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The Hidden Scroll of the Lotus

Author: HLS
He is the sole author of all the martial art styles that you will find in this book. If you want to thank someone
for this pdf, thank him for all of these beautiful style.

PDF Editor: Anauel

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Terrestrial Martial Arts ......................................................................................................02
Chapter Two: Celestial Martial Arts.........................................................................................................18
Chapter Three: Sidereal Martial Arts.......................................................................................................42
Chapter One: Terrestrial Martial Arts

Table of Content
Swaying Grass Dance Style....................................................................................................................03
Hurricane Fist Style.................................................................................................................................05
Ruthless Avalanche Style .......................................................................................................................07
Blazing Corona Style ..............................................................................................................................10
Falling Rain Style ....................................................................................................................................12
Arrow Frog Style .................................................................................................................................... 15

This curious martial art is actually reputed to have arisen among slave pens in the far East. According to the
story, slaves working on a Guild plantation, harvesting drugs that assisted in achieving Essence sight, began
to plan a rebellion. They were forbidden tools of any sort, and any fighting within the pens was punished
severely, but it seemed normal to their keepers when the hallucinogen-addled slaves took to spending their
evenings in wild and exhausting dance. This dance was a cover for a developing form of unarmed combat...
and when one of their number was unexpectedly blessed with Exaltation by the Wood Dragon, he extended
its precepts into a supernatural martial arts form, using it to tear the plantation apart.

Now the Swaying Grass Dance Style has spread into all corners of Creation, in both its limited form as a
surreptitious slave style, and its true form as an Exalted combat art. Aspects of Wood find the flexibility and
rhythm demanded by the style comes to them naturally, and they, along with Aspects of Water, pay no
elemental surcharge when using Charms of this style.

Weapons and Armor: Swaying Grass Dance style exclusively employs kicks; its Charms will not function
with unarmed punches. As such, iron boots and God-Kicking Boots are considered in-style weapons, and
are treated as unarmed for the purpose of its Charms. This style is not compatible with armor.

Complementary Abilities: Understanding the precepts of the Swaying Grass Dance Style requires two dots
of Performance.

Jubilant Battle Proposition

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
By masking his aggressive intent in joyous dance, the character catches his opponents off-guard. The
character must already be engaging in dance to invoke this Charm. When he does so, he adds a number of
successes equal to his Performance to his Join Battle roll.

Sweeping Meadow Awareness Practice

Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Jubilant Battle Proposition
The fighter sways and weaves as he fights, shifting his body and maintaining his awareness of his
surroundings. When surrounded by opponents, this Charm prevents one of those attackers from making an
undefended attack against the character's back; the Grass Dancer applies his DV normally to this attack.

Swaying Grass Dance Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Sweeping Meadow Awareness Proposition
The character begins to sway and dance, shuffling in and out of combat-ready stances unpredictably. His
kicks slash up from dead angles, and any glimpsed openings are gone before opponents can act on them.
The character's unarmed kick attacks gain -1 Speed, +1 Accuracy, +2 Defense, and +1 Rate. He takes no
penalties for fighting prone, and may rise from prone reflexively. These benefits may not lower the
character's Speed below 3.

Teeth in the Grass Strike

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Swaying Grass Dance Style
The character feints high, then scythes his leg up from below with no warning. So convincing is his feint that
the opponent is absolutely convinced the next strike will come in from above. The character makes an
unarmed Martial Arts attack. If the character's successes on the attack roll exceed the target's Dodge MDV,
the attack is unexpected. If the character is standing in tall grass or shallow water, or the terrain otherwise
obscures his legs and feet from view, add two bonus successes to the attack.

Rolling with the Wind Method
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Swaying Grass Dance Style
The harsh upbringing of practitioners of this style makes them fast to react to danger. Those who land one
blow upon a Grass Dancer rarely manage a second. When the character is struck and this Charm is
activated, the character goes cartwheeling (attacker's Strength x 5) yards away, exactly as though he
suffered from knockback, save that the character controls which direction he tumbles in and whether or not
he strikes any objects.

Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-basic
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Teeth in the Grass Strike, Rolling with the Wind Method
Those who would oppose a practitioner of the Grass Dance Style may reap the whirlwind. Shuffling along
with a dizzying series of quick-steps and cartwheels, the character pursues an adversary inescapably. This
Charm must be targeted against another character when invoked, and the target of the Charm must be
within striking range, and have already attacked the character within the current scene. For the duration of
the Charm, the character gains whatever mobility is necessary to follow his target. His Move speed matches
that of his target, even if Charms such as Leaping Dodge Method or Rolling With the Wind Method are
employed. This explicitly includes whatever acrobatic prowess is necessary to pursue a flying opponent, so
long as there are trees to climb through in order to reach him.

Whirling Rhythm Revolution

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana
The character listens to the music pounding in his heart, and then whirls to the attack. He launches an
unarmed martial arts attack, and, if it inflicts any damage, immediately launches another. These attacks
utilize the character's full dice pool, ignore Rate, and levy a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty incurred
by any one attack. The character may launch a total number of attacks equal to his Performance, or until he
fails to inflict damage, whichever comes first.

Grass Reaping Posture

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until broken
Prerequisite Charms: Inescapable Tumbleweed Prana
The character imposes his rhythm upon another, taking control of the battle. This Charm begins with a low,
sudden leg sweep. The character makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack. Resolve this attack normally; if the
raw damage exceeds the target's Stamina + Athletics, they suffer knockdown. Thereafter the character
shuffles about his downed foe, confusing him and buffeting him to the ground with his legs should he try to
escape. So long as the character remains within attacking range of his prone target, all the target's attempts
to rise from prone provoke a contested Dexterity + Martial Arts (for the character) vs Dexterity + Athletics (for
the target) roll. If the target wins, he rises from prone successfully. If the character wins or ties, the target
remains prone. This roll is reflexive for the Grass Dancer, with no Speed or DV penalty, but requires a
Miscellaneous Speed 5, DV -1 action for the target. The Charm lasts until the character moves out of range
or until the target successfully rises from prone.

Serenading the Reed

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Whirling Rhythm Revolution, Grass Reaping Posture
The martial artist draws strength from dance, and his dance is empowered by music. This Charm may only
be invoked in the presence of music or song with rhythm, and this music cannot originate with the character.
So long as the music plays on, the character's DV is raised by the number of successes on the musician or
singer's initial Performance roll.

In the chaotic days after the Great Contagion, Creation found itself beset by every kind of wickedness and
iniquity. The fields had no crops, the merchants had no money, and the hills were full of bandits scraping at
the bone. And yet, it was also a time of heroes; the Martial Arts World had emptied out as surely as every
other facet of Creation, and was ripe for the rise of new legends.

The Five-Point Compass Brotherhood was one such band of heroes. After challenging and being defeated
by the Demon Tiger General, the brothers dispersed in shame to every corner of Creation to refine their
martial arts.

In the north, Brother White Frost Li-Yu meditated in the heart of blizzards. He fought hungry ghosts and
hungry raiders. He protected settlements from monsters out of the Wyld, and studied with the zephyrs and
other elementals of the wind. Finally, after seven years had passed, he reunited with the rest of his brothers
and challenged the Demon Tiger General, unveiling the lessons he had learned as the Hurricane Fist Style.
The Demon Tiger General's retinue of Malfean bodyguards was blown away, opening the way for Li-Yu's
brothers to attack.

Now the Hurricane Fist Style has spread across the martial arts world, practiced by outcaste masters, unruly
Lookshyan youths, and a few fashionably rebellious Dynasts. Air elementals sometimes teach its rudiments
in return for service or prayer. Aspects of Air find that the breath control and mastery of wind involved in this
style comes naturally to them, and they, along with Aspects of Water, pay no surcharge when using Charms
of this style.

Weapons and Armor: Hurricane Fist Style teaches its practitioners to recognize only their own body as a
suitable weapon, but may also be practiced with war fans and their artifact equivalents. This style is
compatible with only light armor.

Auspicious Respiration Practice

Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Before mastering the world, a martial artist must master his own body. The first lesson of the Hurricane Fist
is proper breathing. By regulating the flow of Essence and breath through his body in a matter pleasing to
the winds of Creation, the martial artist inclines them toward his aid. The cost of the Third Martial Arts
Excellency, when applied to attacks and Charms of this style, is reduced by 2 motes. The martial artist
smoothly adjusts to compensate for his errors, and the wind buoys him up to assist in these corrections.
When the character enjoys this cost discount, the Third Excellency becomes Obvious.

Cloud-Shrouded Strike
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Auspicious Respiration Practice
The martial artist advances to the attack, stomping just before he strikes. A great burst of wind erupts up
from beneath his feet, throwing obscuring debris into the air: leaves, snow, mud, dirt, the trash of city streets,
or whatever else might seem appropriate. The martial artist strikes through this obscuring cloud, making it
difficult to discern the precise angle of his attack. Re-calculate the target's applicable Defense Value using
the lower of the normally-used Ability, or Awareness.

Hurricane Fist Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Cloud-Shrouded Strike
The character assumes a powerful stance, fists up and knees bent, ready to attack or defend at a moment's
notice. By squeezing his fingers together or flicking his war fans at the moment of a strike or block, the
practitioner becomes capable of sending forth powerful blasts of wind. His unarmed attacks gain +2
Accuracy, +2B damage, and +2 Defense. Additionally, he may block ranged attacks with his bare hands
without a stunt.

Anabatic Parry Method
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hurricane Fist Form
The martial artist steps into an attack, pushing his Essence out to meet it as he raises his arms to block. This
manifests as a great burst of wind that buffets the attacker. If a parry enhanced by this Charm manages to
completely block an attack, then the attacker is immediately knocked back 2 yards for every success by
which he fell short of the martial artist's Parry DV.

Zephyr-Chasing Attitude
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Anabatic Parry Method
Taking a deep breath, the martial artist draws Essence from his lungs and forces it down and out through his
legs. This Charm adds 5 yards to a Move, Jump or Dash action.

Storm Fist Technique

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hurricane Fist Form
The martial artist combines breath and fist into a powerful weapon. The character focuses his Essence in his
lungs, then blows into a clenched fist and hurls the condensed Essence at an opponent as a whirling ball of
blue-white wind. This attack is targeted with Dexterity + Martial Arts, has a Range of (Essence x 10) yards,
and inflicts a base damage of the attacker's Essence. If it strikes, regardless of whether it inflicts any
damage, the Storm Fist explodes into a fury of lashing winds, inflicting automatic knockback. This sends the
target flying a number of yards equal to the attack's raw damage, with effects as outlined in Heaven Thunder
Hammer (see Exalted, p. 242).

Heaving Sirocco Strike

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Storm Fist Technique
His attacks wreathed with screaming winds, the martial artist strikes at his foes and sets raging gales loose
upon them, leaving them vulnerable to his allies and to further attacks of his own. If an attack supplemented
by this Charm strikes a target, regardless of whether it inflicts any damage, the target's DVs are all lowered
by 1 until they next refresh.

Gale-Raising Stance
Cost: 4m, 1wp (+1hl); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Zephyr-Chasing Attitude, Heaving Sirocco Strike
The martial artist inverts his breath. It erupts out of his body, flooding his anima and turning it into a riotous
tumult of cloud and violent wind. The character's anima returns to normal in moments, but the gale he has
raised remains, following him as he moves. While this Charm's effects persist, the character is considered to
possess 75% hard cover, and enjoys all the benefits thereof (see Exalted, pp.146-147). This Charm's
activation inflicts one level of bashing damage on characters who are not harmonized to the element of Air,
as their body and anima violently channel forces not intended for them.

In the chaotic days after the Great Contagion, Creation found itself beset by every kind of wickedness and
iniquity. The fields had no crops, the merchants had no money, and the hills were full of bandits scraping at
the bone. And yet, it was also a time of heroes; the Martial Arts World had emptied out as surely as every
other facet of Creation, and was ripe for the rise of new legends.

The Five-Point Compass Brotherhood was one such band of heroes. After challenging and being defeated
by the Demon Tiger General, the brothers dispersed in shame to every corner of Creation to refine their
martial arts.

Traveling to the Blessed Isle, Brother Quaking Mountain Ban-Ji discovered a once-idyllic landscape still
rocked by aftershocks and tremors. He evaded new-formed militias that demanded his allegiance and
climbed the Imperial Mountain! Its slopes were loose and treacherous. Elementals challenged his right of
ascent; avalanches thundered down upon him, seeking to sweep him from the mountain! He learned the
ways of each obstacle, and turned them upon themselves. Finally, after seven years had passed, he
reunited with the rest of his brothers and challenged the Demon Tiger General, unveiling the lessons he had
learned as the Ruthless Avalanche Style. He blocked the Demon Tiger General's greatest attacks, and
battered down his defenses.

Now the Ruthless Avalanche Style has spread across the Martial Arts World, practiced by wandering
heroes, pious Lookshyan monks, and a number of Dynastic brawlers. Earth elementals seeking to cultivate
favor with Heaven occasionally practice the style, for its motions are holy to Flashing Peak, Goddess of the
Imperial Mountain. Aspects of Earth find it easy to root themselves and draw power from Creation itself as
this style demands, and they, along with Aspects of Water, pay no surcharge when using Charms of this

Weapons and Armor: Ruthless Avalanche Style teaches its practitioners that the strength of the earth is
their greatest weapon, but may also be practiced with fighting gauntlets and their artifact equivalents. This
style is compatible with up to medium armor.

Stone Pulse Procedure

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: None
The earth is the greatest ally of the practitoner of this style, and his first lesson is to learn to heed its wisdom.
A martial artist invoking this Charm can feel the truth of things treading upon the ground nearby; it becomes
difficult to gain advantage over him. The character is automatically aware of unexpected attacks launched
from within (Essence) yards of him, and raises his DV by 2 against them. For this Charm to function, the
character must be standing upon bare stone or dirt; a wooden floor will hamper the function of this Charm,
as will a rug laid over a marble one.

Pasiap's Darting Tongue Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Stone Pulse Procedure
The earth leaps to assist the martial artist's strikes. He launches an attack from low to high, be it a kick
slashing up from the ground, or an uppercut that drags along the earth; chunks of stone and debris tear
themselves from the ground, following in the wake of the character's striking limb. An unarmed attack
enhanced by this Charm adds (3 plus the character's Essence) to its raw, pre-soak damage. This Charm
may normally only be invoked if the character is standing on bare earth or a stone floor, though with a stunt
the character might utilize other nearby stone, such as kicking through a marble pillar.

Ruthless Avalanche Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Pasiap's Darting Tongue Technique
Releasing a mighty cry, the character punches his fists into the ground. They come up coated in jagged-
edged stone gauntlets, adding +4 damage to his unarmed attacks and turning those attacks lethal. He is

able to parry lethal and ranged attacks without a stunt. Assuming a rigid, aggressive stance, feet planted
firmly, the character becomes an immovable object. So long as he is standing on bare earth or stone, he is
immune to knockback and knockdown. This Form only yields its damage bonus if initiated when the
character is sufficiently close to the earth; he might plunge his fists through a wooden floor to feel the earth's
embrace, but could not do so if on the second floor of a building, or aboard a ship at sea.

Foe-Disrupting Tremors
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Ruthless Avalanche Form
The martial artist sends a pulse of Essence into the earth, pivoting on his heels as he does so. The twisting
burst of power subtly reshapes the ground to his advantage; while up to five opponents may still crowd in
around him at once, their attacks are subtly delayed and disrupted so that none of them enjoys an
unexpected attack against the martial artist's back. Additionally, no character may enjoy an environmental
bonus due to terrain such as attacking from high ground, nor will the martial artist experience penalties due
to such sources. The martial artist must, of course, be fighting on bare earth or stone to enjoy such

Avalanche Fist Technique

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ruthless Avalanche Form
The martial artist concentrates his Essence and stomps powerfully. A ball of stone erupts from the earth to
hang before him for a moment; he strikes it with a mighty palm heel thrust, sending it flying at an opponent.
This attack is aimed with Dexterity + Martial Arts, has a base damage of (Martial Arts x 2)B, and a Range of
(Essence x 10) yards. This Charm can summon stone as long as the ground is relatively near; it can be used
on the first floor of most buildings, so long as there is no basement below.

Leaping Earth Defense

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ruthless Avalanche Form
The martial artist stomps the ground, throwing a jagged wedge of Essence into the earth. Displaced by this
mighty strike, a jagged spur of stone erupts from the ground next to the character. Invoked in response to an
attack, this provides 90% hard cover (see Exalted, pp.146-147). The sheet of stone persists after being
summoned until it is destroyed; repeated invocations could theoretically grant a fighter hard cover from all
sides. This Charm may be invoked only when the character is standing on bare earth or stone.

Phantom Earth Attack

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Foe-Disrupting Tremors, Avalanche Fist Technique, Leaping Earth Defense
Standing on bare earth or stone, the character roots himself and infuses his body with the pure Essence of
the earth. For the rest of the scene, he is as a brother to stone; he may make attacks through stone as
though it were not present at all, punching through pillars and walls to no ill effect. This explicitly works with
the defensive sheets of stone summoned by Leaping Earth Defense. The character may not, however, move
his entire body through earthen obstacles; only striking limbs count. This Charm may only be invoked when
the character stands on bare earth or stone. This Charm may afford opportunities for impossible attacks, or
very creative unexpected attacks, as well as negating many forms of cover bonuses.

