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22. Let S(n) denotes the sum of all digits of the positive integer n.

a) Prove, that S(n) 6 5 · S(2n) for every n.

b) Prove, that there exist infinitely many n, with S(n) > 1996 · S(3n).

(V. Yasinski, Vinnitsa)

23. Find all positive integers n for which the sequence

a1 = n, ak+1 = 2ak − [ ak ]2 ¤«ï ¢cix k ≥ 1,
is periodic?

(V. Yasinski, Vinnitsa)

24. Let v
u s r
u q
t √
an = 4 + 2 4 + · · · + 2 4 + 2 4 + 2 4 + 4

the sign occurs n times.

a) Prove, that an < 5 + 1 for all n.
b) Find limn→∞ an .

(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

25. Does there exist the function f (x), satisfying all of the following conditions:

(a) f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y) for all real x and y.

√ √
(b) f (1) = 2, f ( 2) = 1;

(c) f (x) is bounded on the interval [1, 2].

(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

26. On the hypotenuse AB of the triangle ABC with ∠C = 90◦ and the area S, as on the diame-
ter, was drawn a circle. The points K and M was chosen on the AB and AC correspondingly
in such a way that the chord KM is a diameter of a circle. Let P and Q be the bases of
the perpendiculars, that are drown from the points A and C on the chords CM and AM
correspondingly. Prove, that the area of KP M Q equals S.

(I. Nagel, Eupatoria)

27. Does it possible to obtain a right hexagon as a section of right pyramid with the base of the
form of right pentagon?

(O. Ganyushkin, Kyiv)

28. We will say the positive integer n to be anti-prime provided the number of all divisors of n is
greater then the number of all divisors of any positive integer m < n. Prove, that for every
positive integer d almost all anti-prime numbers (i.e. all of them except some finite set) is
divisible on d.

(S. Mozgovy, V. Nekrashevych, Kyiv)

36. Find the minimum value of the following expression
sin α sin β sin β sin γ sin γ sin α
2 γ + 2 α + ,
sin 2 sin 2 sin2 β2

where α, β and γ — angles of some triangle?

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytza)

37. Let f (x) = (x + a1 )(x + a2 ) . . . (x + an ), where a1 , a2 , . . . , an — non-negative numbers. Prove

that p
f 0 (1) ≥ n(1 + n f (0))n−1 .

(I. Burban, Kyiv)

38. Let n = 11 . . . 1 (1996 figures). Does there exist such a function f (x) that for all real x 6= 0,
x 6= 1 holds  n

f (f (. . . (f (x)) . . . )) = 1 − n ?
(in the left side the n-th iteration of f is written).

(I. Bobak, Luts’k)


39. Let k denotes the number of subsets with k elements in n-element set. Prove that
n 0, if 0 6 m 6 n − 1;
(−1)k (n − 2k)m =
k 2n · n!, if m = n.

(M. Gorodniy, Kyiv)

40. Let a, b, c, d be positive real numbers, satisfying the condition

a 2c − b
= ,
2b − c d
equation a − (b + c)x + dx2 = 0 has two real roots and x1 be the largest root. Prove that the
a 2c − b
x1 = =
2b − c d
holds if and only if b < c.

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

41. Let O be a center of a circle, circumscribed over 4ABC. Perpendicular, drown form the
point A on the line CO, cross the line CB in the point M . Find |CM |, if |CA| = a and
|CB| = b.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytza)

42. Sequence of triangles 4A1 B1 C1 , 4A2 B2 C2 , . . . , 4An Bn Cn , . . . is constructed in the follow-
ing way: on the sides An Bn , Bn Cn and Cn An we choose points Cn0 , A0n and Bn0 correspond-
ingly and denotes An+1 , Bn+1 and Cn+1 the points of intersection of Bn Bn0 and Cn Cn0 , Cn Cn0
and An A0n , Bn Bn0 and An A0n correspondingly. Find all possible A1 B1 C1 for which sequence
contains at least one pair of similar triangles, if for all n

∠An Cn Cn0 : ∠Bn Cn Cn0 = ∠Cn Bn Bn0 : ∠An Bn Bn0 = ∠Bn An A0n : ∠Cn An A0n = 1 : 2

|Cn0 An | : |Bn Cn0 | = |A0n Bn | : |Cn A0n | = |Bn0 Cn | : |An Bn0 | = 1 : 2?

(V. Nekrashevych, D. Pavlov, Kyiv)

43. Let P (n) denotes a product of all digits of a positive integer n. Prove that for any positive
integer a sequence (an ) defined by

a1 = a, ak+1 = ak + P (ak ) ¤«ï ¢cix k ≥ 1,

is bounded.

