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LOWER YOUR WELDING COSTS THROUGH EFFECTIVE DESIGN JOINT SELECTION - Part II OPTIMUM JOINT DESIGN Introduction The role of the designer goes beyond the mere calculation of the welded joint’s basic load carrying capacity: an ability to simply plug numbers into a formula would suffice for such as task. To choose the optimum welded joint for a given set of criteria, however, requires considerable judgement and specialized knowledge, usually gained through experience Among the numerous facets to be considered, the following are the most common: A. Minimize the amount of deposited weld metal B. Keep the design simple and practical C Eliminate unnecessary welding D. — Forbidden weids Ina later section, we shall explore the implications of: Material Selection Service restraints Inspection criteria Fatigue design aepe The Compromise The designer's goal is to have sound welds with adequate mechanical properties for the given service application ... on this premise, there can be no compromise. However, the optimum joint and/or weld design used to obtain this primary goal will usually be a compromise between: (1) Providing adequate access for the electrode, especially to reach the joint "root" (2) Minimizing the amount of deposited metal Many weld defects originate in the joint root; thus, proper electrode access is essential. If the gap is too small, the weld will bridge the gap, leaving “slag” at the root; a large root opening will encourage "burn-through" (Fig.1) Clean Sound Details Design consultant for Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio, Omer W. Blodgett, in dozens of publications, has championed the need for sound details and sound thinking. His consistent message has been that weld failures often result from simple oversights rather than a lack of design knowledge. Details must be selected so that good structural performance in not dependent on the welder’s skill (A) MINIMIZE WELD METAL (a) Define The Load: The first step in achieving welding economy is often overiooked. And what is that step? Establish the required strength of the connection!! Is the loading static or cyclic? One can hardly minimize weld metal without first having defined the design load. Over designing translates to overwelding, for which there no redeeming factors Full Strength Weld Perhaps the most misunderstood and misapplied term in all of welding is embodied in the phrase full strength weld. ‘Those three words often conjure up images of full-penetration groove welds, complete with backgouging or backing bar. The term "100% weld”, or facsimile thereof, has been known to render similar effects A full strength weld does not mean a full-penetration weld. It means, quite simply, a weld that is strong enough to develop the design capacity of the member, whether in shear or in tension. It is a strength requirement that can be achieved with various types of welds, including simple fillet welds, combination fillet-PJPG welds, or full penetration groove welds. Very often, the result is very expensive, very unnecessary Rationale Joint Capacity However, reasonable design limits can be applied to obtain an adequate joint. Consider using one of the following: i) the calculated member force ii) 50% of the effective member strength iii) a balanced weld i) & ii) Asa tule, the weld should be designed for the "design" load, not the member capacity. Most structural codes require that a connection be designed for 50% of the effective strength of the member (CSA $16.1), notwithstanding the calculated design force. This serves to put a lower limit on the quantity of weld metal consumed. 