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In the World of Mathematics

Problems 148-159,166 —175

Volume 7(2001) Issue 1
148. Prove that the inequality
√ 1
n > √ 3
3 n2
holds for every positive integer n not equal to a cube of an integer. (Here {x} is the fractional
part of the number x, i.e., {x} = x − [x], where [x] is the greatest integer not greater than

(O. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

149. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and y1 , y2 , . . . , yn be two sets of pairwise different natural numbers for
which the equality
xx1 1 + xx2 2 + · · · + xxnn = y1y1 + y2y2 + · · · + ynyn
holds. Prove that the set y1 , y2 , . . . , yn can be obtained from the set x1 , x2 , . . . , xn by a

(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

150. Does there exist a non-constant function f : N2 → N such that

f (x, y) + f (y, x) = f (x2 , y 2 ) + 1

for all positive integers x, y?

(O. Manziuk, A. Prymak, Kyiv)

151. Prove the inequality

sin β sin γ sin α
α+β+γ ≥α· +β· +γ·
sin α sin β sin γ
for any three numbers α, β, γ ∈ (0; π/2).

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

152. The triangles ACB and ADE are oriented in the same way. We also have that ∠DEA =
∠ACB = 90◦ , ∠DAE = ∠BAC, E 6= C. The line l passes through the point D and is
perpendicular to the line EC. Let L be the intersection point of the lines l and AC. Prove
that the points L, E, C, B belong to a common circumference.

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsa)

153. Prove that the expression  

gcd(m, n) n
n m
is an integer for all pairs of integers n ≥ m ≥ 1.

(William Lowell Putnam Math. Competition)

Volume 7(2001) Issue 2
154. Let ABCD be a trapezoid (BC k AD), denote by E the intersection point of its diagonals
and by O the center of the circle circumscribed around the triangle 4AOD. Let K and L
the points on the segments AC and BD respectively such that BK ⊥ AC and CL ⊥ BD.
Prove that KL ⊥ OE.
(A. Prymak, Kyiv)
155. The sequence {an , n ≥ 1} is defined in the following way:

a1 = 1, an = an−1 + (an−1 mod n)2 , n ≥ 2,

where a mod b denotes the remainder of division of a by b. What is the maximal possible
number of consecutive equal members of this sequence?
(V. Mazorchuk, Kyiv)
156. Some cities of the Empire are connected by air lines. It is known that for any three cities
there exists a route connecting any two of them and not passing through the third one. The
Empire has 2000 cities. Prove that one can divide the cities between two descendants of the
Emperor so that the descendants get equal number of the cities and any two cities belonging
to one descendant are connected by a route passing only through his cities.
(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsia)
157. Let A1 , B1 , C1 be the midpoints of the segments BC, AC, AB of the triangle 4ABC
respectively. Let H1 , H2 , H3 be the intersection points of the altitudes of the triangles
4AB1 C1 , 4BA1 C1 , 4CA1 B1 . Prove that the lines A1 H1 , B1 H2 , C1 H3 are concurrent.
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)
158. Let the numbers α, β, γ belong to the interval 0, π2 . Prove the inequality

sin β + sin γ sin γ + sin α sin α + sin β

α+β+γ ≥α· +β· +γ· .
2 sin α 2 sin β 2 sin γ

(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsia)

159. Find all the quadruples (x, y, z, p) of positive integers such that x > 2, the number p is prime
and xy = pz + 1.
(A. Prymak, O. Manziuk, Kyiv)

Volume 7(2001) Issue 3 [Problems 160-165: to be found]

Volume 7(2001) Issue 4
166. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove the inequality

a6 b6 c6 abc(a + b + c)
+ 2 + 2 ≥ .
b2 +c 2 a +c 2 a + b2 2

(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)

167. Solve the equation
(xy)2 + (x + y)2 + = 2001, where x, y are digits.

(A. Narovlyansky, Chernigiv.)

168. Let AA1 , BB1 , CC1 be bisectors in the triangle ABC, let G1 , G2 , G3 be the intersection
points of medians in the triangles AB1 C1 , BA1 C1 and CA1 B1 respectively. Prove that the
straight lines AG1 , BG1 , CG1 intersect in a common point.
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)
169. In the square with unit side m2 points are located so that no three points lie on one line.
Prove that there exists a triangle with the vertices in these points of area not greater than
2(m−1)2 .

(S. Linchuk, Yu. Linchuk, Chernivtsi.)

170. Triangle ABC is circumscribed around a circle of radius r. The circle is tangent to the sides
AB, BC, AC in the points N, Y, H respectively. Denote the distances from the points N, Y
and H to the sides BC, AC and AB by dN , dY and dH respectively. Prove that
√   √   √  
dH 1 1 dN 1 1 dY 1 1 2
√ √ + + √ √ + + √ √ + ≥ .
dY + dN dY dN dY + dH dY dH dN + dH dN dH r

(I. Nagel, Evpatoria.)

171. There are 2001 workers at a factory. Due to results of work there were made two rating
lists of the workers. A list D is composed by the director and a list W is composed by the
workers. The prize f (n, m) for a worker positioned on the n-th place in the list D and on the
m-th place in the list W is calculated by the formula f (n, m) = m · 2001n + m2000 + n2000 .
Suppose we have only the list D and the sum S of all the prizes. Is it possible to pay the
prizes for all the workers correctly?
(I. Bobak, Lutsk.)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 172 —195
Volume 8(2002) Issue 1
172. Let a1 , a2 , . . . an be positive numbers and a1 a2 · . . . · an = 1. Prove that there exists such a
number 1 ≤ k ≤ n that ak a2k+1 (a3k+1 + 2) ≥ 3 (where an+1 = a1 ).
(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsya)

173. Let triangle ABC be inscribed into a circle. Points C and M lie on different arcs of the circle
with endpoints A and B. Chords M K and M P intersect AC and BC in the points H and
N respectively. Chords AP and BK intersects in the point I. Prove that points H, I and N
lies on the same straight line.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

174. Let f1 (x), f2 (x), . . . be an infinite sequence of polynomials with real coefficients. Prove that
there exist an integer m and a sequence of polynomials F1 (y1 , . . . , ym ), F2 (y1 , . . . , ym ), . . .
such that for every i > 0
fm+i (x) = Fi (f1 (x), . . . , fm (x)).

(I. Arzhantsev, Grenoble)

175. Let a be such real number that equation
 2001  2000
x − 1000 x − 1001 1 1
− =a −
(x − 1001)2 (x − 1000)2 x x − 2001

has the largest root 2002. Find the smallest root of this equation.
(V. Yasinsky, Vinnytsya)
176. Is it possible to cut a rectangular-shaped cake into three parts of equal area having a long
straight knife?
(O. Tolesnikov, Chernivtsi)
177. Every integer is painted into black or white. Prove that for some of this colours it is possible
to represent every even integer in the form a + b − c − d, where a, b, c, d have this colour.
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr, I. Protasov, Kyiv)

Volume 8(2002) Issue 2

178. Let ABC be acute-angled triangle, let ω be the circle circumscribed around 4ABC, let
M1 , M2 , M3 be the midpoints of BC, AB and AC correspondingly. The altitudes from A
and C to BC and AB intersect ω in the points L1 and L2 . P3 is the intersection point
of the altitudes of the triangle BM1 M2 . Prove that the straight lines M3 P3 and L1 L2 are
(O. Chubenko, Pryluky, Chernigivska obl.)
179. For every positive numbers a, b, c, x, y, z prove the inequality
p p p
a(b + 1)yz + 3 b(c + 1)zx + 3 c(a + 1)xy ≤ 3 (a + 1)(b + 1)(c + 1)(x + 1)(y + 1)(z + 1)

(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)

180. N sociologists are sitting at the round table. Some of them always tell the truth and the others
always lie. During the first round of interrogation each sociologist asks his left neighbour
whether 2 + 2 = 4 and during every next round he asks if his left neighbour received a
"yes"answer during the preceding round. Find the maximal number of "no"answers which
is possible to occur during the first N rounds of interrogation.
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr.)
181. Let M and M1 be the intersection points of medians in the triangles 4ABC and 4A1 B1 C1 ,
∠ACM = ∠A1 C1 M1 , ∠M BC = ∠M1 B1 C1 . Is it possible for 4ABC and 4A1 B1 C1 not to
be similar?
(V. Duma, Kyiv.)

182. Prove that there exist a unique function f from the set R+ of positive real numbers to R+
such that
f (f (x)) = 6x − f (x).

(William Lowell Putnam Math. Competition.)

183. Archeologists found a pyramid which has a regular tetrahedron shape and was formed by
nine monolithic blocks. They found out that nine identical regular tetrahedron-shaped stony
boulders were used to make blocks and each block was made from another boulder. Prove
that the waste of ancient builders exceeded 11%.
(I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk.)

Volume 8(2002) Issue 3

184. For every 0 ≤ a, b, c < √1 prove the inequality

a+b b+c a+c a + b + c − abc

+ + ≤2 .
1 − ab 1 − bc 1 − ac 1 − ab − bc − ac

(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr.)

185. The ordered triple of numbers (x, y, z) with x > 0, z > 0 may be replaced by either (x, y −
z, zxz ) or (z y , y1 , xy ) (if y 6= 0). Find all pairs (a, b) with a 6= b, a ≥ 3, b ≥ 3 for which there
exists such c > 0 that one can obtain (b, a, c) from (a, b, c) in finite number of replacemens.
(D. Mitin, Kyiv)
186. Let AA1 , BB1 and CC1 be the altitudes of the acute triangle ABC.Let AA2 , BB2 , CC2 be
its medians which intersect B1 C1 , A1 C1 and A1 B1 in the points A1 , B3 , C3 correspondingly.
Prove that the straight lines A1 A3 , B1 B3 and C1 C3 intersect in a common point.
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)
187. Construct a triangle ABC if known are the circle ω, circumscribed around 4ABC, a point
D on AB, line l parallel to AC and the length of BC.
(V. Duma, Kyiv)
188. The set of integers is painted by k colours in arbitrary way. Prove that for some of this
colours there exists integers c1 , c2 , . . . , ck such that it is possible to represent every integer in
the form a − b + c, where a, b are some integers of selected colour and c is one of the numbers
c1 , . . . , ck .
(I. Protasov, Kyiv.)

189. Let ABC be a triangle. Let M and N be the points in which the median and the angle
bisector, respectively, at A meet the side BC. Let Q and P be the points in which the
perpendicular at N to N A meets M A and BA, respectively, and O the point in which the
perpendicular at P to BA meets AN produced. Prove that QO is perpendicular to BC.
(Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad)

Volume 8(2002) Issue 4

190. Let S = {1, 2, . . . , 2001, 2002}. Function f : S → S is defined as follows: f (i) = i + 1 for
i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 998, 1000, 1001, . . . , 2001; f (999) = 1 and f (2002) = 1000. Prove that there
exists a function g : S → S such that g(g(n)) = f (n) for all n from S.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsa)
191. Let M be the intersection point of medians in the acute-angled triangle 4ABC, ∠BAC = 60◦
and ∠BM C = 120◦ . Prove that 4ABC is equilateral triangle.
(V. Duma, Kyiv)

192. For every positive integer n prove the inequality for all n ≥ 1
v s
u r

u q
1 + 3 + 5 + . . . + 2n − 1 < 2.

(O. Kukush, R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

193. The circles ω1 and ω2 with centres O1 , O2 and radii R1 , R2 respectively intersect at the
points A and B. Tangent lines to ω2 and ω1 passing through A intersect ω1 and ω2 in the
points C and D respectively. Let E and F be the points on the rays AO1 and AO2 such
that AE = R2 and AF = R1 . Let M be the midpoint of EF . Prove that AM ⊥ CD and
CD ≤ 4AM .
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)
194. Denote by S(n) the sum of decimal digits of n. Prove that there doesn’t exist any number
such that it appears in the sequences {S(2n ), n ≥ 1} and {S(n!), n ≥ 1} infinitely many
(Yu.Shelyazhenko, Kyiv)
195. Let AA1 , BB1 , CC1 be the altitudes of the acute-angled triangle 4ABC. Prove for every
point X the inequality

XA21 · sin 2A + XB12 · sin 2B + XC12 · sin 2C ≥ R2 sin 2A sin 2B sin 2C,

where R is the radius of the circle circumscribed around 4ABC.

