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Ravneet K.


Looking for healthy cake ideas? Healthy does not mean bland. Explore this cookbook for 40
whole grain cake recipes contributed by homemakers from Healthy Recipes by Homemakers
Facebook group for a healthylicious trip to the baking haven! The cookbook takes you on an
eggless cake journey –comprising vegan cakes, sugarless bakes, and butterless beauties!
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List of Contributors
1. Anita Chahal
2. Ritu Singh Mendiratta
3. Ravneet Kaur
4. Kaveri Obhan
5. Megha Agrawal
6. Mili Jain
7. Poonam Bachhav
8. Sangeeta Sethi
9. Satinder Wadhwa
10. Parshotam Kaur
11. Tejender Saggu Bhengura
12. Sonam Agarwal
13. Sarada Shreya
14. Shalini Pangotra
15. Chetan Padliya
16. Samira Gupta
17. Divya Suresh
18. Bishakha Kumari Saxena
19. Neelam Avasthi
20.Anu Lahar
21. Geeta Sachdev
22.Deepti Aggarwal
23.Uma Srinivas

A special thanks to Harshi Mehta for designing the cover. Thanks to

Prabhasees Kaur for her cute contribution!

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Cake Making Basics: Eggless Whole
Grain Cakes
There's nothing like sharing yummy slices of healthy cakes with friends
and family, right?

Of course, when you bake a cake, you have got to take care of the minute
details that go into cake baking. After all, you are trying to whip up a
sweet beauty that is going to tickle the taste buds of your loved ones.

You know it all about the magical chemical transformations that go into
cake baking, right from the word go - when you start with sifting the dry
ingredients, whipping up the wet ones, folding the batter, tapping the
baking tin for the final time, and baking the cake finally!! Of course, the
wait seems never ending.
Who would want to wait for baked beauties?

You do so for your pure love for cakes. Who doesn't love golden baked

The cake making tradition is centuries old, but today, we hear more about
light, airy cakes, which seems like a recent invention.

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A Slice of Cake History
Cake baking started with the Egyptians, who would bake cakes with egg,
honey, and fat. Bread was then the most popular cake.

Honey was added to differentiate between a bread and a cake - of

course, it added taste as well as richness to the cake.

While in old times, yeast would be used for cake baking, the lighter cake
versions of the previous centuries substituted yeast with bicarbonate of
soda and other chemical raising agents.

The classic sponge cake has 4 key ingredients in equal amounts - flour,
eggs, fat, and sugar.
Any alteration in either of these would weaken the cake structure and
the delicate scaffold of the cake would tumble.

If you take more sugary stuff or fat, the intricate balance created by
the egg and flour would collapse, resulting in a dense cake.

If you like fruit cakes, then you would fall for these dense cakes as well.

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Cake Baking Basics

This cake baking guide takes inspiration from The Science of Cake
The main ingredients in every cake:

• A sweetener, primarily sugar

• Fat, primarily butter - we use oil, cream, malai, ghee as well
• Flour, primarily white flour, but we try to make cakes healthier
these days with whole wheat flour, oatmeal, and healthier grains
• Leaveners-raising agents, particularly baking powder and sodium
bicarbonate - I tried whipping up an eggless cake without raising agents
• Egg - common but not necessary

How to make a cake

• Mix sugar with fat. Do you know sugar and fat are quintessential
to any cake recipe? When you put a fatty product in your mouth, it is
the fat that quickly coats your mouth. Do you know it is the coating
ability of fat that allows it to play the role of "shortener". Now you must
be wondering why fat is important for the cake? Well, just like fat coats
the inner lining of your mouth, it binds the flour, coating its starch and
protein with an oily film. This ensures that there is not much gluten
formation. Now do you understand why do we need fat for a cake or for
that matter cookies? Another takeaway is that fruit purees can work
similar to fat in a cake recipe. I am surprised, just like you. But now you
should stop scratching your mind, because in cake recipes that use fruit

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purees, we need less of fat or oil. Remember, my eggless mango suji
cake? This gives cakes a tender yet short crumbly texture.
• Why is Sugar important? Sugar has many roles to play in a cake,
instead of working as a sweetener alone. Do you know sugar softens the
proteins in the flour, thanks to its tenderizing effect? Additionally, it
also reduces the caramelization of batter, while keeping the cake moist.
What does it mean? Well, lowered caramelization process ensures that
the cake crust browns at a slower pace. It's as simple as that! Just as
sugar is important for a cake recipe, salt is a crucial ingredient too. How?
Well, a pinch of salt is enough to helps strengthen the gluten network.
You know it already that salt is a taste enhancer. When blended with
sugar, you get a yummy, tangy mix!
• Beat the mix using a whisker or hand (if you have super whisking
skills) until the mixture looks fluffy. We are looking to get a consistency
similar to whipped cream.
• Vigorously mix it until the sugar and fat is creamed and you are
sure you have created the required gas bubbles. It is a critically
important step as it is where you guarantee whether you will get melt-in-
the-mouth cake texture, which is attributed to gas bubbles. What do
these bubbles do? Well, nothing except subdividing the batter into
fragile sheets. Isn't it that simple?
• This process is termed as creaming - you cream together the
sugar and fat mix. As a result, you incorporate air in the cake. It is the
rough surfaces of sugar crystals that carry the air bubbles. This is one
reason traditional recipes use smaller crystals of caster sugar. Why?
Well, this is because the smaller the crystals, the more the incorporation
of gas bubbles. What happens thereafter? These gas bubbles are

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enclosed by a film of fat, which results in foam. At this stage, if you do
a taste test, you will know it all about the difference whiping can make to
a butter-sugar mix. It will be much lighter than the unwhipped butter.
Take a taste test!!!
• Sieve the flour- one of the most important steps in cake baking.
When you are trying to learn cake baking basics, you will be taught to
aerate the flours. Sifting is one of the basic steps in cake baking.
Without sifting of flours, you cannot expect to enjoy light, fluffy cakes.
• Then the stage to fold in the flour begins. It is one of the most
important steps in cake baking. Why? Well, because it will decide
whether you will get a beautifully baked loaf or a crunchy crust with a
raw inside. Well, yes, so keep the folding action as simple as you can. Fold
in one direction, that too, gently - just to incorporate the flour into the
wet mix. In doing so, you would want to avoid that the bubbles do not
break. Perhaps you have sweated out creating these bubbles. This action
will also reduce gluten formation. Excessive beating could mean too much
gluten formation, which will give you a heavy, dense cake. You for sure do
not want to eat a bread when you are tempted by your sweet tooth to
indulge in a cake, right? So why spoil the complex structure of the cake
by beating it after the flour is mixed? NEVER EVER BEAT THE
BATTER WHEN THE FLOUR IS ADDED. But hey, gluten is still
important for the cake structure. How? It is the elastic gluten that
holds your cake together. This is what makes cakes different from
cookies. You do not want any gluten in your cookies, isn't it? Of course,
you do not like chewy cookies. As far as cake baking is concerned, the
elastic nature of gluten helps the expansion of batter in the hot oven. At
this stage, gases are incorporate into the baking batter. Gradually, this is
how the process of the batter coagulation into a network begins. This is
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the network that supports the sugar- buttery weight and gives you a
beautiful baked beauty to indulge in.
• Now comes the final stage of baking. Preheating the oven is
quintessential to baking a perfect cake - eggless or with egg. If you do
not preheat, it would amount to wasting all of your baking ingredients
that you plan to put in the oven. Wondering why? Well, because
preheating prepares the oven for baking the cake. If you do not preheat
the oven (which is heating the oven/microwave convection at the same
temperature at which you plan to bake the eggless cake), your oven will
not be ready for cake baking. This means if you put the cake in a cold
oven, you will most likely get a denser, improperly baked cake. So you
know the importance of preheating.
• Baking is associated with expansion of the batter, setting stage,
and browning of the crust. When you put the cake tin in a preheated
oven, there is an increase in the batter temperature. As a result, there is
expansion in the air cell gases, which further results in the expansion of
the gluten. If you are using chemical raising agents, then they will release
carbon dioxide in the cake, which will result in light cakes.
• When the cake batter reaches about 80c, it assumes the shape and
form due to the absorption of water by starch. These starch granules
form a gel. As a result, there is loss of gluten elasticity. This gives your
cake the permanent form and porous structure.
• As you continue to bake, the constant browning of crust continues.
Now that the cake surface has dried, constant baking will produce
flavors during the cake crust browning process. These are the Maillard
reactions taking place in the cake - the process that gives your cake the
enhanced flavor. One point to find whether your cake is done is to check

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the shrinking of the cake from its sides. The cake would leave the tin
sides (making it easier for you to unmold). If your cake is ready, the
crust should come back when pressed. Alternatively, you should first do a
knife test to see if the skewer of knife comes out clean, with nothing
attached to it. If it is still wet, then your cake must go back to the oven
for baking for more time.
• Standing time is crucially important as well. When the knife comes
out clean, you know already that your cake is done. But then you should
allow your cake to sit in the oven for a few minutes. Then remove it from
the oven and allow it cool down for a few minutes - 10-15 minutes. Loosen
the sides a bit. Run a knife underneath your baked beauty and invert it
gently onto a cooling stand to speed up cooling of the cake. Do not be in a
hurry to cut the cake, because you could get a crumbly mix instead. Let it
cool down. Meanwhile, you can prepare a cup of tea or even your favorite
icing. Voila! Your cake is ready. Enjoy your tea time.


