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GENITIVE CASE – Caso Genitivo o Posesivo

Este recurso gramatical es de gran utilidad dentro del idioma inglés dado que trata de una manera abreviada de expresar
posesión, es decir, indicar “a quien le pertenece algo”. Se constituye de acuerdo a la siguiente estructura:
Poseedor + ‘S + Objeto o Persona Ejemplo: Sally’s toys / Carlos’ friend

Exercises: Rewrite the sentences using Genitive Case.

Example: The house of my sister is big = __My sister’s house is big__.

a. The skirts of the women are white: The women’s skirts are white
b. The tail of the horse is not short: the horse's The tail of is not short
c. The offices of the doctors are beautiful: The doctors’ offices are beautiful
d. The books of the students are new: The students’ books are new
e. The toys of the babies are funny: the babies' toys are funny
f. The hat of Mrs. Sally is red: The Mrs. Sally´s hat is red
g. The dress of my sister is old: my sister's dress is old
h. The leg of the chair is broken: The leg of the chair is broken

Complete the sentences using Genitive Case

1. Marge´s

2. Homer and Marge

3. Lisa’s

4. Marge and Patty's

5. Abraham and

6. Marge, Patty and


7. Bart, Lisa, Maggie

and Ling

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