Stone Sheath Technique

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive (step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Phantom Earth Attack
The earth endures, accepting everything. The martial artist emulates this passive triumph, enduring the
greatest of punishment to find victory. Invoking this Charm causes the martial artist to voluntarily forfeit his
DVs; they are set to 0 against an incoming attack. His natural Lethal and Bashing soak totals rise by

(Essence x 3) each. If the opponent's attack connects and inflicts any damage, the martial artist accepts the
weapon into his body, trapping it between two stone-hard bones. He makes a Stamina + Martial Arts roll; on
a success, with a wrenching snap, he breaks the weapon in half, letting its shattered remains fall easily out
of his wounds. This roll is difficulty 1 for mundane weapons, but is at a difficulty of twice the rating of Artifact
weapons, and only capable of breaking artifacts if the Martial Artist's Essence is double or better the
weapon's Artifact rating. Otherwise he simply forces instant de-attunement.

In the chaotic days after the Great Contagion, Creation found itself beset by every kind of wickedness and
iniquity. The fields had no crops, the merchants had no money, and the hills were full of bandits scraping at
the bone. And yet, it was also a time of heroes; the Martial Arts World had emptied out as surely as every
other facet of Creation, and was ripe for the rise of new legends.

The Five-Point Compass Brotherhood was one such band of heroes. After challenging and being defeated
by the Demon Tiger General, the brothers dispersed in shame to every corner of Creation to refine their
martial arts.

In the South, Brother Crimson Flame Chou-Han wandered the baking sands. He fought lion folk and the very
elements! He saved refugees from the unmapped wastes, and was honored at the table of Lusa Seragon.
Finally, after seven years had passed, he reunited with the rest of his brothers and challenged the Demon
Tiger General, unveiling the lessons he had learned as the Blazing Corona Style. His ferocious attacks
heated the Demon Tiger General's armor white-hot, so that he had to tear it off or risk cooking inside of it.

Now the Blazing Corona Style has spread across the Martial Arts World, practiced by virtuous mercenaries,
passionate Lookshyan soldiers, and a number of self-indulgent Dynasts. It is much practiced among the fire
elementals of the Court of Orderly Flame. Aspects of Fire find it easy to agitate their Essence up into the
blazing conflagrations this style demands, and they, along with Aspects of Water, pay no surcharge when
using Charms of this style.

Weapons and Armor: Blazing Corona Style teaches its practitioners that their own Essence is the only
worthy weapon, and as such, it has no in-style weapons other than the practitioner's own body. This style is
compatible with only light armor.

Wildfire Aggression Posture

Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One action
Prerequisite Charms: None
It is the nature of flame to destroy, and likewise the nature of fighters. The first lesson learned by students of
this style is the lesson of victory—the one who puts himself into battle without reservation is the one who
wins. While this Charm is active, the character suffers no penalty from fierce blows (see Exalted, p.158).

Dancing Flame Kata

Cost: 1m per penalty negated; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wildfire Aggression Posture
Subjected to ferocious assault, the character nimbly shifts his defense from moment to moment. Guided by
supreme martial instinct, he frustrates his foe without losing ground himself. For each mote spent, the
character may negate a single point of Onslaught penalty.

Blazing Corona Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Dancing Flame Kata
Striking key chakras in his arms and legs, the character excites his Essence into a frenzy. His stance, by
contrast, is rigid and forceful, channeling this wild energy with iron determination and purpose. The
character's unarmed attacks lower their Speed by 1, to a minimum of 3, and add 2 to their Rate.

Dragon Sigh Strike

Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Blazing Corona Form
The martial artist learns to exhale Essence through his striking limbs. An unarmed martial arts attack
enhanced by this Charm is wreathed in Essence-born flames, adding +3 to the attack's raw damage and
making it lethal.

Volcanic Halo Onslaught
Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Blazing Corona Form
The martial artist condenses his Essence to a single point within his heart, then lets it erupt out into the
world. He whirls about, dragging his fists or feet through the air, and spreads a ring of flame around himself.
The characer makes a single unarmed martial arts attack, and applies its effects to every character close
enough to strike at him (normally, a maximum of five targets). This attack's damage is lethal.

Inferno Fist Technique

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dragon Sigh Strike
The martial artist concentrates his Essence into his fist, creating a painfully bright corona of flame arond it.
He selects a target and strikes, sending a searing fireball across the battlefield. This attack is aimed with
Dexterity + Martial Arts, has a base damage of (Martial Arts)L, and a Range of (Essence x 10) yards.

Victory-Claiming Block
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Volcanic Halo Onslaught
The character raises a hand to block, a flame smoldering in his palm. This Charm permits a character to
block lethal attacks without a stunt. If a character successfully blocks an attack with his bare hand, a rush of
flame erupts from his palm into the offending weapon. Arrows are burned to a crisp. Bare limbs or fighting
aids attached to limbs (such as iron boots or fighting gauntlets) are seared, their owner suffering (martial
artist's Essence)L damage dice. Weapons are superheated, glowing red-hot; unless their wielder is immune
to damage from heat, he must choose to either cast aside his weapon (treated as a standard disarm) or take
an automatic 1L damage from holding onto it. Discarded weapons cool down enough to be safely handled
after 1 tick has passed. Note that weapons made of red jade or orichalcum cannot be heated with this

Searing Coils of Hesiesh Method

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Inferno Fist Technique, Victory-Claiming Block
Practitioners of this style do not hide behind anything other than their own skill, and they know how to punish
those who do. This Charm enhances a Crush action during a clinch. The martial artist transfers all the
baking power of his Essence into his target's armor, cooking the target alive. A Crush attack enhanced by
this Charm ignores soak from the target's armor, and inflicts raw damage equal to the Lethal soak value of
the target's armor. This damage is lethal. This Charm cannot superheat armor made of orichalcum or red
jade, and in order to heat artifact armor, the martial artist must pay an additional 2 motes per Artifact dot
value of the armor.

In the chaotic days after the Great Contagion, Creation found itself beset by every kind of wickedness and
iniquity. The fields had no crops, the merchants had no money, and the hills were full of bandits scraping at
the bone. And yet, it was also a time of heroes; the Martial Arts World had emptied out as surely as every
other facet of Creation, and was ripe for the rise of new legends.

The Five-Point Compass Brotherhood was one such band of heroes. After challenging and being defeated
by the Demon Tiger General, the brothers dispersed in shame to every corner of Creation to refine their
martial arts.

In the West, Brother Floating Petal Jan-Ei sailed from isle to isle. He walked the shores, driving off the
hungry Fair Folk. He challenged Storm Mothers to let ships pass. He stood in the water, and first broke the
coming waves with his fist, then learned to make their strength his own. Finally, after seven years had
passed, he reunited with the rest of his brothers and challenged the Demon Tiger General, unveiling the
lessons he had learned as the Falling Rain Style. The great terror's renowned toughness was as nothing
before the master's invasive strikes, and soon the Demon Tiger General was bowed in agony.

Now the Falling Rain Style has spread across the Martial Arts World, practiced by outcaste sailors, Gens
Teresu captains, and a number of cruel Dynasts. It is sometimes propagated among water elementals
whose nature does not force them to actually live beneath the waves, where the style would find little use.
Aspects of Water find it easy to let their Essence flow into the mercurial and shifting channels this Style
demands, and they pay no surcharge when using Charms of this style.

Weapons and Armor: Falling Rain Style focuses on internal cultivation through which the outer world is
mastered, and as such, it has no in-style weapons other than the practitioner's own body. This style is
compatible with only light armor.

Ten Thousand Mirrors Alertness

Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
The first lesson of the Falling Rain Style is the omnipresence of water. It invisibly softens the air, it saturates
the blood of the practitioner, and it can be found in any number of places if one only learns to look. By being
constantly aware of water and constantly like water, the practitioner becomes better able to survive life's
unpleasant surprises. If the character is within (Essence x 10) yards of visible water, he gains a constant +2
situational bonus dice on Awareness rolls opposing stealth attempts. As situational bonus dice, these do not
count as dice added by Charms (see Exalted, p.131)—so rigorous is the training demanded by this style
that the martial artist may even check the flickering sheet of reflections in raindrops! Additionally, should he
be subjected to an unexpected attack, he subtracts 1 from the final damage inflicted as he instinctively rolls
with the blow.

Tidal Rejection Dance

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ten Thousand Mirrors Alertness
Hard-pressed by relentless assault, the character reacts as water does—he splashes back. This Charm may
only be activated when the character is suffering from an onslaught penalty, and is subjected to a non-
ranged attack. The character yields to the blow, defending and taking damage as normal, but in step 9 he
snaps back and makes a Martial Arts attack of his own at his full dice pool. Should this attack succeed it
inflicts no damage, but does cause automatic knockdown on the part of the defender, and also immediately
cancels all subsequent actions he might have planned as part of a flurry. If the martial artist is standing in
water when he invokes this Charm he may choose to make it Obvious and accept a number of situational
bonus dice equal to the standard penalty for fighting in water of that depth (see Exalted, p.155).

Falling Rain Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Tidal Rejection Dance

The character's motions become sinuous and ever-flowing, never standing completely still. The martial artist
becomes immune to penalties for fighting while standing in water or upon the deck of a ship (see Exalted,
p.155), though he still suffers penalties for fighting completely submerged and is not immune to drowning.
Additionally, if there is an appropriately substantial (subject to Storyteller approval) source of water within
(Essence x 10) yards, the character may reflexively animate it into 'water whips' which lash out to strike at
his opponents. The character pantomimes a strike with his own body, and the water flows to follow; as such,
these attacks are made with the character's Dexterity + Martial Arts pool, and the water whips are treated as
an equipment bonus. They are identical to standard whips (see Exalted, p.368) save that they also have the
P tag. These attacks can be made at any target within 30 yards. Attacks with water whips replace standard
attack actions, rather than supplementing them or occurring in addition to them. These whips may also be
used to parry, including ranged and lethal attacks.

Bone-Soaking Strike
Cost: 2m per soak; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Falling Rain Form
As water can seep into any place that is not sealed perfectly against it, so do the martial artist's blows injure
even the toughest of opponents. For every 2 motes the character spends, he ignores a point of his target's
relevant soak value. The character may spend up to twice his Martial Arts rating on this Charm, and its
effects work equally well against living and inanimate targets.

Liquid Haze Shield

Cost: 3m, 1wp or 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Falling Rain Form
The West is a place that can afford few heroes, the sea is a cruel landscape, and the falling rain is more
often a cover for the crimes of the unrighteous than the labor of the just. As such, practitioners of the Falling
Rain Style are often alone, beset by many enemies. This does not deter them. Faced with many attacks at
once, the character stomps his feet and swings his arms protectively, creating a mighty splash that obscures
him from all sides and throws his enemies into confusion. This immunizes the character to Coordinated
Attack penalties for the rest of the tick, though the character must still deal with all incoming attacks
individually. This costs 3m, 1wp if the character is standing in water; if the character is not standing in water,
he produces the requisite splash from his own Essence, making the Charm Obvious and raising its cost to
5m, 1wp.

Agony Affliction Practice

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Bone-Soaking Strike, Liquid Haze Shield
The martial artist learns to manipulate the water in an opponent's body, making it flow sluggishly and bind up
in the joints. An attack supplemented by this Charm which successfully causes damage also inflicts a
Crippling effect on the target, in the form of a minor case of the bends. This excruciating pain inflicts a -2
internal wound penalty, cumulative with other wound penalties.

Crimson Tide Method

Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Agony Affliction Practice
The martial artist's understanding of the ties between water and the living body reach maturity. So long as it
has already been spilled forth from the body, he may now treat blood as water for the purpose of all previous
Charms in the style. He may wound his body (generally his palms), accepting a cost of 1 level of lethal
damage, to gain scene-long access to water whips. Additionally, should an opponent spill his blood into any
body of water within (Essence x 10) yards of the martial artist, the character may at any time make a Speed
5, DV -2 Miscellaneous action to read the secrets of the blood in the water. The character may glean one
piece of information each time this is done. Examples include the target's Essence rating, what sort of
supernatural being he is, or the details of a Martial Arts Charm or Combo he knows but has not yet used in
the scene.

Crimson Palm Mastery
Cost: 3m per damage; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Crimson Tide Method
The ultimate technique of the Falling Rain Style exercises mastery over an opponent's blood, forcing it to
answer the summons of its true master—the martial artist. The character makes a standard unarmed
Dexterity + Martial Arts attack, which must be performed with his bare hand, striking at the opponent's heart.
This inflicts normal damage; additionally, if the attack connects, then each time the target takes an action
afterward he suffers an additional level of unsoakable lethal damage as blood seeps out of his heart and
blood vessels to emerge through the skin of his chest. This occurs a number of times equal to the damage
the martial artist purchased when activating the Charm (and the character may buy up to his Essence in
damage). Characters who survive being struck by this Charm are marked with a livid red palm-print scar
over their heart; though Exalts heal this as easily as any other scarring, the mark is permanent for mortals.

In the chaotic days after the Great Contagion, Creation found itself beset by every kind of wickedness and
iniquity. The fields had no crops, the merchants had no money, and the hills were full of bandits scraping at
the bone. And yet, it was also a time of heroes; the Martial Arts World had emptied out as surely as every
other facet of Creation, and was ripe for the rise of new legends.

The Five-Point Compass Brotherhood was one such band of heroes. After challenging and being defeated
by the Demon Tiger General, the brothers dispersed in shame to every corner of Creation to refine their
martial arts.

In the East, Brother Swaying Blade Sima-Li faded away into the depths of the forest. He crept along
branches, dropping down to tear apart Fair Folk bivouacs. He studied the medical lore of lost tribes. He
fought disease gods, and sparred with vipers. Finally, after seven years had passed, he reunited with the
rest of his brothers and challenged the Demon Tiger General, unveiling the lessons he had learned as the
Arrow Frog Style. After his brothers weakened and bowed their opponent, Sima-Li's fists churned up the
Demon Tiger General's Essence until it ate the monster from within, and healthy plants sprung up from its

Now Arrow Frog Style has spread across the Martial Arts World, practiced by outcaste tribesmen, Lookshy
rangers, and some few scions of House Cynis. It is occasionally practiced by Wood Elementals to
discourage intrusion into their territory. Aspects of Wood find it easy to provoke the maladies and balance of
forces this style focuses on, and they, along with Aspects of Water, pay no surcharge when using Charms of
this style.

Weapons and Armor: Arrow Frog Style focuses on finding and disrupting points of natural balance so
subtle they can only be reliably adjusted by the body itself, and as such, it has no in-style weapons other
than those practitioners are born with. This style is compatible with only light armor.

Opportunity in Adversity Approach

Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The first thing a student of Arrow Frog Style learns is balance—how to maintain it and disrupt it. This is
distilled into the lesson of the tree which bends before the wind—yielding and resisting at once. In time, the
wind will exhaust itself, but the tree still stands. The character may use this Charm at any time he is in a
clinch as a losing participant. While the Charm does not break the character out of the clinch, it does
disastrously shift the balance of the struggling pair, immediately knocking both characters prone.
Alternatively, the Charm may be used at any time when the martial artist resists knockdown successfully;
this restores a number of motes equal to his Essence as his body feeds off the rightness of its own

Swaying Bough Venom Infusion

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Opportunity in Adversity Approach
The martial artist distills his Essence into a hallucinogenic venom, poisoning a target with a successful strike,
which inflicts damage as normal. An afflicted target immediately loses his sense of balance; the world seems
to sway like a branch shaken in the wind, and leaf-dappled shadows appear and disappear without rhyme or
reason, making it difficult to judge distance or details. This Charm's effects are a poison with Damage 5/1
action, Toxicity 3, Tolerance —/—, and Penalty -4. The poison inflicts no actual damage of its own.

Arrow Frog Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Swaying Bough Venom Infusion
The martial artist assumes a pose of ageless patience, knees bent and fingers arched. Though he does
nothing overtly menacing, the martial artist's passive determination is as intimidating as the poisonous plants
and animals he emulates. A character employing this Form instinctively sees the imbalance in opponents,

and capitalizes; his attacks enjoy a number of automatic successes equal to the Poison and Disease-based
internal penalties a target currently suffers from. Additionally, any attempt to re-establish surprise when
foliage or heavy shadow from foliage are available as cover enjoys a bonus of +3 dice. This includes the
hallucinations induced by the Swaying Bough Venom.

Insidious Weakness Atemi

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Arrow Frog Form
Having studied plants that wither and die despite abundant sun and water, the martial artist comes to
understand the source of unbalance that blocks the possibility of health and heartiness. In addition to normal
damage, an attack enhanced by this Charm infects a target with the Wilted Blossom Sickness, a First Circle
spiritual infection (see Scroll of the Monk, pp.153-154). Afflicted victims feel the strength drain out of them,
and have great difficulty rallying to resist hardship or fight off fits of poor health, suffering a -3 internal penalty
to Resistance rolls against disease, poison or fatigue. Additionally, the target suffers a -1 internal penalty to
all rolls due to general weakness. This disease persists until cured or shaken off; of itself, it has no power to
kill, even against mortals.
Virulence: (Essence); Incubation: Immediate
Diagnosis: 2; Difficulty to Treat (Mundane/Magical): 2/1
Morbidity: 3; Treated Morbidity: 1

Predator Warding Posture

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Obvious, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Falling Rain Form
Steeling himself against an incoming attack, the martial artist erupts in a swirling leaf-pattern display of
colorful Essence, making his opponent instinctively aware that he faces supernaturally potent and
dangerous defenses. The opponent then gains the option to cancel his attack action, accepting his DV
penalty but no other ill effects. Should the aggressor press on with the attack, then in step 9 the martial artist
launches a counterattack at his full dice pool. Should it hit, this inflicts no damage but doses the opponent
with an Essence toxin equal to arrow frog venom (see Exalted, p.131).