Does your cake often sink after baking?
A peep into the oven gave you a thumbs up that your baking beauty is
baking perfectly, rising beautifully under heat. But hey, suddenly your
cake sinks.

What could be the reason?

Well, a lower than required baking temperature could be the main reason
for a sinking cake.
At a low temperature, the batter will set too slowly. As a result, there is
a coagulation of the gas cells, resulting in a coarse, dense texture. This
could make the top surface sink.
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For an excessively hot oven, especially if you set a higher than needed
temperature, the batter would rise like a volcano peak in the middle. It
could also result in the surface of the batter setting even before its
inner layers have expanded fully. As a result, you could get an excessively
browned cake top.

Baking Substitutions
1 egg= 1 tbsp of flax powder +3 tbsp warm water
All-purpose flour= Barley flour+ rice flour
Cream= Hung curd (quickest way to make hung curd)
Butter= Almond butter/ pistachio butter
cream cheese = cottage cheese+ hung curd (check the quickest way to
make hung curd)
Dairy milk=coconut milk/ almond milk (learn how to make coconut milk at
home/ find how to make almond milk at home)
Oil= coconut oil (learn how to make coconut oil at home)
Buttermilk at home
How to make almond milk and almond meal at home
Sugar= jaggery/raw cane sugar for baking recipes/honey for desserts or
maple syrup

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40 Whole Grain Cake Ideas
Baking is a passion for some, but for others, it is a hobby. For me, it is
neither a passion nor a hobby. But the need for baking with whole grains
arose when I realized the benefits of healthy eating. Whole grain bakes
are starting to become popular even though maida/white flour/refined
flour cakes continue to flood the market. Well, to me, food has to begin
with the word "H."

My choice of food and ingredients does not enlist unhealthy items. You all
know me by now and have tried out my healthy recipes. This whole meal
flour cake recipe collection is just an effort to collate all healthy cakes
contributed by homemakers from Healthy Recipes by Homemakers -
Facebook food group - under one thread, so that they are easy to access
by one and all.

A Little Slice of Healthy Recipes by Homemakers History

Health is our top priority and food plays a critical role in our health &
well being. Healthy Recipes by Homemakers, as the name suggests, is all
about healthy food, healthy cooking, healthy eating, and of course,
healthy recipes. The group has been formed in association with and is a part of the Mercury Information
Management Platform. The group is a purely vegetarian group, with no
entry for too oily, deep fried food!

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I am on a mission to spread the word about healthy lifestyle. Since food
is critical to our survival, you can prolong and improve your life by making
healthy food choices.

You become what you eat!

What Goes in comes out!

This is exactly what we profess at Healthy Recipes by Homemakers.

Health on your mind? Then you are invited to be a part of our ever-
growing community!

We are constantly looking for healthy recipe ideas!

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1. Eggless Butterless Strawberry
Muffins by Poonam Bachhav

Could a cake recipe get healthier than this? Poonam is a star performer in my group! Her
recipes, her choice of ingredients, and of course, her eye-popping clicks make her a class
apart. I am in love with her healthylicious recipes. Do give this delicious baked beauty a try!

Serves : 8
Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes

1 cup fresh Strawberry (diced)

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1 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup yogurt
1/4 cup Oil
1/2 cup Sugar (use 1/3 cup if strawberries are sweet)
1 teaspoon Baking powder
1 teaspoon Vanilla essence
1/4 teaspoon Baking soda
Pinch of Salt

Preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius. Line the muffin tray with liners. Add 1 tablespoon of
sugar to the fresh strawberry chunks. Mix well and keep aside. 2. Sift the whole wheat flour,
baking powder , baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Add oats to it.

3. In another bowl take yogurt. Add remaining sugar to it and using a whisker stir it until the
sugar dissolves.

4. Add oil and vanilla essence to it and stir well.

5. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ones and mix well .

6. Lastly add the strawberry chunks and blend with the batter.

7. Spoon batter into the muffin liners about 3/4 full . Bake them in a preheated oven at 180
degree Celsius for 20 minutes or until the tester skewer comes out clean.

8. Allow the muffins to cool down on a wire rack for 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy the
delicious fruity treats with your loved ones !

Though i have used fresh Strawberries in the recipe, the muffins can be made using frozen
Strawberries as well.
Can use Blueberries or Raisins also along with strawberries in this recipe.
The muffins can be refrigerated for 2-3 days in air tight container, provided they last until
then :)

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Poonam blogs at

2. Dates and Banana Walnut Cake By

Mili Jain
Delicious, healthy bites from Mili Jain. Mili is a wonderfully talented girl whose recipes speak
of the amount of hard work she puts in!

2cup whole wheat flour
30-35 deseeded dates
1cup boiling water
4 ripe bananas
1tsp baking soda
1/2tsp baking powder
Some chopped walnuts
1/4cup milk if needed
1cup oil or butter

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1-3/4tbsp cocoa powder
1tsp vanilla essence

First deseeded dates n chopped them and put them in boiling water with baking soda after
few mints grind it into a coarse paste. Sieve all dry ingredients.

Mash bananas add oil mix well n make it smooth.

Now add vanilla essence and dates puree n mix now add dry ingredients in 2-3batches.mix
well and check the consistency if it is dry then add some milk it should be of pouring
consistency .now pour it in a greased baking dish and decorate it with blue berries Choco chip
chopped walnuts and almonds and bake it at 180deg for 45-50mints or until done .

Now cool it on wire rack.... Enjoy with a glass of milk.

3. Whole Wheat Vegan Walnut

Banana Muffins by Anu Lahar
(recipe credit: Poonam Bachhav)
Another talented name in my group is Anu Lahar. I am often amazed at her bakes.

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1 cup whole Wheat flour
2 large over ripe Bananas
1/2 cup Brown Sugar ( Cane Sugar)
1/4 cup refined oil ( i have use soy bean oil)
1/4 cup Walnuts ( roughly chopped)
1 tsp Baking powder
1/4 tsp Baking soda
3/4 tsp Cinnamon powder
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1 tsp Lemon juice
Pinch of Salt

Sieve the whole wheat flour , Cinnamon powder , baking powder , baking soda , and salt
together, twice and keep aside. Also preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes
and line the muffin tray with liners.

2. In a large mixing bowl , mash 2 large over ripe Bananas using a fork.

3. Add 1/2 cup cane sugar (brown sugar) to it and beat well, until the sugar completely
dissolves. To this add the 1/4 cup of oil and blend well.

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4. Add the sifted dry ingredients to this banana mixture and fold delicately, making sure
there are no lumps in the mixture . Do not over beat this batter.

5. At the end, add the vanilla extract , lemon juice and chopped walnuts to the cake batter.
Mix well.

6. Fill in the muffin liners to 3/4 max. Tap the muffin tray gently 2-3 times to remove the
trapped air bubbles.

7. Bake the muffins in a preheated oven at 180 degree Celsius for 25 minutes or until the
tester tooth pick comes out clean. As temperature may vary from oven to oven keep a watch
after 20 minutes. If tooth pick is sticky , bake for another 2-3 minutes.

8. Once done , carefully remove the muffins and allow them to cool on the wire rack. The
above ingredients yield 8 muffins.

9. Enjoy the delicious cup cake with your loved ones and enjoy !!

4. Sesame Jaggery Dry Fruit Eggless

Cake by Sangeeta Sethi
Another talented name in the healthy cooking world, Sangeeta Sethi has innovative ideas to
bake healthy cakes. She bakes instant microwave cakes that inspire many to use their
microwave-only mode to join the cake baking bandwagon.

