Assessment Coversheet

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Student Name: Lachlan Wilson

Student Number: 11686594
I, Lachlan Wilson, confirm that this work is my own. I have acknowledged the work or ideas of
other authors within the assignment and that the work has not been submitted for any other
Subject Code & EMM209/418: Mathematics: Content & Pedagogy
Assessment Number: 2
Date Submitted:
Subject Coordinator:

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Lachlan Wilson
Assessment 2 Part A: Sequence of three practical learning activities:
Stage: ES1

Sub-strand: Patterns and Algebra

Year: Kindergarten

Activity 1: Finish the pattern

Activity: Students will participate in a play based learning and constructivist theory
centred activity aiming to teach the basics of repeating patterns in a practical and
socially situated way as they identify commonly occurring objects in their life from a
worksheet (appendix 1) arranged with several repeating patterns with a space at the
end for the student to then find the right object from the box (appendix2) to finish
the pattern and place it in the correct spot on their worksheet.

Differentiation: The worksheet has different levels of difficulty as some patterns

have 2 objects and as the worksheet progresses so do the amount of objects to
differentiate between their initial knowledge of patterns.

Activity 2: Building and finishing patterns

Activity: Students will participate in a play based learning and constructivist theory
centred activity aiming to begin to develop their skills and knowledge of patterns and
value in a practical and socially situated way as they use the terminology ‘the same
as’ in an activity where they are put in small groups and are required to count and
organise the picture objects on the smart board (same objects as appendix 2 items)
into an ordered pattern. Each group will have a go whilst the rest of the students sit
on the ground and count and aim to predict the next object in the pattern. Once they
are familiar with the concept of making equal groups they will then be put in pairs
where they will create a pattern with the objects from the box (appendix 2) on the
floor with their counterpart. Once completed each group will have labels (appendix
3) with “the same as” and “not the same” as their pattern, meaning if it has 2, 3 or 4
components repeating as they walk around and label each group.

Differentiation: differentiation strategies include asking students with advance

knowledge in this concept to think about the number relationships involved in their
patterns. For example 2 cars + 3 frogs + 2 cars = 7 items in the repeating pattern.

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Activity 3: NAIDOC week beads

Activity: Students will participate in a play based learning and constructivist theory
centred activity in a practical and socially situated way as they participate in a
NAIDOC week activity creating wrist bands and necklaces from red, yellow and black
coloured beads aiming to create a repeating pattern as they thread the beads
through the thread (appendix 4).

Differentiation: Students learning will be differentiated by requiring different

individuals to create 2-4 bead combination repeating patterns with the beads

Assessment 2 Part B: Analytical Report:

Concept: Patterns and Algebra


The concept of Patterns and Algebra in mathematics was chosen to base my

sequence of learning activities around as when I was in my early years of primary
school it was my favourite branch of mathematics. Mathematics all through school is
based on pattern and structure and creating a strong understanding of these
concepts is very important in early mathematics learning [CITATION Ser19 \p 144 \l 3081 ].
The activities in my sequence are focused on the patterns aspect of the sub strand of
Patterns and Algebra[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ] as this concept is a fundamental
stepping stone in the early stages of the development of algebraic thinking and are
applicable in their young lives[CITATION Ser19 \p 143 \l 3081 ]. This is because the algebra
aspect that deals with general statements of relations, utilising letters and other
symbols can be too advanced for my chosen stage of ES1 and why my activities are
predominantly developing their knowledge of identifying repeating patterns, building
and finishing patterns and pattern and number relationships[CITATION Ser19 \p 142 \l
3081 ]. Play based learning and a constructivist view towards the teaching of patterns
and algebra for younger years is also crucial as the use of physical materials that
children can manipulate to create and extend patterns, and use trial and
error[CITATION Ser19 \p 12 \l 3081 ].

Syllabus outcomes:

MAe-1WM describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions,

materials and informal recordings, MAe-2WM uses objects, actions, technology
and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems, MAe-3WM uses concrete
materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions, MAe-8NA
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recognises, describes and continues repeating patterns [ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ],
VAES1.4 communicates their ideas about pictures and other kinds of
artworks[ CITATION NES181 \l 3081 ].