Emerald Mother's Disdain

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Insidious Weakness Atemi
Those who would threaten an Arrow Frog stylist trifle with one who is in tune with the natural world. An
attack supplemented by this Charm inflicts the Universal Outsider Affliction if it successfully strikes its target.
This First Circle spiritual illness is offensive to Gaia and to all living aspects of her Creation. Plants,
simultaneously empowered and repulsed by the disease, will twist to impede and harass its carrier: vines
droop in his face, thorns snag at his clothes, roots trip him, branches drop leaves and twigs upon him. The
victim suffers a -1 external penalty when in an area of light foliage, such as a savannah with high grass and
a few small trees, -2 for areas of medium foliage, such as most parks or forests, and -3 for regions of the
most extreme growth, such as tropical rainforests.
Virulence: (Essence); Incubation: Immediate
Diagnosis: 3; Difficulty to Treat (Mundane/Magical): 2/1
Morbidity: 3; Treated Morbidity: 1

Internal Intent Venom

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Predator Warding Posture
It would be wisest for the martial artist's opponents to give up and leave him be; through this Charm, the
martial artist enhances a strike with a poison calculated to teach this lesson to his enemies. Regardless of
whether the character does damage, enemies successfully struck by an attack enhanced by this Charm are
dosed with a mystic poison. It has a damage of 10B/Special, Toxicity 4, Tolerance —/—, and Penalty -0. The
poison's interval is "whenever the victim attacks the martial artist who poisoned him."

Nature's Judgment
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sickness
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Emerald Mother's Disdain, Internal Intent Venom
The martial artist decides the world does not need an opponent, and repurposes him. This Charm attaches a
Second Circle spiritual disease to a strike, which infects the target upon a successful hit. Emerald Integration
Sickness has no outward symptoms at first, if inflicted at night; it first manifests when the target is exposed
to sunlight or water. At this point the victim feels a painful stiffness in his joints, inflicting a -1 internal penalty,
and takes one level of bashing damage, which cannot be healed as long as the sickness persists. Every day
afterward the character must make a Morbidity roll; upon failure, he suffers another level of bashing damage,
and every two failures the penalty worstens by another point as the character's muscles turn to ropy
vegetable fibers and his skin hardens. As an incidental benefit, the character gains 2 natural bashing and 1
lethal soak every time his internal penalty worstens. Characters killed by the Emerald Integration Sickness
are transformed entirely into living trees, which take root at the spot where the character died. It takes two
successful Morbidity rolls to shake the disease; internal penalties and their associated soak benefits fade at
a rate of one point per day after recovery.
Virulence: (Essence); Incubation: Until contact with water or sunlight
Diagnosis: 4; Difficulty to Treat (Mundane/Magical): 3/1
Morbidity: 5; Treated Morbidity: 2

Chapter Two: Celestial Martial Arts

Table of Content
Coils of Typhon Style ..............................................................................................................................19
God Slayer Style .....................................................................................................................................22
Five Arms of the Unconquered Sun Style ...............................................................................................25
Elegant Blood-Dancer Style ...................................................................................................................29
Wind-Cutting Blade Style ........................................................................................................................32
Graceful Hummingbird Style .................................................................................................................. 37

Coils of Typhon is an obscure, 'lost' Martial Art of the early High First Age. Among those few Exalted
scholars of martial history with enough knowledge to have ever heard of it, its origins are in dispute. Coils of
Typhon is said to have been developed in emulation of one of the fiercest and most terrible of behemoths:
the Typhon Serpent, a beast many miles long, that coiled invisibly in the shadow of the Imperial Mountain,
swimming the waters of the West and slithering between the great cathedral-trees of the East, eternally
seeking to catch the Unconquered Sun as he rose or fell from the sky, and hiding from his cleansing rays as
he took ascendency. One tale speaks of a Solar of the Night caste, who sought to turn darkness's own
strength against it, and developed the Coils of Typhon in emulation of the greatest foe of the Unconquered
Sun; another describes the Lunar who slew the beast and ate its beating heart, then developed the Coils as
a desperate outlet for the darkness thrumming within her soul. Whichever, the style was generally
considered lost during the Usurpation, though some scrolls may remain in ancient ruins, and an elder
Sidereal or Lunar or two may remain who studied the Coils of Typhon in their youth.

Weapons and Armor: The Charms of this style treat attacks made with whips and fighting chains and their
artifact equivalents as unarmed. This style is compatible with armor.

Striking at Dawn Approach

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
A student of the Coils is capable of readying himself in the razored moment between the sun's appearance
and the spreading of its first rays of light, and will never be caught unprepared for battle. This Charm
supplements a Join Battle roll, adding a number of dice equal to the character's Martial Arts score.
Additionally, he may ready his weapons reflexively, without need of a Draw/Ready Weapon Miscellaneous

One Against the Legion Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Striking at Dawn Approach
Whirling about his limbs or the weapons of the style, a student of the Coils may fend off the attacks of a
multitude. The character's Parry DV becomes immune to Coordinated Attack penalties and he may not be
'blind attacked' from behind.

Midday Darkness Kata

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Striking at Dawn Approach
Laying about with his fists or weapons, the martial artist spreads an Essence-born darkness into the air. This
Charm supplements a Miscellaneous Action to reestablish surprise, adding the character's Essence in dice
to the attempt. It also produces a viable environment for the attempt to take place for (Essence x 10) yards
around the character, in case such does not already exist (i.e. if used in the middle of an open courtyard on
a sunny day). Further, the lingering patches of darkness impose a -1 external penalty against all ranged
attacks occuring within or targeting a space within the darkened area. The darkness lingers until the
character's DV has refreshed three times.

Coils of Typhon Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: One Against the Legion Technique, Midday Darkness Kata
The character pulls in on himself, ever-moving, limbs and weapons weaving intricate and disturbing patterns
in the air. Motes and coils of darkness may appear briefly in the anima banners of Celestial Exalts using this
Form. When used by Abyssal Exalted, tiny serpents seem to writhe in the corners of a room illuminated by
their anima, only to disappear if gazed upon directly. Upon first sighting this Form in a scene, opponents
must succeed on a Valor roll or suffer a -1 external penalty to all attempts to attack the character. This
Charm adds the character's Essence in dice to all attempts to inflict, maintain, and control a clinch. It also

adds the character's Essence to the damage of clinch crush attacks.

Lashing Coil Technique

Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Coils of Typhon Form
The character lashes out at a distant opponent. Inky Essence builds new links or length to his weapon,
allowing him to strike or ensnare his target. The character may make a Martial Arts attack or clinch out to
(Essence x 10) yards away. By paying an extra mote upon successfully striking the target or initiating a
clinch, the character may draw the target in to their position. This Charm may only be used with Coils of
Typhon in-style weapons. It cannot be used unarmed.

Nimble Serpent Dance

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Coils of Typhon Form
A serpent's weakest moment is when it is already engaged with its prey; this was not true of Typhon,
however, nor is it the case with its students. The martial artist rolls and lashes about, joints and free
segments of his weapons darting through the air while grappling his foes. The character is permitted to apply
his DV normally while in control of a clinch.

Human Shield Exchange

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 5)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Nimble Serpent Dance
It is the way of the Coils of Typhon to fell one's opponents by any means necessary; if that means the
blades of their own comrades, then so be it. A moment's vulnerability is turned to terrible tragedy with this
Charm. Human Shield Exchange may be invoked when the character is targeted by an attack while involved
in a clinch (this includes while the character is Inactive as the losing participant in a clinch). The character
rolls his (Dexterity or Strength) + Martial Arts. If successful, the character substitutes his victim (if he is in
control of a clinch) or the character grappling him (if he is the loser in an ongoing clinch; in the event of a
teamwork clinch, the leader is substituted) as the target of the attack. A character may not invoke Human
Shield Exchange to defend against any character already engaged in a clinch with him.

Uncoiling Assault Method

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Lashing Coil Technique
The character snaps an opponent free of his deadly embrace, hurling him into his allies and using him to
break their lines. This Charm may be invoked when the character ends a clinch by throwing an opponent.
The character makes a Dexterity + Martial Arts attack against a target within (Essence x 5) yards. This
attack is unblockable. The thrown character is treated as a weapon with -3 Accuracy and +(projectile's total
Health Levels)B damage. If any damage is inflicted, the target of this attack automatically suffers knockback
or knockdown. Should the attack miss, the thrown character will continue to travel the full (Essence x 5)
yards, with effects as noted in Heaven Thunder Hammer. If the attack strikes a target within 10 yards and
the character is wielding an in-style weapon, he may pay 3 motes to reflexively 'reel' the thrown character
back in and throw him again at a different target. This may only be done once per invocation of Uncoiling
Assault Method.

Essence Toxin Blow

Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Uncoiling Assault Method, Human Shield Exchange
The character's limbs or weapons are wreathed in virulent black and white Essence as he delivers a savage
blow, poisoning his target's Essence pool. This attack does lethal damage. If any levels of damage are
inflicted, the target's Essence becomes briefly poisoned. Whenever the target spends Essence, he suffers

one die of unsoakable bashing damage for each mote spent. This effect persists until the target's DV has
refreshed 3 times, at which point the poison loses its potency.

Many are the techniques lost to time and strife and the turning of the Ages. The origins of some are gone
forever, though the styles themselves may resurface. As the pillars of Heaven crack, the gates of Malfeas
groan, the underworld shudders, and deathknights, Lawgivers, and Exalted of the demon realm stride forth
onto the face of Creation, a potent style thought sealed away in the final years of the First Age once again

Weapons and Armor: God Slayer Charms treat attacks made with the spear and the scythe, as well as
their artifact equivalents, as unarmed attacks. It is fully compatible with armor.

Merciless Onslaught Approach

Cost:: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: None
Essence surges from the martial artist toward his target, drawing his blows onward with irresistable force.
This Charm enhances a flurry. The onslaught penalty inflicted by the character's unarmed Martial Arts
attacks is increased by one for the duration of the flurry.

Inescapable Judgment Declaration

Cost:: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
Those marked for destruction by the martial artist may run from righteous justice, but they may never hide,
not even in the places beyond Creation. The character names a target spirit, and the word rings in the still
air. No matter how far away the spirit is, it experiences a sudden, inexplicable chill. So long as the character
commits Essence to Inescapable Judgment Declaration, he may freely perceive and make unarmed martial
arts attacks against the spirit while it is dematerialized. In addition, should the spirit flee into a Sanctum, the
character will be able to see and enter the sanctum. This Charm is not mighty enough to force the gates of
Yu-Shan or Malfeas, but any lesser spirit's Sanctum is fair game. The character must know at least one
name by which, if spoken, the spirit would know it was being addressed to enact the Charm.

With the Strength of my Enemies Methodology

Cost:: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Stackable
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Merciless Onslaught Approach, Inescapable Judgment Declaration
Often called upon to stand alone against mighty foes from the dawn of time, the God Slayer must learn to
make his opponents' strength his own. This Charm is invoked as the character makes an unarmed martial
arts attack. If the attack strikes its target (it needs not inflict damage), the character reduces one of the
target's Virtues, of his choice, by 1 point, and adds that point to his own appropriate Virtue. This Charm may
not reduce a Virtue below the minimums required for the Great Curse to operate, nor may it reduce a Virtue
to 0. It may raise a character's Virtues temporarily above 5. The character may keep stolen Virtues as long
as he is willing to commit Essence to them. The character may 'store' a number of dots of Virtues in total
equal to his Essence. Held Virtues automatically disappear if their original 'donor' dies. At the moment the
character strikes, an afterimage of himself and his foe are printed upon the air, lingering for three heartbeats.

God Slayer Form

Cost:: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: With the Strength of my Enemies Methodology
The character assumes the posture of an executioner of heaven, come to enact judgment upon the
unrighteous. His eyes smoulder with unseen fires, his aspect is grim and terrible, his shadow burns quietly
with a nimbus in the color of his anima, and his blows rend apart his enemies. The character adds his
Conviction to the raw, pre-soak damage of unarmed martial arts attacks. Finally, the light of his anima,
should it flare, reveals all dematerialized spirits present.

Valor-Wounding Mudra
Cost:: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-1)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Emotion
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: God Slayer Form
Inescapable justice lies at the heart of the God Slayer Style. The character draws a burning mark in the air,
announcing his intent and chilling the blood of those he has passed judgment upon. The glyph burns with a
lambent orange-white radiance, illuminating an (Essence x 30 yards) radius around the point where it is set.
Any hostile targets struck by the light treat it as a social attack against their Dodge MDV with a number of
successes equal to the martial artist's Essence + Conviction. A target whose MDV is overcome by the glyph
reduces their Valor by 1 so long as the light of the glyph touches them. This cannot reduce Valor below the
minimums required for the Great Curse, nor may it reduce it to 0. This is a form of unnatural mental
influence, costing 3 Willpower to resist.

Wheel of Justice
Cost:: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: God Slayer Form
The martial artist whirls his weapons high overhead, gathering Essence, or engages in a series of powerful
overhand blows. His strikes are drawn toward and fueled by the convictions of his foe— the stronger his
opponent, the more heavily Heaven's judgment shall fall upon him. This Charm causes the character to
perform a flurry of extra action attacks against a single target. The number of unarmed martial arts attacks in
the flurry is equal to the target's highest Virtue at the time Wheel of Justice is invoked. These attacks are
made regardless of the weapon's Rate, and with a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty for any one

Unbowed Executioner Technique

Cost:: 3m, 1 Willpower; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: God Slayer Form
Justice is a difficult path to follow; Creation is filled with countless temptations to distract a martial artist from
the path of righteousness. Those with the focus to still their minds and spirits, however, may stand against
any opposition, unbowed and unbroken. This Charm adds twice the character's Temperance to his natural
lethal and bashing soak.

Sin-Finding Scrutiny
Cost:: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: God Slayer Style
By experiencing his target's convictions and passions, the martial artist comes to know the weaknesses of
their owner. For each dot of Virtues the character steals from a target through the use of With the Strength of
my Enemies Methodology, he gains an "Against (Virtue's original owner)" artificial specialty. This specialty
only endures so long as Sin-Finding Scrutiny is active and the character holds Virtues from the target. The
character cannot under any circumstance gain more than three dice from specialties on any single roll. As
artificial specialties, these dice are not considered bonus dice added by a Charm.

Essence Eruption Blow

Cost:: 5m, 1 Willpower; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: God Slayer Style
The martial artist, knowing he will often face foes far more mighty than he, learns to turn an opponent's
strength against him. He injects a white-hot mote of explosive Essence into the target's Essence flows,
igniting the target's own enlightened power in a devastating attack from within. The character makes an
unarmed martial arts attack. If it is successful, the character adds (target's own Essence) dice of damage,
after soak has been resolved. Double the number of dice added against spirits. This Charm is ineffective if
hardness stops the attack altogether.

Wrath of Heaven Mantle

Cost:: — Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Valor-Wounding Mudra, Wheel of Justice, Unbowed Executioner Technique, Sin-
Finding Scrutiny, Essence Eruption Blow
The character reaches a plateau of enlightened revelation, folding together his understanding of the myriad
techniques of the God Slayer Style into a greater, synthesized whole. Creation bows down before the martial
artist, recognizing him as an agent of divine retribution. This Charm permanently enhances the Charms of
God Slayer Style in the following ways:
Merciless Onslaught Approach: The character's Strength is increased by one during the flurry.
Inescapable Judgment Declaration: The character gains an instinctive knowledge of which direction he must
travel in to locate his target, unless the target uses supernatural means to hide or confuse tracking efforts.
With the Strength of my Enemies Methodology: The character may pay 1 experience point to consume a
held virtue, immediately regaining 10 motes of Essence or 1 Willpower. The target does not immediately
regain a Virtue so destroyed, but must instead pay 1 experience point to restore it, or wait a year and a day
for it to restore itself from scraps and memories of Essence wafting through Creation.
God Slayer Form: All spirits revealed by the light of the character's anima may, for a reflexive cost of 1 mote,
be made tangible only to the practitioner for one action.
Valor-Wounding Mudra: The character may draw the burning glyph over his own caste mark, permitting the
mark to move with him.
Wheel of Justice: The character may guide his blow against either a target's convictions or the might of its
soul. He may make a number of attacks equal to the target's highest virtue or its Essence rating, whichever
is higher.
Unbowed Executioner Technique: This Charm also adds natural aggravated soak equal to the character's
Sin-Finding Scrutiny: The character may retain all artificial specialties for the duration of the Charm, even if
he has released or destroyed the Virtues those specialties originated in.
Essence Eruption Blow: This Charm will now function even through hardness.

The unusual Five Arms of the Unconquered Sun Style was developed in the High First Age, some time after
the Primordial War but before the fall of the Solar Realm into decadence and corruption. Originally intended
as much as a meditative commentary on unity as it was a fighting art, it became popular as a training style
for newly reborn Solar Exalted. For those seeking ultimate mastery in the Sidereal Martial Arts, it provided a
useful bridge to those allegorical fighting styles, while the pious enjoyed the unity of meditation, prayer, and
battle-readiness it provided.