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Whole wheat flour ..One cup
Curd one cup
Baking powder. .One spoon
Baking soda ..Half a tea spoon
Vanilla essence ..Few drops
Jaggery. Powdered. .One full cup ...
Cocoa powder. .Four tbsp
Dry fruits chopped..
As per Ur choice..
Til.....For garnishing....
Milk ..Optional
For adjusting its consistency.
Oil ..Half a cup..

Take a vessel n pour whole wheat flour. .Add cocoa powder in it.

Take one cup curd. Add powdered jaggery in it. Stir it till it gets dissolved.

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Now mix curd mixture in the flour

Stir it in one direction only...By removing it's lumps..

Add oil

Stir it lightly

Add baking powder n baking soda.

Add vanilla essence

Add dry fruits

Pour the batter in microwave safe container by lightly greasing the container .

Sprinkle sum crushed dry fruit on the batter...

Keep it in the microwave. Full power microwave mode for 5 minutes.

Your cake wud b ready.

U can give half a minute more if Ur tooth pick test doesn't cum out clean..

Pour hot dark chocolate sauce on it. Spread it.

Sprinkle immediately. Til seeds on it.

Enjoy this yummy cake with loads of healthy ingredients.

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5. Eggless Whole Wheat Oats Date
cake by Kaveri Obhan
No cake cookbook is complete without a recipe contribution/idea from the multitalented
baker, Kaveri Obhan. Kaveri’s bakes standout for their awesomeness, richness, and awe-
inspiring clicks.


¾ cup Whole wheat flour

¾ cup instant cooking oats
About 18-20 dates, deseeded and chopped
¼ cup castor sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1.5 cups milk (can also substitute with soy or almond milk)
1 tsp vanilla extract/essence
½ cup oil

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Boil the milk and soak the dates in it for 20-30 minutes. This will make them soft and will
make the cake wonderfully soft.

Preheat an oven to 175 degrees C and grease a size loaf pan with butter or oil and sprinkle
some flour on it.

In a bowl add whole wheat flour, oats, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and mix well.

Add the milk- dates mixture and mix well.

Add oil and vanilla and just mix until combined. Do not overmix. Batter will be thick. Add any
nuts or seeds on top if desired.

Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake it for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick
inserted in the center comes out clean.

Allow the cake to cool completely in the pan and take out after it is cool. If you slice the cake
while it is still warm, it tends to break.

Kaveri blogs at

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6. Semolina Cake by Ravneet K.
The suji cake is flavored with citrusy lemon and uses carrot. The sweet savory nutty cake is
all you need to enjoy everyday on any special day.

2 cups- Suji (semolina)
3/4-1 cup- sugar
3/4 cup- curd
3/4 cup- milk
1/4 cup- water
1/2cup- oil
Ginger- 1 tsp
Carrot- 1
lime juice-1 tsp
1 tsp- Baking powder
1/2 tsp- Baking soda

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salt- 1 pinch
2 pinches of lime zest
Nuts of your choice or tutti fruity

Mix semolina with sugar, oil, curd, and milk.

Keep aside for 2 hours or for 20 minutes minimum.

Next add cardamom, grated ginger and carrot.

Stir in lime juice and lime zest. Or you may add orange juice instead.

Preheat the airfryer to 200 degrees for 10 mts.

Add baking powder to the cake batter.

Mix everything well. We need the batter to have idli batter-like (pouring) consistency.

If the batter looks thick, add water. I added a little amount of it.

Add nuts.

Air fry the batter for 35-40 mts at 200 degrees. It took me 40 mts to bake it perfectly.

I have a Prestige Air fryer. Time depends on the type of your airfryer. Please keep an eye on
your cake after25 mts. I air fryed for 20 mts first. But the cake wasn't done. Then I set it
for 10 mts more. Still it did not have a brownish top, so I kept it for another 10 mts.

Allow the suji cake to rest in the airfryer for 30 mts.

Let it cool down completely before slicing the airfryer cake.

If you wish to bake in microwave or oven, preheat it at 180 degrees for 10 mts. Then bake it
for 35 mts at the same temperature or until done.

Ravneet blogs at

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7. Eggless Christmas Plum Cake by
Poonam Bachhav

Preparation Time: 3 hours

Cooking time: 50 minutes
Serves: A medium size Cake
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 ½ cup Dry fruits (I have used Walnut , Apricot, Golden Raisins, currants , semi dried Plums,
Cashew Nuts, dried Figs , Dates, Tutti frutti , glazed cherries)
½ cup brown sugar
¼ cup oil
¼ cup milk
2 tablespoon sugar( regular white sugar)
1 teaspoon spice mix (grind 2 Cloves, a small piece of Cinnamon stick, small piece of Nutmeg
and dry Ginger to make the spice mix)
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda

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1 teaspoon Orange Zest
½ teaspoon Lime zest
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
1 teaspoon lemon juice


1. Chop all the dry fruits and nuts and keep aside.

2. For the caramel sauce, in a non-stick pan heat brown sugar on a low flame without adding
any water.

3. Keep stirring as the sugar melts and gets dark in color.

4. Put off the flame when a smooth glazy syrup is formed. Pour ½ cup water to the caramel
syrup. The caramel will harden.

5. Now put on the gas and allow the mixture to boil again until the caramel dissolves in the
water. Keep stirring until it gives a dark brown color caramel sauce.

6. Add the chopped nuts to this sauce and cook for 1-2 minutes. Put off the flame and allow
the dry fruits to soak in the caramel sauce for 2-3 hours.

7. Sift the flour with spice mix, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl.Preheat the oven at
180 degree Celsius for 10-12 minutes. Grease the cake pan and line it with parchment paper
at the base.

8. In another bowl take milk, sugar and oil. Mix well.

9. Fold in the dry ingredients with the wet ones with a spatula. Add the dry fruits along with
caramel sauce, vanilla extract, lemon and orange zest.

10. Mix everything very well. At first the batter will be thick and difficult to spoon. Keep
mixing gently until the batter is without any lumps.

11. Spoon the batter in the greased cake pan. Tap the pan twice to remove the trapped air.
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12. Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degree Celsius for 30-35 minutes or until a
tester toothpick comes out clean.

13. Allow the cake to cool down completely. Run a knife through the edges of the cake pan.
Now keep a plate above the cake pan and invert the pan to flip the cake on the plate. Remove
the parchment paper gently.

14. Slice the cake and enjoy it as it is or sprinkle some powdered sugar over it.

If you do not have brown sugar, add regular white sugar. Brown sugar adds to the color.
Do not skip the orange and lemon zest as it give nice fragrant aroma and taste to the cake.
Wait for at least 2-3 hours and preferably 5 hours before you slice the cake as the flavors
deepen as the cake cools.

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8. Amaranth Cake by Satinder
One gorgeous lady who has impressed me with her unique bakes is Satinder Wadhwa. I love
the way she sticks to healthy recipes.

Whole wheat flour 1Cup

Amaranth / rajgira flour 1/2cup
Cocoa powder 1/4 cup
Baking soda 1 teaspoon
Milk 1/2 cup
Melted butter 1/3 cup
Coffee powder 1 tablespoon boiled in 1cup water
Brown or normal sugar 1 cup

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Vinegar 1 tablespoon
Vanilla essence 1teaspoon

Dark chocolate chopped 25 gms
Cream 20 ml
Milk 1 tablespoon


Preheat oven to 180 degree.

Sift dry ingredients

Except sugar 2--3 times.

In another bowl mix all wet ingredients with sugar very well.

Fold dry ingredients into wet ingredients carefully... No lumps should be there.

Pour in a greased tin and bake for about 30 to 40 minutes.

For Ganache

Mix all ingredients of ganache together on low flame.

Stir continuously .

Do not boil.

Cool a little and pour over cake.

Cool and enjoy...

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I have made with half the proportion and not decorated with ganache for health reasons... 😃

9. Strawberry, Blueberry Cupcakes

by Parshotam Kaur
One talented baker who has experimented with numerous healthy ingredients, Parshotam
Kaur deserves a mention in this cookbook for more reasons than one. Her unique baking
recipes are inspired by her healthy habits.

1cup whole wheat flour
2/3 cup sugar pd
1/2cup oil
1/2cup curd
1tsp BP
1/2sp bs,

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1sp vanilla essence
Chopped blueberry N strawberry

Sieve the flour, BP bs twice and keep aside.

