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Sandkings /110 Student:

by George R. R. Martin Marked


1. What is the name of the planet on which the story takes place?
a) Celia's World
b) Earth
c) Baldur
d) Cotho

2. What is Kress looking for in a pet?

a) violent entertainment
b) cuteness
c) profitability
d) companionship

3. Vocabulary from page one: write the letter of the correct definition next to
each word. _____/4 [1/2 mark each]

E belfry A miscellaneous objects and ornaments of little value

D carrion B situated, or kept in a particular place
H vexed C a large retail store selling a wide variety of goods
B reposed D the decaying flesh of dead animals
A bric-a-brac E the part of a bell tower or steeple in which bells are housed
F euphoria F a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness
C emporium G relating to, resembling, or affecting apes or monkeys
G simian H annoyed, frustrated, or worried


4. Why is Kress initially unimpressed by

the Sandkings?

a) He thinks they are too cute

b) He thinks they are insects
c) He thinks they are too expensive
d) He thinks they are too ugly

5. How many organisms are in the tank

that Jala Wo shows to Kress?

a) Three
b) Four
c) Four hundred
d) Four thousand
6. Each of the following is a claim that Jala Wo makes
about the Sandkings, except one. Which one is it?

a) They share hiveminds

b) They are capable of worship
c) They wage war
d) The mobiles can eat anything

7. Each of the following is true of Jala Wo’s assistants,

except one. Which one is it?

a) They are bipeds

b) They have four arms
c) They speak English
d) They have bulging eyes

8. What did they use to house the Sandkings?

a) a piranha tank
b) a carrion hawk cage
c) a shambler tank
d) a mimic tank

9. Vocabulary from page two: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/4 [1/2 mark each]

B portico A nearness in space, time, or relationship

E rudimentary B a roof supported by columns, typically attached as a porch to a building
H denizen C the practical use of psychic powers or paranormal phenomena
C psionic D an individual in which reproductive organs of both sexes are present
A proximity E an immature, undeveloped, or basic form
F misnomer F a wrong or inaccurate name or designation
D hermaphroditic G something that extends beyond or above a surface
G protrusion H an inhabitant or occupant of a particular place


10. Why did Kress stop feeding his sandkings?

a) To make them start fighting
b) To make them start worshipping him
c) He ran out of appropriate food
d) The sandkings were getting too big

11. What colour was the first sandking Kress spotted in his tank?
a) Red b) White c) Black d) Orange
12. Which sandkings are late?

a) Red b) White c) Black d) Orange

13. Which sandkings are the first to kill?

a) Red b) White c) Black d) Orange
14. What did the carving of Kress’s face made by the white sandkings look like?
a) wise and beneficent
b) crude and cartoonish
c) it had an impish grin, wide mouth, full cheeks
d) young and mischievous

15. Vocabulary from page three: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/5 [1/2 mark each]

cryonic A mark with spots or smears of color

mottled B having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time
tendrils C stimulate
maimed D low-temperature preservation
dormant E in generous or extravagant quantities
maw F a hard, dark, glasslike volcanic rock
lavishly G a big open mouth
pique H a slender threadlike appendage
obsidian I wounded so that part of the body is permanently damaged.
slate J a fine-grained metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat pieces


16. Each of the following is a category of people Kress

invited to his party, except one. Which one is it?
a) family members
b) business and social rivals
c) former lovers
d) close friends

17. Who does not go to social functions?

a) Jala Wo
b) Shade
c) Cath m'Lane
d) Jad Rakkis

18. Who left Kress’s party in disgust?

a) Jala Wo
b) Malada Blane
c) Cath m'Lane
d) Jad Rakkis

19. Who suggested a betting pool the next time they got
together to watch a war?
a) Jala Wo
b) Malada Blane
c) Cath m'Lane
d) Jad Rakkis