Five Arms of the Unconquered Sun Style is virtually unknown in the Age of Sorrows. Records, scrolls, and
heretical practioners have been systematically burned out by the Immaculate Order. The handful of Lunar
Exalted who once learned the style at the behest of their Solar spouses are for the most part dead or
disinclined to teach it to its inventors. A few scrolls of the style remain among the Sidereal Exalted, however,
who feared to insult the Unconquered Sun by destroying them, and one of these has recently been stolen. It
is possible the style may begin appearing among the training camps of the Cult of the Illuminated, or the
dreams of the resurgent Solars.

Weapons and Armor: This Martial Art is an unarmed style only, although it does permit practitioners to
wear up to medium armor.

Light and Dark Kata

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Social
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: None
The first lesson of unity is the indivisibility of strength. The might of the Sun is that of mastery in all
situations. The first teaching of the Five Arms of the Unconquered Sun deals in the substitution of strength; a
fighter's intuition may guide him to the weaknesses in an opponent's argument, and an orator may see the
concluding intent in a swordsman's eyes. By way of a circular kata that cycles the martial artist's own
Essence, this Charm permits a character to substitute his MDVs for his physical Defense Values, and vice-
versa. Additionally, the character may parry attacks which inflict Lethal damage without a stunt.

Spirit Over Clouds Approach

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Light and Dark Kata
The second lesson of unity is the primacy of spirit above methodology. The root of victory lies in the intent to
win. Drawing a deep breath and focusing his battle Essence through key chakras, the martial artist becomes
briefly capable of an unpredictable array of feats. Spirit Over Clouds Approach allows a character to add his
Essence rating to Join Battle, his DVs, and the raw damage of any attacks he makes. If the character's
anima is not displayed, his eyes will pulse briefly in a color appropriate to his anima when this Charm is

Rising Dawn Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
The martial artist leans forward on the balls of his feet to move and attack in any direction. His arms are bent
at the elbows, held rigid for defense. He tightens his muscles and curls his fists. The end result is a compact
engine of violence. While using this Charm the character adds his Martial Arts score to his Move and Dash
rates, and to his Strength for the purpose of determining jumping distance. Further, he adds his Essence to
his natural bashing and lethal soak totals, and his unarmed attacks are considered to gain +1 to Damage,
Accuracy and Defense.

Shining Zenith Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
The character draws himself up straight, tall and stern, palms out and ready to strike or grapple. He cuts an

imposing figure, unmovable by will or muscle. While under the effects of this Charm the character is immune
to knockback and knockdown, though he may be thrown to the ground during a clinch. He adds his Martial
Arts to all rolls to control or inflict crush attacks during a clinch, and his mighty open-handed strikes inflict
piercing damage.

Fading Twilight Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
The character bends his knees and settles into a rhythmless and confusing motion, weaving to and fro, back
and forth. He bends his wrists and strikes with his bunched fingertips, targeting nerve bundles and pressure
points. His attitude is wary and observant, melting away from strikes and returning to launch unpredictable
flurries of stinging attacks of his own. A martial artist employing this Charm doubles his DVs while using
Guard actions, and increases the severity of all Onslaught penalties he inflicts by 1. He is immune to
onslaught penalties himself. Further, it is impossible to re-establish surprise during battle against the
character without the use of Charms.

Sleeping Sun Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds Approach
The character draws into a tight crouch and grows perfectly still. He presents the rigid knife edges of his
hands. Should movement be necessary he scuttles in quick bursts from place to place before becoming still
and watchful again. Minute adjustments in posture are used to catch or avoid attacks from any angle. When
the character attacks, his strikes crush windpipes, break joints, and tear soft tissue. A martial artist utilizing
this Charm is immune to Coordinated Attack penalties. He adds his Martial Arts score to his Dodge for the
purpose of calculating Dodge DV. His attacks inflict Lethal damage.

Meditation Upon the Spear

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rising Dawn Form
In one hand the Unconquered Sun bears aloft a spear to strike down his foes. The spear's purpose is
simple, serving only one goal, but it may be deftly wielded from a variety of angles to achieve that end. So it
is with the martial artist: he leaps to the attack, unleashing a flurry of strikes from many different vectors and
angles, each connecting one after another with the same point on his target, until victory has been achieved.
The character makes an attack. Should it inflict any damage, he immediately follows it up with another
attack, and should that inflict any damage, he repeats the sequence. The character may make up to his
Martial Arts + Essence in attacks total. Each of these attacks must strike the same target as the original
attack. Each attack in the sequence after the first ignores a cumulative 1 point of the target's soak.

Meditation Upon the Horn

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Holy, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Shining Zenith Form
One arm of the Unconquered Sun holds aloft a horn, with which to rally his armies in battle... and warn his
foes whom they oppose. The character stamps his foot, firmly rooting himself. Drawing power from Heaven
and Earth into his lungs, he unleashes a righteous and frightening kiai. The character rolls Charisma +
Martial Arts, with a number of bonus successes added equal to his Essence. Compare the number of
successes to the MDVs of opponents within earshot; if it should meet or exceed a target's MDVs, apply the
following effects: Characters who hear this mighty war-cry suffer a fear-driven internal penalty equal to the
martial artist's Essence for the rest of the scene. The expenditure of 1 point of Willpower will allow a
character to ignore this unnatural mental influence for one action, and spending 3 points of Willpower within
a single scene negates the effect entirely, also rendering the character immune to future kiais within the
scene. Materialized demons and other creatures of darkness who are naturally immaterial will be forced to
dematerialize if their Essence is lower than the martial artist's, in addition to the normal effects of the Charm.
This effect may be resisted for a cost of 1 Willpower.

Meditation Upon the Shield
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Fading Twilight Form
The Unconquered Sun bears a shield in defense of himself and his allies. Used both to catch blows and to
batter his enemies, it teaches martial artists to be active even in their passive defenses. A character uses
this Charm when he has been subjected to an attack, whether it strikes or not. The martial artist steps into
the blow, reaching out to remove his foe's ability to fight. The character is given the choice of countering
either by launching a disarm attempt with his Martial Arts added in bonus dice, or initiating a clinch with his
Essence added in bonus dice.

Meditation Upon the Laurel

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sleeping Sun Form
The fourth arm of the Unconquered Sun clutches a laurel branch, symbolizing peace and prosperity. The
laurel does not, however, explain its own methodology; it is the prize for which the other arms of the Sun
strive. Mindful of this lesson, the martial artist imposes peace through any means necessary. Concentrating
for a moment and then launching a precise, forceful strike to his opponent's solar plexus, the character
disrupts Essence flow through that key meridian, obstructing his opponent's use of Essence. The character
launches an attack at full dice pool. Should it inflict any damage, the target suffers a Crippling effect. For the
rest of the scene, when the target spends Essence, he is forced to add his own current wound penalty to the
cost of any Essence expenditures he makes. This blockage may be corrected without waiting for a full scene
to elapse, but the method is painful: the character must dedicate an unrolled Miscellaneous Action to
spending his own Essence Rating in motes to force Essence through the blockage, forcefully disrupting it.
This inflicts his Essence in unavoidable levels of bashing damage.

Heaven-and-Earth Stairway
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Meditation Upon the Spear, Meditation Upon the Horn, Meditation Upon the Shield,
Meditation Upon the Laurel
As the Unconquered Sun moves naturally from station to station and shifts effortlessly between the faces he
shows the world, so too does the Martial Artist. This is the hidden arm of the Unconquered Sun and the
secret that drives the other four to victory: the indomitable will that seizes the means to overcome any
obstacle. The martial artist learns the 32 steps to unity, a series of movements and postures that allow
transitioning between the various Sun Forms of the style with only the most minimal effort or expenditure of
Essence. The Heaven-and-Earth Stairway may only be invoked when the character is using one of the
style's Form-type Charms. It allows him to exchange it for another in-style Form-type Charm he knows for no
additional cost. Using the Heaven-and-Earth Stairway imposes an additional +1 to the sum total of the
character's Speed for the action in which it is invoked. If invoked on a tick when the character does not act, it
retroactively adds 1 to the Speed of the actions he took, effectively 'pushing back' his next action one tick.
The character continues committing the motes for whichever Form-type Charm he had invoked and does not
have to add to this cost, even if the new Form-type Charm is more expensive. Dropping this commitment will
drop whatever Form-type Charm he has active.

Crowned Sun Form

Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Emotion, Obvious, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Heaven-and-Earth Stairway
The character relaxes into an easy stance, ready for anything. His hands are open, his attitude leonine in
both its regality and vigilance. If forced to fight, he attacks with snap-kicks and open-hand slaps. It is more
likely, however, that opponents will think twice about opposing the obvious prowess of such a warrior. The
character adds his Essence in dice to Join Debate rolls, as well as all social attacks utilizing the Charisma
Attribute. Opponents must succeed at a Willpower roll to initiate physical hostilities against the character,
though they are free to retaliate should he attack first. Additionally, the character's watchful attitude and
quick adaptation permit him to use the Sun Burning Upon the Mirror technique. After observing an opponent
taking at least three actions under the effects of a Form-type Charm, the character may reflexively spend 1

mote to emulate all benefits of that Form, including the ability to use in-style weapons with the Martial Arts
Ability (though they do not become compatible with other Five Arms of the Unconquered Sun Charms). The
character may only emulate one Form-type Charm at a time. All emulated Form benefits cease to apply
should he change to another in-style Form by way of the Heaven-and-Earth Stairway, though they will
resume should he return to this Form later in the scene. Characters cannot emulate Form-type Charms from
Styles at stations of the Perfected Lotus they could not be initiated into.

Several tales once circulated about this very old style. One has it that the Elegant Blood-Dancer Style was
invented by an Eclipse Caste adventurer, in memory of his slain Lunar wife. Another holds that it was one of
the Lunar Exalted who innovated the style in an attempt to explain his joy in battle to his increasingly
detatched Solar wife. Another claims that a Sidereal invented the style after making extensive study of the
dances of the Yozis. Now most of these tales have faded into the mists of time, lost with the turning of the
Ages. Though it has fallen out of favor with the Sidereals, a few Lunar Exalted still study the Elegant Blood-
Dancer Style, and inscriptions of its Charm forms remain etched on some of the oldest trees in the far East.

Weapons and Armor: Practitioners of this Martial Art treat tiger claws and razor claws as unarmed for the
purpose of its Charms. This style is compatible with light armor.

Dancing Within the Bonfire Technique

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The martial artist, narrowly avoiding disaster, rides the exhilaration of his success. He lets it draw him closer
to his adversary, the better to strike. The character may only activate this Charm after successfully stopping
an attack by applying his Parry or Dodge DV. He may then subtract 1 from the total Speed of his next action,
so long as that action is in some way directed at the character he applied his DV against. This may not take
his Speed below 3.

Aggressor Chastisement Retreat

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dancing Within the Bonfire Technique
Combat is like poetry, like dance, like death: it is all about wisely choosing your moment. This lesson is well
understood by the student of the Elegant Blood-Dancer Style. Pressed hard by the attacks of a foe, he
selects his moment and springs to action, grabbing and retreating all at once. When activated during an
onslaught attack, this Charm allows the character to make a disarm attempt against his opponent, with a
number of automatic successes equal to the onslaught penalty currently leveled against him. If successful,
this attack leaves the character with possession of the opponent's weapon. Additionally, even should this
disarm attempt fail, the character is carried backwards (current onslaught penalty leveled x 3) yards.

Crimson Veil Method

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dancing Within the Bonfire Technique
The character twists in low, making a vicious but graceful attack. He whirls as he withdraws, splashing his
opponent's eyes with his own blood to disorient him. This Charm may only be used to supplement an
unarmed Martial Arts attack that inflicts lethal damage. If the blow lands, even if it does no damage, the
character imposes a delay upon the target's next action (effectively raising his last action's Speed
retroactively) equal to the wound penalty the target suffers after the attack. Effects which negate the impact
of wound penalties upon the character do not negate this Charm. Only Charms which completely prevent
bleeding will stop Crimson Veil Method. This Charm cannot be used on targets with no vital fluids, such as
most automatons. This Charm does not function if the character's damage does not bypass the target's

Elegant Blood-Dancer Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Aggressor Chastisement Retreat, Crimson Veil Method
The character assumes a capricious, shifting stance: one moment balanced on his toes, the next crouched
like a spider. If unarmed, his attacks inflict lethal damage. The character gains his current wound penalties in
automatic successes to all Martial Arts actions. His Dodge and Parry DVs, as well as all Martial Arts attack
and damage pools become immune to wound penalties; all other sorts of actions suffer from them normally.

Blood of the Hero Sacrifice
Cost: 6m, 1lhl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Elegant Blood-Dancer Form
Many martial arts exist which draw strength from emulation of some facet of Creation. Eschewing such
methods, the Blood-Dancer draws from his own heroism, making a sacrifice of himself to himself. The
Martial Artist slashes light wounds across key chakras at his chest and biceps, anointing his claws or
fingertips with his heroic blood. The character then adds his Essence to the raw damage of his Martial Arts

Blood Armor Prana

Cost: 4m, 1lhl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Elegant Blood-Dancer Style
The martial artist draws upon the Essence carried in his blood, scoring light wounds across his forearms and
smearing the blood across his chest. For the rest of the scene the character adds his Martial Arts to his
natural Lethal and Bashing soak, and gains natural aggravated soak equal to his Essence.

Rejected by Battle Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Blood of the Hero Sacrifice, Blood Armor Prana
The martial artist weaves through a flickering succession of mudras, then strikes. If he inflicts any damage,
the character inserts slivers of Essence into his opponent, affecting his Essence as a rock does a full pan of
water. The very battlefield falls into accord with the state of the target's health, reinforcing it. Until the target's
DV has refreshed five times, all internal penalties he suffers, for whatever reason, become external
penalties. This includes wound penalties.

Blood Spiral Technique

Cost: 3m, 1lhl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Rejected by Battle Technique
The martial artist pierces chakras in his legs, then sprays his blood about in a widdershins pattern.
Opponents are confused by the patterns, and so long as the martial artist allows his steps to trace the
patterns of the blood spiral maze, he will never find himself with his back exposed. So long as the martial
artist does not venture more than (Essence x 5) yards from the point where he invokes the Charm, he
cannot be subjected to an unanticipated attack from within the Charm's area of effect. Characters may
conceal themselves within the area, but their concealment automatically fails as soon as they choose to
target the martial artist with an attack. Additionally, the character may be attacked by one opponent less than
would normally be possible given the circumstances (so, in an open area where up to five attackers could
normally assault the character at once, only four would be able to find their way to do so). No character may
target his back or otherwise render his DV inapplicable through positioning unless assisted by a stunt or

Blood Runs On Methodology

Cost: 6m, 1lhl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Five actions
Prerequisite Charms: Rejected by Battle Technique
The martial artist carefully opens Essence-lines in his wrists, anointing his face with the blood in swirling
patterns. He adds his Essence rating to all Join Battle rolls, and until his DV has refreshed five times, may
reflexively spend one lethal health level in response to an attack (during Step 2) to automatically raise his
Dodge DV high enough to avoid the attack. The character fades out of the way of the attack at the last
moment in a flash of blood. This Charm does not function in situations where Dodge DV is inapplicable.

Blood Answers for Blood Approach

Cost: 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Blood Spiral Technique, Blood Runs On Methodology
The character's veins burn with a light characteristic of his Exaltation, along with any of his blood upon him,
and any open wounds. He lunges through the radiance to drive a powerful attack into an opponent, drawing
upon the very ebb and flow of battle to sustain him. The character makes an unarmed Martial Arts attack.
Should it inflict any damage, the character recovers a number of health levels based on the wound penalties
suffered by his target after the attack. One point of wound penalties heals one bashing health level; two
points heals one lethal. This Charm is unable to repair aggravated damage. Should the attack kill the target,
treat them as having possessed the highest possible wound penalty at the moment of death (-3 for extras, -4
for most other characters).

Long ago, in the lost epochs of the First Age, Creation was pacified to such a degree that its rulers could
contemplate martial endeavors not only as a means of survival, but also of art and spiritual expression. And
as they quickly discovered, power rests in both art and enlightenment, waiting to be drawn out. One such
Exalt, enraptured by the possibilities of the blade, sought to advance mastery of the sword beyond anything
yet known in Creation. In the keening of wind over steel, he beheld a language comprehensible to any,
regardless of spiritual station or divine patron. However, the raw expressions of power derived from Exalted
mastery of armed battle did not hold the refinements he desired, and the structured lessons of the martial
arts were too self-contained, refusing to cohabit with the mastery of technique that is the foundation of all
swordsmanship. This long-gone Dawn Caste used his martial genius and the power of his Essence to forge
an experimental style that fused the benefits of both melee and martial arts, and named it the Wind-Cutting
Blade style. It explored the potential of controlled force and the warrior that ends a fight in one swing. A
school of study grew up around the style, and as the First Age rolled on, it proved the first of many.

In the Second Age this sublime wisdom is long lost. The Shogunate condemned the sword schools as
Anathema work, and emphasized the role of mortal warriors as foot soldiers, serving below Terrestrial
heroes. After the Contagion the schools were largely forgotten, the sword rarely looked to for anything other
than its utility as a tool.

But somewhere in Creation, that Dawn Caste has been reborn, and his passion for the blade has been
rekindled. Is it time for Creation to witness a renaissance of swordsmanship?