(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 196 —219
Volume 9(2003) Issue 1
196. Let a, b, c be the sides of triangle. Prove that

a3 b3 c3 a c b
+ + ≥ (a + b − c) + (c + a − b) + (b + c − a)
b2 c2 a2 c b a
(V. Gavran, Lviv)
197. Solve the system of equations
x3 − 3xy 2 = 6,
3x2 y − y 3 = 8.
(O. Makarchuk, Dobrovelychkivka, Kirovogradska obl.)
198. Call the positive integer selfdivisible if it is divisible by each sum of its consecutive digits,
in particular it is divisible by each of its digits. Prove that the set of selfdivisible integers is
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)
199. Prove that for any integers n ≥ 2, p ≥ 3 holds

Y 1 p
(1 − )>
kp p+1

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

200. 2n points are chosen on the plane in such a way that all the distances between them are
pairwise distinct. For every n ≥ 1 prove or disprove the following statement: there exist
selected points A and B such that exactly n selected points lie on each side of line which is
perpendicular to the segment AB at its midpoint.
(A. Gogolev, Kyiv)
201. Triangle ABC is inscribed into the circle ω. The circle ω1 touches the circle ω in an inner
way and touches sides AB and AC in the points M and N. The circle ω2 also touches the
circle ω in an inner way and touches sides AB and BC in the points P and K respectively.
Prove that N KM P is a parallelogram.
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)

Volume 9(2003) Issue 2

202. For every x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , y1 , y2 , . . . , yn > 0 prove an inequality
x31 x3 x3 (x1 + x2 + . . . + xn )3
2 + 22 + . . . + 2n ≥
y1 y2 yn (y1 + y2 + . . . + yn )2

(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

203. Each square of a chessboard contains 0. It is allowed to select any two squares connected by
knight move and to increase numbers in them by 1. Is it possible to obtain the chessboard
filled with integers 1, 2, . . . , 64?
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)

204. In the convex pentagon ABCDE ∠ABC = ∠AED = 90◦ and AB · ED = BC · AE. Let F
be the intersection point of CE and BD. Prove that AF ⊥ BE.
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)
205. Prove that there exist 10 irrational numbers such that each of them is a root of quadratic
equation with integer coefficients and for every n ≥ 1 their n-th digits after decimal point
are pairwise distinct.
(Yu. Shelyazhenko, Kyiv)
206. The diagonals AC and BD of convex quadrilateral ABCD intersect at the point P. The
circles circumscribed around 4ABP and 4DCP intersect at the point M distinct from P.
The circles circumscribed around 4BCP and 4ADP intersect at the point N distinct from
P. Perpendiculars to AC and BD passing through the midpoints of AC and BD intersect
at the point O. Prove that the points M, O, P, N lie on the same circle.
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)
207. Find all continuous functions f : R → R satisfying the equality

f (x + f (y + f (z))) = f (x) + f (f (y)) + f (f (f (z)))

for all real x, y, z.

(O. Tolesnikov, Chernivtsi)

Volume 9(2003) Issue 3

208. Solve the system of equations

 cos 2α + 2 sin β sin γ = − 2 ,

cos 2β + 2 sin γ sin α = − 12 ,
cos 2γ + 2 sin α sin β = 32 .

(O. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

208. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer and An be the number of non-empty subsets S of {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}
with the property that the average of the elements of S is an integer. Prove that An − n is
always even.
(William Lowell Putnam Math. Competition)
210. For any point D lying on the side AB of a triangle ABC denote by P and Q the centres
of the circles inscribed into 4ACD and 4BCD. Find all points D such that the triangle
P QD is similar to the triangle ABC.
(B. Rublyov, Kyiv)
211. A collection of n segments is given on the straight line such that their union is a segment
too. Prove that it is possible to number them T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn in such a way that for every
pair of segments Ti , Ti+1 there exists a segment Tk such that both intersections of Tk with
Ti and Ti+1 are not empty (it is possible that Tk = Ti ).
(I. Protasov, Kyiv)
212. Two circles ω1 and ω2 of different radii intersect at points A and B. The straight line CD
touches the circles ω1 and ω2 at points C and D as well as the straight line EF touches
the circles ω1 and ω2 at points E and F respectively. Let H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 be the intersection
points of the altitudes of triangles EF A, CDA, EF B, CDB. Prove that H1 H2 H3 H4 is a
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)

213. For any x, y ∈ [0, π2 ] prove the inequality
cos x cos y − 4 1 x+y
≤ 1 + cos .
cos x + cos y − 4 2 cos x + cos y − 4

(D. Mitin, Kyiv)

Volume 9(2003) Issue 4

214. For every positive integer k find all such positive integers n that 7n + 1 is divisible by 5k .
(О. Sarana, Zhytomyr)

215. Let ABC be a triangle. A circle passing through A and B intersects segments AC and BC
at D and E, respectively. Rays BA and ED intersect at F while lines BD and CF intersect
at M. Prove that M F = M C if and only if M B · M D = M C 2 .

216. A checker is placed in the central cell of a table of size 2003 × 2003. Two players move it
alternately to one of the neighbour cells (two cells are said to be neighbour if they have a
common side). First player is allowed to move the checker forward or to turn it left. Second
player is allowed to move the checker forward or to turn it right. Player who can’t move the
checker lose. Who has a winning strategy?
(О. Tolesnikov, Chernivtsi)
217. For
 n let ϕ(n) be the Euler’s function defined as follows: ϕ(n) =
n 1 − p11 1 − p12 . . . 1 − p1m , where p1 , p2 , . . . , pm are all pairwise distinct prime divi-
sors of n. For example, ϕ(1) = ϕ(2) = 1, ϕ(3) = ϕ(4) = 2. Find all n ≤ 1000 such that
ϕ(n) = ϕ(n + 1).
(Yu. Shelyazhenko, Kyiv)
218. Let ABCD be a convex cyclic inscribed quadrilateral. Bisectors of the angles ∠BAD and
∠BCD intersect at the diagonal BD. Let E be the midpoint of BD. Prove that ∠BAE =
(М. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna, Sumska obl.)
219. Find the limit of the sequence

1 1 1
an = + 2 + ... + 2 , n≥1
12 1 + 22 1 + 22 + . . . + n2
(О. Kukush, R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 226 —243
Volume 10(2004) Issue 1
220. When the town football championship finished it appeared that the team which took the
first place scored 1 goal, the team which took the second place scored 2 goals, the team
which took the third place scored 3 goals and so on. Find the minimum number of teams for
which it is possible. (Each pair of teams played a single game. A team is given 3 points for
victory, 1 point for draw and nothing for lose. If two teams got the same number of points,
the one with better difference of the numbers of scored and missed goals ranks higher. If this
parameters are equal then the team which scored more goals ranks higher.)
(B. Rublyov, Kyiv)
221. Point P is chosen inside the triangle ABC. Denote by X, Y, Z the intersection poi-
nts of AP, BP, CP with BC, AC, AB respectively. Let M1 , M2 , M3 be the midpoints of
AC, AB, BC and N1 , N2 , N3 be the midpoints of XZ, XY, Y Z respectively. Prove that the
straight lines M1 N1 , M2 N2 and M3 N3 intersect in a common point.
(O. Chubenko, Pryluky, Chernigivska obl.)
x1 x2 xn
222. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn 6= 0 be real numbers such that x2 + x3 + ... + x1 = 0. Prove that
|x1 x2 + x2 x3 + . . . + xn x1 | ≤ max |xk | − min |xk | (|x1 | + |x2 | + . . . + |xn |).
1≤k≤n 1≤k≤n

(D. Mitin, Kyiv)

223. Denote by s(n) and k(n) the sum and the number of decimal digits of n. Find all the integers
n such that k(n) · s(n2 ) = n + 1.
(V. Gavran, Lviv)
224. A regular 2004-gon is divided into a) 2002; b) 2003 triangles Find the maximal number of
obtuse triangles in this dissection.
(B. Rublyov, Kyiv)
225. Let f (x) = 4a2 (1−x) , x 6= 1. Find all a for which there exists an integer n, such that

f (f (. . . f (0) . . .)) = 1.
| {z }

(M. Vlasenko, Kyiv)

Volume 10(2004) Issue 2

226. Find all positive integers n and k such that 3n + 7 = k 2 .
(O. Kukush, R. Ushakov, Kyiv)
227. Prove that there exists ininitely many functions f from N such that for every n, k ∈ N holds

f (nf (k) + kf (n)) = f (n2 + k 2 )f (n + k − 1)

(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr, D. Mitin, Kyiv)

228. Two combines stands in the opposite corners of a 2004 × 2004 field. Two players move their
combines alternately to one of the neighbour cell (two cells are said to be neighbour if they
have a common side). The combine which has achieved some cell first collects wheat in it.
The player who collects wheat from more than half of cells wins. Has somebody a winning
strategy? If somebody has, then who?
(О. Tolesnikov, Chernivtsi)
229. Find the number of ways to replace letters A, B, . . . , K in the picture

Ak Bk Ck

Dk Ek Fk

 @ k
Ik Jk Kk

with the numbers 1, 2, . . . , 11 if the sums of three numbers in each of ten rows have to be
(O. Kukush, M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
230. Let 4ABC be a triangle such that 3AC = AB + BC. The inscribed circle of 4ABC touches
the side AC at point K and KL is a diameter of the circle. The straight lines AL and CL
intersect BC and AB at A1 and C1 respectively. Prove that AC1 = CA1 .
(A. Gogolev, Kyiv)
231. In honour of Saint Valentines Day n loving couples of chess-players held tournaments of boys
and girls, i.e. each two boys and each two girls played a single game. It is known that no
game ended in draw and each couple of lovers won n − 1 games. Prove that the number of
triples of boys (A, B, C) such that A beat B, B beat C and C beat A is equal to the number
of triples of girls (D, E, F ), such that D beat E, E beat F and F beat D.
(О. Rybak, Kyiv)

Volume 10(2004) Issue 3

232. Denote by S(n) the sum of digits of integer n. The sequence (an ) is defined as follows: a1 = 1,
an+1 = S(an + S(an )) for every n ≥ 1.

a1 + S(a2 ) + S(S(a3 )) + . . . + S(. . . (S (a2005 ))).

| {z }

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

233. Let a, b, c and n be positive integers such that (a + bc)(b + ac) = 5n . Prove that n is even.
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)
234. Let a, b, c be such real numbers that a + b + c = 2 and ab + bc + ca = 1. Prove that
max{a, b, c} − min{a, b, c} ≤

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

235. The circle ω inscribed into ABC touches sides BC, AC, AB at K, L, M respectively. The
perpendiculars at K, L and M to LM, KM and KL, intersect the circle ω at P, Q and R
respectively. Prove that the straight lines AP, BQ and CR are concurrent.
(О. Manzjuk, А. Prymak, Kyiv)
236. Five perpendiculars from the intersection points of diagonals of a convex pentagon to the
nearest sides are concurrent. Can the coordinates of all vertices of the pentagon be integers?
(А. Gogolev, Kyiv)
237. Prove the inequality
1 1 1
(1 + xyz) + + ≥ 3,
x(y + 1) y(z + 1) z(x + 1)

where x, y, z > 0.
(D. Mavlo, Moscow)

Volume 10(2004) Issue 4

238. Solve the system of equations

 x2 x3 x4 = a1 (x2 x3 + x3 x4 + x2 x4 ),
x1 x3 x4 = a2 (x1 x3 + x3 x4 + x1 x4 ),

 x1 x2 x4 = a3 (x1 x2 + x2 x4 + x1 x4 ),
x1 x2 x3 = a4 (x1 x2 + x2 x3 + x1 x3 ),

where ai 6= 0, 1 ≤ i ≤ 4.
(О. Narovlyansky, Chernigiv)
239. For a positive integer n denote by An the set of points with integer coordinates (x, y) such
that |x| + |y| ≤ 2n. A grass-hopper can jump from a point of An into another point of An if
the distance between the points is 1. Find the biggest possible length of grass-hopper’s walk
in An , if no point is visited more than one time.
(А. Prymak, Kyiv)
240. The similar isosceles triangles 4AC1 B, 4BA1 C and 4CB1 A with bases AB, BC and AC
respectively are constructed externally on the sides of non-isosceles triangle 4ABC. Prove
that if A1 B1 = B1 C1 then ∠BAC1 = 30◦ .
(Е. Tyrkevych, Chernivtsi)
241. It is known that a1 = 2004 and
" #
an + [ 2004
an ]
an+1 = , 1 ≤ n ≤ 2003.

Find the minimum of a1 , a2 , . . . , a2004 .