2 i) Balanced Weld Design ‘The “balanced design" sets an upper limit on the amount of weld used in a connection. The allowable design load of the member is exactly balanced by the strength of the weld. When a designer is unsure of the size of weld to specify, the balanced design is appropriate. To use more could only be described as an unwarranted waste of valuable resources, Graphs have been developed to determine the amount of weld is required for a balanced design in Tee Joints, loaded in either or tension (Fig.2). () Eliminate Overwelding: There are many reasons for overwelding: none are justified. Added welder and material costs, along with potential distortion problems, are the usual consequences. For example, a manufacturer may try to solve his productivity problems by purchasing a new, expensive welding processes, hoping to "double the welding speed", However, that strategy may not result in the expected rise in profits. The primary problem may lie in the design office, aggravated by shop practices. ‘We must squelch the urge to "bump the weld up a bit". A striking increase in profits may be realized with some simple design changes. Consider the effect of a small excess -- if a 44" fillet weld is increased by a mere 1/16", there is an overwelding penalty of 56% (Fig.3) Although the total quantity of weld metal in a fabrication is only a small proportion of the total weight, perhaps 2%, the cost of depositing excess weld metal includes labour costs and overheads, and can increase the cost significantly (c) Optimum Joint Configuration: General At the risk of over simplification, the less weld metal used, the more economical the joint. Thus, weld metal weight is a useful gauge for choosing among alternative joint configurations. Choose the lighter design, all things being equal Groove Angle, Root Gap, Thickness Generally, the smaller we make the bevel angle, the larger the root opening must be to assure good fusion in the root (Fig.4). Thus, for a given welding process, the exercise or compromise is to choose an included angle and root opening, or "gap", to minimize the total weld volume. Material thickness, however, is the primary variable. Thickness affects not only on the angle and gap, but also the optimum type of groove. The relationship between "joint angle, root gap, and thickness" is made very clear in Fig.S and Fig.6 A narrow angle combined with a wide root gap will reduce the amount of “deposited metal" in plates up to approximately 1"; however, for greater thicknesses the trend is reversed Throat Size Joints having equal throats, while being equal in strength, do not necessarily use equal amounts of weld metal. All things being equal, the less metal used the more economical the joint The four weld configurations shown in (Fig.7) all have identical throats of 1/2", yet the weld ‘metal volume varies by a factor of 2, ranging from a high of 160 mm? to a low of 80 mm? Note that the large fillet weld is double the volume of the single bevel groove weld. A comparison of the fillet and the reinforced groove points out a valuable design tool: a fillet weld can be replaced by a combination groove & fillet having the same strength but only half the weld metal, For example, a 3/4" fillet weld can be replaced with 3/8" single bevel groove weld having a 3/8" reinforcing fillet ...oth welds have the same strength, but the combination weld is only 1/2 the size ‘Unnecessarily large reinforcing fillet welds are often wasteful, if the purpose is only to provide a good contour or blend with the base material (Fig.8) ‘The same magnitude of savings can be achieved by switching from a single V to a double V in thicker plates (Fig.9) ‘The data in (Fig.10) represents the relative costs of full strength tee joints using manual stick welding (SMAW). Note that for direct shear loading, the “lowly fillet” emerges superior. Even for direct tensile ioading, the fillet weld remains the best choice for plate thicknesses up to approximately 3/4". The PIPG groove weld of (Fig.11), with a bevel angle of 60°, is capable of “full strength” Groove Shape Versus Material Thickness As a rule, the Designer should choose welds according to the following: - Fillet welds - Partial penetration groove welds, with and without reinforcement. Service restraints, such as fatigue loading, may preclude the use of PJPG welds. + Complete penetration grove welds In Fig.12 the relative cost of "full plate strength welds" for fillet and groove welds is plotted against material thickness. Note that the fillet