Romantics Paper-1

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“We’re All Romantics”

I chose the poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud.” This poem has a lot of great imagery.

One piece that specifically stood out to me was when he said “Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

fluttering and dancing in the breeze.” This line is describing the field full of daffodils that the

speaker is talking about. The two words fluttering and dancing help me imagine a calming and

relaxing field of daffodils that sway with every soft gust of wind. Another fantastic piece of

imagery is “Continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way.” I love this

description because it is filled with so much intense imagery as the speaker is comparing the

flowers to stars in the sky and how the flowers seem to be never ending like the milky way. I

find this very interesting because this type of poetry and aesthetic feel very ~alien~ compared to

the aesthetics of space and the milky way. All of this imagery helps the vibe of the poem feel

very calm and peaceful, yet familiar. The speaker of this poem is William Wordsworth, I believe

this was actually written about a walk he took with his sister and I think that helps the poem feel

more personal. I think the speaker is trying to convey the beauty of the nature he had stumbled

upon. Later in the poem, he talks about how when he is laying on his couch, completely zoned

out, he will still be thinking about the field of daffodils he saw and how much of an impact true,

raw beauty nature can have and the impact it can have on us as humans.

Because of being able to deep dive into this poem with the help of the imagery and the

speaker’s tone, I was able to feel a very personal nostalgic connection to this poem. This poem

reminds me so much of my childhood and makes me feel so nostalgic. I remember always

playing in my grandparents’ backyard where my grandma had a beautiful garden that she

constantly cared for and even though it wasn’t as widely spread as the field Wordsworth explains

in his poem, I remember looking at all the beautiful and colorful flowers in amazement as a four-
year-old. This poem brings me a lot of comfort to me because I feel as though I get transported

back in time to when I would play with my cousins outside and pause to watch the flowers as the

bees visited each individual bloom saying hello with their buzzing voices. I originally chose this

poem because when I saw the title it sparked an emotion in me. I remembered watching the

clouds float by in the sky while laying on the warm grass next to my dad and childhood dog,

pointing out what each cloud looked like. My dad would always compare it to something funny

to make me giggle or something crazy out of this world in hopes of sparking my imagination.

This poem is what I would describe a perfect summer day as being. The day isn’t too hot and has

a nice breeze in the air, perfect for a walk or a hike. The sky is a perfect shade of blue with big

fluffy cotton clouds floating all around. Big green trees full of leaves sway with the wind and

provides a gentle shade from the warm sun. I used to not like the summer and I would always try

to say “Its too hot!” or “Its too sunny out,” but now I see those things as a form of comfort and

peacefulness and this poem puts all of my new emotions into words. This poem is a great

representative of romantic poetry because throughout all of it you can feel his emotions and love

for the nature he had encountered and he really shows how nature can be so shocking almost.

You can get put into that happy feeling that you only get from seeing something so beautiful like

nature or even a person. After reading this poem and analyzing it, I think I might’ve found my

new favorite poem.

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