Charms of the Wind-Cutting Blade Style are unusual in that they may be used to augment attacks made with
either the Martial Arts or Melee Ability, so long as the style's signature weapon is used. All Wind-Cutting
Blade Charms may be placed in Combos with Charms of either the Martial Arts or Melee Abilities; however,
if used in conjunction with Melee Charms, they are considered Melee Charms for the purpose of the Combo.
Thus, under most circumstances, they cannot be placed in Combos containing both Melee Charms and
Martial Arts Charms of other styles.

Weapons and Armor: The Charms of this style can be used only with the slashing sword and its artifact
equivalent, the reaper daiklave. This martial art is compatible with up to medium armor.
Complementary Abilities: Practitioners of this style must possess at least three dots of Melee, and most
find it advantageous to keep their Melee rating at least as high as their Martial Arts.

Charms which are tagged as Adaptive may experience altered performance if learned by
a character who knows certain other Charms. The keyword is backwards-adaptable as
well: if a character learns an Adaptive Charm and then later learns the Charm it is linked
to, the Adaptive Charm gains its enhanced performance as surely as if the character had
always known that Charm.

War and Peace Preparation

Cost: — Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Adaptive
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Preparedness defines the excellent warrior. The way of the swordsman is to regard all of Creation as a
battlefield. The first lesson of the Wind-Cutting school is to keep one's sword to hand at all times; the second
is that even a sheathed blade is a weapon. Characters who learn this Charm need not fear being caught
without their weapon at the ready. They may fight with their sheathed slashing swords without using a
Draw/Ready Weapon Miscellaneous action, or taking any penalty for doing so. Sheathed style weapons
function as normal, save that they inflict bashing rather than lethal damage. Charms of the Wind-Cutting
Blade Style cannot cause a sheathed weapon to inflict non-bashing damage.
• Characters who know Summoning the Loyal Steel (Exalted, p.192) enjoy two bonus successes on all Join
Battle rolls while carrying a slashing blade or storing one Elsewhere through the auspices of that Charm.

• Characters who know Terrestrial Melee Reinforcement (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.128-129) enjoy a +1
bonus to their Parry DV while fighting with a sheathed weapon, and in the presence of other members of this
sword school.
• Characters who know Impressions of Strength (MoEP: Lunars, p.144) add an additional 1B to the damage
rating of their sheathed weapon.
• A character who knows the Fateful Melee Excellency (MoEP: Sidereals, p.127) finds wisdom in restraint;
he can bank up to five additional dice with an Aim action undertaken with a sheathed weapon, instead of the
normal three. The weapon does not have to remain sheathed when the Aimed attack is eventually
• Characters who know Void Sheath Technique (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) impose a -1 external penalty on
the Join Battle rolls of all opponents while carrying a slashing blade or storing one Elsewhere through the
auspices of that Charm.

Mountain Strikes the Breeze Technique

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: War and Peace Preparation
A Wind-Cutter will not be drawn out before he is ready. The attacks of his opponents are distractions,
attempts to mar the perfection of the coming strike. The student learns to discourage such attempts. This
Charm is an Essence-enhanced parry, made with the character's sheathed slashing blade. By moving into
the coming blow and striking it with his sheathed weapon, the character sends a jarring jolt of Essence into
his opponent, leaving that enemy open for a strike. The character raises his DV by his Martial Arts or Melee,
whichever is lowest. If this successfully stops an opponent's attack, that aggressor suffers an additional -1
DV penalty to the blocked attack. This Charm cannot be used against ranged attacks.
• Characters who know Bulwark Stance (Exalted, p.193) may pay an extra 3 motes upon activation of this
Charm to treat its Duration as "Until Next Action."
• Characters who know Blinding Spark Distraction (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.155-156) infuse their parry
with elemental Essence, causing the attacker's weapon to become difficult to wield (uncomfortably warm,
wet and slick, icy-cold to the touch, etc). Their next action suffers a -1 external penalty. This only applies to
attacks made with non-natural weapons.
• Characters who know Tearing Claw Atemi (MoEP: Lunars, p.145) force opponents to roll Stamina +
Resistance to avoid knockdown upon a successful parry.
• Characters who have learned Impeding the Flow (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) reduce the Rate of the
offending weapon by 1 upon a successful parry, potentially cutting intended flurries short.
• Characters who know Broken Toys Riposte (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) raise the DV penalty imposed by
this Charm to -2.

Wind-Cutting Blade Form

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Mountain Strikes the Breeze Technique
The swordsman crouches down, one hand holding his sheathed blade at his hip, the other ready to draw.
His entire body is tensed, ready for the single, perfect strike that is this style's hallmark. While this Form is
active, the character may draw or sheathe his blade as a reflexive action, once per action. Any further
drawing or sheathing of the blade requires a Miscellaneous action as normal. The character's constant state
of hair-trigger readiness permits him to be lightning-fast on reaction; all of his attack actions with proper in-
style weapons enjoy a Speed bonus of -1. This cannot reduce the Speed of an attack below 3.

Steel-Shattering Gale Technique

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-basic, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Cutting Blade Form
The swordsman fortifies his blade with his spirit. Together, they may act to destroy an enemy's means of
victory as a prelude to destroying the enemy himself. Faced with an attack, the character responds with a
strike of his own-- against the incoming weapon. This Charm may only be invoked if the character's weapon
is sheathed. He draws it and makes a standard attack roll in Step 5. Apply successes on the roll as an
external penalty against his opponent's attack roll. If the opponent's attack is reduced to 0 successes, it is
stopped. If the character's roll exceeds his opponent's by 1 or more successes, the opponent's weapon

breaks if it is mundane. If the character's roll exceeds his opponent's by 5 or more successes, and the
character is using an Artifact weapon, then the opponent's weapon can be broken even if it is an Artifact.
This counterattack imposes a -2 DV penalty on the user, reduced to -1 if the character can draw his weapon
reflexively. Invoking this Charm leaves the weapon unsheathed. This Charm may only be invoked against
attacks made with hand-to-hand weapons.
• Characters who know Dipping Swallow Defense (Exalted, pp.192-193) reduce the DV penalty imposed by
invocation of the Charm by 1.
• Characters who know Ringing Anvil Onslaught (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) may opt to pay only 3m
upon invocation of this Charm. This variant will disarm rather than breaking the target weapon, sending it
flying (Martial Arts x 2) yards away.
• Characters who know Wasp Sting Blur (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) may reflexively sheath their weapon after
invocation of this Charm.
• A character who knows Perfection of the Visionary Warrior (MoEP: Sidereals, p.127) does not simply
break weapons—they explode under the fateful stroke of his blade. The resultant shower of sharp-edged
fragments inflicts (Essence) dice of lethal damage on the attacker, which may be soaked normally.
• Characters who know Elegant Flowing Deflection (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) may add their current wound
penalties in extra dice to the Charm's attack roll.

Wind Through Walls Attack

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Cutting Blade Form
The character's blade flies from its sheath faster than the eye can see, there and gone almost before it can
register any impediments to its flight. The character launches a standard attack at full dice pool with an in-
style weapon. This attack enjoys the Piercing tag and ignores hardness. The character's weapon must be
sheathed to invoke this Charm, and invoking it leaves the weapon unsheathed.
• If the raw damage of a character who knows Hungry Tiger Technique (Exalted, p.190) exceeds the full
soak of his target, then he may pay one additional mote to ignore soak altogether with this Charm.
• Characters who know Threshing Floor Technique (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) knock the target's
armor askew on a successful use of this Charm, lowering its soak and hardness values by 2 until the target
uses a Miscellaneous action to readjust his armor. This benefit only applies if the target is wearing armor.
• Characters who know Shell-Crushing Atemi (MoEP: Lunars, p.145) tear ragged rents into their opponent's
armor with their strike, pushing shredded bits of metal or cured leather into the wound. They add half their
Martial arts or Melee, whichever is lower, to their attack's raw damage. This benefit only applies if the target
is wearing armor.
• A character who knows Harmony of Blows (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) adds his (Essence + Martial Arts or
Melee, whichever is lower) to his raw, pre-soak damage against targets who are not wearing any armor at
• A swordsman who knows Savage Shade Style (MoEP: Abyssals, p.127) may pay 2 extra motes to lower
a target's DVs by the swordsman's Essence when he strikes.

The Wind Screams

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -0)
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Steel-Shattering Gale Technique
The character's weapon flashes out, screaming through the air to strike before any response is possible.
Such is the speed of the blade that it produces a sonic keening. This Charm has a lower Speed and DV
penalty than normal. It can only be invoked if the character's weapon is sheathed, and it is left unsheathed at
the end of the Charm.
• Characters who know Iron Raptor Technique (Exalted, p.192) can focus the sword's sonic wail into a
cutting blade, blurring out to strike targets up to (the lower of Melee or Martial Arts x 3) yards away. This
attack is unblockable.
• Characters who know Dragon-Graced Weapon (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.155) convert their sword's
sonic wail into an element appropriate to their Exaltation, creating an explosive burst of wind, flame, toxic
pollen, etc. This inflicts (Essence) dice of additional lethal damage on a successful hit, which must be
soaked separately.
• Characters who know Lightning Stroke Attack (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) strike so quickly, and from such an

unexpected angle that the target is forced to make a reflexive Perception + Awareness roll against a
difficulty of half the attacking character's Essence. If they fail this roll, the attack is considered unexpected.
• Characters who know Meditation on War (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) strike with unerring accuracy, not at
where their target is, but where he will be. While this attack may be stopped, it cannot be avoided; it
becomes undodgeable.
• Characters who know Ravening Mouth of Melee (MoEP: Abyssals, p.122) produce a terrible, ghostly wail
when they strike. Compare the attack roll to both physical DVs and Dodge MDV. If the attack exceeds the
target's Dodge MDV, it strikes terrible fear into him, imposing a -1 external penalty to all actions for the rest
of the scene and rendering the attack unblockable. This effect has the Emotion keyword, and is a form of
unnatural mental influence that takes 1 Willpower to resist.

Tempered Victory Proposition

Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Wind Through Walls Attack
The swordsman moves into an attack, deflecting it along his sheath at the same moment he makes a killing
draw. This is a counterattack Charm that can only be invoked if the character has his weapon sheathed, and
it leaves the weapon unsheathed. It imposes a -2 DV penalty, or a -1 DV penalty if the character can draw
his weapon reflexively. This Charm may be invoked if the character uses his sheath to parry an attack,
regardless of the attempt's success. It launches an attack at the character's full dice pool, plus the attacking
dice pool leveraged against him. This does not permit the character to exceed normal dice-adding limits.
This Charm may only be invoked against attacks made with hand-to-hand weapons.
• Characters who know Solar Counterattack (Exalted, p.194) may, if the initial counterattack succeeds, pay
2 motes and incur an additional -1 DV penalty to make an immediate second counterattack with their sheath.
This counterattack does not enjoy any special dice-pool boosts; it does, however, inflict onslaught penalty.
• Characters who know Portentous Comet Deflecting Mode (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.129) learn to trap
their opponent's weapon with their sheath, lowering their DVs by 1 against the resultant counterattack.
• Characters who know Frenzied Bear Fortification (MoEP: Lunars, p.160) reduce any damage taken from
an attack this Charm is invoked in response to by 1L or 2B.
• Characters who know Orchestration of Mirrored Fates (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) are able to transcend
space with their reprisals. The character may invoke Tempered Victory Proposition even against ranged
attacks, the sympathetic Essence of his attack splitting open opponents though the steel of his blade
touches them not. Using the Charm in such a manner renders its effects Obvious.
• Characters who know Vengeful Riposte (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) target the opponent's striking limb with
their counterattack. If the counterattack inflicts any damage, the target suffers a Crippling effect that imposes
a -1 external penalty to all attacks made with that limb for the rest of the scene.

The Blade Breathes

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: The Wind Screams, Tempered Victory Proposition
The swordsman focuses his will upon his blade, then draws and unleashes a potent strike. Such is the
power concentrated into his weapon that the blade sublimates into Essence at the moment of the strike. This
attack is capable of striking dematerialized targets; against material targets, it destroys motes of Essence
rather than health levels. Material targets with no Essence pool (or which run out of motes and take damage
from this charm) take scene-long internal penalties in lieu of damage. The character's weapon must be
sheathed to invoke this Charm, and is unsheathed after its use.
• Characters who know Fire and Stones Strike (Exalted, p.190) ignore armor when invoking this Charm.
• Characters who know Ghost-Fire Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) may inflict damage or take
Essence from elementally-aspected, dematerialized opponents, as the character desires.
• Characters who know Might-Bolstering Blow (MoEP: Lunars, p.158) may dissolve an immaterial target
slain with this Charm into a number of motes of Essence equal to the target's total health levels, which are
then added to the character's pool.
• Characters who know Serenity in Blood (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) may drain Essence in addition to doing
damage when attacking immaterial targets.
• Characters who know Artful Maiming Onslaught (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) cripple their target's soul when
they strike. The target gains no Essence or Willpower back from the next (attacker's Essence) stunts he
successfully performs.

Truth Drives the Hurricane
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: The Blade Breathes
As the swordsman nears mastery, he learns to use the blade to express his soul. The character draws and
strikes, his blade burning with a corona in a color appropriate to his Exaltation. This attack's damage is
aggravated. The character's weapon must be sheathed to invoke this Charm, and his weapon is left
unsheathed afterward.
• Characters who know Blazing Solar Bolt (Exalted, p.192) add the Holy keyword to this Charm when facing
creatures of darkness. They may reflexively spend additional motes to convert post-soak damage dice into
automatic successes, at a rate of 2 motes per die against such creatures. The character may only convert a
maximum of his Essence in dice in this manner.
• Characters who know Refining the Inner Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.128-129) enjoy the
Elemental Keyword, with a manifestation appropriate to the character's Aspect. Air produces a potent gust
that induces automatic knockback, sending the target flying (damage inflicted x 2) yards. Earth sends a
shock of elemental Essence through the target, rooting his feet into the ground until his DV has refreshed
twice. Fire injects the target with searing Essence, imposing an internal penalty equal to the damage
inflicted on the target's next action. Water finds weaknesses in the target's armor, lowering the armor's
effective Soak by 3. Wood finds revitalization in destruction, and regains one mote of Essence for every
level of damage inflicted.
• Characters who know Ferocious Biting Tooth (MoEP: Lunars, p.142) enjoy a free reroll on this Charm's
damage when employing it against the Fair Folk; they may use the better of two results.
• A character who knows Smiling at the Damned (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) who attacks a creature outside
Fate and inflicts more damage in one strike than his target's Stamina may opt not to inflict damage at all,
instead banishing his target back to a random point in Malfeas, the Underworld, the Wyld, or whatever other
native domain is appropriate. If the target meets the above criteria but is actually native to Creation and
simply using some artificial means to appear outside of Fate (such as Charms or artifacts), the Charm simply
inflicts damage as normal.
• Characters who know Ebon Lightning Prana (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) tear away bits of a target's soul with
their strike. If their attack inflicts a number of levels of damage greater than the target's Essence, the target
loses one dot of permanent Essence. Targets reduced to 0 Essence die instantly.

Long ago, in the lost epochs of the First Age, Creation was pacified to such a degree that its rulers could
contemplate martial endeavors not only as a means of survival, but also of art and spiritual expression. And
as they quickly discovered, power rests in both art and enlightenment, waiting to be drawn out. One such
Exalt, enraptured by the possibilities of the blade, sought to advance mastery of the sword beyond anything
yet known in Creation. In the keening of wind over steel, he beheld a language comprehensible to any,
regardless of spiritual station or divine patron. However, the raw expressions of power derived from Exalted
mastery of armed battle did not hold the refinements he desired, and the structured lessons of the martial
arts were too self-contained, refusing to cohabit with the mastery of technique that is the foundation of all
swordsmanship. This long-gone Dawn Caste used his martial genius and the power of his Essence to forge
a number of experimental styles that fused the benefits of both melee and martial arts. One of these was the
Graceful Hummingbird style. It explored the potential of the agile fighter, who skewers an opponent upon his
own power. It proved popular with diplomats, governors, elegant courtiers and seafaring roughnecks.

In the Second Age this sublime wisdom is long lost. The Shogunate condemned the sword schools as
Anathema work, and emphasized the role of mortal warriors as foot soldiers, serving below Terrestrial
heroes. After the Contagion the schools were largely forgotten, the sword rarely looked to for anything other
than its utility as a tool.

Even at the height of the Shogunate, however, the Graceful Hummingbird was favored by outlaws and
scoundrels, many of whom cared little for official proscriptions. It survived in the far West in a few famous
pirate dens, and now, as the Age prepares to turn, may be ready for a resurgence.

Charms of the Graceful Hummingbird style are unusual in that they may be used to augment attacks made
with either the Martial Arts or Melee Ability, so long as the style's signature weapon is used. All Graceful
Hummingbird Charms may be placed in Combos with Charms of either the Martial Arts or Melee Abilities;
however, if used in conjunction with Melee Charms, they are considered Melee Charms for the purpose of
the Combo. Thus, under most circumstances, they cannot be placed in Combos containing both Melee
Charms and Martial Arts Charms of other styles.

Weapons and Armor: The Charms of this style can be used only with the foil or rapier and their artifact
equivalent, the needle daiklave. This martial art is incompatible with armor.
Complementary Abilities: Practitioners of this style must possess at least three dots of Melee, and most
find it advantageous to keep their Melee rating at least as high as their Martial Arts.