weld is competitive for thicknesses up to approximately 1” As noted earlier, the choice of groove will depend on the material thickness. The joint types and recommended plate thickness, shown in (Fig.13), make a good guide for the SAW process, For other welding processes, the criteria will vary somewhat. Several other examples of groove configurations are shown in (Fig.14) When in doubt about making a final choice among competing designs, calculate the actual weld weight -—- numerous Tables are available to facilitate the calculations. If the fabrication is being done in-house, then the designer should check with the shop to assure that they have the equipment necessary to properly do the job. Intermittent Fillet Welds Quite often the minimum size fillet weld, as recommended by the code, is much larger than that required to carry the given load. This is an ideal application for intermittent, or "stitch" welds (Fig-15) The designer can still specify the original large fillet, but intermittently, spaced to satisfy the required strength. Even here, further economy can be gained. The two welds shown in Fig.16 have equal strength, but the one with the smaller leg deposits only half the metal of the larger, shorter fillet. By decreasing the leg size and increasing the length, weld metal can be saved with no sacrifice in strength. In general, maximizing the length of any fillet weld saves weld metal Optimize Weld Metal Place the weld metal where it can be most effective. Where a ‘moment has to be transferred by two parallel fillet welds, orientate the welds for the greater section modulus (Fig.17). Note that for the same amount of weld, spaced the same distance apart, the strength varies by a factor of 3 Prequalified Joints Section 10 of CSA W59, in conjunction with CSA W47.1, makes provision for prequalified Joints. This presents the designer with two important features, both of which will enhanoe quality and profitability. (1) Joint geometries (Fig.18), complete with welding symbol and optimum dimensions, are provided for SMAW, FCAW (flat & horizontal fillets), and SAW processes. This greatly facilitates joint design and selection for the designer; in fact, this is where a designer should start (2) Specimen testing, an expensive process, is not required for prequalified joints, if the joint geometry and welding parameters are not revised. If the essential variables are ‘modified, then the procedure must be “qualified” with normal testing. In all cases, welding procedure data sheets and the welding procedure specification must be issued to the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) for approval (Fig.19). Eliminate Welds In many situations, a weld can completely eliminated. In Fig.20 a formed plate has negated a more costly weld. Welding can also be eliminated by prudent design. Sometimes the “mechanical layout" will require support points that located several feet eccentric to the main structural girder, Instead of constructing a very complex welded cantilever (Fig.21a), one can often rearrange the steelwork (Fig.21b), letting the beam cantilever over the girder. No welding, no risk. Preparation After Assembly ‘An economical alternative to burning and cutting the preparation before welding is to arc-air gouge a "U groove" after assembly. Large box sections, where the longitudinal welds have litte stress, often utilize this efficient procedure (Fig.22). Reduced costs are usually attained in such applications: in the "shop", the procedure can be mechanized (d) Logical Load Transfer: Direct Load Path Weld metal is needlessly consumed because insufficient thought has been given to the transfer of load in the structure. Structural material should be located so loads are directly transferred ... loads should not be permitted to somehow “sift” their way through the arrangement. In Fig.23 the vertical lifting lug fas been welded along the centre of the ‘beam perpendicular to the web, which offers negligible resistance to the extemal load. Itis more productive to weld the bracket to the parallel flanges that will ultimately carry the load (Fig.24); also, it is not usually unnecessary to weld too the web and the flanges. ‘The same logic applies in (Fig.25) where the bracket is aligned parallel to the beam web (&) The Thickness Factor: It should be abundantly clear that material thickness has a profound effect on joint geometry and economy. Obviously, the designer should never arbitrarily increase the thickness of a component... there is usually an economic penalty The CSA WS9 stipulates a minimum weld size because of metallurgical considerations. By specifying the minimum single pass fillet, the resulting weld cooling rate will be slow 6 enough to prevent a hard, brittle heat affected zone. The minimum size (CSA W59, Table 4-4) is based on the maximum material thickness (Fig.26). For lap joints, the codes set a maximum size (Fig.27) for fillet welds (WS9 Cl. the criteria here is workmanship If the filet leg is the same height as the base material, the comer may melt In the same vein, minimum preheat and interpass temperatures are also based on material thickness (Table 5-3, W59), (Fig.28). For example, if ASTM A36 material thickness was increased from 60 mm to 70 mm, using non-basic electrodes, the preheat would change from 110°C to 150°C. It is worth noting here that if a basic electrode such as E7018 (E48018) were used, the preheat for the same thicknesses would change from 65°C to 110°C. Preheating adds considerable cost and inconvenience to the welding process. Therefore, use minimum plate thickness as indicated by the structural analysis: do not arbitrarily bump i (B) PRACTICAL DESIGN: General So far we have examined ways the designer can best carry the applied loads, specifying a minimum of weld metal. An equally important role of the designer is to keep the design practical Ask yourself some simple questions! Can the welder get proper access? Can the design by simplified? Will this weld cause unnecessary extra work because of its location? Can the task be made easier? These are only some of the ideas to consider. Here are some specific examples (a) Welded Casting What's a “welded casting"? The answer, of course, is that there is no such thing; however, many designs emulate the aesthetic qualities of the original casting in a welded fabrication (Fig.29). Eliminate the many fins and little stiffeners which in a casting cost little, but add tremendous cost to welded version. Eliminate the number of pieces, substituting with fewer but stronger sections, joined to facilitate the flow of stress. A better, less costly product will surely result. (b) Access to Weld What looks good on the design drawing may drive a welder *mad” Ensure there is proper access for the electrode. When welding attachments adjacent to flanges, there should be at a 30° angle for access. (Fig.30). Other common access problems are shown in Fig.31. (© _Lap Welds Lap joints can be used to avoid close tolerances and to simplify assembly operations. Location allowances can be made more forgiving by the judicious use of lap joints (Fig.32), particularly on comer joints. Note also that the weld preparation on a comer 1 joint should be placed in the thinner material Fig.33; otherwise, there will be a much larger weld with possibie distortion problems (a) Efficiency vs. Beauty Aesthetic qualities often win over efficiency, which is not always bad, but we should always try to simplify things, Mitred comers in a mill doorway would be nice, but a simple square cut is easier and quicker (Fig.34). (©) Prevent Unnecessary Grinding Locate welds to avoid unnecessary flush dressing of welds on faying surfaces (Fig.35). Two examples are shown. The first shows the advantage keeping a cover plate back from the flange splice, thereby negating the need to grind the weld flush. The other is similar, arranging welds and plates around a nozzle to eliminate unnecessary grinding ...the welding is the same for both arrangements (© Eliminate Joint Preparation This piug-and-pipe joint can be redesigned to eliminate the joint preparation, a good savings (Fig.36). Like many examples, these simple solutions ate not “hi-tech”, just