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

44. Prove that there is infinitely many different maps f : N → N from the set N of all positive
integers into itself, which for all n satisfy the following condition:

f (f (n)) = n3 + 1997.

Can such a map be one-to-one?

(E. Pentsak, Lviv)

45. Prove that for any real x the following inequality holds:

1x + 2x + 6x + 12x ≥ 4x + 8x + 9x .

Find all x for which an equality holds.

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

46. In one step it is possible to exchange a number a drown on a blackboard with 1 − a or a/2.
Prove that for any given a it is possible to obtain on a blackboard some number b which
differs form 1/1997 not more that on 2−1997 .

(O. Ganyushkin, Kyiv)

47. Let M denotes the set of all points on the plane which have integer coordinates.
a) Prove that it is possible to color each point from M into two given colors in such a way
that any infinite set consisting of the points having the same color, is not symmetrical with
respect to neither A(0, 0) nor B(1, 0).
b) Prove that for any coloring of M which satisfies condition of the case a) and for any point
C(x, y) with non-zero y there is infinite set consisting of the points having the same color
which is symmetrical with respect to C.

(I. Banah, Lviv, I. Protasov, Kyiv)

48. Points A, B, C and D are chosen on a circle in such a way that the point S of the intersection
of the lines AB and CD lies outside the circle and the point T of intersection of the lines AC
and BD lies inside the circle. Let points M and N lie on chords BD and AC respectively
and K denotes point of intersection of the lines ST and M N . Prove that

= · .

(V. Petechuk, Uzhgorod)

49. Inside the right pyramid A1 A2 A3 . . . A1997 with the top A1997 a point A is chosen. Perpen-
diculars AB1 , AB2 , . . . , AB1996 fall on the lateral sides of the pyramid. Prove that the set of
sections A1997 B1 , A1997 B2 , . . . , A1997 B1996 can be divided int two parts in such a way that
the sum of lengths of the sections inside each part are the same.

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

50. Prove that for any positive integer n holds
 2
n − |i|
[ ]
Xn    Xn  X 2  
2n 2k  n 2j + |i| 
=   ,
2k k  2j + |i| j 
k=0 i=−n  j=0 


where [x] denotes the integer part of x, and k denotes the binomial coefficient k =
k!(n−k)! .

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

51. All angels of a triangle ABC are less than 90◦ , moreover, angel B equals 60◦ . Let AM and CK
be the altitudes of ABC and P and L be the middle points of AB and CB correspondingly.
Prove that the line which pass through B and the point of intersection of P L and KM is
the bisector of the angel B.

(I. Nagel, Herson)

52. Prove, that for any real a, b holds

(a) |a| + |b| + ||a| − |b|| = |a + b| + |a − b|;
(b) |a| + |b| − ||a| − |b|| = ||a + b| − |a − b||;
(c) |a − b| − ||a| − |b|| = 2 |a|+|b|+|a+b| , if a2 + b2 6= 0.

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

53. Two secants to the circle ω pass through the point S lying outside ω. Let A and B, C
and D be the intersection points with SA < SB and SC < SD. Denote by T the point
of intersection of the chords AD and BC. Prove, that the intersection point of two tangent
lines passing through B âa D belongs to ST .

(V. Petechuk, Uzhgorod)

54. We will call a positive integer n super-compound provided its number of divisors is greater
than the number of divisors of any positive integer m < n.
(a) Find the minimal n such that n! is not super-compound.
(b) Prove that n! is not super-compound for any positive integer n > 100.

(V. Nekrashevych, Kyiv)

55. Find the polyhedron with 8 triangular sides and maximal volume which is drown in the fixed

(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

56. The sequence {xn ; n ≥ 1} is defined as follows:

xn + xn+1 + · · · + xn+1996
x1 = x2 = · · · = x1996 = 0, x1997 = 1, xn+1997 = , n ≥ 1.
Prove that it has a limit and find it.

(O. Kyrnasivskyy, V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

57. Find all integer solutions of the equation

3xy + 9y = 9 + 3x + x2 .

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

58. Find the maximum value of the function

√ √ √ √
x8y4z t
f (x, y, z, t) =
1 + x + 2y + z + t
under conditions x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, z ≥ 0, t ≥ 0.

(O. Saran, Zhytomyr)

59. A circle inscribed into triangle ABC touches side BC in a point E. Section CD is perpen-
dicular to the plane BC and has the same length as CA. Find a radius of a circle inscribed
into triangle BCD if CE = 1sm., and the length of BD is 2sm. more than the length of BA.