Content strand:

Number and algebra

Working mathematically strand:

MAe-1WM describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions,

materials and informal recordings

MAe-2WM uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore
mathematical problems

MAe-3WM uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support

[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ]

Activity 1: Finish the pattern

Learning indicators:

NPA1: Identifying patterns, recognises simple patterns in everyday contexts, copies

simple patterns [ CITATION ACA18 \l 3081 ]


Finishing patterns worksheet (appendix 1), box of different small objects (appendix 2)


 Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications
 Recognise, copy and continue patterns using shapes, objects or pictures
 recognise when an error occurs in a pattern and explain what is wrong
(Communicating, Reasoning)
[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ]

Learning experience and context:

This activity will be in the body of the whole lesson after an introductory activity to
initially explain what a pattern is and where they have seen them in their own lives

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and in particular the term “repeating pattern”. After this students will engage in the
previously outlined 15 minute activity aiming to teach the basics of repeating
patterns as they are required to identify commonly occurring objects in their life
from a worksheet (appendix 1) arranged with several repeating patterns with a space
at the end for the student to then find the right object from the box (appendix 2) to
finish the pattern and place it in the correct spot on their worksheet. This activity
utilizes play based learning and a constructivist approach as the students have
limited experience with the teacher and to engage in their own individual learning
experience through play, trial and error as they sort and find the correct toys to finish
the pattern and also talk to peers and identify where they have seen such items in
their own life experiences[CITATION Kim15 \p 59 \l 3081 ].

Activity 2: Building and labelling patterns

Learning indicators:

NPA2 Identifying and creating patterns: identifies standard patterns (dice or domino)
without counting individual items, creates repeating patterns with numbers and
shapes (circle, square, circle, square or 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3) [ CITATION ACA18 \l 3081 ]


ICT aspect: smart board with pictures of objects from the box, box of different small
objects (appendix 2), Labels (appendix 3)


 Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications
(ACMNA005): sort and classify a group of familiar objects into smaller groups,
recognise that a group of objects can be sorted and classified in different
 recognise, copy, continue and create repeating patterns using shapes, objects
or pictures
 Create or continue a repeating pattern using simple computer graphics
(Problem Solving)
 Recognise when an error occurs in a pattern and explain what is wrong
(Communicating, Reasoning)
[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ]

Learning experience and context:

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This learning activity will be again as the body of the lesson coming after an
introductory activity aiming to revisit the past lessons materials and concepts. Once
the body has commenced students will participate in the previously outlined activity
aiming begin to develop their skills and knowledge of patterns and value as they use
the terminology ‘the same as’ in an activity where they are put in small groups and
are required to count and organise the picture objects on the smart board (same
objects as appendix 2 items) into an ordered pattern as the integrated ICT aspect.
Each group will have a turn whilst the rest of the students are placed on the ground
and count and aim to predict the next object in the pattern. Once they are familiar
with the concept of making equal groups they will then be put in pairs where they
will create a pattern with the objects from the box (appendix 2) on the floor with
their counterpart. Once completed each group will have labels (appendix 3) with “the
same as” and “not the same” as their pattern, meaning if it has 2, 3 or 4 components
repeating as they walk around and label each group. This activity is a play based
learning and constructivist theory centred activity as again the amount of teacher
interference with their discovery of the concept is limited, relying on their
experience with the practical aspects and the experience of others to gain a deep
independent understanding of the material[CITATION Kim15 \p 49 \l 3081 ][CITATION
Ser19 \p 144 \l 3081 ].

Activity 3: NAIDOC week beads

Learning indicators:

NPA3 Identifying repeating patterns: identifies the pattern unit within a simple
repeating pattern (continues a simple pattern), identifies standard patterns up to 10
(patterns in ten frames, finger patterns, playing cards), finds the missing element in a
pattern involving shapes or objects


Red, yellow and black beads and thread (appendix 4)

YouTube video explaining the components of the Aboriginal flag [ CITATION ANT15 \l 3081 ]


 Recognise, copy, continue and create repeating patterns using shapes, objects
or pictures

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 Recognise when an error occurs in a pattern and explain what is wrong
(Communicating, Reasoning)
 Describes and responds to what artworks are about, identifies features in the
works that are significant to them and makes links with their experience,
shows preferences for particular artworks based on such things as feelings,
colours, subject matter, associations.
[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ]

Learning experience and context:

Lastly activity 3 will be again the body within the whole lesson coming after an
introductory activity which would include a brief discussion of the historical
importance of Aboriginal culture and maybe some NAIDOC week significance also
including the theme for the year. This would be followed by the practical activity
starting with an ICT integration with the YouTube video explaining the aspects and
meanings of the Aboriginal flag which they will be basing their repeating pattern on
as they participate in a NAIDOC week activity creating wrist bands and necklaces
from red, yellow and black coloured beads aiming to create a repeating pattern as
they thread the beads through the thread (appendix 4). This again followed the
theme of the sequenced activities as the students participate in a play based learning
and constructivist theory centred activity which allows them to apply their
knowledge of Aboriginal culture in a practical and enjoyable way, whilst applying
their skills in repeating patterns in an applicable way as they make wrist bands and