20. Why did Jala Wo warn Simon Kress to “Look to your faces.”?
a) because he has been starving his sandkings
b) because he’s been forcing them to wage war
c) because on the carving of his face, his smile was somehow twisted
so that it seemed a touch malicious
d) all of the above

21. Vocabulary from page four: write the letter of the correct
definition next to each word. _____/5 [1/2 mark each]

discomfited A make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed

dudgeon B in a way that follows customs or usual practices
sumptuous C being inclined to accept and act on the suggestions of others
sentimentality D a change or distinction so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe
customarily E characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm
subtle F a feeling of offense or deep resentment
degrading G the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable
resignation H splendid and expensive-looking
malicious I excessive tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia
suggestibility J causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating


22. Which sandkings dwindled visibly until Kress began to

wonder if their maw was dead?

a) Red b) White c) Black d) Orange

23. Each of the following is something that happened when

Simon had tried to research the sandkings, except one. Which
one is it?
a) he tried tying in to the library to find out about them, but
there was no listing for them
b) he thought about getting in touch with Wo and asking her
about it
c) the matter kept slipping his mind
d) he found out which planet the sandkings came from

24. Who brought a sand spider to fight the sandkings?

a) Idi Noreddian b) Malada Blane c) Simon Kress d) Jad


25. Who assumed that the sand spider had won?

a) Idi Noreddian b) Malada Blane c) Simon Kress d) Jad


26. Vocabulary from page five: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/4 [1/2 mark each]

idle A a person's face or facial expression

combatant B the crushing organ in an arthropod's mouthparts
countenance C a guarded line preventing anyone from leaving an area infected by a disease
impassive D make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement
mandibles E one engaged in fighting during a war
cordon sanitaire F without purpose or effect
novelty G the quality of being new, original, or unusual
lurch H not feeling or showing emotion

27. Who reported Simon and his sandkings to the authorities?

a) Cath m'Lane
b) t'Etherane the Petseller
c) Idi Noreddian
d) all of the above

28. Who did Simon call to bring over their holo equipment?
a) Cath m'Lane
b) t'Etherane the Petseller
c) Idi Noreddian
d) all of the above

29. Each of the following is something that happened when

Simon was visited by the authorities, except one. Which one is it?
a) Kress threatened to feed his visitor to his sandkings
b) he was told his tank would be confiscated and destroyed
c) Kress offered her a hundred standards to forget all about him
and his sandkings
d) the visitor accepted 2000 standards to forget all about him and
his sandkings

30. Whose castle was left in ruins by the puppy?

a) the reds’ b) the whites’ c) the blacks’ d) the oranges’

31. Whose castle did Simon Kress destroy?
a) the reds’ b) the whites’ c) the blacks’ d) the oranges’
32. Vocabulary from page six: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/4 [1/2 mark each]

obliterate A take or seize (someone's property) with authority

caricature B a defensive wall of a castle or walled city, having a broad top with a walkway
promissory C conveying or implying a promise
confiscate D a picture of a person in which certain characteristics are exaggerated for grotesque effect
leer E having or showing a wish to do evil to others
malevolent F showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
ramparts G look or gaze in an unpleasant, malicious, or lascivious way
insolent H destroy utterly

33. What did Kress do when a Sandking escaped?

a) he ground it beneath his heel
b) he boiled his clothing
c) he decided that the cover of the tank would
remain sealed permanently
d) all of the above

34. When Cath m'Lane said “I cried all night, damn you”, what was she referring
a) she was still upset about the end of their relationship
b) Kress sent her a holo video of the sandkings killing a puppy
c) she found out that he bribed the officer that visited him
d) all of the above

35. Each of the following is true of the events surrounding Cath m'Lane’s visit, except one. Which one is it?
a) Cath m'Lane finally smashed through the tank with her third strike
b) Kress killed her with a sledgehammer
c) the sandkings escaped the tank
d) Kress decided he had to kill all four maws