(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

60. Prove, that for any positive a, b, c, d holds

 a 10  b 10  c 10  d 10 
1 1 1 1

+ + + ≥ abcd + + + .
b c d a a4 b4 c4 d4

(V. Petechuk, Uzhgorod)

61. Given a triangle ABC. The perpendiculars to the plane ABC pass through the vertices
of the triangle. Points A1 , B1 , C1 were fixed on the corresponding perpendiculars at the
following way: all of them lie at the same side with respect to ABC. Moreover, the lengths
of AA1 , BB1 âa CC1 equal to the lengths of the corresponding altitudes of ABC. Let S be
an intersection point of plains AB1 C1 , A1 BC1 and A1 B1 C. Find an area of the surface of
pyramid SABC.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

62. A sequence {Pn (x)} of polynomials is constructed at the following way: P0 (x) = 1, P1 (x) = x,
Pn+2 (x) = 2xPn+1 (x) − Pn (x), n ≥ 0. Does there exist a non-constant function f (x) such
that P1997 (f (x)) = f (1997x)?

(I. Bobak, Lutsk)

63. Square board 1997 × 1997 filled with pluses. By the first motion one changes all signs in
the rows whose numbers are divisible by 1. By the second motion one changes all signs in
the columns whose numbers are divisible by 2. By the third motion one changes all signs
in the rows whose numbers are divisible by 3 and so on. What should be bigger after 1997
motions — the number of pluses on the board or the number of minuses on the board?

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

64. Find all integer solutions of the equation

x4 + 5x2 y 2 + y 4 = z 2 .

(I. Burban, Kyiv)

65. The sequence of words, each of which consists of two letters A and B is defined as follows:
the first word is A and the next one is constructed from the previous one by substitution
of each A by BAA and each B by AB. Is it possible for this sequence to contain a periodic
word, that is the word of the form W W . . . W for some word W ?

(I. Bobak, Lutsk)

66. Prove the inequality:

1997 p 1997 p
X |k + 1| X |k|
√ > √ .
( 2) |k| ( 2)|k|
k=−1997 k=−1997

(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

67. The planet Round-Round has the form of an infinite into both directions cylinder of radius
r. There are two observatories A and B on the planet, moreover the section AB crosses the
axes of the cylinder and is perpendicular to it. The invaders are planning to find a circular
orbit of the fixed radius R around this planet with the center on AB such that the plane of
this orbit contains AB, forms the angle θ with the axes and has the unique common point
with planet surface. Find those θ such that the corresponding orbit exists?

(A. Khomenko, Kyiv)

68. Construct a convex quadrangle if known are the orthogonal projection of the cross point of
it diagonals on all four sides.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

69. On Monday Robinson Kruso wrote down some integers and taught The Friday how to add
them (possibly many times). It is know that there are both positive and negative numbers
among those integers. On Tuesday Robinson taught The Friday how to subtract those in-
tegers. Is it possible that The Friday can obtain on Tuesday an integer that he could not
obtain on Monday?

(I. Arzantsev, Moscow)

70. Three men are suspected to commit a crime. It is known that one of them is knight (speak
only truth) another one is liar (speak only lies) and the last is normal (can say anything),
moreover, only one of them is criminal. During interrogation they were asked “Are You
criminal?” and all answers were “No”. Then at the same sequence they were asked “Is your
previous answer truthful?” and all of them said “Yes”. At last, they were asked “Is the
answer of the previous man truthful” at the same sequence and all answers were “No” again.
Can You determine the criminal and say something about his creed?

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

71. Grandfather Mazay has a boat that seat exactly Dkg of cargo if say nothing about Mazay
himself. A number of hares were forgotten on the island. A hare has a height that is integer
number of kilograms and is not greater than 12kg. Prove that there exists D such that
grandfather Mazay can save (by some tries) any group of hares having common height
divisible by D.

(I. Arzantsev, D.Piontkovskyy, Moscow)

72. A function f is defined on the set of pairs of positive integers and has positive integer values.
It is known that f (f (x, y), z) = f (x, f (y, z)) for all positive integers x, y and z. Moreover,
there exists C such that f (x, y) < C for all positive integers x and y. Prove that there exists
a positive integer x such that f (x, x) = x.

(A. Khomenko, Kyiv)

73. Trapezium ABCD is inscribed into a circle of radius R and circumscribed over a circle of
radius r. Find the distance between the centers of these circles.

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

74. Three circles containing point O were drawn on a sphere. It is known that these circles
pairwise intersect each other in three different points A, B and C, which differ from O.
Find the sum of angles of “spherical” triangle ABC. (An angle between two lines is the
corresponding angle between the tangent lines taken in the cross point).

