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HOMEWORK - Video Recording

Submission #1 (Tadasana +

Homework - Video Submission #1:

General: For all video submissions it is best if you can have
someone in person to teach and perform the physical
assists on, however if this is not possible, please record a
video of you doing the posture/flow and speaking the
posture and breath cues. Try to follow the physical assists
(if you have a someone to teach in-person) according to
what is done in the Practice Teaching Video for that
posture/flow and include breath, posture name, alignment,
etc. For guidance on the recording/submission of the
videos, please see the "Video Submission
Recommendation" Segment.
Homework - Record a video of yourself teaching:
1 Tadasana to Utthita Tadasana (Mountain to Extended
2 Chandrasana (Moon Pose): Try to demonstrate ALL 3
Assists. It is OK if you do not do All 3 assists on "both"
sides in consideration of video duration (file size), but
please demonstrate the 3 Assists at least once. Note it
is not necessary to use Sanskrit, but I encourage you
to start trying to learn the posture names in Sanskrit.
You can combine these into 1 video or break it into 2
videos. Whichever is easier for you.
Due: Try to submit this video to Troy by end of the week or
sooner if possible.
Note: Please don't stress about these first 1 or 2 Homework
Video Submissions. They are partially here really to work
out some kinks in the video recording, uploading and
submission process. They are not for me to start evaluating
your teaching. I fully realize everyone is just getting started
and do not expect them to be you shouldn't
either. ;-)

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