36. Vocabulary from page seven: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/4 [1/2 mark each]

feeble A lacking physical strength

revulsion B in a way that lacks confidence; hesitantly
ineffectually C make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body
composure D the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself
throttle E having no effect or an inadequate effect
transfixed F a sense of disgust and loathing
tentatively G cause (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment
writhing H attack or kill (someone) by choking or strangling them


37. Each of the following is true of Cath m'Lane’s skimmer, except one. Which
one is it?
a) Kress connected it to his own skimmer using a magnalock
b) Kress dragged Cath m'Lane’s body into it
c) Kress disposed of it by releasing it into an active volcano
d) The crystal chip with Idi Noreddian's holo of the sandking fight was on the front

38. Where did Kress find the orange sandkings?

a) in the cellar
b) in his rock garden
c) he bottom of his long-disused swimming pool
d) none of the above

39. Which of the following is true of Cath m'Lane's corpse?
a) Kress chopped it up with a cleaver
b) initially Kress couldn’t find it
c) the sandkings dragged it into the cellar
d) all of the above

40. Why did Kress believe that the red and black maws should be dead by evening?
a) because the red and black mobiles were carrying poison pellets back to their castles
b) because he sprayed them with pesticide
c) because their castles were shrunken and distorted
d) all of the above

41. Vocabulary from page eight: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/5 [1/2 mark each]

methodically A have an angry or sullen look on one's face; scowl

cursory B find (something) out for certain; make sure of
incriminating C a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream
glowering D make (something) ready for use or action
primed E an unintentional failure to notice or do something
sated F in an orderly or systematic manner
reverie G make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing
indignant H feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment
oversight I satisfy (a desire or an appetite) to the full
ascertain J hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed


42. Why did Kress shove Idi Noreddian down

the stairs to the cellar?
a) he felt she knew too much about Cath
b) he wanted her dead
c) he hoped the white sandkings would kill her
d) all of the above

43. A sensorium is most like:

a) Facebook
b) Netflix
c) Twitter
d) Snapchat
44. Which sandkings formed an alliance to attack Kress?
a) reds and blacks b) whites and blacks c) reds and whites d) whites and orange

45. Vocabulary from page nine: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/3 [1/2 mark each]
palate A a body of troops or police officers, standing or moving in close formation
implication B the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated
phalanx C a thing that envelops or obscures something
faze D incapable of producing any useful result; pointless
futile E a person's appreciation of taste and flavor
shroud F disturb or disconcert (someone)


46. Who did Kress call for help with his sandkings problem?

a) Lissandra b) Jala Wo c) the police d) Jad Rakiss

47. Each of the following is true of the death of the first

flamethrower operative, except one. Which one is it?
a) the black sand kings dug traps and were hidden in the sand
b) he sunk to his waist in the sand
c) the red sandkings overwhelmed him
d) another operative killed him using a flamethrower

48. Whose castle did they first destroy with explosives?

a) the reds’ b) the whites’ c) the blacks’ d) the oranges’

49. Vocabulary from page ten: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/3 [1/2 mark each]

furtive A suddenly spring or flinch back in fear, horror, or disgust

euphemism B suggestive of guilty nervousness
frenetic C an expression substituted for one considered to be too unpleasant or embarrassing
recoiled D fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way
flailing E a protective wall or earth defense along the top of a place of concealment for troops
parapet F wave or swing wildly


50. How did Lissandra defeat the red sandkings?

a) with a flamethrower
b) with pesticide spray
c) by dropping bombs from her skimmer
d) all of the above

51. Why did Kress want to stop Lissandra and her operative from attacking the white
a) he didn’t want his house to burn down
b) he wanted to make a peace with the sandkings
c) he believed that the sandkings wouldn’t hurt their god
d) all of the above

52. How did Lissandra die?

a) Kress shoved her down the stairs to the cellar
b) a white sandking attacked her at the top of the stairs
c) Kress used the laser canon to burn a hole in her chest
d) none of the above