Charms which are tagged as Adaptive may experience altered performance if learned by
a character who knows certain other Charms. The keyword is backwards-adaptable as
well: if a character learns an Adaptive Charm and then later learns a Charm that it is
linked to, the Adaptive Charm gains its enhanced performance as surely as if the
character had always known that Charm.

New weapons:
Rapier/Foil: Speed 4, Accuracy +2, Damage +1L, Defense +2, Rate 3. Minimums: Dex
••, Cost: ••, Tags: P
Needle Daiklave: Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +3L, Defense +3, Rate 3. Minimums:
Dex ••, Attune 5, Cost ••, Tags: P

Rooster Greets the Dawn

Cost: 2m Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive

Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Thousands fight and die every day, all across Creation. In victory or defeat, they pass nameless and
unremembered. To a Graceful Hummingbird, such anonymity is a fate worse than death, and so he makes
every fight memorable. The character begins a match by drawing his weapon and tipping it in salute to
astonished opponents, before leaping to the attack. This Charm enhances a Join Battle roll, adding 3 dice to
the effort and allowing the character a free, reflexive Draw Weapon action.
• Characters who know Call the Blade (Exalted, p.191) dazzle opponents with their unexpected chivalry.
They enjoy a +2 bonus to their DV until their next action should their Join Battle roll place them behind
another character's action, or +2 successes on their first attack if they end up acting before any opponents.
• Characters who know Terrestrial Melee Reinforcement (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.128-129) enjoy an
additional +1 die bonus to their Join Battle roll for each additional character present who invokes Rooster
Greets the Dawn at the same time they do.
• Characters who know Subduing the Honored Foe (MoEP: Lunars, p.147) project a disconcerting, feral
majesty with their salute, causing opponents to suffer a -2 internal penalty to any simultaneous Join Battle
• A character who knows Meditation on War (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) informs both his opponents and
destiny of his intention to triumph. His Join Battle roll's target number is lowered by 1, usually to 6.
• Characters who know Blade-Summoning Gesture (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) terrify opponents with the
violence implicit in their mocking salutes. The Abyssal enjoys +3 successes on his next attack.

Cloud-Chasing Advance
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Rooster Greets the Dawn
Fate favors the bold and abhors a coward. Making haste, the fighter advances to close with a foe. He
scrambles nimbly over any obstacles or barriers, leaping crates and swinging across dangling rigging to
close with an opponent in a heartbeat. This Charm allows a character to move (Essence x 5) yards, if doing
so would place him within melee range of a selected opponent. Any 'leftover' movement after reaching this
adversary is wasted. The character must actually be able to reach his target through normal movement (he
could not, for example, pass through the bars of a jail cell to attack a jailor on the far side).
• Characters who know Iron Raptor Technique (Exalted, p.192) transfer all their momentum into their first
cut upon reaching an opponent. This first attack is unblockable.
• Characters who know Dragon-Graced Weapon (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.155) extend the range of
their movement to (Essence x 8) yards if moving through an environment resonant with their element
(across the deck of a heaving ship for Water, through a burning building for Fire, a forest for Wood, etc).
• Characters who know Furious Hound Pursuit (MoEP: Lunars, p.152) may continue moving past a target
after attacking, using any 'leftover' movement that would have been otherwise wasted.
• Characters who have learned Smiling at the Damned (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) may pay an additional 2
motes to become dematerialized during their sprint at their chosen target, allowing them to pass through any
intervening obstacles. They must still be able to actually perceive their target when they activate the Charm.
• Characters who know Ebon Lightning Prana (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) rush at their opponents like a black
wind, unexpectedly landing inside their defenses. The first attack the Abyssal launches ignores 2 points of
the target's DVs.

Graceful Hummingbird Form

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Cloud-Chasing Advance
The swordsman goes en garde, legs tensed, blade up and ready for any attack. His nimble footwork allows
him to easily cross blades with his foes on any sort of terrain; the swashbuckler suffers no situational
penalties to his attacks or defenses due to terrain (such as having or lacking high ground, fighting aboard the
deck of a pitching ship, or conducting a fight aboard a massive water-wheel that has broken loose and is
rolling downhill through the middle of Nexus). Note that this does not assist in any actual rolls the fencer may
need to make to keep his balance in the first place, or any movement penalties for crossing harsh terrain.
Additionally, the fencer's well-trained and nimble stance makes his guard nearly impervious, raising his
Parry DV by 3.

Dipping Heron Riposte
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Hummingbird Form
The wise swordsman lets his opponent's haste undo him. Stepping back before a thrust, the fencer uses the
tip of his blade to guide his enemy's weapon astray, lodging it in a bit of nearby scenery—a wooden beam, a
gap between two cobblestones, a nearby crate or windowsill, or whatever else presents itself. This Charm
may be invoked in response to an attack capable of inflicting lethal damage that the fencer defends against
with his Parry DV. If the swordsman successfully defends against the attack, then the opponent's weapon is
trapped. The opponent cannot attack with the weapon until he has freed it with a diceless miscellaneous
action (Speed 4, DV -1), nor can he move from that spot unless the weapon has been pulled free or he
decides to voluntarily abandon it. This Charm cannot be used in conjunction with any Charm which provides
an automatically successful parry—only an imperfect defense allows the flexibility to deploy this technique.
The Charm also may not be invoked on the odd occasions when there is nothing nearby to bury the
opponent's weapon in, such as when two flying characters are dueling in midair high above the ground.
• Characters who know Solar Counterattack (Exalted, pp.194) may pay 1 willpower to ensure that their
opponent's weapon is successfully buried, even if their parry fails.
• Characters who know Portentous Comet Deflecting Mode (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) cause the
miscellaneous retrieval action to become (Speed 4, DV -2) if they bury the weapon in a surface resonant
with their elemental aspect (a block of ice for Air Aspects, any part of a ship at sea for Water aspects, etc).
• Characters who know Burrowing Devil Strike (MoEP: Lunars, p.145) drive an opponent's weapon
especially deep into a nearby surface. The retrieval action becomes Speed 6.
• A character who knows the Fateful Melee Excellency (MoEP: Sidereals, p.127) may trap an opponent's
weapon between the strands of fate, allowing this Charm to be used even if there is no appropriate surface
nearby to permit it.
• Characters who know Vengeful Riposte (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) knock aside weapons with terrible force,
setting up a wailing vibration in the trapped weapon that bites at the nerves and quivers in the hand.
Retrieval actions become (Speed 4, DV -3).

Rose Without Thorns

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dipping Heron Riposte
The best fights are those remembered, embellished, told and re-told in taverns across Creation. Having
more than one surviving witness at the end of things facilitates this. For less philosophical souls, it suffices
that disarmed opponents are easier to defeat. This Charm enhances a disarming attempt (see Exalted, p.
158). The character's net attack successes are counted twice for the purpose of the opponent's (Wits +
appropriate wielding Ability) resistance roll.
• If a character knows Hungry Tiger Technique (Exalted, p.190), he may ignore the external penalty on the
disarm attempt, and hurls the weapon away one yard for each success by which the victim fails to meet his
resistance difficulty, rather than one foot.
• Characters who know Blinding Spark Distraction (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.155) generate a flash of heat
within the target weapon when they strike, imposing a -1 external penalty on the resistance roll.
• Characters who know Wasp Sting Blur (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) hurl targeted weapons through the air with
awesome force. Rather than traveling one foot for each success by which the victim fails to meet his
resistance difficulty, the weapon travels two yards.
• A character who knows Serenity in Blood (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) knocks the offending weapon on a
course that travels momentarily through Elsewhere. Without appropriate Charms such as Summoning the
Loyal Steel, it becomes impossible to retrieve the weapon for 3 ticks.
• A swordsman who knows Savage Shade Style (MoEP: Abyssals, p.127) ignores the external penalty on
the disarm attempt, and may choose to let a weapon simply drop at an opponent's feet without traveling any
distance away, converting the successes that would have sent it flying into dice of piercing lethal damage
instead, which are subject to soak as normal.

Haughty Gull Display

Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Emotion
Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Hummingbird Form
The fencer's weapon dances in the air, flashing about the opponent in a bewildering pattern, seeming not to
actually touch him. A moment later his clothing or perhaps bare skin reveals the true measure of the
swordsman's skill, revealing that he has carved a message or perhaps personal insignia into his target.
Shaken by the realization of the fencer's skill, most opponents have their nerves broken for the rest of the
fight. Many surrender on the spot.
The swordsman makes a standard attack roll, with his weapon's Accuracy converted into successes rather
than rolled as dice. Should this attack strike, it inflicts no damage, but does present the opportunity to carve
some superficially light message, symbol, or other such mark into the target. Opponents so marked suffer a -
2 external penalty to all rolls to attack the swordsman for the rest of the scene as an Emotion effect. This
may be ignored for one action by spending 1 Willpower, and once a character has spent 3 Willpower in this
way he overcomes the effects of this Charm for the rest of the scene.
• Characters who know Peony Blossom Attack (Exalted, p.191) add the Holy tag to the attack. Creatures of
darkness must spend an aggregate total of 5 Willpower to ignore the effects of the Charm for the rest of the
scene, rather than 3.
• Characters who know Threshing Floor Technique (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) carve in their mark as
a searing brand, adding a -1 internal wound penalty to the other effects of the attack until the target's DV has
refreshed three times.
• A character who knows Foe-Marking Style (MoEP: Lunars, p.142) sears the experience into his target's
mind. Henceforth, whenever the character can see the mark the fencer placed upon him (on a wall, a
playbill, marked into the chest of another opponent, etc) he suffers a -1 internal penalty to all actions as an
Emotion effect, which can be resisted for a scene for 1 Willpower. These aftereffects end once the character
has spent 10 Willpower fighting off the effects and aftereffects of this Charm in total. As an additional benefit,
should Haughty Gull Display be placed in a Combo with Foe-Marking Style, the swordsman's mark is
permanently branded into his target. So long as the target wears the mark, he suffers the full effects of this
Charm in any scene where he attempts to oppose the swordsman, but this effect can be overcome for the
rest of the scene for only 1 Willpower.
• Characters who know Orchestration of Mirrored Fates (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) carve inauspicious
symbols into the target's chest, which guide their blades toward the unfortunate so marked. All attacks made
at such a target with a proper in-style weapon until he shakes off the Emotion effect weapon have their
target number reduced by 1 (typically to 6).
• Characters who know Unfurling Iron Lotus (MoEP: Abyssals, p.128) deeply scar their targets, body mind
and soul. Mortals (including ghosts) and natural animals struck by this Charm cannot spend Willpower to
resist its effects.

Thousand Angry Beaks

Cost: 1m + 1m per attack; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Haughty Gull Display
The fencer leaps to the attack, pressing his advantage with a relentless barrage of cuts and thrusts. The
swordsman makes a number of attacks at his full dice pool against one opponent equal to the number of
motes spent activating the Charm -1. This magical flurry's total number of attacks cannot exceed the
weapon's Rate, and it suffers a DV penalty equal to the combined total of all DV penalties accumulated
within the flurry. However, all onslaught penalties leveled by this flurry are doubled in severity (-1 becomes -
2, -3 is -6, etc).
• Characters who know Fivefold Bulwark Stance (Exalted, p.194) enjoy one bonus attack above and beyond
what they paid for during activation, even if this would exceed their weapon's Rate.
• Characters who know Ghost-Fire Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) trail a haze of smoke behind the
tip of their blade as an Obvious effect. This obscuring haze raises their DV by 1 after the total DV penalty of
the flurry has otherwise been assessed.
• Characters who know Octopus and Spider Barrage (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) suffer a DV penalty equal to
the highest penalty of any attack in the flurry.
• Characters who know Harmony of Blows (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) tangle fate with the weaving path of
their blade. If any attacks in the flurry land, then when the target's DV next refreshes, it refreshes to a value
1 less than its normal total.
• Characters who know Eye of the Tempest (MoEP: Abyssals, p.130) add one automatic success all
subsequent attacks in the flurry whenever one of its attacks strikes the target.

Woodpecker Striking Steel

Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Hummingbird Form
Stepping into an opponent's attack, the fencer executes a perfect "stop-cut" to the middle of his foe's
weapon. While this does nothing to stop an attack already underway, it sets blades vibrating or knocks blunt
weapons off-course enough to foul any subsequent blows. Unless the opponent dedicates an unrolled,
miscellaneous Speed 5, DV -1 action to bringing his weapon back under control first, its next attack suffers a
-3 internal penalty. This Charm's application is unrolled, but takes place in Step 9 as normal, and may be
defended against by appropriate automatically successful defenses. Woodpecker Striking Steel's effects are
even usable against bare-handed targets, who must shake out the stinging in their striking limb before it will
answer their commands properly.
• Characters who know Fire and Stones Strike (Exalted, p.190) may pay an extra 3m to 'skip' their weapon
off of their opponent's, generating a standard counterattack at full dice pool in addition to the normal effects
of this Charm.
• Characters who know Refining the Inner Blade (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, p.156) inflict a -4 internal
penalty when they use this Charm against bare-handed opponents.
• Characters who know Ferocious Biting Tooth (MoEP: Lunars, p.142) strengthen this Charm's tremors so
that they cannot be brought under control if applied during an opponent's flurry. Additionally, the Charm's
effects apply to all remaining attacks in the flurry.
• Characters who know Impeding the Flow (MoEP: Sidereals, p.155) imbue their stop cut with the force of
inevitability. A weapon so struck cannot be brought under control; whether swung again in a moment or a
millennium, its next strike will bear the Charm's penalty.
• Characters who know Artful Maiming Onslaught (MoEP: Abyssals, p.127) cause mundane weapons to
shatter after being used to attack while imbued with this Charm's tremor. Only bringing the weapon under
control first can save it.

Jeweled Hummingbird Dance

Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Adaptive, Counterattack
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: Rose Without Thorns, Thousand Angry Beaks, Woodpecker Striking Steel
In this, the final technique of the Graceful Hummingbird style, the swordsman expresses his flamboyant soul
in a storm of ringing steel and felled opponents. He seems everywhere, rushing to and fro, the clash of his
blade filling the air. The swashbuckler makes five attacks at his full dice pool, distributed as he sees fit
against any opponents within Dashing range of his position when he invokes the Charm. This magical flurry
has a DV penalty equal to the highest penalty of any attack within it. Additionally, if attacked during the
invocation of the Jeweled Hummingbird Dance, the fencer may pay 2m to launch a counterattack at his full
dice pool against his aggressor. This last benefit may be enjoyed only once during the course of the Charm,
• Characters who know Invincible Fury of the Dawn (Exalted, p.191) pay only 1m per counterattack, and
may make up to three.
• Characters who know Ringing Anvil Onslaught (MoEP: Dragon-Blooded, pp.156) may invoke up to two
counterattacks, if fighting in an environment resonant with their elemental Aspect.
• Characters who know Spreading the Wyld Roots (MoEP: Lunars, p.154) double the range at which they
may engage targets with this Charm.
• Characters who knows Perfection of the Visionary Warrior (MoEP: Sidereals, p.156) drive the Essence of
the vanquished before them. Regardless of which opponent they are attacking, they apply onslaught
penalties as though they had been striking that opponent with every previous attack in the flurry.
• Characters who know Thousand Wounds Feinting (MoEP: Abyssals, p.129) pay only 1m for their
counterattack, and make six attacks rather than five.

Chapter Three: Sidereal Martial Arts

Table of Content
Ivory Dice of Fortune Style 1 ....................................................................................................................43
Aureate Glory of Heaven Style............................................................................................................... 48

“While a lot of people seemed to like it, it's showing its age now, and it isn't compliant with some of the
2e Sidereal rules on account of predating them.” - HLS

This fighting style concerns itself with chance and probablistics. The checkered history of this martial art
dates back to the High First Age, when it was very much in vogue among the Sidereal Exalted to discount
the existence of chance at all. All things were fated, the Chosen of the Maidens argued, and luck was simply
an ignorant man's word for fate. And yet, not all members of the Fivescore Fellowship agreed. One Chosen
of Secrets in particular, an inveterate gambler named Shuffling Skies, became obsessed with the notions of
fate, fortune, luck, the points where the three connected, and the influence of both the Loom of Fate and
those things that transcended the Loom upon these primal forces. He spent many hours in consulation with
Plentimon, God of Gambling. He made extensive sojourns into the Wyld, and interrogated captive demons.
And when the Usurpation came, he decided his affiliation with the toss of a coin, and unleashed a martial
arts form never before seen in the world against the Solar Exalted.

Sidereal Exalted use this style to explore and explain the forces that drive events in Creation and beyond. A
practitioner of the style becomes both the master and vessel of chance, and so destiny is served... perhaps.
Since most of its Charms do not have stringent Essence requirements, and because it is useful for fighting
opponents mightier than the practitioner, in the Second Age it is considered a useful training tool for young
Sidereals, helping to introduce them to large, important, but intangible concepts; often it is taught as a
companion piece alongside Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style, which concerns itself with the concrete
elements of Creation itself.

Weapons and Armor: Characters may use any weapon of opportunity as an unarmed attack for the
purposes of this style. Weapons of opportunity cannot belong to the practitioner, nor may they belong to a
frequent traveling companion or otherwise be routinely available. The weapon must be improvised, or
something the character simply found laying about or stole during the current scene. This style is not
compatible with armor.