(A. Khomenko, Kyiv)

1 a3 + b3 + c3
75. Prove that the area of a triangle with the sides a, b and c is less than · .
2 a+b+c
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

76. Let M denote a set of pairwise distinct points on the plane having integer coordinates. Find
the maximal possible number of points in M under the condition that the distance between
any point in M and the origin is less than the distance between this point and any other
point in M ?

(I. Arzantsev, Moscow)

77. Each 2 from n > 2 cities of the Country are connected by one road. For the traffic safety
Police give an instruction to permit only one-way traffic on each road, with the only condition
that the number of roads going from  any town as good as the number of roads coming to
this town should not be less than .
a) Prove that after fulfillment of this instruction it would be possible to reach any town from
any other town using not more than three roads.
a) Prove that the instruction can be fulfilled in the way such that it would be possible to
reach any town from any other town using not more than two roads.

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

78. Let S(n) denote the sum of all digits of a positive integer n. Do there exist positive integers
a and b such that for any positive integer n the inequality S(am) < S(bm) holds?

(S.Mozgovyy, Kyiv)

79. A circle ω is outscribed over an acute triangle ABC. AN and CK are altitudes of ABC.
The median BM crosses the circle ω in the point P . The point Q is chosen on the section
BM such that M Q = M P . Prove that the points B, K, Q are N belong to the same circle.

(I.Nagel, Evpatoriya)

80. Find all real functions f , defined on the real line and satisfying the following condition: for
any real x and y the value f (x + y) coincides with 2f (x) + f (y) or with f (x) + 2f (y).

(O.Kryzhanovskyy, Harkiv)

81. Let O denote the center of the right hexagon A1 A2 . . . A6 . Inside each of the triangles OA1 A2 ,
OA2 A3 , . . . , OA6 A1 the points B1 , B2 , . . . , B6 are chosen correspondingly in such way
that ∠B1 A2 B2 = ∠B2 A3 B3 = . . . = ∠B6 A1 B1 = 60◦ . Prove that the area of the polygon
A1 B1 A2 B2 . . . A6 B6 is not less than the half of the area of A1 A2 . . . A6 .

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

82. Prove that for all real x ≥ 1, y ≥ 1 the following inequality holds:
1999 1999
x1998 + y (x1997 + 1) 1997 (y 1997 + 1) 1997
− 1 ≥ ln − ln .
y 1998 + x x y

(E.Pentsak, L.Zdomskyy, Lviv)

83. Find necessary and sufficient conditions for the following situation to be the case: to the vec-
tors v1 , v2 , . . . , vn in the space starting in the origin, it is possible to put into correspondence
integers a1 , a2 , . . . , an respectively in such way that

• for any line l, the sum of all numbers corresponding to the vectors lying on l, is not
greater than one third of the sum of all numbers;
• for any plane π, the sum of all numbers corresponding to the vectors lying on π, is not
greater than two third of the sum of all numbers.

(I. Arzantsev, Moscow)

84. Two racing cars simultaneously start on the round track with the velocities v1 and v2 corre-
spondingly. After each circle the first car increases its velocity in two times and the second
car — in three times. The car is said to be the favourite if there exists a positive integer N ,
such that this car wins any race in n circles for any n > N . Find all values of a = v1 /v2 such
that the first car is the favourite.

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

85. Find all non-constant real polynomials f (x) such that for any real x the following equality
f (sin(x) + cos(x)) = f (sin(x)) + f (cos(x)).

(E.Pentsak, , Lviv)

86. Prove that there exist pairwise distinct positive integers a, b, c and d, such that the sum of
digits of the number a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 equals to 19981998.

(I.Mitelman, Odessa)

87. A pair (m, n) of positive integers is written on a blackboard. In one step one can double any
of these numbers and add 1 to another one.

• Is it possible to obtain a pair of equal numbers from the pair (1, 1998) using the above
• Is it possible to obtain a pair of numbers such that the absolute value of their difference
is equal to 13579 from any given pair?
• Is it possible to obtain a pair of numbers such that the absolute value of their difference
is equal to k, where k is a fixed positive integer, from any given pair?

(O.Kryzhanovskyy, Harkiv)

88. Find the length of the shortest edge of a tetrahedron subject to the condition that the sum
of lengths of some four edges of this tetrahedron equals to 1.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

89. Prove, that any convex polygon A1 A2 . . . An satisfying the conditions Ai Ai+1 ||Ai−1 Ai+2 and
Ai−1 Ai+1 ||Ai−2 Ai+2 for all i, can be mapped into a regular polygon by a parallel projection.

