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Grammar: Complete the chart with the forms of the verbs in the past simple.

Positive Negative Interrogative

1. Dan left very early today Dan did not leave very early today Did Dan leave very early today?

2. Sam and sue Bought a new house Sam and sue did not buy a new Did sam and sue buy a new house
last month. house last month last month?

3. I Visited Germany the previous I did not visit gemany the previous Did I visit gemany the previous
week. week. week?

4. You played very well. You did not paly very well Did you paly very well?

5.They found this book on their trip They did not find this book on their Did they find this book on their trip
to Italy trip to Italy to Italy?

6. I baked this cake by myself. I did not bake this cake by myself Did I bake this cake by myself?

7. We Opened the store in 1987. We did not open the store in 1987 Did we open the store in 1987?

8. The rain finally stoppen, and we The rain finally did not stop, and we Did the rain finally stop, and we go
went home. go home home?

9. She planned to come, but she had She did not plan to come, but she Did she plan to come, but she have
some problems. have some problems some problems?

10.Kate had a big house, but she sold Kate did not have a big house, but Did kate have a big house, but she
it. she sell it sell it?

11. Rose was very thin. Rose did not be very thin Did rose be very thim?

12. You was at work yesterday You did not be at work yesterday Did you be at work yesterday
morning. morning morning?

13.We thought New York was in We did not think New York was in Did we think New York was in
England! England England?

14. they brought this from their trip. They did not bring this from their Did they bring this from their trip?
She always danced in the summer. She always did not dance in the Did she always dance in the
summer summer?

Reading: Tell the story, fill in the past simple tense

On Friday, the children   (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning,
they   (go) to the country with their two dogs and   (play) together. Ben and
Dave   (have) some kites. Sometime later the dogs   (be) not there. So
they   (call) them and   (look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the
children   (find) them and   (take) them back. Charlie   (be) very happy
to see them again. At lunch time Nick   (go) to the bikes and   (fetch) the basket
with some meat sandwiches. Then they   (play) football. Nick and Dave   (win). In
the evening they   (ride) home.

Writing: A paragraph in past simple

Write a short paragraph describing some interesting things you did last year in simple
past. (10 lines)

Last year

Hi my name is Yan Carlos Ordoñez, last year I went with my family to


On my vacations last year I was in Bogota visiting my uncle and my cousins, but since
we were in a pandemic we had to stay at home, as a result of this we decided to watch
movies, make strange foods and watch novels and new and old series, we invented
games that we had never played.

We also do exercises such as cardio, weights and other exercise classes, we also went
to bed at 3 in the morning talking and telling stories.

And talking about people we remembered.

Video 1 regular verbs
Video 2 irregular verbs
1 Listen carefully the following video and 2 TRANSCRIPT it and then 3 TRANSLATE it.
4 Highlight with yellow the sentences that use verbs in simple past.

Video 1 Video 1

So, how did it go? Did you pass? ¿Entonces, cómo te fue? ¿Aprobaste?
No, fallé… ¡otra vez!
No, I failed…again!
¡No lo creo!
I don¨t believe it! ¿Cómo volviste a fallar?
How did you fail again? ¿Qué pasó esta vez?
What happened this time? ¿No lo vas a creer?
You won¨t believe it? ¿No? De ninguna manera, alfle, ¿no es lo mismo
No? no way, alfle, not the same as last time? que la última vez?
Yep. Sí.
¡De ninguna manera! ¿No es otro gato?
No way! Not another cat?
Lo se ! Estoy en shock ! ¡Amo a los gatos!
I kwon ! I¨m in shock ! I love cats! ¿Entonces qué pasó?
So what happened? Bueno, me detuve en un paso de cebra
Well, I stopped at a zebra crossing Dejar que un anciano cruce la calle
To let an old man cross the road No hay problema.
No problem there. Cruzó la calle y yo empecé a conducir.
He walked across the road so I started to drive. ¡En ese momento apareció un gato de la nada!
¿Lo golpeaste?
Just then a cat appeared from nowhere!
Yo hice. Era imposible detenerse.
Did you hit it? No te creo, Alfle. Estás bromeando, ¿no?
I did. It was impossible to stop. No fallaste. ¿Acaso tú?
I don¨t believe you, Alfle. You¨re joking, aren¨t ¡Nadie puede matar a dos gatos en dos exámenes
you? de manejo!
You didn¨t fail. Did you? ¿Qué puedo decir? Lo sé, es una locura.
Nobody can kill two cats on two driving tests! Llegó el dueño del gato.
Oh no ... ¿y?
What can I say? I know – it¨s totally crazy. Bueno, él dijo que por culpa mía el gato se escapó
The owner of the cat arrived. del jardín ...
Oh no … and? El instructor de manejo también estuvo de
Well , he said it ween¨t my fauld the cat escaped acuerdo.
from the garden … Entonces, continuamos con la prueba.
The driving instructor agreed too. Pero estaba demasiado nervioso y crucé un
semáforo en rojo.
So, we carried on with the test.
¡Pobre de ti, amigo!
But I was too nervous and I crossed a red traffic ¿Quieres venir?
light. Sí, ok. Nos vemos en cinco minutos.
Poor you, mate!
Do you want to come over?
Yeah ok. See you in five minutes.