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
242. The vertices of a convex n-gon and some points inside it are chosen in such way that no 3
chosen points are concurrent. The n-gon is dissected into triangles with chosen vertices. It is
known that every chosen vertex inside the n-gon belongs to exactly 6 triangles of dissection.
Prove that there exist at least 3 vertices of the n-gon which belongs to at most 2 triangles
of dissection.
(T. Malovichko, Kyiv)

243. Let I be the incentre of triangle 4ABC and r be corresponding inradius. The straight line
l passing through I intersects the incircle of 4ABC at points P and Q and the circumcircle
of 4ABC at points M and N, where P lies between M and I. Prove that M P + N Q ≥ 2r.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 244 —261
Volume 11(2005) Issue 1
244. Prove that the equation

k 4 + (k + 1)4 + (k + 2)4 = n2 + (n + 1)2

has no integer solutions.

(B. Rublyov, Kyiv)
245. Let AC be the longest side of triangle 4ABC, BB1 be the altitude and H be the intersection
point of the altitudes of triangle 4ABC. Prove that if BH = 2B1 H then 4ABC is an
equilateral triangle.
(Е. Tyrkevych, Chernivtsi)
246. Define a sequence {un , n ≥ 0} by u0 = u1 = u2 = 1 and thereafter by the condition

un un+3 − un+1 un+2 = n!

при n ≥ 0. Show that un is an integer for all n (By condition, 0!=1).

(William Lowell Putnam Math. Competition)
247. Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagon. Denote by G, H, I, J, K, L the intersection points
of the sides of triangles 4ACE and 4BDF. Does there exist a bijection f which maps
A, B, C, D, E, F onto G, H, I, J, K, L and vice versa such that the images of any four points
lying on some straight line belong to some circle?
(O. Kukush, Kyiv)
248. For every 1 ≤ a, b, c, d ≤ 2 prove the inequality
4 a b c d
≤ + + + ≤ 2.
3 b + cd c + da d + ab a + bc

(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)

249. Let DABC be a regular trihedral pyramid. The points A1 , B1 , C1 are chosen at lateral edges
DA, DB, DC respectively such that the planes ABC and A1 B1 C1 are parallel. Let O be the
circumcenter of DA1 B1 C. Prove that DO is perpendicular to the plane ABC1 .
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna)

Volume 11(2005) Issue 2

250. The coefficients of a polynomial ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e are such that a > 0, e > 0 and
ad2 + b2 e − 4ace < 0. Prove that this polynomial has no real roots.
(D. Mitin, Kyiv)
251. Let f be a continuous function on R. It is known that the equation

f (x + f (x + . . . + f (x) . . .)) = 2005x

| {z }

has a solution. Prove that the equation f (x) = x also has a solution.
(B. Baydenko, Kyiv)

252. The circles ω1 and ω2 with centres O1 , O2 intersect at points A and B. The circle ω, passing
through O1 , O2 , A intersects ω1 and ω2 again in points K, M respectively. Prove that AB is
a bisector of ∠KAM or of angle adjacent to ∠KAM.
(T. Tymoshkevych, Kyiv)
253. Find all positive integers n and k, such that for every real x the identity

sinn x + cosk x = sink x + cosn x

holds true.
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)

254. The circle ω passing through the vertices B and C of a triangle 4ABC with AB 6= AC
intersects the sides AB and AC at R and S. Let M be the midpoint of BC. The straight
line perpendicular to M A at A intersects BS and CR at K and T respectively. Prove that
if T A = AK then M S = M R.
(O. Klurman, Lviv)
255. Let a, b, c > 1 be such that a + b + c = abc. Prove the inequality

(a2 − 1)(b2 − 1)(c2 − 1) ≤ 8.

(O. Makarchuk, Dobrovelychkivka)

Volume 11(2005) Issue 3

256. Does there exist a polynomial P (x) such that
a)P (sin x) = cos2004 x; b)P (sin x) = cos2005 x holds for every x ∈ R?
(B. Baydenko, Kyiv)
257. Points M1 and M2 lie inside the triangle 4ABC. Points C1 and C2 , A1 and A2 , B1 and B2
are chosen at AB, BC, AC respectively such that

A1 M1 kM2 B2 kAB, B1 M1 kM2 C2 kBC, C1 M1 kM2 A2 kAC.

It is known that A1 M1 = B1 M1 = C1 M1 = l1 , A2 M2 = B2 M2 = C2 M2 = l2 . Prove that

l1 = l2 .
(Е. Tyrkevych, Chernivtsi)
258. Solve in prime numbers the equation xy − y x = xy 2 − 19.
(Balkan Mathematical Olympiad)
259. A hundred of knights some of which are at enmity among themselves came to king Arthur.
Each of 2005 pairs of knights who are at enmity deny sitting at the same table. How many
tables needs king Arthur to be sure that he can seat his guests?
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)
260. Let A be one of the intersection points of the circles ω1 and ω2 with centres O1 , O2 . The
straight line l is tangent to ω1 and ω2 at points B, C respectively. Denote by O3 the ci-
rcumcenter of triangle 4ABC. Let D be such point that A is a midpoint of O3 D. Denote
by M the midpoint of O1 O2 . Prove that ∠O1 DM = ∠O2 DA.
(O. Klurman, Lviv)

261. Denote
n by S(n)
o the sum of the digits of positive integer n. Prove that the sequence
S(n2 ) , n ≥ 1 is unbounded.

(Е. Tyrkevych, Chernivtsi)

Volume 11(2005) Issue 4

262. Let ABCD be a convex quadrangle. The incircles of triangles 4ABC and 4ABD touch AB
at M and N. The incircles of triangles 4BCD and 4ACD touch CD at K and L. Prove
that M N = KL.
(А. Prymak, Kyiv)
263. Let x, y, z be real numbers such that

 |x + y + z| ≤ 1,
|x − y + z| ≤ 1,

 |4x + 2y + z| ≤ 8,

|4x − 2y + z| ≤ 8.

Prove that |x| + 3|y| + |z| ≤ 7.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
264. Let O be the circumcenter of acute triangle 4AKN. The point H is chosen at side KN in
arbitrary way. Let I at AN and M at AK be such that HI⊥N A and HM ⊥KA. Prove that
the broken line M OI bissects the area of 4AKN.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
265. Find all prime numbers p such that for every positive integer s 2p + 1 is divisible by ps+1 .
(О. Manzjuk, А. Prymak, Kyiv)
266. Let ABCD be a convex quadrangle. The rays AB and DC, BC and AD intersect at points
E, F respectively. The angle bisectors of ∠AED and ∠BF A intersect at K in such a way
that ∠EKF = 90◦ . Prove that


(O. Makarchuk, Dobrovelychkivka)

267. Find all positive integers n > 1 such that the equality
"√ √ √ √ #
n n n n
1 2 3 2n
+ + + ... + n = 2005 holds.
1 2 3 2

(here [x] denotes the integer part of x.)

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 268 —285
Volume 12(2006) Issue 1
268. Find all positive integers n such that n2006 + n + 1 is a prime number.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
269. Let M be an arbitrary point inside the equilateral triangle 4ABC. Denote by A1 , B1 , C1 the
intersection points of the straight lines AM and BC, BM and AC, CM and AB respectively.
Prove that
A1 B1 · B1 C1 · C1 A1 ≥ (A1 B · B1 C · C1 A + AB1 · BC1 · CA1 ).

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

270. Given are the circle ω and the circle ω1 which touches ω in inner way at point A. Construct
the point X 6= A at ω such that the angle between the tangent lines from X to ω1 is equal
to the given angle.
(А. Prymak, Kyiv)

271. Solve the inequality x2 · [x] ≤ 2006 − x2 .
(here [x] denotes the integer part of x.) (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
272. Let S = {(a, b)|a = 1, 2, . . . , n, b = 1, 2, 3}. A rook tour of S is a polygonal path made up of
line segments connecting points p1 , p2 , . . . , p3n in sequence such that
(i) pi ∈ S,
(ii) pi and pi+1 are a unit distance apart, for 1 ≤ i < 3n,
(iii) for each p ∈ S there is a unique i such that pi = p.
How many rook tours are there that begin at (1, 1) and end at (n, 1)?
(William Lowell Putnam Math. Competition)
273. Let I be the incenter of triangle 4ABC. The circumcircles of 4AIC and 4AIB intersect
sides AB and AC respectively at points K and N. Let M be an arbitrary point of the
segment KN. Prove that the sum of the distances from M to the sides of triangle 4ABC
does not depend on the choice of point M.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

Volume 11(2005) Issue 2

274. Let I be the incenter of triangle 4ABC. The straight lines AI, BI and CI intersect the
outcircle ω of triangle 4ABC at points D, E and F respectively. Let DK be the diameter
of ω and N be the intersection point of KI and EF. Prove that KN = IN.
(T. Tymoshkevych, Kyiv)
275. Prove that there exist infinitely many pairs of integers a, b such that a2006 + 1 is divisible by
b and b2006 + 1 is divisible by a.
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)
276. Let ABCD be a trapezium. The circle ω1 with center O1 is inscribed into the triangle 4ABD
and the circle ω2 with center O2 touches the side CD and the extensions of the sides BC and
BD of the triangle 4BCD. It is known that AD k O1 O2 k BC. Prove that AC = O1 O2 .
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

277. In a company of 2N boys and 2005 girls for every pair of girls exactly N boys know just one
of this girls. Prove that the number of boys who know all the girls don’t exceed 1003 .
(O. Klurman, Lviv)

278. For every a, b, c ≥ 0 prove the inequality

r r r
b4 c4 c4 a4 a4 b4 p p p
a + + + b +4 + + c4 + + ≥ a4 + b3 c + b4 + c3 a + c4 + a3 b.
2 2 2 2 2 2

(O. Rybak, Kyiv)

279. Positive integers which have odd number of distinct prime divisors are coloured yellow and
positive integers which have even number of distinct prime divisors are coloured blue. Does
there exist an infinite arithmetic progression which contains only yellow or only blue integers?
(T. Tymoshkevych, Kyiv)

Volume 12(2006) Issue 3

√ √ √
280. Solve the equation 2 − 2 cos x + 5 − 4 cos x = 5 − 4 cos 2x.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
281. Find all positive integers n such that n2 + 78n − 2006 is divisible by the product of digits of
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)

282. Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon ABCDE such that ∠ABC = ∠CDE = 90◦ and
∠BAC = ∠CED = α. Let M be the midpoint of AE. Find ∠BM D.
(O. Rybak, Kyiv)
283. Construct the triangle ABC if known are the vertice A, the incenter I and the intersection
point of the medians M.
(O. Makarchuk, Dobrovelychkivka)

284. Find all triples of functions f, g, h such that the identity

f (h(g(x)) + y) + g(z + f (y)) = h(y) + g(y + f (z)) + x
holds for every real x, y, z.
(S. Slobodyanyuk, Kyiv)

285. Consider the set T of equilateral triangles with side length 1 all the vertices of which are
among the vertices of a given convex n-gon.
a) Prove that the set T contains at most 2n
3 triangles.
b) Prove that for every 0 < λ < 23 there exists a convex n-gon such that the corresponding
set T contains more then λn triangles.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

Volume 12(2006) Issue 4

286. Let ABCDEF be a hexagon such that AB k CD k EF and BC k DE k F A. Prove that
the straight lines AD, BE and CF are concurrent.
(E. Turkevich, Chernivtsi)

287. Triangle ABC and point P inside it are given. Construct points A1 , B1 , C1 at straight lines
BC, AC, AB respectively such that the straight line AP bisects the segment B1 C1 , the
straight line BP bisects the segment A1 C1 and the straight line CP bisects the segment
A1 B1 .
(A. Prymak, Kyiv)
288. The squares of a 100 × 100 chessboard are painted with 100 different colours. Each square
has only one colour and every colour is used exactly 100 times. Show that there exists a row
or a column on the chessboard in which at least 10 colours are used.
(Nordic Mathematical Contest)
289. Consider the set Mn of all numbers of the form { pr11 + . . . + prnn } · p1 · . . . · pn , where n ≥ 2,
p1 = 2, p2 = 3, . . . , pn . . . is the sequence of prime numbers, 1 ≤ rk ≤ pk , 1 ≤ k ≤ n and {x}
denotes fractional part of x. Prove that two smallest elements of Mn are 1 and pn+1 .
(Yu. Kalinichenko, Zaporizhzhya)
290. Diagonals AC та BD of equilateral trapezium ABCD (BC k AD, BC < AD) are
orthogonal and intersect each other at point O. Let BM and CN be altitudes of trapezium.
Denote by P and Q be the midpoints of OM and ON respectively. Prove that
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

291. Find all functions f : R × R → R such that

∀ x, y, z ∈ R f (f (x, z), f (z, y)) = f (x, y) + z.
(O. Tolesnikov, Chernivtsi)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 292 315
Volume 13(2007) Issue 1
292. The cells of the rst row of a table of size 200 × 2 are coloured red, yellow, green or blue so
that no cells of the same colour share a side. Prove or disprove that it is possible to colour
another row with the same colours so that no cells of the same colour will share a side and
the table will contain exactly 100 cells of each colour.
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)
293. Points P and Q are chosen inside the acute angle BAC in such way that P Q 6⊥ AC. Construct
with ruler and compass the point R at the side AB such that the bisector RL of triangle
P QR is perpendicular to AC.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
294. A photographer took some pictures at a party with 10 people. Each of the 45 possible pairs
of people appears together on exactly one photo, and each photo depicts two or three people.
What is the smallest possible number of photos taken?
(Baltic Way)
295. Let {Fn , n ≥ 1} be Fibonacci sequence, i.e. F1 = F2 = 1 and Fn+2 = Fn+1 + Fn , n ≥ 1. For
every integer n ≥ 2 and for every real number x prove the inequality
Fk |x − k| ≥ Fn+2 + Fn − n − 1.

