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Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Subject Area: English Language Arts

Learning Objective: Given a list of animals, the second grade students, individually or in small
groups up to 4, will select 1 animal to read 2 nonfiction resources about, from which they will
create and present a presentation, including the following information: visual description, diet,
living environment, behavior, and at least 2 unique facts. (create)
Learning/Instructiona Description Technology Assessment
l Strategy
Model Building or To cater to students’ learning Free downloads of 3-D models can be
Manipulatives preferences, I can allow models found on the incorporated into
(Module 4 graphic of students to create small models internet can be used portfolio assessments
Instruction Skills) of the animals to pass around with a 3-D printer. to capture an
during presentations. individual’s
(Drew, n.d.) performance.
Field Trip By taking my class on a trip to Students can use a An attitude scale can
(Drew, n.d.) a zoo or a reserve, I can engage digital camera to take be used to gauge the
student interest and allow pictures of animals student’s feelings
access to unfamiliar animals, and informational toward the
giving more choices. signs or displays to zoo/reserve visit and
use in their decision- the animals.
making or
Demonstrations I can demonstrate in small Clearly, Google A standard multiple-
(Lowther et al., 2019, groups how to use particular Slides and Prezi are choice test is
presentation resources, such as digital resources, but I appropriate to quickly
pp. 67-68) Google Slides or Prezi. could also use an determine who needs
interactive whiteboard additional assistance,
for pointing out and who has mastered
features and making the skills needed.
Tutorials To save time, I can assign each Computer software Tutorials often supply
(Lowther et al., 2019, p. individual an agent that will could be used on each real-time feedback,
guide them through the process student’s computer but a performance
69) of making a Prezi or Google for efficiency in checklist may be used
Slides presentation. giving the tutorials. here to note what
each student
completes, and basic
skills displayed.
Discussions After a trip to the zoo, I could The creation of Product-rating
(Lowther et al., 2019, guide the whole class in a individual digital checklists are helpful
discussion about what they concept maps can for evaluating critical
pp. 69-70) observed, including types of note student’s after sub-skills and a good
animals, habitats, and the discussion. assessment method
information from zoo keepers for the concept maps.
or brochures to prepare them in
starting their presentations.
Simulations Students who prefer tactile Digital books, A rubric would be the
(Lowther et al., 2019, learning may choose to create a articles, or videos can best objective choice
small-scale habitat or exhibit assist students in of assessment to
pp. 73-74) that simulates their chosen making accurate address the product
animal’s environment, while representations of the requirements and
including the other required information they’re creativity.
information. required to present.
Modeling I could take the whole class Using a projector, I A traditional
(Drew, n.d.) through the process of finding can display a physical assessment, like a
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Subject Area: English Language Arts
resources and creating a resource to read with true/false test could
presentation with a specific the class and identify be an efficient and
animal to give an example they the needed accurate way for
can refer to that shows the information. students to
desired outcome and carries the demonstrate their
class through each step. knowledge of the
Flipped Instruction To make sure classroom time is Students may take A performance
(Drew, n.d.) used for making the notes in a Word checklist seems most
presentations, where guidance document or make an appropriate in
and resources will be available, audio recording of gauging whether the
I can have the students read vital information. If students had the skills
and take notes on their there aren’t multiple to read and record the
resources at home. copies of the material information.
chosen by a group
they can make copies
or take pictures.
Gaming To conclude the lesson, I could Clickers or simple A rubric may also be
(Lowther et al., 2019, implement a Jeopardy game, buttons that make a appropriate here to
which includes the chosen noise can be used to assess student
pp. 72-73) animals and information in the buzz in for answering performance and
students’ presentations. the questions. participation during
the game.
Cooperative Learning For students who want to be in To keep track of the An attitude scale can
(Lowther et al., 2019, groups, I can assign students groups, chosen assess student
based on different skill levels animals, and progress feelings toward
pp. 71-72) (i.e reading ability, comfort in I may keep a digital working in groups.
using presentation resources). file.

Drew, C. (n.d.). A List of 107 Effective Classroom Teaching Strategies.
Lowther, D. L., Mims, C., & Smaldino, S.E. (2019). Instructional Technology and Media for
Learning (12th ed.). Pearson Education.

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