(D.Trybushnyy, O.Khomenko, Kyiv)

90. Prove that the greater common divisor of a1 , a2 , . . . , an is greater that 1 if and only if there
exist numbers b1 , b2 . . . , bn whose greater common divisor is 1 such that
b1 b2 bn
= = ... = K,
a1 a2 an
where K is a non-integer.

(I. Arzantsev, Moscow)

91. Two players fill an n × n square board with 0 and 1 and each of them can use both 0 and 1.
As soon as the board is filled they calculate the sums ri and si of numbers in i-th row and
column correspondingly for 1 6 i 6 n. Set
X n
R= iri , S= isi .
i=1 i=1

The first player is proclaimed to be the winner if and only if R < S and the second player
is proclaimed to be the winner otherwise. Who will win under the right play?

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

92. A sequence a1 , a2 , . . . of non-negative reals is given such that for all n ≥ 1
the equality a2n+2 − a2n+1 = an+1 − an is fulfilled. For what values of a1 , a2
the sequence {an } will be bounded?, ascending?

(I. Bobak, Lutsk)

93. Find all the reals x ≥ 998 for which the expression x
1998 / 998 is

(V. Yasinskyj, Vinnytsa)

94. Let g, h : N0 → N0 be two functions (here N0 = {0, 1, 2, . . . }) satisfying

the conditions: 

 g(2n) = 2n + 1

g(2n + 1) = 2n

 h(2n) = 2g(n)

h(2n + 1) = 2h(n) + 1
for all n ∈ N0 . Denote f (n) = g(h(n)).
a) Calculate f (1998).
b) Prove that for every n ∈ N there exists a positive integer k such that
either n = f (f (. . . f (0) . . . )) or 0 = f (f (. . . f (n) . . . )).
| {z } | {z }
k k

(V. Nekrashevych, Kyiv)

95. In 1896 lord Coin has decided to play a game. From the January 1 till
December 31 every day he chooses among two match boxes an arbitrary
one and placed a match from it to another box (if the chosen box was
not empty). If the chosen box was empty then he placed a match from
the other box to the chosen one. What is the probability that after the
December 31 the both boxes will have an equal number of matches if at
the beginning each box had a) n = 400 b) n = 200 c) n = 100 matches?

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

96. A tetrahedron ABCD is circumscribed around a sphere ω of the radius r,

tangent to the faces ABC , BCD, CDA, DAB in the points D1 , A1 , B1 ,
C1 respectively. The lines AA1 , BB1 , CC1 , DD1 intersect the sphere ω
for the second time at the points A2 , B2 , C2 , D2 respectively. Prove the

AA1 · A1 A2 + BB1 · B1 B2 + CC1 · C1 C2 + DD1 · D1 D2 ≥ 32r2 .

(V. Yasinskyj, Vinnytsa)

97. Let BM and CN be the bisectors in the triangle ABC (∠A = 60◦ ),
intersecting in the point I . Let P and Q be the tangency point of the
inscribed circle to the sides AB and AC respectively. Denote by O the
midpoint of the segment N M . Prove that the points P, O and Qare

(I. Nagel, Evpatoriya)

98. A cube is partitioned into a finite number of parallelepipeds with their

faces parallel to the faces of the cube. Prove that if the sum of the
volumes of the spheres circumscribed around the parallelepipeds is equal
to the volume of the sphere circumscribed around the cube then all the
paralellepipeds of the partition are cubes.


99. For every positive integer n not equal to a cube of an integer prove the
n > √ 3
Here {x} is the fractional part of the number x, i.e. {x} = x − [x], where
[x] is the maximal integer not greater than x.

(O. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

100. The Wonder Island is inhabited by Hedgehogs. Each Hedgehog consists of

three segments of unit length having a common endpoint, with all three
angles between them equal to 120◦ . Given that all Hedgehogs are lying
flat on the island and no two of them touch each other, prove that there
is a finite number of Hedgehogs on Wonder Island.

(Baltic Way)

101. The sequences {an : n ≥ 1}, {bn : n ≥ 1}, {cn : n ≥ 1} satisfy the
equalities: 
 an = an−1 + bn−1
bn = bn−1 − cn−1

cn = −cn−1 − an−1 .
Prove that all these three sequences are Fibonacci sequences from some

(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)

102. Prove for any positive a, b, c

a2000 b2000 c2000 1 1999 

+ + ≥ a + b1999 + c1999
b+c c+a a+b 2

(V. Yasinskyi, Vinnytsa)

103. Let O be the intersection point of the diagonals in an inscribed quadrilat-

eral ABCD. The points P and Q belong to the rays OA and OB respec-
tively and ∠DAQ = ∠CBP . Prove that the point O and the midpoints
of the segments P Q and BC are collinear.

