Goals and Plans in Paf30 1

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Goals and Plans in

Goals for PAF30
Equity for all students
- what this may look like in the weightroom
Inclusiveness for all students
- How do ensure this happens in the weightroom
Learning to plan for a goal
- using SMART goals to set a plan in place.
Equity for all Students
Equity for all students
Equality only works for all if the students are all starting from
the same place (not likely in today's society and classrooms)
Equity for all students can only come once we have addressed
where the students are starting from. Each students needs to
be taught while keeping this in mind.
In the Gym
● Do all students have the same skill set coming into the
● Have the students played with this equipment before?
● Do students have prior knowledge of the sport?

These questions are the ones we need to ask and discuss when
planning a class in HPE. It is impossible to think all students are
at the same level for all things, in order to have equity, you need
to look at all the different starting points and try to have a fair
and equitable end goal.
Inclusiveness in PAF30
Inclusion means that, “All children,
regardless of ability or disability, have the
right to be respected and appreciated as
valuable members of the school community,
fully participate in all school activities, and
interact with peers of all ability levels with
opportunities to develop friendships.” (1)
Inclusiveness in PAF30
Thinking, with the end in mind, for this
would be setting a goal for the
semester - with inclusive classrooms.

What does a inclusive weightroom look

like? Depending on the needs of the
students will determining what aspects
need to be looked at (space,
equipment, time needed)
● As part of the PAF30 program, students need to
create a goal for the semester.
● The goal may be related to their physical fitness,
social health, mental health, or nutrione.
● The students will use the SMART Goal system to
create the goal. This allows the students to be
critical thinkers and reflective of their lives.
I believe that in looking at all these three areas with students
and teachers, one can see that a PHE class is much more than
just playing sports.
Equity is needed in all classes in all subjects. Students will be
able to engage in how to make the class work for all.
Inclusiveness is about letting all students be apart of the class
in all content areas and spaces
Setting goals is a life skill, where we need to be critical of
ourselves and how can we change/make things better.

“Inclusive School Physical Education and Physical Activity.” Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 24 June 2020,

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