Math10 Q3 SLM Module-3

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Quarter 3 – Module 3
Combination of Objects

Lesson 1: Illustrating Combination of an Objects

Learning Competencies: Illustrates the combination of object. (M10SP-IIIc-1)

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

• Illustrate combination of objects.
• Find the number of combination of objects
• Solves problems involving combination of an objects.

What is it
Combinations – refers to the selection of an objects regardless of their order. That is
changing the order of the objects does not create new combination

For instance, the 3 combinations of the letters F, B, and O taken 2 at a time are:
FB, FO, and BO.
FB and BF are considered as combination. Similarly, FO and OF, and BO and OB,
are the same combinations.

There are only 1 combination than can be made from the letters F, B and O taken 3
at a time, that is:

FBO, FOB, BFO, BOF, OFB and OBF are considered 1 combination.

The combination of n things or objects taken r at a time can be denoted in different ways:
C (n, r) or n C r

In the first illustration, there are 3 things (letters F, B, O) taken 2 at a time

C (3, 2) = 3
In the second illustration, there are 3 things taken at 3 at a time
C (3, 3) = 1

What’s More

A. Miss Ana went to a grocery to buy the following: Coffee (C), milk (M), sugar (S) and Butter (B).
Upon reaching the grocery, she found out that her money is not enough to buy any of these items.
1. List the possible selections.
2. In how many ways can she select the 3 items?

B. In situation letter A, what about selecting 2 items from sugar. milk, coffee and

Lesson 2: Finding the Combination of Objects

What is it
Combination is selection of things in which order is not important
The combination of n objects taken r at a time is:
C (n, r) = 𝒓!(𝒏−𝒓)!


In how many ways can a committee consisting of 4 members be formed

from 8 people?

Solve C (8,4). n = 8, r = 4
C (n, r) =
𝑟!(𝑛−𝑟 )!

= 7 ▪ 2 ▪5 after common factors are cancelled

= 70 ways

What’s More
1. Evaluate C (4, 3)
2. How many ways can you select a committee of 4 students out of 10 students?
3. Five girls are trying out for a girl’s trio. In how many ways can the music teacher select a
4. A contractor has job opening for three carpenters. If six carpenters apply, how many different
selections of three men can the contractor make?

Lesson 3: Problems Involving Combination of Objects

What is it
Finding the number of combinations of an object can be done by counting techniques.
The combination of n objects taken r at a time is:
C (n, r) =

A triangle is figure formed from by three segments joining three (3) non-collinear
points (r = 3). If they are 4 points (n =4) on the plane, then

C (n, r) =
𝑟!(𝑛−𝑟 )!
4! 4!
= 3!1!

What’s More
1. How many ways can we select 2 items from 5 items where order of the selection is not
2. How many chords can be drawn using 7 distinct points on a circle?
3. Five students are waiting outside the school gate for a jeepney. A teacher stops his tricycle an
offers a free ride to any four of them. In how many ways could the students be selected for a
free ride?


Directions: Read and understand the problems carefully. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided

Underline the letter that correspond to the correct answer

1. Which of the following situations does NOT illustrate combination?

A. Selecting 2 songs from 10 choices for an audition piece
B. Fixing the schedule of a group of students who must take exactly 8 subjects
C. Enumerating the subset of a set
D. Identifying the lines formed by connecting some given points on pa plane
2. C (n, n) =_______.
A. n B. r C. 1 D. cannot be determined
3. If C (n, r) = 35, which of the following are possible values of n and r?
A. n = 6, r = 4 B. n = 7, r = 3 C. n = 8, r = 3 D. n = 9, r = 2

4. How many chords can be drawn using 7 distinct points in a circle?

A. 12 B. 15 C. 18 D. 21
5. A bag contains 9 marbles numbered 1 to 9. If I draw 4 marbles out of the bag, how many different sets can be
A. 126 B. 162 C. 216 D. 261

For numbers 6 and 7, refer this given situation.

Six holes have been dug but only 4 trees are available.
6. How many different ways can you choose holes which will remain empty if you plant all 4 trees?
A. 12 B. 15 C. 18 D. 21
7. If you plant all trees, how many different selections of holes are possible?
A. 12 B. 15 C. 18 D. 21

8. How many triangles can be drawn on a plane using 4 collinear points?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

For numbers 9 and 10, refer this given situation

The committee of 5 is to be chosen from a group of 6 boys and 9 girls
9. How many committees can be chosen?
A. 3000 B. 3003 C. 3006 D. 3010
10. How many committees will be all boys?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 6 D. 8

Answer Sheet
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________________ Score: _____________

Quarter 3 – Module 3
Lesson 1
What’s More
A. 1.

Lesson 2
What’s More


Lesson 3
What’s More



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