Beat, oil, sugar curd nicely, now add dry ingredients

Mix them thoroughly add vanilla essence

Mix it check for consistency.

If needed, add some milk batter should be smooth.

Now in greased cups mould, pour 1sp of batter

Put few pieces of chopped fruit

Cover it with 1sp if batter

Place 1-2 pieces of chopped fruit on the top.

Bake in pre heated oven at 180dg for 30min.

Let it cool and then de mould them.

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10. Eggless Banana Cake by Shalini

3 Ripe bananas
¾ cup Jaggery Powder
½ cup Olive oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1.5 cup wheat flour / atta
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda / sodium bicarbonate
¼ tsp cinnamon powder / dalchini powder
pinch of salt
½ cup walnut / akharot


Take bananas and cut them into pieces and mash it to form a paste like consistency.

Add jaggery, add oil and vanilla extract.

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Also sieve wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon powder and salt.

Blend and combine all the dry ingredients with the banana puree.

And add walnut and settle gently.

Transfer the cake batter into the cake mould or tray.

Pat the tray to remove the air incorporated into the batter.

Place the tray into preheated oven. Bake the cake at 180 degree celsius or 356 degree
fahrenheit for 40 minutes.

Allow the cake to cool completely and later cut to slices and serve.

Finally, serve the eggless banana bread or store in airtight container.

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11. Semolina Almond Cake by Ritu S.
I am unsure if our cookbook would be complete without a recipe from the multitalented Oats
Queen – Ritu S. Mendiratta. She is not too much into baking. But all her bakes have an
outstanding outcome!

1 cup suji/semolina (no need to roast, but if you want to use roasted suji, you can)
3 tbsp whole wheat flour.
1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup yogurt/curd (I used curd)
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
1 tsp powdered green cardamom (elaichi)
A pinch of salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
Chopped almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts (I added almonds)
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Mix semolina, b. powder and baking soda. Add salt.

Mix oil and sugar. Whisk well. It should be fluffy.

Add curd and milk to the wet ingredients.

Mix the dry with wet ingredients.

Add chopped nuts.

Mix well but gently. Grease a baking tin. Pour the batter into the bowl and bake at 175
degrees C for 20-25 minutes. It may take longer, depending on the amount used and oven
type. I made in Microwave convection mode.

Once done, let the cake cool completely and place onto a cooling rack. Enjoy with a hot cup of

You can make it on a stove top by taking a cooker and putting 2 cups of salt/ sand in it. Place
a rack or stand over the sand/salt and then keep the baking bowl above it. Cover the cooker
with its lid, with whistle removed. Bake on a low flame for 15-20 minutes. Keep an eye on it.

Ritu S. Mendiratta blogs at

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12. Apple Cinnamon Cake by Geeta
A sweet talented lady, Geeta Sachdev is an amazing baker and homemaker. Her recipes speak
of her culinary talent.

1. cup cornmeal
1. cup wheat flour
1. cup Sugar
1. grated big apple
1/2. cup refined oil
1/2.cup milk
1..tsp dalchini pwd/cinnamon
1/4 ..tsp.salt
1. tsp.baking powder
1. tsp baking soda

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Sieve thrice both flours vd bp bs salt n cinnamon pwd.

In a pan heat apple n sugar till melt n get thick consistency like sauce.let it cool completely

Add oil in apple sauce n mix nicely Mix slowly dry ingredients in liquid ingredients vd milk n
make a smooth batter of medium consistency it should neither too thick nor too runny

Pour the mixture in greased pan .

Deco vd nuts or cherries per choice

Now place cake tin in pre heated cooker over the cooker's net plate which is placed on thin
layer of salt ..

Remove the gasket n whistle of the cooker lid .then close the cooker with lid

Let the cake cook on high for 5 mins then on slow for 35 to 40 mins

Check with knife or tooth pick after 30 mins .when it comes out clean your cake is ready
.otherwise bake it for another 5to10 mins .

Take it out from the cooker let it cool .transfer it on the plate .cut in to desired pieces ..

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13. Plum cake by Mili Jain
Another beauty from Mili Jain is this eggless Plum cake.

1cup chopped dryfruit like cashew, almonds, raisns (kaju badam kishmish) walnuts dates
pistachios and tutti fruity or whatever you want
1cup apple juice
1-1/2cup wheat flour
1/3cup olive oil
3/4cup brown sugar
1/2tsp baking soda
1tsp lemon zest
1/4cup curd
1/2tsp all spices pd
1/2cup warm water

First soak dry fruits in apple juice in a jar for about 24hrs. Close the lid of the jar.

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Now sieve wheat flour baking soda all spices pd for 2-3times.

Now mix oil brown sugar ND water in a bowl

Whisk it well now add lemon zest curd and mix

Add soaked dry fruits with the juice and mix

Now mix the flour mixture in two three batches

Fold it nicely and pour the mixture in a greased baking dish and sprinkle some dry fruits on
the top of the batter and tap the pan 2-3tyms to remove the air bubbles

Bake in preheated oven at 160deg for 35-40mints or until toothpick inserted comes out clean
..time varies for oven to oven now cool it on wire rack.

Enjoy yummy cake.

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14. Chocolate Molten Lava Cake by
Tejender Saggu Bhengura
A sweet, charming girl, Tejender Saggu Bhengura has outstanding culinary talent. This molten
lava cake tells you all about her culinary skills.


This lava cake is very easy and quick to make dessert with no mess...Taste equivalent like
DOMINO'S Choco lava cake.


Crushed digestive biscuits /marie -1big pack

Chocolate syrup-3 sachets or half bottle
Cup/coffee mug/any mould
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Plastic sheet


To begin with this recipe keep the small portion of the crushed biscuit aside...

Mix the remaining crushed biscuits with chocolate syrup and kneed a soft dough...

Put the plastic sheet inside the cup and fill the sides of the cup with portions of dough by
keeping the centre of the cup hollow...

Make sure the dough exceeds the edges of the mug...

Once the sides are filled, pour chocolate syrup only half of the cup...

Seal the top of the cup with the remaining dough appropriately.....

Afterward, gently pull the plastic sheet by keeping the position of the cup upside down...

Coat it evenly with crushed biscuits...Put it upside down on a plate...cut and serve...

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15. Katori Cake in Air Fryer by Anita
No recipe can go wrong if the poster’s name reads Anita Chahal. With decades of culinary
experience, Anita Chahal is a name to be reckoned with in the culinary world. A mother-like
figure to her thousands of Internet daughters, Anita aunty is a role model for many. For
someone who has seen transformations in the world of cooking, from her teen years to this
age, she has evolved with the changes, accepted the challenges, and met them head on!

Whole wheat flour...............1 cup
Sugar.....................................1 cup

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Baking pd.............................1 tsp
Cocoa pd..............................2 tsp
Tooty fruity.......................1/2cup

Mix dry ingredients

Add wet ingredients

Check consistency

Pour in greased katoris (made four with this material)

Keep in preheated air fryer at 180 for ten minutes

Check with toothpick

Cool, demould and enjoy

My grandsons didn't wait for cooling and had hot and moist.

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16. Eggless Zucchini Muffins by
Parshotam Kaur

1 cup whole wheat flour,
1 /2cup oil,
1 /2cup sugar pd,
1 cup grated zucchini,
1 sp BP,
1/2sp bs,
1sp cinnamon pd,
1 sp vanilla essence,
1 /3sp salt,
1 /4cup curd, (milk if needed)
2tb sp tuty fruity, (optional nuts of your choice)

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Sieve all dry ingredients

Keep aside.

Place the grated zucchini in a sieve over a bowl to drain any excess moisture.

Now in a large bowl, mix oil, sugar pd, curd, vanilla essence, add grated zucchini N mix nicely
now stir dry ingredients into the zucchini mixture- do not over mix.

Dust tuty fruity with flour and add to the mixture if the mixture is thick, add milk to make it

Now pour the batter with a spoon in greased muffin mould.

Bake in pre heated oven at 180dg for 30mins check with toothpick or knife to make sure d
muffins r done let them cool and then demould.

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17. Sfouf- Eggless Lebanese Curcumin
Cake (sugarless/butterless) by
Ravneet K.