(V. Yasinskyi, Vinnytsa)

104. The angles of the triangle ABC are less than 120◦ . The point O inside the
triangle is such that ∠AOB = ∠BOC = ∠COA = 120◦ . Let M1 , M2 , M3
be the intersection points of the medians and let H1 , H2 , H3 be the inter-
section points of the altitudes in the triangles AOB, BOC, COA respec-
tively. Prove the equality
−−−→ −−−→ −−−→ −−→
M1 H1 + M2 H2 + M3 H3 = −2OM ,

where M is the intersection point of the medians in the triangle ABC.

(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna)

105. Find all positive integers x, y, z, t such, that the numbers x, y, z are pair-
wise relatively prime and

(x + y)(y + z)(z + x) = txyz.


106. 55 points are situated inside a regular hexagon with a side of length 1
so that any three of them are not collinear. Prove that
√ there exist three
points defining a triangle with area not greater than 3/36.

(V. Braiman, O. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

107. Find all functions f : N −→ N, for which the relation

f (f (n)) + (f (n)) = n2 + 3n + 3

(E. Pentsak, Lviv)

108. Prove that for each n ≥ 2, there is a set S of n integers such that (a − b)2
divides ab for every distinct a, b ∈ S.


109. Two circles with different radii are tangent to a line l in points A and B
and intersect one another in points C and D. Let H1 be the intersection
point of the altitudes of the triangle ABC, and let H2 be the intersection
point of the altitudes of the triangle ABD. Prove that H1 CH2 D is a

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

110. Prove the inequality

x3 + y (x2 + 1)2 (y 2 + 1)2
− 1 ≥ ln − ln
y3 + x x y
for all x ≥ 1, y ≥ 1.

(E. Pentsak, Lviv)

111. Let A1 = 0 and A2 = 1. For n > 2, the number An is defined by concate-

nating the decimal expansions of An−1 and An−2 from left to right. For
example A3 = A2 A1 = 10, A4 = A3 A2 = 101, A5 = A4 A3 = 10110, and
so forth. Determine all n such that 11 divides An .

(William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition)

112. Let for a tetrahedron DABC the equalities

= = ,
sin α sin β sin γ
hold, where α, β, γ are the interfacial angles by the edges DA, DB and DC
respectively. Prove that the center of the inscribed sphere, the intersection
point of the medians of the triangle ABC and the point D are collinear.

(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)

113. Prove the inequality
σ(n) ≤ τ (1) + τ (2) + · · · + τ (n),
where σ(n) is the sum of all positive integral factors of n, and τ (n) is its

(V. Nekrashevych, Kyiv)

114. A point H belongs to the diagonal AC of a convex quadrilateral ABCD

and is such, that BH ⊥ AC. Prove that AB = AD if AB ⊥ BC and
AO ⊥ DH, where O is the center of the circle circumscribed around the
triangle ACD.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

115. Some checkers placed on an n × n checkerboard satisfy the following con-

(a) every square that does not contain a checker shares a side with one
that does;
(b) given any pair of squares that contain checkers, there is a sequence
of squares containing checkers, starting and ending with the given
squares, such that every two consecutive squares of the sequence share
a side.
Prove that at least (n2 − 2)/3 checkers have been placed on the board.

(USA, 1999)

116. A sphere with center in a point I is inscribed in a trihedral angle OABC.

Prove that the planes AOI and BOI are perpendicular if ∠BOC+∠AOC =
180◦ + ∠AOB.

(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)

117. The Y2K Game is played on a 1 × 2000 grid as follows. Two players in
turn write either an S or an O in an empty square. The first player who
produces three consecutive boxes that spell SOS wins. If all boxes are filled
without producing SOS then the game is a draw. Prove that the second
player has a winning strategy.

(USA, 1999)

118. Construct with help of a compass and a ruler a triangle ABC knowing
the vertex A, the midpoint of the side BC and the intersection point of
the altitudes.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

119. Solve the equation
p p
xy + 2x = 2x2 + y 2 x2 + 2y 2 − 4y + 4

(O. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

120. Find all functions f : R → R satisfying the equality

f (y) + f (x + f (y)) = y + f (f (x) + f (f (y)))

for all real x, y.

(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

121. Prove the inequality

Pn Pn−1
sin kπ
k=0 n k=0 sin (2k+1)π
n+1 n
for every positive integer n.