Targeting possible student misconceptions:

There are many misconceptions of what students in early primary years should learn
in the mathematics sub strand of patterns and algebra as up until recent times it was
accepted that such a concept would be predominately integrated through later years
of schooling rather than my focused stage of ES1 in most countries [ CITATION Pat09 \l
3081 ]. This is especially evident in the algebra aspect of the concept as in primary
education it is widely regarded that it may not be suitable as the concepts may be
too difficult[CITATION Kim15 \p 144 \l 3081 ]. However as times change so do our
thoughts about these misconceptions of what students should learn and ways to
adapt education methods as such widen out views of the possibilities of algebra in
the primary sector as terms such as ‘pre-algebra’ or ‘early algebra’ are introduced to
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describe the mathematics in sequences such as mine above [CITATION Kim15 \p 142 \l
3081 ]. These teaching approaches include focusing on key algebra concepts initially
such as patterns and generalisations, rather than using than traditional symbols of x
and y until later years. As students naturally observe their surrounding they generally
are quite capable of identifying and creating repeating patterns [ CITATION Ser19 \l
3081 ]. However there may still be student misconceptions as young students may not
make the connection between the block of items from start to finish and how it
repeats to make a repeating pattern [ CITATION Pat09 \l 3081 ]. This may occur when
students will repeat every item that is given to them rather than looking at what part
of the given items is repeating and sticking to that pattern when adding items. For
example if the given items are (car, frog, orange, car, frog, orange, car) many
students will start with “car” again as it was the first given item, but as we know
following the repeating pattern would mean that “frog” is next. To target such
misconceptions in lessons techniques and activities to focus on that block of the
repeating pattern within many given items could be to draw a block around the
repeating pattern for students while they are beginning as an introductory activity
and to also assist students in future lessons.

Justification of sequenced activities:

In my sequence of Pattern and algebra within my activities I wanted to focus on the
students enjoying hands-on play based aspects of algebraic tasks [CITATION Kim15 \p
12 \l 3081 ] while also integrating a technological environment through a constructivist
and play based learning approach[CITATION Kim15 \p 294 \l 3081 ]. I applied this through
an order of the sequence of these problem solving and project based activities using
the learning indicators for “Number patterns and algebraic thinking” to guide the
sequence in a logical way[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ]. For activity 1 I focused on the first
level “NPA1 Identifying patterns”, activity 2 “NPA2 Identifying and creating patterns”
and activity 3 “ NPA3 Identifying repeating patterns”[ CITATION ACA18 \l 3081 ]. In doing
so the students have a structured logical sequence of activities that increases the
level of difficulty and amount of content of the focused concept of Patterns and
Algebra aligned with NESA standards[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ]. Directed through a
constructivist approach within my practical focused learning activities I then aimed to
add to this structure with major elements of mathematics pedagogy. The content of
the activities heavily incorporates the working mathematically focus of problem
solving through a strategic choice of tasks to assist students to construct their own
independent learning of the subject material[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ][CITATION Ser19 \p
71-74 \l 3081 ]. I wanted to focus on problem-based learning through all the activities
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through using objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore
mathematical problems[CITATION Kim15 \p 12 \l 3081 ]. This is especially crucial in the
area of patterns as it requires pure problem solving through all three activities as the
first entails identifying and finishing a problem, the second involves building and
labelling problems and the last activity using materials to solve a problem. The
overall approach of a play based learning pedagogical approach was achieved in all
activities through integrating social constructivism and cooperative learning
theories[CITATION Kim15 \p 322 \l 3081 ]. Both of these theories focus on the idea that
cognitive development is socially situated and knowledge is created through
interaction and experiences with others. This is shown in my sequence especially in
activity 1 and 2 as the students are required to interact with the students around
them as they communicate their ideas about where they have seen patterns and the
different objects used in the activity. Also working collaboratively in small groups
learning from and with each other in a social experience, achieving the goal play
based learning at the same time[CITATION Kim15 \p 144 \l 3081 ]. These two activities
primarily focus on the outcomes in numeracy practices of cognitive and social
development through these teaching strategies[ CITATION NES18 \l 3081 ]. However
activity 3 focuses primarily on cultural outcomes through patterns and algebra as the
activity incorporates a short video of the significance and meaning of the Aboriginal
flag[ CITATION ANT15 \l 3081 ]. Once established the activity then follows the same
constructivist and play based approach as the whole sequence having students play
and interact with peers in a practical and applicable experience with making a
repeating pattern with Aboriginal flag colours. Finishing the sequence in an enjoyable
hands-on experience, concluding the sequence in a way that evokes cognitive, social
and cultural outcomes in a constructivist based approach (Serow, 2019, pp. 71-74)
[CITATION Kim15 \p 142 \l 3081 ].