53. Vocabulary from page eleven: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/3 [1/2 mark each]

aloft A the period of time during which someone or something is the best or the most important
reign B a person lower in status or rank
manically C up in or into the air; overhead
underling D A tough, semitransparent substance that is the main component of the exoskeletons
jig E showing wild and apparently deranged excitement and energy
chitinous F a lively dance with leaping movements


54. What does Kress think the white maw caused him to do by putting
fearful thoughts in his head?
a) start drinking
b) murder the third operative with a laser canon
c) murder Lissandra and push her body down the stairs
d) all of the above

55. What does Kress think the white maw has learned to like?
a) killing b) poison pellets c) human flesh
d) none of the above

56. Which sandkings had always been his favourites?

a) the reds b) the whites c) the blacks d) the oranges

57. What were the sandkings doing on the unused belfry?
a) carving an image of Simon’s face
b) attacking Simon
c) attacking each other
d) all of the above

58. Vocabulary from page twelve: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/4 [1/2 mark each]

cowered A to a severe or intense degree.

acute B lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age
unbidden C threatening harm; menacing
baleful D done consciously and intentionally
gaunt E the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening
carnage F without having been commanded or invited
deliberate G the killing of a large number of people
oblivion H crouch down in fear

59. Why did Kress invite a bunch of his friends over to his house?
a) to feed them to the white maw
b) to help him to fight the sandkings
c) to rescue him
d) none of the above
60. Which of his guests did Kress try to prevent from going into his house?
a) Jad Rakiss
b) Malada Blane
c) Lissandra
d) all of the above

61. What were the sandkings doing when Kress woke up the next morning?
a) repairing his home
b) tearing apart the gravity grid inside his skimmer
c) moving the corpses of his guests
d) they were comatose

62. Vocabulary from page thirteen: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/5 [1/2 mark each]

pang A go in a specified direction, typically slowly or by an indirect route

abate B more than is usual or natural
respite C cause to become smaller or less intense
wend D relieve or satisfy (a demand or a feeling)
reproachful E deeply disapproving
shrill F a rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals
preternatural G a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion
livid H furiously angry
appease I a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant
exoskeleton J high-pitched and piercing


63. Each of the following is true of what became of Kress’s cellar door, except
one. Which one is it?
a) it was breathing
b) the walls were wet and bloody and covered with patches of white fungus
c) a strange voice could be heard from within
d) The walls had been eaten away, so that the hole was twice the size it had
been, and round

64. Each of the following is something Jala Wo reveals to Kress about the
sandkings, except one. Which one is it?
a) the dormant sandkings are transforming into a new breed with four arms, two
legs and opposable thumbs
b) Wo’s workers who installed the tank are 2 nd stage sandkings
c) Jala Wo’s partner, Shade, is a 3rd stage sandking
d) the individual sandkings will eventually become sentient

65. Each of the following is something Jala Wo tells Kress in an effort to help him, except one. Which one is it?
a) Kress has to get away immediately
b) the white sandking will waken soon, will be hungry, and it hates him
c) the black and red sandkings are still alive
d) Kress should start walking east and they will come find him

66. Vocabulary from page fourteen: write the letter of the correct definition next to each word. _____/4 [1/2 mark]

viscous A smelling extremely unpleasant

ichor B having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid
fetid C he fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods
courtly D deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness
metamorphosi E polished or refined, as befitting a royal court
desolate F having a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
sentient G a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one
sophisticated H able to perceive or feel things

Page 15

67. Who did Kress think was to blame for what happened with the sandkings?
a) himself
b) Lissandra
c) Wo and Shade
d) none of the above

68. Which of the following is true of the events that take place at the very end of the story?
a) Wo and Shade never show up to rescue him
b) the “children” he saw from a distance were actually 2 nd stage sandkings
c) they were his orange sandkings, and they seized him to feed to the maw
d) all of the above

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