(O. Kukush, V. Nekrashevych, Kyiv)

122. Every diagonal of a convex quadrilateral is a bisector of an angle and a

trisector of the opposite one. Find the angles of the quadrilateral.

(V. Yasinskyi, Vinnytsa)

123. In the game “n in a row” two players mark the points with integral co-
ordinates in three dimensional space in turn. The first player marks his
points with “X” and the second one with “O”. The first player wins if he
gets a row with n points marked by X, i.e., a sequence of different points
(x, y, z), (x + a, y + b, z + c), (x + 2a, y + 2b, z + 2c), . . . , (x + (n − 1)a, y +
(n − 1)b, z + (n − 1)c), where every number a, b, c is equal to 0, 1, or −1.
Prove that for some n the second player can play so that the first one
never wins.

(V. Nekrashevych, Kyiv)

124. How many vertices has a polyhedron with all diagonals equal, if it has
more than one diagonal? (A diagonal is a segment connecting to vertices
but neither an edge nor a diagonal of a face.)

(V. Yasinskyi, Vinnytsa)

125. The function f : R → R satisfies for all x ∈ R the conditions f (x + 19) ≤
f (x) + 19 and f (x + 99) ≥ f (x) + 99. Prove that f (x + 1) = f (x) + 1 for
all x ∈ R.

(Austrian-Polish Mathematics Competition)

126. Construct (using a compass and a ruler) the triangle 4ABC by the vertex
A, the midpoint M of the side BC and the intersection point H of the
altitudes of the triangle 4ABC .

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsia)

127. Two players move their two cavaliers in turn starting from the opposite
corners of an 8 × 8 chessboard. The piece cavalier can be moved like a
chess king or a chess knight. Wins the player who checks the cavalier of
the opponent. Does anybody have a winning strategy?

(G. Shevchenko, Kyiv)

128. A triangle ABC is given. A point R belongs to the line AC and C

is between the points A and R. The point R belongs to a strait line
intersecting the side AB in a point C1 and the side BC in a point A1 .
Let P be the midpoint of the side AC , and let Q be the midpoint of
the side A1 C1 . Prove that three cirles, circumsribed around the triangles
ABC, A1 BC1 and P QR respectively are concurrent.

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsia)

129. Let p be a prime number and N = A1 ∪ A2 ∪ . . . ∪ Ak be a partition of

all positive integers into disjoint classes. Prove that there exist a set Ai
of the partition and an irreducible polynomial f of degree p − 1 such that
f has all the coefficients in Ai .


130. A polyhedron with n vertices is given. Is it true that we always can cut it
along n − 1 edges to get its unfolding which can be located on the plane
without overlays?

(G. Shevchenko, Kyiv)

131. It is known that real numbers a and b are chosen such that |a sin(x) + b sin(2x)| 6 1
holds for all real x. Prove that |a + 2b cos(x)| 6 2 holds for all real x.

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

132. Find all polynomials f (x) with real coefficients such that for all positive integer n

[f (1/2)] + [f (1 + 1/2)] + · · · + [f (n + 1/2)] = f (1) + f (2) + · · · + f (n),

where [a] denotes the integer part of a real number a.

(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

133. Inside a convex quadrangle, ABCD, a point M is chosen in an arbitrary way. Four
perpendiculars have been drawn from M to the lines containing the sides of the
quadrangle: M N ⊥ AB, M I ⊥ BC, M H ⊥ CD and M K ⊥ DA. Prove, that the
doubled size of the quadrangle N IHK is not greater than M A · M C + M B · M D.

(I. Nagel, Evparorija)

134. Circles ω1 , ω2 and ω3 touch the circle ω in an inner way in points A1 , A2 and A3
correspondingly. It is also known that the circles ω1 and ω2 touch each other in an
outer way in the pont B3 , circles ω2 and ω3 touch each other in an outer way in the
pont B1 , and circles ω1 and ω3 touch each other in an outer way in the pont B2 .
Prove that straight lines A1 B1 , A2 B2 and A3 B3 ave a common point.

(O. Manzjuk, Kyiv)

135. A sequence, {xn , n > 1}, is defined as follows: x1 = 1/2, xn+1 = x3n − 3xn , n > 1.
Prove that it contains infinitely many positive and infinitely many negative elements.

(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

136. Find all sets consisting of nine different primes less than 120, from which one can
construct a magic square 3 × 3, that is a table such that the sums of elements in each
row, in each column and in each of two main diagonals are the same.