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

296. The intersection line of two planes which touch the circumsphere of a tetrahedron ABCD
at points A and B is complanar with the straight line CD. Prove that
= .
(M. Kurylo, Lypova Dolyna)
297. For every positive integers n, p prove the inequality
µ ¶µ ¶ µ ¶
2006p2 2006p2 2006p2 (2007p)!
1+ 1+ · ... · 1 + < .
1 + 2007p 2(2 + 2007p) n(n + 2007p) p!(2006p)!
Is it possible to replace (2007p)!/p!(2006p)! with some smaller number?
(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

Volume 13(2007) Issue 2

298. Let ABCD be convex quadrangle, M be the intersection point of medians of triangle ABC
and N be the point at segment M D such that M N : N D = 1 : 3. The points E and F
are chosen at straight lines AN and CN respectively in in such a way that M E k AD and
M F k CD. Prove that the straight lines AF, CE and BD are concurrent.
(T. Lazorenko, Kyiv)
299. Let ABCD a convex quadrilateral with AB = BC = CD and AC 6= BD and let E
be the intersection point of diagonals of ABCD. Prove that AE = DE if and only if
∠BAD + ∠ADC = 120◦ . (Balkan Mathematical Olympiad)

300. One has a set of stones with weights 1, 2, . . . , n grams (n ∈ N). Find all n and k for which it
is possible to place k and the rest n − k stones from the set respectively on the two pans of
a balance so that equilibrium is achieved. (O. Rudenko, Kyiv)
301. Let a, b, c be positive numbers such that abc ≥ 1. Prove that
a+1 b+1 c+1
+ + ≤ 2.
a2 + a + 1 b2 + b + 1 c2 + c + 1

(B. Pavlyk, D. Mitin, Kyiv)

302. The vertices of 2007-gon (polygon with 2007 sides) are colored alternately white, black or
red. One of the red vertices contains a checker. Two players in turn do two things: move the
checker into other vertice along the side of 2007-gon and then erase some side. The game
ends when it is impossible to move the checker. At the end of the game if the checker is in
the white vertice then the rst player wins, if the checker is in the black vertice then the
second player wins and if the checker is in the red vertice then it is a draw. Does any of the
players have winning strategy? If yes, then who?
(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr, O. Tolesnikov, Chernivtsi)
303. Let a, b, c and d be integers such that |ad − bc| = 1 and |a| > |c|. Prove that
a2 + ab + b2 ≥ c2 + cd + d2 .
(O. Rybak, Kyiv)

Volume 13(2007) Issue 3

304. Let I be the incenter of triangle ABC. Point D on the side AB is such that BD = BC and
DC = DA. Let DM ⊥ AI, M ∈ AI. Prove that AM = M I + IC.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
305. Find all pairs of positive integers (m, n) such that

7(m5 − n5 ) = 41m2 n2 + 1.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

306. Let ABCD be a parallelogram, P be the projection of A to BD, Q be the projection of B
to AC, M and N be the orthocenters of triangles P CD and QCD respectively. Prove that
P QN M is a parallelogram.
(À. Prymak, Kyiv)
307. Find all functions f : R → R such that
¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¡ ¢
∀ x, y, z ∈ R f (x + z)(y + z) = f (x) + f (z) f (y) + f (z) .

(G. Shevchenko, Kyiv)

308. Point M is chosen inside the triangle ABC. The straight lines AM, BM and CM intersect
sides of the triangle at points A1 , B1 and C1 respectively. Let K be the projection of B1 to
A1 C1 . Prove that KB1 is a bisector of angle AKC.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
√ √ √ √
309. The numbers 1, 2, 3 and 2 + 3 are written at the blackboard. It is allowed to increase
or to decrease any number by the dierence of any √ other
√ two numbers
√ √ multiplied by any
rational number. Is it possible to obtain numbers 1, 2, 3 and 2 2+3 3 at the blackboard
after several such operations?
(À. Prymak, Kyiv)

Volume 12(2006) Issue 4
310. The midpoints of all diagonals of convex n-gon are marked. There are 12 marked points.
Find the minimal possible number of sides of this n-gon.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
311. Squares BCC1 B2 , CAA1 C2 , ABB1 A2 are constructed from the outside at sides of triangle
ABC and OA , OB , OC are the centres of these squares. Let A0 , B0 , C0 be the intersection
points of the straight lines A1 B2 and C1 A2 , A1 B2 and B1 C2 , C1 A2 and C1 A2 respectively.
Prove that the straight lines OA A0 , OB B0 and OC C0 are concurrent.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
312. The incircle of triangle ABC with center I touches the sides AB and BC at points K and P
respectively. The bissector of angle C intersects the segment KP at point Q and the straight
line AQ intersects the side BC at point N. Prove that points A, I, N and B lie at a common
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
313. The straight line l intersects the side BC of triangle ABC at point X and the straight lines
AC, AB at points M, K respectively. Point N is chosen at the straight line l in such way
that AN touches the circumcircle of triangle ABC. Let L be the intersection point of the
circumcircles of triangles ABC and AN X, L 6= A. Prove that points A, M, L, K lie at a
common circle.
(A. Prymak, O. Manzjuk, Kyiv)
314. Solve the system of equations
 √ 2 3
 √x − √y + √z = 1,

y − √3z + √1x = 2,
 √z − √1 + √2 = 3.

x y

(I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk)

315. Let A1 , . . . , An be segments at a straight line such that
1) Ai ∩ Ai+1 6= ∅ for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1;
2) for every 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n if i − j is even then Ai ∩ Aj 6= ∅.
Find the maximal k = k(n) such that there exists point which belongs to at least k segments.
(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 316 —339
Volume 14(2008) Issue 1
316. Let S > 0 and n ≥ 3 be fixed. Find the minimum value of the expression

a1 (1 + a2 a3 ) + a2 (1 + a3 a4 ) + . . . + an (1 + a1 a2 )
√ √ √ ,
( 3 a1 a2 a3 + 3 a2 a3 a4 + . . . + 3 an a1 a2 )3

where a1 , a2 , . . . , an are arbitrary positive numbers such that a1 + a2 + . . . + an = S.

(D. Mitin, Kyiv)
317. Let AB be a diameter of circle ω. Points M, C and K are chosen at circle ω in such a way
that the tangent line to the circle ω at point M and the secant line CK intersect at point
Q and points A, B, Q are collinear. Let D be the projection of point M to AB. Prove that
DM is the angle bisector of angle CDK.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

318. Ten pairwise distinct points T1 , T2 , . . . , T10 are chosen in the space and some of them are
connected by segments without intersections. A beetle sitting at the point T1 can move along
the segments to the point T10 . Prove that at least one of the following statements is true:
(i) there exist a route of the beetle from T1 to T10 which pass through at most two points
distinct from T1 and T10 ;
(ii) there exist points Ti and Tj (2 ≤ i < j ≤ 10) such that any route of the beetle from T1
to T10 pass through the point Ti or through the point Tj .
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
319. Circles ω1 and ω2 intersect at points A and B. Diameter BP of ω2 intersects the circle ω1 at
point C and diameter BK of the circle ω1 intersects the circle ω2 at point D. The straight
line CD intersects the circle ω1 at point S 6= C and the circle ω2 at point T 6= D. Prove that
BS = BT.
(I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk)
320. Let k be a positive integer. Prove that there exist polynomials P0 (n), P1 (n), . . . , Pk−1 (n)
(which may depend on k) such that for any integer n,
£ n ¤k £ ¤ £ ¤k−1
k = P0 (n) + P1 (n) nk + . . . + Pk−1 (n) nk .
([a] means the largest integer ≤ a.)
(William Lowell Putnam Math. Competition)
321. Let ω1 be the circumcircle of triangle A1 A2 A3 , let W1 , W2 , W3 be the midpoints of arcs
A2 A3 , A1 A3 , A1 A2 and let the incircle ω2 of triangle A1 A2 A3 touches the sides A2 A3 ,
A1 A3 , A1 A2 at points K1 , K2 , K3 respectively. Prove that
W1 K1 + W2 K2 + W3 K3 ≥ 2R − r,
where R, r are the radii of ω1 and ω2 .
(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

Volume 14(2008) Issue 2

322. Find the minimum possible ratio of 5-digit number to the sum of its digits.
(Yu. Rabinovych, Kyiv)

323. Let AA1 and CC1 be angle bisectors of triangle ABC (A1 ∈ BC, C1 ∈ AB). Straight line
A1 C1 intersects ray AC at point D. Prove that angle ABD is obtuse.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

324. Let H be the orthocenter of acute-angled triangle ABC. Circle ω with diameter AH and
circumcircle of triangle BHC intersect at point P 6= H. Prove that the straight line AP pass
through the midpoint of BC.
(Yu. Biletskyy, Kyiv)
325. Solve the inequality

|x − 1| + 3|x − 3|+5|x − 5| + . . . + 2009|x − 2009| ≥

≥2|x − 2| + 4|x − 4| + 6|x − 6| + . . . + 2008|x − 2008|.

(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

326. Let P be arbitrary point inside the triangle ABC, ωA , ωB and ωC be the ci-
rcumcircles of triangles BP C, AP C and AP B respectively. Denote by X, Y, Z the
intersection points of straight lines AP, BP, CP with circles ωA , ωB , ωC respectively
(X, Y, Z 6= P ). Prove that
+ + = 1.
(O. Manzjuk, Kyiv)
327. Some cities of the country are connected by air flights in both directions. It is known that it is
possible to reach every city from any another (probably, with changes) and there are exactly
100 flights from each city. Some m flights have been canceled because of bad weather condi-
tions. For which maximum m it is still possible to travel between each two cities (probably,
with changes)?
(A. Prymak, Kyiv)

Volume 14(2008) Issue 3

328. Let a and b be rational numbers such that
2 2a b
= + − 1 (here a 6= 0, b 6= 0, b 6= −2a).
2a + b b 2a
Prove that 1 − 2ab is a square of rational number.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
329. Construct triangle ABC given points OA and OB , which are symmetric to its circumcenter
O with respect to BC and AC, and the straight line hA , which contains its altitude to BC.
(G. Filippovskyy, Kyiv)
330. Let O be the midpoint of the side AB of triangle ABC. Points M and K are
chosen at sides AC and BC respectively such that ∠M OK = 90◦ . Find angle ACB, if
AM 2 + BK 2 = CM 2 + CK 2 .
(I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk)
331. Do there exist positive integers a and b such that
a) 4a3 − 53a − 1 = 102b ; b) 4a3 − 53a − 1 = 102b−1 ?
(O. Makarchuk, Kirovograd)

¡1 ¢
332. Function f : (0; +∞) → (0; +∞) satisfies the inequality f (3x) ≥ f 2 f (2x) + 2x
for every x > 0. Prove that f (x) ≥ x for every x > 0.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

333. Let circle ω touches the sides of angle ∠A at points B and C, B 0 and C 0 are the midpoints
of AB and AC respectively. Points M and Q are chosen at the straight line B 0 C 0 and point
K is chosen at bigger ark BC of the circle ω. Line segments KM and KQ intersect ω at
points L and P. Find ∠M AQ, if the intersection point of line segments M P and LQ belongs
to circle ω.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

Volume 14(2008) Issue 4

334. Let x, y, z be pairwise distinct real numbers such that
1 + xy 1 + yz 1 + zx
k= ,l= and m =
x−y y−z z−x
are integers. Prove that k, l and m are pairwise relatively prime.
(L. Orydoroga, Donetsk)
335. A point O is chosen at the side AC of triangle ABC so that the circle ω with center O touches
the side AB at point K and BK = BC. Prove that the altitude that is perpendicular to AC
bisects the tangent line from the point C to ω. (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
336. Find all sequences {an , n ≥ 1} of positive integers such that for every positive integers m
n + m2
and n the number is an integer. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
an + a2m
337. In a school class with 3n pupils, any two of them make a common present to exactly one
other pupil. Prove that for all odd n it is possible that the following holds: for any three
pupils A, B and C in the class, if A and B make a present to C then A and C make a present
to B. (Baltic Way)
338. A circle ω1 touches sides of angle A at points B and C. A straight line AD intersects ω1 at
points D and Q, AD < AQ. The circle ω2 with center A and radius AB intersects AQ at a
point I and intersects some line passing through the point D at points M and P. Prove that
I is the incenter of triangle M P Q. (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