1 cup- semolina (suji)

1/2 cup- besan (chickpea flour)
1/2 cup- barley/sorghum/jau (or substitute with whole wheat flour)
3/4 tsp- baking soda or baking powder
1/2 tsp- apple cider vinegar/lime juice/vinegar
1/2 cup- honey or sugar powder (for a vegan cake recipe, add maple syrup or simply powdered
1 heaped tsp- turmeric powder
1/2 tsp- grated ginger
1 tsp- saunf/aniseed/fennel
150 ml- olive oil/plant-based oil (my cake was a little dry but we all loved can add up to
1/2 cup oil)
1 cup-water
Almonds (soaked in hot water/blanched) or nuts of your choice

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How to make eggless Sfouf - the Lebanese curcumin cake eggless recipe

Preheat oven/microwave convection or cooker for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Mix water with aniseed and keep it for boiling. Boil until the water is reduced to almost half.

Add grated ginger to the hot water. Allow it to cool down a bit. We want to use it warm, not
hot. Strain the water and keep aside. You may use the leftover fennel and ginger for making

Combine the flours. Add baking soda.

Sift the flours and baking soda 5-6 times. Learn the cake making basics here to find why
sifting is so important to baking.

Stir in turmeric powder and sift well.

Combine oil and honey. Use a hand whisker or blender for the job.

Make a center in the flour bowl and pour this oil-honey mix for this healthy turmeric cake

Start adding water slowly. Do not make the mistake of pouring all the water in an instant.

We want the batter to be like thick curd, which would fall like a folding ribbon. Add vinegar
or lime juice just before pouring the batter into the baking pan.

If you are making a cooker cake, make sure you place a cooker stand inside it. It's a good
idea to place a sand or salt base if you prefer not to burn your cooker. I have kept a separate
cooker for cakes, so I do not mind burning my cooker bottom. You may call me crazy. But I
try to ensure that my healthy recipes reach out to every single person who spends some time
in the kitchen and loves to bake, irrespective of the fact whether they own a stovetop, oven,
airfryer, or microwave.

Pour the batter into a greased baking dish, dusted with flour and layered with sesame paste
or powder.

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Place an almond on top of the cake batter, ensuring that you get a piece each on every single
Sfouf slice.

Bake for 30 minutes - if you are making a cooker cake, make sure you heat the cake for 5
mins on a high and then lower the flame for the rest of the time.

Allow it a sitting time of 5 minutes and then remove it from the hot oven/cooker/microwave.

Let the Lebanese turmeric cake cool down for a good number of hours before slicing it up. I
baked Sfouf in the night and allowed it to rest overnight so that the flavors of honey are
infused completely into the baked beauty.

You will fall in love with the golden beauty- which is waiting to be devoured right away. Do you
have the patience to wait overnight to indulge in the healthy baked delight? If not, then what
are you waiting for?

Try out the vegan cake with turmeric today, which is both flavorful and healthy and quick to
process. What more do you need to try out a simple cake recipe?

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18. Eggless Cake Without Raising
Agents by Ravneet K.

1/2 cup- barley flour /atta (jau)/sorghum
1/2 cup- rice flour
1/4 cup- milk powder
1 tbsp- flax meal (roasted powdered flax seeds)+ 3 tbsp of warm water or 1 egg
6 tbsp- sugar powder (depending on your taste)- please do not replace with jaggery (I am
unsure how it will react here)
1/2 cup- cream/malai or butter
1/2 cup (2 tbsp less than 1/2 cup)- thick curd
any flavoring agent - I used elaichi powder alone
Soaked raisins and nuts of your choice (I soaked raisins in warm water..this ensures that
they won't burn in the oven)
You may add coconut powder or almond powder for more intense flavor. But I loved the

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eggless sponge cake even without any fruity flavor or artificial essence.
Procedure: How to make eggless cake without raising agent

If you are proud of your muscle power, it's time to show some here. I promise it will work
magic for you in the oven, especially for a loved one who is intolerant to chemical agents,
leveaners, or raising agents.

This eggless no raising agent cake is a perfect gift for someone you love but who is suffering
from histamine sensitivity.

This eggless beauty has amazed me. Even without any flavoring agent, it is bursting with

Preheat oven for 12-15 mts at 170 degrees.

Keep a cake tin greased with oil and dusted with dry atta aside.

Keep flax seed powder soaked in warm water aside. I wanted to use an equivalent of three
eggs, but unfortunately had little more than 1 tbsp of flax powder, so went ahead with it. So
this makes it as a substitute for 1 egg. It means you may try with an egg as well if you do not
have flax seed handy.

Mix malai/cream with sugar. Vigorously whisk until your arms start paining. I kept whisking
with my hand whisker for around 30 minutes. LOL. Yes, this holds the key to inserting air
bubbles in your cake, which make it lighter, soft, and moist.(kind of - I am still learning cake
baking basics). Check this link to learn more. I actually added curd, cream, and sugar powder
together. So my mix initially looked like paneer. Then it left a little water as well, but I kept
whisking until it looked creamy - better than before. So I think it is a good idea to whisk
sugar with cream first until it forms a creamy mix and then add curd and whisk again until it
wears a bubbly creamy look. I leave it to you. It was simply an experiment and I am so happy
with the result.

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When your arms resist any further whisking effort, take a little break. Start sieving all the
flours, including milk powder, 8-10 times - the more the better. This is another crucial step.
Since we are making no raising agent cake, this becomes even more important. Please continue
to sieve as long as you can. You will be aerating the flours that will make them lighter and
ready to go into the wet mix.

Keep raisins and nuts coated with dry flour powder. While sieving, I added these nuts to the
flour, so this ensured that the flour coated them well.

When you are done with sieving, it is time to whisk the wet mix again. Continue with your
whisking marathon. You know this is exactly what your grandmoms and great grandmoms
would do. I have heard that they would whisk the wet mix for almost 2 hours- OMG! I wonder
about their woman power - na muscle power.

Drop in elaichi powder in the wet mix. WHISK AGAIN. Yes, I am making you run a whisking
marathon, but it does help give you soft, airy cakes without any chemical agents. I would
better run these marathons than adding raising agents in my recipes.

Now is the time to fold in the dry ingredients. Well, make a well in the center of dry
ingredients. Start pouring wet mix. Fold the batter in the same direction until just mixed.
PLEASE DO NOT WHISK NOW. YES, NO MORE WHISKING. It is as simple as that. Just
fold. I used my hands for folding the batter.

Pour the batter into the baking pan. Tap it gently 4-5 times. Now it's time for baking the
eggless cake.

Place a rack in the microwave. Keep the baking tin on top of it.

I baked it in my microwave convection mode of 170 degrees for 28 mins. You may bake it in
your oven. I am sure this will be easy to bake in cooker as well.

Allow the cake a 5-min standing time.

Remove from the oven and allow it to cool down before unmolding your baked beauty.

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Trust me, this is one guilt-free cake that you would want to indulge in every time. I am
thinking of the options with this cake. It can work well as a fruit cake. Did I say it tastes
just like a fruit cake? So imagine if we add fruit puree as well? I am thinking. Put your
thinking caps on too!

I am unsure how this eggless cake recipe would come up if you try to double it. I will need to
experiment to confirm that it would work.

19. Multigrain Cake by Parshotam


2tb sp makki flour, (cornmeal flour)
2tb sp rice flour,
2tb sp besan , (chickpea flour)
2tb sp sugar pd
2tb sp oil

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1/2sp BP
1/4sp bs
soya milk, tuty fruity

Sieve all the dry ingredients.

In a bowl mix oil, sugar pd N milk now add dry ingredients

(I tb sp at a time) to d mixture

Mix nicely with a spoon.

Dust tuty fruity with flour and add to the mixture

Now pour the batter into greased muffin mould

Bake in a pre heated oven at 180dg for 25mins when cool , demould them

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20. Eggless Butterless Sugarless Millet
Cake Gluten Free Cake by Ravneet

1 cup- ragi (finger millet) (1 cup= 16 tablespoons)
1/2 cup- besan (chickpea flour)
1/4-1/2 cup- honey (more or less depending on your taste - I have used 1/4 cup+2 tsp honey,
as I like everything less sweet)
1/4 cup +2 tbsp -oil (I had decided to use 1/4 cup initially, then added 2 tbsp more)
3 tsp- cocoa powder
3/4 -1 cup water (to make a free-flowing batter with ribbon-like consistency)
1/2 tsp- baking powder
1/4tsp- baking soda
1 pinch of black salt/salt

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How to bake with millets: Ragi Chocolate Cake

Preheat airfryer at 180 degrees for 5 mins. If you are doing it in oven/microwave, preheat
for 10 mins. For a cooker cake recipe, take a cooker. Place a small bowl inside. You may use a
layer of sand or salt or nothing at all. Keep the lid on without the weight or whistle. Remove
the gasket as well.