Student's Sutra of Luck: Once, there was a reckless maiden...

Lucky Shot Technique

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
...who loved to gamble.
Heroism is a mighty force, but at times the odds are insurmountable. Heroes strive and fail. But where skill
cannot triumph, at times dumb luck may succeed. Foolishly attempting an impossible, or at least very
implausible action, the martial artist channels his Essence through the cracks in fate and likelihood and,
through sheer luck, triumphs. The character may attempt any Martial Arts action, including an attack. If
circumstances render the action impossible or at least highly unlikely to succeed, then this Charm smooths
the character's way, removing all internal and external penalties save for the target's DV. For example, the
character could attack, without penalty, a target behind 100% cover, an invisible opponent, or a
dematerialized spirit. The only restriction is that the target must be within the effective range of the
character's available weaponry. This effect also negates Charms that reduce a character's dice pool to 0,
and Abyssal Entropic Charms.

Additionally, should a stunt be used to describe how the character's unlikely or impossible action succeeds,
the dice awarded by the stunt are converted into automatic successes.

Beginner's Luck Demonstration

Cost: 12m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Lucky Shot Technique
She would play any game:
It is a curious but undeniable truth of Creation that things do not always proceed as they should. Sometimes
the most puissant master swordsman fumbles his blade; sometimes the rankest amateur defeats the
greatest expert. Sometimes a newcomer will display a flash of savant genius, never to be seen again. While
many would argue these are minor errors (or deliberate sabotages) in the Loom of Fate, the practitioner of
this style knows better. He is aware of the deep well of infinite potential that some tap unknowingly now and
again, and has learned to draw on it. This Charm may be used to briefly increase a character's competence
during a contested action (this includes opposed rolls, as well as actions that are inherently adversarial, such

as attacking someone in combat). The character's Ability rating (and Specialties, if applicable) rise to
become one dot higher than the rating they are opposing. These additional dots do not count as dice added
by a Charm. They may break the normal rules on Trait limits for a character's Essence rating, and may
permit the character to apply more than 3 specialty dice. These are normal dice for all purposes save those
of meeting the prerequisites to learn Charms, including acting as a dice-adding limit in the case of certain
forms of Exalted. By default, the martial artist may only use this Charm to enhance his Martial Arts Ability,
but he may also use it to enhance any Ability that acts as a complementary prerequisite for another Martial
Arts style he has learned at least one Charm in (for example, a Righteous Devil Style practitioner could also
use this Charm to enhance his Archery rating).

Beginner's Luck Demonstration may only ever be used once against any given opponent or source of
opposition, and may be invoked no more than once in a scene.

Cat Chases Dog Gambit

Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
It is a sad truth of Creation that many fights are for all purposes over before they begin. A farmer who
chooses to take up a pitchfork and oppose the Dragon-Blood demanding taxes has chosen a noble form of
suicide. A rat cornered by a cat fights in vain. And yet, sometimes the farmer triumphs, or the rat drives its
feline tormentor away, against all odds and sense. At the very least, sudden defiance may make an
impression all out of weight to the force backing it up. So it is that Ivory Gamblers have learned a very
effective form of bluff: the character leaps forward, as though to the attack, while unleashing a mighty
Essence-laden kiai. He seems vastly imposing, both threatening and undefeatable. The martial artist targets
a single opponent and rolls Charisma + Martial Arts against that target's MDV, with a number of successes
added equal to half his Essence. Should the roll succeed, the target suffers an Illusion effect: he believes the
target has invoked a Combo including both a perfect defense and a number of shockingly potent scene-
duration combat buffs. The target is rendered Inactive by shock for 5 ticks, and the Illusion persists until the
end of the scene or until the character spends 3 Willpower to shake it off.

Prince to Pauper Transition Strike

Cost: 17m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-basic, Shaping
Duration: Until used
Prerequisite Charms: Cat Chases Dog Gambit
Philosophers ponder power and meaning when they speak of fortune; those most intimately acquainted with
lady luck, however, associate the word with financial gain. The martial artist knows both are right, that luck
can be granted, and that a shift of fortunes may destroy a man. The martial artist invokes this Charm by
leading another character through a series of meditative exercises and katas, lightly striking key chakras at
certain points to help properly align the subject's Essence. This takes one full scene. The Essence for this
Charm is then committed until the martial artist discharges it. This discharge is accomplished by taking a
coin in his fist, and landing a mighty blow to a target that shatters his alignment with those segments of the
Loom of Fate that govern financial fortune. Those loose strands of destiny lash about, attaching to the
ritually prepared subject the martial artist initiated the Charm with. The martial artist cannot make himself the
recipient of the Charm's benefits. The actual strike itself counts as a Charm usage, as well as the ritual that
begins the Charm. For every level of damage the character's strike inflicts, the target will lose one dot of
Resources over the next season, and the target will gain a subsequent dot. This may not drive a target into
'negative' Resources dots, or elevate a recipient above five dots. Both the martial artist and the recipient
gain a point of Paradox, and frequent use of this Charm is likely to trigger an inquiry by the Bureau of
Destiny. Prince to Pauper Transition Strike will not function on creatures outside of fate.

Windflower Survival Practice

Cost: 10m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
It has been observed that some individuals learn to live on the affection of Dame Fortuna, and can be said to
be skilled at doing so. Gamblers, vagabonds, scavenger lords and other disreputable individuals may master

a force that is inherently uncontrollable and unknowable; the martial artist emulates this wisdom,
concentrating it into the thousand inherent unpredictabilities of battle, all of which bend the fighter's way. The
martial artist goes through a quick kata, aligning himself with the positive flows of Essence through Creation
and in the worlds beyond. For the rest of the scene all of his combat-related dice rolls are considered to
show a result one number higher than they actually do. That is, a result of 6 would be considered a 7, and so
on. "Natural" 9s are considered 10s for all purposes, and as such, yield two successes. "Natural" 10s yield
three successes.

Luck is fickle, even with her favorites, however. While this Charm makes it impossible for a character to
botch normally (as his 1s are converted into 2s), if a roll comes up with no successes save for natural 10s, it
becomes a botch instead.

Winners and Losers Imposition

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Windflower Survival Practice
or unskilled.
No contest exists without chance. Lady luck plays at every table, but some learn to woo her to support them,
spiting others in the process. If luck is a possession, then the martial artist learns to steal it. Delivering a
quick blow, he samples the flavor of the target's luck, and claims it for his own. This Charm supplements an
unarmed martial arts attack. If it connects, then for the rest of the scene the character may reflexively cancel
successes on his target's rolls at a cost of 2 motes per success cancelled, up to a number of successes per
roll equal to his Essence. These successes are added to the martial artist's next action. The martial artist
may employ this Charm against multiple targets simultaneously, and the success-theft cap is per target, not

Potential-Annihilating Strike
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Shaping, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Sometimes she cheated,
In response to a given effort, many things might happen. The martial artist rapidly winnows through these
potentialities as he leverages the force of his personality or moves to strike, until only one remains. This
Charm may be used to supplement either a social attack, or an unarmed Martial Arts attack. The character
selects which DV or MDV his target defends against the attack with, and in the case of Parry M/DV, what
available pool is used to calculate it.

Causality-Avoiding Technique
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Five actions
Prerequisite Charms: Potential-Annihilating Strike
but never got caught,
No gambit exists without risk, but one willing to make extensive study of tactics-- or simply to cheat brazenly-
- may avoid many of these dangers. Moving with utter disregard for the likelihood of failure and death, the
martial artist acts in such a way that he slips between the possibilities of certain dire fates Creation offers.
Upon invoking Causality-Avoiding Technique, the Martial Artist names one combat Ability (Archery, Martial
Arts, Melee, or Thrown). For the duration of the Charm, the character is completely immune to all attacks
utilizing that Ability, and all Charms derived from the named Ability. No such attempts find purchase upon
him. Causality-Avoiding Technique may not be used to avoid sorcery, even in the event that a spell utilizes
the banned Ability.

Ivory Dice of Fortune Form

Cost: 15m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: One complete Celestial Martial Art (all Charms), Beginner's Luck Demonstration,
Prince to Pauper Transition Strike, Winners and Losers Imposition, Causality-Avoiding Technique
until the day it all came crashing down.
The character assumes a paradoxical stance, both carefree and glorious with manifest power. He is clearly

blessed. This Form causes Creation to regard the martial artist as preeminent among heroes, a "main
character" in the vast and sweeping tale of history, and it acts to promote and preserve him as such. Each of
the character's stunt dice are converted into three automatic successes. He regains double the normal
Essence or Willpower bonus on successful stunts. All actions intended to oppose him suffer an external
penalty equal to the difference between the character's Essence and his assailant's. This applies in either
direction; fortune shields the martial artist from the meager and the mighty alike, but leaves him to prove his
own glory against his peers.

While in the Wyld, the character may reflexively gain or dismiss any mutation at will by spending a number of
motes equal to the mutation's point value.

Fortuitous Exception Preparation

Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ivory Dice of Fortune Form
Elder's Sutra of Luck: The maiden, faced with ruin...
Sometimes in a person's darkest hour, luck will intervene to place exactly the thing they need in their path.
The martial artist performs an extended kata, then casts away one of his possessions. He then leaves,
abandoning the object to the world. At some point in the future, at the time of the martial artist's most dire
need, that object will, through sheer serendipity, return to his possession, and for the duration of the story in
which it does, it is fully compatible with the Ivory Dice of Fortune Style. This may be the character's favored
direlance, his royal warstrider, or any other such combat aid normally forbidden by the tenets of the style.

A Life Less Interesting

Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Ivory Dice of Fortune Style
...smiled at her misfortune.
Though many might cry out to be spared from the slings and arrows of outrageous fate, those subjected to
this technique find the reality of the matter less than optimal. The martial artist delivers a terrible blow,
shattering the target's Essence profile in such a way that the currents of fortune and chance can no longer
find or touch her. She becomes anathematic to the very principles of uncertainty, and unless reversed
somehow, this change is permanent. This Charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack. If it
succeeds, the target no longer rolls dice in order to attempt actions. Every action recieves a number of
successes equal to half the dice pool the character should have rolled. No more, and no less. Charms which
allow the target to gain automatic successes no longer function, nor do Charms which alter the target
number of the character's rolls. Any attempts to draw up auguries or horoscopes for the target gain a
number of bonus successes equal to the target's Essence, as his future is unusually bland and predictable.

The Shinma Speak

Cost: 25m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 7; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: A Life Less Interesting
"I make my own luck," she declared,
Chance is chaos tamed by the slightest dash of predictability, and beyond Creation howls the primal font of
all chaos. The great savants and enlightened madmen of the Fair Folk speak of supernal forces within the
depths of the Wyld, which they call the Shinma. These enigmatic concepts are the fonts of what fragile
threads of meaning, identity, and location exist within Pure Chaos, permitting the raksha to exist in a context
that is, if not comprehensible, then at least recognizable to themselves.

These, then, are the ultimate architects of chance. The martial artist learns to strike them.

This Charm may be invoked in the form of an unarmed Martial Arts attack against any raksha, shaped or
unshaped. Unshaped raksha are considered to possess DVs equal to twice their Essence. Should this
attack connect, the fragments of causality that bind the raksha's Heart Grace are released, causing it to
dissolve back into the raw chaos from which it was forged. The raksha is consequently destroyed instantly.

This Charm may be invoked to strike the very fabric of Creation in a region created through the aegis of
Wyld Shaping Technique (but not Wyld Cauldron Technology). This constitutes an unarmed Martial Arts

attack, and if it accumulates successes equal to the successes on the Wyld-Shaping Technique roll that
created the region, then the area is unmade over the course of the next scene, returned to the chaos from
which it was birthed. This creates a zone of Pure Chaos if the region is at the border of Creation, or of Deep
Wyld if it is comfortably 'inland.' This Wyld pocket is likely to spread outward over the course of the next
season, infecting the surrounding lands with Middlemarches and Bordermarches. This Charm may also be
used against objects created through Wyld-Shaping Technique, using the same rules. Success destroys the
object as is denatures into pure Essence over the course of the next scene.

This Charm may be invoked to strike the very fabric of the Wyld in a Waypoint within the Bordermarches or
Middlemarches. This constitutes an unarmed Martial Arts attack with a difficulty of the controlling raksha's
Essence, or, if no raksha controls the Waypoint, difficulty 3. Success will crystalize the waypoint over the
course of the next scene, driving out its Wyld energies and making it a part of Creation in all regards. Wyld
prodigies trapped in this suddenly converted region may continue to exist or cease to function, depending on
their relative compatibility with Creation's laws; those things too mutated to survive in Creation will begin
withering appropriately. This region is functionally identical to a region created via Wyld-Shaping Technique,
in terms of persistence and upkeep. Left unattended, it will slip back into the Wyld.

Destiny-Stealing Technique
Cost: 23m, 3xp; Mins: Martial Arts 7, Essence 7; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Fortuitous Exception Preparation, the Shinma Speak
and cast the dice.
Though strange winds blow in from the chaos beyond Creation, and the denizens of the Underworld and
Malfeas introduce instability, the final arbiter of events in Creation is the mighty Loom of Fate and the
Bureau of Destiny that maintains it. The Ivory Dice of Fortune Style's ultimate technique strikes directly at
that authority. The martial artist makes an unarmed martial arts attack, body wreathed in a burning corona of
Essence. If the attack lands, the fabric of the world trembles, and the burning aura of power rushes through
the martial artist's fist, into the target, and then erupts high into the sky. The target's star shines brightly, then
falls from the sky, torn asunder from Heaven's embrace. The target becomes a creature outside of fate.

The target's star plummets to Creation as a hunk of starmetal with the target's features vaguely visible on its
surface. Whoever commits Essence to this hunk of starmetal, either in its raw form or once crafted into an
Artifact, may reflexively take control over the target's destiny at will. For a cost of 5 motes per scene he can
remotely spy on the target with all five senses. For a cost of 1 mote per success, he may cancel successes
on any of a target's actions, without limit. The starmetal acts as a sorcerous link. Touching the fallen star
also counts as touching the target for the purposes of inflicting Sidereal astrological effects, and in fact this is
the only way to inflict such effects on the target. The owner of the starmetal hunk, and only the owner,
considers the target to be a creature within fate for all purposes. For 3 motes, the owner may know the
target's location anywhere within Creation.

Destroying the hunk of starmetal entirely will result in the target's star's slow reattunement to the Loom of
Fate over the course of the next Calibration, and a new star will be crafted for him. This Charm does not
grant the martial artist any special advantage in discerning where the falling star will land. The martial artist
gains two points of Paradox with each invocation of this Charm, and its unauthorized use upon important
persons will surely result in serious inquiries by the Bureau of Destiny.

This fighting style is a remnant of the middle span of the High First Age, when the Chosen of the Gods
worked together to harmoniously govern and defend Creation. While it is not the only Sidereal Martial Arts
style created for the use of the Solar Exalted, it is one of the earliest, and to the minds of the Sidereal
Exalted, the purest. Aureate Glory of Heaven style was originally designed by a Chosen of Serenity named
Nisi Nirvana as an anniversary present for her Solar husband. He competed in and won the next Heaven-
and-Earth Invitational tournament, and it was observed that the Unconquered Sun smiled whenever the
techniques of the style were on display. In addition to granting her husband the usual victory prizes, the Lord
of Heaven bestowed a single kiss upon Nisi's forehead.

The style has endured ever since. Its practice continued unabated through the Usurpation and up to the
modern day; every Heaven-and-Earth Invitational has featured at least one Sidereal displaying at least one
Charm of the style. The only exception, shortly after the Great Contagion, resulted in the Unconquered Sun
sending a letter to the Bureau of Destiny inquiring after Nisi Nirvana's health and offering his wishes for a
speedy recovery from whatever had left her indisposed during the last tournament. She was present at its
next inception, where she fought almost exclusively using Aureate Glory of Heaven. She lost in the second
round of the tournament, but the Unconquered Sun was observed to smile throughout the fight regardless.

In the modern day, some younger Sidereals look upon this archaic sop to the Sun's pride and see promise.
Three times now, Sidereals involved in the Cult of the Illuminated have petitioned Ayesha Ura for permission
to teach this style to the most promising of their Solar protégés. Three times the Chosen of Journeys has
denied the request, but her forbiddance grows less emphatic and her expression more thoughtful with each

Aureate Glory of Heaven was designed specifically for practice by the Solar Exalted in much the same way
the Arguments of Virtue were later calibrated for gods, and the Immaculate Dragon styles for use by the
Dragon-Blooded. As such, whenever a Lawgiver builds a Combo including one or more Charms of this style,
she treats the minimum Martial Arts rating of those Charms as though they were 2 lower than they actually
are. As always, although the Student and Elder sutras are used to help Solar students learn the Charms of
this style, Lawgivers remain unable to actually utilize them to obtain cost discounts.

Weapons and Armor: The cestus, fighting gauntlet, khatar, tiger claws, pankrator's cestus, improvised
weapons and their Artifact equivalents are treated as unarmed attacks by the Charms of this style. This style
is not compatible with the use of armor.

Student's Sutra of Authority: Once, there were five maidens...

