English For Psychology

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English for psychology

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Nama : Andi nur cahyani akib

Kelas : A
Nim : 4519091171

Fakultas psikologi
Universitas bosowa
How many of you at home watching would say that you want to
change the world I can't see you I'm going to guess that a lot of you
have raised your hand this is a really incredible part of our
generation or more connected than ever we have access to
information about what's happening around the world and we want to
make an impact one of the ways that young people are taught that we
can change the world by going on International School for volunteering
at an orphanage these trips are commonly referred to as voluntourism
and are often marketed to high school and post-secondary students
according to save the children friends with an estimated annual profit
of over two billion dollars in about 1.6 million people participating each
year I've been one of those people having been on trips to Honduras
and India thinking I was going to change the world this is me at 17 on
a three-week trip in India with a group of young Canadian to help build
a school in a rural community we've actually spent those three weeks
moving piles of dirt around a work site construction crew Looking Back
Now it's pretty clear that 20 unskilled teenagers weren't needed to get
that school off the ground but we are continually told that we're
making an impact years later and now working the Canadian., sector
help build the capacity of young people to become more civically
engaged in their communities connected to social issues and equipped
to take action in my career I've learned as many as possible
organization here in Canada looking for the support of volunteers yet I
still so frequently meet young people interested in International
Volunteer trips is my understanding of social issues has grown more
and more critical of my own experience as a phone through them I'm
with the industry in general they're probably going to be watching
today. They're considering going on a voluntourism trip or know
someone who is so what I want to share with you are the five question
but I wish I'd asked myself before interest here's the first question do I
really understand the issue that I'm wanting to help with to help you
answer this question I'm actually going to ask you another one when
thinking about poverty here in Canada which is experience do you
believe that there's a simple quick solution to combating it most of us
can probably recognize that there are a multitude of deep-rooted
complex tissues working together to cause and perpetuate poverty in
Canada such as affordability of housing unemployment rates the list
can go on so we can understand how complex it is to solve issues in our
own country why do we feel that we can go to another country and
often one we know very little about and solve their problems on a
short-term track a writer named Courtney Martin describe this way of
thinking at the reductive seduction of other people's problems she
knows there's a trend people from Western countries oversimplifying
issues of others attending to overlook the greater systemic issues in
our own communities on my phone t-r-trip in India I was taught at a
very simple model consult poverty build a school instructor well do
some basic entrepreneurial skills and have a sustainable solution I
wasn't taught about many of the more complex doctors that existed
outside of that community that contribute to causing poverty and
quality like how do you clone your history or the global economy we
were looking at the issue in a very narrow way because it made it easier
for us to understand and to feel like we could help now to meet me
some cases for potential volunteers and feel ready to contribute so this
brings me to the next question I wish I'd asked for becoming a
volunteer rest question 2 am I qualified to help with this issue and
uniquely positioned to make an impact when I went to India to build a
school I have no construction skills and even if I had they were clearly
people in that Community who had those skills so there wasn't a gap
that I was uniquely positioned to fill it's also so important to consider
if you would be able to do this work in your own country could you
walk onto a construction site without any experience handling tools
would you be able to work with vulnerable children if the answer is no
and you probably shouldn't be going to another country to do that
work either a CBC documentary called volunteers Unleashed followed
volunteers from Western countries as they worked in Cambodia
Ecuador and Tanzania it featured young comedians who were qualified
an education or social work and didn't speak the local language is
working as teachers are there volunteers were working in the medical
sector without the proper skills or training one man cheer from the
Netherlands who only recently graduated high school said that he
drew blood from a patient on the second day of his medical placement
and assisted with the surgery on the 3rd these are just examples of
volunteering. Probably didn't make much impact these are examples
of volunteering that could cause real harm when talking about altruism
there's often this assumption being made that just because a country
has high rate of poverty or instability there's such a lack of skills that
any unskilled volunteer appreciation is perpetuates a one-dimensional
narrative of all countries in the global South as just poor and in need of