(V. Sannikov, Sevastopil)

137. Prove that for any positive integer k > 1 there exist positive integers x, y < k 2 such
√ √ k−1
0 < { x} − { y} < 2
k(k − k − 1)
(here {t} denotes the fractional part of a real number t).

(O. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

138. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c, d the following inequality holds
bcd cda dab abc
+ 3 + 3 + 3 + 6 1.
a3 + 3bcd b + 3cda c + 3dab d + 3abc

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)

139. A circle inscribed in a triangle, ABC, touches the sides AB, BC and AC in points
X, Y and Z respectively. The perpendiculars Y K ⊥ AB, XP ⊥ AC and ZQ ⊥ BC
are constructed. Find the area of XY Z in terms of lengths of XP , Y K and ZQ.

(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

140. The points B1 and C1 are chosen on the sides AC and AB respectively of an acute
triangle, ABC. Let X denote the intersection point of BB1 and CC1 and M denote
the center of BC. Prove that X is the orthocenter of 4ABC provided the quadrangle
AB1 XC1 is inscribed in a circle and B1 M = C1 M .

(V.Duma, A.Prymak, O. Manzjuk, Kyiv)

141. A function, f , is defined on an open set of real numbers and has a non-constant
derivative, f 0 , defined on the same set. Can there exist a real number, T , which is a
period of f 0 but not a period of f ?

(O.Kukush, Kyiv)

142. Find the maximum possible number of edges in a simple graph (without loops and
doubled edges) with n vertices such that each simple cycle of it has length 3 (a simple
cycle is a closed path with contains each vertex at most once).

(A.Bondarenko, A.Prymak, Kyiv)

143. Let AA1 , BB1 , CC1 be the bisectors in the triangle 4ABC and let A2 , B2 , C2
be the tangency points of the incircle to the sides of the triangle. Prove
that the area of the triangle 4A2 B2 C2 is not greater than the area of the
triangle 4A1 B1 C1 .

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

144. An polygon A1 A2 . . . An is such that Ai Ai+1 k Ai−2 Ai+2 and Ai−1 Ai+1 k
Ai−2 Ai+2 for all i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n (here An+1 = A1 , An+2 = A2 , A0 =
An , A−1 = An−1 ). Prove that this polygon can be transformed by a
parallel projection into a regular one.

(O. Khomenko, I. Trybushnyj, Kyiv)

145. Find all functions f : N → Z such that for all x, y ∈ N holds

f (x + |f (y)|) = x + f (y).

(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

146. Find the length of the minimal edge of the tetrahedron of the maximal
possible volume among the tetrahedrons with the sum of length of four
edges equal to one.

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsia)

147. Prove that for every positive integer n there exists a positive integer m
and a set S , consisting of more than m subsets of the set {1, 2, . . . , m},
such that union of any n elements of the set S does not equal to the union
of all the elements of the set S .

(A. Prymak, A. Bondarenko, Kyiv)

148. A function f : (1, +∞) → R is defined by the conditions

(a) f (x) = x for all irrational x > 1;

(b) if x = pq , for coprime positive integers p, q , then f (x) = q+1 .

Find the minimal value of the function f on the interval ( 1000

999 , 998 ).

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsia)

149. Prove that the inequality
n > √ 3
3 n2
holds for every positive integer n not equal to a cube of an integer. (Here
{x} is the fractional part of the number x, i.e., {x} = x − [x], where [x] is
the greatest integer not greater than x.)

(O. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

150. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and y1 , y2 , . . . , yn be two sets of pairwise different natural

numbers for which the equality
xx1 1 + xx2 2 + · · · + xxnn = y1y1 + y2y2 + · · · + ynyn
holds. Prove that the set y1 , y2 , . . . , yn can be obtained from the set
x1 , x2 , . . . , xn by a permutation.

(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

151. Does there exist a non-constant function f : N2 → N such that

f (x, y) + f (y, x) = f (x2 , y 2 ) + 1
for all positive integers x, y ?

(O. Manziuk, A. Prymak, Kyiv)

152. Prove the inequality

sin β sin γ sin α
α+β+γ >α· +β· +γ·
sin α sin β sin γ
for any three numbers α, β, γ ∈ (0; π/2).

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

153. The triangles ACB and ADE are oriented in the same way. We also have
that ∠DEA = ∠ACB = 90◦ , ∠DAE = ∠BAC , E 6= C . The line l passes
through the point D and is perpendicular to the line EC . Let L be the
intersection point of the lines l and AC . Prove that the points L, E, C, B
belong to a common circumference.

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

154. Prove that the expression

gcd(m, n) n
n m
is an integer for all pairs of integers n > m > 1.

(William Lowell Putnam Math. Competition)

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