Grease a baking pan and dust it with the flour mix.

Dry roast ragi flour. Allow it to cool.

Sift both flours along with cocoa powder, baking soda, and baking powder. Do it for a few
times. It will help aerate the flours better and prepare them for the chocolate cake.

Whisk together oil and honey.

Add water to the honey-oil mix.

Make a well in the dry ingredients and slowly pour the wet ingredients.

Fold the eggless cake batter. I find it easier to do it with hands.

If you feel the batter needs little more water than mentioned, please use it as per your
baking experience.

Pour the cake into the baking dish and tap it 5-7 times for bubbles to escape and let the cake
rise beautifully.

Bake the eggless sugarless chocolate cake with millets for 30-35 mins. Do not bake it for too
long, as the cake might turn dry.

Allow the cake to cool down before unmolding the same..

Enjoy the tea cake with family or friends. I advise not to keep the cake for too long, as it
might get dry, since we are using water and no dairy. You may want to call it a vegan cake, but

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you need to replace honey with another vegan sweetener, which may be maple syrup, sugar, or

21. Turkish Delight..... Basbousa by

Deepti Aggarwal
Deepti is a talented girl from Punjab, with an array of healthy recipes under her belt.

One cup sooji
About 60-65 gm sugar
40 gm desiccated coconut
80gm unsalted melted butter
150gm curd

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One tsp baking powder
One tsp vanilla essence
One tbsp flax powder
Three tbsp water
For sugar syrup..
3/4 cup sugar
One cup water
Few drops of lemon juice
Few drops of rose water
Some unpeeled,dry almonds
Original recipe uses egg. I have replaced it with flax powder n water. Mix both if these
together n keep aside for one or two minutes before using.

Mix all the ingredients of cake together .it should have cake like consistency. Grease a deep
baking dish n pour the batter in it. Refrigerate this for about an hour.

Meanwhile, make sugar syrup by boiling all ingredients of syrup together. Boil for about 6-7
minutes. Let it cool.

Boil almonds in water for one minute only. Remove their peels.

Now take out the baking dish. Cut the batter in squares or diamonds with a knife. Now set
one almond each in every shape cut. Bake this in a pressure heated oven for 20 to 25 minutes
.take it out. Pour the syrup over the baked cake so that it soaks whole of the cake
evenly.Bake it again for 15 minutes. Let it cool. Take out the pieces n enjoy.

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22. Butterless/Oil-Free Cake by
Chetan Padliya

Whole wheat flour – ½ cup
Powdered sugar - ¼ cup
Ripe banana - 1 pc
Apple - 1 pc
Walnuts or dry fruits of your choice - 1 tbsp
Baking powder and baking soda - ½ tsp each
Vinegar - 1 tsp

Mix flour and powdered sugar

Mash banana

Make applesauce with apple.

Mix well meshed banana and applesauce

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Add this mixture in dry mixture.

Blend well

Grease baking tray with oil and preheat oven at 180 degree centigrade.

Add dry fruits, baking soda and baking powder, mix gently.

Transfer into baking cups and bake for about 15-20 minutes at 180 degree preheated oven

Demold after cooling down at room temperature.

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23. Wheat Teatime Cake/ Fruit Cake
by Samira Gupta
Samira Gupta’s posts are highly inspirational. A highly talented baker, Samira Gupta adds zing
to whole grain cakes.

My 1 Cup = 250 ml
1 Cup or 130 gms Whole wheat flour (Atta) (see Note 2 )
1/2 Tsp Baking powder
1/4 Tsp Baking Soda
1/4 Tsp Salt
1/4 cup ( approx ) Dried fruits—-Tutti-frutti, chopped nuts
3/4 cup or 200 gms Condensed milk
1/4 cup Oil ( see Note 3 )
1/2 Tsp Vanilla extract
1/4 cup +2 Tbsp Aerated Soda water (Carbonated water)

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1. Take a 8″ by 4″ rectangular cake tin. Brush it with oil and dust with flour. Or simply line it
with parchment paper. Keep it aside.

2. Preheat oven to 180º C for 15 minutes.

3. Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt at least 3 times, for better
aeration, which in turn will make the cake light.

4. Keep aside 1 tsp dried fruits for topping and mix the remaining in this mix so that they are
properly coated with flour. ( See Note 4 ).

5. In a bowl, take condensed milk, oil and vanilla extract and mix thoroughly, for approx. 1

6. To this, add the dry mix of flour and nuts in 2 or 3 batches.

7. Adjust consistency using aerated soda water. ( See Note 5 )

8. Pour this cake mix into the prepared cake tin.

9. Sprinkle crushed nuts on the top. This step is optional

10. Tap the tin, 2-3 times. This is done to release air bubbles in the cake batter if any.

11. Bake at 180 degrees centigrade for 35-40 minutes. (see Note 6 )

12. The cake is ready when a toothpick inserted in its centre comes out clean.

13. After taking out of the oven, wait for 2-3 minutes and then loosen the sides with a butter

14. Now invert the cake tin on a wire rack and tap to remove. ( See Note 7 )

15. Once cooled, cut it into slices and serve with tea/ coffee/ smoothies.

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16. Can keep this at room temperature for 2-3 days, depending on the weather. If kept in the
refrigerator, even lasts for about a week.

1 tsp = 5 ml 1 Tbsp = 15 ml
1.Please use standard measuring cups and spoons only. Never ever use cups lying in your
kitchen for tea/ coffee, as they are of varied sizes.
2.Can make this cake with all purpose flour(maida) also. Can even use half of each flour, that
is, 1/2 cup wheat flour and 1/2 cup all purpose flour. In case you make it with all purpose
flour, adjust the quantity of aerated soda water, requires less quantity.
3.You can use any oil, be it refined, olive, canola or any other. Avoid coconut oil as it has very
strong flavour. I used canola oil here. Have used refined oil too in the past many times.
4.Mix dried fruits in the dry flour only, to ensure their even distribution in the cake. If
added to the batter they tend to sink down and will be only in one part of the cake.
5.Add soda water in the last, when your oven is ready. Immediately after adding soda water,
pour it into the baking tin and straight into the oven.
6.Baking time may vary from oven to oven, so keep a check 25 minutes onwards.
7.Always invert cake on a wire rack otherwise it will turn soggy from the bottom.
8,Can increase or decrease the quantity of dried fruits. In the case of non-availability of
tutti frutti, you can this make only with nuts also like almonds, cashews, walnuts, raisins,
dates etc. But I prefer tutti frutti as it makes the cake colourful also.
9.Salt is added to enhance the flavour of the sugar, so go ahead.
10.No sugar is required as we are using condensed milk.
11. In case, the top gets cooked fast, whereas bottom part needs more cooking, then cover
the top part with aluminium foil.
12. You can also bake this cake in disposable baking pans. In that case, no need to grease it or
line with parchment paper. Simply pour the batter and bake.

Samira Gupta blogs at

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24. Whole Wheat Orange Cake by
Satinder Wadhwa

Whole wheat flour 1 cup
Orange juice 1 cup
Baking powder and baking soda 1/2teaspoon each
Sugar powdered 1/2 cup
Oil 1/4 cup
Pinch of salt
Custard powder 1tablespoon
Orange zest or essence 1/2teaspoon


Sieve whole wheat flour, custard powder, salt, baking soda and powder 3to 4 times.

Blend oil and sugar well in a blender.

Blend orange juice too in it.

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Remove and slowly mix in sieved dry ingredients into it. Mix well and no lumps should be in it.

Add essence to it.

Bake in a well greased and floured cake tin . Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30to 35
minutes till done.

Cool and demould

Slice and serve...

A super moist soft cake...

25. Eggless Butterless Orange Muffins

by Poonam Bachhav

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking time : 25 minutes
Serves: 8 Muffins

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Measurements used - 1 cup =200 ml

1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 cup orange pulp (extracted using 2 Kinnows)

1/2 cup powdered jaggery

1/2 cup curd

1/4 cup refined oil

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon orange zest

Pinch of Salt


Preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius or 350 degree Fahrenheit for 10-12 minutes. Grease
the individual muffin holders or line them with paper cups.

2. In a bowl sieve the whole wheat flour along with baking soda, baking powder and salt twice.
Add orange zest to it and set aside.