339. The insphere of triangular pyramid SABC is tangent to the faces SAB, SBC and SAC at
points G, I and O respectively. Let G be the intersection point of medians in the triangle
SAB, I be the incenter of triangle SBC and O be the circumcenter of triangle SAC. Prove
that the straight lines AI, BO and CG are concurrent. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 340 —363
Volume 15(2009) Issue 1
 2 √ 2 √
340. Find the minimum of x − y + 2 − x2 − y , where 0 < x < 2, y > 0.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
341. Two players in turn colour the cells of a table of size 2009 × 2009. At the beginning first
player colours any cell. Then each player colours a cell located at the distance of at most 7
cells in horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction from some cell coloured by another player.
The player who can’t make his turn loses. Has somebody a winning strategy? If somebody
has, then who? (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
 n  n
342. For every 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and n ∈ N prove an inequality 1 − x + x2 − 1 − x ≤ x2 .
(B. Baydenko, О. Rybak, Kyiv)
343. Points C1 , A1 and B1 are chosen at sides AB, BC and AC of triangle ABC in such a way
that the straight lines AA1 , BB1 and CC1 are concurrent. Points C2 , A2 and B2 are chosen
at sides A1 B1 , B1 C1 and A1 C1 of triangle A1 B1 C1 in such a way that the straight lines
A1 A2 , B1 B2 and C1 C2 are concurrent. Prove that the straight lines AA2 , BB2 and CC2 are
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
344. Let S be a subset of positive integers such that
(1) 2009 belongs to S;
(2) if n belongs to S then 2n + 1 belongs to S;
(3) if n and nm belong to S then m belongs to S.
Prove that the set S contains all odd positive numbers. (Yu. Shelyazhenko, Kyiv)
345. Let I be the incenter of a triangle ABC. Points P and R, T and K, F and Q are chosen on
sides AB, BC, and AC respectively such that T QkAB, RF kBC, P KkAC and the lines T Q,
RF, and P K are concurrent at the point I. Prove that T K + QF + P R ≥ KF + P Q + RT.
(M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)

Volume 15(2009) Issue 2

346. Find all positive integers n such that
"q r q #
p 3 3
n2 − n + n2 − n + n3 − n + n3 − n + n3 − n = 2009.

(here [x] denotes the integer part of x.) (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
347. Squares ABCD and AXY Z are located inside the circle ω in such a way that quadrilateral
CDXY is inscribed into the circle ω. Prove that AB = AX or AC ⊥ XY .
(O. Karlyuchenko, Kyiv)
348. Let G be the centroid of triangle ABC. Denote by r, r1 , r2 and r3 the inradii of triangles
ABC, GBC, GAC and GAB respectively and by p the semiperimeter of triangle ABC.
Prove that
1 1 1 3 18
+ + ≥ + .
r1 r2 r3 r p
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

349. Find the 2008-th rightmost digit in decimal representation of the number
z }| {
799 . . . 9 .

(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

350. Let M N be a line parallel to the side BC of a triangle ABC, with M on the side
AB and N on the side AC. The lines BN and CM meet at point P. The circumci-
rcles of triangles BM P and CN P meet at two distinct points P and Q. Prove that
∠BAQ = ∠CAP.
(Balkan Mathematical Olympiad)

351. One of the numbers 2, 3, or 5 is written in each field of a chessboard. The chess King is
allowed to occupy any field and move by chess rules in such a way that he never comes to
a field twice. Moreover King changes a direction after each move. For any such path, we
compute the product of numbers written in the fields which were attained by King. Prove
that there exists a path for which this product is the fourth power of a natural number.
(O. Kukush, Kyiv)

Volume 15(2009) Issue 3

352. Let AK, BN be the altitudes of acute triangle ABC. Points L, P are chosen at sides AB,
BC such that N L ⊥ AB, N P ⊥ BC and points Q, M are chosen at sides AB, AC such
that KQ ⊥ AB, KM ⊥ AC. Prove that ∠P QK = ∠N LM.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
353. Let x, y, z be positive numbers such that x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 32 . Prove that

1 1 1
+ + ≥ 2(x + y + z).
x y z

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

354. Point M is chosen at the diagonal BD of parallelogram ABCD. The straight line AM
intersects the side CD and the straight line BC at points K and N respectively. Let ω1
be the circle with centre M and radius M A and ω2 be the circumcircle of triangle KN C.
Denote by P and Q the intersection points of circles ω1 and ω2 . Prove that the circle ω2 is
inscribed into the angle QM P.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
355. Nine cities are connected with one-way roads. Each city has exactly 3 outgoing roads which
enter into other 3 cities and maybe some ingoing roads. Prove that it is possible to make a
circular route which passes through at most 3 cities in accordance with traffic regulations.
(O. Rybak, Kyiv)
356. The sequence of positive integers a1 , a2 , . . . has the property

min(ai , aj ) = agcd(i,j) , max(ai , aj ) = alcm(i,j) for every i, j ≥ 1.

Find the maximum possible number of distinct integers among a1 , a2 , . . . , a2009 .

(V. Brayman, Zhytomyr)

357. Find the largest real λ such that for every real x the inequality

x2010 ≥ λ[x]2009 {x} holds.

(here [x] is the integer part of x, {x} = x − [x] is the fractional part of x.)
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

Volume 15(2009) Issue 4

358. Аn isosceles triangle has perimeter 30 sm and its orthocenter lies on the incircle. Сonstruct
such triangle on a square 9 × 9 sm sheet of paper. Is it possible to construct such triangle
on a smaller square sheet of paper?
(A. Lebiga, Volodarsk-Volynskyy)
359. Let a and b be integers such that the equation x3 − ax2 − b = 0 has three integer roots.
Prove that b = dk 2 , where d and k are integers and d divides a.
(Baltic Way)
360. Let AA1 , BB1 , CC1 be the altitudes of an acute triangle ABC. Denote by A2 , B2 and C2 the
orthocenters in triangles AB1 C1 , A1 BC1 and A1 B1 C respectively. Prove that the straight
lines A1 A2 , B1 B2 and C1 C2 are concurrent.
(M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
361. Let F0 = 0, F1 = 1, Fk = Fk−1 + Fk−2 , k ≥ 2, be the Fibonacci sequence. Prove that for
every positive integers k ≥ n the number 2k F3n+2k + Fk−n is divisible by 5.
(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)
362. Let ω1 be the incircle of a triangle ABC. The circle ω1 has center I and touches the sides AB
and AC at points M and N. A circle ω2 passes through points A and I and intersects the
sides AB and AC at points Q and P respectively. Prove that the line segment M N passes
through the midpoint of line segment P Q.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
363. Let 0 ≤ α, β, γ ≤ 2 and α + β + γ = π. Prove the inequality

sin α + sin β + sin γ ≤ 2(sin α sin β + sin β sin γ + sin γ sin α).

(M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 364 —387
Volume 16(2010) Issue 1
364. Let x and y be positive numbers such that 3(x + y) ≥ 2(xy + 1). Prove that
9(x3 + y 3 ) ≥ x3 y 3 + 1. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
365. Points K and N are chosen on the side AC of a triangle ABC so that AK + BC =
= CN + AB. A point M is the midpoint of the segment KN and BM is the bisector
of the angle ABC. Prove that ABC is an isosceles triangle. (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
√ p

366. Let ak = k + k 2 − 1 + k − k 2 − 1 + 1, k ∈ N. Prove that {a3k } = {3a2k }, k ≥ 1. (Here
{x} denotes the fractional part of x.) (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
367. Let ABC be an acute triangle such that ∠B = 60◦ . Denote by S the intersection point of
the bisector BL and altitude CD. Prove that SO = SH, where H is the orthocenter and O
is the circumcenter of the triangle ABC. (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
368. Let n be even, x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be real numbers. Prove the inequality
³¯Xn ¯ ´2 X
¯ ¯
(n − 1) max x2i + ¯ xi ¯ − max |xi | ≥ x2i .
1≤i≤n 1≤i≤n
i=1 i=1

(D. Mitin, Kyiv)

369. Let ABC be an isosceles acute triangle (AB = AC) with ∠A 6= 45◦ and ω be its circumcircle
with center O. A circle ω1 with its center on BC passes through the points B and O and
intersects the circle ω at a point F 6= B. Prove that CF and AO intersect on ω1 and
CF k BO. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)

Volume 16(2010) Issue 2

370. Let ABCD be a convex quadrangle such that AB = 3, BC = 4, CD = 12, DA = 13 and
SACD = 5SABC . Find SABCD . (I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk)
371. Let a, b, c be positive numbers such that abc = 1. Prove that
a b c
+ + ≤ 1.
b4 + c4 + a c4 + a4 + b a4 + b4 + c

(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

372. A permutation of the set of positive integers [n] = {1, 2, . . . , n} is a sequence
(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) such that each element of [n] appears precisely one time as a term of the
sequence. For example, (3, 5, 1, 2, 4) is a permutation of [5]. Let P (n) be the number of
permutations of [n] for which kak is a perfect square for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Find the smallest n
such that P (n) is a multiple of 2010. (USAJMO)
373. Points A1 , B1 and C1 are chosen at sides AB, BC and CA of triangle ABC respectively
such that AA1 : A1 B = BB1 : B1 C = CC1 : C1 A = 1 : 2. Prove that PA1 B1 C1 > 12 PABC .
(L. Orydoroga, Donetsk)
374. Each cell of a table of size n × n is coloured red, blue or green. The colouring is said to be
weird if
(i) red and blue cells are never neighbours in a row,

(ii) red and green cells are never neighbours in a column,
(iii) blue and green cells are never neighbours in a diagonal.
Find the number of weird colourings. (V. Brayman, O. Rudenko, Kyiv)

375. The incircle of quadrangle ABCD touches the sides AB, BC, CD, DA at points K, M,
N, P respectively. Points R, S are chosen at the straight line KN such that P R ⊥ KN,
M S ⊥ KN. Let Q be the intersection point of the straight lines AR and BS, while T be
the intersection point of the straight lines CS and DR. Prove that it is possible to inscribe
a circle into the quadrangle SQRT . (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

Volume 16(2010) Issue 3

376. Find all k > 1 for which it is possible to represent number 1 as a sum of k fractions of the
form 101n , 2·10
1 1
n or 5·10n , n ≥ 0. (L. Mayzlish, Shepetivka)
377. Medians AD and BE of a triangle ABC intersect at a point M. It is known that the
quadrilateral DCEM is both inscriptable and cyclic. Prove that ABC is an equilateral
triangle. (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

378. Prove the inequality

2 2 1
(cos4 x)sin x
· (sin4 x)cos x
≤ .
(I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk)
379. A circle ω intersects the side AK of a triangle AKN at points P, L (KP < KL), intersects
the side KN at points H, M (KH < KM ) and touches the side AN at its midpoint Q. The
straight lines P H and AN intersect at a point I. Find the point K with compass and ruler,
provided that only points H, I, N, A are known. (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

380. A point X is chosen inside a tetrahedron ABCD. Prove that

AX · S4BCD + BX · S4ACD + CX · S4ABD + DX · S4ABC ≥ 9VABCD .

