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Fakulta humanitných vied UMB, Ružová 11, 975 53 Banská Bystrica

Katedra anglických a amerických štúdií

Oddelenie prekladu a tlmočenia

Časovo-tematický plán

Školský rok: 2008/2009

Vyučujúci: PhDr. Ľ. Brenkusová
Semester: zimný
Forma štúdia: externá
Počet kreditov: 4

English Usage in Practice

The class is designed primarily to improve students´ critical thinking and creativity while
analyzing and discussing various interesting issues. Through the variety of interactive
activities, exercises, and debates a student is exposed to new words and views. The course
serves as a bridge between secondary grammar school and university level.

1. Introduction to the course

2. The Moving Image
• Presentation of your favourite movie
• What makes a good movie?
• The book and the book made into movie
Use of English: emphasis, inversion, dependent prepositions
3. Aspects of Culture
• What is the problem with (Hispanic) soap operas
• Authentic art versus Kitchy design
• What do you think best represents Slovak contemporary culture?
Use of English: comparison, multiple-choice questions
4. Advertising and Consumerism
• Consumers´ way of life
• The impact of media on individuals
• Seeing is believing
• Synergy of music, colour and word in advertisements
Use of English: language of advertising, pronouns
5. The Mind and the Unconscious
• To what extent do our dreams reflect reality
• Freud´s interpretation of dreams
• Jung´s symbols
Use of English: verb patterns, emphasis, cleft sentences
6. Technology and Progress
• Does new technology always mean a progress?
• Is technology a means of alienation?
• The impact of technology on peoples´ values
Use of English: future forms with modal verbs, idiomatic expressions
7. People and Relationships
• The value of friendship
• Marriage or living together
• Ways of involving the disabled into society
Use of English: past tenses, present perfect tenses
8. Adventure Holidays
• A sense of adventure
• Adrenaline sports
• Drugs in sport, sport ethics
Use of English: collocating prepositions, sporting idioms
9. 21st Century Problems
• Slovakia´s accession to EU
• Poverty – world problem
• War against terrorism
Use of English: newspaper vocabulary, reporting verbs
10. Environment
• Industrial pollution
• Genetic enegineering
• How do Slovaks protect environment?
Use of English: conditionals, environmental vocabulary
11. Places
• If I had the chance to change my nationality/citizenship I would choose…
• Less developed countries
Use of English: adverbs describing place, adjectives of atmosphere
12. Slovakia
• Ten things I like about my country
• Ten things I dislike about my country
Use of English: indirect speech, fixed phrases
13. Final test

Your final grade will be based on the following:

• Presentation 50%
• Final test (vocabulary, grammar) 50 %

Evaluation system for presentations:

• Vocabulary
• Grammar
• Ability to express ideas/fluency
• Leading the discussion with your classmates
• Visual aids

Recommended literature:
Proficiency Gold: coursebook, London: Pearson Education-Longman, 2000
In Advance: coursebook

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