help and positions people from Western countries as the saviors this
narrative is ignorant. Best got its worst can lead to work that is
ineffective and unethical sometimes our good intentions can actually
cause harm it's critical to take the time to reflect on what skills and
qualifications that you can bring forward and then find an organization
that is really looking for what you have to offer another way to
determine if your volunteerism experience will be truly impactful is by
talking this next question question 3 who is being prioritised the
project beneficiaries or the volunteers there were many moments in
my own vultures am experience but inspired me to ask this question
but one in particular really stands out what day will on a trip in India
are a group of volunteers was brought to the home of a local woman
tell patch up the walls of her house women watch silently as a
volunteer stop. This was meant to be a feel-good moment for us as
volunteers but what is this woman get out of bed and how much did it
fell for her to have her home you says especially Paris true in them this
was a clear example of our experiences volunteers being prioritized
over the experience of the people we are meant to be helping
unfortunately the sentiment isn't unique to my experience alone in an
article that went viral in 2014 former bones wrist Pippa Middleton
scribe traveling to Tanzania while in high school she discovered that
after their group of volunteers to finish the work each day local
Tradesmen were actually taking it down by 9th and rebuilding it to be
more structurally sound this is a stark example of an experience that
revolves around the volunteers instead of the project at hand
similarities can also be seen when looking at orphanage volunteerism
a coalition called rethink orphanages reports that of the nearly eight
million children in orphanages worldwide about 80% of them actually
have a living parent the United Nations has called on countries to divert
funding away from institutionalizing children and family and
Community Based care according to rethink orphanages the money
that organizations can make from visiting volunteers as a key reason
for keeping children institutionalized now a common argument made
in support of volunteerism is that the true and packed up the trip
volunteers themselves experience in the work going to do as a result
not claim for either through this next question question for what is the
cost-benefit analysis of the strip but most organizations aren't
forthcoming about how these costs are broken down when you
consider the itinerary for the trip it's clear that there are many hawks
Beyond just to protect such as flights accommodation tourist
attractions and administrative fees a researcher named Kurt Allen
verbeek American how to build houses after Hurricane Mitch he found
that the cost for the volunteers to build a house including their own
trip cost and the building costs $30,000 had a local group built the
houses they could have built a house for $2,000 so 15 times more
homes could have been built had the volunteers contributed their
money directly now let's come back to this idea. Maybe the true
benefit of the trip was in the change that the volunteers experienced
in the future impact they could go on to have well it's the same group
of volunteers was serving several years later and while they all claimed
by the trip and made a big change in their lives there was no significant
change recorded in their volunteering which are the this case
demonstrates that the benefits of physically being at the project site
rarely outweigh the cost of traveling there imagine if the 1.6 million
people go on these trips every year stayed behind instead and directly
donated their money to local organizations to understand their own
communities and can propose there some people may say that they
want to spend money on travel anyways so why not volunteer while
we're at it traveling can be a great way to broaden your perspective
the important thing is being clear about your intentions and ensuring
any work that you go abroad to do is being done ethically and
impactfully I'm not proposing that we ignore all Global issues I'm
proposing that we think critically about the ways in which we can
contribute and how we can be more impactful in that support so if a
volunteerism traffic isn't the best use of our time money or desire to
make an impact then we're left with this Fifth and final question how
can I apply my desire to make an impact to what's going on in my own
backyard there's a lot going on in our backyard right now with the
impacts of covid-19 Auntie block an auntie indigenous races on climate
change homelessness there are many causes and organizations that
need our support here in Canada making me feel slower and more
complicated we're going to build School feels so much more tangible
but the truth is that really changing the world does take time and
dedication we don't need a plane ticket to start making an impact the
toughest part of this conversation is looking Inward and reflecting on
your own intentions for wanting to go on a volunteer trip if it's truly
about making an impact and consider donating money directly to
causes that you care about internationally supporting local causes or
taking the time to find the right opportunity for you to contribute at
the clean and impactfully we all should want to change the world it's
just time we change how we do it thank you.

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