3. You can use store bought orange pulp if you wish to. I have used fresh oranges. To extract
the pulp, cut 2 oranges in roundels , peel and cut the segments into small chunks. While doing
do remove the seeds. Put the orange chunks into a grinder and get the puree. Do not strain
the puree.

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4. In a large mixing bowl, take this orange puree and add powdered or grated jaggery to it
and stir well with a wire whisk until the jaggery dissolves completely in the puree.

5. To this add curd followed by oil and stir well. Lastly add vanilla essence and give a quick
stir. Our wet ingredients are ready.

6. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ones and blend with a spatula. Do not over
beat. Just fold in to get an even and lump free batter.

7. Spoon the batter into individual muffin holder until 3/4 full. Tap the muffin tray and
transfer it to a preheated oven.

8. Bake the muffins at 180 degree Celsius / 350 degree Fahrenheit for 22 -25 minutes or
until the tester tooth pick comes out clean. Keep a watch after 20 minutes as temperature
may vary from oven to oven. I have baked the muffins in a microwave with convection mode.

9. Let the muffins cool down on a wire rack. Serve and enjoy them as it is or with a cup of tea
or coffee.

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26. Eggless Butterless Chocolate
Beetroot Cake by Anita Chahal –
recipe credit: Poonam Bachhav


1 cup whole wheat flour

3 tbsp unsweetened coco powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp baking powder

pinch of salt

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1 cup curd

1/4 cup oil (i have used olive oil)

1 cup grated beetroot

3/4 cup brown sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes. Line the cake pan with a parchment
paper at the bottom and grease the sides with butter. Sift the whole wheat flour, coco
powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt twice in a bowl and keep aside. Our dry
ingredients are ready.

2. In another bowl take 1 cup curd and add brown sugar to it. Mix well until the sugar
dissolves completely. Also peel , wash and grate the beetroots and keep ready.

3. Add 1/4 cup oil to the curd and sugar mixture and blend well with a beater.

4. Mix the wet ingredients with the dry ones and fold gently. At the end add the grated
beetroot and vanilla extract to the cake batter and mix well. Do not over beat.

5. Pour the batter to a greased cake pan . Tap the pan gently to release the trapped air.
Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degree Celsius for about 25 minutes. Keep a watch
after 20 minutes, as temperature may vary from oven to oven.

6. Insert a toothpick in the center of the cake to check for doneness. if the toothpick is
sticky, bake the cake for another 3-5 minutes. Let the cake cool down at room temperature.
Flip it and remove the parchment paper.

7. You may sift some castor sugar over the cake as i did or just have it plane. Enjoy the
delicious and moist Beetroot and Chocolate cake as a healthy tea time snacks with your loved
ones !!

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27. Egg-less Butterless Strawberry
Muffins by Poonam Bachhav


1 cup fresh Strawberry (diced)

1 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup yogurt

Serves : 8 1/4 cup Oil

Preparation Time : 10 minutes 1/2 cup Sugar (use 1/3 cup if strawberries
are sweet)
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
1 teaspoon Baking powder

1 teaspoon Vanilla essence

1/4 teaspoon Baking soda

Pinch of Salt


Preheat the oven at 180 degree Celsius. Line the muffin tray with liners. Add 1 tablespoon of
sugar to the fresh strawberry chunks. Mix well and keep aside. 2. Sift the whole wheat flour,
baking powder , baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Add oats to it.

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3. In another bowl take yogurt. Add remaining sugar to it and using a whisker stir it until the
sugar dissolves.

4. Add oil and vanilla essence to it and stir well.

5. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ones and mix well .

6. Lastly add the strawberry chunks and blend with the batter.

7. Spoon batter into the muffin liners about 3/4 full . Bake them in a preheated oven at 180
degree Celsius for 20 minutes or until the tester skewer comes out clean.

8. Allow the muffins to cool down on a wire rack for 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy the
delicious fruity treats with your loved ones !


Though i have used fresh Strawberries in the recipe, the muffins can be made using frozen
Strawberries as well.

Can use Blueberries or Raisins also along with strawberries in this recipe.

The muffins can be refrigerated for 2-3 days in air tight container, provided they last until
then :)

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28. Leftover Vermicelli(Seviyaan)
Kheer's Eggless Cake by Tejender
Saggu Bhengura
This cake you can eat as it is....or it can be eaten in combination with warm vanilla custard on cake Cum custard cake pudding..


Leftover Seviyaan kheer-1 small bowl

Whole wheat flour-1 small bowl

Butter/ghee-3 tbsp

Castor sugar-1small bowl

Milk-2 cups or little more

Baking soda-1/2 tsp

Baking powder -1 tbsp

Vennila essence -3-4 drops

Dessicated cocunut-3 tbsp

Chopped dry fruits

Yoghurt -3 tbsp


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To begin with this recipe smoothly blend the Leftover Seviyaan adding some milk if
required and keep it aside...

Now sieve the wheat flour baking soda and baking powder all together and keep it aside..

Now take a bowl and blend Castor sugar in addition with butter till smooth and fluffy...

Gradually add the wheat flour mix into it in addition with Dessicated cocunut and chopped
dry fruits ...

Add sufficient milk if required to make the smooth batter...

Now greese the microwave safe dish and pour this batter into it..

Bake it for 10 minutes....or little more..Thank you...

29. Rice Flour Muffins by Parshotam



1 cup rice flour,

1/2cup oil,

3/4cup sugar pd,

1/2cup curd,

1sp BP,

1 sp b soda,

1/2sp vanilla essence,

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1/2 cinnamon pd (optional),

2tb sp tuty fruity,

milk as required.


Sieve all the dry ingredients and keep aside.

Now mix sugar and oil

Add curd, vanilla essence and beat gently,

Add dry ingredients and mix nicely if the batter is thick or tight, add milk to make it creamy
or smooth.

Coat tuty fruity with flour and add to the batter.

Grease muffin moulds and pour the batter in them.

Bake in preheated oven/micro (convection mode) for 15min at, 180dg when cool, demould and
enjoy with tea.

30. Whole Wheat Eggless Apple Cake

by Parshotam Kaur

1 cup whole wheat flour,

3/4cup sugar,

1 sp BP,

1 sp b soda,

1 /4cup refined oil,

1/2sp vanilla essence,

1/2sp cinnamon pd, a pinch of salt,

milk as required,

1 apple (peeled and grated),

2sp coco powder (optional)


Sieve all the dry ingredients 2 - 3 times,

Take a pan add grated apple and sugar and make syrup on low flames,

Add oil switch off the gas let it cool.

Now add dry ingredients in the syrup in small batches and mix gently add vanilla essence, if
required add milk

Add chopped almonds (optional) batter should be smooth.

Now pour the batter in a greased tin.

Bake in a preheated oven/micro (convection mode) for 30to35 minutes at 180dg.

Now check the cake if done let it cool and then demould it and cut into pieces.

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31. Cornmeal Oats Semolina Cake by
Ritu S. Mendiratta

1/2 cup each of oatmeal, cornmeal,

semolina and almond meal

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp b. soda

1 tsp b. powder

1.25 cup milk

Oil 1 tbsp

Strawberries fresh 4_5


Churn milk, sugar oil and strawberries in a grinder.

Mix dry ingredients well.

Mix milk mixture with dry ingredients slowly.

Grease baking pan. Sprinkle wheat flour and tap n remove extra.

Pour this batter and bake in oven for 25 mins at 180° ( it was preheated for 10 mins)

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32. Banana Choco chips Oats Cake
With Whole Wheat Flour by Mili
Grounded Oats - 1cup

Banana - 2 large fully riped

Oil - 100 gms

Cane Sugar - ½ cup

Curd - 1/4cup

Baking Powder -1 tsp

Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp

Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp
Whole Wheat Flour - 2cup
Milk -1/2cup


Mash the banana and sugar in a mixing bowl. Add the curd and whisk nicely without any lumps.
Add oil and mix well or blend it with blender. Add the vanilla essence, milk and mix well.

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Sieve the flour, baking powder and baking soda. Add the oats and mix well. Add them to the
wet ingredients. Mix gently to make a smooth batter.

Preheat the oven to 180° C for 10 mins

Grease the cake pan with butter. Pour the batter into it. Sprinkle Choco chips on the top and
bake the cake for 45-50 mins. Or a tooth pick inserted should come out clean.

Remove from the oven, let it cool dowm completely, invert, cut and serve.

