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Instructions: Read the following questions and answer it briefly. 5 Points each

1. Who makes art?

2. Do you think artists have innate ability or acquired skill (or both)?

Instructions: Compare and contrast art created as a social activity and as a singular creative act.

1. What are the differences?

2. Why are they important?
3. Do their functions ever overlap? How?

Essay Rubric

Scale Description
Facts are consistently detailed/precise and very relevant. Uses correct spelling and grammar
5 Points effectively almost all of the time. Addresses the question completely.
Most facts are detailed/precise and relevant. Uses correct spelling and grammar with
4 Points considerable accuracy and effectiveness. Addresses the question, but left out few details.
Lacks few substantial details and examples to support ideas. Spelling and grammar require
3 Points moderate editing. Addresses the question but provided few details.
More specific ideas and examples are needed to support opinions. Spelling and grammar
2-1 Points require considerate editing. Addresses the question, but in very few details.

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