common sense (g) Welding Position Try to arrange welds so that they can be welded in the flat or horizontal (Fig.37). The premium for vertical and overhead is substantial. These welds are mote difficult, requiring a more highly rated welder, and taking much longer to complete. The probability of rework is substantially greater (h) Miscellaneous Pointers A number of practical pointers are shown on (Fig.38); the intent shown on the various sketches is obvious and no further comments are offered (@ Single Pass Welds Singie pass welds are always less expensive than two pass welds. Therefore, it is preferable to use a 1/4” single pass fillet (increase length if necessary) rather than a 5/16" fillet which may require two passes (Fig.39) The extra material is not as important a factor as the extra time taken to lay the second pass. The profile of a two pas fillet is seldom as good as that made in a single pass. Also, more skill is required to make the 2 pass weld @ __ Use Smooth Transitions Abrupt transitions not only cause unwanted and potentially harmful stress risers, but also add needless cost to fabrication. In (Fig.d0) the sloped haunch (Wop) is preferable to the square profile (bottom). Likewise, the location of the butt joint in (Fig.41) affects fabrication costs and possible service performance (fatigue loading). The joint with a chamfer has a lower stress concentration, (©) ELIMINATE UNNECESSARY WELDING General All too often, welds are placed where they are not necessary, more weld than necessary is specified. The following examples clearly show this expensive concept. (a) Column Splices Column splices are essentially bearing in nature. If located at a point of low bending, the theoretical weld would be negligible. Therefore, use a partial joint penetration groove weld. ‘The savings over an equivalent full penetration is shown in (Fig.42), a ratio of about 2.4 (b) Base Plates Most base plates need a minimum weld, yet designers often, without thinking perhaps, call for weld all around. This excess weld is excess cost. Unless there are design loads to accommodate or corrosion is a concem, use the minimum weld (Fig.43) (©) Web Stiffener Plates Unless there is a bearing requirement, intermediate web stiffeners on girders need not be full length (Fig.44). Leave the bottom of the stiffener about 1" short of the flange. Note that the intermittent weld is permitted even under fatigue loading, (@ Joint Reinforcement A CIPG weld is by definition equal in strength to the base material. Any extra "reinforcement" as shown in (Fig.45) is a waste of time and material (©) Flange-to-Web Weld Unless there is a highly localized force, such as the concentrated wheel load of an overhead crane, use fillet welds (Fig.46) to the flange-to-web joint in a three plate girder. The weld needs only to be of sufficient size to transfer the horizontal shear force. (® HSS Joints When designing with hollow structural sections (HSS), one must draw the connections to scale because correct geometry is the key to cost efficient and dependable connections. One cannot simply analyze a truss (Fig.47) as a simple line diagram, Design the member and the connection simultaneously, or the fabricator may be faced with a most difficult and expensive weldment. (g) Final recommendations In closing this section, let us examine some final recommendations on welded connections. They reflect many of the points that have been discussed 1. Do not over-weld, either in design, detail, shop or field 2. Size weld to suit load, not member. 3. Use fillet welds in preference to partial penetration butt welds. Use partial penetration butt welds 4. Use one size fillet on any given piece. 5. Standardize on 14" fillet welds if practical 6. In any case, single-pass fillet welds (not exceeding 5/16") are most desirable. 7. Use intermittent welds. If a single-pass automatic fillet weld seems feasible, show the continuous fillet as an altemative sub-arc weld. 8. Avoid individual bevelling of two plates for butt welding. When it is practical to arc-air, gouge preparation in both plates after fitting, 9. For practical penetration butt welds, preparations should be gouged (u-groove) rather than bevelled because - the 1/8" root penalty for "D" is eliminated. 