Part A: Student's Worksheet

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Student’s Worksheet

Day/ Date : Wednesday, 31 march 2021

Complete Name : Komang Surini
NIM : 2006091041
Semester/ Class : 2/1B
Study Program : D3 Kebidanan
Faculty : Kedokteran
Rombel : 43 English

1. A : Good afternoon ma’am, is it true that this house will be sold?
B : Yes, that’s right sir.

2. A : How many floor are there?

B : There are two floors, downstairs and upstairs.

3. A : What facilities can I get if I buy this house?

B : Of course very much sir. You will get facilities downstairs, namely a living room, dining
room, bathroom and kitchen. Then for the upper floor there are three bedroom and large
bathroom, all room have a central heating system and there is already a front
garden,backgarden and garage.

4. A : Can i see inside the house?

B : Of course you can sir, as well as you can check all the rooms.

5. A : The house is very attractive, next week I will come again with my wife to buy this home.
B : Yes sir, thank you

PART B (you can add more column for each number)

1. A : Hello surimi, may I know where you are from and a little story can you go to school here?
B : Of course, I come from Indonesia, in Indonesia I live with my big family, I can go to school
here because I get a scholarship.
A : You are very lucky, I hope you feel at home here.
B : Yes for sure, thank you.

2. A : Welcome to London, may i see your passport please?

B : Sure. Here it is
A : Where are you coming from and what is the purpose of your visit?
B : I am coming from Tokyo, japan and I am here on business

3. A : Hello, what are the visa requirement for Australian tourists?

B : For an Australia tourist visa, I need copies of your passport, ID card, and one of your
most recent photographs.
A : Ok well done.
B : Thank you.

4. A : Excuse me, do you know wher is the way to the city of flowers. If you know may you
show it to me.
B : Yes of course, to get to the road to the flower city you have to walk straight throught the
hero road, then you well find the first intersection then you turn right, now that’s the flower
city road.
A : Thank you, your guidance is very helpfull
B : Your welcome.

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