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ACARA. (2018). National Numeracy Learning Progressions. NSW Education Standards Authority.

Barmy, P. (2009). Primary mathematics: teaching for understanding. Open University Press.

Kim Beswick, E. W. (2015). Teaching Mathematics: Foundations to Middle Years. Melbourne: Oxford
University Pres.

NESA. (2018). Creative Arts K-10 Syllabus. NSW Education Standards Authority.

NESA. (2018). Mathematics K–10 Syllabus. NSW Education Standards Authority.

Serow, P. (2019). Primary mathematics : integrating theory with practice. Cambridge University

Victoria, A. (2015, jan 29). What Do The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags Mean? Retrieved
from YouTube:

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 2

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Example of content of object box (can be anything just have such objects in
abundance, same objects with different colours can also be used such as pegs
or blocks):

Appendix 3

The same as Not the same

Appendix 4

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Criteria HD DI CR PS FL
12 marks 12-10.2 marks 10.2-9 marks 9-7.8 marks 7.8-6 marks <6 marks
Knowledge of current Three highly Three highly Three stage and Three stage Does not provide
mathematics syllabus appropriate practical appropriate practical strand appropriate appropriate practical three different
documents is applied activities are clearly activities, are clearly practical activities learning activities, stage appropriate
in the development of and logically detailed and comprehensively that will support that support children practical
three eS1 or S1 to enhance children’s described, revealing children in in developing their
activities. And/or
appropriate practical conceptual an understanding of developing their conceptual
learning activities knowledge, how to support conceptual knowledge and
the practical
that support children understanding and children’s conceptual knowledge and understanding of a activities do not
in developing their skills. Insight in knowledge, understanding are specific Data or support children
conceptual embedding stage understanding and clearly described. Chance or Patterns in developing
knowledge and and strand skills, while applying The appropriate and Algebra concept, their conceptual
understanding of a appropriate syllabus knowledge of current syllabus outcomes are described. The knowledge and
specific Data or content within mathematics syllabus are identified to appropriate syllabus understanding of
Chance or Patterns practical activities is documents. Links to further demonstrate outcomes are mostly a specific Data or
and Algebra concept evident, syllabus outcomes knowledge of the identified. Chance or
(LO3). demonstrating the and content are current mathematics Patterns and
application of accurate and explicit. syllabus documents.
Algebra concept.
knowledge of current
mathematics syllabus
The appropriate
documents. syllabus
outcomes are not