10. When fitting over butt welds, count on weld being flat (+1/16") plus gap tolerance in fillet welds to eliminate grinding. @) PROHIBITED WELDS General There are numerous joints that experience has shown to be a poor performer under particular conditions. The structural welding code, CSA W59, prohibits a number of weids. (a) Tension at Weld Root It is never prudent to have one sided welds as shown (ig.48), When loaded the root will likely be stressed in very tension. It is a recipe for disaster. () Interrupt Welds On a lap joint (Fig.49), the weld must not be continuous at the change in plane (CSA W59 in other words, do not call for "weld all around” on s lap joint. It is almost impossible to avoid undercut. 10 (© Fatigue Loading Under fatigue loading, there are a number of prohibited welds ‘We shall study them under that section i Fig.l Groove shape must allow proper electrode access while keeping deposited metal to a minimum, yet provide a weld with required quality and properties. >, Sabi Sten SIZE_OF TWO FILLET WELDS sae en wg et shay RATE IN SHEAR” "(ETOXX SERIES OR EQUIVALENT) PLATE I TENSION runeorn 984 Equivalent to Plate Capacity 0-00125 Fy T Pate n Shear 2=0 0202 Fy T Plate in Tension PLATE Thickness “7 * * k * ew RT . * so eA OR? Me FILLET U6 size“ FILET Ue size 0 Fig. 6 ~ Balanced Fillet Weld Design — Sheor—Tensian | Buildings Fig.2 A balanced weld is a rational choice when the design load for a given member is not known. Abojouype4 Buyppom Jo suonvayddy yoon2e1g RWELDING FILLET WELDS EFFECT OF OVE! 3 ey coy aa ZL D, na ns idk wh Fig.4 Minimizing weld metal often involves the use of smaller angles, but wider root openings. Wide root gaps are cosily 80 o = 7 2 5 60 3 3 50 2 8 40 a 3 a0 = 3 2 20 3 5 2 10 s 1) 2% 1 My 2 Bg «8 My ‘Steel thickness, inches CO Fig.5 Plate thickness will also influence optimum joint dimensions. JOINT GEOMETRY INFLUENCES WEIGHT OF METAL REQUIRED JOINT GEOMETRY Angle degrees 20 30 45 Root Gap, in. % EA % Plate Thickness, in. Weight of Weld Metal, lb/ft. 4 1.13 0.99 | 0.90 U4 1.76 1.62 1.61 1 2.47 2.38 | 2.50 vA 4.12 4.23 | 4.81 f 2 6.07 6.54 |_7.85 2% 8.33 9.32__| 11.60 3 12.57 | 16.08 3 Fig.6 Fig.7 Note how weld deposit varies with groove angle, root opening, and plate thickness. Vin qm as ARI te f 4 V2 inal be 3 mm WELD AREA = 0 25 in? WELD AREA = 013 in? (160 mm?) (80 mm?) 1A) (8) V2in 12in 113 am) (13 my Mase or i. WELD AREA = 013 in? (80 mm2) 1c WELD AREA = 014 in? (90 mm?) 0 Welds with "equal throats" do not necessarily use the Same amount of weld metal. vat va A=060in? AREA = 0.39 in? 37% OVERWELD (B) Desired Wold (C) Common Overweld Condition Fig.8 Excessive fillet reinforcement adds no extra strength to Tee Joint. Portiot penetraion groove ‘The two joints at top, and the two st bottom, ere often alternatives. ‘Yet, in each case, the joint atthe right uses half the weld metal needed by the one at the left. Fig.9 Smart use of alternatives can cut weld deposit by up to one half, Practical Applications of Welding Technology RELATIVE COST OF FULL-STRENGTH TEE JOINT WELDS MANUAL STICK WELDING RELATIVE COST PER FOOT OF LL) m PLATE THICKNESS Fig.10 Relative cost of full strength Tee Joints. Fig.11 A PJPG Weld can provide full strength. AREA = 05612 82075 Sat (A) Doubte-Fite Wes (8) Double-Bevet Groove Weld AREA = 050% RELATIVE COST 0 os 10 #15 20 PLATE THICKNESS in (C) Single-Bevel-Groove Wold Fig.12 Effect of material thickness and weld/joint on total cost. JOINTS FOR BUTT WELDING , ae 0 TYPEAT to 3/8" thicknes The 77 reinforcement wil 9e crowned 5/329 wire at 350/600 amps and bout 35 volts at 20 fom. Wander. ing ott the seam sighay wil give intermittent ack of penetration whieh tray not be strcus Full Deneir.ton wine be guernteed TYPE*B*=t0 1/2" man thickness Break comer of plates with foobisin shown, This 2) Mla reinforcement both sides; 2) good penetration, ©} a guide grove for ine operator ‘Stoo white welding welding parameters as “A sa ‘TYPE %¢°101/2" thickness max tor 6, Use when ft uteree ‘men is required on one sige only, Bnd penettion not crite Use 330/600" amon, 34/36 vol, ane ave at about 24 fom TYPE “D*-10 1" thickness Usually used for 1/2" to 1/8". Bre: aration extends to of below the Eenere ine to reouce.oe eliminate iron: Note Sana ants backegouged ilgntly —aimort to Sound metal for 100% penetration "102" thickness max, ‘Token pate fa only hat of the deeper preparation-or unt ihe lt soe bias then are-gou 7 ‘es to Toca a ittength penetration is erica "the unr ace, Sun le Back ane compete the weld on the ist ise ‘ Fig.13 Recommended joints for SAW welding process. 60°. 48°. 1/2 in A 79 ies (13 mm) + mm) 1/8 in (3 mm) A= 0.058 in 2 (38 mm?) A=0.144 in 2 (93 mm?) 60° 60° A=0.144 in 2(93 mm?) @ 60° A= 0.072 in? (46 mm?) ase. A= 0.104 in.2 (67 mm?) @ 45° Fig.14 Weld deposit varies greatly with joint selection. centre to centre Spacing of segments —used by welding I symbols = s =a min. length of weld ly =4XS clear spacing to meet requirements of standards for Staggered intermittent welds given type of loads Fig.15 Staggered intermittent weld. in 2.7mm Legs ad Tin, as2.¢mm) ‘Whin. (6.35 mem) Legs Decreasing the og size and increasing the length of intermittent fillet welds can slash weld metal requirements. These two fillets have ‘equal strength, but the one at right uses half the weld metal Leg size, 280,000 1be/ib intr) {0.565 MN7eg) 378 (9.52) Gain “S27 me 336,000 to1/15 (0.676 wiekg) eas a ath 420,000 184/10 (2873 mm eperoune va16361 Le 560,000 184/10 Foie in. IB MN/Ag) (S108 mm 316 (4.76) Maximizing filet length within strass limitations saves wald metal The long 3/16 in. (4.76 mm) fillet recite twice as much force per pound of weld metals the 3/8 in, (9.52 mm) fillet dows. Fig.16 Smaller, longer welds can reduce weld deposit by 50%. Fig.17 Weld section modulus Weld section modulus swe Swit if ond d=4in.(10L 6mm); Sw254 in? Swel6in.? (3.44% 103 mm?) (10.32x103 mm?) ‘These alternatives require the same amount of welding, but the one at right carries three times the moment. Selecting it may mean that ‘weld size can be reduced and weld metal saved, Beat Weld orientation on the }¢#t has 3 times load carrying capacity, with no increase in amount of weld. “| _ 1 ~ savant onoove siNcue v onoove 4 = SINGLE BEVEL nOOVE = a ; oo cy Gaal] 7e-e 4 ' bus el 1 ET ovis et wi wrt 7 a a tec Teese T foe tee wha - is 7 m me ae : : : bi coy A 4 fe) OH sue Seems al fe ime eeecnyeie edu ets ae Cue seneemnaern | See eee Fig.18 SECTION 10 of CSA W59 has a large selection of prequalified joints... an excellent place to begin a design. Procedure Test eee Written welding wo mi procedure: of support eyes + WPDS Prequalified joints plus procedural Requires CWB approval Foquirements Fig.19 Prequalified joints in W59 do not require procedure tests... a considerable saving. Written procedures are mandatory for all CWB weld qualifications. Fig.20 (a) Fig.21 Warad) Wa “4 Bending corners in thinner material eliminates expensive welds. —civeer extn Complex weldment in (a) was replaced by simple cantilever section as shown in (b). U CY WLW WE WZ tb) Fig.22 Box columns lend themselves to arc-air gouge preparation after assembly. Fig.23 A beam web offers little resistance to concentrated load. Fig.24 Place the weld to the beam components that will eventually carry the load (the flanges in this case). 4 Fig.25 Another example of aligning the load to provide a strong direct path of support. ° Smin 88 required for strength * Smin as related to thickness of material but need not be larger than “1° Fig.26 Minimum size single pass welds re : © depend material thickness (CSA W59 Table agp OP eS. (CSA W589, C1 ‘against sheared eage = cL > Gey {Ts ceta is oer une, baie ‘2 cove requrement. See against roted ecge Secton 6 of CISC Handbook) a i for balances design Fig.27 Good workmanship criteria sets maximum fillet sizes for lap joints (CSA W59, Table 10.2— Minimum preheat and interpass temperatures ("CH" means controlled hydrogen) i Weting Poses ; SHAW 7 Saw | saw i tances base leaoges Tieteces ot | winater han j 1 