(S. Slobodyanyuk, Kyiv)

381. Consider a square (p − 1) × (p − 1), where p is a prime number. This square is divided
into small squares 1 × 1 whose sides are parallel to the initial square’s sides. Show that it is
possible to select p vertices of small squares so that no three vertices are collinear. (Portugal)

Volume 16(2010) Issue 4

382. Let A, B, C and a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove the inequalities
a) aA2 + bB 2 + cC 2 ≥ AB · min(a, b) + BC · min(b, c) + CA · min(c, a);
b) A2 · max(b, c) + B 2 · max(c, a) + C 2 · max(a, b) ≥ ABc + BCa + CAb.
(Here max(x, y) is the biggest number among x, y and min(x, y) is the smallest one among
them.) (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
383. A trapezoid ABCD is given (BC k AD). Construct with compass and ruler such points X
and Y on the sides AB and CD respectively that XY k AD and Y X is the angle bisector
of ∠AY B. (V. Tkachenko, Kyiv)
384. Construct a polynomial, which can be represented as a sum of squares of one, two, . . . ,
ten polynomials in such a way that for each of these ten representations, the degrees of
polynomials in a current representation are pairwise distinct. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)

385. Equilateral triangle BDM is constructed on a diagonal BD of an isosceles trapezoid ABCD
(BC k AD, BC < AD, ∠A = 60◦ ). The side BM intersects AC and AD at points P and K
respectively, CM intersects BD at a point N, O is the intersection point of diagonals AC
and BD. Prove that the straight lines M O, DP and N K are concurrent.
(I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
386. An acute angle ∠AOB and a point P inside it are given. Construct two perpendicular
segments P M and P N, where M and N lie in the rays OA and OB correspondingly, so that
the rays cut from ∠AOB a quadrilateral with the maximal possible area.
(N. Beluhov, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria)
387. In every cell of a desk with n rows and 2n columns there is a lamp, which can be in one of
two states: switched on or switched off. A column on the desk is called illuminated if all the
lamps in this column are switched on. One can choose a row and change the states of lamps
in this row to the opposite. Is it true that for every n ≥ 2 there is an initial state of lamps
on the desk when after arbitrary even-length sequence of such operations the desk contains
an illuminated column but after arbitrary odd-length sequence of such operations the desk
does not contain any illuminated columns? (A. Olenko, Melbourne, Australia)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 388 411
Volume 17(2011) Issue 1
388. On a blackboard, there are 11 positive integers. Show that one can choose some (maybe all)
of these numbers and place  + and  − in between such that the result is divisible by 2011.
389. For positive integer a denote by P (a) the product of all distinct prime divisors of a. Prove
or disprove that for every n there exist positive integers a0 , a1 , . . . , an such that ak = ak−1 −
P (ak−1 ) for k = 1, 2, . . . , n. (V. Brayman, Kyiv)
390. Let O, H be the circumcenter and the orthocenter of triangle ABC respectively, D be the
midpoint of BC and E be the intersection point of AD and circumcircle of triangle ABC .
Construct triangle ABC if known are points D, E and the straight line OH.
(G. Filippovskyy, Kyiv)
391. Let ABC be a triangle such that ∠A = 2∠B ≤ 90◦ . Find two ways of dissecting the triangle
ABC into three isosceles triangles by straight cuts. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
392. Prove that if x > 0 and n ∈ N, then we have
µ ¶2n+1
xn (xn+1 + 1) x+1
≤ .
xn + 1 2

393. Prove that for every positive integer k there exist innitely many pairs of relatively prime
numbers (u, v) such that u2 + kuv + v 2 is a perfect square. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)

Volume 17(2011) Issue 2

394. Let f (t) = [ t+1 t+2 t+3
2 ] + [ 2 ] + [ 2 ], t ∈ R (here [a] denotes the integer part of a). Consider the
set of points (x, y) of coordinate plane such that |x| ≤ 100, |y| ≤ 100, and f (x) + f (y) is
divisible by 3. Find the area of this set. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
395. There are n > 2 numbers on the blackboard: 1, 2, . . . , n. It is allowed to erase two of those
numbers x and y and write 2x − y instead. Find all values of n such that it is possible to
leave 0 on the blackboard after n − 1 such operations. (O. Rudenko, Kyiv)
396. Let O be the intersection point of diagonals of rectangle ABCD. The square BKLO is
constructed on BO such that segments OL and BC intersect. Let E be the intersection
point of OL and BC . Prove that the straight lines AB, CL and KE are concurrent.
(M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
397. Find the largest possible value of (a − a2 )(b − b2 )(a − b)2 for 0 ≤ a, b ≤ 1.
(O. Rudenko, Kyiv)
398. Let IA be the center of an excircle of the triangle ABC, tangent to BC and tangent to the
extensions of AC and BC . Let P and Q be the circumcenters of triangles ABIA and ACIA ,
respectively. Prove that points B, C, P and Q are concyclic. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

399. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that a2 + b2 + c2 + (a + b + c)2 ≤ 4. Prove that

ab + 1 bc + 1 ca + 1
+ 2
+ ≥ 3.
(a + b) (b + c) (c + a)2


Volume 17(2011) Issue 3

400. Incircle ω of triangle ABC touches the sides AB and AC at points K and N respectively.
It is known that the centroid M of this triangle lies at the segment KN. Prove that the
midsegment of triangle parallel to BC is a tangent to the circle ω. (I. Kushnir, Kyiv)
401. Find all pairs of real numbers (x, y) which satisfy the system of equations
( p √
(x − 1)2 + (y − 5)2 + |x+y|
√ = 3 2,
p 2
|x + 2| = 2 − y.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

402. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove that
a b c ab + bc + ca 5
+ + + 2 2 2

b+c c+a a+b a +b +c 2
and determine when equality holds. (Spain)
403. Let ABCD be inscribed quadrilateral. Points X and Y are chosen at diagonals AC and BD
respectively such that ABXY is a parallelogram. Prove that the radii of circumcircles of
triangles BXD and AY C are equal. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
404. Let A and B be disjoint nonempty sets with A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, . . . , 10}. Show that there exist
elements a ∈ A and b ∈ B such that the number a3 + ab2 + b3 is divisible by 11.
(Middle European Mathematical Olympiad)
405. Do there exist integers a, b, c, d such that a 6= 0 and each of equations

ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0, bx2 + cx + d = 0, cx + d = 0

has as many distinct positive integer solutions as its power? (V. Brayman, Kyiv)

Volume 17(2011) Issue 4

406. For every real numbers 0 ≤ x, y, z ≤ 1 prove the inequality

(x4 + y 4 + z 4 ) + (x5 + y 5 + z 5 ) + (x − y)6 + (y − z)6 + (z − x)6 ≤ 6.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

407. Let Q be the midpoint of diagonal BD of trapezium ABCD (AD k BC ). It is given that
AB 2 = AD · BC and AQ = AC. Find BC : AD. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
408. Polynomial ak xk + ak+1 xk+1 + . . . + an−k−1 xn−k−1 + an−k xn−k is said to be universal if
ai = an−i and ai ≤ ai+1 for every 0 ≤ k ≤ i < n2 and, moreover, ak > 0. Prove that the
product of any two universal polynomials is an universal polynomial.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya and V. Leifura, Mykolaiv)

409. Let H be the intersection point of the altitudes AF and BE of acute triangle ABC, M be
the midpoint of AB and M P , M Q be the diameters of circumcircles of triangles AM E and
BM F respectively. Prove that points P, H and Q are collinear. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
410. Let n be a positive integer. Prove that the number of lines which go through the origin and
precisely one other point with integer coordinates (x; y), 0 ≤ x, y ≤ n, is at least n4 .
(Baltic Way)
411. Let ABCD be a square. Points P and Q are chosen at sides BC and CD respectively such
that ∠P AQ = 45◦ . Angles ∠QAD, ∠P QC and ∠AP B are in geometric progression. Find
∠QAD. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 412 435
Volume 18(2012) Issue 1
412. Let BM be a median of isosceles triangle ABC (AC = BC). Point N is chosen at BM such
that ∠BAN = ∠CBM. Prove that the angle bisector of angle CN M is orthogonal to AN.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
413. Let m, n ∈ N be such numbers that set {1, 2, . . . , n} contains exactly m dierent prime
numbers. Prove that if we choose any m + 1 dierent numbers from {1, 2, . . . , n} then we
can nd number from m + 1 chosen numbers, which divide product of other m numbers.
414. Let H and O be the orthocenter and the circumcenter of acute triangle ABC respectively.
It is known that AB < BC . Straight line BO intersects AC at point P , while straight line
through H parallel to BO intersects AC at point Q. Prove that OP = OQ.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
415. Let ABC be a triangle. An interior point P of ABC is said to be good if we can nd exactly
27 rays emanating from P intersecting the sides of the triangle ABC such that the triangle
is divided by these rays into 27 smaller triangles of equal area. Determine the number of
good points for a given triangle ABC. (India)
416. Let 0 < a, b, c < 1 be such that 8abc ≥ 1. Prove that

(ab − 1)(bc − 1)(ac − 1) < ln a ln b ln c.

(V. Brayman, Kyiv)

417. Let L0 = 2, L1 = 1, Lk = Lk−1 + Lk−2 , k ≥ 2 be the Lucas numbers. Prove that for every
integer n ≥ 0 and for every odd number p ≥ 1 the number Lp(n+1) + Lpn − 2 is divisible by
Lp . (R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

Volume 18(2012) Issue 2

418. Points M and N are chosen inside triangle ABC such that point M lies inside triangle ABN
and point N lies inside triangle ACM . Moreover ∠M AB = ∠N AC, ∠M BA = ∠N BC and
∠M CB = ∠N CA. Prove that if points B, M, N and C belong to a circle with center W
then the straight line AW bisects M N . (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
419. Let H and O be orthocenter and circumcenter of triangle ABC. It is known that ∠BAO =
3 ∠BAC and CO = CH. Determine the angles of triangle ABC. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
420. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove that

a3 + 3b3 b3 + 3c3 c3 + 3a3 2

+ + ≥ (a2 + b2 + c2 ).
5a + b 5b + c 5c + a 3
421. Rectangle of size n × m, n, m ≥ 3, is divided into 1 × 2 and 2 × 1 rectangles. Prove that some
three of them form a rectangle of size 3 × 2 or 2 × 3. (O. Rudenko, Kyiv)

422. A semicircle is given with diameter AB. On arc AB of the semicircle, an arbitrary point C
is chosen that diers from points A and B. Let D be orthogonal projection of point C on
the diameter AB. A circle ω touches segments AD, CD and arc AB at point P. Prove that
the intersection point of bisectors of angles ∠AP B and ∠ACD lies on the diameter AB.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
423. Find all functions f : N → N (where N is the set of positive integers) such that f (n!) = f (n)!
for all positive integers n and such that m − n divides f (m) − f (n) for all distinct positive
integers m, n. (USAMO)

Volume 18(2012) Issue 3

424. Let a, b and c be positive real numbers. Prove that
1 1 2
+ ≥ 2 .
ab2 + bc2 + ca2 3abc a b + b2 c + c2 a
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
425. Find all quadruples (a, b, c, d) of positive real numbers such that
abcd = 1, a2012 + 2012b = 2012c + d2012 and 2012a + b2012 = c2012 + 2012d.
426. Triangle ABC is given. Point M moves along the side BA, and point N moves along the
extension of the side AC after point C in such a way that BM = CN. Prove that the
circumcenter of triangle AM N moves along a straight line. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
427. Let CC1 be the angle bisector and I the incenter of triangle ABC, ∠A = 60◦ , ∠B = 80◦ .
Prove that P4BIC1 = BC. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
428. Find all natural numbers n for which there is a permutation (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) of numbers
(1, 2, . . . , n) such that sets
{p1 + 1, p2 + 2, . . . , pn + n} and {p1 − 1, p2 − 2, . . . , pn − n}
are complete residue systems mod n. (Serbia)
429. Acute triangle ABC is given. Let ω be a circle that intersects the side AB in points C1 and
C2 (AC1 < AC2 ), the side BC in points A1 and A2 (BA1 < BA2 ), and the side CA in
points B1 and B2 (CB1 < CB2 ). Prove that ω can be chosen in such a way that segments
A1 B2 , B1 C2 and C1 A2 are its diameters. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

Volume 18(2012) Issue 4

430. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral with three equal sides AB = BC = CD, O is the intersection
point of the diagonals, OE ⊥ BC, M and N are midpoints of diagonals AC and BD
respectively. Prove that O is the incenter of triangle EM N. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
431. Find all positive integers n such that 3n + 5n + 7n is divisible by 3n−1 + 5n−1 + 7n−1 .
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
432. A circumscribed trapezium ABCD (BC k AD) is such that CD = BC+AD . Find angle
∠ADC . (I. Kushnir, Kyiv)

433. Two players A and B play the following game. Before the game starts, A chooses 1000
not necessarily dierent odd primes, and then B chooses half of them and writes them
on a blackboard. In each turn a player chooses a positive integer n, erases some primes
p1 , p2 , . . . , pn from the blackboard and writes all the prime factors of p1 p2 · . . . · pn − 2 instead
(if a prime occurs several times in the prime factorization of p1 p2 · . . . · pn − 2, it is written as
many times as it occurs). Player A starts, and the player whose move leaves the blackboard
empty loses the game. Prove that one of the two players has a winning strategy and determine
Remark: Since 1 has no prime factors, erasing a single 3 is a legal move. (Baltic Way)
434. Solve the system of equations
 5
 x − 10y 3 + 9z = 0,
y 5 − 10z 3 + 9x = 0,
 5
z − 10x3 + 9y = 0.