33. Banana Almond Muffin Crumble

Bread Whole Wheat ‘n Eggless
(Recipe credit: Sonal Gupta)
Whole wheat flour : 2 cups

Baking soda : 1 1/2 tsp

Salt : 1/2 tsp

Bananas over ripe : 4, almost 1&1/2 to 2

cups mushed

Sugar : 1 cup

Unsalted Butter, melted and cooled : 6


Yogurt, whipped : 1/2 cup ( you may use 2

eggs instead)
Ingredients :
Vanilla extract : 1 tsp

Almonds : 3/4 cup, coarsely crushed or chopped in food processor

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Crumble Top :

Whole wheat flour : 2 tbsp

Butter, unsalted : 2 tbsp

Sugar : 2 tbsp

Almonds : 2 tbsp, crushed coarsely

Method :

1. Preheat oven to 350*F / 180*C and line the loaf pan with parchment paper.

2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt; set aside.

3. Mash the bananas with a fork in another bowl. With an electric mixer fitted with a wire
whisk, whip the bananas and sugar together for a good 3 minutes. We want a light and fluffy
banana cream.

4. Add the melted butter, yogurt and vanilla. Beat well and scrape down the sides of the bowl.
Mix in the dry ingredients just until incorporated, no need to overly blend. Fold in the nuts
with a spatula.

5. In a small bowl, mix the ingredients of the crumble and mix with hand. It would be bread
crumb consistency.

6. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Give the pan a good rap on the counter to get
any air bubbles out. Sprinkle the crumble mixture evenly on top of the bread.

7. Bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the
center of the loaf comes out clean. Don’t get nervous if the banana bread develops a crack
down the center of the loaf; that’s no mistake, it’s typical. Rotate the pan periodically to
ensure even browning.

8. Cool the bread in the pan for 10 minutes or so, and then turn out onto a wire rack to cool
completely before slicing.
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Enjoy it warm or at room temperature.

34. Eggless Wheat Sponge Cake by

Sonam Agarwal

1cup wheat flour

1/2 cup each sugar,ghee

(clarifiedbutter),milk powder, milk

1 tsp vanilla essence

1/8 tsp soda

1/4 tsp baking powder


Heat cooker with a stand and salt base.

Mix all ingredients one by one and blend with blender or mixer if required add milk to
prepare a lump-free batter.

Grease cake mould with ghee

Sprinkle flour and pour batter

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Bake for 20 to 30 minutes.

Note: Remove whistle and gasket when baking.

Storing Note : As it reaches the room temperature, wrap in either foil, plastic wrap and
store in the refrigerator in a box or brown paper bag. This will avoid the drying out. It is
good outside for one day.

35. Coffee Almond Cup Cake Floating

in Custard Sauce by Ritu S.

Milk – 5 tbsp

Oil – 2 tbsp

Coffee powder – 2 tsp

Powdered Sugar – 4 tbsp

Whole Wheat flour )– 4 tbsp Baking powder – 1/4 tsp

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Baking Soda – 1/8 tsp Almond grind coarsely or finely chopped – 1


In a bowl add milk and oil. Mix well. To this add coffee powder, powdered sugar, flour, baking
powder and baking soda.

Mix well so that there are no lumps. Finally add chopped almonds and mix well. Reserve some
to garnish.

Sprinkle some chopped almonds in greased microwave cup n Pour batter over it till half.

Microwave for 2 mins or until an inserted tooth pick comes out clean.

Thats it!! Cake is ready

Meanwhile make a thick custard n keep it in fridge to cool.

To serve

In serving bowl add custard. Place cake upside down n sprinkle sum almonds on custard too.

I have used 2 tsp of coffee powder. If u feel it is too strong u can reduce it.
U can add/reduce powdered sugar according to your taste buds. It was medium sweet with
the above measurements.
I have used saffola oil. U can use canola, vegetable oil or melted butter.
This Coffee almond Mug Cake took 2 mins in my microwave (900 watts). Timings may vary
based on the power of your microwave.
Do not over-bake the cake. Else it will become hard and rubbery.
This cake will rise while baking, but will not overflow.

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36. Oats Peanut Pumpkin Cake by
Sarada Shreya

2 tbsp sooji,
2 tbsp roasted oats pwdr,
1/2tsp dalchini/ cinnamon powder, nutmeg pwdr
1 tbsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
1/4 tbsp bakng soda soda,

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Sift baking soda and flour.

Heat a pan, add 2 tbsp ghee or clarified butter.

Stir in grated pumpkin and keep heating it for 3 se 4 min.

Add 1/2cup jiggery and let it melt.

Turn off the flame immediately,

Stir the pumpkin mixture in the flour mix.

Add 1 cup milk to reach desired batter consistency.

Add 25 GM crushed PEANUT

Mix in vanilla essence

Heat a nonstick pan.

Grease it with ghee.

Spread the batter. Sprinkle little amount of flour too on all sides.

Bake on low flame for 15-20 min or little longer until done.

Enjoy healthy yummy cake.

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37. Irresistible Banana Cake by Uma
Srinivas (Vegan)
If you are looking for vegan options, you cannot ignore Uma Srinivas’ posts. Healthy,
yummylicious, and simply iresisitible are Uma’s vegan creations.

2 large overripe bananas
1/3 cup apple sauce
¼ cup coconut milk
¾ cup sugar
1 ½ cup Whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder

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Pinch of salt
1 tsp Vanilla extract or essence

Preheat oven to 355 F

Grease two 6” pans (2 ½” deep)

In a medium size bowl, mash the bananas with a fork and add all the wet ingredients
bowl along with sugar.

In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients to get an even mixture.

Now mix the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients and whisk until you get an even

Pour the batter onto the pan(s).

Bake for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Serve with chocolate syrup or a simple sugar glaze.

(Uma blogs at

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38. Chocolate Cake by Neelam Avasthi
One name that we cannot miss out on in the culinary world is Neelam Avasthi. Neelam
has all the recipes under her belt – from bakes to savories, from authentic Rajasthani
course meals to snacks, and what not!

Whole wheat flour-1 bowl
Powdered sugar-1 bowl or less
Cocoa powder-3 tbsp
Baking soda -1/2 tbsp
Baking powder-1 tbsp
Ghee/clarified butter-4 tbsp
Milk at room temperature-1 bowl

First preheat the oven to 200 degree for ten minute.

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Sieve all the dry ingredients three times to mix evenly, add ghee, mix lightly, add
milk slowly n prepare the batter with very light hands.

Grease the container, pour the batter into it n put it in the oven.

It was first experience in baking the cake. So precautionary, first I baked on 200
degree for ten minutes, then another ten minutes on 170 degree n then for ten
minutes on 150.

Take it out n let it cool completely on the wire rack n it's ready. 😃😃😃
In my family, nobody likes this cake as it is 😃😃😃 so I top up it with vanilla ICECREAM,
chocolate syrup n choco chips n they all just love it this way

39. Small Chocolatty Cake by

Bishakha Kumari Saxena

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2 cups oats flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp soda
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 tsp chocolate Powder
1 tsp cherry
7"-8" round greased microwave baking mould

Mix the flour, baking powder and soda and sieve it twice. Mix butter, chocolate and
sugar. Then in butter add flour and beat the batter smooth. Transfer onto the baking

Bake in microwave for 3 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes then turn cake out of the

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Divya Suresh

Ingredients :
Bourbon biscuit – 1 big packet
Parle – G – 1 regular packet
Milk – 1&1/2 cup
Powdered sugar – 2 tsp ( I used Sugarfree )
Baking Powder – 1 tsp
Chocolate – Cadbury dairy milk – silk
Chocolate sauce – 2 to 3 tbsp
Half cup – walnut
Half cup – Almond
Fresh fruits – 1 Apple & few Grapes

Powder together both the biscuits , silk chocolate, baking powder and transfer into a

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Add sugar, walnut, 1/4 cup of almond and milk… and combine everything in cut and
fold method

Transfer the batter into a greased microwavable dish

Microwave for 5 to 7 minutes ( it took 7 seven minutes in the microwave at home )

Take out… pour the chocolate sauce and sprinkle remaining almonds

Garnish with fresh fruits and serve

Divya blogs at

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The contents in this cookbook are the intellectual property of the Mercury
Information Management Platform (MIMP) and the credit rests with the recipe
contributors. MIMP has the copyright over the publication with due credit to the
contributors. Nobody can reproduce or copy it in any form. Copying or replicating the
contents is subject to copyright violation.


The recipes have been produced as posted by the authors. We have not personally
tried and tested any of the recipe!

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