ear i tase eactodes Faw | [Ge cecgnatons partatpont — FCAW (CH designations eee Stweeing” — inother han "Saw | fo ‘CH congnates ouaw | dor aloy |_classificanons: saw | steel electrodes CANS. Gao aT a SSN CREST NBT TeANe Geo star 2sow zoo | zeow azowr cow soowt 7000 70007 S000 Sow Soow oon ‘ow s00T | 3sow dent Seon SeoaT ; 3e0W Seow i | toon tox t | sa ast co Ta ! a8 | as i {B88 e ASscr 8 | dean | i nae | asooor e AS00Gr ABC ot 301 | | asi Asis yotoGr.60 Asis: 6570 A516 5560 518 Gr 858065 70 asir asz9 ase ASTO Al graces ‘2570 A races | aster e200 25726" 4280 asraci 606s ieee | 2808 | ' A607 Gr 4550 | AES Atordes | L i | sas Gr. € i "Teese | Nere== 706 wwe Srerisios8 | Ose ose se Srerssioss | Sorc Sie arc Sveres | too 1506 ‘ror cy mana Sn Soe efoto mee a rade nd ogee nanne yg (a rein mais emote yon answer Sam gtr ron Carasan ting Eel ceased ye Cena guva soe wnaoerConSameawina Fig.28 Minimum preheat and interpass temperatures depend on base material and its thickness, welding process, and electrode hydrogen rating. ‘he cost of @ do the cost of a casting: but they do contribute amount of welding. Fig.29 Cast components, when redesigned as a welded fabrication, can be greatly simplified. are Ss min 30° ™% — i ee c ST ©} Gusset on web, 4) Crane runway detail @) Seat angle on column web Ay ™ A, 4— A — 8 of angle leg _ ls Fig.30 Inadequate access for the electrode is not only embarrassing but expensive (especially in field). acd ald ee 0 AP ston nung ilo Referer Fig.31 More examples of poor access to weldment. minimum edge distance bearing length to facilitate assembly ( Note: extend thinner member Fig.32 Lap joints offer valuable "location allowance". Fig.33 Fig.34 Place groove weld in thinner material to reduce weld deposit and distortion. [JE oF3 SIG Mitred joints are pretty, but not economical in industrial buildings. IP Th To {el welds pocrty located, (ai Preferred method Locate welds to avoid unnecestary flush dressing of ‘welds on faying surfaces, Fig.35 As for all jobs, think ahead to avoid unnecessary work. Fig.36 Always consider less complex and more forgiving designs; here, a lap joint eliminates preparation. Fig.37 Production costs rise drama changes from flat to overhe GROOVE in OF WELDING Surat FILET IN TEE WONT 7 | | © HORIZONTAL 7m — VERTICAL ™ OVERHEAD (OH) \ horizontal if practical. tically as welding position ad. Try for flat or Sraietooise Fig.38 | More valuable welding tips. Sw Fig.39 A single pass weld is always more economical than a two pass weld, Better to limit fillets to 1/4 to 5/16". “fF Fig.40 Avoid abrupt changes in weldments. i" a ons : joint with no chamfer joint with chamfer Fig.41 The smoother the transition in a butt joint of differing material thickness, the lower the resultant stress concentration. Partial Penetration Groove Weld Full Penetration Groove Weld | FL Eos Fina Total Cost Per Weld Total Cost Per Weld $145 $350 ‘Amount of weld in partial-penetration weld calculated using v6 + 1/8. Costs include: preparation; root pass; backup bar or back gouge; cleaning of welds between passes; cut-off of run-out tab; weld material; and inspection. ‘Average wage rates calculated at $60/t. Fig.42 PUPG Welds in column splices can be real money savers. Fig.43 Fig.44 Fig.45 @ ) © @ Many column base plates do not require to be welded all around. BB Do not weld beam web stiffen: unless the design shows it ¢: exs to the tension flange 0 be necessary. Adding reinforcement to CJPG Weld adds no strength to joint. Fig. 46 Win smat radius comers, suitable ‘etal or Fig.47 Unless a large concentrated load must be accommodated, use fillet welds to transfer horizontal shear in flange-to-web connection. The key to economic geometry... design member and joint simultaneously. joints in HSS is to simplify the Pig. 48 Fig.49 It is seldom prudent to have one sided welds that could place weld root into tension. Never do so if fatigue is a factor. Cover plate ont hook weld ‘round corner; will not hove full throat Stop welds before changing work plan. to eliminate undercut.» ve (CSA M59

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