]. Similarly, in a German
incompatibility of drug pairs and ignores the possibility that ICU, procedures were established to prevent frequent and
186 Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2019) 75:179–187

well-documented incompatibilities. This enabled reduction of to formulate an intervention that can minimize compatibility
the frequency of incompatible pairs from 5.8 to 2.4% [22]. A errors, thereby contributing to drug therapy efficacy and pa-
French study recorded a 6% decrease in hematology and a tient safety. Among the interventions to reduce the occurrence
10% decrease in the ICU of incompatible drugs administered of PCIs, pharmacists can propose switching IV drugs to oral
thanks to cross-tables and guidelines presented and given to formulations, reorganize an administration scheme through
the nursing staff [32]. The optimized administration schedules different routes or at different times, propose a pharmacolog-
we developed were particularly appreciated by nurses as they ically equivalent drug causing less incompatibilities, etc. Such
are easily understandable, especially when the number of IV interventions performed by pharmacists present in a Canadian
medications to infuse is important. Equivalent tools and ICU enabled reduction of 68% of the number of drug incom-
guidelines cited above proved their efficacy in reducing the patibilities [19]. To be relevant, hospital pharmacists first need
number of incompatible drugs infused simultaneously. But to gain expertise in medical devices for drug administration
they require compatibility analysis, usually performed by and treatment protocols specific to each medical unit. That
pharmacists, which is time-consuming and thus hardly appli- way, pharmacists contribute to improve public health through
cable in real time and to all the patients in need. prevention of adverse events and promotion of effective and
Informative tools on drug compatibility should be devel- appropriate use of medications.
oped concurrently with nurses as they are daily in charge of The work conducted here presents several limitations. The
drug administrations. Indeed, these tools should be readily number of potential drug incompatibilities was determined a
understandable, adapted to their practices, and regularly eval- posteriori by analysis of drug pair compatibility using litera-
uated. In a Swiss hospital, teamwork between nurses, doctors ture data, and not from visual examination of tubings. Also,
and pharmacists resulted in a color code system that reduced only drug-drug incompatibilities were considered, while in-
the frequency of incompatible drugs from 15 to 2%, even compatibilities may also occur with excipients or tubing
5 years after implementation of the system [18]. Also, several [1–3]. For the corrective actions proposed and implemented
cross-tables were developed for adult and pediatric drug in- in our hospital, their impact on the frequency of drug incom-
compatibilities [15, 16, 25, 33]. They are considered by nurses patibilities has not yet been evaluated with a new audit.
as useful and easily understandable. Their main drawback is
the limited number of drugs that can be integrated to the table.
Ideally, such tables should be generated for a specific unit Conclusion
(example: ICU, pediatry, orthopedic surgery, etc.) or ideally
for each patient, as was previously done by Huddelston et al. Administration of incompatible IV drugs in critically ill pa-
[33]. Herein, two different cross-tables were developed for the tients is frequent. In the absence of established guidelines for
HSU and the ICU. The other drawback of cross-tables is that the clinical management of drug incompatibilities, clinicians
they rarely describe study conditions (drug diluents, concen- and nurses must be aware of this problem. This work proposed
trations, study duration, drug manufacturer, etc.). All these different tools to evaluate and prevent drug incompatibilities.
parameters are important to consider when evaluating the ex- Pharmacists can play an important role in preventing drug
ternal validity of these compatibility studies [26]. incompatibilities thanks to their chemistry knowledge and
Electronic decision support tools are probably the most their collaborative work with nurses and practitioners.
promising strategies in preventing medication errors such as
PCIs. To be meaningful, they would require input on the num- Acknowledgments Marion Nouvel, Anne-Gaëlle Caffin, Géraldine Iroir,
ber of available IV lines and the drugs currently being deliv- Bérengère Clerc, Carole Dugrenier, Corinne Béal, Gilles Salles,
ered into a given lumen, which is more information than is Catherine Rioufol.
routinely available in patient records. Also, another way to Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to juris-
minimize the risk of incompatibilities includes the use of elec- dictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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patibilities between the drugs prescribed.
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