Righteous Fervor-Calling Horn

Cost: 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious, War
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
...who bowed to five suns.
In one hand the Unconquered Sun grasps a horn, which calls the faithful to prayer and the courageous to
battle. Heaven rallies to its clarion cry, and the wicked tremble. This Charm enhances an unarmed attack.
Should it inflict damage on an opponent, the blow booms and resounds like mighty thunder, striking terror in
the hearts of the target's allies and lackeys. Should any extras who fit one of the above two criteria be
present, a number equal to (attacker's Martial Arts + levels of damage inflicted) flee automatically without
opportunity to resist, generally starting with the weakest present at the Storyteller's discretion. All allies of the
target who hear the attack compare the levels of damage inflicted to their Valor. If the damage is greater,
they suffer an Emotion effect which causes all of their attacks against the martial artist to be made at a -3
internal penalty. This Charm may be resisted for the rest of the scene by spending 2 Willpower.

If used in mass combat, the Emotional penalty is inflicted only on the leaders and special characters of other
nearby enemy units. Rather than causing a certain number of extras to flee, simply compare the levels of
damage inflicted to the Might of the unit whose leader or special character was attacked. If the damage
exceeds Might, the unit loses one level of Magnitude as soldiers break and flee.

Earth Bows to Heaven

Cost: 6m, 2wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping

Duration: Instant (One scene)
Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Fervor-Calling Horn
One sun despaired
Peasants kneel to kings. Kings kneel to Heaven. Heaven kneels to the Sun. The weak supplicate
themselves before the mighty, and those who do not bow to this universal wisdom will be knelt. This Charm
enhances an unarmed attack. Should this attack strike, it automatically knocks the target prone without
opportunity to resist. Further, the indomitable force of the martial artist's blow resounds in both his foe and
the ground below, bonding one to the other. The target may not rise from prone until the end of the scene.
Further, she and may not move from that spot, even at a crawl, until her DV has refreshed five times.

Terrible Spear of Light

Cost: 10m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Illusion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
and extinguished herself with her tears.
The Unconquered Sun carries a sharp and nimble spear with which to strike down his enemies. The dread
skill of its owner is more feared, however, than the weapon itself. The weapon is held in rumored awe
because it is the channel through which the Lord of Heaven's destructive might flows, and many fights end
unfought simply because he chooses to brandish it. So it is with this technique. The martial artist
concentrates the sum totality of his martial prowess into a momentary surge of killing intent and flashes it at
an opponent. The target witnesses a golden, Essence-sculpted double leap out of the martial artist's body
and rush forward to strike him down with terrible force.

Make a standard unarmed Martial Arts attack against a single target within (Essence x 5) yards. This attack
is unblockable, undodgeable, and counts Strength, weapon's damage modifier, and leftover successes on
the attack roll three times for the purpose of inflicting damage. The target feels his organs rupture and his
blood splash out—and then blinks to find himself untouched, whole and healthy. If the illusory attack 'kills'
the target, he finds himself instilled with an unshakable certainty that the martial artist can slay him. This
unnatural Illusion effect imposes an external penalty equal to the martial artist's Essence rating upon all
attempts by the target to attack the martial artist. Should the 'attack' inflict damage, but not enough to kill the
target, then the external Illusion penalty is only half the martial artist's Essence. If the attack fails to inflict any
damage at all, it has no effect on the target. Each point of Willpower spent by the target removes one point
of external penalty, and this Charm may only be invoked against a given target once in a scene.

Battlefield Magnanimity Offering

Cost: 14m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Emotion, Shaping
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Terrible Spear of Light
Another dripped ashy light on the dead.
The righteous warfare of Heaven is undertaken to restore balance and order to the ten thousand things of
the cosmos. It is not genocide, nor senseless butchery. Still, sometimes, examples must be made. And yet,
even Heaven's cruelty may be merciful.

This Charm enhances an unarmed martial arts attack, causing it to surge with vivid arcs of golden lightning
and pulses of superheated radiance. The attack counts the martial artist's Strength and successes twice for
the purpose of calculating raw damage, and this damage is Lethal and enjoys the Piercing tag. Should a
blow enhanced by this attack fail to slay a target, there is little reason to sustain the magic, and the Charm's
Duration becomes effectively Instant. If the damage is sufficient to kill, however, then the martial artist's
attacking limb pierces completely through the torso of his opponent. When he withdraws it, that foe falls to
the ground, forced Inactive, but not dead. A core of crackling golden Essence abides in his wound,
sustaining his life for so long as the martial artist commits Essence to the Charm. Medical attention may start
a felled opponent on the road to healing and recovery, and once he regains his -4 wound level, the
beauteous and terrible light crackling in his wound goes out and the Charm ends.

All who look upon a character whose life is sustained by this Charm gain an Intimacy toward the martial
artist who inflicted it. This may be an Intimacy of awe or terror, depending on the individual and the
circumstances. Formation of the Intimacy may be resisted for 1 Willpower, and once in place, it may be
eroded normally.

Reliable Steadfast Shield

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
A third has yet to be born.
Is a shield necessary for one who is unconquerable, or merely symbolic? None may say. Those who have
faced the Unconquered Sun in battle and lived merely speak of its dreadful omnipresence, casting aside
their every effort until they threw down their arms and bowed in surrender. The martial artist, likewise, judges
his opponent's techniques and finds them wanting. This Charm may be activated in response to any Charm-
enhanced attack. It matters not whether the attack is enhanced by an instant Supplemental Charm, the
ongoing benefit of a Form-type Charm, or any other sort of magic. So long as the attack (as opposed to the
attacker) itself is enhanced in some way by a Charm, it represents a valid opportunity to utilize Reliable
Steadfast Shield. The martial artist finishes resolving the attack as normal, suffering any standard ill effects
should he fail to avoid or negate the assault. Afterward, however, he becomes unconditionally immune to all
attacks enhanced by that Charm for the rest of the scene.

A martial artist may only have one invocation of this Charm active at any given time, and if he wishes to
change immunities, he must cancel his standing invocation first. If faced with a multiple attack Charms
enhancing a single attack, the martial artist must choose a single Charm to immunize himself to. He may not
immunize himself to Excellencies, but all other varieties of Charm are fair game. His immunity applies itself
to attacks themselves, not simply the effects of a Charm. So, for example, if he immunized himself to Fists of
Iron Technique, and was attacked by an opponent using a Combo of the First Martial Arts Excellency, Fists
of Iron Technique and Essence Venom Strike, the entire attack would automatically fail.

Heaven Defends the Earth

Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Reliable Steadfast Shield
The fourth, mad and green,
Men are frail, and so Heaven has raised up champions to defend them. An army of gods and Exalted trouble
themselves that humanity might live in peaceable ignorance; to call this smothering would be the height of

The martial artist applies this principle to defend a valued but fragile companion. This Charm may be
invoked when the fighter attempts to initiate or maintain control of a clinch, allowing him to add his Essence
in automatic successes. If he finds himself in control of the clinch, this effect re-asserts itself every time he
must roll to maintain control henceforth until he withdraws commitment, loses control of the clinch, or
voluntarily ends the clinch. However, this clinch may only be used to perform Hold actions, not to crush or
throw. The held target is forced Inactive, as usual. More importantly, however, the martial artist uses his own
body to shield the target, perfectly interposing himself in the path of every attack or other damaging effect
aimed at the one he holds. This includes even curses and spells aimed through arcane links, attacks such
as Accuracy Without Distance, and area of effect damage such as Death of Obsidian Butterflies or full
submersion in molten lava. In the event of effect conflict, this Charm is considered a defense.

Peace-Celebrating Laurel Branch

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Until next action
Prerequisite Charms: None
was locked away.
The Unconquered Sun holds aloft a laurel branch, symbolizing peace. However, the Sun is no shrinking
pacifist. He forges his own peace through excellence and dominance leavened by mercy, where opponents
permit him such luxuries. The martial artist follows suit. This Charm enhances a clinch, raising its raw
damage by the martial artist's Essence. This increase carries over into each consecutive action on which the
martial artist invokes this Charm again, along with the Charm's fresh damage boost. So, a character with
Essence 5 who invoked this Charm would enjoy a +5 damage bonus; if he invoked it again on his next
action, a +10 bonus; after that +15, +20, etc, until he failed to invoke it or lost control of the clinch. Targets
held in a clinch enhanced by this Charm may plead for mercy, voluntarily giving up. This forfeit can be
spoken verbally, indicated by tapping out, or any other obvious means. If this occurs and the martial artist
chooses to release his opponent, that opponent is bound against initiating hostilities against the martial artist
as a Shaping effect. The first time he attacks the martial artist henceforth without first being attacked himself,

the strength runs from his limbs. All attacks he makes at the martial artist in that scene begin at 0 dice before
the effects of Charms.

Suffering to the Conquered

Cost: 18m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling, Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Peace-Celebrating Laurel Branch
Now one sun shines in glory
Heaven is just to those who are content with its justice. It is only the discontent who must be sorrowfully
oppressed in the name of greater harmony. This Charm enhances a bare-handed punch attack, delivered in
the form of an open palm strike. Should it hit, the character's palm-print is seared into the opponent's body in
a brilliant flash of golden light, leaving a slightly visible red scar (considered a Crippling effect). This need not
be delivered skin-to-skin—the magic may sear a handprint through even the heaviest armor to mark an
opponent's chest, if desired. For so long as the target bears the scar, every Charm she invokes while
fighting the martial artist has a +2m surcharge applied to it as a Shaping effect. The surcharge is
accompanied by the scar flashing brilliant gold, disrupting stealth like a Solar anima banner at the 4-7m
level. While anti-Shaping magics will block this surcharge and flash as normal, they do not permanently
disrupt the curse levied by this Charm; that requires removing the scar itself, which is impossible through
Medicine not enhanced by magic.

Aureate Glory of Heaven Form

Cost: 15m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: One complete Celestial Martial Art (all Charms), Earth Bows to Heaven, Battlefield
Magnanimity Offering, Heaven Defends the Earth, Suffering to the Conquered
and all Creation kneels.
The character assumes a fearsome and indomitable stance, impassive and overwhelming. Those who would
face him find that they face a multitude, and are overwhelmed by the martial artist's assault. When he goes
on the offensive, extra attacking limbs solidify out of his anima and strike from all directions. His attacks add
his Essence to their Rate, and offset multiple action penalties by 3 dice. Like any government, army, gang or
bureaucracy, it becomes nigh-impossible to defeat the martial artist through a clean and precise strike; he
sacrifices less important elements of the whole to maintain himself. The character may nullify damage by
ablative Essence expenditure; every 1m spent negates a level of bashing damage, while 2m blocks lethal.
Aggravated damage may not be negated in this manner. Ablative expenditures produce sizzling bursts or
sprays of golden Essence from the point of impact, which may arc or splash like blood before dissipating.

Stern Denial Approach

Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Crippling, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Aureate Glory of Heaven Form
Elder's Sutra of Authority: The maidens looked upon Creation...
The simplest and yet most profound form of authority is the ability to say 'no.' The resolute ruler may cut off
programs, settlements, peoples and limbs, declaring: "This is complete, because it ends here."

The martial artist imposes completion upon an opponent. He makes a standard clinch attempt, and should it
succeed, inflicts crushing damage. If damage is successfully applied, ignore that total and inflict only one
lethal health level instead. The opponent is promptly released, one of his hands ruinously broken at each
and every joint and the mystic resonance of one of his Abilities (chosen by the martial artist) tangled into the
fractures, bound up and lost. The hand is utterly useless; until corrected through painful and difficult medical
procedures (difficulty 5), it is good for nothing. More alarmingly, so long as the Crippling effect persists, it
also imposes a Shaping effect that caps the fractured Ability. No force may directly improve the character's
efforts to apply the Ability, i.e. no dice may be added to its rolls. This includes Excellencies, stunts, attempts
to raise the Ability's rating through experience, etc. Attribute-based experience spending remains unaffected,
but even Attribute-based Excellencies may not provide a benefit to a roll using the damaged Ability. While
anti-Shaping magic may send the curse into abeyance, it reinstates itself once such protections lapse as
long as the Crippling damage remains. Luckily for the Exalted, their superhuman healing repairs this
damage when they heal the health level that it was inflicted on.

Friends and Enemies Appropriation

Cost: (10m) or (20m, 1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Keywords: Shaping, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Aureate Glory of Heaven Style
...and the heavens above.
The primary benefit of authority is the ability to reward one's friends and punish one's enemies. Of course,
an absolute ruler may change such distinctions arbitrarily. The martial artist targets another character and
delivers an array of precise, measured strikes to her chakras and Essence meridians, reconfiguring the way
her nature shines out to the universe. If the target resists, this takes the form of a barehanded Martial Arts
attack that inflicts no damage. For a cost of 10m, this Charm makes the target into a creature of darkness
until the first time she is affected by a Holy effect, at which point the cosmos recognizes its error and
restores her rightful status. For 20m, 1wp it removes creature of darkness status from the target. This is
permanent if the target is not naturally a creature of darkness (such as a mortal who has suffered the
Creature of Darkness mutation due to Wyld exposure). If the target is naturally a creature of darkness (such
as a ghost or Abyssal) then that status is restored at the next sunrise, when the Unconquered Sun renews
his vigil over Creation.

Sun Shines Down

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 6; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Aureate Glory of Heaven Form
All were illumined by the sky,
Hierarchy is an embedded element of Creation, and it is through this mechanism that justice and injustice
alike are perpetrated. This Charm supplements an unarmed attack. This attack is made unblockable,
undodgeable, and if its attack roll fails, it strikes with a threshold of 0 successes. This Charm may only be
validly deployed against the martial artist's cosmological inferiors.

If the martial artist is one of the Solar Exalted, then in addition to obvious potential targets such as mortals
and animals, this explicitly includes all lesser Exalted, the gods, all elementals, ghosts, Fair Folk, and most
everything else. Even the Abyssal and Infernal Exalted are fair targets; despite their equal might, their power
derives from the subjugated losers of the Primordial War. Deathlords, living Primordials and the Incarnae are
not valid targets.

In the unlikely event that one of the Abyssal Exalted gains this Charm, all mortals, lesser Exalted, ghosts,
hekatonkhires, and other lesser creatures of death are valid targets.

Sidereals utilize the same targets as Solars, with the following exceptions: Solar, Abyssal, Infernal, Lunar
and Alchemical Exalted; Celestial gods of higher Essence; and superiors within the Bureau of Destiny.
Interestingly, ronin and lower-ranking Sidereals within the same division of the Bureau are valid targets.

Hundredfold Mastery Mantle

Cost: 20m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Compulsion
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Stern Denial Approach, Friends and Enemies Appropriation
defined by the passage of the sun.
The character goes through a brief but perfect kata, then returns his attention to the battlefield. His anima
blooms into a wheel composed of a hundred arms, each clasping some symbol of rulership: the Perfect of
Paragon's staff; a daiklave; the Feathered One's cloak; the hearthstone of the Imperial Manse; many more.
The display vanishes, but the impression remains, automatically striking all who witness the display: none
hold the right to challenge such a puissant master. Characters so Compelled may defend themselves, but
cannot attack the martial artist. Overcoming this Compulsion for one action costs 2 Willpower. Only effects
which perfectly negate mental influence or Compulsion effects may shake the effect off for the rest of the

Unquestionable Majesty Pinnacle

Cost: 10m, 4wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Servitude
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sun Shines Down, Hundredfold Mastery Mantle
The maidens cried out: "What glory

Ultimately, might derives from might. The Unconquered Sun stands unconquerable. What mortal army might
seek to breach Heaven's gates? The great are vast in their resources, and they use these advantages to
crush disagreement; fights are decided before they begin. The martial artist reinforces his mastery, using
this Charm to enhance a Martial Arts roll by not making it. Instead, for every die the fighter would have
rolled, he accumulates one success. The martial artist's movements are wreathed in crackling golden
lightning and traced by sizzling arcs of power. Any opponent knocked unconscious by this strike awakens
under a Servitude effect, compelled to obey any requests or commands the martial artist makes that are not
unacceptable commands. It costs 3 Willpower to resist one request. This cost drops by 1 if it violates a
Virtue the servant has at 3+, and again by 1 if it violates an Intimacy. These discounts stack. The Servitude
effect disappears once the servant has spent a total of (the Martial Artist's Essence x 5) Willpower resisting

This is the last Charm of the style that has ever been taught to one of the Solar Exalted. All Lawgiver
students were informed that the Elder Sutra ended with a cry of "What glory!" from the maidens. This is
untrue, but given their inability to wield prayer strips, the Solars never realized they were practicing an
incomplete style. It was deemed likely that the implications of the final Charm of this style would strike the
Unconquered Sun and his Chosen as... unflattering.

Glory to the Usurper

Cost: 30m, 16xp; Mins: Martial Arts 7, Essence 7; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Shaping, Training
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Unquestionable Majesty Pinnacle
is reflected here?"
The ultimate truth of Heaven is that it was not built for the gods. Authority is not a mantle, but a prize that
falls from hand to hand in an endless cycle of usurpation. The mighty rule in splendor, until their power falls
into the grasp of others. Power is not a monolith; it is a wheel.

This Charm may be invoked at any point within one hour after the martial artist has killed an opponent.
Folding his hands together, he closes his eyes in remembrance of the fallen warrior's skill and claims one of
her techniques as his own. The martial artist may learn one of his dead opponent's Charms for which he
meets all prerequisites and minimums as though he were an Eclipse. If he lacks the experience points to
activate this Charm, he may waive its experience requirement and go into debt as a Training effect. The
martial artist may only be under one Training debt from this Charm at any given time.


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