Video 2 Video 2

I'm so happy to be home I bet tell us what Estoy tan feliz de estar en casa, apuesto a que
cuéntenos bien lo que pasó el jueves por la
happened well on Thursday afternoon I saw the
tarde.Vi el pronóstico del tiempo en la televisión
weather forecast on the TV in the hotel and it said del hotel y decía que se avecinaba una gran
there was a big storm coming yes that was when tormenta. taxi al aeropuerto de inmediato Quería
we spoke that's right so I took a taxi to the airport irme antes de que llegara la tormenta buena idea
straight away I wanted to leave before the storm ¿Llegaste al aeropuerto? Está bien, sí, llegué, pero
came good idea did you get to the airport OK yes I cientos de personas tuvieron la misma idea de que
got there but hundreds of other people had the la tormenta llegó más rápido de lo que nadie
esperaba, por lo que no hubo vuelos en la
same idea the storm arrived faster than anybody
carretera. al aeropuerto estaba completamente
expected so there were no flights the road to the inundado, por lo que nadie podía regresar a la
airport was completely flooded so nobody could go ciudad nos quedamos atascados en el aeropuerto
back into town we got stuck in the airport did you ¿pensaste que sería por tanto tiempo? No todos
think it would be for so long not at all we all pensamos que una noche posiblemente 2 ¿Tenías
thought one night possibly 2 did you have enough suficiente comida? Compré algo de comida el
food I bought some food on the first day but it primer día. día, pero no fue muy bueno para el
tercer día de mi cumpleaños. Comí un paquete de
wasn't very good by the third day on my birthday
patatas fritas y un sándwich de dos días para
I had a packet of crisps and a two day old almorzar. pobre mamá, ¿qué pasa con los baños
sandwich for lunch poor mum what about the en el aeropuerto? ¿Pudiste ducharte? No se
bathrooms at the airport were you able to have a congelaron las tuberías de agua. así que después
shower no the water pipes froze so after the first del primer día no hubo agua, fue No es agradable,
day there wasn't any water it wasn't nice that's eso es repugnante, no te preocupes, estoy limpio
disgusting don't worry I'm clean now So what did ahora. Entonces, ¿qué hiciste todo el día en el
aeropuerto? Conocí a gente muy agradable.
you do all day in the airport I met some really nice Hablamos de cartas rojas cuando se enteraron de
people we talked red played cards when they que era mi cumpleaños. última barra de chocolate
found out it was my birthday one of them gave me ah keat fue una sensación extraña no tener
his last bar of chocolate ah keat it was a strange conexión a Internet ni línea telefónica fue horrible
feeling having no Internet connection no phone no poder llamarte también todos estamos tan
line it was horrible not being able to phone you too acostumbrados a estar conectados todo el tiempo
fue difícil sé que piensas que estoy de vacaciones
we're all so used to being connected all the time it
cuando trabajo, pero no siempre es fácil, ya sabes,
was hard I know you think I'm on holiday when feliz cumpleaños mama
I'm working but it's not always easy you know
happy birthday mom

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