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

435. Prove that for innitely many pairs (a, b) of integers the equation x2012 = ax + b has among
its solutions two distinct real numbers whose product is 1. (Baltic Way)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 436 459
Volume 19(2013) Issue 1
436. Let I be incenter and r be inradius of triangle ABC. Circle ω with center I and radius 2r
intersects sides AB and AC at points D and E respectively. Moreover DE is a diameter of
ω. Find ∠BAC. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
437. Let a, b, c be side lengths of triangle with area S . Prove that
¡ ¢3/2 √
(a + b)(b + c)(a + c) − a3 − b3 − c3 − 2abc (a + b + c)1/2 ≥ 12 3Sabc.

(I. Feschenko, Kyiv)

438. Let n be a positive integer. The numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 2n are randomly assigned to 2n distinct
points on a circle. To each chord joining two of these points, a value is assigned equal to the
absolute value of the dierence between the assigned numbers at its endpoints. Show that
one can choose n pairwise non-intersecting chords such that the sum of the values assigned
to them is n2 . (Philippines)
439. A triangle ABC is given with AB > AC . A tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at
point A intersects the line BC at point P . Point Q is chosen at the extension of BA beyond
A such that AQ = AC. Let X and Y be the midpoints of segments CQ and AP respectively,
R is chosen at the segment AP such that AR = CP . Prove that CR = 2XY.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
440. Find all functions f : Z → R such that the equality

f (m) + f (n) = f (mn) + f (m + n + mn)

holds for all m, n ∈ Z. (Japan)

441. A point P is located in the plane of convex quadrangle ABCD. Let A0 , B0 , C0 and D0 be
midpoints of AB, BC, CD and DA respectively. A point A1 is chosen at side AB such that
rays P A0 and P A1 are symmetric with respect to the angle bisector of ∠AP B . Points B1 , C1
and D1 are chosen in a similar way at sides BC, CD and DA respectively. Find all points P
for which quadrangle A1 B1 C1 D1 is a parallelogram. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

Volume 19(2013) Issue 2

442. Solve the equation [x2 ] − 3[x] + 2 = 0 (here [x] denotes the integer part of x.)
(O. Kukush, Kyiv)
443. Find all functions f : R → R such that f (x + y) + y ≤ f (f (f (x))) holds for all x, y ∈ R.
444. Let AA1 , BB1 , CC1 be the altitudes of acute triangle ABC. Let AK, BL and CM be the
perpendiculars drawn from points A, B and C to the straight lines A1 B1 , B1 C1 and C1 A1
respectively. Prove that A1 K = B1 L = C1 M. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)
445. Let k, m and n be three dierent positive integers. Prove that
µ ¶µ ¶µ ¶
1 1 1
k− m− n− ≤ kmn − (k + m + n).
k m n


446. Let M be arbitrary point inside triangle ABC and N be arbitrary point of the segment AM.
Straight lines AB and AC intersect the circumcircle of triangle BM C for the second time at
points E and F respectively. Straight line EM intersects the circumcircle of triangle N M C
for the second time at point P , while straight line F M intersects the circumcircle of triangle
N M B for the second time at point Q. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles EM F and
P M Q touch each other. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
447. Do there exist four distinct integers such that the sum of any two of them is a perfect square?
(O. Rudenko, Kyiv)

Volume 19(2013) Issue 3

448. Let AL be an angle bisector of triangle ABC such that AB > AC. Point K on the side AB
is such that AK = AC. Let N be the intersection point of circumcircles of triangles ABC
and CKL. Prove that points A, L, N are collinear. (O. Tarasyuk, Kyiv)
449. Find all pairs (a, b) of positive integers for which gcd(a, b) = 1, and b = b.a.
(For example, if a = 92 and b = 13, then 92 13 6= 13.92.) (Iran)
450. Let E be an arbitrary point on the side AC of triangle ABC. Points N and M are chosen
on the rays AB and CB respectively such that ∠AEN = ∠ABC = ∠CEM. Rays AM and
CN intersect at point K . Prove that when point E varies, line KE passes through a xed
point. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya and I. Nagel, Evpatoria)
451. Solve the equation
x−cos2 x 4
x−sin2 x
2sin − 2cos = cos 2x.
452. In the triangle ABC let AD be the diameter of a circumcircle, H be the orthocenter and
E be the midpoint of AH. Construct triangle ABC if points D, E and line l which contains
BC are given. (S. Yakovlev, Kyiv)
453. Let x and y be real numbers which satisfy the system of equations
( 4 √
x + 2y 3 − x = − 14 + 3 3,

y 4 + 2x3 − y = − 14 − 3 3.

Prove that 2xy = x + y. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

Volume 19(2013) Issue 4

454. For every a, b, c > 0 prove the inequality
a ¡ 2 ¢ b ¡ 2 ¢ c ¡ 2 ¢
a + bc + b + ca + c + ab ≥ a2 + b2 + c2 .
b+c c+a a+b
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
455. Points D and E lie in the interior of an angle A. Construct points B and C on sides of the
angle such that D lies on the segment BC and E lies on a circumcircle of triangle ABC .
(Ye. Diomidov, Kyiv)
456. In a country there are 2014 airports, no three of them lying on a line. Two airports are
connected by a direct ight if and only if the line passing through them divides the country
in two parts, each with 1006 airports in it. Show that there are no two airports such that
one can travel from the rst to the second, visiting each of the 2014 airports exactly once.
(Baltic Way)

457. Determine all positive integers n such that [log2 n] = [log3 n] (here [x] denotes the integer
part of x). (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
458. Find all pairs (x, y) of integers such that y 3 − 1 = x4 + x2 . (Baltic Way)
459. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle of diameter BD and M be an arbitrary
point on the shorter arc AD. Let M N, M K, M P, M T be perpendiculars from M onto lines
AB, BC, CD, AD respectively. Prove that S4M N P = S4M KT . (I. Nagel, Evpatoria)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 460 —483
Volume 20(2014) Issue 1
460. Let AH be the altitude of acute triangle ABC. Construct triangle ABC if BH, CH and
AB + AC are given. (A. Nikolayev, Kyiv)
461. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be positive real numbers, n ≥ 2. Prove that
( )
1 1 1
(1 + x1 )(1 + x2 ) . . . (1 + xn ) + + ... + ≥ 2n2 .
x1 x2 xn

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

462. Let the tangents to the circumcircle of a triangle ABC at vertices B and C intersect at point
D and let E be the point of intersection of AD and BC. Prove that AE = ED if and only
if AB 2 + AC 2 = 2BC 2 . (V. Brayman, Kyiv)
463. Let AD be the altitude of acute triangle ABC, O be the circumcenter and H be the
orthocenter of this triangle, M N be the midline parallel to BC, and T be the intersecti-
on point of AO and M N. Prove that the midpoint of OH belongs to T D.
(O. Karlyuchenko, Kyiv)

464. Written on a blackboard is the polynomial x2 + x + 2014. Calvin and Hobbes take turns
alternatively (starting with Calvin) in the following game. During his turn, Calvin should
either increase or decrease the coefficient of x by 1. And during his turn, Hobbes should
either increase or decrease the constant coefficient by 1. Calvin wins if at any point of time
the polynomial on the blackboard at that instant has integer roots. Prove that Calvin has a
winning strategy. (India)

465. Let a, b be real numbers such that a3 = 3ab2 + 11 and b3 = 3a2 b + 2. Prove that a2 + b2 = 5.
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

Volume 20(2014) Issue 2

466. Incircle of triangle ABC with center I touches sides BC, AC, AB at points K1 , K2 , K3 .
Straight lines AI and CI intersect the segment K1 K3 at points E and F. Straight lines AF
and CE intersect at point T. Prove that points K2 , I, T are collinear. (M. Rozhkova, Kyiv)

467. Solve the equation (x − 1)4 − x3 = 17. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

468. Find all ordered triplets of positive integers (a, b, c) such that 2a + 3b + 1 = 6c . (Japan)

469. There are n teams in a tournament. Each team plays every other team once without draws.
For which n it is always possible to divide all teams into several groups such that each group
of teams won the same number of games in total? (O. Rudenko, Kyiv)

470. Straight line parallel to side BC of triangle ABC intersects sides AB and AC at points
P and Q respectively. Point M is chosen arbitrarily inside triangle AP Q. Segments BM
and CM intersect the segment P Q at points E and F respectively. Let N be the second
intersection point of circumcircles of triangles P M F and QM E. Prove that points A, M
and N are collinear. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

471. A subset S of positive real numbers is called powerful if for any two distinct elements a, b of
S, at least one of ab or ba is also an element of S.
a) Give an example of a four elements powerful set.
b) Prove that every finite powerful set has at most four elements. (Iran)

Volume 20(2014) Issue 3

472. The sequence of real numbers {an , n ≥ 1} is such that

a1 = 0 and (n + 1)an+1 = n(an + 1), n ≥ 1.

Find all numbers n for which an is a square of an integer. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
473. Let BH2 and CH3 be the altitudes of triangle ABC. Restore the triangle if the point A and
the lines BC, H2 H3 are given. (S. Yakovlev and G. Filippovskiy, Kyiv)
474. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove the inequality
a3 b3 c3 1
+ + ≥ (a2 + b2 + c2 ).
4a + b + c 4b + c + a 4c + a + b 6
(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
475. In a non-equilateral triangle ABC it is given that AB 2 + BC 2 = 2AC 2 . Let AT and CP be
the altitudes, H be the orthocenter, and M be the intersection point of the medians of the
triangle ABC. Prove that the lines AC, P T and HM are concurrent. (A. Trygub, Kyiv)
476. Let the diagonals of a convex quadrilateral ABCD intersect at point L, and it holds AB =
AC = BD. Let P be the second intersection point of circumcircles of triangles ABC and
ALD, and the lines BC and AP intersect at point Q. Prove that LQ is angle bisector of the
angle ∠CLD. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
477. A positive integer n is funny if for all positive divisors d of n, d + 2 is a prime number. Find
all funny numbers with the largest possible number of divisors.
(Olimpiada Matemática de Centroamérica y el Caribe)

Volume 20(2014) Issue 4

478. Point A lies on the circle ω and point X lies inside or outside this circle. Construct points
B and C on ω such that point X is the center of incircle or excircle of triangle ABC.
(I. Kushnir, Kyiv)
479. Let x, y, z be positive real numbers such that x + y + z = 1. Prove that

(1 − 2x)(1 − 2y)(1 − 2z) ≤ 27x2 y 2 z 2 .

(V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)

480. Quadrangle ABCD is inscribed into circle with diameter AD. Let K be the intersection
point of diagonals of ABCD. Circle ω with center K touches BC. Tangent lines drawn to ω
from points B and C intersect at point N. Prove that N lies on AD.
(O. Karlyuchenko, Kyiv)
481. Let n > 1 be an integer. An n × n-square is divided into n2 unit squares. Of these unit
squares, n are coloured green and n are coloured blue, and all remaining ones are coloured
white. Are there more such colourings for which there is exactly one green square in each
row and exactly one blue square in each column; or colourings for which there is exactly one
green square and exactly one blue square in each row? (South Africa)

482. Let ω be the circumcircle of triangle ABC, l be the tangent line to the circle ω at point A.
The circles ω1 and ω2 touch lines l, BC and circle ω externally. Denote by D, E the points
where circles ω1 , ω2 touch BC. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles ABC and ADE are
tangent. (M. Plotnikov, Kyiv)

483. Find all functions f : Z → R such that f (x + y) = f (x − 1)f (y) + f (y − 1)f (x) for every
integers x, y. (O. Tolesnikov, Jerusalem)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 484 —507
Volume 21(2015) Issue 1
484. In the pentagon ABCDE it is known that

BC ∥ AE, BC = 12 AE, DE ∥ AB and DE = 12 AB.

Prove that CD ∥ BE and CD = 12 BE. (O. Gryschenko, Kyiv)

485. Consider the sequence an = |n(n + 1) − 19|, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . For each n ̸= 4 prove that if for
every k < n numbers ak and an are relatively prime then an is a prime number. (Poland)
486. In the triangle ABC let O be the circumcenter, H be the orthocenter and E be the midpoint
of OH. Construct triangle ABC if lines BC, AO and point E are given.
(K. Kadirov and K. Yatzkiv, Kyiv)
487. For every a, b, c > 1 such that a1 + 1
b + 1
c = 1 prove the inequality

a2 b2 c2 ≤ ab+1 c + bc+1 a + ca+1 b.

(M. Moroz, Velyka Oleksandrivka, Kyivska obl.)

