Worksheet 3. Prepositions in On At. Marilyn

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To express exact times

ex: * Three o’clock * Days of the week

* Parts of the days
* Dates
* Months * Years * Midnight/noon
* Special holidays (if
* Duration, long * The moment / present
with the word : day)
periods (ex: seasons) * Special holidays


1. On 25 December 1. I go swimming on Saturdays.

2. On Friday 2. My friend came on Monday.
3. In the morning 3. I was born on June 27 2000.
4. At night 4. My sister will start her new job in March.
5. On Saturday night 5. Goodbye ! See you on Monday.
6. On the weekend 6. Where were you on January 27 ?
7. In the evening 7. I like getting up early in the morning.
8. In twenty minutes 8. My uncle got married in May.
9. In 1966 9. Did you go out on Saturday evening?
10. On Christmas day
11. At Easter 10. We often go to the beach in summer.
12. In this morning 11. The factory was built in 2011.
13. On Wednesday afternoon 12. Let’s meet at 8.30 tomorrow morning.
14. At midnight 13. Do you work on Saturdays ?
15. In summer 14. In winter, many people go skiing.
16. On last Sunday 15. We are going on holidays in three days
17. In 2018 16. I love observing stars at night.
18. At Thanksgiving 17. Mike isn’t here at the moment.
19. At half past six 18. My neighbours moved in three years ago.
20. On Tuesday morning They arrived in 2015.
21. In spring 19. I will send you some money at the end of
22. At noon
the month. I am broke at present !
23. On my birthday
24. In thirty minutes 20. My kids love searching eggs at Easter !
25. On every Wednesday 21. On Easter day, we will stay at home.
26. In a quarter of an hour 22. Mike’s birthday is on next Monday.
27. In this afternoon
23. I see my boss at an hour.
28. At the moment
24. My sister left on last Sunday.
29. At present
25. The train arrived at midnight.
30. On Boxing day
26. We train in twice a day.
31. On Easter day
27. I got up at 6. 45 in this morning.

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