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Topic 3 Adjectives with -ed and -ing

1 The monster is ___________. (A) frightened (B) frightening

2 I felt __________ when I saw the monster. (A) frightened (B) frightening

3 Little Joe was getting ____________ during the class. (A) bored (B) boring

4 He reckoned that the class was ________. (A) bored (B) boring

5 It's so _________ when the elevator breaks down. (A) annoyed (B) annoying

6 George gets so __________ when the elevator breaks down. (A) annoying (B) annoyed

7 What an ___________ sight! (A) amazing (B) amazed

8 George was ____________ at the news. (A) amazed (B) amazing

9 What an ___________ time we had! (A) exciting (B) excited

10 George gets very _________ when there's a war. (A) exciting (B) excited

11 That was such an _______ trip! (A) exhausted (B) exhausting

12 Pete was _______ after running the marathon. (A) exhausting (B) exhausted

13 The poor kitten was _______ during the thunderstorm. (A) terrified (B) terrifying

14 It was a _______ experience for the kitten. (A) terrified (B) terrifying

15 It was so _______ when I tripped and fell during the awards (A) embarrassed (B) embarrassing

16 I felt so _______ when I spilled chocolate sauce on my blouse. (A) embarrassing (B) embarrassed

17 This chapter of our course is so _______. (A) confusing (B) confused

18 She is _______ and she doesn’t know where to go. (A) confused (B) confusing

19 I am _______ that you didn’t visit the Vatican when you were in (A) surprising (B) surprised

20 The movie has such a _______ ending. (A) surprising (B) surprised
21 I was _______ to find my front door wide open. (A) alarming (B) alarmed

22 There is an _______ number of unemployed people in this region. (A) alarmed (B) alarming

23 The lights and music were _______. (A) overwhelmed (B) overwhelming

24 Jenny was _______ by the number of fans who turned up. (A) overwhelmed (B) overwhelming

25 Joe was _______ by the commotion going on outside. (A) distracted (B) distracting

26 It’s really _______ when your phone rings every two (A) distracted (B) distracting
Answer Key

1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B

5) B 6) B 7) A 8) A

9) A 10) B 11) B 12) B

13) A 14) B 15) B 16) B

17) A 18) A 19) B 20) A

21) B 22) B 23) B 24) A

25) A 26) B

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