488. Let n > 1 be positive integer. Point A1 is chosen inside triangle ABC such that ∠ABA1 =
n ∠ABC and ∠ACA1 = n ∠ACB. Points B1 and C1 are defined in similar way. Prove that
1 1

the straight lines AA1 , BB1 and CC1 are concurrent. (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
489. In Oddesdon Primary School there are an odd number of classes. Each class contains an odd
number of pupils. One pupil from each class will be chosen to form the school council. Prove
that the following two statements are equivalent.
(a) There are more ways to form a school council which includes an odd number of boys
than ways to form a school council which includes an odd number of girls.
(b) There are an odd number of classes which contain more boys than girls. (Great Britain)

Volume 21(2015) Issue 2

490. Find all functions f : R → R such that

xf (y − z) + yf (z − x) + zf (x − y) = x + y + z

for every x, y, z ∈ R. (V. Fomichyov, Odesa)

491. The sequence of integers {an , n ≥ 1} is such that a1 = 2 and an+1 = 2an , n ≥ 1. Find all
numbers n for which an + 13 is a prime number. (D. Tkachenko, Kyiv)
492. A committee of 3366 film critics are voting for the Oscars. Every critic voted just an actor
and just one actress. After the voting, it was found that for every positive integer n ∈
{1, 2, . . . , 100}, there is some actor or some actress who was voted exactly n times. Prove
that there are two critics who voted the same actor and the same actress.
(Balkan Mathematical Olympiad)
493. Trapezium ABCD (BC ∥ AD, BC < AD) is inscribed into the circle ω. Let M be the
midpoint of AD, straight line CM intersects ω at point T, X be the midpoint of BT,
straight line AX intersects ω at point Y. Prove that DY ∥ BT. (T. Batsenko, Kyiv)

494. Solve in integers the equation
(x + y )3
x2 + xy + y 2 = +1 .
495. Tom painted round fence which consists of 2005 sections in such way that every section is
painted in one of four colours. Then he repeats the following while it is possible: he chooses
three neighbouring sections of distinct colours and repaints them into the fourth colour. Prove
that Tom can’t repaint the fence in such way infinitely many times. (O. Rudenko, Kyiv)

Volume 21(2015) Issue 3

496. Point T is symmetric to the center of square ABCD with respect to the point A. Reconstruct
the square if known are points B and T. (D. Kravetz, Kyiv)
497. Find all prime numbers a, b, c and positive integers k which satisfy the equation

a2 + b2 + 16c2 = 9k 2 + 1.

(Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad)

498. Angle bisector of angle ∠A of triangle ABC intersects the circumcircle at point W. Strai-
ght line l ∥ AC passes through point W and intersects AB and BC at points P and K
respectively. It is known that AK = CP. Prove that BP = KW. (O. Baranovskiy, Kyiv)
499. Find all surjective functions f : N → N such that for all positive integers a and b, exactly
one of the following equations is true:

f (a) = f (b),
f (a + b) = min{f (a), f (b)}.

(A function f : X → Y is said to be surjective if for every y ∈ Y there exists x ∈ X such

that f (x) = y.) (Middle European Mathematical Olympiad)
500. Let D be an arbitrary point on the side BC of acute triangle ABC. Perpendicular bisector of
segment BD intersects AB at point X, and perpendicular bisector of segment DC intersects
AC at point Y . The circumcircle of triangle DXY intersects the side BC again at point Z.
Prove that the orthocenter of triangle XY Z does not depend on the choice of point D.
(D. Khilko, Kyiv)
501. On the n × n checkerboard there are a fly and two spiders. On its each turn, the fly can
pass to a square, which has a common side with the square it occupies (it can also remain
at its current place). On each turn of the spiders, each spider can move to a square, which
has a common side with the square it occupies (or it can remain at its current place). If a
spider and the fly arrive to the same square, the spiders win. Do the spiders have a winning
strategy? (O. Tolesnikov, Jerusalem)

Volume 21(2015) Issue 4

502. Denote by P (n) the greatest prime divisor of n. Find all integers n ≥ 2 for which
[√ ] [√ ]
P (n) + n = P (n + 1) + n + 1

(here [x] denotes the integer part of x). (Baltic Way)

503. In triangle ABC the orthocenter H, the circumcenter O and excenter Ia are collinear. Is it
necessarily true that triangle ABC is isosceles? (I. Kushnir, Kyiv)

504. Three hedgehogs were in the vertices of equilateral triangle with side length 100 m. Then
the first hedgehog strolled 1 m along the straight line, the second hedgehog strolled 2 m and
the third hedgehog strolled 3 m (maybe along different straight lines). Is it possible that the
hedgehogs are in the vertices of
a) equilateral triangle?
b) equilateral triangle with side length 100 m? (O. Tolesnikov, Jerusalem)

505. Prove that for every real numbers x and y

(x2 − x + 1)(y 2 − y + 1) ≥ 2(x + y)(x − 1)(y − 1).

For which x and y does the equality hold? (V. Yasinskyy, Vinnytsya)
506. Let n > 2 be an integer. A deck contains 2 cards, numbered

n(n − 1)
1, 2, 3, . . . , .
Two cards form a magic pair if their numbers are consecutive, or if their numbers are 1 and
2 . For which n is it possible to distribute the cards into n stacks in such a manner that,
among the cards in any two stacks, there is exactly one magic pair? (Baltic Way)
507. Every point in the plane is painted into one of four colours. Prove that there exists a square
with side 1 in the plane which has at least two vertices of the same colour.
(I. Leader, Cambridgе, I. Protasov and S. Slobodyanyuk, Kyiv)

In the World of Mathematics
Problems 508 —531
Volume 22(2016) Issue 1
508. Circles ω1 and ω2 intersect at points A and B. Points D, H are chosen on the circle ω1 and
points E, G are chosen on the circle ω2 such that points D, A, E are collinear, DG is a
tangent line to ω2 and EH is a tangent line to ω1 . Prove that the segments DE, DG and
EH are sides of a right triangle. (M. Plotnikov, Kyiv)
509. Point T is chosen on chord AB of a circle with center O. Let K be the foot of a perpendicular
drawn from point T on OB and Q be the circumcenter of triangle AT K. Prove that OQ ∥ AB.
(M. Vlasenko, Kyiv)
510. Let function f : N → N ∪ {0} be defined in such way: if n = pα 1 α2 αk
1 p2 . . . pk is canonic
prime factorization of number n then f (n) is the quantity of i ≤ k for which αi = 1 (e.g.,
f (2016) = f (25 · 32 · 71 ) = 1, f (100) = f (22 · 52 ) = 0). Does for every positive integer N exist
set of N consecutive positive integers such that f (n) = 2016 for every integer n in this set?
511. The hexagonal board in the figure is covered by
non-overlapping domino tiles. Each domino tile
consists of two hexagonal cells and has one of three
possible orientations. Prove that there is an even
number of tiles of each of the orientations.
(O. Tolesnikov, Jerusalem)

512. For every a, b, c > 0 prove the inequality

( ) ( ) ( )
c2 a2 b2 3
ab 1 − 2
+ bc 1 − 2
+ ca 1 − 2
≤ (a2 + b2 + c2 ).
(a + b) (b + c) (c + a) 4
(K. Yatzkiv, Kyiv)
513. Alison has compiled a list of 20 hockey teams, ordered by how good she thinks they are,
but refuses to share it. Benjamin may mention three teams to her, and she will then choose
either to tell him which she thinks is the weakest team of the three, or which she thinks is
the strongest team of the three. Benjamin may do this as many times as he likes. Determine
the largest N such that Benjamin can guarantee to be able to find a sequence T1 , T2 , . . . , TN
of teams with the property that he knows that Alison thinks that Ti is better than Ti+1 for
each 1 ≤ i < N. (Great Britain)

Volume 22(2016) Issue 2

514. Let n be a positive integer. Suppose that its positive divisors can be partitioned into pairs
in such a way that the sum of each pair is a prime number. Prove that these prime numbers
are distinct and that none of these are a divisor of n. (Benelux)
515. Prove that for every positive integer a there exist integers b, c such that each of numbers
ab bc ca
, , is not integer and their sum is integer. (V. Brayman, Kyiv)
c+1 a+1 b+1
516. Let BT be the altitude and H be the intersection point of the altitudes of triangle ABC.
Point N is symmetric to H with respect to BC. The circumcircle of triangle AT N intersects
BC at points F and K. Prove that F B = BK. (V. Starodub, Kyiv)

517. Find all the functions f : R → R such that

xf (x − y) + yf (x + y) = xf (x) + yf (y)

for every x, y ∈ R. (N. Rimock, Herzliya)

518. Let n, k be positive integers such that n ≥ 2 and k ≥ 52 n − 1. Prove that for every k lattice
points with coordinates in range from 1 to n, inclusive, there exist a circle which passes
through at least four of these points. (Republic of Korea)
519. Does there exist a 6-digit number a1 a2 . . . a6 such that the sum of cubes

a1 a2 . . . a6 3 + a6 . . . a2 a1 3

ends with 6 zeroes? (O. Rudenko, Kyiv)

Volume 22(2016) Issue 3

520. Let O be the center of circle ω, let KA and KB be tangent lines to ω and let Q be an arbitrary
point on the chord AB. Straight line l ⊥ OQ passes through point Q and intersects KA,
KB at points E, F respectively. Prove that Q is the midpoint of EF. (A. Shapoval, Kyiv)

521. For positive numbers a, b, c, x prove that

a3 b3 c3 a2 + b2 + c2
+ 2 + 2 ≥ .
ax2 + 2bx + c bx + 2cx + a cx + 2ax + b (x + 1)2

(I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk)

522. Let D be an interior point of triangle ABC. Angle bisectors of angles ∠BAC and ∠ACD
intersect at point N. Angle bisector of angle ∠ABD and straight line which contains angle
bisector of angle ∠BDC intersect at point T. Let Q be the intersection point of straight lines
AB and CD. Prove that points N, T, Q are collinear. (O. Karlyuchenko, Kyiv)

523. Find all triplets of integers (a, b, c) such that the number

(a − b)(b − c)(c − a)
N= +2
is a power of 2016.
(A power of 2016 is an integer of form 2016n , where n is a non-negative integer.)
(Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad)
524. Is it possible to locate 100 convex pentagons in the plane such that the intersection of each
two of them is a heptagon? (O. Tolesnikov, Jerusalem)
525. Prove that
((√ (√ )√ √ (√ )√ √
)√ √ (√ )√ √ ) 3+1 3− 5− 3−1 5+ 5
2 3+1 3− 5− 3 − 1 5 + 5 < π < 60 · (√ )√ √ (√ )√ √ .
3+1 5+ 5+ 3−1 3− 5

(R. Ushakov, Kyiv)

Volume 22(2016) Issue 4

526. Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with AB = AD. Let T be a point on the diagonal AC
such that ∠ABT + ∠ADT = ∠BCD. Prove that AT + AC ≥ AB + AD. (Baltic Way)

527. Several positive integers are written on the board. Each turn, one can choose numbers a ≥ b
written on the board and replace them with ab and remainder from division a by b. The
process stops if the number 0 appears on the board. Can the process be infinite?
(O. Tolesnikov, Jerusalem)

528. Find the smallest real number x that satisfies all of the following inequalities:

[x] < [x2 ] < [x3 ] < . . . < [xn ] < [xn+1 ] < . . . ,

where [x] denotes the integer part of x. (Mexico)

529. Find all real solutions to the system of equations

 x31 + x1 + x2 = x21 + 3,

 x32 + x2 + x3 = 2x22 + 5,

x33 + x3 + x4 = 3x23 + 7,

 ... ... ... ... ...

 x 3
+ x 2016 + x2017 = 2016x22016 + 4033,
 2016
x32017 + 2 x2017 + x1 = 2017x22017 + 4035.

(I. Fedak, Ivano-Frankivsk)

530. Let ABCD be an isosceles trapezium (AD ∥ BC). Points K and N are chosen on the sides
AB and CD such that AK = CN. The segment KN intersects the diagonals AC and BD
at points S and T respectively. Prove that the circumcircles of triangles AKS, BKT, CN S
and DN T have a common point. (V. Brayman, Kyiv)

531. On each square of an n × n board sleeps a dragon. Two dragons are called neighbors if
their squares have a side in common. Each turn, Minnie wakes up a dragon which has a
living neighbor and Max directs it towards one of its living neighbors. The dragon than
breathes fire on that neighbor and destroys it, and then goes back to sleep. Minnie’s goal is
to minimize the snoring of the dragons and leave as few living dragons as possible. Max is a
member of PETD (People for the Ethical Treatment of Dragons), and he wants to save as
many dragons as he can. How many dragons will stay alive at the end if a) n = 4? b) n = 5?
(Guy Kapon, Kiryat Ono, Dan Carmon, Tel Aviv,
Lev Radzivilovsky, Petah Tikva)

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