5 marks 4.5-5 marks 4 marks 3.5 marks 2.5-3 marks < 2.5 marks
An appraisal of The sequencing of The sequencing of The sequence of The sequence of The sequence of
pedagogical the three practical the three practical three practical three practical three practical
knowledge is used to activities is authentic activities is authentic activities is learning activities learning activities is
design and develop and integrates a and integrates at appropriate and demonstrates the inappropriate and/or
the three sequential variety of four or least three beneficial includes the appraisal of does not include the
practical learning more highly learning and teaching application of at least pedagogical use of ICT. The
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activities, which appropriate learning strategies (including three appropriate knowledge, as well sequence of three
include a range of and teaching ICT) to effectively learning and teaching as the application of practical learning
strategies to cater for strategies (including cater for and actively strategies (including a range of three or activities does not
and engage children ICT) to effectively engage primary the integration of more strategies to appraise pedagogical
in primary cater for and actively children in ICT) to cater for and cater for and engage knowledge and/or
mathematics, engage primary mathematics, actively engage primary children in does not apply at
including the use of children in demonstrating the primary children in mathematics, least three different
ICT (LO2 & LO5). mathematics, appraisal of mathematics, including the use of strategies to cater for
demonstrating the pedagogical demonstrating the ICT.  and engage primary
appraisal of knowledge, research appraisal of children in
pedagogical and evidence-based pedagogical mathematics.
knowledge, research practices. knowledge, research
and evidence-based and evidence-based
practices. practices associated
with teaching and
8 marks 8-6.8 marks 6.8-6 marks 6-5.2 marks 5.2-4 marks < 4 marks
The report identifies The report thoroughly The report details the The report clearly The report identifies The report does
the key Data or details the key Data key Data or Chance identifies and the key Data or not identify the key
Chance or Patterns or Chance or or Patterns and outlines the key Data Chance or Patterns Data or Chance or
and Algebra concept Patterns and Algebra Algebra concept and or Chance or and Algebra concept Patterns and
and learning concept and learning learning indicators for Patterns and Algebra and learning Algebra concept.
indicators for each indicators for each each activity and concept and learning indicators for each The learning
activity and provides activity, analysing the provides a detailed indicators for each activity and provides indicators for each
an explanation of place of primary explanation of how activity and provides an explanation of activity are not
how each activity fits mathematics in the each activity fits into a detailed how each activity fits identified.
into a learning continuum of learning a learning explanation of how into a learning The report does
experience, or part of within a experience, or part of each activity fits into experience, or part of not provide an
a learning experience comprehensive a learning experience a learning a learning experience explanation of how
explaining the place explanation of how clearly explaining the experience, or part of explaining the place each activity fits
of primary each activity fits into place of primary a learning experience of primary into a learning
mathematics in the a learning mathematics in the explaining the place mathematics in the experience, or part
continuum of learning experience, or part of continuum of of primary continuum of of a learning
(LO6). a learning learning. mathematics in the learning. experience.
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experience. continuum of
10 marks 8.5-10 marks 7.5-8 marks 6.5-7 marks 5-6 marks <5 marks
The report justifies The report The report accurately Drawing from a A justification, which A justification for the
the design of the comprehensively and justifies the design of range of five or more references design of the
sequence of practical insightfully integrates the sequence of academic sources pedagogical models sequence of practical
learning activities the justification of the practical learning (including recent, and practices for learning activities is
with respect to design of the activities, using peer-reviewed primary mathematics incomplete or not
pedagogical models sequence of practical detailed examples in journal articles), the in the design of the provided and/or does
and practices for learning activities, an integrated report justifies the sequence of practical not include
primary and a critical analysis discussion, citing at design of the learning activities, is references to any
mathematics and of how the sequence least six or more sequence of practical provided. References pedagogical models
analyses how the of learning activities appropriate learning activities are based on four or and/or practices for
sequence of learning enhances children’s academic sources through appropriate more academic primary mathematics.
activities supports ability to: meet their (including recent, references to sources, including Less than four
children in cognitive, social, peer-reviewed pedagogical models recent, peer- academic sources
addressing their cultural and aesthetic journal articles) and practices for reviewed journal are cited, including
misconceptions and needs through supporting the use of primary mathematics, articles. The report no recent, peer-
meeting their needs, literacy and various pedagogical including: redressing analyses how the reviewed journal
particularly through numeracy practices; models and practices children’s sequence of learning articles. The
literacy and/or redress their for primary misconceptions; activities will support justification does not
numeracy practices misconceptions; mathematics, developing their children in meeting detail how the
(LO1 & LO2). develop their including: redressing conceptual their needs through sequence of learning
conceptual children’s knowledge and literacy and/or activities will support
knowledge and misconceptions; understanding; and numeracy practices. children in meeting
understanding; and developing their encouraging them to their specific needs. 
empower them to conceptual apply their Working
apply their Working knowledge and Mathematically skills.
Mathematically skills. understanding; and The report clearly
A variety of eight or encouraging them to analyses how the
more selective apply their Working sequence of learning
academic sources, Mathematically skills. activities supports
including recent, A clear and detailed children in meeting
peer-reviewed analysis of how the their specific needs
journal articles are sequence of learning (including cognitive,
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integrated into the activities effectively social, cultural and
report to strengthen supports children in aesthetic) through
the justification and meeting their specific literacy and/or
analysis.  cognitive, social, numeracy practices.
cultural and aesthetic
needs through
literacy and
numeracy practices
includes all relevant
5 marks 4.5-5 marks 4 marks 3.5 marks 2.5-3 marks <2.5 marks
The report adheres The report is The report is The report is The report adheres Does not adhere to
to the page limit and structured, concise structured, concise structured, adheres to the page limit and the page limit. The
demonstrates a and contains no and may contain to the page limit and may contain some report contains
tertiary standard of grammatical or minor grammatical or may contain minor grammatical and/or significant spelling
academic writing and typographical errors. typographical errors. grammatical and/or typographical errors, and/or punctuation
APA (7th edition) Referencing Referencing typographical errors. but these do not and/or grammatical
referencing. demonstrates demonstrates Referencing impact on meaning. errors. Referencing
academic integrity academic integrity demonstrates Referencing does not
and conforms to APA and mostly conforms academic integrity demonstrates demonstrate
(7th edition) style to APA (7th edition) and generally uses academic integrity academic integrity
conventions. style conventions. APA (7th edition) and generally uses and/or does not use
style conventions APA (7th edition) APA (7th edition)
appropriately. style conventions style conventions
appropriately. appropriately.

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